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Parental Activity Plan: Week Two Day Two

Date: March 24, 2020

Age: 2 yrs. old

Theme: Flowers


1. Identify similar objects of different sizes

2. Sort flowers into two categories
3. Improve gross motor coordination by squatting and jumping
4. Listen attentively to story
5. Cooperate during pretend play


Small basket or another container to collect objects on a nature walk, Green

water paint, water, white construction paper, coloured construction paper,
cotton, glue

Activities: Circle Time

Name of Activity: Nature Walk


Discuss the reasons for going on a nature walk

Take the child on nature walk around the yard

Point out big leaves to the child or different coloured plants or flowers.

Collect similar objects of different sizes such as a small leaf and a big leaf or a
small stick and big stick.
Allow the child to express their feelings as they interact and play with flowers

Activities: Creative Activity

Name of Activity: Handprint Trees with Flowers


Cut out flowers and leaf shapes from coloured construction paper.

Have your child put open hands in the paint and then place them on white
construction paper to produce a handprint (this will be the base and stem of
their flowers)

Allow the child to glue the flower cut-outs on the top of the stems when the
paint dries.

Your child will glue construction paper leaves and cotton wool as roots to
complete pictures

Praise and display your child's work

Activities: Indoor/ Outdoor Play

Name of Activity: Plant A Little Seed


Parent will take the child outside and engage the child in this activity

I plant a little seed in the cold, cold ground

(child and adult will squat down and pretend to plant)

Out comes the yellow sun, big and round (Put arms above head like the sun)

Down come the raindrops soft and slow

(Lower your hands slowly with dancing fingers)

Up comes the flowers grow, grow, grow (Jump as flowers emerge)

Activities: Story Time:

Name of Activity: The Little Flower


Parent and child will sit in a comfortable reading position. Parents can draw or
collect their own pictures for the story to show the child while reading. Parents
can pretend to be the Mama flower and the child the little flower.

There was a little flower that lived in a garden bed, she slept so late one
morning, she was such a sleepyhead, but then she heard the birds sing and the
children come to play, she heard her Mama Flower call, “Rise and greet the day!”

And so the little flower stretched her petals way up high, she blinked her pretty
eyes and smiled up at the sky. Her mother kissed her forehead and said, ``Good
morning, sugar-pie.” And on the sleepy flower’s nose there landed a butterfly

Follow-Up: display artwork in your child’s room or on the refrigerator

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