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Sixth Semester B.Com. Degree Examination

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

I. Answer all questions in one word to maximum of two sentences. Each carry one
1. What do you understand by Consumer delight?
2. What is behavioural segmentation?
3. What is an augmented product?
4. Define product mix.
5. What is price skimming?
6. Expand AMA.
7. What do you mean by e-tailing?
8. Who are merchant middlemen?
9. What is meta-marketing?
10. Define de-marketing.
[10 x 1 = 10 marks]

II. Answer any eight questions not exceeding one paragraph. Each carries two marks.
11. Describe market segmentation.
12. Distinguish between consumer and buyer.
13. What is product simplification?
14. Describe PLC.
15. Distinguish between pricing policy and pricing strategy.
16. What are the various elements of promotion mix?
17. What is advertising appeal?
18. Describe the steps in advertisement campaign.
19. What is POP display?
20. Mention various kinds of sales promotion.
21. Differentiate between physical distribution and channels of distribution.
22. What do you mean by electronic retailing? What are its forms?
[ 8x 2 = 16 Marks]

III. Answer any six questions. Each carries four marks.

23. What are the steps involved in buying decision process?
24. Explain scope of consumer behaviour.
25. Describe briefly the various stages of product life cycle.
26. Explain the various pricing strategies for new products.
27. What are the various techniques/tools used in publicity?
28. Define advertisement. What are the objections of advertising?
29. Explain the importance of sales promotion.
30. What are the merits of electronic retaining?
31. What are the recent trends in marketing?
( 6 x 4 = 24 Marks)

IV. Answer any two questions. Each carry fifteen marks.

32. Define market segmentation. Explain various bases of segmentation.
33. What are the features of a successful salesman? What are his duties and
34. Explain any five advertisement media with relative merits and demerits.
35. What are retail formats? Explain any five.
[ 2 x 15 = 30 Marks]

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