9á Tæíqñc  Ëjæ Êó Êëj Êó Ð#LSA Wu%âæ F) : ABC BAC 6 90 O ABC BOC AB B P, AC C Q. ON Ap NQ

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ùù=Øbç (APMO) ¬ˇtæ

ªˇvÈ: 2010  3 ~ 9 n
ªˇËõ: 2Û×ç òÃ×ç

·<9á: …tæíqñcªâ APMO ëjæ¦êÓ Êëj£êÓ‡, ~

§¢Ð#LSA, «wu%âæ˜f]
vÈÌ„: lûüv (9:30 am ∼ 1:30 pm)
ÎTÇÕ, Ìà.HCH°zŸ .)J^£¯ () ^£
l.â©°t»> .)UàlÂ
…t»uüæ, ©æÅ}þ}

½æø I ABC uøúi$w2 6 BAC 6= 90◦ . I O uúi$ ABC ÕQÆ5Æ

-/I Γ uúi$ BOC 5ÕQÆ cq Γ D(¨ AB kæk B íøõ P , /D(
¨ AC ó>kæk C íøõ Q. I ON uÆ Γ 5ò t„ûi$ AP N Q uø

Problem 1. Let ABC be a triangle with 6 BAC 6= 90◦ . Let O be the circumcenter
of the triangle ABC and let Γ be the circumcircle of the triangle BOC. Suppose
that Γ intersects the line segemnt AB at P different from B, and the line segment
AC at Q different from C. Let ON be a diameter of the circle Γ. Prove that the
quadrilateral AP N Q is a parallelogram.

½æù úø£cb k, ˚¤bÑø_ Ó k Ÿ4í<2u…?\[ýÑ m k
í$, w
2m u/_cb t„: ú©ø_£cb n, ·æÊ n _óæ£cb, U)…bí¸u
ø_Ó 2009 Ÿ4, /…bí uø_Ó 2010 Ÿ4

Problem 2. For a positive integer k, call an integer a pure k-th power if it can be
represented as mk for some integer m. Show that for every positive integer n there
exist n distinct positive integers such that their sum is a pure 2009-th power, and
their product is a pure 2010-th power.

½æú I n u£cb D n A¡‹ø} úkw2L<sA (˚Ñøú), ¥s
AC6ów…Có.w… ½Ê¥ˇA2|ÖªJvƒÖýú, Å—: ¤ú2ís
Aó.w…, OÊ¡‹}‡íA2u°w…íA?

Problem 3. Let n be a positive integer. n people take part in a certain party. For
any pair of the participants, either the two are acquainted with each other or they
are not. What is the maximum possible number of the pairs for which the two are
not acquainted but have a common acquaintance among the participants?

½æû I ABC uiúi$, Å— AB > BC / AC > BC. }p O D H Ñ
úi$ ABC íÕ-D- qúi$ AHC íÕQÆ>ò( AB kæk A íøõ
M ; /úi$ AHB íÕQÆ>ò( AC kæk A íøõ N . „púi$ M N H í

Problem 4. Let ABC be an acute traingel satisfying the condition AB > BC and
AC > BC. Denote by O and H the circumcenter and the orthocenter, respectively,
of the triangle ABC. Suppose that the circumcenter of the triangle AHC intersects
the line AB at M different from A, and that the circumcircle of the triangle AHB
intersects the line AC at N different from A. Prove that the circumcenter of the
triangle M N H lies on the line OH.

½æü v|Fíƒb f : R → R (R uõbÕ), U)úkF x, y, z ∈ R Å—

f (f (x) + f (y) + f (z)) = f (f (x) − f (y)) + f (2xy + f (z)) + 2f (xz − yz).

Problem 5. Find all functions f from the set R of real numbers into R which
satisfy for all x, y, z ∈ R the identity

f (f (x) + f (y) + f (z)) = f (f (x) − f (y)) + f (2xy + f (z)) + 2f (xz − yz).

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