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Audio para la actividad 1.

1. What did you learn?

I learned to value study as an essential tool for life

2. Why did you decide to learn it?

Because when I was a child I liked to study and I already wrote to myself I did not realize
that it would help me have a good job stability

3. How did you learn it?

I turned it on and reading watching videos and put the acquired knowledge into practice

4. When did you learn it?

I turned it on a few years ago when I was still in school and López kept it at school as time
went by

Audio para la actividad 2.4

1. She is a Singer at the university where she studies general communication.

2. It affects in being on time for general communicati on classes because it’s a Little
more difficult for her to drive in her wheelchair s o she can’ drive so fast, however
she tries to be at college fifteen minutes before starting her general
communicatin classes.

3. Her attitude is positive in front of life. SShe feels able to swim and se leaves
people high and dry, beause many people believe she can’ do it. She feels able to
transfer to her bed. If she didn’t have tha positive atitude toward life, she would
have failed in all the situations that come up daily. She feels incapacitated to do
certain activities like running, she doesn’t know what feeling is.

She would want to know what it feels like to walk or run. If she hadn’t been lucky
enough to have her parents by her side, she wouldn’t have been able to learn to do
many other things.

4. If I were handicapped and had to use a wheelchair my life would be different in

aspects like: there could be an emotional change because it could be something
unexpected so I coud get depressed bvecau se it an be something to what I’m not
acostumbrated because there would be many different things like I wouldn’t able to
walk, jog, work out a the gym, dance and I wouldn’t b able to do my daily activities
as I usually do them because I couldn’t move so fast from a place to anothe place

5. When I interact with a handicapped person I react in a way friendly. I try to be

very nice with that person so that it ca have a gre at time and it can feel very happy.

6. I can contribute to improve te life of handicapped people helping themm feel

happy, have a good time, giving advices so they can feel okay ad bveing very
friendly with them.

Audio para la actividad 3.3

i plan de vida
Ser una persona proactiva en el ejercicio de mi profesión y en el campo laboral,
con mucho conocimiento en todos los aspectos de mi vida, ser amable,
responsable y cortés. Prestare mi servicio con calidad, ser admirado por la
práctica de mis valores, principios y de mi profesión. Siempre trabajar con
eficiencia y eficacia contribuyendo con el desarrollo de mi país. Dentro de mis
planes a corto plazo se encuentran el poder perfeccionar el idioma ingles el cual
es muy importante para la labor que desempeño, igualmente realizar estudios
superiores entre los que se encuentran la Administración Logística y
Administración de Empresas. Además tengo presente que para ofrecerle un mejor
porvenir a mi familia necesito capacitarme, ya que a la hora de jubilarme como
policía debo continuar trabajando para poder brindarle estudios superiores a mis
hijas y de esta forma forjar su futuro. Para lograr mis metas tengo que trabajar
con persistencia, disciplina y administrar bien mi tiempo, priorizar

i plan de vida
Ser una persona proactiva en el ejercicio de mi profesión y en el campo laboral,
con mucho conocimiento en todos los aspectos de mi vida, ser amable,
responsable y cortés. Prestare mi servicio con calidad, ser admirado por la
práctica de mis valores, principios y de mi profesión. Siempre trabajar con
eficiencia y eficacia contribuyendo con el desarrollo de mi país. Dentro de mis
planes a corto plazo se encuentran el poder perfeccionar el idioma ingles el cual
es muy importante para la labor que desempeño, igualmente realizar estudios
superiores entre los que se encuentran la Administración Logística y
Administración de Empresas. Además tengo presente que para ofrecerle un mejor
porvenir a mi familia necesito capacitarme, ya que a la hora de jubilarme como
policía debo continuar trabajando para poder brindarle estudios superiores a mis
hijas y de esta forma forjar su futuro. Para lograr mis metas tengo que trabajar
con persistencia, disciplina y administrar bien mi tiempo, priorizar
My life plan is summed up in finishing my career as a mechanical engineer and having the
opportunity to work in a company that allows me to grow in experience and learn for life.
in the labor field I want to acquire new knowledge in all aspects of my life to be kind,
responsible and courteous, to render my service with quality, to be admired for the practice
of my values, principles and in professions, to always work efficiently and effectively,
contributing to the development of my country Within my short-term plans is to be able to
perfect the English language which is very important to obtain a good performance, as well
as to carry out higher studies among which is mechanical engineering, I also have in mind
that to offer a better future to my family I need train me. To achieve my goals I have to
work with persistence, discipline and manage my time well


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