Unit 1

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vnte- 1 Antenna Fundamentals | antennar [errisa piece of Condveting material in the form of a wtre , ved, o ood peter Shape - with excitation- d antennas, % tadiating element of émwaves + An : ; © an impedance matching device - Tt matches he betwee \ between N frarsmission line & the Antenra , Antena and free paces je @otenna ts a yan, EM waves {tO electric, Sducer which converts cf ectrical signal into at the Eransmictin. al Signal at the eClassiication of end and Emwaves back j Yeceiving end + ‘ Antennas «- Antenna ¢ ~ Based om curient Based on Shape ‘ Linear wire antenna enduction éurvent typern 4 ex! Ala dipole ,monopole, loop § D displace ment ey pe Rhombie antenna ema gou,5 ¢ Oretlector- @ aperture ex: pon @ array ; © eng antenna: convex lens concave lens Ex parabolic Scanned with CamScanner ga ficid patter ec@)-cose ewow x Nall maahé"Se fred Fwew.=2¢ eco eso ces2 820 ous? PeBws ae = 40 Scanned with CamScanner hs Back lobe. X distatbution of Cm energy ground the AntePna is, ) Pattern. 2 8S a three dimensional Structure ‘volving nm fn terms of electyic field strength a Specific distance frono the antenna attern(% tT) brow Ain terms of pocwer *5 called ig Consists of ove mafn “minor lobes - Scanned with CamScanner An Antenna has a field pare giver by EC@)= (097 for OL0=40" wee Y Antenna bas a field pattern ecm) seus cos9 dHPBw ¢ EvoW for of @ £40” E 2) + odor + i Nall means""no bel d eran - Rs. 4 i Fw = Lg my “2(05 2 Cos Cos2O>0 er div 1 @ sug? y Feu. 20 = 40° Scanned with CamScanner a & Soluangle ssder,. | a ed bY oF RE ant sqm’ ung a ee ce) Poser Radiated fromthe antenna Pe wor Radiation intensity (1084/5, oo" Benet “ RE = yVP watts [54 Syme 3 8, Beis c eh es xe Woates fsy peext - pest Lo 1s " "| Re). een Power 5 ts defined as the xatio, bet Cbg the square of current Passing 'S con sidereck bo ground ameter of the conducts Scanned with CamScanner oblem!- Let the radiation Resistance of an antenna ts 424% And lesg Resistance is Br°Find Efficiency of an antennas 3 Wes ES say ate ie Ra tRL Piet 100, A p100%p F148 EG Preeti (pe, © 40"/o 10 H Bs ft5 radratre eFAciency of antenna {5 8 o°o + Determine oa” fesistamre ff Joss vesistance is 10-2 - N= Bo0%o= 0-8 og = Rr Ry +10 c lors ee 4820 taleayal of ammaltzed power pattern otegy Scanned with CamScanner ; ver vadiaved by the MHERoea aa tne vatio’ between ‘riationcn Pew average power D> P(e _O pC au Whee Ay Powe y PCA Harg a § ( Pi, byan "00 ro 8 PC mae ; ee ahaa on) dove elo, d) au ms oh aw a aa Sento.) dan. Aone» Mereeen 1S beam 164 Fan Bate (ir. fami a to beam Area. ee Scanned with CamScanner of Antenna $9°42=0° andi less) vestotante 189-4. eke? Radiation ‘Resistance 4 a TE the power gato ts 46 ey echat t3 ft5. directivity eta Ri= 8 Gtzib G= px 8 * 57 EY ih = 11 oe FO j RrARL tae 3 a2 D= lox 10 ‘ 4 ui Gone CSEa Scanned with CamScanner Ce CH ective apevture of an aotenne Pmt Fe awectivty of EME antenna isigg, Avarmes Deion Opt ratin, «100 = 100 pao ut eau sa te, Scanned with CamScanner Pieatculat€ the directivity of an antenna with cfreulay aperture Hef diameter i 2rmts - p¢ the Effective apertuse is 55%, of | FES actual aperture and operating aka freq, eng of Sens Plime 55%o Rs o-Gimts J fe 5H Race Beeeio” wasn Sk O-Gimts <> lAe)maxr = PA” um 168% eS SUK. (0-65) => G@ OS 0:55 = Ae V1 683 OTF 2 UM x¥b+6u2 = 2239-9 (0:06 )> Scanned with CamScanner Fe * Feestinna Bandwidth ? fictions “*T ts a band of Frequency fn whieh antenna ve eal E ola ry, Miia shsvackertstics euch as Antenna Impedance, Poarizae Gain , Signal to noise Ratio etc’ where :- Was Uppey angular fy Bias 3b0 degrec Vad ~> 360 degree an | Scanned with CamScanner e} 2 Beke, ©) wd? ford) ; (8 .) rec} = fon) iy se : = gif $0 » ' : ; Daaee 12 “tes*'G was ae" DAS dor Pare sy ai YT costs Sin Soe ad mas o/ hie xe e°o : £O3p > "An Aotenrs has a fi for. of oR - eld pattern given by €Co,-d) TB eden spina diteetlvity > ssingsing Bin Be ~ ueos 3g Scanned with CamScanner ce to an BEE has cgsiguy transm! ter epanectes oF 2esm2 Effective apereave at GOS Antenna has an effective aperture of O-5m2 [ossles QE (skm Yange- Assuming a Pima the power delicverd to Yeceivey? A Scanned with CamScanner § summary’ 1) Radiation rntinsity es RY = yer ' at f my eR et oe ¥ 0% hay 6. |? Fam Are acted ia Polo, g)s PCs, 4) —_ Pld) mae Scanned with CamScanner

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