Q Society Launch - Recent Activities:: Firstly: The Marrickville Petition

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Q Society Launch - Recent Activities:

Q hit the ground running with barely time to tie our laces. We
raised two petitions, in two states addressing two significant
issues. The first against

1. The NSW Marrickville Council’s support of the BDS

campaign and the other against
2. the Alma Rd Community House being used as a surrogate
mosque in East St Kilda, Vic.

Firstly: the Marrickville Petition

For those not familiar with the Global BDS campaign, (Boycott,
Divestment and Sanctions) it is essentially a propaganda weapon
used by those who support Islamists and a totally Islamic and SC
Middle East. BDS is a weapon whose aim is to destroy the only
free and multiethnic democracy in the region by presenting her as
an apartheid state responsible for gross human rights abuses.

In reality, Israel is actually a nation where the rule of law operates

providing freedom of expression and freedom of press, (you can
legally advocate against Israel in Israel). There are non-
discrimination policies in hospitals, universities, etc.., In fact the
leader of the BDS, studies at Tel Aviv University! equality before
the law (not one law for Jews and another for Arab Israelis) free
union movements, and so forth. These are things notably absent
in many Islamic nations.

Perhaps these slides behind me may give you a better picture
of this fictitious apartheid…

However, Marrickville Council, who should be concerned with

rubbish collection and pot holes in the local roads, decided to
serve her citizens by using ratepayers money to enter international
politics and the BDS drive to boycott Israel – essentially digging a
few pot holes for the Palestinians which they claim to support.
After all,

more than 100,000 ‘Palestinians’ work in Israeli owned factories

and industries. Clearly Palestinians don’t have a problem with
Israeli business’s themselves and boycotting Israel will not help
them at all, they will lose jobs, be forced into a segregated rather
than integrated community, and may end up in groups like
HAMAS or HIZBOLLAH to feed their families; these are groups
whose weapon of choice is terror.

It must be noted the BDS founder has publicly stated the

ultimate aim of BDS is to end the Jewish State – so this is
merely a different means to the same end as terrorist
organizations. We could call it intellectual terrorism.

It is interesting that Marrickville Mayor and Greens Candidate

Fiona Bryne said her major concern in supporting this boycott was
the blockade of Gaza, yet she didn’t explain why Marrickville is not
boycotting Egypt as well, whose blockade of Gaza is much more
restrictive than Israel’s.

So Q raised a petition against this misguided and divisive motion
of the MC, which attracted 4,200 signatures. These were
presented to MC on the 1st March and behind me now there
should be some pictures of Q in Marrickville with a few local
supporters. The petition was then presented to the NSW Minister
for Local Government Barbara Perry, and to the Shadow Minister
for Local Government Chris Hartcher.

This action of Q Society raised awareness of the anti-semitic push

that’s being fuelled in a number of countries by the BDS
Campaign. We already know the end of this sort of sentiment-
destructive thinking inevitably turns into destructive action –

You may be aware of the quote from Yaser Arafat - ‘First the
Saturday people and then the Sunday people’ – sadly for those
who view life through Islamist lenses,– if you are a westerner you
are considered by them as either ‘a Saturday or Sunday person’.
(whether you frequent a synagogue or go to church is irrelevant)
So this is a much bigger problem than just Israel and the
Palestinians. The doctrine of the
Islamisation of Israel and by extension western lands,
is a religious doctrine of dominance hard wired into Islamic texts.
This goes hand in hand with the reality of terror in Israel and rising
terror in western lands, these are observable facts. There have
been over 16,000 deadly Islamist attacks since 9/11 – we can’t
keep referring to these as ‘isolated incidences!’ It is imperative that
bad doctrine or ideas be challenged before this turns into bad

action. In this case – the bad idea supported by BDS is the end of
the Jewish state - which is why we opposed the motion of the MC.

The accusation of human rights abuses leveled at Israel by this

campaign must be seen in the light of Islamic sharia, which many
are advocating for: lets consider what ‘crimes’ attract the death
penalty under sharia:
Apostasy – the changing of one’s religion,
two were executed in Gaza recently for their crime of
Collaboration with Israel ,
Homosexuality (Iran boasts that it has executed over 5,000
homosexuals since the ‘Islamic Revolution’ of 1979, and other
Muslim States execute homosexuals regularly.
Adultery (usually only carried out against women)
Verbal opposition to the Government and Protest: Protest
comes under the heading ‘Rebellion’ and includes peaceful public
protests, sit-ins, and the like. Organizers of such protests have
been executed in Syria, Saudi, the Gulf States, Gaza, and a
number of other Muslim ‘States’ – not to mention Libya!
Witchcraft -this is surprisingly common, a man was recently
executed in Saudi Arabia for possessing books on Yoga,
Buddhism and Comparative Religion which the Islamic Court ruled
was witchcraft

These human rights abuses are supplemented by sharia practices

like child marriage, legalized FGM, public flogging for drinking
alcohol, limb amputation and so forth. None of these human rights
abuses are lawful in Israel.

What can I say to the MC – But Lets Get Real about human rights
abuses and apartheid practices.

Petition: Alma Rd Community House, St Kilda East

A number of media outlets have reported on this second petition

against an application to change the use of Alma Road Community
House in St Kilda East into a place of assembly for up to 100
people. Indeed, many of you here were made aware of the Q
Society by the publicity surrounding this.

Port Phillip Council stated that changing the permit of the

community house is necessary to legitimize its current usage –
essentially Port Phillip Council want to alter the law, to line it up
with their breach of the law – shame we can’t do that with our
speeding fines - and this usage of the community house includes
use as a part-time mosque for Friday prayers.

There are many legitimate reasons that Q raised on behalf of

concerned citizens who supported this petition against the use of
the community house as a surrogate mosque.

1. As said, it breaches the current permit, which does not

include use as a place of worship. Laws should be upheld.
2. There are parking problems and residents advised Q that up
to 50 taxis can be parked outside the house on a Friday

3. The house is intended to be a community house supporting
shared activities - a book club in one room and childrens
party in another etc. The Friday worship service does not
allow for anyone else in the community to share the house at
the same time – it is Muslim men only.
4. There are OHS issues – the hand basin in the toilets used by
children and the disabled is being used for ritual washing –
there is obviously health and safety hazards associated with
men’s feet being washed in the hand basin. And the
likelihood of a hazard is increased with the new permit for
100 men to do so.
5. And this particular group are listed on a website of Ahlus
Sunnah Wal Jamaah under Mosques and Islamic centres.
ASWJ is an organization monitored by ASIO, an organisation
which calls for implementation of sharia law. Surely there is
some duty of care – while being listed on a website does not
make anyone an extremist, the Council were not even aware
the community house was being advertised as a mosque on
this website.

But rather than noting the legitimate concerns local residents

expressed to Q, journalists chose to paint Q Society, “racist” and
“Islamophobic” and published a number of irrelevant facts to
detract from the real issue. One of those facts was that I, as the
spokesperson for Q, did not live locally in the East St Kilda area;
Interesting assumption that a national society can only be involved
in issues within their spokespersons local area. Another irrelevant
fact detracting from the real concerns of local residents was my
political association with the CDP - apparently this was also a

disqualifier –undermining the legitimacy of Q Society and the
petition. The fact that Port Phillip Council was breaking the law and
the Alma Rd Community House is not a very suitable venue for a
mosque went widely unreported.

Of interest to some is what both of these petitions have in common

– and that’s the voice of ICV spokeperson Nazeem Hussain – who
also appeared on the ACA programme.

While calling Q Society ‘divisive’ – Nazeem publicly supports the

divisive BDS campaign and considers the Australian government
misguided for supporting what he calls the ‘terrorist nation’ of

Perhaps even more divisive is Nazeem’s comedy act Fear of a

Brown Planet which tends to poke fun at white and non-Muslim
people. In our upside down world this is considered ‘art’ rather
than vilification, and in fact Nazeem and his partner in comedy
received an Arts Grant of $150K from the ‘promoting diversity’
department of VicHealth to continue this. I’m not sure how a BDS
supporter which boycotts Israeli business’s is ‘promoting diversity’
but there you have it – in his eyes ‘it is Q Society who is divisive’.

Despite being classified on Channel 9’s A Current Affair website as

hard line anti-Islamist
the programme which reported the Alma Rd Community House
issue really kick started Q Society. The email responses which
followed were overwhelmingly positive. People were pleased to

hear there were Australians taking a public stand for Australian law
and values, and we trust this is just the beginning of many more
opportunities to do just that.

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