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Country Stance
cooperation, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has always been proactive in development and change.
The year 2020 marks a significant time in which Vietnam will assume major responsibilities at the
regional and international level, notably the ASEAN Chairmanship. This does not only give Vietnam
the legitimacy in shaping ASEAN regional political architecture but also an opportunity for Vietnam
to work more proactively and contribute more substantively to the building and growth of a
harmonious, resilient, innovative, cohesive, responsible and adaptive ASEAN Community.

For the past several years, Vietnam has been facing increasingly nuanced foreign policy strife
emanating mainly from the great power rivalry in the South China Sea with Vietnam as an active
player within the maritime territorial disputes and the changing international order. Thus, Hanoi
continues to concentrate on the development of more strategic options in the conduct of its external
policy and the restoration of high-power politics in Southeast Asia based on its traditionally cautious
perspective of security co-operation with major players in world politics.

Foreign Policy
Commemorating Vietnam's successful reunification in 1975, the country has implemented
various plans aimed at achieving growth and development as a more advanced, unified, and unitary
nation. This has been instilled in value and principle known as doi moi, which is a form of calling for
reform and renovation of Vietnamese governance. This has become a national objective that is
manifested in various aspects such as social, political, and particularly in the economic aspects with
the aim of improving Vietnam's performance domestically, regionally, and internationally.

Vietnam’s political dynamics have demonstrated the determination to enhance international

integration via multi-directional foreign policy - the political character that further aspires to
consolidate relations in order to gain the greatest possible political, economic, and security
advantages, while hedging from imminent strifes in an increasingly interdependent multipolar world
order. Meticulously, this is related to Vietnam's initial goal of shifting the paradigm of a more open
and liberalized market to commence a way of Vietnam's involvement in the global economy;
fundamentally presenting Vietnam being flexible from the outside while remaining strong on the

National Goals
Examining from the character, national goals, and experiences of Vietnam which have been
through various historical complexities, we can identify that under the objectives of Vietnam's foreign
policy exists interests that want to achieve and bring to the ASEAN Meeting this year to grasp for
the advancement of the industrial revolution. Faced with the current difficult situation, namely the
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic, Vietnam's main goals in resolving various regional
issues must remain on the priority agenda especially with the position to project a leadership role in
integrating international cooperation to achieve its national agenda on economic-oriented
diplomacy. In this year’s ASEAN Meeting, Vietnam mainly aims to strengthen its legitimacy in
regional diplomacy in order to fulfill such goals but not limited to:
● Highlighting the diplomatic sector’s contributions to national development in enhancing the
exposure of Vietnam for economic growth to compete with its strategic threat - China, among
other major powers and political alliance with countries that are more inclined to the West;
● Reaffirming international integration as a “strategic guideline” for its foreign policy over the
next several years to strengthen Vietnam’s sovereignty with incompliant with international
law and norms as well as regional commitments and posing a threat to the legitimate interest
of the concern nations; the growing threats of terrorism and other non-traditional security
challenges such as transnational crimes, piracy, and the increasingly unpredictable and
complicated environmental issues included natural disaster and the marine plastic pollution in
the region as well as the South China Sea.

Furthermore, the objective framework of Vietnam's involvement in the ASEAN Meeting this
year is divided into three main categories according to the ASEAN pillars revolving to Politics and
Security, Socio-Cultural, and Economic. In addition, it also aims to expand and promote international
cooperation with ASEAN and dialogue partner countries such as Australia and major powers. These
goals and targets can be projected through the presentation of blueprints on specific matters, namely
information on the proposed solutions, to Vietnam’s particular aims to address and achieve during
this ASEAN Meeting, especially with regards to issues that are the main agenda of ASEAN 2020
relating to the theme of Cohesive and Responsive.

Pillars Objectives and Strategies

APSC Topic to be discussed: Wildlife Trafficking

(Ministry of
Justice) Viewed from the political and security aspects, this not only has an impact on the
conservation of biodiversity and environmental security but also shows a form of failure
from weak law enforcement and corrupt governance.

To address the issue, Vietnam has structured several recommendations for the ASEAN
Meeting to address the issue, such as:
1. Strengthening regional cooperation to wider possibilities of cross-border data
2. Investigating activities related to illegal wildlife trafficking through the
improvement of fact-finding measures
3. Integrating strategies and methods from every country in the region to also
further enforce the legal framework of wildlife trafficking prohibition
4. Collaborating with regional bodies such as ASEAN, national government,
NGOs, private sector, and civil society.

In this pillar, the MOJ shall exercise an assertive strategy to bolster the collective
goal of reducing the illegal trade of wild biodiversity.

Negotiation shall be carried out in a forceful manner in order to produce strong

results, meanwhile considering to administer and entertain possible
recommendations to be implemented by all parties.

ASCC Topic to be discussed: Pandemic Control

(Ministry of
Labors, Vietnam has performed our excellence in managing the disperse of the occurring
Invalids and pandemic, COVID-19. In this case, our goal is to promote and endorse Vietnam’s
Social successful best practices to reduces death tolls caused by the virus, through:
Affairs) 1. Enforcement of containment policy and upholding the legal framework to
control the spread of the virus by establishing regulations of lockdown and
restricting mobilization.
2. Promotion of information dissemination to construct the social behavior of
citizens by initiating a multi-stakeholder approach to combat pandemic as our
common enemy.
3. Assurance of socio-economic program to maintain the flow of capital in the
economic sector throughout the pandemic, by ensuring the proceeding of
Small-Medium Enterprises, whilst initiating alternatives to maintain the income
stability of the citizen.

The MOLISA shall maintain its assertiveness and actively initiate collaboration with
other countries. Seeing that Vietnam has been one of the most successful countries in
managing the effect of the pandemic, Vietnam will function as a collaborative partner
for the other delegation to put emphasis on the immediate mitigation on the social
struggles of COVID-19.

Moreover, Vietnam will focus to be the moderator on reiterating the debate to cultivate
prompt action and solution.

AEC Topic to be discussed: Deforestation

(Ministry of
Agriculture In line with the ASEAN 2025 Forging Ahead Together, we recommend the following:
and Rural 1. Reinforce transparency and awareness of environmental issues through
Developmen extensive development and empowerment of education.
t) 2. Highly recommend the reform of forest management to restore
3. Carry out the implementation of regional policy and framework to ensure
restriction on forestry investment.

The MARD shall consider exposing considerate, effective, and manners in resolving
this issue. Seeing that Vietnam has also been facing problems of deforestation, solutions
to be proposed and endorsed should be in line with the national capacity and
capabilities of Vietnam in resolving our own domestic problems.

ASEAN+1 Topic to be discussed: Marine Plastic Pollutions

(Ministry of
Foreign In compliance with the national foreign policy agenda which is to enhance international
Affairs) integration, the MoFA must perform its gesture to balance the relations among ASEAN
member states and foreign countries particularly our dialogue partner, Australia.

Actions that can be done:

1. Urges the policymakers of ASEAN Member states and dialogue partners to
enforce the framework of plastic use reduction in most aspects of life; starting
from companies, industries, to retail sectors.
2. Encourage further cooperation of ASEAN Member States with dialogue partner
for knowledge-sharing to continue scientific research and development to
create new discoveries that can be substituted for plastics
3. Integrate partnership in the level of regional and international to endorse and
promote the importance of sustainable living.

Furthermore, the MoFA is expected to show a diplomatic manner to administer the

negotiation with countries that have notably successful in tackling plastic pollution in
order to strengthen the stance and goals of Vietnam in resolving this issue.

Diplomacy Track I: Strategy and Approach

● Relations with ASEAN Countries and Foreign Country
This section will examine and elaborate on the nature of Vietnam’s first track or state-to-state
diplomacy with other ASEAN member states and foreign countries involved in the region. Since
ASEAN’s inception in 1967, every member state has worked and cooperated on a wide range of
issues not only within ASEAN but also in the Asia-Pacific region. For four decades, ASEAN and
Australia have cooperated and attained important achievements that have significantly contributed to
the enhancement of mutual understanding, trust and confidence as well as the maintenance and
promotion of peace, security and cooperation on Marine Environmental in the region.
The best environment for a prosperous and peaceful indo-pacific region is one that supports a
rule-based order, strategic stability, open societies and economic integration. Currently, the region
faces marine plastic pollution which is concerned as one of the primary environmental issues.
Henceforth, the government of Vietnam aims to construct forward-looking bilateral relations in the
ASEAN region with Australia as one of the dialogue partners particularly among major powers.

Brunei Cooperation made is mostly related to foreign investment. With the current potential,
Darussalam further collaboration in improving peace and stability in the region should be
highly encouraged among both countries.

Cambodia Historical tensions between Vietnam and Cambodia in terms of political, social, and
cultural sentiment. However, Vietnam and Cambodia have maintained a common
relationship. Approaches in the economic sector are likely to help promote
cooperation in other fields.

Indonesia Vietnam and Indonesia have had close relations since the early 1940s. The approach
from the economic and foreign policy aspects with Indonesia has good prospects. With
a note to ensure the ability to accommodate Indonesia's strong political interests
and leadership in Southeast Asia.

Lao PDR Both countries share mutual political views, approaches in the political sector and other
aspects are likely to receive positive responses.

Malaysia Vietnam shares historical connections with Malaysia since the colonial era. Both
countries have significant relations in the past and the present. Furthermore, both
countries should diversify more partnerships in other strategic aspects.

Myanmar Political dynamic between Vietnam and Myanmar in the 21st century has resulted in
stronger bilateral ties. Vietnam has invested some foreign investment in Myanmar
which makes both parties more related.

Philippines Vietnam and the Philippines have maintained harmonious diplomatic ties in particular to
aspects of military alliance. Stronger approaches in the political and security pillar
will be mostly favorable for both parties.

Singapore The best approach towards Singapore is to maintain economic partnership as Vietnam
and Singapore has improved a more comprehensive trade agreement.

Thailand Post-reform of the Vietnamese government, particularly in the contemporary era, both
countries have improved economic ties. It is highly expected for both countries to
also improve cooperation in other sectors.

Australia Vietnam will further deliberate engagement with key foreign partners such as
Australia considering the objective of defense diplomacy to pursue their quest for
international integration in responding to geopolitical threats in the South China Sea.

Most importantly, Vietnam will strive to maintain our nature and principle to avert any
inclination towards a particular nation in order to maintain equal solidarity and
multidirectional diplomacy.

Negotiation Tactics

● Decisive
As this year’s ASEAN chair, Vietnam must demonstrate a decisive and strong leadership
attitude. In this regard, Vietnam can demonstrate legitimacy in determining the direction and
flow of discussions and debates during the ASEAN meeting. Decision-making must be
carried out very considerably and clearly, without compromising the essence of achieving
a common goal. Vietnam must also respond firmly in repudiating inclined interest that is
not in line or relevant to ASEAN common goals.

● Observant
Vietnam's leadership, based around multidirectionalism also needs a more observant attitude.
In addition to being active in delivering recommendations, Vietnam should be able to
scrutinize the behavior, patterns and character of diplomacy of other countries
profoundly. This can be done by focusing on observations and strategies to implicitly
incorporate the best arguments into the results of examinations to conclude decisions and
outcomes that are useful and can be consensually accepted by ASEAN with a vision of one

● Perceptive
In line with the ASEAN theme this year, Vietnam must show a more cohesive and
responsive attitude towards geopolitical dynamics in the Southeast Asian region in general,
to what gestures and steps other ASEAN countries have taken especially in response to
various issues in Southeast Asia.


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Why 2020 Will Be a Big Year for Vietnam's Foreign Policy. (n.d.). Retrieved September 02, 2020,

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