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Solutions for Chapter 2 - Conversion and Reactor Sizing Synopsis General: The overall goa ofthese problems is to help the student realize tha if they have ~ra=f00 they can “design” or size a large number of reaction systems. It ses the stage for the algorithm developed in Chapter 4 P2-1, This problem will keep students thinking about writing down what they learned every chapter. P2-2, This “forces” the students to determine their learning style so they can better use the resources in the text and on the CDROM and the web. 2-3, ICMs have been found to motivate the students learning. P2-4, Introduces one of the new concepts of the 4" edition whereby the students “play” with the example problems before going on to other solutions. P2-5. This is a reasonably challenging problem that reinforces Levenspiels plots. P2-6. Novel application of Levenspiel plots from an article by Professor Alice Gast at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in CEE. 2-7. Straight forward problem alternative to problems 8, 9, and 12. P2-8. To be used in those courses emphasizing bio reaction engineering. P2-9, ‘The answer gives ridiculously large reactor volume. The point is to encourage the student to question their numerical answers. P2-10. Helps the students get a feel of real reactor sizes. 2-11. Great motivating problem. Students remember this problem long after the course is over. P2-12, Alternative problem to P2-7 and P2-9. CDP2-A Similar to 2-9 2 CDP2-B Good problem to get groups started working together (e.g. cooperative learning CDP2-C Similar to problems 2-8, 2-9, 2-12. CDP2-D Similar to problems 2-8, 2-9, 2-12. Summer Assigned Alternates Difficulty Time (min) P21 ° 15 © P22 A 30 © P23 A 30 P24 ° 15 P25 0 M 15 P2-6 s M 60 © P27 AA 8,9,12 FSF 45 P28 s FSF 45 P2-9 AA 7,9,12 SF 45 P2-10 s SE 15 @ pri AA SF 1 P2-12 AA 78,9 SF 60 CDP2-A ° 9BCD FSF 5 CDP2-B ° 9.B,CD FSF 30 CDP2-C oO 9,B,C,.D FSF 30 CDP2-D ° 9.B,CD FSF 45 Assigned = Always assigned, AA = Always assign one from the group of alternates, O = Often, I = Infrequently, S = Seldom, G = Graduate level Altemates Tn problems that have a dot in conjunction with AA means that one of the problems, either the problem with a dot or any one of the alternates are always assigned. Time Approximate time in minutes it would take a B/B* student to solve the problem, Difficulty SI = Straight forward reinforcement of principles (plug and chug) 22 FSF = Pairly straight forward (requires some manipulation of equations or an intermediate calculation). IC = Intermediate calculation required M= More difficult OE = Some parts open-ended. “Note the letter problems are found on the CD-ROM. For example A = CDP1-A. Summary Table Ch-2 Straight forward 1,2,3,4,10 Fairly straight forward 79,12 More difficult 5.68 Open-ended 6 Comprehensive 4,5,6,7,8,9,12 Critical thinking P29 P2-1 individualized solution. P2-2 Individualized solution. P2-3 solutions inthe decoding algorithm given withthe modules ‘P2-4 (a) Example 2-1 through 2-3 If flow rate Fao is cut in half W=v2, Fi=Fao/2 and Cyo will emain same ‘Therefore, volume of CSTR in example 2-3, Ere ee eras) ~% 2-1, If the flow rate is doubled, F)=2F4o and Cyo will remain same, Volume of CSTR in example 2-3, Vis FX/14= 128m P2-4 (b) Example 2-5 23 Now, Fro = 0.4/2 = 02 mol/s, ‘New Table: Divide each term Levenspiel Plot oral in Table 2-3 by 2 Xe or oa ng O78 anim) _[oaas [054s [oes [1.095 [1.77 2334 Reactor 1 Reactor 2 V,=0.82m' V.=32m V=Fqo/-10X _ Fao Ey (24) (x1)| pa-(4) vx] tate Tad x2 By trial and error we get: Overall conversion Kove = (1/2)X1 + (1/2)X2 P2-4 (c) Example 2-6 Now, Fao = 0.4/2 = 0.2 mols, 1.61 Faor2 08 (0546+0.8)/2 = 0.673 and X> xi X overall X, For + Fao 24 ma New Table: Divide each ter in Table 2-3 by 2. Ta x 0 ae oa 06 o7___ [oa TFackiacm) —|oaas [054s [0.668 [1.025 [1.77 253 [4 V,=0551m? V2 = 1.614 m* AdX Y= Fao ot Plot Fao/-r4 versus conversion, Estimate outlet conversions by computing the integral of the plotted function, Levenspiel Plot Conversion X= 00603 for Vi = 051m" X= 0.89 for Vi= L6idm Overall conversion Xo= (1/2)%: + (12)X2 = (0.60340.89)/2 = 0.746 P24) rxampie22 . Levenspiet Plot o For PFR, 02 F. V, i(Ze} on =0.222m? For frst CSTR, conversion 2S 2 = 132m’, A =A For second CSTR, F, Fy (X3-%, X5=065, —42=2.0m’, Fio(Xs= Xs) =A =A @ First CSTR remains unchanged For PFR: Using the Levenspiel Plot een = 0.22 For CSTR, Fro (X= X2) =A 0.3m Vest (3) The worst arrangement isto put the PFR first, followed by the larger CSTR and finally the smaller CSTR. — me oe Fg(Xs—X) _ sg? Aye Levenspiet Plot 02 030408087 conversion ‘Conversion ‘Original Reactor Volumes V1 = 0.188 (CSTR) 038 (PFR) V3 =0.10(CSTR) Using trapezoidal rule, X= 0.1, X)=01 26 ‘Worst Arrangement Vi =023 (PER) v2 =053 (CSTR) V3 = 0.10 (CSTR) $2 f1.284.098) m* =0.23m? For CSTR, Vi= 4i2(x,—X,)=13206-02)=053 m?* ra For Xa For 2 CSTR, For X3 = 0.65, ‘V3 =0.1 P2-5 x 0 [01 [02 [oa [oe [o7 Jo. 8 Froftar) [08 [10 [13 [20 [35 [50 [8 9 _[s [3 {5 |4 Jo Jo V=L0m ‘Levenspie plot P2-5 (a) Two CSTRs in series . For first CSTR, V=Fad-tona) X =>X1=044 For second CSTR, V = Ego-taxa) 2 = Xi) => X2=0.67 P2-5 (b) Two PERS in seties IEE By extrapolating and solving, we get X)=0.50 X)=074 P2-5 (c) “Two CSTRs in parallel withthe feed, Fo, divided equally between two reactor. Favew/- taxi = O.SFao/-taxi V = (0.5Fao/-taxi) Xi Solving we get, Xoy = 0.60 o 02 os x 06 Os 1 P2-5 (d) ‘Two PFRS in parallel with the feed equally divided bet Fanew/-taxi = 0.SFao!-taxr By extrapolating and solving as part (b), we get Xou = 0.74 P2-5(e) ACSTR and a PFR a in parallel with low equally divided Since the flow is divided equally between the two reactors, the overall conversion isthe average ofthe CSTR conversion (pat C) andthe PFR conversion (pat D) X= (060+ 074)/2-067 mn the two reactors, Xen =050 (using par(b)) = (Pad-taesre) (Xestn ~ Xerx) Solving we get, Xesin = 0.70 P2-5 (g) ACSTR followed by a PER, Xesin= 0.44 (using part(a)) 28 Xope v= fox Xesm TA By extrapolating and solving, we get Xryx_ = 0.72 P2-5 (h) ‘A.L mv PER followed by «wo 0.5m? CSTR, ForPFR, Xr =050 (using part(b)) 5 CSTR: V = Fad-taxesin) (Xesrn ~ Xvex) = 0.5 Xora = 0.63 CSTRe: V = (Fa-ta.xesma) (Kesma~ Xeste) Xestna=0.72 15 m’ P2-6 (a) Individualized Solution P2-6 (b) 1) In order to find the age of the baby hippo, we need to know the volume of the stomach. ‘The metabolic rate, rq, is the same for mother and baby, so if the baby hippo eats one half of what the smother eats then Fao (baby) = % Fao (mother). ‘The Levenspiel Plot is drawn for the baby hippo below Autocatalytic Reaction Conversion Faox 1 < *0.34=0.23m? 29 Since the volume of the stomach is proportional to the age of the baby hippo, and the volume of the baby's stomach is half of an adult, then the baby hippo is half the age of a full grown hippo. 4.5 years Age 2.25 years 2) If Vmax and myo are both one half of the mother's then 1 Catalytic Reaction Mao, My _\2 Tae Tam2 and since Yea 2 Tay = e+, a Xi=0.34 0 %=04 TAM sy Conversion Iso. Tam m, '42__ will be identical for both the baby and mother Tana ‘Assuming that ike the stomach the intestine Volume is proportional to age then the volume of the intestine ‘would be 0.75 m’ and the final conversion would be 0.40 P2-6 (c) Vevoacn = 0.2m? From the web module we see that if a polynomial is fit to the autocatalytic reaction we get 127X*- 172.36X" + 100.18X? - 28, 354X + 4.499 2-10 Me Ta solve V= 1275 - 172.36X*+ 100 18X? - 28.354X? + 4.499X = 0.2 m? Xena = 067. And since Vico For the intestine: ‘The Levenspiel plot for the intestine is shown below. The outlet conversion is 0.178 ‘Since the hippo needs 30% conversion to survive but only achieves 17.8%, the hippo cannot survive ‘Autocatayic Reaction oo Catalytic Reaction Map aM 2 1 05+ Gop aaascaneaancnena 0 X=0178 Conversion Conversion P2-6 (d) PFR> CSTR PRR: Outlet conversion of PFR = 0.111 Catalytic Reaction 0 x=0111 Conversion Conversion csTR: 21d We must solve V = 0.46 = (X-0.111(127X*- 172.36X? + 100 18X?-28.354X + 4.499) X02 ‘Since the hippo gets a conversion over 30% it will survive. P2-7 Exothermic reaction: A > B+ C (mold? min x ) 4/-e(dm®.min/mol) ° 1 1 0.20 1.67 06 0.40 5 02 0.45 5 02 0.50 5 02 0.60 5 02 0.80 1.25 08 0.90 ost 14 P2-7 (a) ‘To solve this problem, first plot I/-tA vs. X fiom the chart above. Second, use mole balance as given below. STR FX _ (300mol/min\0.4) Mole balance: Vere =>Vesin= 24 dim* PER: ales Mole balance: = 300(area under the curve) aac Veen = 72 dm’ P2-7 (b) 212 For a feed stream that enters the reaction with a previous conversion of 0.40 and leaves at any conversion up to 0.60, the volumes of the PFR and CSTR will be identical because of the rate is constant over this, conversion range. ‘ap , 6 E P Vora = [H%-ax = fax YPnarta| 28 9 ate Gu cao ot ts CSTR | o60 P2-7(c) Vest = 105 dim? Mote balance: Vesrg = =0.35dm’ min/ mol ‘Use trial and error to find maximum conversion. AtX=0.70, I 05, and X/1A = 0.35 dim} mininol Maximum conversion = 0.70 P2-7 (a) From pat (a) we know that X; = 040. Use trial and extort find Xs Rearranging, we get X, -0.40 ly Fao “ty AX 064, Conversion = 064 P2-7(e) CSTR xy XQ 40. Use tial and error to find X_ From part (a), we know that X; ayy f Mole balance: Vong =72= Fy J“ " ows ayey At X= 0.908, V = 300 x (area under the curve) => V = 300(024) = 72dm" Conversion = 0.908 P2-7 (f) See Polymath program P2-7-f.pol 2d 0.65; 60 os ae x 40 039 30 026 20 013 tobe Ca) aun ao 100 Shr Ata conversion of 4o% + = 0,15 2" ts 8 ‘Therefore V = (0.15){1000)(0.40) =* P2-8 (b) Ata conversion of 80%, y= 1000 g/t Therefore V = (0.8)(1000)(0.80) = 640m? P2-8 (c) * Veen = Foo [ é Ts From the plot of I/-rs Calculate the area under the curve such that the area is equal to V/Fs) = 80/ 1000 = 0.08 xX=12% For the 80 dm’ CSTR, V = 80dm* =, ‘X/-r,= 0.08. From guess and check we get. 55% 248 P2-8 (d) ‘To achieve 80% conversion with a CSTR followed by a CSTR, the optimum arrangement is to have a STR with a volume to achieve a conversion of about 45%, or the conversion that corresponds to the ‘minimum value of I/-t, Next is a PER with the necessary volume to achieve the 80% conversion following the CSTR. This arrangement has the smallest reactor Volume to achieve 80% conversion For two CSTR’s in series, the optimum arrangement would still include a CSTR with the volume to achieve a conversion of about 45%, or the conversion that corresponds to the minimum value of Ut, fitst. A. second CSTR with a volume sufficient to reach 80% would follow the first CSTR. P2-8 (e) KCsCo Ky #C, and C, = 0.1[C,9 —C, }+0.001 KC, (0.1[C 9 ~C, }+0.001) Ky tC 1 Ky tls KC, (0.1[C 5, —C; ]+ 0.001) Let us frst consider when Cs is small so isa constant and if we group together the constants and simplify L_ Ky +Cs RCP +K,Cs then — since Cs < Ky -L_ Ku 1, KC2+k,Cs large and as Cs grows X decteases). ‘which is consistent with the shape of the graph when X is large (if Cs is small X is Now consider when Csis large (X is smat!) [As Cs gets larger Cc approaches 0: Ce =0.1[C 4 -—Cy]+0.001 and C, RSC yyy 1 Ku ts Bie Coe en ie Ky +Cy KCC AS Cs grows larger, C3 >> Ky If-7, = 216 Ca RCC. RC, ‘And since Ce is becoming very small and approaching 0 at X= 0, 1-1, should be increasing with Cs (or decreasing X). This is what is observed at small values of X. At intermediate levels of Cs and X, these diving forces are competing and why the curve of 1/-rs has a minimum. P2-9 Irreversible gas phase reaction 2A+B>2C See Polymath program P2-9.pol. P2-9 (a) PER volume necessary to achieve 50% conversion Mole Balance % dX V=Fy fo loo Volume = Geometric area under the curve of (Fao/-t4) vsX) x 400000x 0s) + (100000x 0.5) V = 150000 m* P2-9 (b) CSTR Volume to achieve 50% conversion Mole Balance FyoX rg) V =0.5x100000 V=50000m* P2-9 (c) Volume of second CSTR acied in series to achieve 80% Gra) 00000 (0.8 - 0.5) 10000" 247 P2-9 (d) Volume of PFR added in series to first CSTR to achieve 80% conversion Vere =(5400000%0.3) + (100000%0.3) ‘Vee = 90000m° Mole Balance mend Cra) X=0515 00 m* Mole balance % dX 0 xr) Eqn. Of 2" line (sloping upwards) y— 100000 = 1.3x108(x-0.5) x 60000 = f (1.3x10°(x-0.51) + 100000)dx x, => X= 0746 P2-9 (f) Real rates would not give that shape. The reactor volumes are absurdly large. P2-10 Problem 2-10 involves estimating the volume of three reactors from a picture. The door on the side of the building was used as a reference It was assumed to be 8 ft high, ‘The following estimates were made: csTR h= Soft d=9f (4.5 {)5(56 fi) = 3562 fe = 100,865 L PER 3 ft (23 Y(12\(11) = 3036 ft Length of one segment “Length of entire reat D=lft V=arvh = n(0.5 f8)°(3036 ft) = 2384 £0 = 67,507 L Answers will vary slightly for each individual P2-11 No solution necessary. P2-12 (a) ‘The smallest amount of catalyst necessary to achieve 80 % conversion in a CSTR and PBR connected in series and containing equal amounts of catalyst can be calculated from the figure below. ‘The lightly shaded area on the left denotes the CSTR while the darker shaded area denotes the PBR. This figure shows that the smallest amount of catalyst is used when the CSTR is upstream of the PBR. See Polymath program P2-12.pol. 2-12 (b) Calculate the necessary amount of catalyst to reach 80 % conversion using a single CSTR by determining the area of the shaded region in the figure below. 219 ‘The area of the rectangle is approximately 23.2 kg of catalyst. P2-12 (c) ‘The CSTR catalyst weight necessary to achieve 40 % conversion can be obtained by calculating the area of the shaded rectangle shown in the figure below. & 2g cx 8 ba a 8 on ‘The area of the rectangle is approximately 7.6 kg of catalyst. 2-12 (d) ‘The catalyst weight necessary to achieve 80 % conversion in a PBR is found by calculating the area of the shaded region in the figure below. 2-20 95 dx _F, ie. Vere = | = Fan hay = Fao O-m ho CDP2-A tb) ‘What conversion will be achieved in a CSTR that has a volume of 90 L? For now, we will assume that conversion (X) will be less that 0.5. CSTR mole balance: 3 X=y t oom 3x10 a P5200" 3x 10° 2S 4 m ‘mol CDP2-A (0) ‘This problem will be divided into two parts, as seen below: Conversion X "The PER volume required in reaching X=0.5 (reaction rate is independent of conversion). m + The PER volume required to go fiom X=0.5 to X=0.7 (reaction rate depends on conversion). 223 Cn (10 bs =} faox 2x m* mol ( o mW mol = 5200 #] 1 ‘SX? -2x)" nao MAha( oA a(x? 2x) =10%m*([5(0.7" - 20.7) - [5.5 -200.5)]) = 810" me Finally, we add V2to V; and get: Vaor= Vi + V2 = 2.3 x10" m? CDP2-A (a) ‘What CSTR reactor volume is requied if effluent fiom the plug-flow reactor in part) is fed to a CSTR to raise the conversion t0 90 % We notice that the new inverse of the reaction rate (I/-rA) is 7*108. We insert this new value into our CSTR mole balance equation: Voge = LidX WCaX 410! “ls —"% CDP2-A (e) If the reaction is carried out in a constant-pressure batch reactor in which pure A is fed to the reactor, what length of time is necessary to achieve 40% conversion? Since there is no flow into or out of the system, mole balance can be written as: aNa dt Mole Balance: r4V = Stoichiometry: N, = N 4g(1- X) 224 dX Combine: r4V = Nao“ From the stoichiometry of the reaction we know that V = Vo(1+eX) and ¢ is 1. We insert this into our mole balance equation and solve for time (t): =r, Yoga xy Nao dt i x ux [dt = C4, \———- fi wo lex) After integration, we have: 1 =m Cyo ln + X) Inserting the values for our variables: .02 x 10's ‘That is 640 years. CDP2-A (f) lot the rate of reaction and conversion as a function of PER volume. The following graph plots the reaction rate (-ra) versus the PFR volume: ~~" Reaction Rate (+) versus Reactor Volume (V)_ (ase: | on vom) Below is a plot of conversion versus the PFR volume. Notice how the relation is linear until the conversion exceeds 50%. 2.28

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