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Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2131–2138

Laser fluence, repetition rate and pulse duration

effects on paint ablation
François Brygo a,*, Ch. Dutouquet a, F. Le Guern a, R. Oltra b,
A. Semerok a, J.M. Weulersse a
CEA Saclay, DEN/DPC/SCP/LILM, Bat 467, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
LRRS-UMR 5613 CNRS, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
Received 17 January 2005; received in revised form 8 February 2005; accepted 8 February 2005
Available online 17 May 2005


The efficiency (mm3/(J pulse)) of laser ablation of paint was investigated with nanosecond pulsed Nd:YAG lasers
(l = 532 nm) as a function of the following laser beam parameters: pulse repetition rate (1–10,000 Hz), laser fluence (0.1–
5 J/cm2) and pulse duration (5 ns and 100 ns). In our study, the best ablation efficiency (h ffi 0.3 mm3/J) was obtained with the
highest repetition rate (10 kHz) at the fluence F = 1.5 J/cm2. This ablation efficiency can be associated with heat accumulation at
high repetition rate, which leads to the ablation threshold decrease. Despite the low thermal diffusivity and the low optical
absorption of the paint (thermal confinement regime), the ablation threshold fluence was found to depend on the pulse duration.
At high laser fluence, the ablation efficiency was lower for 5 ns pulse duration than for the one of 100 ns. This difference in
efficiency is probably due to a high absorption of the laser beam by the ejected matter or the plasma at high laser intensity.
Accumulation of particles at high repetition rate laser ablation and surface shielding was studied by high speed imaging.
# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 81.65 Cf; 42.62 Cf; 61.82 Ms

Keywords: Laser ablation; Repetition rate; Paint stripping; Pulse duration; Thermal confinement regime

1. Introduction surfaces [1–9], tissue ablation [10–12] or paint

removal [13–20] has been widely studied. The
For the last few years, material processing with development of new high repetition rate and high
nanosecond pulsed laser for the etching of polymer power lasers allows to use lasers for large surface
cleaning and large area depainting. For industrial
depainting, laser application seems advantageous
compared with chemical or mechanical processes.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 169087742;
fax: +33 169088691. Laser application may offer a dry process with a lower
E-mail address: (F. Brygo). waste volume and may be automated. Experiments on

0169-4332/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2132 F. Brygo et al. / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2131–2138

laser ablation depainting have been made with directly correlated with the deposit of the laser beam
nanosecond Nd:YAG laser [13–15], CO2 laser [15– energy in the bulk. Therefore, no influence of the
18], excimer laser [19] and high power diode lasers pulse duration on the ablation threshold fluence in
[20]. CO2 and excimer laser are commonly used when nanosecond regime is expected in this case.
it is necessary to prevent a metal substrate from The effect of the repetition rate on the ablation
damages: with CO2 laser (10.6 mm), the ablation efficiency is almost not presented in the literature.
threshold of a metallic substrate is higher than the one Studies on laser ablation of polymer in UV spectral
of paint. Excimer laser (UV wavelength leading to range are reported by Burns and Cain [8] and Yung
photochemical ablation) allows to decrease signifi- et al. [9]. In these studies, a decrease of the threshold
cantly the thermal effects. High repetition rate fluence between 10 Hz and 300 Hz repetition rate is
Nd:YAG lasers are very useful for the beam transport observed and the repetition rate effect on the ablation
by an optical fibre on a long distance. This is important products is described. Roberts [16] presented results
for laser decontamination as it allows to move the laser on paint removal with a TEA CO2 laser, and
away from the contaminated surface and to avoid its measured higher efficiencies with 1500 Hz than
pollution during ablation. with 1 Hz.
Laser–matter interaction is known to depend on In our studies, laser removal of grey epoxy paint
several laser parameters: wavelength, fluence, pulse has been investigated with two pulsed repetition rate
duration and repetition rate. Paint ablation with a Nd:YAG laser systems at 532 nm. Epoxy coatings are
532 nm wavelength results mainly in thermal widely used in the civil industry (e.g. aeronautic or
ablation, because no apparent electronic transitions automobile coatings) and in the nuclear one.
inducing direct bond breaking are reported at this Specifically designed experimental set-ups were
wavelength. Studies on laser ablation efficiency are provided to obtain accurate measurements of the
frequently presented with the ‘‘etching curves’’. laser parameters and crater depths. Special efforts
These curves give the dependence of the removed were made to obtain a homogeneous (flat top) laser
material depth (crater depth) on the laser fluence. beam distribution on the interaction zone. The
They make possible to define the threshold fluence repetition rate and the pulse duration effects on the
for ablation, i.e. the fluence from which the onset of ablation threshold and on the ablated depth are
the ablation is noticeable or becomes efficient. presented in 0.1–5 J/cm2 laser fluence range. Surface
Indeed, with a thermally activated process, no real shielding by accumulation of particles in front of the
threshold exists [2]. However, significant ablation is surface was investigated with a high speed imaging
observed only above a certain fluence, defined as the system. The air jet effect on the high repetition rate
threshold fluence that corresponds to a critical laser ablation is studied.
temperature reached in the surface layer of the
material [21]. Etching curves usually show a
saturation behaviour or a negative inflexion at high 2. Experimental set-ups
fluence due to plasma, vapor or released fragments
shielding of the surface. Two specially developed laser benches (5 ns and
For materials with a low thermal conductivity and 100 ns pulse duration) were provided for our studies
with a low optical absorption (similarly to the paints on paint ablation with homogenised laser beam (flat
under our study), the heating regime is presented top spatial profile).
as a ‘‘thermal confinement regime’’ [10–12,21–24]
because the heat diffusion can be neglected during 2.1. Five nanoseconds pulse duration laser bench
the pulse absorption. The condition for thermal
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi regime can be expressed as LT ¼ Paint ablation was carried out with a Q-switched
Dtp  1=a, where LT is the thermal diffusion Nd:YAG laser (Brilliant, Quantel) with 5 ns pulse
length, D the thermal diffusivity of the irradiated duration (FWHM) at 1 Hz, 10 Hz or 20 Hz. With a
material, a the optical absorption and tp is the pulse KDP non-linear crystal at 532 nm, the maximum
duration. Thus, the initial temperature distribution is energy per pulse was 180 mJ. The beam was expanded
F. Brygo et al. / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2131–2138 2133

Fig. 1. Laser beam profile. (a) Square beam from the low repetition rate, 5 ns pulse duration (700 mm). (b) Circular beam homogenised by the
optical fibre for the high repetition rate laser bench, 100 ns pulse duration (1.3 mm).

with a f = 30 mm lens and sent on a square aperture mean power at 10 kHz and 532 nm with 100  10 ns
of 7 mm side. The aperture transmission of laser beam pulse duration (FWHM), depending on the laser beam
was 30%. The aperture was imaged with two lenses power. The repetition rate was adjustable in 20 Hz–
giving 0.1 or 0.18 magnification, and providing a 10 kHz range. A 20 m long optical fibre of 1 mm core
homogenised beam of 700 mm or 1.3 mm dimension diameter and the numerical aperture N.A. = 0.2 was
on the surface. The beam intensity profile (Fig. 1a) used to transport the beam in a three-lenses focussing
was controlled with a camera (TM-6AS Pulnix) and system to ensure 0.4 to 3 magnification. Laser
the beam profile acquisition system Spiricon. The beam homogenisation is seen as one of the advantages
energy can be recorded on line with a joulemeter of optical fibre application. Multiple reflections of the
(SCIENTECH) that was calibrated with a calorimeter beam in the multimode optical fibre homogenises it at
(COHERENT LM45). Laser pulse duration was the fibre exit (Fig. 1b). In this set-up, the methods and
measured with a fast photodiode (EG&G Electro- devices for the beam characterisation were the same as
optics FND-100, rise time < 1 ns). The energy was in the low repetition rate laser bench. The beam energy
adjusted with a half-wave plate (in the 0–50 mJ energy was measured with a calorimeter (MOLECTRON
range) and a cube polarizing beamsplitters to maintain PM-150). A specific electronic device controlled the
the same pulse duration during the experiments. The acousto-optics switcher of the laser and allowed to
pulse per pulse energy fluctuations were less than select an adjustable number of laser pulses. Typical
10%. laser pulse per pulse energy stability was better than
10%. An air jet can be applied near the interaction
2.2. One hundred nanoseconds pulse duration zone.
laser bench Time and spatial evolution of plasma or ejected
matter were recorded with a high speed imaging
A Q-switched diode pumped Nd:YAG laser system. The intensified camera is a Hamamatsu ICCD,
(THALES-CEA) was applied for high repetition rate sensitive in a visible spectral range. The camera is on
experiments. The second harmonic (532 nm) was side view of the laser beam, with a microscope
obtained with an intra-cavity frequency doubling in a objective of 3.5 magnification (Fig. 2). The
KTP non-linear crystal. The laser provided 100 W
2134 F. Brygo et al. / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2131–2138

crater depth in our studies is an average value of the

depths measured in different zones of the craters. The
ablation efficiency h (ablated volume per one laser
pulse energy and per number of pulses) is equal to the
crater depth divided by laser fluence and by number of

3. Results and discussion

The ablation experiments were carried out in air at

normal atmospheric conditions. From 10 pulses to 300
pulses were applied for a crater formation. The crater
depth is a linear function of the number of pulses in
1.2–5 J/cm2 laser fluence range for 100 ns pulses
duration and in the whole of the applied fluence range
for 5 ns pulses duration. That is why the presented
Fig. 2. High speed imaging system with an ICCD camera (Hama- crater depths are normalized to one laser pulse. This
matsu) and a microscope objective. relationship is not valid for a low fluence regime
(F < 1.2 J/cm2) at high repetition rate ablation. The
pulse number effect in low fluence regime is still under
appropriate integrating time, delay and pulse number investigation.
were adjusted by a electronic device.
3.1. The repetition rate effect
2.3. Paint sample and crater measurements
The repetition rate effect on the crater depth is
The studies were made on an epoxy grey paint presented for 20 Hz–10 kHz repetition rate range
(thickness > 500 mm) on concrete. The crater depths (Fig. 4). The fluence of each laser pulse is constant
and spatial profiles were measured with a profilometer (F ffi 0.7 J/cm2). One hundred pulses are applied for
(MAHR) with a mechanical sensor (MFW-250). The each crater formation. An air jet is applied on the paint
spatial resolution of the measurements was better than surface to avoid the screening of the laser beam by
1 mm. The crater spatial profiles (Fig. 3) were directly accumulation of ejected particles above the surface.
correlated with the beam profile (flat top profile with For 20–100 Hz repetition rates, no significant change
the same diameter that the laser beam). Thus, the in the crater depths was noticeable. For 100–1000 Hz

Fig. 3. Example of a crater spatial profile made with 5 ns pulse duration at F = 5 J/cm2. Laser beam size was 700 mm.
F. Brygo et al. / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2131–2138 2135

Fig. 4. Depth per pulse as a function of the repetition rate for 100
pulses, at F = 0.7 J/cm2 and 100 ns pulse duration. Depth per pulse Fig. 5. Depth per pulse as a function of the fluence for three sets of
increases as a function of the repetition rate due to heat accumulation experimental condition: (1) 5 ns pulse duration, 20 Hz; (2) 100 ns
in the material pulse per pulse in a ‘‘thermal confinement regime’’. A pulse duration, 20 Hz; (3) 100 ns pulse duration, 10 kHz with 50
5 bar air jet is applied on the surface to prevent from the screening of pulses. High repetition rate experiments were made with an air jet
the surface by the ejected matter. (5 bar).

repetition rates, however, an increase of the crater the material allows to reach a temperature high enough
depth with the repetition rate was clearly observed to vaporise the material, whereas the heating by one
(Fig. 4). For the pulse repetition rate higher than pulse at the same fluence is not sufficient to ablate the
1 kHz, the crater depths remained constant. material. With the previous discussion on the thresh-
The repetition rate effect might be due to the low old fluence, defined as the onset of a significant
thermal diffusivity of the paint (D  0.0025 cm2 s1) ablation, the ablation threshold fluence is measured
[16]. Our study suggests that at high repetition rate, the as the linear extrapolation of the crater depth d(F)
time between two pulses is not long enough to cool the to d = 0. The threshold fluence at 20 Hz (100 ns) is
material down to its initial temperature. Therefore, F ffi 1.2 J/cm2. At high repetition rate with the
heating by the next pulse starts at a temperature higher following experimental parameters (50 pulses,
than the ambient temperature. 10 kHz), the threshold fluence is found to be: F th 
0.2 J/cm2, that means six times lower than at low
3.2. The fluence effect repetition rate.
Thus, two considerations can be emphasized for
The hypothesis of heat accumulation with the paint ablation with a high repetition rate laser: (1) high
number of pulse at high repetition rate suggests that repetition rate increases the ablation efficiency and (2)
the ablation threshold fluence should be lower at removal of material like paint can be done at very low
high repetition rate than at low repetition rate. This fluence, much lower than the ablation threshold with
conclusion is confirmed by the etching curve (Fig. 5) for low repetition rate laser.
different laser ablation regimes: (1) 5 ns and 20 Hz; (2)
100 ns and 20 Hz; (3) 100 ns and 10 kHz. 3.3. The pulse duration effect
The etching curves obtained with 100 ns pulses
duration for the low repetition rate and for the high The third set of experimental conditions (5 ns
repetition rate ablation are similar but strongly shifted pulses duration at 20 Hz) presented a different
to lower fluence for 10 kHz experiments. This fact is behaviour than for 100 ns pulse duration ablation.
clearly associated to heat accumulation. At low Particular attention should be given to the obtained
fluence (<1.2 J/cm2), successive pulse heating of threshold fluence: F ffi 0.6 J/cm2 that is two times
2136 F. Brygo et al. / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2131–2138

lower than the 100 ns pulse duration ablation thresh- Two possible explanations can be proposed for this
old at the same repetition rate. difference in the obtained ablation thresholds. It could
Typical optical penetration depths 1/a in epoxy be attributed to some modifications in the paint optical
paint are ffi1–10 mm (a is the paint absorption properties with the laser intensity (for example, in the
coefficient for laser wavelength), that is much higher
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi paint absorption). Higher absorption leads to lower
than the thermal diffusion length LT ¼ Dtp for threshold fluence. A stress confinement regime [26],
pulse durations tp = 5 ns or 100 ns. The heat does not due to the heterogeneity of the material, could also be
diffuse in the material during the laser beam considered. But these explanations have not been
absorption, and the temperature profile should follow proved and should be carefully studied.
the laser beam intensity in-depth distribution. Thus, in Another difference between a long pulse and short
this hypothesis of ‘‘thermal confinement regime’’, the pulse ablation was observed at high laser fluences.
pulse duration should not affect the ablation threshold, Despite higher threshold fluence for 100 ns pulse
as it has been suggested by several authors [25,26]. duration, higher ablation efficiencies were obtained
Experimental studies of Dreisewerd et al. [25] on the for this pulse duration than for 5 ns pulse duration
effect of pulse duration (0.55 ns and 3 ns pulse experiments. This difference could be explained by
duration at l = 337 nm) in the desorption/ionization important plasma or ejected matter absorption during
process showed that the rate of energy deposition does laser–matter interaction which can vary with the pulse
not play a major role. Independence of the threshold duration [10].
fluence with the pulse duration is also reported by The etching curve (Fig. 5) allows to determine
Zhigilei et al. [26]. the best ablation efficiencies for paint removal for

Fig. 6. Ejected matter recording. Integration time, 1 ms; laser fluence, F = 5 J/cm2; number of pulses, 50. (a) Diffusion of the laser beam
(l = 532 nm) by accumulated particles in front of the surface. By applying an air jet, 0.5 bar in (b), 1 bar in (c), 5 bars in (d), the signal decreases.
Accumulation of particles results in a shielding effect of the surface and in the ablation efficiency decrease.
F. Brygo et al. / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2131–2138 2137

the different experimental parameters and conditions. in the ablation efficiency decrease. An air jet was
The best efficiencies were found to be: (1) applied at a few centimetres (3 cm) from the surface:
h ffi 0.3  0.03 mm3/(J pulse) at laser fluence F ffi 0.5 bar (Fig. 6b), 1 bar (Fig. 6c) and 5 bar (Fig. 6d).
1.5 J/cm2 for 10 kHz and 100 ns pulse duration; (2) The particles are swept off, thus decreasing the
h ffi 0.22  0.03 mm3/(J pulse) at F ffi 2.2 J/cm2 for diffusion signal.
20 Hz and 100 ns pulses; (3) h ffi 0.16  0.03 mm3/ The ablation efficiency (crater depth evolution) can
(J pulse) at F ffi 1.3 J/cm2 for 20 Hz and 5 ns pulses. be measured as a function of the air jet pressure
(Fig. 7). This figure demonstrates that this screening
3.4. The air jet effect effect is significant only for a very high repetition rate
ablation. For 1 kHz and 100 Hz repetition rate
High repetition rate laser ablation can be affected ablation, no noticeable air jet effect on the crater
by the accumulation of ejected particles in front of the depths was observed.
surface. An ICCD camera was used to record the
matter ejection during paint ablation (Fig. 6). The
gated camera integrates the signal during 1 ms, from 4. Conclusions
the beginning of the 50th laser pulse. Fig. 6 gives a
side view of the laser beam interaction zone (surface Investigations on the effects of repetition rate, pulse
and near surface zones) for high repetition rate laser duration and laser fluence on paint ablation with
ablation. The sample surface is on the left in Fig. 6. nanosecond lasers are presented. High repetition rate
The laser beam diffusion by the surface of the paint ablation allows to increase the ablation efficiency by
is noticeable on the left of the pictures. The detected heat accumulation with each pulse in a ‘‘thermal
light from the near surface zone in Fig. 6a and b is confinement regime’’. In our experiments, this
mainly due to the laser beam diffusion by ejected resulted in the significant (six times) decrease of the
particles created during the previous pulses. ablation threshold fluence. At high repetition rate
One can presume that ejected particles created ablation, accumulation of particles in front of the
during high repetition rate ablation do not have surface can decrease the ablation efficiency due to
enough time to be extracted from the near surface absorption/diffusion of the laser beam. This absorp-
zone, thus reducing the ablation efficiency by tion/diffusion can be avoided by applying an appro-
absorbing and diffusing the laser beam. This results priate air jet for micro-particles sweeping. The best
paint ablation efficiency h ffi 0.3 mm3/(J pulse) was
found for 10 kHz at 1.5 J/cm2 for 100 ns pulses
duration. Investigation on the pulse duration effect
showed that, despite the low thermal diffusivity of the
paint, a difference in the ablation threshold fluence and
on the efficiency of the ablation is noticeable between
100 ns and 5 ns pulse durations. It was demonstrated
that longer pulses result in deeper craters at high
fluence and higher threshold fluence. Additional
experimental and theoretical studies should be made
to obtain an adequate explanation of the obtained

Fig. 7. Air jet effect on the depth of the craters for three repetition
rates: 100 Hz, 1000 Hz and 10,000 Hz at 1.5 J/cm2, 50 pulses.
This research is supported by AREVA. The authors
Screening effect due to particles accumulation is only noticeable would like to express their gratitude to Mr. G.
with very high repetition rate (10 kHz). Decobert and Mr. H. Masson for financial support and
2138 F. Brygo et al. / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 2131–2138

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