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Why Do We Need Translation?

In Blog by Rafael Morel /2 August, 2019

The significance of translation in our everyday lives is more multidimensional than we
realize. Yes, English is a language that is pretty much everywhere. It is the third most widely-
spoken language in terms of native speakers. This equals about 330 million people. If you
include the people who can speak English as a second language, it is probably the most
popular language in the world. So why would translation be necessary today?

Importance of Translation for Everyone

There is great importance and significance when it comes to translation for everyone. Solely
operating in English can hold back companies and businesses. When you understand the
importance of translation for everyone, you will be able to see it as a necessary and worthy
investment. For that, you will also need interpretation equipment rentals.

People Prefer Their Native Language

There is no question that English is a widely spoken language. A lot of those numbers,
though, are made up of people who speak English as a second language. This would mean
that most people would actually respond better if they were spoken to in their native
These people do understand and comprehend English. They have no problems piecing
together words to form a sentence in response to whatever you are asking them. But until you
speak the language that their heart speaks (their native language), you won’t really be
communicating with them in the most optimal way.
Most people simply prefer their native language. It is what they are most comfortable with
and it shows in their confidence when they’re speaking. This is why we need translation; it
will allow people to communicate more effectively.

Not Everyone Speaks English

English is a very commonly spoken language, but there are still some people out there who
don’t speak the language. And just because a person can speak English does not mean that
they can speak effectively enough to navigate each and every situation. Language is much
more than just communicating words back and forth. It is a form of expression; expression
of a culture, society, and believe. If a person does not understand the English language
fluently and completely, there might be some miscommunication when it comes to holding
a proper conversation.

Translation Enables the Global Economy

Communication and travel are advancing. Geography is no longer an issue when it comes to
doing business overseas. The only stop gap would be the language barrier. These mega-
businesses need high-quality translation in order to communicate effectively to grow their
business. With such a demand, translation isn’t going away any time soon.

Various languages
English might not always be the most popular language in the world. As the world grows,
other languages are beginning to grow in importance. Developing countries are beginning to
take their place within the global economy and their citizens are gaining access to the Internet
and the world around them. In years to come, English may not be the top language in the
world economy. This is why we need translation to stay alive so we are able to accommodate
all languages as a global economy.

Enable the Spread of Ideas and Information

Translation is necessary for the spreading new information, knowledge, and ideas across the
world. It is absolutely necessary to achieve effective communication between different
cultures. In the process of spreading new information, translation is something that can
change history. It is the only medium by which certain people can know different works that
will expand their knowledge of the world. For example:
 Arabic translators kept Greek ideas and philosophies alive during the Middle Ages.
 The Bible has been translated into approximately 531 languages. Translation aids
sports teams and organizations in overcoming language barriers and take their sport
 TED talks are so big on the importance of translation that they have a specific project
that will allow people from around the world to listen to their talks and hear from the
best educators in the world.
With all that being said, it can clearly be seen that translation is more important than the
attention and credit it is given. So many people around the world have already benefited from
the effects of good and clear translation with its importance is becoming increasingly more
well known today.

The Benefits We Get from Translation

Now that you have seen the importance of translation, let’s examine the benefits from
incorporating translation into your business.

Reach a Larger Audience

One of the major benefits you get from translation is that a larger audience can be reached.
Translation can help companies appeal to organization worldwide by expanding their brand,
purpose, and goals to people all over the globe. You’ll be able to reach markets you didn’t
think existed before. With translation, you will be able to open up new arenas of possibility
that will aid you in years to come.
Create a Common Understanding
Information technology is constantly growing nowadays. It can be hard to translate legal and
informative documents. With technical translation, you will be able to create a common
understanding across many different languages that will benefit your business greatly.

Invest in Professional Translation

While you might be familiar with a language that you are translating in, professional
translation will take you above and beyond. Always invest in professional translation. Serious
translation errors can mean issues for your business. Professional translation will allow you
to get deep, rich context and an accurate translation for important documents to share with
those you are connecting with.

Legal Translation
Translation goes beyond just business development. If you happen to be working with
someone who does not speak English, legal translation will leave no room for
miscommunication in any proposal you are attempting to make. This translation will make
everything pertaining to legal matters become clear and appeal to the international market in
creating partnerships.

Translation for Travel and Tourism

Translation has had the greatest impact in the area of travel and tourism. From documents
and brochures to terms and conditions agreements, translation has helped businesses offer
exceptional services in many different languages. Customers from all different regions have
the desire to travel and it is up to travel companies to make this as easy as possible. Everyone
benefits when interpretation at the same time is properly used in travel and tourism.

Translation is still very much needed in our world today. Our multicultural and multilingual
world is at a place where it is demanding clear and efficient communication between
languages and cultures. Companies, schools, medical missions all benefit from the
incorporation of translation. Not only will you be able to reach more people than you ever
realized, you will be able to connect with them on a more effective level through the power
of translation.

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