Forensic Photography Answer Key December 2019 Boar Exam: John F. W. Herschel

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Read the questions carefully and write the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.

1. The word Photography was coined by _____?

a. John F. W. Herschel c. Henry Fox Talbot
b. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre d. Leonardo Da Venci
2. Is an electromagnetic energy which travels with the speed of 186, 000 miles per second
a. light b. energy c. rays d. radiation
3. It refers to the unit of light wavelength expressed in millionth part of a millimeter.
a. millimicron c. nanometer
b. angstrom d. a and c
4. Light travels in a form of a wave according to wave theory Huygens. What is that unit of light wavelength
which is express in ten millionth part of a millimeter.
a. Millimicron c. Nanometer
b. Angstrom d. Mollimeter
5. Is the action of light when passing a transparent object.
a. Absorbed c. reflected
b. transmitted d. refracted
6. Is the condition of the sunlight where object in an open space cast a transparent or bluish shadow.
a. bright light c. dull sunlight
b. hazy sunlight d. none of these
7. It is the bouncing of light once it hits a certain object, which is the one recorded in photography.
a. Absorbed c. reflected
b. transmitted d. refracted (bending of light)
8. These things occur when light falls in any material, EXCEPT
a. light is transmitted c. light is reflected
b. light is absorbed d. light is produced
9. Laser light is also referred to as _________?
a. ultra-violet b. coherent c. visible d. heat
10. Light in which there wave length are either too short or too long to excite the retina of the human eye?
a. visible c. invisible
b. natural d. artificial or man-made
11. How many photographic rays are there?
a. three b. five c. four d. nine
12. What photographic rays have the longest wavelength?
a. infra-red b. visiblerays c. ultra-violet d. x-rays
13. An artificial light source which contains in its tube certain powders capable of illuminating with some
support from small amount of electricity. It is commonly used in the house or commercial establishment.
a. Incandescent lamp c. fluorescence lamp
b. photo flood lamp d. flash bulb
14. It refers to a short duration artificial light commonly attached to a camera
a. Incandescent lamp c. fluorescence lamp
b. photo flood lamp d. flash bulb
15. An artificial light best used in deciphering obliterated and charred document. It has the wavelength of 700-
1000 millimicron.
a. infra-red b. visiblerays c. ultra-violet d. x-rays
16. Image are formed with light action in three ways, Except?
a. pin hole method c. lens method
b. shadow method d. shadowing
17. Sidelight photography is usually done to show ________in a questioned document.
A. Stamped out writing C. Watermarks
B. Faded writing D. Erasures
18. What problem is usually encountered by a photographer in using a flash unit?
a. neutral density c. synchronization
b prospective d. parallax
19. What color will be produced by the combination of a red and blue color?
a. magenta c. yellow
b. cyan d. green
20. Is a type of an artificial light which makes sympathetic inks visible (also in contact writing and erasure)?
a. ultra-violet c. infra-red
b. transparent light d. oblique light
21. What determine the amount of light a flash unit will yield at a given distance?
a. luminescence c. guide number
b. wattage d. light meter
22. In Photographing the scene of the crime, what view should be used in order to show the best feature of the
nature of the crime scene?
a. medium b. close-up c. general d. extreme close-
23. What lens system of the camera reflects the light passing the lens and mirror making the image possible to
be view from the viewfinder.
a. pentaprism b. condenser c. shutter d. filter
24. Is that part of the camera which controls the passage of light reaching the sensitized material? It compared
to the eyelid of the human eye.
a. lens b. shutter c. lens opening d. film plane
25. Is that part of the camera which provides a means of determining the extent of the area coverage of a
given lens.
a. lens b. view finger(viewfinder) c. shutter d. pentaprism
26. Is a camera accessory designed to fix the camera focus and avoid its unusual movement during the
process of photographing?
a. cable release b. stand c. tripod d. camera strap
27. Is that part of the camera which controls the degree of sharpness of an object.
a. lens opening b. focusing c. shutter d. condenser
28. It is a gas lamp burning carbon disulphide vapor in oxygen or in nitric oxide which is used in examination of
counterfeit money, semen, fibers and produces a light rays with 30 to 400 millimicron.
a. infra-red b. visiblerays c. ultra-violet d. x-rays
29. Refers to the image forming device of the camera, which was discover by Daniel Barbaro.
a. lens b. condenser c. shutter d. pentaprism
30. Specifically, the camera is needed in photography to_________.
a. record the image
b. Exclude all unwanted and unnecessary lights
c. makes the image visible
d. makes the image permanent
31. To readily determine the degree of magnification of a subject in a photograph ________ should be place
beside the subject.
a. Ruler b. rangefinder c. Scale bed d. Gray-scale
32. What type of a camera is ideal to police photography?
a. view finder type c. single lens reflex (SLR)
b. twin lens reflex (TLR) d. press/view camera
33. Why must the taking of photographs from an unusual camera position in crime photography be avoided?
a. it distorts the focus c. it distorts the magnification
b. it distorts the perspective d. it distorts the texture
34. How many parts does a camera generally has, with all other parts treated as accessories?
a. five b. four c. six d. three
35. What is considered as the utmost used of photography in police work?
a. for identification (first used ) c. for preservation
b. for record purpose d. for court presentation
36. What kind of diaphragm opening should a photographer used in order to get a wider depth of field?
a. wider b. smaller c. shorter d. longer
37. What type of a lens is used in a simplest and cheapest type of a camera?
a. rapidrectillinear lens (corrected of distortion)
b. anastigmat lens (corrected of astigmatism)
c. meniscus lens
d. achromatic lens (corrected of chromatic aberration)
e. Apochromatic lens (corrected of both astigmatism and chromatic aberration)
38. What lens has a variable focal length?
a. wide angle lens c. telephotolens
b. normal focus lens d. zoom lens
39. A type of a lens that would make an object to be exaggeratedly closes to the photographer and is ideal in
stake out surveillance photography.
a. short focus lens or wide angle lens (for short distance yet wide coverage size of object is reduced
b.telephoto lens or long focus
c. normal focus lens
d. none
40. What is the range of distance from the nearest object to the farthest object that is sharp  when the lens is
set or focused at a particular distance?
a. focal length c. depth of field
b. hyperfocal distance d. focusing
41. It is the nearest distance between the nearest object and the optic center of the lens which will give the
maximum depth of field?
a. focal length c. depth of field
b. hyperfocal distance d. focusing
42. A convex lens is capable of?
a. reducing the object c. enlarging the object
b. making the object appear hairy d. reducing the size of the picture
43. Lens which is characterized as thinner at center and thicker at the sides, which reduces the size of the
a. convex lens c. concave lens
b. converging lens d. diverging lens
e. c and d only
44. Is a lens defect which enables the lens to focus both horizontal and vertical lines in a plane at the same
a. Coma c. Distortion
b. Astigmatism d. Chromatic aberration
45. The determining factor of the size of an image as well as the area of coverage of a given camera lens is
a. focal length c. Diaphragm opening
b. hyper-focal distance d. Depth of field
46. If the basic exposure for a given film in bright sunlight is l/125, f11, the exposure setting at dull sunlight
would be?
a. 1/125 f4 c. 1/125 f8
b. 1/125 f5.6 d. 1/125 f16
47. The lens opening also known as the relative aperture is the indicator for light transmitting capability of the
lens. Which of the following lens opening will admit more light to pass through its medium?
a. F-4 b. F 5.6 c. F-8 d. F-11
48. How much light will the combination of 1/124, F-4 will accept compare to 1/250, f- 5.6?
a. Two b. three c. Four d. Equal
49. Taking photograph at night will not be a problem using ________.
a. fast shutter b. slow shutter c. Moderate d. B-shutter
50. Shutter speed controls the time exposure of a given film. Which of the following shutter speed would help
the photographer freeze a moving object?
a. fast shutter b. slow shutter c. Moderate d. B-shutter
51. It is the range through which the image place and the emulsion surface of the film can be moved on the
edge can be moved backward and forwards with respect to the camera lens
a. Follow shot c. medium shot
b. depth of focus d. lens opening
52. The part of enlarger that will assure the even illumination of the negative when enlarging is the:
A. Lamp house C. Condenser
B. Bellows D. Focusing speed
53. A filter used in photographing fingerprints on a shiny or highly polished surfaced because it reduces or
eliminates glare is known as:
A. Neutral density C. Color
B. Polarizing D. Contrast filter
54. What type of a film has the longest range of sensitivity in the electromagnetic spectrum called?
a. orthochromatic film c. blue-sensitive film
b. panchromatic film d. infra-red film
55. Assuming all conditions will be the same, which film gives the finest of grains?
a. ASA 1000 b. ASA 100 c. ASA 200 d. ASA 400
56. Which of the following film is the fastest (more sensitive)?
a. ASA 1000 b. ASA 100 c. ASA 200 d. ASA 400
57. In Police Photography, what is the ideal weight for enlarging paper?
a. double weight c. medium weight
b. single weight d. triple weight
58. What emulsion speed indicator is express in an arithmetic form?
a. ISO b. DIN c. ASA d. GNP
59. What photo paper is ideal to be used in a normal exposed film?
a. # 1 b. # 3 c. # 2 d. # 4

60. What photo paper according to contrast is best use in over exposed film?
a. # 1 b. # 3 c. # 2 d. # 4
61. What photo paper according to its chemical content is best suited for police   photography?
a. Chloride paper c. Chloro-bromide
b. Bromide paper d. Iodide paper
62. A colored film has in its emulsion surface three layer of color emulsion. What are these colors (in
a. Blue, Red and Green c. Red, Green and Blue
b. Blue, Green and Red d. Green, Blue and Red
63. Emulsion speed of film can be expressed in either logarithmic or arithmetic. Which of the following DIN
rating will give the finest of grains?
a. Din 21 b. Din 24 c. Din 27 d. Din 30
64. Lights are classified as either visible or invisible. What type of a film has the ability to record all the colors of
the visible light spectrum?
a. orthochromatic film c. blue-sensitive film
b. panchromatic film d. infra-red film
65. Is that part of the sensitized material which contains the substances sensitive to light and appears as the
glossy portion?
a. Emulsion c. base
b. anti halation backing d. gelatin
66. Is that substance present in the emulsion surface of the sensitized material which is actually sensitive to
a. silver chloride c. silver bromide
b. silverchloro-bromide d. silver halides
67. Is that portion of the sensitized material designed to absorbs excess light, thus preventing further reflexes
and blurredness of image.
a. Emulsion c. base
b. anti halation backing d. gelatin
68. Film can either be negative type of reversal type. Which suffex or prefix indicates the negative film?
a. Pan c. Ortho
b. color d. chrome
69. Which prefix indicates a reversal type of colored film?
a. color c. pan
b. ortho d. chrome
70. Ultra-violet light differs from infra-red light in 3 F”s which stands for Film, filter and _____?
a. focal distance c. focus
b. focal length d. fixer
71. What is the usual time of fixing of a negative or a photograph?
a. five to six minutes c. one to one and half minutes
b. ten to fifteen twelve d. twenty to thirty minutes
72. It the time of developing in using D-76 solution?
a. five to six minutes c. oneto one and half minutes
b. ten to fifteen twelve d. twenty to thirty minutes
73.The need for long and continuous washing in water of a negative or finished print is to remove the
presence of___________ because its presence will result to the early fading.
A. Sodium sulfite C. Acetic acid
B. Potassium alum D. Hypo
74. Error in the processing step like overdevelopment could be remedied by the sued of a:
A. reducer b.intensifier c. Bleacher d. stain remover
75. What is that process of eliminating unwanted portions of a negative during enlarging process?
a. dodging b. vignetting c. burning-in d. cropping
76. What is the functions of the boric acid and acetic acids in the fixer?
a. as preservative c. as hardener
b. as neutralizer d. as dissolving agent
77. When one uses a Photographic filter in taking a photograph, he is actually __________light rays or color
from the light to reach the film.
a. adding b. multiplying c. subtracting d. dividing
78. The chemical that will dissolve all the unexposed and undeveloped silver halides after development is the?
a. acetic acid b. sodium sulfate c. hypo d. potassium alum
79. Is the reducers or the developing agents.
a. Elon, Hydroquinone c. sodium sulfate
b. sodium carbonate d. potassium bromide
80. It serves as the hardener solution.
A. Sodium sulfite C. Acetic acid
B. Potassium alum D. Hypo

81. What is that process of omitting an object from the negative during enlarging process?
a. dodging b. vignetting c. burning-in d. cropping
82. Is the gradual fading of image towards the side through a skillful adjustment of dodging board?
a. dodging b. vignetting c. burning-in d. cropping
83. Additional exposure to a desired portion of the negative?
a. dodging b. vignetting c. burning-in d. cropping
84. Is the stage in the developing process where the image becomes permanent?
a. developer c. stop bath
b. acid fixer d. none of these
85. Is the stage in the developing process where the image is formed?
a. developer c. stop bath
b. acid fixer d. none of these
86. It is the inability of the lens to focus light passing through the center of the lens and its edge at the same
place on the film.
a. Aberration c. Spherical aberration
b. Chromatic aberration d. All of the above
87. Refers to a picture of the original object photographed.
a. Print c. Negative print
b. Positive print d. Contact print
88. The type of photographic paper usually utilized in police photography?
a. single weight, glossy and white
b. Single weight, matte and cream
c. Double, glossy and white
d. Double , matte and cream
89. It refers to the presence of the all colors.
a. White light c. Rainbow
b. Gray light d. Black
90. It is the part of a camera which allows the photographer to watch the object he is photographing. It is
usually made up of small lens and mirrors.
a. Range finder c. Condenser
b. View finder d. Lens
91. Refers to the response of film to different wave length of light source.
a. spectral sensitivity c. light sensitivity
b. color sensitivity d. film sensitivity
92. When a material does not allow light to pass its medium it is said to be:
a. transparent c. Translucent
b. opaque d. opacity
93. To separate colors, this homogenous medium absorbs and transmits light rays passing through it:
a. lens c. polarizing filter
b. filter d. correction filter
94. In crime scene photography what is the sufficient lens type for interior photographs?
a. wide angle lens c. Telephoto lens
b. Normal lens d. medium focus
95. In police photography, to obtain a general view of the scene, we use a camera at what particular level?
a. Bird’s eye view c. Elevated
b. Worm’s eye view D. Eye level
96. A photographic positive made while exposing the photographic paper being held tightly against a negative.
a. positive print c. negative print
b. contact print d. print
97. This accessory is attached to the shutter to prevent accidental movement of the camera during the
exposure period.
a. tripod c. Cable release
b. light meter d. guide number
98. The most dependable device that will measure the brightness of light:
a. Extinction meter c. Photo-electric meter
b. Light meter d. Flash unit
99. A devise used in determining the intensity of light that strikes the object and affects the film.
a. tripod c. Cable release
b. light meter d. guide number
100. It refers to the taking of the photographs of arrested persons for identification purposes:
a. Rouge gallery c. Physical line-up
b. Physical show-up d. Mugging

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