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Project Assignment 

Web Platform Engineers - Tokopedia 

1. Build a web app using ​React.js (​ allowed to use Create React App, Create Next 
App, or your own starter template) that has 3 pages, P
​ okemon List, Pokemon 
Detail, ​and​ My Pokemon List​. Your web app UI/UX should be ​mobile-first​ & 
single page application​ (SPA) and follow requirements listed below. 
2. You can use ​Rest-API​ from ​​ as your data source. But using 
GraphQL​ (​graphql-pokeapi​) is a big plus. 
3. Pokemon List page;​ should show a list of Pokemons’ names and the o
​ wned 
total​. When a Pokemon is clicked, it should go to that Pokemon Detail page. 
4. Pokemon Detail page;​ should show a picture of the Pokemon with its moves 
and types (this information is from the API, feel free to add more information 
on the Pokemon if you want to). The mandatory thing is that there should be 
a button to c
​ atch the Pokemon​, (​success probability is 50%​), if success then 
the user can g
​ ive the Pokemon a nickname​ and add that Pokemon to `My 
Pokemon List’. You can catch the same pokemon multiple times but need to 
give a​ different nickname​ for each pokemon. 
5. My Pokemon List page;​ should show a list (like Pokemon List page, but with 
each of their nicknames as well) of all P
​ okemons you have caught​. It should 
also be possible to ​remove/release​ a Pokemon from the list on this page. The 
pokemons in this list p
​ ersist​ even after a full page reload. 
6. Make your web-app as ​performant​ as possible. You can use tools such as 
Lighthouse to help you audit your web-app. 
7. Kindly provide ​hosted project repository​ (can be GitHub, GitLab, or 
Bitbucket) and d
​ eployed web-app​ (you can use free platform solutions such 
as Vercel, Surge, Github Pages, Firebase, Netlify or other) 

1. Your web app UI/UX should be mobile-first 
2. Good and usable UI / UX is a plus! We appreciate you if you can give your best in 
designing great UI for your customers when you join Tokopedia.  
3. Automated test (integration test and unit test) is a big plus 
4. Web Platform Engineers in Tokopedia are currently using these stacks, so we 
expect you to be able to show us your competencies with technologies listed below: 
- React with React Hooks and React Context 
- GraphQL using Apollo Client (​​) 
- CSS-in-JS using Emotion (​​) 
- Unit Test using Jest (​​) and React Testing Library 
- Webpack 
- AMP, PWA, SPA & SSR (Universal Rendering) 
- Web Capabilities ( 

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