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Filipino Traits Wealth delivered from what they

1. Hospitality – the friendly and 3. Upper Middle Class (White Collar)
generous reception and – represent scientific and technical
entertainment of guest’s visitors or knowledge
strangers.  Engineers
2. Respect – a feeling of deep  Accountancy
admiration for someone or  Lawyers
something elicited by abilities  Architect
qualities or achievements  Faculty
3. Strong Family Ties – a primary  Managers
group consisting parents and they
 Directors of Public and
offspring and provision for its
Private Organization
4. Lower Middle Class (Blue Collar)
 Nuclear Family
 Designer
 Extended Family
 Artist
4. Generosity and Helpfulness
 Generosity – trait of being
5. Working Class
willing to give your money or
 Laborers in factories
 Restaurant Workers
 Helpfulness – the quality of
giving or being ready to give  Craft Workers
help.  Nursing Home Staff
5. Strong Work Ethics – is a set of  Repair Shops
moral principle a person uses job.  Delivery Services
6. Humor and Positivity
 Humor – it is a both form of The Philippine State
entertainment and a means State
coping with difficult and  It is the politically organized body of
awkward situation and strength people.
for events.  It is occupying a definite territory
 Positivity – a thinking of bright Living under a government
side Nation
7. Religion – it helps to shape our  Latin “nasci” means bansas = a group of
character and attitudes. people bound together by a common
8. Flexibility and Adaptability languages, tradition, culture and
 Flexible – a person ready and aspirations.
able to change so as to adapt to Nation – State
different circumstances.  A state whose inhabitants consider
 Adaptability – the quality of themselves to be a nation.
being able to adjust to new
conditions. Common Element of Nation
B. Filipino Socio Economic Class  People, territory, government, common
aspirations, race, religion, language and
1. Upper Class Elite – they represent customs.
institutional leadership, heads of  Several nations within a single state
multinational corporation, founder  Several states within single nation
of universities
2. Capitalist Elite – owners of lands, 4 Essential Elements of Philippine State
stocks and bonds and other assets –  Permanent population
 Territory
 Government
 Sovereignity

Citizenship – is the status of being a body

politics owing allegiance to and entitled
reciprocal protection from its government.
Citizens – refers to the full membership in the
body policy upon

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