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1. What does Flower Turtles have to do with Modeling and Simulation?

-Develop a simple understanding of algorithms using computer-free exercises. Use visual

representation of problem state, structure and data. Describe how mathematical and statistical
functions, sets, and logic are used in computation. Interact with content-specific models and
simulations to support learning and research. Use modeling and simulation to represent and
understand natural phenomena. Implement a problem solution in a programming environment
using looping behavior, conditional statements, logic, expressions,

Explain the following:

a. Approach and style, unique characteristic

- In general, every person is unique, so it follows that every manager's approach to leading
a team is unique. Typically, how an individual approaches management stems from their
personality. Some leaders are strict, while others are lenient, some are mellow while others are
high-strung. To be a good leader, she says, you really just have to be agile. You may even
practice different leadership styles in different situations, depending on who you’re leading and
the challenge at hand.

b. Closest algorithm approach in comparison to Flower Turtles

- The flower pollination algorithm (FPA) is a novel optimization technique derived from the
pollination behavior of flowers. However, the shortcomings of the FPA, such as a tendency
towards premature convergence and poor exploitation ability, confine its application in
engineering problems. To further strengthen FPA optimization performance, an orthogonal
learning (OL) strategy based on orthogonal experiment design (OED) is embedded into the local
pollination operator.

2. Is Flower Turtles a model of a complex adaptive system? Why or why not?

- These topics will be explored by extensive hands-on use of interactive computer
simulations. The basic problem with teaching complex systems is that they are complex.
Appreciating how structured, organized behavior can emerge from the interactions of
many units is almost impossible unless one can create a working model of these
3. What variables were used in Flower Turtles and the extension?
- In Project GUTS, we integrate teaching strategies found to be effective with learners
with various backgrounds and characteristics such as economically disadvantaged
students (EDS), students from groups that are underrepresented in STEM (URG),
students with disabilities (DIS), English Language learners (ELL), girls and young
women (FEM), students in alternative education (ALT), and gifted and talented students

4. What is the difference between turning 90 and turning random 90?

- A sprite's direction value controls how much a sprite is rotated. It is measured in degrees
(°) and ranges from -180° to 180° (both pointing down). The default value for the
direction is 90° (pointing right). Whether the sprite is actually visually rotated or not is
determined by the sprite's rotation style. Depending on the direction a sprite is pointing
in, the Move () Steps block will move the sprite differently. However the Change X by ()
and Change Y by () blocks are not affected by the direction of a sprite.

5. Is the painting made by turtles repeatable? If I run the program again, will it produce the
same drawing? Why or why not?
- In StarLogo Nova, a model consists of the environment or terrain, the agents who
represent individual characters in the model (whether they are water molecules, fish, or
even humans), and interactions. Interactions can take place between agents and their
environment or agents and other agents. A “model” is the virtual world you set up in
StarLogo Nova. It can contain agents, the environment and behaviors that have been
specified in computer code. We call “running the model” forward in time “Simulation.”

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