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Part II: Antediluvian Egypt | Part III: Nimrod Hunting | Part IV: The Beast from the Sea
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The Land of Osiris | Malta: Capitol of Osiria? | The Athenian Empire | The Search for
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h, Osiria! Ancient
enemy of Atlantis,
saviour of Europe
and Africa, and all
who dwelt
between the
pillars! Once the fertile
breadbasket of the world, now
sunken beneath thousands of
feet of saltwater in the same

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Ah Osiria! Part I: Th...

cataclysm that destroyed

Atlantis and the rest of the The Mediterranean Sea is an intercontinental sea situated between
antediluvian world. Europe to the north, and Africa to the south. It covers an area of about
970,000 square miles, with an average depth of 4,500 feet and a
You will not find Osiria on any maximum depth of 15,000 feet off the southern coast of Greece. The
map, nor will you find it in Mediterranean is an almost completely closed basin where the
biblical or even most historical continuous inflow of surface water from the Atlantic Ocean is the
sea's major source of replenishment and water renewal, giving it a
literature. Osiria was, like high degree of salinity. It is estimated waters take over a century to be
Atlantis, a theoretical empire completely renewed through the Strait of Gibraltar wich is only 1,000
that happens to fit the facts, feet deep. Ancient Osiria, much of which is now submerged, stretched
whose name has been derived from southern Europe to North Africa, and from the ancient Near East
from one of the most ancient to the Pillars of Hercules.
gods of the region of the Image and text adapted from Università degli Studi di Pavia.
Mediterranean — Osiris.

Beauty in
David Hatcher Childress has popularized the theory that the the Beast
Mediterranean Basin was once the site of a vast, fertile region Wendy
that formed the heart of what some esoteric literature refers to Carlos
as "the Osirian Empire", an empire that was destroyed by the Tastes like
same Great Flood that destroyed Atlantis and the rest of the chocolate, smells like
antediluvian world. The megalithic remains of this once gasoline — perfect
powerful empire now lay scattered all across the listening while reading
Mediterranean, with numerous megalithic structures remaining our articles on ancient
not only on islands and on its shorelines, but also deep under Osiria! (Clips courtesy
its waters — over 200 underwater structures, according to
Childress. These structures were called megalithic, literally, Incantation
"big stones", due to the fact that the blocks used in their Beauty in the Beast
construction were of a huge size relative to building blocks that Poem for Bali
have been used during recorded history — so huge and so Just Imaginings
heavy, in fact, that modern engineers today still do not know That's Just It
how they were moved and set into place so precisely. The
origin of these megalithic structures as yet remains a mystery, as they appear to date back
from a time in mankind's distant past that has been all but forgotten. As Childress
The Osirian Civilization, according to esoteric tradition, was an advanced
civilization contemporary with Atlantis. In the world of about 15,000 years ago,
there were a number of highly developed and sophisticated civilizations on our
planet, each said to have a high degree of technology. Among these fabled
civilizations was Atlantis, while another highly developed civilization existed in
India. This civilization is often called the Rama Empire. What is theorized is a
past quite different from that which we have learned in school. It is a past with
magnificent cities, ancient roads and trade routes, busy ports and adventurous
traders and mariners. Much of the ancient world was civilized, and such areas of
the world as ancient India, China, Peru, Mexico and Osiris were thriving
commercial centers with many important cities. Many of these cities are
permanently lost forever, but others have been or will be discovered! It is said
that at the time of Atlantis and Rama, the Mediterranean was a large and fertile
valley, rather than a sea as it is today. The Nile River came out of Africa, as it
does today, and was called the River Styx. However, instead of flowing into the
Mediterranean Sea at the Nile Delta in northern Egypt, it continued into the
valley, and then turned westward to flow into a series of lakes, to the south of
Crete. The river flowed out between Malta and Sicily, south of Sardinia and then
into the Atlantic at Gibraltar (the Pillars of Hercules). This huge, fertile valley,
along with the Sahara (then a vast, fertile plain), was known in ancient times as
the Osirian Civilization.2

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The namesake and founder of the Osirian Empire was the Egyptian
god Osiris. In the Egyptian pantheon, Osiris was the son of the
gods Nut, goddess of the sky, and Geb, god of Earth. Osiris was
married to Isis, with whom he fathered the falcon-headed god
Horus. Osiris was also brother to Nepthys, Egyptian goddess of the
dead, and Set, Egyptian god of chaos and disorder.
The name "Osiris" has an interesting history. The name as we
know it today is actually a Greek corruption of the Egyptian word
"Asar", or "Usar", which can mean "the Strength of the Eye", or
"He Who Sees the Throne". These translations are based upon the
fact that the hieroglyphic name for Osiris includes a throne and an
eye, as well as the hieroglyph for "god", though there are at least
158 known versions of the name.3 Osiris was an unusual god with
a mysterious origin, the exact meaning of his name also being a
source of controversy: "From the hieroglyphic texts of all periods
of the dynastic history of Egypt we learn that the god of the dead,
par excellence, was the god whom the Egyptians called by a name
which was commonly known to us as 'Osiris'. The oldest and simplest form of the name
is written by means of two hieroglyphics, the first of which represents a 'throne' and the
other an 'eye', but the exact meaning attached to the combination of the two pictures by
those who first used them to express the name of the god, and the signification of the
name in the minds of those who invented it cannot be said."4
Osiris was at one time one of the most popular gods of the entire Mediterranean region,
as he was seen as a great "civilizer" of mankind. In the myths, Osiris brought mankind
knowledge and technology that allowed the barbaric early peoples to develop civilization.
Moreover, the fact that he was believed to have "conquered death" made his story popular
first among ruling aristocracies, and later among people of all classes, as they too wished
to be resurrected, and live forever. As McDevitt explains,
The oldest religious texts refer to Osiris as the
great god of the dead, and throughout these texts
it is assumed that the reader will understand that
he once possessed human form and lived on
earth. As the first son of Geb, the original king of
Egypt, Osiris inherited the throne when Geb
abdicated. At this time the Egyptians were
barbarous cannibals and uncivilized. Osiris saw
this and was greatly disturbed. Therefore, he
went out among the people and taught them what
to eat, the art of agriculture, how to worship the
gods, and gave them laws. Thoth helped him in
many ways by inventing the arts and sciences and
giving names to things. Osiris was Egypt's
greatest king who ruled through kindness and
persuasion. Having civilized Egypt, Osiris A fragment of hieroglyphic writing
traveled to other lands, leaving Isis as his regent, showing a variation of the name of Osiris.
For the ancient Egyptians, the main
to teach other peoples what he taught the purpose for writing was not decorative,
Egyptians. During Osiris' absence, Isis was and it was not originally intended for
troubled with Seth's plotting to acquire both her literary or commercial use. Its most
and the throne of Egypt. Shortly after Osiris' important function was to provide a
return to Egypt, in the twenty-eighth year of his means by which certain concepts or
reign, on the seventeenth day of the month of events could be brought into existence.
Hathor (late September or November), Seth and The Egyptians believed that if something
were committed to writing it could be
72 conspirators murdered him. They then threw repeatedly 'made to happen' by means of
the coffin in which he was murdered into the magic. Osiris' hieroglyph, the eye over
Nile, with his divine body still inside. Isis, with the throne, usually accompanied by the
the help of her sister Nephthys, and Anubis and "god" hieroglyph to indicate deity, is
Thoth, magically located Osiris' body. Upon portrayed here with a plant instead,
learning the his brother's body was found, Seth indicating Osiris in his fertility aspect.
went to it and tore it into fourteen pieces and Image and text from "The Cosmetic
Hieroglyph" by Jeremy Lemmon.
scattered them throughout Egypt. Isis once again
found every part of his body, save his phallus (it had been eaten by the
now-cursed Nile fish). She magically re-assembled Osiris and resurrected him
long enough to be impregnated by him so that she could give birth to the new
king Horus.5

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Ah Osiria! Part I: Th...

Osiris was unique among the gods of Egypt

in that the Egyptians believed that he had
once been an ancient, human ruler of
predynastic Egypt who had died and had
become the ruler of the dead in the
afterlife. Moreover, it was believed that he
would be resurrected and return again at
the end of days to rule the world.6 As a
result, the funerary cults of Egypt emulated
the story of Osiris in their rituals so as to
magically give the dead eternal life in the
next world, and the hope of resurrection at
the end of days. Osiris also took on the
A fragment from the Egyptian book of the Dead,
showing Osiris on the throne, surrounded by Isis,
aspects of a nature and fertility god, as it
Nepthys, and Horus. Osiris was considered the judge of was believed that he was the numinous
the dead, deciding who proceeds into everlasting life, or power behind the fertility of the land, of the
everlasting damnation. Isis and Nephthys aided in this crops that arose from the dead every year
judgement. just as Osiris had. As Ward explains,
Image from "The Cosmetic Hieroglyph". "Legendary ruler of predynastic Egypt and
god of the underworld, Osiris symbolized
the creative forces of nature and the imperishability of life. Called the great benefactor of
humanity, he brought to the people knowledge of agriculture and civilization. The
worship of Osiris, one of the great cults of ancient Egypt, gradually spread throughout the
Mediterranean world and, with that of Isis and Horus, was especially vital during the
Roman Empire."7
The "dying and reviving god" motif that was popular
throughout the ancient world had its roots in Egypt, in
the worship of the god Osiris. Osiris, the "great
architect" of human civilization, came to be the
preeminent god not only of Egypt, but famous around
the Mediterranean world, including the ancient Near
East. It may be, however, that the original "Osiris" was
not born in historic times, but in the antediluvian
world, and that the "resurrection" of Osiris might
actually be a description of the return of the ancient
mystery religion — the "mystery of iniquity" — from
the world before the Flood. A truth encapsulated in
myth, the story of Osiris might actually be the story of
a real king who, some time after the Flood, had begun Nun, the god of the primordial waters.
to uncover the old secrets that the Flood had sought to Nun existed from the beginning, and was
destroy. Perhaps the wooden "coffin" of the Osirian the source from which the Egyptians gods
myth was actually what the Bible refers to as "Noah's came forth. Nun probably represents the
ark", and Osiris was actually Ham, the ancestral father waters of the Great Flood, which covered
the entire Earth. The coffin in the myth of
of the Egyptians — or perhaps his wicked son Canaan, Osiris might represent Noah's ark, and
or even Amor, father of the Amorites. Osiris might be Ham, the ancestor of the
Egyptians (or perhaps one of his
This would explain why the most ancient god of the descendants) who was "resurrected" from
Egyptians was Nun, who is described as the god of the the waters after he exited the ark. Image
primordial waters from which all other gods came from Ancient Egypt: The Mythology.
forth. Nun, who was described as an endless, calm sea,
may represent the world as it was covered with the floodwaters from which their ancient
ancestor, Ham, was "resurrected" via the ark. Later, as Ham's descendants multiplied,
they sought to recreate the world as it was before the Flood, actively seeking for the
ancient wisdom that had been lost. And from this search, the myth of Osiris was born —
full of clues that initiates were meant to use to help them recover the ancient secrets from
the world before the Flood.
Childress believes that the story of Osiris' death at Set's hands and the cutting up of
Osiris' body into exactly 14 parts might have been a clue as to what happened to the
ancient empire of Osiria as a result of the Flood: "There are many important themes in the
legend of Osiris, including resurrection and the vanquishing of evil by good, and perhaps
a key to the ancient Osirian civilization. Were the 14 pieces of Osiris the 14 vestiges of
the now flooded land?"8 Though the antediluvian world was destroyed, pieces of it
remained — 14 pieces, according to the myth. And an understanding of these "14 pieces"
may be the clues necessary to lead us to understanding both Osiris the man, and Osiris
the empire. In this four-part series on ancient Osiria, we will cover four major known

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pieces of the ancient puzzle, starting with Malta — home of the oldest megalithic
structures in the world.

The island of Malta

lies in the center of
the Mediterranean
Sea some 80 miles
south of Sicily.
Malta, a tiny island
only 14 miles long
by 8 miles wide, has
Hagar Qim, one of the more spectacular megalithic temples that dot Malta and the
nearby island of Gozo. Hagar Qim, Though not the oldest, is one of the best
over a dozen major
preserved temple structures to be found on the islands, where several statues of the archaeological sites
famous "fat lady" were discovered when the site was excavated around 1850. Image and a colorful
from Heritage Malta. history stretching
back many
thousands of years, making it the most historically rich country on the planet, per square
foot. More importantly to our study, Malta's ruins, located in the dead center of the
theoretical Osirian Empire, are the oldest known man-made structures on Earth. Malta's
location, the number and size of the megalithic structures to be found all over the island,
the level of importance the structures apparently held, and the extreme age of the
structures make Malta a likely candidate for the ancient capitol of the now submerged
Osirian Empire.
According to Childress, the
heart of Osiria was a low,
fertile valley situated in what is
now the Mediterranean basin.
This valley was punctuated by
a series of large lakes that were
linked together by the River
Nile, which at that time did not
end at the Nile Delta, but
flowed into the center of the
lush, green Mediterranean
The Osirian "Empire" actually made up of a series of allied nations basin, turning due west and
including Athens, Khemet (Egypt), and other nations alluded to but passing between Malta and
not named by Plato. In the world before the Flood, but the deepest Sicily until it became a massive
parts of the Mediterranean basin comprised extremely rich, fertile
cataract at the pillars of
soil, which must have yielded a tremendous amount of produce. The
deepest parts of what is now the Mediterranean were then deep, Hercules.9 The temples such as
freshwater lakes that served as tributaries to the River Styx. The Styx those at Malta were built on the
began its life as what is now known as the River Nile, and then turned crests of hills overlooking the
west, passing between Sicily and Malta, then south of Sardinia, and huge valley and its lakes,
then through the Pillars of Hercules to form the Cataract of Hercules,
a massive, ten-mile-wide waterfall that emptied into the Atlantic.
serving as both religious and
Image adapted from Università degli Studi di Pavia. political centers in a peaceful,
matriarchal culture. As
Childress explains, "What we today call the Maltese Islands, were in those far-off days
the peaks of mountains or high ground, and so it is no wonder that these islands are
dotted with no less than 9 prehistoric remains."10 Childress also argues that, due to the
lack of separation between the continents now caused by the presence of the
Mediterranean Sea, Europe, Africa and Asia had formed one huge land mass through
which flora and faunae grew and roamed freely: "The continents of Asia, Europe and
Africa formed, in those days, one vast land mass. This continent was covered by vast
forests and large herds of elephants, mastodons, and other wild animals roamed.... The
gigantic walls were built to keep these animals out.11 Thus the massive size of the walls
served a practical purpose as well as a religious one.

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This vast, fertile valley punctuated by

large, freshwater lakes that sat at the heart
of the Osirian Empire was, in the dim
memory of human history, largely
submerged by a sudden, catastrophic
deluge that most equate with the Great
Flood mentioned in the Bible. Noted author
Graham Hancock, who has exhaustively The Cataract of Hercules, once located between the
researched the theory of a now-submerged Pillars of Hercules. The Glomar Challenger expedition
proved that parts of the Mediterranean basin had once
antediluvian civilization in his classic been dry desert, above sea level. This 10-mile-wide
treatise, Underworld, explains it thusly: channel between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic,
now routinely used by shipping, had once hosted a
Descriptions of a killer global flood massive waterfall that drained Osiria's River Styx (now
that inundated the inhabited lands of "The Nile") into the Atlantic. This waterfall was
the world turn up everywhere amongst reversed by the Great Flood, and became the channel
the myths of antiquity. In many cases through which the tsunami that accompanied the Great
these myths clearly hint that the deluge Flood washed through and inundated the lowlying areas
of the Osirian Empire. This channel remains today as
swept away an advanced civilization
the primary source of water for the Mediterranean Sea,
that had somehow angered the gods, without which it would quickly dry up.
sparing "none but the unlettered and Image from National Geographic.
the uncultured" and obliging the
survivors to "begin again like children in complete ignorance of what happened
... in early times." Such stories turn up in Vedic India, in the pre-Columbian
Americas, in ancient Egypt. They were told by the Sumerians, the Babylonians,
the Greeks, the Arabs and the Jews. They were repeated in China and southeast
Asia, in prehistoric northern Europe and across the Pacific. Almost universally,
where truly ancient traditions have been preserved, even amongst mountain
peoples and desert nomads, vivid descriptions have been passed down of global
floods in which the majority of mankind perished.12
This "Great Flood" that swept over the entire Earth was accompanied by massive tsunami
that washed over even the high places of Osiria, tossing even the massive stones of its
megalithic temples around like matchsticks. There is definitive proof that one or more
massive tidal waves had washed over the islands of Malta in ancient times, utterly
sweeping away all but the heaviest objects, and seriously damaging or destroying even
the massive megalithic temples of antediluvian Osiria in the process. It was this rush of
water that some, who believe Noah had once lived in Osiria, rode into the next age.
Childress explains,
Sections measuring thousands of cubic miles of water hit the earth on the land
between Pantelleria and Gibraltar, while other great sections hit between Malta
and Palestine and small sections merely hundreds of cubic miles hit the Upper
Rhone. The effect of that blow was to scoop out the two Mediterraneans, for the
water had a terrific motion from west to east which would have swamped every
ship on the ocean and would have swamped Noah but that his ship had been
built some thousands of feet above sea level.... All this destruction caused by a
colossal wave rushing from west to east can be witnessed in the stone age
megalithic ruins of Hagar Qim. When one examines these ruins closely, one will
easily see that the wall facing directly westwards has been completely destroyed.
This wall, which had to bear the brunt of this gigantic wave followed by the rush
of the water in its wake could not withstand the onslaught, no matter how
massive it had been. According to the other remaining outer walls it must have
been very massive. Huge blocks of stone from the western wall have been blown
off from their original position and piled up in a heap some ten meters away
towards the east as if they had been so many wooden boxes and not blocks of
stone almost a meter square and about 3 meters along.... Certainly no earth
tremor or strong wind could throw such heavy stones to such distances and all in
the same direction ... only a gigantic wave of water from the west could
reasonably explain these movements.13
Even the high places of Osiria on the peaks of the mountains were not spared the waters
of the Great Flood, though their shattered ruins remain today to show us that there was
indeed a world before the Flood, a world that was megalithic in stature. Though there
were probably numerous megalithic structures of lesser importance in ancient Osiria, the
most important were situated at the top of the highest peaks. And since Malta is not only
one of the highest peaks that survived the flood, but also the one with the densest

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population of archaeological artifacts, it stands to reason that it was the most important
religious and political center of its time.
I say religious and political, as religion and politics at that time were not separated. In our
ancient past, the gods of the state were also the rulers of the state, and their priesthoods
ruled their lands for them. Also, as numerous ancient cart tracks all over the island attest,
Malta was probably also the economic capitol of Osiria, as the majority of the massive
amounts of produce brought in for sacrifices to the goddess were sold back to the
populace at a profit. Moreover, the priestesses likely had to christen ("Isen"?) new
children, as well as perform marriages and funerals and other social functions typically
performed by religious leaders in society, making ancient Malta the social capitol as well.
Thus, antediluvian Malta was likely the religious, social, economic and political center of
the Osirian Empire.
Our search for the 14 lost pieces of Osiris
starts, then, on Malta. But where on Malta?
There are numerous archaeological sites all
over the island. However, the largest and
probably best-known ruins are those of
Hagar Qim, which are also the best
preserved. Hagar Qim, lit., "erect stones",
is made up of several chambers, including
an "oracle room", and several altars. It was
there that nineteenth-century archaeologists
found the now famous "fat lady" statues, an
ancient fertility figure more commonly
known as "the Venus of Malta". Based
The "fat lady" or "Venus of Malta" came in many
upon this and other discoveries about the
forms, all grossly obese, indicating a person of religious nature of the monument, it is
immense proportions. Some have argued that the fat believed that Malta lay at the center of an
lady is actually an androgynous being, pointing out that ancient matriarchal civilization that
there are no specific sexual characteristics, whereas worshipped a mother goddess.
others point out examples of the fat lady where sexual
characteristics are present. Still others believe that the
Hagar Qim and the other structures were in
fat lady was meant to represent the fertile, abundant
fact temples where this mother goddess —
earth, and sexual identity was not an issue. However,
who was essentially an embodiment of the
most tend towards the idea that the "fat lady" sat at the
fertility of the land — was worshipped.
center of an ancient matriarchal culture, and was the
Moreover, the still-visible ruts of the
progenitor of the concept of what we now call "Mother
Earth". numerous ancient tracks created by
Image from The OTS Foundation. countless carts criss-cross the entire island,
some of which are nearly two feet deep.
The quantity of tracks on the island makes it clear that the temples once lay at the center
of a vast agrarian empire — much larger than the current island of Malta. The numerous
cart ruts point to massive amounts of produce being carted into the area from surrounding
regions, which makes sense as the temple in ancient times was, besides being the center
of religious belief, also the center of commerce. Interestingly, the tracks do not end at the
edge of the cliffs that overlook Malta's many beaches, but continue on for some distance
into the surrounding ocean, proving that, at the time when Malta's temples were in use,
the sea level was significantly lower — or, as we have seen, non-existent in this region.
Though Hagar Qim is perhaps the most
famous and well-preserved of the
monuments, the oldest and largest may
actually be Ggantija on the nearby island of
Gozo. Ggantija, lit., "belonging to the
giants", was so named by the Maltese
because they believed the huge, megalithic
stones used to build the monument could
only have been lifted by giants. Some of
the walls are as much as 18 feet tall, and
very thick, and contain niches and shrines
which make it clear that Ggantija, like
The Gigantija Temple, seen from above. Gigantija was
Hagar Qim was also once a temple. so named as the legends surrounding the temple said
Interestingly, the Maltese do have a that the stones were so huge, the walls so high, and the
tradition of giants on the islands, complex so massive, it could only have been built by
particularly Gozo. One story, "The Giantess giants. Note the curved walls, imitating the ample
of Qala", talks about a giant woman who curves of the "fat lady".
lived on the island of Gozo who was able Image from The OTS Foundation.

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to lift and carry around very heavy rocks. The story appears to describe how some of the
monuments were built, though the story might simply be a fabrication created by
imaginative islanders to explain the giant "fat lady" statues and the huge rocks that are
literally all over the island. However, as we saw in this issue's story on Giants, giants
were considered a historical reality not only by the Bible, but numerous other related
traditions. If so, the stories about giants building these ancient structures might be true.
These ancient master masons may have left their mark all over the ancient world, and
Osiris may have been the greatest of these ancient "mighty men" of old.
This ancient, peaceful culture, however, met a sudden and violent end, as evidenced by
the fact that many of these massive stones have been uprooted and thrown dozens of feet
— a feat that would have required forces of incredible magnitude. This was caused by the
Great Flood mentioned in the Bible and numerous related legends all over the world,
including ancient Athens. Let us look now upon Plato's account of ancient Athens, and its
role in the antediluvian "war to end all wars" that raged right up to the time that the
waters of the Great Flood covered the entire Earth.

In Part I of our series on Atlantis, we discussed Plato's

Timaeus and Critias, ancient Greek poems that contain
the famous story of the war between Atlantis and
ancient Athens. These poems, set around 600 b.c.,
relate the story of how one Solon, an important
government official from Athens, had visited Egypt
with the purpose of initiating a cultural exchange
between the two peoples. To his surprise, Solon learned
from an Egyptian priest that the Egyptians and the
Athenians were once one people, but had been
physically separated by a Great Flood that had
destroyed all but a handful of the Athenians, the barrier
between them being, apparently, a newly formed
"Mediterranean Sea". This flood had left Egypt
relatively unscathed, however, and so whereas the
Athenian Greek culture had been destroyed and its
accumulated knowledge lost, the Egyptian culture had
remained intact enough so that the tradition of the
Flood was not forgotten.
Critias contains similar information to Timaeus
regarding the war between ancient Athens and Atlantis,
but it includes more details about Athens, about its lands and its people, including the fact
that Athens and Greece used to occupy a much larger area before a series of floods wiped
out much of the lands and sank them into the Mediterranean. However, though Athens
existed as a powerful nation around 600 b.c., it actually had its origins well before that
time, around 10,000 b.c. or even earlier. This is because the story conveyed in Timaeus
and Critias was actually set not during the time of Solon, but some 9000 years before that
time — around 9600 b.c., near the end of the last Ice Age. It was the time when the gods
were on Earth, breeding and guiding the various races of humanity that had been allotted
to them, preparing them for a final battle that would decide who would rule Earth. And of
the Olympian gods of Greece, to Athena and her half-brother Hephaestus, were given the
In the days of old the gods had the whole earth distributed among them by
allotment.... They all of them by just apportionment obtained what they wanted,
and peopled their own districts; and when they had peopled them they tended us,
their nurselings and possessions, as shepherds tend their flocks, excepting only
that they did not use blows or bodily force, as shepherds do, but governed us like
pilots from the stern of the vessel, which is an easy way of guiding animals,
holding our souls by the rudder of persuasion according to their own
pleasure;-thus did they guide all mortal creatures. Now different gods had their
allotments in different places which they set in order. Hephaestus and Athene,
who were brother and sister, and sprang from the same father, having a common
nature, and being united also in the love of philosophy and art, both obtained as
their common portion this land, which was naturally adapted for wisdom and
virtue; and there they implanted brave children of the soil, and put into their
minds the order of government; their names are preserved, but their actions have

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Ah Osiria! Part I: Th...

disappeared by reason of the destruction of those who received the tradition, and
the lapse of ages.14

The gods of the Athenians were Hephaestus, the god of fire, crafts, and the forge, and
Athena, goddess of war, as well as of the city, handicrafts, and agriculture. There are
interesting parallels between the myths of the Greeks and the myths of the Egyptians,
particularly the myth of Osiris. Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris was, like Hephaestus,
born with stunted legs. Other interesting Greek/Egyptian religous parallel exists between
the birth of Athena and the birth of the Egyptian gods Shu and Tefnut, where all were
born directly from a male god, Athena from Zeus and Shu and Tefnut from Ptah, no
woman being involved in the birth of either. Could this be support for the opinion that the
god/goddess of Malta was actually androgynous, a self-completed human being —
capable of self-reproduction — that some have argued was the true deity of Malta and, by
extension, ancient Osiria? Athena, her virginity being one of her prime attributes,
displays both male and female characteristics, which may point to the fact that ancient
Osiria was not only matriarchal in nature, but androgynous.
Athens, according to the Egyptian priests was once a much larger area, but was greatly
reduced down to its present size by a series of inundations, some of which might have
occurred in historic times.
Concerning the country the Egyptian priests said what is not only probable but
manifestly true, that the boundaries were in those days fixed by the Isthmus, and
that in the direction of the continent they extended as far as the heights of
Cithaeron and Parnes; the boundary line came down in the direction of the sea,
having the district of Oropus on the right, and with the river Asopus as the limit
on the left. The land was the best in the world, and was therefore able in those
days to support a vast army, raised from the surrounding people. Even the
remnant of Attica which now exists may compare with any region in the world
for the variety and excellence of its fruits and the suitableness of its pastures to
every sort of animal, which proves what I am saying; but in those days the
country was fair as now and yielded far more abundant produce. How shall I
establish my words? and what part of it can be truly called a remnant of the land
that then was? The whole country is only a long promontory extending far into
the sea away from the rest of the continent, while the surrounding basin of the
sea is everywhere deep in the neighbourhood of the shore. Many great deluges
have taken place during the nine thousand years, for that is the number of years
which have elapsed since the time of which I am speaking; and during all this
time and through so many changes, there has never been any considerable
accumulation of the soil coming down from the mountains, as in other places,
but the earth has fallen away all round and sunk out of sight. The consequence
is, that in comparison of what then was, there are remaining only the bones of
the wasted body, as they may be called, as in the case of small islands, all the
richer and softer parts of the soil having fallen away, and the mere skeleton of
the land being left. But in the primitive state of the country, its mountains were
high hills covered with soil, and the plains, as they are termed by us, of Phelleus
were full of rich earth, and there was abundance of wood in the mountains.15
This vast, rich, fertile plain had not been supported by solid rock, so when the floods
came, the land was washed away, and only that land that lay upon solid bedrock and
mountainous areas was kept from sliding into the sea. The Egyptian priest recalled the
fact that several major deluges had taken place before and since the Great Flood came
9,000 years previously, as well as other cataclysms of mysterious origin, all of which
collectively had kept the Athenians continually struggling to survive.
There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of
many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and
water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes. There is a story, which
even you have preserved, that once upon a time Paethon, the son of Helios,
having yoked the steeds in his father's chariot, because he was not able to drive
them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and was
himself destroyed by a thunderbolt. Now this has the form of a myth, but really
signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and
a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals;
at such times those who live upon the mountains and in dry and lofty places are
more liable to destruction than those who dwell by rivers or on the seashore.
And from this calamity the Nile, who is our never-failing saviour, delivers and

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preserves us. When, on the other hand, the gods purge the earth with a deluge of
water, the survivors in your country are herdsmen and shepherds who dwell on
the mountains, but those who, like you, live in cities are carried by the rivers
into the sea. Whereas in this land, neither then nor at any other time, does the
water come down from above on the fields, having always a tendency to come
up from below; for which reason the traditions preserved here are the most
ancient. The fact is, that wherever the extremity of winter frost or of summer
does not prevent, mankind exist, sometimes in greater, sometimes in lesser
numbers. And whatever happened either in your country or in ours, or in any
other region of which we are informed-if there were any actions noble or great
or in any other way remarkable, they have all been written down by us of old,
and are preserved in our temples. Whereas just when you and other nations are
beginning to be provided with letters and the other requisites of civilized life,
after the usual interval, the stream from heaven, like a pestilence, comes pouring
down, and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education;
and so you have to begin all over again like children, and know nothing of what
happened in ancient times, either among us or among yourselves.16

Before the Great Flood, however, the Athenians were known to be the best fighters in the
world, having proven themselves in combat against the mighty Atlantean armies that had
threatened to enslave Europe, Africa, Asia, and "all who dwelt between the pillars":
As for those genealogies of yours which you just now recounted to us, Solon,
they are no better than the tales of children. In the first place you remember a
single deluge only, but there were many previous ones; in the next place, you do
not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of
men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a
small seed or remnant of them which survived. And this was unknown to you,
because, for many generations, the survivors of that destruction died, leaving no
written word. For there was a time, Solon, before the great deluge of all, when
the city which now is Athens was first in war and in every way the best
governed of all cities, is said to have performed the noblest deeds and to have
had the fairest constitution of any of which tradition tells, under the face of

As was recounted in the Bible, just before the Great Flood, Earth was "filled with
violence", meaning the entire Earth was at war. As we saw in Part II of our Atlantis
series, and in Part I of Giants in the Earth, the Nephilim giants of old were engaging in a
massive world war with each other to see who would rule the world. Since both the
Atlanteans and the Athenians were specially bred by gods who had "come down from
heaven" in order to rule over the men in their appointed districts, and both Atlas and
Athena were warlike deities, giving their peoples gifts of technology and teaching them
how to make war, it stands to reason that these two peoples would inevitably come into
conflict with each other. Also likely is the fact that the Atlanteans and the Athenians had
been genetically modified by their respective deities so that they would be more effective
in war, which meant they were made larger, stronger, and fiercer — giants. In the case of
the giants of Athens/Osiria, it would appear that at least some were androgynous in
nature, as is evidenced by Athena and the "Venus of Malta", both of whom were gigantic
in stature. This was a war of annihilation, a war to see who would rule the world, forever:
Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories. But
one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. For these histories tell
of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of
Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out
of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there
was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of
Heracles; the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the
way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite
continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the
Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that other is
a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless
continent. Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire
which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the
continent, and, furthermore, the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya
within the columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as
Tyrrhenia. This vast power, gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow

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our country and yours and the whole of the region within the straits; and then,
Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength,
among all mankind. She was pre-eminent in courage and military skill, and was
the leader of the Hellenes. And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled
to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated
and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not
yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the
pillars. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a
single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the
earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the
The Athenians had successfully repelled the Atlantean assault upon Osiria, though the
rest of their allies who had lived in the region — the proto-Egyptians and the rest of the
antediluvian peoples — had failed them. Escaping enslavement to the Atlanteans,
however, they were destroyed by a massive flood that had breached the pillars and
flooded the entire Mediterranean basin, and possibly more. All that remains today is a
relative handful of megalithic remains, with more under the surface, waiting to be found
by the next generation of intrepid explorers.

The search for the ancient Osirian Empire — and for the 14 lost pieces of Osiris — starts
on the island of Malta. Long a favorite tourist destination for Europeans, Malta is fast
becoming a world-class premiere tourist destination not only for its megalithic
architecture, but for its other historic features, such as the Templar castles and other
remnants of the age of chivalry, as well as its top-flight restaurants, entertainment, and
accomodations. Ancient secrets may lie waiting to be uncovered, both above ground and
below water (though only experienced divers should attempt any underwater
archaeology). For more information on your Malta vacation, contact
Become a part of the legend! Send us your tales of your search for the 14 lost pieces of
Osiris, and you may have your story published in future issues of Mysterious World!

Part II: Antediluvian Egypt | Part III: Nimrod Hunting | Part IV: The Beast from the Sea
The Land of Osiris | Malta: Capitol of Osiria? | The Athenian Empire | The Search for
Osiria Links | Osiria Books | Osiria Audio | Osiria DVD

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David Hatcher Childress, Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean
(Stelle, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1996), 30.

Childress, Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean, 27.

April McDevitt, "OSIRIS (Asar, Wesir, Ausar, Unnefer)" (Ancient Egypt: The
Mythology: The word "Egyptian" is actually also a Greek
corruption — the Egyptians actually referred to themselves as being from the land of
"Khemet". This is confirmed by the Bible, as this name is very similar to the name of
Ham, son of Noah, from whom the Egyptians were said to have descended.

4, "Osiris, Asar" (

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Ah Osiria! Part I: Th...

April McDevitt, "OSIRIS (Asar, Wesir, Ausar, Unnefer)" (Ancient Egypt: The

McDevitt, "The Story of Isis and Osiris" (Ancient Egypt: The Mythology:

Mike Ward and Chris Ward, "Osiris" (University of Colorado: Social Science Data Lab:

Childress, Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean, 29.

Samuel W. Matthews, "This Changing Earth", National Geographic Vol. 143, No. 1,
(January 1973): 20-21. Cf. also Kenneth J. Hsu, The Mediterranean Was a Desert: A
Voyage of the Glomar Challenger (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983).

Childress, Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean, 205.

Childress, Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean, 205.

Graham Hancock, Underworld (New York: Crown Publishers, 2002), 20.

Childress, Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean, 206.

Plato, "Critias: Page 2", (The Active Mind:

Plato, "Critias: Page 3", (The Active Mind:

Plato, "Timaeus: Page 2", (The Active Mind:

Plato, "Timaeus: Page 2", (The Active Mind:

Plato, "Timaeus: Page 2", (The Active Mind:

Plato: Timaeus & Critias

University of Iowa: Briefing on Lost Continents
Washington State University: The Athenian Empire
Heritage Malta

Malta's Prediluvian Culture at the Stone-Age Temples

The Megalithic Temples of Malta
The Megalithic Temples of Malta: Map
Mysterious Malta
The Planning and Layout of the Maltese Neolithic Temples
OTS Foundation: The Temples of Malta
Hagar Qim Temples
The Megalithic Temples of the Maltese Islands: Hagar Qim Temple
Ggantija Temple The Neolithic Temples of Malta
Discovering the Ancient Mother in Malta
Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem
World Atlas: Malta
OTS Foundation: Visiting Malta

12 of 18 11/10/10 1:01 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Ah Osiria! Part I: Th...

Lonely Planet: Malta

Sydney Morning Herald: Malta Malta How to Get There
Malta Direct Travel
Pilgrim Tours: Malta
Goddess Tours to Malta
0800 Malta
Budget Travel: Malta
Columbus World Travel Guide: Malta
Travel Malta
Dream Malta
Le Meridien Phoenicia
U.S. State Dept.: Malta Travel Info
Malta Tourist Photos
maltaNET Internet Services
Kinnie - Malta's Own Favorite Soft Drink

The Lost City of Atlantis: The Island of Thera

Santorini and the Legend of Atlantis
Was Plato's Atlantis a Memory of Minoan Civilization?
The Tsunami Page: "The Waves That Destroyed the Minoan Empire (Atlantis)" Crete
Explore Crete

Atlantis Discovered: Thesis
In Italy Online: Welcome to Sardinia!
Discover Sardinia
ItaliaTour! Sardinia
ItaliaTour! Atlantis Bay (Sicily)
Atlantis Charter
Corsica Ferries/Sardinia Ferries
Sardinia Climb

University of Colorado: Osiris Osiris The Story of Isis and Osiris Osiris, Asar
Ohio State University: Osiris Horus Shu Tefnut Ptah
Mythweb: Hephaestus
The goddess Athena: Athena
Atlantis Resort Atlantis

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Ah Osiria! Part I: Th...

The Rock of Gibraltar

Gibraltar Rock Tours
1 Gibraltar Plaza
Choosing Cruising: Morocco
Travel Notes: Morocco

Lost Cities of Atlantis Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean

(Lost Cities Series)
David Hatcher Childress
One of Childress' popular "Lost Cities" series, Lost Cities of Atlantis
Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean covers the region in and around the
Mediterranean Sea, with a special emphasis on cities and mysteries
submerged beneath the waters of this vast inland sea. Calling himself a "maverick
archaeologist", Childress is more of a researcher, historian, travel writer, and general
raconteur rather than a a true academic archaeologist, making general observations based
upon library research, study of local myths, legends, and personal anecdotes, as well as
actual experiences visiting these sites. Childress is part of a growing trend in historical
and archaeological studies towards the rise of independent researchers. These
independents are men and women who have developed a distrust for "mainstream"
academic archaeology, due to the fact that there is increasing evidence that the academic
community is dismissing, ignoring, or even suppressing archaeological evidence that
does not fit in with their preset theories. As a result, these independents have dismissed
academe as largely irrelevant, and have gone out on their own to examine the evidence
for themselves, usually at their own time and expense. It was this kind of passionate
search for the truth about history and our origins that motivated similar men of the 19th
century to develop the science of archaeology, a passion that motivated people of the 20th
century like Childress, unsatisfied by the condescending, pat answers of academics, to
take matters into their own hands. Now, in the 21st century, a growing chorus of
discontentment with the academic archaeological establishment continues to erode their
viselike grip on the truth of our origins, and the independents stand poised to wrest the
sword of truth from the hands of those who seem only to be concerned about personal
power, privilege, and social status. Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the
Mediterranean is a fascinating read, and a good addition to the Lost Cities series. It
should make a great traveling companion for anyone traveling in the Mediterranean
region, as well as a cracking great read for the armchair archaeologist, or just someone
who enjoys ancient history and mysteries.
Click here to buy this book.

Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization

Graham Hancock
From the author of the bestselling Fingerprints of the Gods comes a
fascinating voyage of underwater discovery that will forever change the
way we think about the birth of civilization. Fans of The Sign and the Seal
and Heaven’s Mirror will delight in Graham Hancock’s Underworld, his
latest work of archaeological detection. In this mesmerizing book, Hancock merges
cutting-edge science with historical myth to come up with a new explanation for the
origins of civilization as we know it today. At the end of the last Ice Age melting ice
caused sea levels around the world to rise by approximately 400 feet, radically changing

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Ah Osiria! Part I: Th...

the shape of the world. Hancock, steeped in the ancient flood myths that speak of early
civilizations, sets out to discover whether these myths have any basis in reality. Using the
latest computerized "inundation maps" that show the shape of the world’s coastlines as
they looked at intervals throughout the meltdown, Hancock finds astonishing
correspondences with the ancient flood myths. And, when he starts to explore these areas
underwater on several diving expeditions, he actually discovers ruins beneath the sea
exactly where the myths say they should be. Hancock offers dramatic accounts of his
explorations of the waters of the Arabian Sea, the Mediterranean, and the sea of Japan.
This entertaining and provocative book of discovery presents the first hard evidence of
these ancient cities, and gives all of us stunning insight into the origins and development
of civilization. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Timaeus and Critias (Penguin Classics)

Plato, H.D. Lee (Editor)
The complete text of Plato's Timaeus and Critias dialogues. Always the best
place to start for any would-be Atlantean (or Osirian) researcher.
Click here to buy this book.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day
The Book of the Dead is a collection of writings that were placed in
tombs as a means of guiding the ancient Egyptian soul on its journey to
the afterlife. The Papyrus of Ani, which is reproduced here, is one of
the most important and beautiful of the surviving papyri. Damage in
the 19th century seriously confused its sequencing and the relationship
between text and illustrations. Here for the first time the scroll is
presented in its proper sequence and in its entirety. The English text is
placed immediately underneath the corresponding hieroglyphs, and the
reproductions are faithful to the originals in all their glowing color. A
critical purchase for any serious collection of materials on ancient Egypt.
Click here to buy this book.

The Mediterranean Was a Desert: A Voyage of the Glomar Challenger

Kenneth J. Hsu
For those interested in science, earth sciences or plate tectonics, "The
Mediterranean Was a Desert" delivers. The book gives an objective account
of one of the most important Glomar Challenger voyages. It gives a nice
build-up to the discovery, made over the course of that summer voyage, that
the Mediterranean had once virtually dried up. The author is a scientist and focuses on
aspects of the science and underplays human relationships although some conflicts and
human interactions are mentioned. I most enjoyed the descriptions of the way the
Mediterranean Sea had been some 4 or 5 million years earlier, the progression of changes,
and the evidence which brought him to this viewpoint and why. I least enjoyed the book's
style which sounded a bit too much like it had been written by an average scientist rather
than a Carl Sagan scientist. Still, it is a worthy read.
Click here to buy this book.

Lonely Planet Malta

Neil Wilson
Whether you're interested in ancient temples or five-day feasts, water sports
or basking on beaches, this brand new guide is jam-packed with advice on the
best Malta has to offer.

30 detailed city and regional maps

illustrated feature on the Knights of St John
top swimming spots
an insider's guide to Maltese food, from quick pastizzi to quality seafood helpful
language guide and glossary
Click here to buy this book.

15 of 18 11/10/10 1:01 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Ah Osiria! Part I: Th...

Malta & Gozo Map

Nils Robert Meyer
Road map with contour lines, ferry routes, and distance markers in
kilometres. Features: beaches, airports, anchorages, icons for places of
interest, natural features, gardens, and populated areas. Scale: 1:50,000.

Click here to buy this book.

Beauty in the Beast

Wendy Carlos
From the roar of Tibetan horns and the clangor of metal percussion that
opens Beauty in the Beast, Wendy Carlos in 1986 signaled a new direction
for her music. Beauty in the Beast is Carlos's magnum opus, an album that should have
established the synthesizer's role in the new global music landscape. More than that, it
should have established Carlos as a composer and not just a Switched-on Bach jukebox.
But not too many people were listening. Rereleased now after 14 years, Beauty in the
Beast has lost none of its power. Carlos is both profound and poignant, dissonant and
disarming on Beauty, as she fuses a global orchestra from her synthesizers. "Poem for
Bali" is the centerpiece of the album, an episodic, 17-minute excursion as Carlos
orchestrates the sounds and rhythms of a digital gamelan orchestra. In addition to
replicating the metallophones, gongs, and flutes of the traditional gamelan, she creates
her own hybrid sound designs, giving this work a surreal and sometimes harrowing tone,
like a dream bent through funhouse mirrors. But then there are pieces such as "A
Woman's Song," based on a Balkan melody. The title track merges nightmare landscapes
and a crazed carnival calliope with a haunting theme that sounds like a lament for the end
of the world. Beauty in the Beast is an essential recording of both modern composition
and synthesis--Carlos should plug into this circuit again.
Click here to buy this book.

Gladiator: Music from the Motion Picture

Hans Zimmer, Lisa Gerrard
Most modern Hollywood films have musical "temp tracks" laid in as they're
edited, usually classical standards or music from other soundtracks that
helps shape the dramatic and emotional intentions of works in progress. Sometimes these
temp tracks become the score (as in "2001"), but more often they serve as a template for
the film's eventual scorer. That said, we'll boldly climb out on a limb and opine that
director Ridley Scott was listening to a whole lot of Holst's The Planets as he was
cobbling together his modern gladiator epic. Credit Hans Zimmer for taking "Mars, the
Bringer of War" and hammering its familiar harmonic and rhythmic Sturm und Drang
into something serviceably fresh; cohort Lisa Gerrard generally handles the more
ethereal, atmospheric passages. As epic in scope as its thematic inspiration (and with
enough occasional nods to "authenticity" to make it work), this is nonetheless a work of
often surprising nuances, and one that recasts the traditional heroic orchestral score in
deliciously dark and ominous tones. Warning: repeated listening may inspire the invasion
of neighboring countries.
Click here to buy this book.

More Music from the Motion Picture Gladiator

Hans Zimmer, Lisa Gerrard
If there's one thing film producers and record executives like more than
Success, it's Success: Part 2. Thus when Ridley Scott's high-tech sword 'n' sandal epic
scored both Golden Globe wins and Academy Award nods for Best Film and Best Score,
it was a sure bet that another volume of Hans Zimmer's and Lisa Gerrard's music for the

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Ah Osiria! Part I: Th...

film couldn't be far behind. Though not exactly leftovers, the tracks here sometimes point
to the fact that there wasn't enough fresh material to fill this volume out, hence we get
some remixed cues, a handful of familiar music with dramatic dialog excerpts edited and
superimposed (or misplaced, with decidedly mixed results), and even a beat-heavy,
dance-club mix of "Now We Are Free." With a little over half an hour of entirely fresh
material and some souvenir dialog snippets over the rest, there's enough here to please
Gladiator die-hards. Also of note: guitarist Heitor Pereira's flamenco-flavored flourishes
are better showcased throughout; and "The Gladiator Waltz" serves up one of Zimmer's
original synth demos (with a dash of Russell Crowe dialog up front)--a dramatic amp-up
of Holst's "Mars, the Bringer of War" that's a prime example of the composer's state-
of-the-art digital orchestral conjuring.
Click here to buy this book.

Helen of Troy (2003)

One of the most epic adventure stories of all time comes powerfully to life in
this original four-hour epic-series. Filmed in exotic locales with an
international cast and featuring state-of-the-art special effects, Helen of Troy
depicts one of the greatest battles ever fought to win the love of the world's
most beautiful woman. Though married to Menelaus, King of Sparta, Helen (Sienna
Guillory) falls madly in love with Paris (Matthew Marsden) a handsome Trojan prince.
Together, the lovers flee to Troy, where they are given safe haven by Paris' father, King
Priam (John Rhys-Davies). Bent on bringing Helen back, the king's ruthless brother
Agememnon (Rufus Sewell) leads the skilled Spartan army to the shores of the fabled
city. There the Greeks lay siege to Troy, thus beginning one of history's most legendary
wars which would ultimately decide the destinies of two empires.
Click here to buy this DVD.

Ancient Civilizations: Athens and Ancient Greece (2002)

This is a very enjoyable DVD which is both travelogue and history. It covers not only
Athens, but Delphi, Corinth, Olympia, Sparta, Mycenae and other cities of ancient
Greece. The viewer is taken to the modern locations of these ancient places and provided
with a wealth of information. The real plus for this video however, is the use of graphical
reconstructions for each location or monument mentioned -- and the reconstruction is
superimposed on its modern ruin. This is a marvelous way to get a sense of the glory of
Greek architecture and a sense of place, especially when only a few ruins remain. You
won't get a detailed history of ancient Hellas and some of the pronunciations used are
eccentric (e.g., the narrator pronounces Zeus as "zay oos"), but it's worth adding to your
Click here to buy this DVD.

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ancient empire of
Osiria, and the 14
lost pieces of Osiris
believed by some to
be scattered
throughout that now largely
submerged land, leads us now to
the motherland of its namesake:
Egypt. Actually known to its
ancient inhabitants as "Khemet",
since the most ancient times Egypt
has been to some the mother of the
world's most ancient mysteries,
and to others, the mother of the
world's most ancient iniquities. The Great Sphinx. At the heart of the legend of the Sphinx lies "the

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And the greatest symbol of the Riddle of the Sphinx", a legend that has been passed down to us
ancient mystery that is Egypt is the through the Greek play Oedipus Tyrannus. In the play, the Sphinx is
Great Sphinx, perhaps the most described as a menace, lying in wait to capture unsuspecting travelers
commonly known symbol of in Egypt. Once she caught them, if they were unable to answer her
ancient Egypt on Earth. Still she riddle, she devoured them.
lies recumbent, silently guarding
the Giza necropolis, an ever-present reminder of Egypt's hidden past and the mysteries that
still lie buried beneath its haunted sands. Ever desirous to divulge her secrets to a world not
yet prepared, she lies chastely waiting for the one who holds the key to her heart of darkness.

Osiris, both the man and the myth, was not born until after the
Great Flood had destroyed the civilization that now bears his Raiders of
name. As we have seen, the worship of Osiris was at one time so the Lost
widespread throughout the ancient Mediterranean world that some Ark
have taken to referring to the ancient, pre-Flood Mediterranean
region as "Osiria". For want of the correct name, which has been John
lost to history, we have opted to retain the name Osiria for this Williams
ancient civilization that once stretched from southern Europe to The perfect music with
North Africa, from ancient Canaan to the Pillars of Hercules. which to explore
Childress explains this fantastic lost civilization of the ancient Egypt. (Clips
Mediterranean in his classic Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient courtesy
Europe & the Mediterranean,
The Raiders March
The Osirian Civilization, according to esoteric tradition, was Main Title: South
an advanced civilization contemporary with Atlantis. In the America
world of about 15,000 years ago, there were a number of In The Idol's Temple
highly developed and sophisticated civilizations on our Flight From Peru
planet, each said to have a high degree of technology.... It is Journey To Nepal
said that at the time of Atlantis and Rama, the Mediterranean
was a large and fertile valley, rather than a sea as it is today....
This huge, fertile valley, along with the Sahara (then a vast fertile plain), was known
in ancient times as the Osirian civilization. The Osirian civilization could also be
called "Pre-Dynastic Egypt," the ancient Egypt that built the Sphinx and
pre-Egyptian megaliths such as the Osirion at Abydos. In this outline of ancient
history, it was the Osirian Empire that was invaded by Atlantis, and devastating
wars raged throughout the world toward the end of the period of Atlantis' warlike
imperial expansion.1
As we saw in Part I, Osiria was not a true empire, but a collection of allied peoples who had
once lived in the regions in and around the Mediterranean basin for many thousands of years
until they had been destroyed by the Great Flood. The Great Flood, besides destroying the
Osirian peoples and burying the majority of their remains, had also filled in the basin,
creating what is now known as the Mediterranean Sea. The archaeological heritage left
behind by these antediluvian peoples takes the form of massive, megalithic structures, the
term "megalithic" referring to the incredible size of the stones that they had used to construct
their temples, palaces and pyramids. It is these unique structures by which the antediluvian
Osirians can be distinguished from their descendants in the region, who built on a much
smaller scale with brick and stone of a size miniscule by comparison with the massive
monoliths that had been used to construct the world before the Flood.
The Osirian peoples, among whom the antediluvian ancestors of the Athenian Greeks had
been foremost, had been attacked shortly before the Flood by the Atlanteans, who had had
designs on creating a global Atlantean Empire. Of all of the Osirian peoples, all but the
Athenians had fled in terror of the Atlantean onslaught, who then stood alone against the
armored fist of the massed Atlantean naval and groud forces. However, instead of fleeing in
terror as had the rest of their Osirian allies, antediluvian Athens had "shone forth, in the
excellence of her virtue and strength" and had defeated the Atlanteans, driving them from the
Mediterranean region and freeing "all who dwelt within the pillars" from the Atlantean yoke.
But then, in a single day and night, both Athens and Atlantis disappeared beneath the waves
in an event that is generally believed to be the same as that described in the Bible as the Great
Flood of Noah.

One of the Osirian peoples who had been allied with the antediluvian Athenians were the
antediluvian Egyptians. Like ancient Athens, Egypt also had a history that preceded the Great
Flood and, also like ancient Athens, it had its share of megalithic structures left over from the
world before the Flood. In fact, not only does Egypt have a significant amount of anomalous
megalithic structures scattered around the Nile Valley, some of these structures remain today
as some of the most famous archaeological relics on Earth. All have been classified by
mainstream science as the work of pharaohs during the dynastic period, despite the fact that
the art and architecture of these megalithic structures is completely different from that of
classical Egyptian architecture.

The first and most famous of the antediluvian

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artifacts of Egypt that we will examine is the

Great Sphinx of Giza. Known throughout the
world for its enigmatic gaze and famous in
ancient literature for its mysterious riddle, the
Sphinx is thought by some to be many
thousands of years older than is currently
believed. This is due to the fact that both the
Sphinx and the walls of the Sphinx enclosure
show evidence of a significant amount of water
erosion, a type of water erosion that could only
have been caused by substantial rainfall over a
period of thousands of years.
This water erosion first was discovered on both the Sphinx and on the
walls of the Sphinx enclosure by the French mathematician R.A.
Schwaller de Lubicz, who had spent 15 years touring Egypt during the
first half of the twentieth century. de Lubicz had concluded that the
erosion on the Sphinx and the walls of the Sphinx enclosure must date
back to a period when Egypt received copious amounts of rainfall, and
the last time that Egypt had received that much rainfall had been
between 10,000-8000 b.c., around the end of the last Ice Age. de
Lubicz's work, though largely ignored, has since helped to usher in a
new era of archaeological debate on the true history of the Sphinx.
de Lubicz's research was followed up on during the 1980s by the
maverick Egyptologist John Anthony West, who had teamed up with a
professional geologist named Robert Schoch of Boston University with A closeup of the
the express purpose of putting de Lubicz's conclusions to the test. From rain-eroded walls of
their research West and Schoch made an Emmy award-winning video, the Sphinx enclosure.
Geologist Robert
The Mystery of the Sphinx, which made its debut on NBC in 1993. In Schoch, among others,
that video, West and Schoch proved conclusively that de Lubicz's has determined that
theories regarding the true age of the Sphinx were accurate. Schoch, a this sort of undulating
professional geologist, carefully studied the erosion patterns that are profile could only be
especially prominent on the hindquarters of the Sphinx and on the walls created by long-term
of the Sphinx enclosure, and stated definitively that it must have been exposure to heavy
the result of centuries of rainfall beating down on the limestone, as that rains. Image from The
Message of the Sphinx.
is the only way that the sort of undulating, vertical grooves and
channels found there could have been created. Furthermore, the depth of the erosion could
only have been created as the result of water running down over the surface of the limestone
over a period of hundreds or even thousands of years. Thus, it is entirely possible that the
Sphinx may be not only much older than the usual date of 2500 b.c., but it may actually
predate even the Great Flood — which most likely occurred around 10,000 b.c. — by
thousands of years.

Next in importance to the geologic evidence

for the great antiquity of the Sphinx is what
could be referred to as the "aesthetic"
evidence. We have seen that the Sphinx
exhibits an extreme level of wind and water
erosion on its body, the head appearing to
have been affected the most. However, few
seem to notice that the head is proportionally
far too small for the body — so small, in
In The Mystery of the Sphinx, West and Schoch also fact, that it is less than half the size it should
point out that the current head of the Sphinx is far too be compared to that of a lion, the model upon
small for its body, proving that it must have been carved
which all other sphinx sculptures were based.
from a much larger head that had become so eroded as
to require recarving. This image overlay proves their
This is unlikely to have been purposeful, as
thesis, that the Sphinx's head must have originally been all the other sphinx sculptures that that have
much larger, and was likely recarved at least once since been found in Egypt — all of them — have
its creation by kings who had long since forgotten its heads that are proportional to their bodies.
original meaning. Image adapted from Guardian's Therefore, the most logical conclusion is that
Egypt. the head was originally much larger but, due
to extreme erosion, it has been recarved at
least once.
In fact, it is entirely possible that Pharaoh
Khafre, the Pharoah who is typically credited
for the building of both the Sphinx, the
Sphinx Temple and the Great Pyramid of
Khafre, rather than having created the
Sphinx, had merely recarved the pre-existant
Sphinx in his own graven image. The fact
that the Sphinx actually looks nothing like
The heads of all other sphinxes found in Egypt were, in Khafre probably means that another Pharoah
fact, carved proportionally, as seen at the Avenue of may have recarved it yet again, explaining
Sphinxes discovered in Luxor. Image from The Oriental why the head has become so small. The
Institute. practice of erasing the names of previous
rulers and taking credit for their work was an established tradition in ancient Egypt, and

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having one's face on the Sphinx was likely the most coveted prize of all. Thus, not only the
geologic evidence, but also the aesthetic and cultural evidence leans strongly towards the
conclusion that the current head of the Sphinx has probably been recarved at least once since
its original creation.
Technically, the Sphinx is not a megalithic structure, as it had originally been carved as a
single sculpture from a massive rock outcropping as opposed to having been built out of
large, fitted stones as is typical of megalithic architecture. However, we know for a fact that
the stone that was cut out from around the Sphinx while it was being carved was later used to
build what is commonly known as the "Sphinx Temple", a massive, megalithic temple
complex that sits right in front of the paws of the Sphinx. As we have seen in our study of the
megalithic structures of Malta, the megalithic style of architecture used in the Maltese
temples was apparently typical of that used in the world before the Flood. This conclusion
was based largely on the fact that those temples show strong evidence of having been literally
knocked over by one or more massive tsunami, huge tidal waves that had deluged the entire
Mediterranean basin at some point in the distant past in an event that we have determined
was most likely part of the Great Flood of Noah. So, the megalithic style of architecture to be
found in Malta, Egypt and elsewhere may well be indicative that the structures that were built
using the megalithic style are in fact archaeological remnants of the world before the Flood.
In conclusion, between the water erosion to be found on and around the Sphinx, the apparent
recarving of the head of the Sphinx due to extreme levels of erosion over many thousands of
years, and the fact that the materials cut out from around the Sphinx were used as building
materials for a temple whose architectural style greatly predates that of Egypt's dynastic
period, the evidence appears to strongly suggest that the Sphinx may indeed be much older
than currently believed — possibly old enough to be an archaeological remnant of the world
before the Flood.

The Sphinx Temple stands immediately before

the Sphinx, and is made up of the same
materials as the Sphinx, the limestone blocks
used to build the temple having been quarried
from around the Sphinx in the process of
creating the Sphinx enclosure. Unfortunately
the Sphinx Temple is almost completely ruined.
Once a magnificent megalithic temple built of
massive limestone blocks with granite facing
stones and an alabaster floor, it now lays in
ruins, a jumble of blocks splayed out in front of
the paws of the Sphinx like so many children's
toys. In fact, the chaotic jumble of the temple's massive stones looks chillingly reminiscent of
the destruction that had been wrought by the Great Flood on the Maltese temples. Could the
tsunami that destroyed the capitol of Osiria have reached as far as Egypt?
If indeed the Egyptians of the dynastic period were the descendants of Canaan, the son of
Ham, the son of Noah, it may be that the Canaanites that had migrated to Egypt after the
Flood had found the ruins of antediluvian Egypt that had been destroyed by the Flood and,
not fully understanding the true purpose of the ruined megalithic structures, created lesser,
imperfect copies of them in a vain attempt to recreate the glory of the days before the Flood.
As a result, the ruins of the Sphinx Temple were likely still held sacred and used for religious
ceremonies, though their original purpose was likely never fully understood. Over time,
additional temples and worship structures were built, all based on false assumptions about the
true nature of the mysterious megalithic structures that dotted the Giza plain. However their
attempts were all in vain, as the structures that they built were never quite as good as those
that had been built before the Flood. Eventually, lost in darkness, Egypt went into decline and
was conquered by one empire after another, her priesthoods scattered to the four winds,
taking the true history of Egypt with them.
Like the Sphinx, the Sphinx Temple has been incorrectly attributed to Khafre, one of the
more famous of the Old Kingdom pharaohs. However, as we have seen, the megalithic style
of architecture greatly predates the Egyptian Dynastic Period. The Sphinx Temple has no
carvings or paintings whatsoever, whereas the temples of Egypt's historical period were
literally covered inside and out with deeply engraved, brightly colored artwork. The Sphinx
Temple, like all megalithic structures, was unique in its simple construction and complete
lack of ornamentation, indicative of a completely different style of construction where
function clearly ruled over form.
More likely Khafre, like Thutmoses III would later do, merely renovated the Sphinx and the
surrounding megalithic temples that were already very ancient even by his time. Thus the fact
that there are archaeological remains from Egypt's historic period in the Sphinx Temple and
its surroundings does not prove that they were built in those periods. It is most likely that
these were later additions by the Egyptians who, like all peoples, tended to build on and reuse
more ancient structures, not understanding their original usage. Unfortunately, closer
inspection in an attempt to divine the original usage of the temple is now impossible, due to
the fact that it has been placed off limits indefinitely for reasons not yet disclosed.

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Just to the left of the mysterious Sphinx

Temple, as one is looking towards the front of
the Sphinx, is the equally mysterious Valley
Temple. Like the Sphinx Temple, the Valley
Temple was also built of the same huge,
megalithic stones that had been quarried from
the area around the Sphinx. The huge size,
shape, and style of architecture matches the
Sphinx Temple perfectly, meaning that the
Valley Temple had been built at the same time
as the Sphinx and the Sphinx Temple and, as
we have seen, possibly even the megalithic
structures at Malta. Like the Sphinx Temple,
even a casual observer can see that there is a
world of difference between these ancient
megalithic temples and the relatively modern
structures that vainly attempted to emulate

The Valley Temple at Giza, traditionally

attributed to the Pharaoh Khafre, is an
absolute wonder of engineering, and its
distinctive architectural style identifies it
as being among the oldest stone buildings
in Egypt, if not the world. The only other
known parallels in Egypt are the Sphinx
Temple right next to it, and the mysterious
Osirion at Abydos, in Upper Egypt. What
makes the Valley Temple so remarkable is
the sheer size of the stones used in its
construction, and the incredible number of
them used. The temple itself is roughly
square, measuring 147 feet on each side,
and it is built into the slope of the plateau
with the height of its exterior walls rising
from just over 20 feet on the west side, to
over 40 feet on the east side. Its core
structure is built entirely of huge limestone
blocks, hundreds of them, regularly
exceeding 200 tons each in weight, the
equivalent of nearly 300 family-sized cars!

The huge trilithons of the Valley Temple

are simply two massive blocks
surmounted by a third massive block —
literally, the simplest possible method of
construction. At hundreds of tons each,
however, the question remains as to how
they were lifted into place, as it would be
difficult or impossible to perform the same
feat today. Image from The Oriental
content with using hundreds of 200-ton
blocks of limestone, the builders of the
Valley Temple had also managed to lift
these huge stones to heights of over 40
feet! To give some kind of perspective, the
largest sarsen stones at the famous
Stonehenge in Southern England weigh a
mere 50 tons, and they were not lifted to
anywhere near these heights. The
engineering logistics are simply

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Once again, like the Sphinx and the Sphinx Temple, the Valley Temple stands as mute
testament to a world far older than the one currently recognized by orthodox Egyptology. At
200+ tons, these stones could not have possibly been raised up to 40 feet in the air by any
technology known to be available to the dynastic Egyptians, and even today we would be
sorely pressed to lift just one of them. The clean, simple, unadorned style of the Valley
Temple's megalithic architecture is also distinctly different from that of Egypt's historic
period, which was always sophisticated and ornate. Yet, orthodox Egyptology continues to
attribute this temple to Khafre based solely on the fact that a statue of Khafre had been found
in the temple buried upside down in a pit. Yet, pharaohs placing statues of themselves in
temples that were built well before their time was a common practice in Egypt, usually
accompanied by a renovation or expansion of the temple complex. So, the discovery of
Khafre's statue could well indicate that he merely renovated the existing temple, rather than
building it.

The Osirion, located in Abydos, is perhaps

the most famous of Egypt's megalithic
temples. Attached to Seti I's "Temple of
Osiris", the Osirion is generally referred to as
the "Tomb of Osiris", though its exact
function has never been determined
definitively. Mainstream Egyptologists claim
that it was built by Seti I, some even going as
far as to claim that it was made purposely
"old looking" in order to make it appear to be
from the Old Kingdom period as supposedly
the Sphinx Temple and Valley Temple were.
The Osirion is probably the most mysterious of all of the
Despite the fact that this idea is patently
megalithic temples of ancient Egypt, as it is not only
made up of massive square blocks comparable in size, absurd, there were some inscriptions from
shape and weight to those used in Malta and Giza, but it Seti found on the site which do lend some
was also found buried some 50 feet into the ground credence to their claim that the temple
lower than the Seti temple that was supposedly built at complex — if that is indeed what it was —
the same time, by the same person. Image from Tour was built by Seti. However, for many
Egypt. reasons, it is much more likely that the
Osirion is yet another antediluvian megalithic temple that had been repurposed for use by the
post-Flood inhabitants of Egypt. As Fletcher explains,
In the mid-1920s, archaeologists digging in the scorching
climate of Abydos discovered the walls of a temple that for
thousands of years had been completely buried by silt and
sand. Well, at least they thought it was a temple. When the
structure was completely uncovered, swept out, and polished,
these Egyptologists realized that what they had stumbled upon
might not have been a temple after all, but something
completely unique to their craft. Analogous granite walls and
columns had not been previously discovered anywhere else in
Egypt. It appeared certain that this discovery could turn The only original inscription
to be found in the Osirion
Egyptology upside down and severely challenge the accepted was this mandala-like motif
academic position regarding Egypt’s past. One of the first popularly known as "the
theories introduced about the Osireion was that it was the tomb Flower of Life".
of the famous antediluvian King Osiris, whose existence had Above: Original inscription
been previously dismissed as mere fantasy. This seemed to Below: Popular
make logical sense since the Osireion had been discovered in reconstruction
Abydos, which for thousands of years had been worshipped as Images from Flower of Life
the location of the tomb of Osiris, even though no definitive
tomb of the legendary pharaoh had ever been found there.
Thus, the first plausible explanation was that the archaeologists
had stumbled upon the tomb of the legendary Osiris, the
greatest pharaoh in history.3
Whereas the architectural style of Seti's temple is distinctly New
Kingdom, the Osirion's megalithic architecture is completely
different. Also, whereas the walls of Seti's temple are covered
inside and out with hieroglyphs and painted scenes depicting the
king's life, the walls of the Osirion are completely bare save those few intrusive etchings that
Seti had imposed upon them, and a single enigmatic symbol, known as the "Flower of Life",
that was probably the only original inscription. In fact the Osirion is nothing like the temple
of Seti, a New Kingdom temple structure which is clearly yet another late addition by the
post-Flood Egyptians to the antediluvian structures they came across when they repopulated
the land. Repurposing these ancient structures to fit their strange, superstitious religion, the
ancient descendants of Ham had little or no idea of what the structures were really used for.
And until recently, neither did we.

As we have seen, the antediluvian world was a

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world that was extraordinarily wicked. It was a

world at war with itself, a world that was
utterly bent on its own destruction. Many
ancient traditions including even the Bible
describe the antediluvian world as a place that
was populated largely by technologically
sophisticated giants who lived only to make
war, a world so irretrievably wicked that it had
to be totally destroyed by the Great Flood.
We are told that all of the wicked world from
before the Flood was destroyed.
Unfortunately, that appears to not be the case
Christopher Dunn in his seminal The Giza Power Plant — much of the antediluvian world appears to
argues very convincingly that the Great Pyramid of Giza have escaped the cleansing destruction that
was originally used not as a tomb, but as a method of
was inflicted upon it. The megalithic
generating energy, in effect, making the Giza necropolis
the shattered remnants of an ancient "power plant".
architecture to be found around the world is
Image from The Giza Power Plant almost certainly from the world before the
Flood, from a time when the technology to lift
massive objects with relative ease was apparently widely available. Some also believe that
radio, television, electricity and similarly high technologies were also available, and were
linked to some of these megalithic structures. And of all these structures, the Great Pyramid
appears to have been the greatest — and most dangerous — megalithic remnant of the
antediluvian world.

Some believe that the Great Pyramid lay at the heart of the civilization of the antediluvian
Egyptians not as an object of worship and veneration, but as the central piece of a gigantic
power plant — the "Giza Power Plant" — that generated electricity and other forms of power
that were used not only for communications and power generation for peaceful use, but also
as a weapon of terrible destruction. As such, the antediluvian Egyptians were in possession of
a technology that, until the twentieth century, far exceeded our own.

Increasing evidence is coming to light

suggesting that the ancient Egyptians did
indeed have advanced technology. As David
Hatcher Childress explains in his fascinating
Technology of the Gods: The Incredible
Sciences of the Ancients,
In my searches for lost cities and
mysteries of the past, I have often found
clues to the technology of the ancients.
These clues can be in the form of
depictions of ancient devices in rock
paintings or carvings (such as the electric
One of the classic reliefs from the Temple of Hathor that devices at the Temple of Hathor in Egypt)
clearly show various forms of what is now known as the or as small models of devices (such as the
Crookes tube, a form of light bulb, being used to shed miniature gold airplanes at the Bogota
illumination. Some believe that this is how the ancient
Egyptians were able to paint the tombs deep
Gold Museum) or in the stories from
underground without the use of torches, which would ancient texts (such as the Ramayana or
have left telltale residue. The number and variety of the even the Bible).... In the ancient world
lightbulb images is more suggestive of a research high technology was largely denied the
facility, making the Temple of Hathor possibly more of masses. In fact, it was often used in
what we would consider to be a laboratory than a house temples and ceremonies to gain power
of worship. over people by amazing or terrifying
Image from Conscious Evolution
them; this was part of worship and
Unfortunately unlike today, where most technology is freely available to the public, the
Egyptian priesthoods kept the technological knowledge to themselves in order to keep the
peasants docile and easily controlled. And in order to maintain their power over the
peasantry, the priests no doubt occasionally arranged spectacular lightshows to make sure
that the peasantry knew of their superior power, that "the gods" were on their side. Now of
course, we have and understand electricity and the many conveniences that it provides.
However, to the Egyptians, these "technologies of the gods" were part of the mysteries of the
gods. These mysteries included what we now know as electricity, radio, television and,
possibly, even nuclear power. Moreover, as we shall see, some believe that the antediluvian
Egyptians may have also been in possession of a technology that may have made even
nuclear weapons obsolete. However, let us look at some of the better known "mysteries of the
gods" first:

The most illuminating evidence of Egyptian knowledge
of electricity comes from the Temple of Hathor in
Denderah, Egypt in the form of a mysterious relief that
appears to depict what could only be a massive lightbulb
(above). Electrical engineers have studied the design and

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determined that the carvings on the temple walls actually

represent a type of lightbulb called a Crookes tube. Chris
Dunn explains in his seminal work, The Giza Power
When the [Crookes] tube is in operation, the ray
originates where the cathode electrical wire enters the
tube to the opposite end. In the temple picture, the
electron beam is represented as an outstretched
serpent. The tail of the serpent begins where a cable The very first (modern) Van de Graaf
from the energy box enters the tube, and the serpent's generator, created by Dr. Robert J. Van de
head touches the opposite end. In Egyptian art, the Graaff, an MIT professor. It was used
originally as a research tool in
serpent was the symbol of divine energy.... The atom-smashing and high energy X-ray
Temple picture shows one tube, on the extreme left of research. Used by the Egyptian
the picture, to be operating under normal conditions. priesthoods in their rituals, its
But with the second tube, situated closest to the psychological effect must have been
energy box to the right, an interesting experiment has awesome indeed.
been portrayed. Michael R. Freeman, an electric and Image from Museum of Science
electromagnetic engineer, believes that the solar disc
on Horus' head is a Van de Graaf generator, an
apparatus which collects static electricity. A baboon
is portrayed holding a metal knife between the Van
de Graaf-solar disc and the second tube. Under actual
conditions, the static charge built up on the knife
from the generator would cause the electron beam
inside the Crookes tube to be diverted from the
normal path, because the negative knife and negative
beam would repel each other. In the temple picture,
the serpent's head in the second tube is turned away
from the end of the tube, repulsed by the knife in the
baboon's hand.5
According to Dunn, all aspects of the Denderah reliefs
correspond exactly to modern electrical specifications.
The bulb size and shape, the position of the elements
relative to each other, and even the wiring patterns and
insulators all match their modern counterparts. The Image of an Egyptian Van de Graaff
generator. Isis and Nephthys at the bottom
arrangement and variations in the examples of how to sit on the sign for gold, nebu, which is a
manipulate the electrical energy of the bulb is also superior power conductor. The djed
strongly reminiscent of modern scientific diagrams, the column means stability, acting as a stable
only major difference being the use of symbolic imagery, base for the generator, the term possibly
such as gods and animals, to communicate certain also meaning "insulator" in this context.
concepts. The ankh means the power of life, or
electrical power. The round symbol is the
solar disk, or a source of light, as the case
may be. The current understanding of the
Another technology that some believe the antediluvian ankh and solar disk as merely symbolic of
Egyptians possessed was radio. Stephen Mehler believes life is the result of a degeneration of
that the Great Pyramid may have been, among other ancient Egyptian thought, where
things, a gigantic communications tower that no doubt superstition had taken the place of science.
was used to unite mankind. As Mehler explains, Image courtesy KennyZen

One of the uses of the Great Pyramid was to serve as a giant radio station to send
messages all over the earth. Kinnaman claimed that there was a passageway off of
the secret entrance they found in the south-east corner of the Great Pyramid that led
to a spiral staircase that took them down over 1,000 feet into the limestone bedrock.
There, in a large room lying on a stone table, was a giant quartz crystal ground
convex that was 30 feet in every direction (long, high, thick, etc.). This giant crystal
with thousands of prisms inserted in it was the source of the radio transmission.6
Interestingly, early radio sets used crystal radio technology, before vacuum tubes, solid-state
transistors and other methods were developed during a long history of development. If the
antediluvian Egyptians had discovered radio, it stands to reason that television was not far

Of all of the visionaries and seers who claim to have seen
visions of the world before the Flood, Edgar Cayce, famous
seer and mystic, stands head and shoulders above all. Cayce
claimed to see through the eyes of his subjects into their past
lives, many of whom apparently had had past lives in Atlantis.
And in many of these visions, Cayce described television as
one of the technologies that was a part of the antediluvian
In city of Peos in Atlantis — among people who gained
understanding of application of nightside of life or
negative influences in the Earth's spheres, of those who
gave much understanding to the manner of sound, voice

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and picture and such to peoples of that period.... In Poseidia the entity dwelt among
those that had charge of the storage of the motivative forces from the great crystals
that so condensed the lights, the forms of the activities, as to guide the ships in the
sea and in the air and in conveniences of the body as television and recording
So not only did the antediluvian Egyptians (and Atlanteans) have radio, they also had
television. Moreover, according to Cayce, they were able to transmit both radio, television
and even power to various craft through the airwaves. Apparently it had to do with the same
crystal technology that was used for radio transmission. So, in effect, the Great Pyramid was
not only a huge power plant, but it was also a gigantic radio/TV broadcast tower.

Though evidence of nuclear power — specifically,
nuclear weapons — is not directly evidenced in Egyptian
myths and artifacts, evidence of ancient nuclear war does
exist in southwestern Egypt, in the form of a vast desert
of fused glass. Childress explains,
One of the strangest mysteries of ancient Egypt is
that of the great glass sheets that were only
discovered in 1932. In December of that year, P. Libyan Desert glass, or "LDG", can be
Clayton, a surveyor for the Egyptian Geological found covering hundreds of square miles
Survey, was driving among the dunes of the Great of the Libyan Desert in southwestern
Sand Sea near the Saad Plateau in the virtually Egypt. LDG was used to fashion a glass
scarab that was found on the breast of
uninhabited area just north of the southwestern
Tutankhamen (below). The glass is
corner of Egypt, when he heard his tires crunch on extremely pure, and could only be formed
something that wasn't sand. It turned out to be large by a blast of extreme heat, which could
pieces of marvelously clear yellow-green glass. In only generated by either a meteorite that
fact, this wasn't just any ordinary glass, but ultra-pure exploded just above the desert, or a
glass that was an astonishing 98% silica. Clayton nuclear weapon, though the evidence
wasn't the first person to come across this field of appears to clearly point to the latter.
Childress also suggests that the glass
glass, as various "prehistoric" hunters and nomads might also be the result of an even more
had obviously also found the now-famous Libyan powerful energy weapon, currently
Desert Glass or LDG. The glass had been used in the unknown, but possessed by the
past to make knives and other sharp-edged tools as antediluvian Egyptians. Images from
well as other objects. A carved scarab of LDG was Egyptologists' Electronic Forum
even found in Tut-Ankh-Amen's tomb, indicating
that the glass was sometimes used for jewelry. An
article in the British science magazine New Scientist
(July 10, 1999) by Giles Wright entitled, "The Riddle
of the Sands," says that LDG is the purest natural
silica glass ever found. Over a thousand tons of it are
strewn across hundreds of kilometers of bleak desert.
Some of the chunks weigh 26 kilograms, but most
LDG exists in smaller, angular pieces looking like
shards left when a giant green bottle was smashed by
colossal forces.8
There can only be two possibilities for the green glass
desert in southwestern Egypt: one, a meteorite exploded
over the desert in a Tunguska-like event or, two, there
was a nuclear explosion in the desert, either as the result
of an attack, or because the desert was used as a testing
range like our Alamagordo Desert in New Mexico, the
result of which was also sand being fused into green glass. Ancient nuclear war has been
considered as the answer to some of the more puzzling anomalies to be found around the
globe, including references in the Mahabharata to a mighty weapon that sounds exactly like a
nuclear missile:
Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful vimana hurled a
single projectile charged with the power of the
Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and
flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose with all its
splendor. It was an unknown weapon, an iron
thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which
reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and
the Andhakas. The corpses were so burned as to be
unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke
without apparent cause, and the birds turned white.
If the radiance of a thousand suns ...After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected...
Were to burst at once into the sky escape from this fire the soldiers threw themselves in
That would be like the splendor of the
streams to wash themselves and their equipment.9
Mighty one...
I am become Death,
The destroyer of worlds.
Interestingly, there are persistent reports of an ancient city
— from the Bhagavad-Gita in India that is covered in a layer of radioactive ash that
shows evidence of an atomic blast that occurred

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somewhere between 10,000-6000 b.c., which fits into the timeline that we have determined
for the last world war of the antediluvian world, and of the Flood that wiped them out for
A third possibility has been suggested by Childress that the fused green glass was as a result
of a previously unknown energy weapon of which the antediluvian Egyptians had the

There has always been something about the

Great Pyramid of Giza that has excited the
imagination of men more than any other
pyramid in the world. Though this so-called
"Pyramid of Khufu" is nearly identical in size
to its twin, the so-called "Pyramid of Khafre",
it has excited the imagination so much more
because deep within its dark interior lies a
mysterious series of rooms and passageways
whose true purpose has long remained a
mystery. Moreover, these passageways exhibit
such a high level of precision in their manufacture that even today we would be sorely
pressed to reproduce them. Though mainstream Egyptologists are adamant that the Great
Pyramid was meant to serve as a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu, like all the other antediluvian
megalithic ruins we have discussed, the Great Pyramid has absolutely no inscriptions inside
or outside, funereal or otherwise. This is wholly different from every other Egyptian tomb
ever found, which invariably have practically every square inch of wall, and even ceiling,
covered in beautiful inscriptions and paintings. Moreover, not a single artifact, relic,
sarcophagus or treasure of any kind has ever been found inside the Great Pyramid, even by
the Egyptian Caliph Al-Mamoun, who was the first to enter the interior workings of the Great
Pyramid since it was sealed ages ago.
Yet, despite the complete lack of evidence for the Great
Pyramid being a tomb, temple or memorial of any kind,
Egyptologists continue to insist that the Great Pyramid was
indeed the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu. This is based on a
single, highly dubious bit of graffiti that had been found in
the formerly sealed "relieving chambers" above the
so-called "King's Chamber" in 1837. This graffiti was Howard Vyse's disputed cartouche of
Pharaoh Khufu found in the upper
found by one Howard Vyse, the 19th century Egyptologist,
relieving chambers of the King's Chamber.
who claimed that the hieroglyphics, that were crudely Questions remain as to its authenticity,
daubed in red paint, spelled out the name of Khufu and and to why the only reference to a
were therefore proof that Khufu had built the Great dynastic pharaoh is to be found in an
Pyramid. Beyond the obvious question as to why this tiny, inaccessible area of a pyramid in which no
insignificant mark in an area sealed off from human other inscriptions have ever been found.
contact was the only identifying mark in the entire Image from Guardian's Egypt
pyramid, is the questions about the provenance of the graffiti. Following up on the problem,
noted authors Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval nicely did away with Vyse's scurrilous
attempt to rewrite history by pointing out that not only were the hieroglyphs of dubious
lineage, they were also misspelled! Furthermore, the manner in which Khufu's name was
misspelled matched exactly a typo that appeared in the book on Egyptian hieroglyphics that
Vyse had used for translation work.11 This dubious mark is hardly enough to determine
absolutely the builder of perhaps the greatest artifact of the antediluvian world left on Earth.
Nor will it dissuade us from discovering the Great Pyramid's true purpose.

Now that it is safe to dismiss academic Egyptology's assessment of the age of the Great
Pyramid, the door is open to other theories. And there have been numerous theories, to the
pyramid as part of a treasure map to the pyramid as a water pump. And though the treasure
map theory is excellent, perhaps the best Great Pyramid-specific theory so far is Christopher
Dunn's "power plant" theory. This theory, combined with the complementary research of
Joseph Farrell and my own deductions, is as follows: the Great Pyramid of Giza utilized a
combination of hydrogen, tectonic "earth" energy, solar energy, lunar energy and quartz
crystal in various forms to synergize an immense amount of energy that was essentially the
central "power plant" of antediluvian Egypt.

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A: The "King's Chamber": Hydrogen, sound energy, and solar/lunar energy was collected here and amplified by
A1 & A2: Solar energy & lunar energy (reflected solar, microwave and other types of energy from space)
collected through these shafts. The northern and southern faces were originally shaped like satellite dishes, with
collectors to collect and transmit the energy into the King's Chamber via the shafts.
B: The "Queen's Chamber": Hydrogen produced here by mixing zinc chloride and hydrochloric acid
B1: Hydrated zinc chloride is piped in from the outside through the shaft into the Queen's Chamber
B2: Hydrochloric acid is piped in from the outside through the shaft into the Queen's Chamber
B3 & B4: It is possible that the zinc chloride and hydrochloric acid was piped in from the outside, but no
external opening has been found. A subterranean chamber in or beneath the pyramid may eventually be found that
supplied these or other chemicals for the reaction.
C: The "Subterranean Chamber": A lesser resonating chamber that produces the bass and sub-bass notes
D: The "Grand Gallery": The primary resonating chamber, produces the midrange and high notes that, along with
the bass from the Subterranean Chamber, creates an F-Sharp chord that is channeled into the King's Chamber
E: The "Ascending Passage": Contains granite "plugs" (E1) that serve as sonic dampers to prevent runaway
F: The "Well Shaft": Bass notes from Subterranean Chamber travel through here to Grand Gallery
G: The "Descending Passage": Access tunnel to the mechanism
For further explanation, read on.

The first and most important part of the process is the tapping of earth's limitless supply of
seismic energy, which creates the majority of the power plant's power. The Great Pyramid, as
many researchers have discovered, was built with a degree of architectural precision that is
unmatched even today. The perfectly squared base, oriented perfectly towards the four
cardinal directions, is the aspect of the building that is perhaps the most commented-upon
feature of the pyramid. What is less well known is the fact that the pyramid is not perfectly
flat on the bottom, as one might expect. Instead, it is built upon an outcropping of limestone,
the first few courses of stone built around the mound and later covering over it. This is
important, as we shall see.
Dunn believes that the Great Pyramid was designed to be what is called a "coupled
oscillator" with the Earth. A coupled oscillator is a device that is designed to allow the
vibratory energy of one vibrating object to be picked up by a connected object so as to
transfer the vibratory energy from the first object to the second object — in this case, from
the Earth to the Great Pyramid. This is why the pyramid was not built upon a flat surface, but
incorporates part of the Earth into its superstructure — the earth is effectively "coupled" with
the Great Pyramid, allowing Earth's natural tectonic vibrations to easily pass into the
pyramid. As Dunn explains, "Covering a large land area, the Great Pyramid is, in fact, in
harmonic resonance with the vibration of the Earth — a structure that could act as an
acoustical horn for collecting, channeling, and/or focusing terrestrial vibration."12 And there
are other aspects of the pyramid's construction that help make it an extremely efficient
coupled oscillator. For one, the Great Pyramid integrates into its design the concept of pi,
where the height of the pyramid is the same as the ratio between the radius of a circle and its
circumference. Just as 2 x pi x the radius of a circle = its circumference, so too 2 x pi x the
height of the pyramid = its circumference. As such, like the Earth, (and all spheres) the Great
Pyramid integrates into its structure the concept of pi, which helps it resonate with Earth's
energy. Other aspects include the relative placement of the pyramid in the approximate center
of Earth's land masses, its placement at precisely at 30 degrees north latitude, and many other
interesting facts and figures that lend great weight to Dunn's theory too numerous to get into

The process of powering up the Giza Power Plant begins in the Subterranean Chamber (C),
which was dug deep in the limestone bedrock beneath the pyramid. When the Subterranean
Chamber was first discovered, the Egyptologists, caught in their "burial chamber" mindset,
assumed that the rough-hewn, seemingly "unfinished" chamber had been abandoned by the
Egyptians who decided instead to bury Pharaoh Khufu in a chamber higher up in the
superstructure of the pyramid. However, if we look at the Subterranean Chamber as part of a
larger resonating chamber intended to convert seismic energy into acoustic energy, its
meaning and usage becomes clear.
The Subterranean chamber is a fairly small chamber that has two interesting features: "the
Pit", and "The Dead-End Passage". The Pit is a twelve-foot deep pit (dug into deeper in 1837

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by Howard Vyse, who was searching for a hidden chamber beneath it) that is just inside the
entryway to the Subterranean Chamber, and the Dead-End Passage, a 2.5-foot square,
53-foot-long horizontal passage hewn into the living rock in the south side of the
Subterranean Chamber. Outside of the "resonating chamber" paradigm the existence of these
chambers makes no sense. However, if one looks at these chambers from the scientific
perspective, with the idea that they had been created for a specific purpose, it becomes clear
that these chambers had been created as a means of converting seismic energy to sound.

Seismic energy takes the form of two basic

waveforms while underground: transverse
waves, and longitudinal waves. Transverse
waves, also known as primary or
compressional "P" waves, cause particles to
oscillate parallel to the direction that the wave
is traveling. Longitudinal waves, however,
cause particles to oscillate perpendicular to the
The Subterranean Chamber (C) was originally built as a direction that the wave is traveling. So, in
method of converting transverse and longitudinal order to capture the energy from both types of
seismic waves into sound energy of a very low
waves, you would need to create two
frequency — in effect, it was a subterranean
"subwoofer". "The Pit" (C2) was actually one part of resonance chambers that are specially
this subwoofer that converted transverse waves into configured to capture and convert these two
sub-bass sounds (the dotted area indicates Vyse's different types of energies — one vertically
ill-fated attempt to find hidden treasure), and the oriented, and one horizontally oriented —
Dead-End Passage (C1) was originally designed to which is exactly how the sub-chambers that
convert longitudinal waves into subbass, or possibly are found in the Subterranean Chamber
slightly higher frequency bass sounds than the pit. The
size and configuration of the pit and the passage would
complex are configured.
actually determine the type of sound that would be
The Pit (C2) would be used to convert
created, meaning that each had been effectively "tuned"
transverse waves, which would transfer their
to generate a certain sound whenever they were hit with
horizontal energy into its vertical sides,
seismic energy, effectively making the Subterranean
causing it to resonate like a subwoofer in a
Chamber a massive subwoofer. The small alcove (C3)
stereo system. The Dead-End passage (C1),
outside of the main chamber may have been intended to
help regulate the amplitude of the sound, acting as a
conversely, would pick up and convert
"limiter" to keep it from getting too loud before it was
longitudinal waves, which would transfer their
piped up the descending passage and and "Well-Shaft"
(F) to the Grand Gallery. vertical energy into its horizontal walls, floor
and ceiling, also causing it to resonate like a
subwoofer. The reason for the rough condition
of the Subterreanean chamber and its sub-chambers may be that the antediluvian Egyptians
had actually manually "tuned" the chamber by digging out various parts of the floors. The
very rough Pit may be the bass speaker or even the subwoofer, as very low frequencies are
non-directional and do not require fine-tuning. The carefully carved Dead-End Passage, with
its exact height and width of 2.5 feet, may have been effectively "tuned" to act more of a
higher-frequency, "bass" speaker, slightly higher in frequency than the Pit subwoofer. If true,
this implies that the entire pyramid is essentially a gigantic speaker system, where the
Subterranean Chamber complex acts as the subwoofer as well as the bass speaker. Dunn
believes that the frequency of the pyramid is actually 6 hertz, however, which would mean
that the Subterranean subwoofer might actually be a subsonic subwoofer, producing sound
that is below the threshold of human hearing. However, Dunn believes that it may still be
detectable by the human body as physical vibration, which accounts for the strange feeling of
"pyramid power" that people feel when entering the Great Pyramid.13
Thus the Subterranean Chamber would more accurately called the "Subterranean
Subwoofer". But why did the antediluvian Egyptians have a need for such a huge subwoofer?
And if it was indeed intended to be a gigantic speaker system, how were the midrange and
high notes produced? By examining the acoustics of the inner chambers of the Great
Pyramid, we can follow where the sound would go, and hypothesize on how it would behave.
The heavy bass sound, which is non-directional, would flood through absolutely every
opening, and even through the superstructure of the pyramid, like water. It would first travel
up the "Well Shaft" (F), and then into the descending passage, up towards the entrance,
causing every part of the pyramid to vibrate.

At the top of the Well Shaft is the "Grand Gallery" (D) a

long, high-ceilinged passageway that has been carved in a
manner that has not been duplicated anywhere else in
ancient Egypt. The walls are "corbelled", which means
that they have been cut in such a way that the gallery
becomes increasingly narrower in steps as one
approaches the ceiling, which is covered with tiles that
are angled towards the "Kings Chamber" (A). Moreover,
historical reports of Al-Mamoun's failed attempt to
plunder the pyramid describe similar tiles on the floor
that were also angled towards the King's Chamber, which
Al-Mamoun had discarded and had thrown down the
well-shaft. The tiles were removed because they were
actually obstructing their progress up the Grand Gallery.
But if the Gallery was intended to be part of some great
funereal procession, why was it arranged in such a way so
as to be difficult for humans to navigate?

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Motivated by the theory that the Grand Gallery had been The so-called "Grand Gallery" of the
built with an acoustical use in mind, Dunn set about Great Pyramid, as viewed from the top.
testing its acoustical properties. Predictably, acoustic The Grand Gallery was actually a massive
acoustical resonating chamber that was
experiments undertaken by Dunn and his colleagues filled with 27 vertical rows of Helmholtz
showed that Grand Gallery was indeed an acoustical resonators, that converted seismic energy
resonating chamber that was specifically designed to into sound. Note the corbelled walls that
reflect all sound that was emitted anywhere in the Great narrow as they approach the ceiling, each
Pyramid — including the Subterranean Subwoofer — of which corresponded to a note in the
into the King's Chamber. The tiles on the ceiling, as well scale. Also, if you look carefully, you can
as the missing tiles on the floor, all acted to bounce sound see the slots along the side ramps that the
resonator trees were installed into. The
back towards the King's Chamber. acoustical signature of the Grand Gallery
or, more accurately, the "Grand
Dunn also theorized that the Grand Gallery, like the Resonator", was designed so that all of the
Subterranean Chamber, had been designed as a massive sound created in the Grand Resonator —
sound generator. Analysis of the Grand Gallery revealed or anywhere in the pyramid, such as the
ramps running along where the walls met the floor on Subterranean Subwoofer — was directed
both sides which had matching pairs of slots on either into the "King's Chamber". Image from
side, spaced at regular intervals, 27 in all. To explain how Guardian's Egypt
the Grand Gallery might also might have been used to generate sound, Dunn hypothesized
that there had been 27 vertical racks, which he called "resonator assemblies", that stretched
all the way to the ceiling. Each of these racks held 7 rows of what are now called Helmholtz
resonators, which are basically hollowed-out spheres that, when vibrated, emit sound of
certain frequency that varies depending upon their size and shape. Dunn explains,
To extrapolate further we
could say that each resonator
assembly that was installed in
the Grand Gallery was
equipped with several
Helmholtz-type resonators that
were tuned to different
harmonic frequencies. In a
series of harmonic steps, each
resonator in the series
responded at a higher
frequency than the previous
one. In a manner similar to the
King's Chamber's response to
energy inputs — its creation of
an F-Sharp chord — these
resonators raised the
A "Helmholtz Resonator" (top right) is basically any hollowed-out frequency of the vibrations
object with a thin neck protruding from one side out of which sound coming from the Earth. To
can travel. Sound is produced when the resonator is vibrated, either increase the resonators'
directly or sympathetically with a nearby resonator of the same frequency, the ancient
resonant frequency. The resonator can be tuned based upon the size of
the object, the width and length of the neck, and so forth. Dunn
scientists would have made the
believes that the Grand Gallery, henceforth referred to as the "Grand dimensions smaller, and
Resonator" (D), was once filled with 27 racks of these types of correspondingly reduced the
resonators, 7 rows per rack, each row tuned to emit one note on a distance between the two walls
7-note scale. All together, with the Grand Resonator providing the adjacent to each resonator. In
high and midrange notes, and the Subterranean Subwoofer providing fact, the walls of the Grand
the the bass and sub-bass notes, the pyramid was one giant speaker Gallery actually step upward
that "sang" one massive chord in F-minor. This chord was then
directed into the King's Chamber where it was converted in
seven times in their height and
piezoelectric energy. Images adapted from The Giza Power Plant and most probably the resonators' supports reached almost to the
ceiling. At their base, the
resonators were anchored in
the ramp slots. Not surprisingly, there is additional evidence in the Grand Gallery to
support this premise, especially in a design feature of the gallery that is seldom
given much thought. This is a groove, or slot, cut along the length of the second
layer of the corbelled wall. This groove suggests the resonators were held in place
inside the Grand Gallery and positioned, or keyed, into the structure by first being
installed into the ramp slots and then held in a vertical position with "shot" pins in
the groove. Once the resonator assemblies were positioned and locked into place,
the angle of the slot effectively prevented them from moving.14
According to Dunn's theory, each of these racks, 27 in all, held 7 rows of Helmholtz
Resonators, each of which emitted a tone equivalent to one step in the Egyptian musical
scale. Though no one knows for sure what the Egyptian scale was, Dunn believes that the
sound generated by the Subterranean Subwoofer and the Grand Resonator combined together
played what we would now call an F-Sharp chord. Dunn arrived at this conclusion based on
the fact that sound experiments proved that the King's Chamber — and indeed the entire
Great Pyramid — is tuned to the F-Sharp chord. Dunn elaborates,
Subsequent experiments conducted by Tom Danley in the King's Chamber of the
Great Pyramid and in the chambers above the King's Chamber suggest that the
pyramid was constructed with a sonic purpose. Danley identifies four resonant
frequencies, or notes, that are enhanced by the structure of the pyramid, and by the

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materials used in its construction. The notes from an F Sharp chord, which
according to ancient Egyptian texts [are] the harmonic of our planet. Moreover,
Danley's tests show these frequencies are present in the King's Chamber even when
no sounds are produced. They are there in frequencies that range from 16 Hertz
down to 1/2 Hertz, well below the range of human hearing. According to Danley,
these vibrations are caused by the wind blowing across the ends of the so-called
shafts — in the same way as sounds are created when one blows across the top of a
bottle. Included in the program is a meeting with a Native American maker of
sacred flutes from Oregon. His flutes which are made to serenade Mother Earth, are
tuned to the key of F Sharp!15
Based upon Dunn's research, then, it appears that the "earth power" that was used to power
the Giza Power Plant came in the form of seismic energy that was converted to sound
through highly sophisticated architectural and musical means. This sound was carefully tuned
so as to generate an F-Sharp chord, which, acoustically concentrated in the King's Chamber,
caused the granite walls, floor, ceiling and sarcophagus in the King's Chamber to resonate.
The quartz crystals that make up 50% of the structure of granite resonate at certain
frequencies, and when they resonate they generate a form of electricity called
piezoelectricity, so when the pyramid was in full swing, the entire King's Chamber must have
contained a tremendous amount of electrical energy, ready to be put to use.

The second element that Dunn proposes was necessary for the Giza Power Plant was
hydrogen. He believes that the two shafts (B1 & B2) that lead to the so-called "Queen's
Chamber" (B) were once used to feed hydrated zinc chloride and hydrochloric acid into the
Queen's Chamber in order to provoke a chemical reaction that would result in the creation of
pure hydrogen. He came to this conclusion due to the fact that the entire Queen's Chamber —
walls, ceiling and floor, as well as the passageway that led to it — had been and still is
covered in 1/2 inch of a salty material that is a combination of calcium carbonate (limestone),
sodium chlorite (salt) and calcium sulfate (gypsum).
Some have speculated that this salty substance was a leftover from the Great Flood, which
would have indeed flooded the Great Pyramid for a time if the tsunami had reached that far.
However, they forget that the rest of the pyramid is salt-free, which negates that possibility.
In fact, the only possible way that the walls, ceiling and floor of the Queen's Chamber could
have been covered was if the salt had been deposited as a result of hot hydrogen reacting
with the limestone walls. There is no other possible way, as the salty residue on the limestone
walls could only have occurred as a result of a unique chemical reaction that can only be
caused by hot hydrogen gas reacting with limestone. But by what means were the zinc
chloride and hydrochloric acid piped into the Queen's Chamber and mixed? The answer is in
fact very simple: the mysterious shafts that were found by the stonemason Wayneman Dixon
in 1872. Dixon, when searching the walls of the Queen's Chamber for clues leading to other
secret tunnels or chambers, chanced upon a couple of thin slits in the northern and southern
walls of the Queen's Chamber. He set at the slits with hammer and chisel, and found that they
were slits in a thin covering for two long shafts that were approximately 7" square and went
far into the body of the pyramid.

Over a century would pass until 1991, when a

German engineer by the name of Rudolf
Gantenbrink teamed up with the German
Archaeological Institute to investigate the
largely unexplored shafts in the King's and
Queen's Chambers. The King's Chamber
shafts (A1 & A2) had been found to lead to
the outside of the pyramid, but they could not
find the Queen's Chamber shafts' openings on
the outside. As part of an agreement with the
Egyptian authorities, Gantenbrink had agreed
The "Queen's Chamber", which Christopher Dunn has to clean out the King's Chamber's shafts of all
demonstrated was more likely a chemical reaction the debris that had accumulated there, and to
chamber wherein hydrated zinc chloride and install a ventilation system to decrease the
hydrochloric acid were combined to create hydrogen.
Evidence for such a reaction exists all over the walls,
temperature and humidity within the pyramid
and ceiling of the chamber, in the form of sodium that had been greatly elevated by the huge
chlorite, which would only have formed as a result of a number of tourists within the pyramid. Having
chemical reaction between hot hydrogen gas and the completed this part of his task, Gantenbrink
limestone walls of the chamber. Thus, a more likely built a robot specially designed to measure
name for it should be "the Hydrogen Reactor". The and videotape the interior of both the King's
hydrated zinc chloride and hydrochloric acid were piped Chamber and Queen's Chamber shafts. And in
in through the northern and southern shafts, (B1 & B2)
their flow controlled by various regulators (B3)
1993, Gantenbrink successfully used a robot
discussed at length by Dunn in The Giza Power Plant. named "Upuaut II" to succesfully navigate the
Another possibility discussed by Mehler in The Land of Queen's Chamber shafts, discovering in the
Osiris is that the Egyptians had mastered the technique process a mysterious door that terminated the
of mixing hot and cold water (B1 & B2) in such a way shaft almost 200 feet into the body of the
as to convert the water into hydrogen and oxygen in pyramid. Unfortunately, after the discovery of
what he calls an "implosion reaction", the process
the door, there was a sudden deterioration in
perhaps initiated by some sort of apparatus that was
once located in the niche in the Queen's Chamber (B3).
the relationship between Gantenbrink and the
Egyptian authorities, and as a result,
Gantenbrink became disheartened and

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abandoned the project.

Another decade slipped away until on September 17, 2002, the Gantenbrink Door was finally
opened. Unfortunately, nothing was found but a small space, after which another block of
stone again blocked the passageway. Dunn had expected to see the passageway go downward
into the body of the pyramid, where he believed there were pumps which would feed the zinc
chloride and hydrochloric acid into the respective shafts, but no shafts or holes were
immediately visible (though later analysis of the video by Christopher Dunn shows what may
be a small hole in the terminus of the shaft). Unfortunately, we may not find the answer for
another decade or more, or possibly much longer, due to the extreme restrictions that have
been placed on archaeological excavation of the pyramid in recent years.
At any rate, Dunn's theory sounds plausible. We have seen that the Great Pyramid is
essentially a gigantic speaker system tuned to generate an F Sharp chord, which in turn was
directed into the all-granite King's Chamber. This resonating granite, which is made up of
roughly 1/2 quartz crystals, then generated a great deal of piezoelectricity, a tremendous
amount of potential energy just waiting to be released through some sort of medium. But
what medium? Dunn believes that the hydrogen that was created in the Queen's Chamber, or
"Hydrogen Reactor", filled the entire inside of the pyramid, particularly the King's Chamber,
where it was propelled by the force of the sound waves. Dunn elaborates,
After transducing mechanical energy into electrical energy, there has to be a medium
through which the electricity can flow and be utilized. In a modern power plant,
steam passes across turbine blades causing rotation of a generator that stimulates
electron flow through copper wires. In this power plant the vibrations from the Earth
cause oscillations of the granite within the King's Chamber, and this vibrating mass
of igneous, quartz-bearing rock influences the gaseous medium contained within the
chamber. Currently this gaseous medium is air, but when this power plant operated,
it was most likely hydrogen gas that filled the inner chambers of the Great
But sound and hydrogen were only part of the equation. Dunn believes that an additional
force was brought in in order to generate what modern science calls a MASER — Microwave
Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation. MASERs — a form of laser that
utilizes microwaves as its power source, and hydrogen as its medium — can be produced by
modern science with relative ease. But how on Earth, assuming the technological level of the
antediluvian Egyptians was adequate to the task, could the Great Pyramid have been
designed so as to capture or generate microwave energy?


Another anomaly of the Great Pyramid that
rarely gets any attention is the fact that the
outer faces are slightly concave — not easily
noticeable, but definitely a distinct
architectural feature that must have been
intentional. Many have speculated on the
reason, but none had come up with a logical
answer — until now.
Dunn, in the process of theorizing what
possible use a resonating granite chamber full
"The Two Waters" relief at Kom Ombo, in the Temple of of hydrogen might be good for came to the
Sobek-Horus. Here a pharaoh is depicted being anointed conclusion that it is useless unless there is
by two different kinds of liquid — one from the solar some sort of method of drawing that energy
principle, Horus (right), and one from the lunar outside of the pyramid so it could be put to
principle, Thoth (left). Could this have been a dim use in some sort of application. Eventually he
remembrance of times past when the power of the sun did come up with answer, an answer that
and the moon — and of water — were once harnessed to
generate powerful forces to serve the Pharaoh? Image
solved the mystery of the King's Chamber, as
from The Land of Osiris well as a couple of other related mysteries that
have baffled Egyptologists for over a century.
In order to create a MASER, one would have to create an environment of stimulated
hydrogen, and then pass a directed beam of microwave energy through that medium, the
result being a powerful beam of light with a great deal of energy. We have already
determined that there was an environment of stimulated hydrogen in the King's Chamber, but
how does the microwave radiation become introduced? Are there shafts in the King's
Chamber like those in the Hydrogen Reactor, that could have been used to introduce
radiation into the King's Chamber? In fact, like the Hydrogen Reactor, the King's Chamber
— which we shall henceforth refer to as the "Power Center" — also has two shafts in its
northern and southern walls. However, unlike the Hydrogen Reactor's shafts, which had been
narrowed to slits purposely to help meter the amount of liquid that came through them, the
Power Center's shafts were wide open. Also unlike the Hydrogen Reactor's shafts, the Power
Center's shafts reached all the way to the outside of the pyramid. And therein lies our answer.
Another often overlooked fact about all three of the Giza pyramids is that they were all once
covered by a layer of pure white "casing stones" that gave the pyramid a beautiful, smooth,
highly reflective outer finish. Unfortunately, through earthquakes and plunder by local arabs,
the casing stones have mostly been removed from the pyramids. As John DeSalvo of the

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Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association explains,

The beautiful smooth blocks which covered the
entire exterior, thus encasing the whole structure,
became known as Casing Stones. At the present, only
a few of these are left in position on each side at the
base, most of the others having been stripped off by
the Arabs and cut up to build mosques in Cairo. One
of the largest remaining Casing stones is nearly 5 feet
high by 8 feet at the bottom, and weighs about 14
tons. Before the Arabs began to tear off the very
beautiful casing stones about 600 years ago, it was
magnificent to behold. The ancient writer, Strabo,
said of the Great Pyramid, "It seemed like a building
let down from heaven, untouched by human hands."
It has been calculated that the original pyramid with
its casing stones would act like gigantic mirrors and
The Great Pyramid, unlike any other
reflect light so powerful that it would be visible from pyramid in the world, actually has sides
the moon as a shining star on earth. that are slightly concave. This feature was
probably greatly exaggerated when the
The bright white casing stones would make an ideal casing stones were still intact, where the
reflector for both light and cosmic rays that hit Earth 24 southern and northern faces of the
hours a day. Yet our modern reflector telescopes have to pyramid were shaped like modern-day
radio telescopes, complete with a
be concave, curved like a dish, in order to reflect the light collection point which then beamed the
into a central focal point that then captures the radiation. radiation down the northern and southern
Most people don't realize this, but the Great Pyramid is shafts into the Power Center where it was
actually concave on all four sides — the only pyramid in converted into usable energy. Image from
the world that it like this. As such, Dunn argues, the Great Catchpenny Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
Pyramid likely had collectors on its northern and southern faces that collected the solar
energy by day, and the lunar energy — radiation from space, including reflected solar light
off the lunar surface, and various other types of background radiation including microwaves
— by night. Once again, Dunn had found the solution, and the concept of the Giza Power
Plant was born.

Though to this point I agree with Dunn's ideas
almost without reservation, it is at this point
where his theories and mine diverge as to how
the energy takes its final form. As we have
seen, the interior of the King's Chamber, or
"Power Center", was filled with hydrogen and
a deafening level of noise in the form of an
F-Sharp chord, which vibrated the granite of
the room and of the "sarcophagus", creating a
powerful piezoelectric charge that energized
the hydrogen and primed the room for the
introduction of microwave energy in order to
The interior of the King's Chamber, or "Power Center". form a MASER. The microwave energy was
According to Dunn's theory, microwave energy was piped in from the outside through the northern
piped into the Power Center and through the shaft, the opening of which can be seen on the
"sarcophagus", which acted as a granite "lens" which
right, above the rock. It then passed, according
focused the energy into a beam that mixed with the
energized hydrogen to form a MASER. The MASER
to Dunn's theory, through the "sarcophagus",
then passed through the other side of the lens and into that was actually just a granite "lens" that was
the southern shaft, which led to the outside where the used to focus the microwave energy into a
MASER was redirected to practical use. Our thesis, beam that mixed with the energized hydrogen
however, is that the energy was passed into a crystal that to form a MASER. The MASER then passed
then radiated energy outward, in function much like a through the other side of the lens and into the
Tesla Tower, but still one step away from becoming
southern shaft, which led to the outside where
fully functional. Image from Guardian's Egypt
the MASER was redirected to practical use.
I differ here with Dunn on a couple of different points. First, I believe that both the northern
and southern shafts were used to collect solar and lunar energy (as discussed previously),
both of which fed into the Power Center, rather than energy entering one shaft and leaving
another. Second, I believe that, instead of a MASER, the Power Center instead contained
some kind of object that absorbed and transformed the enormous amounts of energy in the
Power Center into a non-linear form that could be easily transmitted through the any medium
with little or no attenuation whatsoever — like a Tesla Tower. This object was likely a large,
specially designed quartz crystal or, as some have theorized, a device similar in size and
function to the Ark of the Covenant that contained crystals. Fueling the latter theory is the
fact that the Ark as described in the Book of Exodus would have fit nearly perfectly inside
the granite sarcophagus. Moreover, Jewish tradition makes it clear that the two tablets of the
Ten Commandments had been made of sapphire, a blue, transparent form of corundum that is
crystalline in structure. — Barring some new revelation, we will assume that this is indeed
the answer — that inside the granite sarcophagus inside the Great Pyramid was once an
antediluvian version of the Ark of the Covenant.


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I disagree with Dunn's theory on the final

form the energy took for a couple of reasons,
the first reasons being practical ones. For one,
Dunn believes that the granite box in the
Power Center acted as a lens for the incoming
microwave radiation, but he overlooked one
critical bit of information: the hole of the shaft
is a few inches higher than the top of the box,
so, his theory that the microwaves would hit
the side of the box and pass through it is
incorrect. As such, there must have been an
object in the box, an object that protruded
above the rim of the box so that the
microwave and other energies being piped in
from the northern and southern shafts would
hit it.

The Ark of the Covenant would fit perfectly in

the box, with the mercy seat protruding over
the rim of the box, ready to receive the
The Ark of the Covenant. The size of the Ark of the energies from the northern and southern
Covenant given in the Book of Exodus fits nearly
shafts. In fact, if a star sapphire of the same
perfectly within the granite box inside the King's
Chamber of the Great Pyramid, leading some to
type that is believed to have been used to
speculate that Moses had actually taken the ark from the create the two tablets of testimony (q.v.) was
Great Pyramid as part of the spoils Israel had taken from fitted in between the two cherubim, it would
Egypt. However, the Book of Exodus clearly describes be at the perfect height to receive the energies
the building of the Ark of the Covenant, but it is likely from the northern and southern shafts, making
they had gained the expertise for doing so during their it the place from which the "spark" that sets
sojourn in Egypt. Moreover, the internal measurements
the rest of the machine in motion emanates.
of the granite sarcophagus may be a little too narrow for
the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant as described in the the There was indeed an area between the
Book of Exodus, depending on the length of the cubit cherubim on the mercy seat of the Ark of the
employed. ("The True Ark" name and image © 2004 Covenant that the high priest was to sprinkle
Doug Elwell, Inc. All Rights Reserved) blood upon in order
to propitiate the sins
of the nation. And though its exact composition is unknown, it is
not impossible that it, like the tables of the testimony, was a star
sapphire as well. In either case, the theory of an "antediluvian ark"
or similar device that once graced the Power Center is probably the
best one. The Ark of the Covenant was an extremely powerful
object on its own, so one can only speculate how much more
powerful it would have become sitting at the center of the Great
Pyramid, which might have multiplied its innate power by
hundreds, even thousands of times. A star sapphire, which may
have been set between the
One could even speculate that the entire pyramid may have been cherubim of the antediluvian
designed as an amplifier specifically for this antediluvian Ark. The ark, ready to receive the
Ark of the Covenant has often been described as having been energy from the northern
and southern shafts. The two
designed as a powerful power condensor, and the gold of which it tablets of the Ten
was made would have made it a superior conductor of electricity, Commandments, according
which many in the Old Testament found out the hard way. to Jewish tradition, were
Moreover, Jewish legend describes Moses as having carved the two also carved from blue
tablets of the Ten Commandments out of a block of blue sapphire, a Sapphire stones. The two
crystalline stone that likely has resonant properties similar to that of tablets were kept inside the
the granite of the Power Center and of the granite box it was placed Ark of the Covenant at all
times. Sapphire is
in (which we will henceforward refer to as the "Amplifier Cabinet" crystalline in nature, and
(A3)). As a result, the already powerful Ark, which was capable of thus would resonate along
destroying huge walls, levitation, and defeating entire armies could, with the granite structures
when installed in the Great Pyramid, have become the ultimate within the Power Center.
weapon. Once the ark was installed
in the Amplifier Cabinet
And there are not only practical matters to be considered before (A3), the entire pyramid
determining the final form of the power generated by the Great would be a massive
amplifier for the already
Pyramid. We must also consider some of the enigmatic statements
awesome power of the Ark.
made by the controversial "sleeping prophet", Edgar Cayce. As we Image from Crystal Links
have seen, Cayce
believed that the
world before the Flood knew electricity, radio,
television, nuclear power and even a currently
unknown form of power that was based on
crystals, tectonic "earth" power, and "cosmic
rays", or electromagnetic radiation —
including microwave radiation — that we now
know regularly bathes the earth from space.
He also identified two groups of people, one
good and one evil, whom he described as the
sons of the Law of One and the sons of Belial,
respectively. The sons of the Law of One had
developed technology using earth energy,

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solar energy, lunar energy and crystals to use

for man's benefit, whereas the sons of Belial
— who are probably the wicked giants
mentioned in the Bible and elsewhere —
twisted that technology to use as a powerful
weapon that they had tried to use to conquer
the world.

In Cayce's visions, he describes the

technology of the antediluvian world and how
the sons of Belial had twisted it towards evil:
The "Power Center"(A), where everything came "In Atlantean land at the time of withdrawing
together. The F-Sharp chord generated by the Grand from the Law of One — establishment of Sons
Resonator (D) and the Subterranean Subwoofer (C) was of Belial — [the entity] was a priestess in
acoustically channeled into the Power Chamber, where temple built in opposition to the Sons of the
is caused the granite to resonate. The hydrogen Law of One — during time when there was
generated by the Hydrogen Reactor (B) also filled the
the creating of the high influence of radial
chamber, and became charged by the piezoelectric
charge generated by the resonating granite. Solar energy activity from rays of the sun that were turned
by day and lunar energy by night came in the northern on crystals in the pits that made connections
and southern shafts (A1 & A2), transferring their power with internal influences of the Earth."18 This,
into the antediluvian Ark, which was placed in the of course, is a perfect description of our new
Amplifier Cabinet (A3). The entire Power Center then
became intensely charged with energy, which was
paradigm of the Great Pyramid of Giza as a
broadcast by the crystals in the chamber and in the Ark power plant — the "rays of the sun" were
to the Super Directional Amplifiers (A4) above the channeled into the Power Center, where their
main chamber of the Power Center. These chambers power was greatly magnified by the crystals in
further amplified and aimed the power towards the top the antediluvian Ark. Moreover, "internal
of the pyramid, where it was received by the influences of the Earth", seismic activity, were
Transmitter. Image from Catchpenny Mysteries of turned by the Great Pyramid into sound
Ancient Egypt
energy, which was channeled into the power
center to generate huge amounts of electrical
power. But perhaps the most important part of this vision is the fact that Cayce had been
seeing through the eyes of a priestess of the wicked Belial faction that had built a temple like
the Great Pyramid that they intended to use not as an inexhaustable supply of energy, but as a
terrible weapon.

In the right hands, the Giza Power

Plant was a tremendously
beneficial asset to humanity. With
relatively little effort, the Giza
Power Plant — and others like it
worldwide — provided humanity
with almost unlimited free energy.
And so, according to Cayce, for
thousands of years the world was
at peace, under the benevolent rule
of the Children of the Law of One.
However, the time came when the
sons of Belial had gained the upper
hand, and had turned the Giza
Power Plant into a dreadful
weapon: The Giza Death Star.

How could the Giza Power Plant be turned into a "Death Star"? Let us first examine its
normal functioning before we turn to any potential destructive applications. Once the Power
Center had been powered up and working properly, the energy needed somewhere to go.
Thus, the antediluvian Egyptians engineered the
Power Center to have several levels of Super
Directional Amplifiers (A4) above it that would both
amplify and direct the energy upwards, towards the
summit of the pyramid. There, the energy would hit
the Transmitter, which was essentially a huge crystal
or collection of crystals similar in function to the Ark
but on a much larger scale, and with one major
difference. On its lofty perch it could broadcast radio,
television and/or power for hundreds of miles in any
direction for use in any application. Not
coincidentally, this is exactly how Cayce described the
way it was done in the antediluvian world — using the "The Transmitter" that once sat at the top of the
pyramid. The energy from the Power Center
mysterious "firestone" that could also broadcast radio, was amplified and aimed by the Super
television and power through any medium: Directional Amplifiers (A4) upwards towards
the peak of the pyramid, on which sat the
About the firestone — the entity's activities then Transmitter. The Transmitter was likely
made such applications as dealt both with the composed of one or more huge crystals, or

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constructive as well as destructive forces in that perhaps another, much larger Ark-like
period. It would be well that there be given apparatus. The intervening limestone acted as a
something of a description of this so that it may non-conductive element between the highly
be understood better.... [The firestone was housed] charged Power Center and Transmitter, so the
entire mass of the pyramid itself was (and is)
in the center of a building which would today be basically a huge Ark, greatly amplifying the
said to be lined with nonconductive stone.... The power of the antediluvian Ark by hundreds or
building above the stone was oval; or a dome thousands of times. This power could then be
wherein there could be ... a portion for rolling broadcast through the huge Transmitter, which
back, so that the activity of the stars — the could be used to broadcast radio, television,
concentration of energies that emanate from electric power or, if it fell into the wrong hands,
bodies that are on fire themselves, along with
elements that are found and not found in the
Earth's atmosphere. The concentration through the prisms or glass (as it acted upon
the instruments that were connected with the various modes of travel through
induction methods which made much the [same] character of control as would in the
present day be termed remote control through radio vibrations or directions; though
the kind of force impelled from the stone acted upon the motivating forces in the
crafts themselves. The building was constructed so that when the dome was rolled
back there might be little or no hindrance in the direct application of power to
various crafts that were to be impelled through space — whether within the radius
of vision or whether directed under water or under other elements, or through other
elements.... These, then, were impelled by the concentration of rays from the stone
which was centered in the middle of the power station, or powerhouse (as would be
the term in the present).19

As we have seen, the Transmitter was isolated from the Power Center by a large amount of
non-conductive stone, just as the firestone was. Moreover, the heavenly bodies were also
used in the Giza Power Plant to generate power, as had the firestone. More importantly,
Cayce describes that the energy that the firestone created, using, basically, energized quartz
crystals, could be used for not only radio and television transmission, but also for power
generation though any medium, at any distance. (Interestingly, this was essentially Nicola
Tesla's goal also, before his mysterious death in 1943.) In sum, the Great Pyramid was
essentially a gigantic Tesla Tower, which radiated energy for general use throughout its
radius of effect, and also functioned as a communications receiver and transmitter.

Left: Tesla's behemoth tower, to be used for trans-Atlantic wireless communications and the
demonstration of wireless power transmission, erected in 1901 at Wardenclyffe (now Shoreham) on Long
Center: The hieroglyph for the Egyptian god Horus, which is simply the all-seeing eye over a throne.
The plant to the right was a later addition by the strange, superstitious religion of the dynastic Egyptians.
Right: The eye of Sauron — yet more evidence that J.R.R. Tolkien was a genius.
Sauron image from The Art of the Return of the King

Unfortunately, the inevitable came, and the Great Pyramid was misused as a weapon of mass
destruction. Regarding its usage as a "Death Star", Cayce painted a picture of dreadful awe
and fear of what he called "the terrible mighty crystal" which, in the world before the Flood,
had been use to cause great destruction:
In Atlantean land at time of development of electrical forces that dealt with
transportation of craft from place to place, photographing at a distance, reading
inscriptions through walls even at a distance, overcoming gravity itself, preparation
of the crystal, the terrible mighty crystal, much of this brought destruction.... Before
the second destruction when there was the dividing of the islands, when the
temptations were begun in activities of Sons of Belial and children of Law of One.
Entity among those that interpreted the messages received through the crystals and
the fires that were to be the eternal fires of nature.20
As we saw in Part III in our series on Atlantis, the sons of Belial had destroyed most of
Atlantis in a series of cataclysms that they had brought on themselves in their attempts to
conquer the world. Though Cayce's description of how they had managed to sink the islands
of Atlantis by their own actions is not clear, in the context of the Giza Death Star paradigm
we can begin to see how this might have been accomplished. Essentially the sons of Belial
had greatly ramped up the amount of power that could be output through the various power

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plants around the world by setting off explosions underground — nuclear explosions. As a
result, the power output of the power plants such as the one at Giza were, for a short time,
hugely increased as the seismic energy released by the nuclear weapon violently shook the
pyramid. Unfortunately for the sons of Belial, these explosions also set off massive seismic
disturbances which had the effect of sinking the island on which they were situated.

In his follow-up to The Giza Power Plant, The Giza Death Star, Joseph Farrell describes how
the Great Pyramid had been turned into a terrible weapon in the wars that preceded the Great
From the sands of Egypt to the Indian subcontinent to the vitrified fortifications of
northern Scotland, there are anomalous evidences that point not only to an enormous
catastrophe that once beset the earth, but to a global war fought with weapons of
mass destruction that may have triggered it. These anomalies form the scenery in
which to view the workings and deployment of the Giza Death Star. They constitute
compelling corroborative evidence that the Great Pyramid may once have been one
of the weapons, perhaps the "Great Weapon" and "Great Affliction," whose
deployment wrought such destruction and initiated such disasters.21

Farrell believes that not only was the Great Pyramid an integral part of the antediluvian war,
it may have actually been the cause of the war. The existence of the pyramid and its immense
potential for destruction must have presented such a threat to rival nations that they risked
total destruction in order to neutralize it. And, if Farrell is right about its true potential for
destruction, they were right to fear it. "My hypothesis [is] that the nuclear energy of the
hydrogen plasma in the Great Pyramid was coupled to a superluminal "pilot wave" along
with acoustic and electromagnetic energy and guided via harmonic interferometry to a target.
The result ... would be an enormous thermonuclear and nuclear reaction in the target,
regardless of the elements which composed the target.22

In short, the Giza Death Star was the ultimate weapon. Using the other two pyramids of the
Giza complex to "aim" the energy, the antediluvian Egyptians could literally cause a nuclear
explosion anywhere on Earth. Moreover, assuming that the weapon was indeed scalar in
nature, as Tesla's experiments were, the energy would not travel line of sight, like a missile to
a target, but would simply appear at the target instantaneously, causing a nuclear explosion,
with no warning, and no possible defense — truly the ultimate weapon. If this is true, then it
is no wonder that excavation in the Great Pyramid has been so severely restricted in recent
years — it may well be that the Great Pyramid is the most powerful weapon ever made, of a
technology that, if it fell into the wrong hands, could tip the balance of power so radically in
favor of those who controlled it, that they could easily rule the world.

Though the antediluvian Athenians did the majority of the fighting in

the war against the Atlanteans, it appears that the antediluvian
Egyptians actually may have been the true power of the region. The
Great Pyramid had been developed initially as a tool for limitless
power for improving the lifestyles of the antediluvian Egyptians, but it
was eventually twisted by the giant sons of Belial into a weapon of
unthinkable destruction. For this and many other reasons, it should
come to no surprise that God ordered the destruction of the
antediluvian world.
The Great Pyramid was too complicated to have been thought of by
man. It's dimensions, internal configuration and geometry speak
loudly about the distinct possibility that its blueprint had been stolen
from heaven itself, that in its near-flawless perfection it somehow
resonates with higher realities, which may ultimately be the true
source of its limitless power — power in the world before the Flood to
create limitless energy, and power in modern times to create limitless
fascination. Perhaps someday we will fully understand its purpose, but
that understanding may come at a price, as we see the technology that was used to build the
Great Pyramid misused once again in an attempt to conquer the world.
Until that time, we must be satisfied with the endless mystery that is Egypt. There is no
shortage of ancient temples to explore, ruins whose origin and cause of destruction we can
ponder, and mummies of ancient rulers whose thoughts and dreams we can only imagine.
One thing appears to be becoming increasingly clear, however: ancient Egypt's most ancient
history is not as it appears at first glance. The Egyptians of the dynastic period may not have
founded Egypt, but merely rebuilt over and imitated the ruins of a much older civilization
that existed there in the world before the Flood. Not knowing the true meaning of the
fragments of history and technology that they had found in the aftermath of the antediluvian
war and the Great Flood, they could not duplicate, merely imitate. Thus the pyramids that
were built in the image of the Giza perfection looked like the Great Pyramid, but they were
as dead inside as the Pharaohs that were buried in them. Perhaps someday mainstream

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Egyptology will accept the megalithic temples and structures such as the Great Pyramid for
what they are — relics of the the world before the Flood — instead of what they want them
to be. Until that time, we must continue searching on our own for the dream that was
antediluvian Egypt.

Part I: The Athenian Empire | Part III: Nimrod Hunting | Part IV: The Beast from the Sea
The Land of Osiris | The Antediluvian Egyptians | The Giza Power Plant
The Giza Death Star | A Canticle for Osiris
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David Hatcher Childress, Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean
(Stelle, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1996), 27.

Mysteries of Egypt, "The Valley Temple" (Mysteries of Egypt: http://www.ancient-

Gary Fletcher, "The Osireion" (Ancient Civilizations - Tracing the Past:

David Hatcher Childress, Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients
(Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2000), 11-12.

Christopher Dunn, The Giza Power Plant (Rochester, VT: Bear & Company), 232.

Stephen Mehler, The Land of Osiris (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press), 161.

Edgar Evans Cayce, Edgar Cayce on Atlantis (New York: Warner Books, 1968), 85-86.

Childress, Technology of the Gods, 213-214.

James Hartman, "Flying Aircraft and Nuclear War and Other Strange Occurences of the
Past " (Internet Text Archive:

James Hartman, "Ancient City Found In India Irradiated By Nuclear Blast 8,000 Years
Ago..." (

Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, The Message of the Sphinx (New York: Crown
Publishers, 1996), 101-104.

Dunn, The Giza Power Plant, 144.

Dunn, The Giza Power Plant, 144-145.

Dunn, The Giza Power Plant, 166.

Dunn, The Giza Power Plant, 139-140.

Dunn, The Giza Power Plant, 179.

John DeSalvo, "A Picture Tour of the Great Pyramid of Giza" (Great Pyramid of Giza
Research Association:

Cayce, Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, 74.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Ah Osiria! Part II: ...

Cayce, Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, 88-89.

Cayce, Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, 87.

Joseph P. Farrell, The Giza Death Star (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001),

Farrell, The Giza Death Star, 23.

Plato: Timaeus & Critias

University of Iowa: Briefing on Lost Continents
Washington State University: The Athenian Empire

Mysterious World: The Riddle of the Sphinx "The Great Sphinx" "The Temples of Ancient Egypt" "The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt"
Guardian's Egypt: Guardian's Sphinx: Guardian of the Horizon
Guardian's Egypt
Mysteries of Egypt Egypt
Nova Online: Pyramids
aiwaz.net_institute: Giza & Great Pyramid
aiwaz.net_institute: The Missing 14th Piece of Osiris
University of Michigan Virtual Reality Modeling Language: The Great Pyramid of Khufu
National Geographic: Egypt
Egypt Loves You: Sounds from the Great Pyramid
The Oriental Institute: The Giza Plateau Mapping Project Mysteries of Egypt
BBC History: Egypt
Lost Civilizations Uncovered: Who Built the Great Pyramid?
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: The Great Pyramid of Giza
Magical Places: Egypt
Virtual Egypt
Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association
Philosophical Research Society: Gallery of Egyptian Mysteries
University of Michigan Virtual Reality Laboratory: The Great Pyramid of Khufu
Cosmo Player plug-in
Great Pyramid Measurements
The Great Pyramid Institute

Pharaoh Khufu
Pharaoh Khafre
Pharaoh Menkaure
Zahi Hawass
John Anthony West
Robert Schoch
Robert Bauval
Graham Hancock
Christopher Dunn
Joseph Farrell Osiris
University of Colorado: Osiris The Story of Isis and Osiris Osiris, Asar
Ohio State University: Osiris Horus Shu Tefnut

22 of 30 11/10/10 1:01 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Ah Osiria! Part II: ... Ptah
Mythweb: Hephaestus
The goddess Athena: Athena

Lost Cities of Atlantis Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean

(Lost Cities Series)
David Hatcher Childress
One of Childress' popular "Lost Cities" series, Lost Cities of Atlantis Ancient
Europe & the Mediterranean covers the region in and around the Mediterranean
Sea, with a special emphasis on cities and mysteries submerged beneath the
waters of this vast inland sea. Calling himself a "maverick archaeologist", Childress is more
of a researcher, historian, travel writer, and general raconteur rather than a a true academic
archaeologist, making general observations based upon library research, study of local myths,
legends, and personal anecdotes, as well as actual experiences visiting these sites. Childress
is part of a growing trend in historical and archaeological studies towards the rise of
independent researchers. These independents are men and women who have developed a
distrust for "mainstream" academic archaeology, due to the fact that there is increasing
evidence that the academic community is dismissing, ignoring, or even suppressing
archaeological evidence that does not fit in with their preset theories. As a result, these
independents have dismissed academe as largely irrelevant, and have gone out on their own
to examine the evidence for themselves, usually at their own time and expense. It was this
kind of passionate search for the truth about history and our origins that motivated similar
men of the 19th century to develop the science of archaeology, a passion that motivated
people of the 20th century like Childress, unsatisfied by the condescending, pat answers of
academics, to take matters into their own hands. Now, in the 21st century, a growing chorus
of discontentment with the academic archaeological establishment continues to erode their
viselike grip on the truth of our origins, and the independents stand poised to wrest the sword
of truth from the hands of those who seem only to be concerned about personal power,
privilege, and social status. Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean is a
fascinating read, and a good addition to the Lost Cities series. It should make a great
traveling companion for anyone traveling in the Mediterranean region, as well as a cracking
great read for the armchair archaeologist, or just someone who enjoys ancient history and
Click here to buy this book.

Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization

Graham Hancock
From the author of the bestselling Fingerprints of the Gods comes a fascinating
voyage of underwater discovery that will forever change the way we think
about the birth of civilization. Fans of The Sign and the Seal and Heaven’s
Mirror will delight in Graham Hancock’s Underworld, his latest work of
archaeological detection. In this mesmerizing book, Hancock merges cutting-edge science
with historical myth to come up with a new explanation for the origins of civilization as we
know it today. At the end of the last Ice Age melting ice caused sea levels around the world
to rise by approximately 400 feet, radically changing the shape of the world. Hancock,
steeped in the ancient flood myths that speak of early civilizations, sets out to discover
whether these myths have any basis in reality. Using the latest computerized "inundation
maps" that show the shape of the world’s coastlines as they looked at intervals throughout the
meltdown, Hancock finds astonishing correspondences with the ancient flood myths. And,
when he starts to explore these areas underwater on several diving expeditions, he actually
discovers ruins beneath the sea exactly where the myths say they should be. Hancock offers
dramatic accounts of his explorations of the waters of the Arabian Sea, the Mediterranean,
and the sea of Japan. This entertaining and provocative book of discovery presents the first
hard evidence of these ancient cities, and gives all of us stunning insight into the origins and
development of civilization. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Ah Osiria! Part II: ...

The Message of the Sphinx:

A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind (1997)
Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval
A provocative new approach to Egyptology argues that the ancient structures at
Giza may be much older than originally thought and that their alignment may
be a cryptic message directed toward a mysterious underground chamber
recently detected beneath the Sphinx. In this riveting account of historical and archaeological
investigation, the authors present hard evidence that the Sphinx, the Pyramids, and the other
monuments at Giza are of far more ancient origin than previously believed. Complete with
evidence of a conspiracy between the Egyptology establishment and various confidential
organizations to keep the secrets of the Pyramids from the world, The Message of the Sphinx
is also a modern-day detective story. This popular book has received many good reviews, and
is personally recommended by the publisher.
Click here to buy this book.

The Orion Mystery:

Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids (1995)
by Robert Bauval, Adrian Gilbert (Contributor), Peter Ginna (Editor)
This fascinating archaeological detective story argues that the great pyramids
of Egypt's Fourth Dynasty (c. 26002400 b.c.) were vast astronomically
sophisticated temples, rather than the pharaonic tombs depicted by
conventional Egyptology. Mysterious airshafts, which lead from the Great Pyramid's
chambers to its exterior were sited, the authors argue, to coincide with the key stars of Orion,
a constellation that had religious significance for the Egyptians. Using astronomical data
about stellar movement, they argue that the Orion stars coincide exactly with the pyramids'
positions in approximately 10,400 b.c.--a period the Egyptians called the First Time, when
they believed the god Osiris ruled the Earth. This excellent book makes a good companion
volume to Hancock's "The Message of the Sphinx", which it preceded.
Click here to buy this book.

The Serpent in the Sky:

The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt (1993)
John Anthony West
This revised edition of West's revolutionary reinterpretation of the civilization
of Egypt challenges all that has been accepted as dogma concerning this ancient
and enigmatic land. It features a new introduction linking Egyptian science with the perennial
wisdom tradition and an appendix updating the author's work in redating the Sphinx.
Click here to buy this book.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day
The Book of the Dead is a collection of writings that were placed in tombs
as a means of guiding the ancient Egyptian soul on its journey to the
afterlife. The Papyrus of Ani, which is reproduced here, is one of the most
important and beautiful of the surviving papyri. Damage in the 19th
century seriously confused its sequencing and the relationship between text
and illustrations. Here for the first time the scroll is presented in its proper
sequence and in its entirety. The English text is placed immediately
underneath the corresponding hieroglyphs, and the reproductions are
faithful to the originals in all their glowing color. A critical purchase for
any serious collection of materials on ancient Egypt.
Click here to buy this book.

Riddles of the Sphinx (1998)

Paul Jordan, John Ross (Photographer)
This book tells the full story of the Great Sphinx of Giza as Egyptology
has uncovered it. The Sphinx is one of the most striking monuments of the
ancient Egyptians, and has attracted the attention of travellers, scientists,
archaeologists and others for generations. Paul Jordan details the Sphinx's
impact on the ancient world, on Arab writers, on Renaissance travellers,
on the pioneers of Egyptology and on modern scholarship. He tells the
story of the Sphinx's many bouts of excavation and restoration, and above all puts the Sphinx
in the context of all that is known about ancient Egyptian history and religion. This book
examines every aspect of the Sphinx, including a professional geologist's recent claims
regarding its age, and provides an authoritative and highly readable overview of the issues
and debates currently surrounding it.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Ah Osiria! Part II: ...

Click here to buy this book.

The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt

Richard H. Wilkinson
Paul Jordan, John Ross (Photographer)
Following the format of other "Complete" books in Thames & Hudson's
informal series, Wilkinson, director of the University of Arizona's
Egyptian Expedition and coauthor of The Complete Valley of the Kings,
pulls together a huge amount of data to give a clear and concise look at
the development, rise, decline, and excavation of Egyptian temples. His coverage ranges
from the earliest predynastic sites to Roman, Christian, and Islamic adaptations of the
temples. When theories are in dispute (as they often are), Wilkinson says so and then
explains his preference. The illustrations, elevations, plans, and reconstructions make even
the most complicated temple plans clear. An indispensable work for a student of Egyptian
life or architecture, this unique and excellent resource is essential for large high school and
all public, academic, and specialized libraries.
Click here to buy this book.

The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries

Mark Lehner, Richard H. Wilkinson
Archetypal symbols of remote antiquity, the pyramids have for centuries
inspired passionate theories about their origins, purpose, and method of
construction. Now, in the first fully illustrated compendium of every
major pyramid of ancient Egypt, Mark Lehner, a leading Egyptologist,
surveys the history, building, and use of the pyramids in unprecedented
detail. 450 illus. 100 in color. Mark Lehner, a leading Egyptologist, directed the Sphinx and
Isis Temple Project from 1979 to 1983; since 1984 he has been director of the Giza Plateau
Mapping Project. He is visiting Assistant Professor at the Oriental Institute, University of
Chicago, and a Research Associate at the Harvard Semitic Museum.
Click here to buy this book.

The Land of Osiris

Stephen S. Mehler
Egyptologist Stephen S. Mehler has spent over 30 years researching the
answers to these questions:

Was there a advanced prehistoric civilization in ancient Egypt?

Who were the people who built the great pyramids?
Who carved the Great Sphinx?
Did the pyramids serve as energy devices and not as tombs for kings?
Mehler believes the answers are "Yes!" An indigenous oral tradition still exists in Egypt, he
has been able to uncover and study it with the help of a living master of this tradition, Abd'El
Hakim Awyan. He has also been given permission to share these teachings — presented
heretofore in fragments by other researchers — to the Western world, teachings that unfold a
whole new understanding of ancient Egypt. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Technology of the Gods: The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients

David Hatcher Childress
Technology of the Gods lays out the mind-bending evidence that long-lost
civilizations had attained and even exceeded our "modern" level of
advancement. Westerners have been taught that humankind has progressed
along a straight-line path from the primitive past to the proficient present, but
the hard, fast evidence (literally written in stone!) proves that the ancients had technologies
we cannot even replicate today. Popular Lost Cities author David Hatcher Childress takes us
into the amazing world of ancient technology, exploring the astounding structures built by the
megalithic masterminds, and examining all kinds of impossible artifacts. He discusses the use
of crystal lenses and the "fire from the gods" in both ancient religious ceremonies and
warfare. He recounts tales of ancient flight, and presents the archaic documents that describe
the technology. Was the Great Pyramid of Egypt originally a gigantic power station? Was the
Ark of the Covenant an electrical device? Has mankind teetered on the brink of atomic
destruction in the past, and in fact, fallen over the edge? Examine the eye-popping evidence
that the ancients actually destroyed their extraordinary culture themselves! (From the back
cover) (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Ah Osiria! Part II: ...

The Giza Power Plant

Christopher P. Dunn
Suspicion naturally arises when you read a promo line on a back cover that
says, "This is the most important book concerning the Great Pyramid written in
the last 20 years." In this case, however, it may be fact. In writing The Giza
Power Plant, mechanical engineer Christopher Dunn reverse-engineered the
Great Pyramid at Giza to discover its use. His startling conclusions blow the heck out of
traditional Egyptology's rather silly notions that it was built with copper tools by a society
that lacked the wheel. While revisionist pyramid studies are rife with ridiculous theories that
give the topic a bad name, The Giza Power Plant takes into account existing fact and artifact
without having to rely on unprovable assertions. A must-read for truth seekers who aren't
afraid to consider the idea that Western culture of the 21st century may not be the pinnacle of
human evolution and achievement. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

The Giza Death Star

Joseph P. Farrell
Farrell theorized that the Great Pyramid was a terrible weapon of mass
destruction, used by by a technological advanced ancient civilization in the mist
of pre-history and sets today on the Giza Plateau disarmed but ready! Farrell's
technical civilization is the 'doner' civilization that provided the foundation of the Egyptian
civilization that existed in the Nile Valley some 5,000 years ago. What kind of civilization
would have designed and built such an awsome weapon of mass destruction as envisioned by
Farrell, and apparently used it with no hesitation against their fellow man? A civilization not
unlike those that arose from the foundations and ashes of older extinct civilizations. A
civilization subject to all the faults and foibles of human beings, hatred, love jealously and
greed. No different than those in existance today and poised to destroy the world. Farrell
speculates, the "Great Pyramid was a phase congugate mirror(magic mirror of legends),and
howitzer, utilizing Bohm's 'pilot wave' as a carrier to acelerate electromagnetic and acoustal
waves to a target via harmonic interfermetry." Ferrell believes that the chambers and
passageways of the Great Pyramid were used as a series of loops to generate and amplify
these gravito-acoustical waves and direct them to their target. Farrell finds traces of this
ancient science he calls "Paleophysics" in the ancient and obsecure texts of Egypt. If Ferrell's
asumptions are correct, this ancient weapons system was the most powerful weapon ever to
exist on Earth. Even today, with our advanced technology, the technology involved in the
building of this weapon system can only exist in dreams. This is the grist for the mills of
science fiction that dream of the theories of Nikola Tessla, The Montouk Project, the
Philadelphia Experiment, and Area 51. These are the technologies our government is allways
accused of developing in secret laboratories and witholding from the public. After reading
the "Giza Death Star", readers will never be able to look at the Giza Plateau and its
mysterious pyramids and buildings in the same old way! After reading the "Giza Death Star",
find a copy of Hamlet's Mill and read it with a critical eye. Sleep well tonight, keeping in
mind that a government scientist in a weapons laboratory at an isolated location may be
reading these same works! (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

The Giza Death Star Deployed

Joseph P. Farrell
"The Giza Death Star Deployed" will completely change the way you think
about ancient (pre-flood?) history. Though Mr. Farrell failed to convince of the
fact that the Great Pyramid of Giza was necessarily a weapon, I am completely
convinced that it was not built as a tomb. Joseph Farrell examines all the evidence,
archaeological, historical, literary, and scientific, leaving no stone unturned. When I first
picked up the book, I thought, as anyone would, "is he serious?". But even scanning through
the book, I could tell that he was. Suffice it to say that you will never think of the pyramids
of Giza the same. For a fresh look at ancient history (along with much, much more) read this
book. (Review by
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The Art of The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings)
Gary Russell, Peter Jackson
With Peter Jackson's Acadamy Award-winning epic motion picture trilogy
drawing to a spectacular and triumphant close, Gary Russell's detailed
research takes us back into the world of Middle-earth, to relive all the
visual drama and excitement of The Return of the King. The Art of The
Return of the King illustrates the creative development of the film from
sketch to special effect and features 600 images, most appearing nowhere
else. This fully authorized book includes pencil sketches by Alan Lee and John Howe,
costume designes by Ngila Dickson, magnificent full-color paintings by Jeremy Bennett, and

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Ah Osiria! Part II: ...

prop designs, concepts, sculptures and digital artwork from Weta Workshop and Weta
Digital. From Minas Tirith to Mount Doom, from the Army of the Dead to Shelob the
monstrous spider, all the spectacular landscapes, characters and creatures are covered in
stunning detail, including concepts that did not make it into the final film. To accompany this
wealth of imagery, detailed and informative commentaries appear by all the featured artists
and designers, together with a special afterword by Peter Jackson. Their personal thoughts
and explanations offer unique and fascinating insight into how The Return of the King was
brought to life. An artistic journey begun in 1997 reaches its glorious conclusion within these
pages, giving the reader a unique chance to witness the creative process that led to one of the
most spectacular movies of all time. (Review by
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A Canticle for Leibowitz

Walter M. Miller Jr.
Walter M. Miller's acclaimed SF classic A Canticle for Leibowitz opens with the
accidental excavation of a holy artifact: a creased, brittle memo scrawled by the
hand of the blessed Saint Leibowitz, that reads: "Pound pastrami, can kraut, six
bagels--bring home for Emma." To the Brothers of Saint Leibowitz, this sacred
shopping list penned by an obscure, 20th-century engineer is a symbol of hope from the
distant past, from before the Simplification, the fiery atomic holocaust that plunged the earth
into darkness and ignorance. As 1984 cautioned against Stalinism, so 1959's A Canticle for
Leibowitz warns of the threat and implications of nuclear annihilation. Following a cloister
of monks in their Utah abbey over some six or seven hundred years, the funny but bleak
Canticle tackles the sociological and religious implications of the cyclical rise and fall of
civilization, questioning whether humanity can hope for more than repeating its own history.
The author explores the "sacralization" of knowledge in the absence of science. The Abbey's
prized artifacts are the blessed blueprint, the sacred shopping list and the holy shrine of
Fallout Shelter. The monks have very little idea as to the meaning of these writings and
artifacts, but nonetheless make it their lives' work to preserve them as sacred items for some
future time when they may be understood. The implication is that ancient writings considered
sacred by religion are merely not well understood today and that, given sufficient knowledge,
could become demystified commonplaces of natural science at some point in the future.
(Review by
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Raiders Of The Lost Ark [SOUNDTRACK]

John Williams
The first of the three Indiana Jones scores, Raiders established the popular
Raiders March Theme as an instant classic in the world. As easily recognizable
as the Star Wars fanfare, John Williams' Raiders March is the first track on this expanded
edition of the Raiders soundtrack, from there it becomes a great thrillride that follows Indy's
adventures to find the Ark. Along with the standard music there are some bonus tracks that
were not previously published before. The insert has an interview with John Williams,
pictures from the making of the movie and a break down of the tracks. This is a superior
soundtrack recording and unlike the more mature sound to Indiana Jones and the Last
Crusade, has many more instances where the Raiders March is used. Other themes to listen
for include the ark theme, which makes a brief reappearance in Last Crusade, is used many
times here as well as the love theme for Indy and Marion. 1995 reissue. 30 additional minutes
have been interwoven which were deleted from the original 1981 release, totaling 74 minutes
of pure listening pleasure. Re-mastered including a special 24 page booklet containing an
interview with John Williams, as well as liner notes, rare photos and sketches not included
with the original release. Standard jewel case housed in a slipcase. Top notch.
Click here to buy this book.

Beauty in the Beast

Wendy Carlos
From the roar of Tibetan horns and the clangor of metal percussion that opens
Beauty in the Beast, Wendy Carlos in 1986 signaled a new direction for her
music. Beauty in the Beast is Carlos's magnum opus, an album that should have established
the synthesizer's role in the new global music landscape. More than that, it should have
established Carlos as a composer and not just a Switched-on Bach jukebox. But not too many
people were listening. Rereleased now after 14 years, Beauty in the Beast has lost none of its
power. Carlos is both profound and poignant, dissonant and disarming on Beauty, as she
fuses a global orchestra from her synthesizers. "Poem for Bali" is the centerpiece of the
album, an episodic, 17-minute excursion as Carlos orchestrates the sounds and rhythms of a
digital gamelan orchestra. In addition to replicating the metallophones, gongs, and flutes of
the traditional gamelan, she creates her own hybrid sound designs, giving this work a surreal
and sometimes harrowing tone, like a dream bent through funhouse mirrors. But then there
are pieces such as "A Woman's Song," based on a Balkan melody. The title track merges

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Ah Osiria! Part II: ...

nightmare landscapes and a crazed carnival calliope with a haunting theme that sounds like a
lament for the end of the world. Beauty in the Beast is an essential recording of both modern
composition and synthesis--Carlos should plug into this circuit again.
Click here to buy this book.

Passion: Sources
Peter Gabriel/Realworld Music
This excellent CD is a compilation of much of the source recordings that Peter
Gabriel used for Passion (above). A must-have for lovers of world music,
especially African and Middle-Eastern music.
Click here to buy this music.

The Musicians of the Nile: Luxor to Isna

Musicians of the Nile
Life in the villages spread out along the Nile hasn't changed in a thousand
years; nor for that matter has the traditional music of the region which has
remained impervious to outside influences, even Islamic ones. The recordings here weren't
collected on site but captured live at a Paris concert and in Real World's own studios in
darkest Wiltshire. No concessions are made to Western ears, however, other than upping the
playback quality of the intricate tabla rhythms as they tangle with ancient instruments like the
rababa, the droning oboe-like mizmar and the flutish arghul which goes all the way back to
the Pharaohs. Not so much a record, more like an adventure in sound. This soundtrack is
highly recommended by the publisher.
Click here to buy this music.

Dark Side of the Moon 30th Anniversary Edition

Pink Floyd
Dark Side of the Moon, originally released in 1973, is one of those albums that
is discovered anew by each generation of rock listeners. This complex, often psychedelic
music works very well because Pink Floyd doesn't rush anything; the songs are mainly slow
to mid-tempo, with attention paid throughout to musical texture and mood. The sound effects
on songs like "On the Run," "Time" and especially "Money" (with sampled sounds of
clinking coins and cash registers turned into rhythmic accompaniment) are impressive,
especially when we remember that 1973 was before the advent of digital recording
techniques. This is probably Pink Floyd's best-known work, and it's an excellent place to start
if you're new to the band.
Click here to buy this music.

Eye in the Sky

Alan Parsons Project
Alan Parsons Project's Eye in the Sky was almost guaranteed at least moderate
success due to the hits that preceded it ("Games People Play" and "Time" from
Turn of a Friendly Card.) With Eye, Parsons returned in some ways to his more progressive,
art-rock past and the album only had one major hit, the lush title track. Parsons's approach
was a synthesis of studio wizardry with a symphonic, spacey interplay between keyboards,
synthesizerss and basic rock instrumentation. Though never a hit, "Psychobabble" remains a
favorite of fans. "Children of the Moon," "Sirius," and "Gemini" all have Parsons's love of
the esoteric. "Mammagamma" also allowed Parsons to fully indulge his fondness for
orchestration with its instrumental structure.
Click here to buy this music.

Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars (VHS)

In perhaps the greatest Doctor Who episode ever, the Doctor (played by Tom
Baker) once again finds himself mysteriously caught up in the middle of a
situation which, if not resolved, could lead to the eventual destruction of the
universe. And though just about every other Doctor Who plot somehow
involves the Doctor saving the universe from certain destruction, this time
there is a real sense of menace as the Doctor finds himself squared off against one of the
elder gods of Egypt — Sutekh, the Destroyer. Sutekh, coldly enunciated by Gabriel Woolfe,
is easily the most menacing villain ever to appear in any Doctor Who episode. Interestingly,

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the Viking Mission which took the images of the infamous face and pyramids on Mars did
not reach Mars until 1976, a year after this episode aired.... (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this video.

The Mystery of the Sphinx (VHS)

John Anthony West, with Robert Schoch
Click here for a sound sample!
The Mystery of the Sphinx contains information about the Sphinx, and
Egyptian history and archaeology in general, that is nothing less than
explosive. John Anthony West and Robert Schoch offer brilliant and
convincing evidence that the Sphinx is much older than the pyramids, possibly as much as
8,000 years older than previously thought, indicating that our understanding of Egyptian
history and religion has barely scratched the surface. Their convincing testimony is made all
the more interesting and entertaining by the inclusion of Charlton Heston as the narrator. And
this video is not merely a visual montage of Egyptian images overlaid with mystical-
sounding rhetoric. This is real science and real history - and maverick archaeology at its best.
This popular video is highly recommended by the publisher. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this video.

Star Trek - The Original Series

Elaan of Troyius/ The Paradise Syndrome
In Episode 58 of the original series, "The Paradise Syndrome", Kirk, Spock
and McCoy beam down to a remarkably earthlike planet that is about to be
destroyed by a massive asteroid in an attempt to save some of the inhabitants. While on the
surface, they find a strange, alien device shaped like an obelisk, and covered with
hieroglyphic-type writing. Kirk accidentally opens the device — the door of which is keyed
to open upon hearing a series of musical notes that are the same Kirk intones when he says
"Kirk to Enterprise" — and falls in, suffering a mild concussion in the process and
temporarily losing his memory. As it turns out, the doorway, which opens horizontally, leads
under the obelisk into a computer room filled with highly advanced computer and other
systems. Kirk, however, senseless, wanders back out and finds one of the local natives
offering food to the temple of their "god", not knowing that it is actually an ancient form of
high technology left behind by a previous high civilization. These inhabitants, relatively
primitive peoples similar to North American Indians before the time of the pioneers, have
lived exactly the same way for thousands of years, apparently being the descendants of this
former high civilization that was mysteriously destroyed in the distant past.
Seeing Kirk emerge from the temple of their god, they assume that he is indeed their god
returned, and worship him as their god. However, as the asteroid approaches, storms and
earthquakes begin, and the natives beseech Kirk to make the "temple" work to make them
stop, as it has done in the past. Kirk, still suffering from amnesia, tries but fails to open the
device and make it work, as it has apparently recently stopped working properly. Spock,
however, searching for Kirk, beams down and finds him perched on the device, screaming
out "I am Kirok" in a vain attempt to invoke the power of the "god" of the temple. Spock,
however, sees that the temple is actually a device and, working with Kirk, figures out the
correct musical notes required to reopen the door. Regaining entrance, Spock quickly
ascertains that that "temple" is not actually a temple at all, but a sophisticated defense
mechanism that had been left behind by an ancient race called "The Preservers" specifically
designed to repel asteroids of the type now approaching the planet. Now repaired, the obelisk
emits a powerful beam of energy which deflects the asteroid just before it is about to crash
into the planet. One wonders where the writer got this idea, and if it has cognates in ancient
Earth history.... (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this video.

Patterns exist everywhere: in nature, in science, in religion, in business. Max
Cohen (played hauntingly by Sean Gullette) is a mathematician searching for
these patterns in everything. Yet, he's not the only one, and everyone from Wall
Street investors, looking to break the market, to Hasidic Jews, searching for the
216-digit number that reveals the true name of God, are trying to get their hands on Max.
This dark, low-budget film was shot in black and white by director Darren Aronofsky. With
eerie music, voice-overs, and overt symbolism enhancing the somber mood, Aronofsky has
created a disturbing look at the world. Max is deeply paranoid, holed up in his apartment
with his computer Euclid, obsessively studying chaos theory. Blinding headaches and
hallucinogenic visions only feed his paranoia as he attempts to remain aloof from the world,
venturing out only to meet his mentor, Sol Robeson (Mark Margolis), who for some
mysterious reason feels Max should take a break from his research. This movie is complex--
occasionally too complex--but the psychological drama and the loose sci-fi elements make

29 of 30 11/10/10 1:01 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Ah Osiria! Part II: ...

this a worthwhile, albeit consuming, watch. Pi won the Director's Award at the 1998
Sundance Film Festival.
Click here to buy this video.

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imrod, a mighty hunter

before the LORD." Few
words in the Bible have
excited so much interest
or speculation as the brief
passage in the Table of
Nations of Genesis 10 that describes a
mysterious character known only as
"Nimrod". Many have speculated on the true
identity of this king, trying to match him up
with numerous Assyrian, Babylonian, and
even Egyptian kings. To this date, however,
his true identity remains a mystery.

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Nimrod, besides being a mighty hunter, was

also known as both a conqueror and a builder
of cities in the world after the Great Flood, in
the eastern part of the region formerly known
as Osiria, now generally known as the
ancient Near East. All over the ancient Near
East — and perhaps throughout the entire
world — legends state that Nimrod went far
and wide conquering, and to conquer the
barbarians that surrounded ancient
Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) on all sides, and
building various cities in order to bring
civilization to the face of the Earth. Thus,
like Osiris of the Egyptian legends, he was
the great civilizer of mankind, raising the
standards of living for all under his domain
(map). Yet, despite the positive aspects of his rule, the myths and legends that have
circulated ever since about this mysterious king tell the tale of a man who also was
possessed of a dark side. To be free of God's rule was his dark obsession, and in order
to accomplish his dark purpose, he spoke dark sentences to enslave mankind to the ring
of his dark will.

Chariots of
After the Great Flood, the descendants of Shem, Ham and [Remastered]
Japheth spread out and multiplied over the face of the Vangelis
Earth as described in the Table of Nations (q.v.). The Digitally
remastered reissue of
Table of Nations is essentially a simple listing of their
descendants, with one exception: Nimrod, a descendant of this Academy Award-
winning score. Uplifting
Cush, the son of Noah, who rose head and shoulders
above the rest to be the first great dictator of the music for perilous times.
(Clips courtesy
post-Flood world:
8 Titles
Cush was the father of Nimrod, who grew to be a Five Circles
mighty warrior on the earth. Abraham's Theme
He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; that is Eric's Theme
why it is said, "Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before 100 Metres
the LORD."
The first centers of his kingdom were Babylon,
Erech, Akkad and Calneh, in Shinar.
From that land he went to Assyria, where he built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir,
and Resen, which is between Nineveh and Calah; that is the great city.
(Gen. 10:8-12), NIV.
This passage, though seemingly short, is in fact surprisingly long in context, being
given an unusually large treatment in the otherwise extremely concise listing of the
descendants of Noah. This has led many to believe that this man was considered to be
truly exceptional not only in his time, but for many thousands of years afterwards, to
the point where his ascent to power may have been a paradigmatic event of such
magnitude that it had altered the course of human history forever. Moreover, some
believe that one like Nimrod may rise again at the time of the end in a final attempt to
conquer the world, so the identification of this mysterious character of the past may be
critical to understanding our future and, possibly, our present.

Cush was the father of Nimrod,
who grew to be a mighty warrior
on the earth.
Scholars have long debated on this
issue, particularly as to Nimrod's
ancestry. King Nimrod ruled over the
land of Mesopotamia, which was
inhabited primarily by Semites,
whereas the rest of Ham's offspring,
including Cush, lived in Canaan,
Egypt, North Africa and what is now
southern Saudi Arabia. Perhaps
instructive to this point is the
etymology of his name. "Nimrod",

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many believe, has the root of the

Hebrew word marad, "to make
rebellion", which has led most
scholars to agree with most of the
myths and legends surrounding
Nimrod that he was indeed the first to
renew the rebellion against God in
the world after the Flood. Part of this
rebellion may have been his refusal to
dwell in the lands alotted to the
descendants of Ham, instead setting
up his own kingdom apart from the
authority of God, in a place of his
choosing. Ignoring God's prime
directive to "Be fruitful and increase
in number; fill the earth and subdue
it." (Gen. 1:28) — to spread over the
An Assyrian relief depicting a warrior engaged in battle.
Mesopotamian kings were considered to be at least
entire face of the Earth — Nimrod
partly divine, and had to prove themselves in battle instead centralized power in
either with a powerful opponent, or with a powerful wild Mesopotamia in a bid for world
animal, such as a lion. This tradition likely had its roots supremacy, in an attempt to rule over
in the traditions of kingship of Mesopotamia that had mankind in God's stead as a
been laid down by the mysterious Nimrod thousands of self-appointed steward.
years previously.
Along these lines, an interesting
Sumerian text was discovered in the last century called The Sumerian King List. In this
ancient text, there is a description not only of the early kings of Mesopotamia (all of
the kings of Sumer and Akkad previous to Sargon), but also a list of the kings from
before the Flood. Most importantly, this text describes how kingship had been "lowered
from heaven", both before the Flood, and afterwards. Kingship had come deux ex
machina not once, but twice. Like the biblical authors, who stated that "There were
giants in the earth in those days; and also after that" (Gen. 6:4), the ancient
Mesopotamians also recognized that the same deities who had brought civilization to
the world before the Flood had brought it once again to the world after the Flood,
starting in Mesopotamia, in the city of Kish.1 This "Kish", and not the "Kush" listed as
the forebear of Nimrod, may have been the true point of origin for Nimrod.
Moreover, as we saw in Part I of
"Giants in the Earth", one of the
results of the descent of "kingship
from heaven" — the fallen angels
coming down to Earth and setting up
kingdoms of their own apart from
God's direct control — was the
manipulation of the human genome
in order to to create a race of giants
that would conquer and exterminate
God's own creation, homo sapiens.
This race of giants, the Nephilim, was
accompanied by a mixed-breed of
giants and normal homo sapiens Sumerian votive statues of the Early Dynastic period (ca.
known as the Gibborim, or "mighty 2800-2400 B.C.) These statues were left by worshipers
men", who were exceptionally tall, at the altars of their gods to pray on their behalf even
strong and warlike. This term, when they were not physically present. Click here to
gibborim, "mighty men", is the same view similar lost treasures from the Iraq Museum
term used to describe Nimrod — courtesy of the University of Chicago's Oriental
Institute, or go directly to the Iraq Museum International
"Nimrod, who grew to be a gibbor website.
upon the Earth". Based on this, most
commentators believe that Nimrod
was in fact a giant, the first and most powerful of the new race of giants that the fallen
angels were recreating in the world after the Flood. Thus, the text of Genesis 10:8 may
be amended to read: "Nimrod, who was the first of a new breed of giants on Earth,
came from Kish." And even though that emendation does answer some questions, it
does not necessarily indicate an error in the textus receptus. The city of Kish could be
eponymous, named after Kush, their ancestor.

He was a mighty hunter before the
LORD; that is why it is said, "Like
Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the
Nimrod's marching orders from his

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fallen masters was to recreate the

world as it had been before the Flood,
which he did with great gusto. Like
the giants of the antediluvian world,
he was a superb hunter and warrior,
so superior that his name became
synonymous with military prowess,
of the hunting of both man and beast.
However, his true quest was not
merely a glorious hunt for animals, or
even the conquest of nations, but to
uncover the past "glories" of the
antediluvian world that had been
destroyed and covered up by the
Flood. These "glories", or
technological achievements, would
then be reused to rebuild the
antediluvian world back to the level it
had achieved before it had been
destroyed by God's judgment. To this
An Assyrian relief depicting a king finishing off a end, Nimrod's people abandoned their
wounded lion. Depictions of kings in battle with lions divinely allocated lands and instead
are particularly common in Mesopotamian art, and were made a beeline for the ancient cities
designed to enhance the king's image as a powerful and of Babylonia that had been destroyed
virile conqueror. by the Flood, cities which in the
world before the Flood may have
been exceptionally technologically advanced. Tannehill explains, "Before this edict
dividing the Earth, Nimrod, a descendant or son of Ham's son Cush [sic?] may have
already become a noted leader and great hunter of wild beasts. He was the Caesar or
Napoleon of his day and he led a rebellion against God's order to emigrate to Africa.
The name "Nimrod" means rebellion. His people had emigrated but not where God
afterward ordered them to go."2
It was there, in the city of Kish in ancient Sumer, that Nimrod apparently began his
quest to uncover the antediluvian cities of the first generation of giants. He may have
even uncovered ancient texts from the world before the Flood, leading him to make the
oft-quoted statement, "I studied inscriptions from before the flood".3 Tannehill even
goes as far as to say that Babylon, Akkad and all the cities of the land of Shinar had in
fact been founded by Cain, "east of Eden", in the world before the Flood: "Nimrod
reinhabited the cities of Cain and adopted his language, his religion and his civilization.
[They] built upon the ruins of a civilization that existed in Shinar before the Flood.
This is exactly what the Babylonians themselves said. They glorified their ancient
cities by ascribing to them a foundation in the ages before the Flood."4

The first centers of his
kingdom were Babylon,
Erech, Akkad and
Calneh, in Shinar.
Nimrod began his
campaigns of conquest
from his base in
Mesopotamia, where he
had apparently first begun
his quest to uncover the
world from before the
Flood. Though the
locations of Babylon amd
Erech (Uruk, modern
Warka) are both well
known, having been
U.S. Embassador to Iraq Paul Bremer gazes in awe upon a golden rediscovered over a
crown that had once been worn by ancient Babylonian royalty. The century ago, Akkad,
crown, along with numerous other irreplaceable treasures, had been though well attested in
recovered from looters and restored to its place in the Iraq ancient literature, has yet
International Museum. Click here to view a comprehensive slideshow to be found. Shinar and
of the recovery, and of Bremer's visit to view the priceless artifacts. Calneh are even more
difficult to identify,
having no clear cognates either in archaeology or ancient literature.

Though there has been some debate5, Shinar is generally believed to be a variant

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spelling of Sumer (pronounced "shoo-mer"), whereas Calneh is generally believed to

not be a city at all, but a phrase meaning "all of them", meaning that the three cities of
Babylon, Erech and Akkad were all in the land of Shinar.6 van der Toorn and van der
Horst explain,

The historical backdrop of the figure of Nimrod is furnished by an

enumeration of cities either dominated or built by him. Most of the toponyms
offer no problem to the interpreter: Babel (Akkadian: Babilu), Erech
(Akkadian: Uruk), and Akkad all lie in southern Iraq, the heartland of the
ancient Mesopotamian civilization. These three cities, each with historical
roots well into the third millennium b.c., were part of what was known in
cuneiform texts as "the land of Sumer and Akkad". The biblical text informs
the reader that the three cities, "all of them" according to an an emendation of
the Hebrew text supported by an ancient Samaritan interpretation, were to
found in the "Land of Shinar". Other biblical texts make it clear that Shinar is
a designation of Babylonia, that is, southern Mesopotamia.7
If Nimrod was indeed a mighty conqueror, it may even be that the term "all of them in
Shinar" may not refer just to the preceding three cities, but to all of the cities in Sumer,
of which Babylon, Uruk and Akkad were preeminent. As such, Genesis 10:10 may be
better translated as "His conquests began with Babylon, Uruk and Akkad, and then all
of Sumer", a translation which fits perfectly with the description of Nimrod as a mighty
warrior and hunter in the preceding verses — Nimrod was the first would-be dictator.
Commentators typically hold that Nimrod did not build the major cities of Sumer, but
simply ruled over them, his major building activity being exclusive to Assyria, as
described in verses 11-12. As we have seen, Babylon, Uruk and Akkad were likely the
ruined remnants of cities from before the Flood that Nimrod had reoccupied and
rebuilt, which is probably why he is not credited with founding them. As such, though
we will probably not be able to determine when these cities were first built, if we can
determine when they were rebuilt, it may help us in our search for the true identity of
the mysterious Nimrod.
The first known culture in
Sumer was the "The Uruk
Culture", which rose
around 3500 b.c. The
Sumerians, who are
believed to have emigrated
to southern Mesopotamia
from India and parts
further east around 4000
b.c., had assimilated and
intermarried with the
native Semitic (Akkadian) The "Standard of Ur," with lapis, shell and limestone inlays, 8" x 19",
populations who lived in Ca. 2650 B.C. The top panel shows soldiers leading prisoners of war
the north of Mesopotamia to their king. Foot soldiers and charioteers make up the next two
to the point where, around panels. In the fourth panel, the king is seated at the left while servants
3500, b.c., the two groups wait upon him and his banqueting guests. A harpist and singer at the
right provide entertainment. The last two panels depict commoners in
were no longer clearly
procession to the court. They bring livestock and the fruits of the land
distinguishable. This mixed and sea as gifts for their royal master. This "standard" provides a good
Sumerian/Akkadian general representation of life in Ur in the mid-third millennium b.c.
population would form the For this and more art of the ancient world, check out The Metropolitan
cultural and ethnic basis Museum of Art's Art of the First Cities exhibit.
for Mesopotamia for
millennia afterwards, the
kings of the region, starting with Sargon, routinely referring to themselves as "king of
Sumer and Akkad".

However, though the culture is referred to as the "Uruk Culture", Kish was most likely
the first of the cities to be resettled by Nimrod's people, as it is there that the Sumerian
King List says that kingship was again brought down from heaven. Moreover, the first
known writing comes from the city of Kish around 3500 b.c., which is important as the
skill of writing was one of the gifts the fallen angels had given mankind that had led to
their destruction by the Flood.8 Finally, the Bible also describes "Kush" or "Kish" as
the "origin" of Nimrod. Thus, as Kish is described in the Sumerian King List as the
place where kingship had come down from heaven again after the Flood, where writing
first originated, and where the Bible places the origin of Nimrod, Kish ca. 3500 b.c. is
the most likely setting for the rise of the mysterious Nimrod.

Economic documents that date to around 3200 b.c. show that Uruk rose in power as a
rival to Kish, however, and indeed the Sumerian King List clearly states that though
Kish was indeed where kingship had come down from heaven, that city was later
abandoned first in favor of the city of Uruk and, still later, to Ur.

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According to the King Lists, the first dynasty after the Great Flood (recorded
in the Gilgamesh Epic) was the 1st Dynasty of Kish. The last two kings,
Enmebaragesi and his son Agga, are the first rulers attested in contemporary
inscriptions. According to the King List, “kingship” (namlugal) then passed to
the 1st Dynasty of Uruk, which included Enmerkar, Lugalbanda, and
Gilgamesh, heroes of epic tradition, and finally to the 1st Dynasty of Ur.
Epigraphic evidence, however, shows that these dynasties (and a dynasty at
Mari) were all contemporary and date to c. 2700–2600 B.C.E. Many rulers
known from contemporary inscriptions are not found in the King Lists.9
Clearly, there have been many potential Nimrods in the history of Mesopotamia, so we
will need to analyze the biblical and related data further in order to narrow down the
list and find the true Nimrod. The Bible mentions that the beginning of Nimrod's
kingdom was Babylon, Uruk, and Akkad, information which provides parameters of
time that may help us determine the true identity of Nimrod. Akkad, for example, is
believed to have been built by Sargon I ("the Great") who reigned between 2371–2316.
If Akkad indeed did not exist before that time, then Nimrod could only be Sargon, or
some later king. However, the Akkadians as an ethnic entity existed as far back as 3500
b.c., so the city of Akkad was more likely rebuilt by Sargon, rather than founded. The
time in which Babylon was founded is unknown, but it was in existence during the time
of Sargon as well. We know this as Sargon's daughter, Enheduanna, priestess of the
moon god in Ur, had written songs in praise of the temples of Babylonia during the
time of Sargon, ca. 2350 b.c. Uruk, of course, was in existence at least as early as 3500
b.c., so we can date Nimrod back at least as far back as that time as well.

From that land he went to
Assyria, where he built Nineveh,
Rehoboth Ir, Calah
and Resen, which is between
Nineveh and Calah; that is the
great city.
Unfortunately, though it has
uncovered some interesting
information, our analysis of verse 10
has not added any information that
narrows the field of inquiry into the
true identity of Nimrod. Fortunately,
verses 11-12 supply more
information. After he had conquered
and consolidated Sumer, Nimrod then
turned his eyes northward to Akkad.
"The Golden Helmet of King Mes-Kalam-Dug". Some
date this helmet to 2450 b.c., but others, such as Wooley,
Though it is not explicity stated, in
date it back as far as 3500 b.c. This was one of the order to have the ability to construct
irreplaceable treasures that had been recovered from cities in Akkad (later Assyria),
looters and restored to its place in the Iraq International Nimrod would have to have
Museum. Click here to view a comprehensive slideshow conquered that region first.
of the recovery. Therefore, Nimrod did not simply
travel to the region as a benevolent
architect — he came as a conquering king, taking over and becoming absolute dictator
of both Sumer and Akkad.
Having conquered and controlled all of Sumer and Akkad, Nimrod then embarked
upon an ambitious building program. Not satisfied with merely rebuilding the past, he
wanted to determine the future, and make a name for himself in the process. Perhaps
that is why Moses did not give his true name, and left his fame purposely obscure —
by naming him by name, and giving a more thorough explanation of his feats, Moses
would have aided this wicked would-be dictator in his goal of making his name last
forever in history.
Unfortunately, the material in verses 11-12 is as obscure as those in verse 10, if not
more so. Not only are some of the place names obscure, it is debatable whether or not
Nimrod is even being spoken of in these verses. Some believe that the verb yatsa, "to
go forth", is actually the name of "Assur", one of the sons of Shem, which is why the
KJV differs here. This makes some sense, as the Assyrians were indeed the
descendants of Asshur. However, in context, it is clear that Nimrod is implied,
particularly since the Nimrod passage is inserted into the list of the descendants of
Ham, and not the list of the descendants of Shem.
After he had conquered and consolidated Akkad with Sumer, Nimrod embarked upon
an ambitious building program. The cities he built are typically enumerated as
"Nineveh", "Rehoboth Ir", "Calah" and "Resen".

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Nineveh is easily identified,
having been one of the greatest
cities of the ancient world.
Nineveh had been settled as
early as 6000 b.c., and had been
continuously inhabited as late as
the 16th century.

Rehoboth-Ir is another city
The Masqah Gate of Nineveh. Formerly Assyria, whose origin (or even existence)
Nineveh is now located in northern Iraq. Nineveh once a remains an "open" question.
vast, sprawling center of commerce that extended for Hamilton explains,
miles and encompassed several cities.

Rehoboth-Ir is not
identifiable. Heb. rehobot means "open space" and ir means "city".
Comparison may be made with Assyrian rebit ali, "open spaces in a
city, unbuilt area", and specifically with rebit Ninua, "unbuilt areas of
Nineveh". Is the reference here to peripheral sections of the city of
Nineveh rather than to a separate city? Rehoboth may be taken as an
adjective in the plural construct bound to a noun in the (collective)
singular, to express a superlative. The meaning of Rehoboth-Ir is then
"the widest city", in reference to Nineveh.... Possibly it was part of
the sprawling urban complex around Nineveh.10
Rehoboth-Ir is most likely meant to be used adjectivally, describing how very
large, wide and open Nineveh was. Nineveh was indeed a huge, cosmopolitan
city and a major center of commerce and industry for the region. One gets the
idea from this and other passages in the Bible — such as the description in
Jonah that Nineveh was so huge, that it took three days to pass through the
city (Jonah 3:3) — that Nineveh was an extremely spread-out, "open" area
which was packed full of traders, merchants and businessmen from all over
the world. So the addition of the adjective "Rehoboth-Ir" is totally appropriate,
as Nineveh was indeed an exceptional city of the ancient world.

Calah is to be identified with the Assyrian city of Kalhu, or modern Nimrud.11
Calah/Nimrud is located just a few miles southeast of Nineveh, and was likely
part of a larger trading region centered at Nineveh. The meaning of the name
is obscure, but it may have been meant to be the Akkadian/Assyrian
equivalent of Babylon in the north, as the name can also be translated as
"Holy Gate" or "Gateway of God": "The name of one of the great cities of
Nimrod.... The meaning of the name is unknown, but if a Sumerian etymology
be accepted, some such signification as "Holy Gate" (Ka-lah) or the like — a
parallel to Ka-dingira = Bab-ili, "Gate of God" — might be regarded as
possible".12 Calah may have been Nimrod's attempt to create his own Babylon
in the north, to equate himself with the giants of the antediluvian world who
had created Babylon.

Resen is another difficult city to locate. Some have suggested that there was a
misspelling in the Hebrew text, where the Hebrew letter "d" was replaced by
the very similar Hebrew letter "r", turning "Desen" into "Resen" As such,
commentators have suggested that it refers to "Dur-Sharrukin, the
administrative city founded by Sargon II, halfway between Nineveh and
Kalhu to the north."13 Another possibility is Res-eni, "fountainhead." "The
only town so named in the inscriptions is one of 18 mentioned by Sennacherib
in the Bavian inscription as places from which he dug canals connecting with
the river Khosr — in fact, it was one of the sources of Nineveh's water supply.
It probably lay too far North, however, to be the city here intended."14 These
explanations are weak, and solutions can be found without amending the text.
The best explanation is probably the ruins at Selamiyeh, once known as

As the Biblical text requires a site lying between Nineveh and Calah
(Kouyunjik and Nimroud), it is generally thought to be represented
by the ruins at Selamiyeh, about 3 miles North of the latter city. It is
noteworthy that Xenophon (Anab. iii.4) mentions a "great" city
called Larissa as occupying this position, and Bochart has suggested
that it is the same place. He supposes that when the inhabitants were

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asked to what city the ruins belonged, they answered la Resen, "to
Resen," which was reproduced by the Greeks as Larissa. Xenophon
describes its walls as being 25 ft. wide, 100 ft. high, and 2 parasangs
in circuit. Except for the stone plinth 20 ft. high, they were of brick.
He speaks of a stone-built pyramid near the city — possibly the
temple-tower at Nimroud.15
Resen also was once a substantial city, the third of a triad of cities that made up the
larger trading network composed of Niveveh, Calah and Resen. All together, the three
cities that Nimrod built in Akkad/Assyria appear to have formed a vast trading area, a
"greater Nineveh", which no doubt was the center of trade of the ancient world.
Moreover, their construction may have been meant to mirror the three major cities of
Sumer, Babylon, Uruk and Akkad, that Nimrod had inherited from his spiritual
ancestors, the giants from the world before the Flood. Nimrod, attempting to recreate
that lost world, spared no expense in the attempt, motivated by pride to make a name
for himself that would live forever. Though he has long since passed from the world
stage, his great city of Nineveh outlasted Akkad and even Assyria, being inhabited well
into the Moslem period and almost into modern times. Moreover, with the freeing of
Iraq, the ancient lands of Sumer and Akkad are free once more to become great centers
of commerce. Interestingly, our translation of Genesis 10:11-12, where Nineveh and its
surrounds are seen as forming "the great city", may be a clue to a similar role for this
region in the end-times.

A mass of legendary and rabbinical material

surrounds Nimrod, most of it speculation based
on deduction and wordplay. Nimrod is variously
associated with Cain, Terah, Abraham and other
biblical figures, much in the same way that the
rabbinical literature had made Og a participant in
many of both the pre-Flood and post-Flood
events of the Bible. In the literature, "Nimrod is
the prototype of a rebellious people, his name
being interpreted as 'he who made all the people
rebellious against God' (Pes. 94b; comp. Targ. of
Pseudo-Jonathan and Targ. Yer. to Gen. x. 9)....
As he was the first hunter he was consequently
the first who introduced the eating of meat by
man. He was also the first to make war on other
peoples (Midr. Agadah to Gen. x. 9)."16
Nimrod was the first to do many things,
including hunting, eating meat, and making war,
and was generally portrayed as the originator of
everything in society that goes against God's will
for mankind. Yet, according to the traditions, he
was not always that way.
Nimrod was not wicked in his youth. On the
contrary, when a young man he used to
"Izdubar Strangling a Lion." Izdubar, or sacrifice to YHWH the animals which he
"Gilgamesh", was the archetypal divine caught while hunting ("Sefer ha-Yashar,"
king, one of the first kings of Sumer, ca. section "Noah," pp. 9a et seq., Leghorn,
3500 b.c., Gilgamesh claimed to be
"two-thirds divine", a demigod whose
1870). His great success in hunting (comp.
lineage was mostly divine, and he was Gen. x. 9) was due to the fact that he wore
also considered to be a giant, as is shown the coats of skin which God made for Adam
in this sculpture. Also an archetype of the and Eve (Gen. iii. 21). These coats were
later Heracles/Hercules of Greek myth, handed down from father to son, and thus
Izdubar/Gilgamesh is the most likely came into the possession of Noah, who took
source of the Nimrod legend though them with him into the ark, whence they
others, such as Sargon, and even some
deities, are close contenders.
were stolen by Ham. The latter gave them to
Interestingly, the approximate height of his son Cush, who in turn gave them to
the figure in this sculpture is a giant at Nimrod, and when the animals saw the latter
close to twenty feet, based on the relative clad in them, they crouched before him so
size of the lion. Image from The that he had no difficulty in catching them.
Chaldean Account of Genesis. The people, however, thought that these
feats were due to his extraordinary strength,
so that they made him their king (Pir-e R.
El. xxiv.; "Sefer ha-Yashar," l.c.; comp. Gen. R. lxv. 12).... According to

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another account, when Nimrod was eighteen years old, war broke out between
the Hamites, his kinsmen, and the Japhethites. The latter were at first
victorious, but Nimrod, at the head of a small army of Cushites, attacked and
defeated them, after which he was made king over all the people on earth,
appointing Terah his minister. It was then, elated by so much glory, that
Nimrod changed his behavior toward YHWH and became the most flagrant
idolater. When informed of Abraham's birth he requested Terah to sell him the
new-born child in order that he might kill it (see Jew. Encyc. i. 86a, s.v.
"Abraham in Rabbinical Literature"). Terah hid Abraham and in his stead
brought to Nimrod the child of a slave, which Nimrod dashed to pieces ("Sefer
ha-Yashar," l.c.).17
Generally speaking, despite attempts of commentators to give his image a degree of
humanity, for the most part Nimrod was described in the rabbinical and legendary
material to be the very paragon of arrogance, self-righteousness and rebellion against
God. Josephus weighs in on the subject thusly: "Now it was Nimrod who excited them
to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah,
a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God,
as if it was through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own
courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into
tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them
into a constant dependence on his power...."18
We have heard about how Nimrod encouraged men to rebel against God, but now we
understand why — so that Nimrod could rule over mankind in the place of God.
Nimrod's encouragement of man to rebel against God was not in their best interests,
only in his own. Putting himself in the place of God, he made an idol out of himself,
cursing God and disobeying his laws, even those that had God had given to his
ancestors. Coveting the land of Shinar, he stole it from those to whom it had been
given, and murdered those who opposed him. He then taught men to do the same, to
abandon marriage in favor of adultery, and lying in favor of truth, so as to maximize
their ability to pursue personal power and glory. He then spoke out against God and his
divine laws, giving his subjects unbridled freedom and the ability to pursue happiness
and self satisfaction. Afterwards, after this philosophy had — predictably — led to
anarchy, Nimrod then enslaved the morally weakened and divided peoples, replacing
the fear of God with the fear of himself. This "divide and conquer" approach was to be
the hallmark of his rule and that of his descendants from that time onward, even unto
the time of the end.
Though we have examined the legendary material for additional clues as to the true
identity of Nimrod, and have concluded that Nimrod's method of rebellion from God
and establishment of his rule over Earth was through the total abandonment of God's
times and laws, we have yet to determine exactly who in history was the infamous
Nimrod. And the candidates are numerous, though a few tower above the rest:
Two prominent theories are now held in regard to Nimrod's identity: one,
adopted by G. Smith and Jeremias, is that Nimrod is to be identified with the
Babylonian hero Izdubar or Gishdubar (Gilgamesh); the second, that of
Sayce,Pinches, and others, identifies Nimrod with Marduk, the Babylonian
Mercury. The former identification is based on the fact that Izdubar is
represented in the Babylonian epos as a mighty hunter, always accompanied
by four dogs, and as the founder of the first great kingdom in Asia. Moreover,
instead of "Izdubar"—the correct reading of which had not yet been
determined—Jeremias saw the possibility of reading "Namra Udu" (shining
light), a reading which would have made the identification with Nimrod
almost certain. Those who identify Nimrod with Marduk, however, object that
the name of Izdubar must be read, as is now generally conceded, "Gilgamesh,"
and that the signs which constitute the name of Marduk, who also is
represented as a hunter, are read phonetically "Amar Ud"; and ideographically
they may be read "Namr Ud"—in Hebrew "Nimrod." The difficulty of
reconciling the Biblical Nimrod, the son of Cush, with Marduk, the son of Ea,
may be overcome by interpreting the Biblical words as meaning that Nimrod
was a descendant of Cush. Two other theories may be mentioned: one is that
Nimrod represents the constellation of Orion; the other is that Nimrod stands
for a tribe, not an individual.19

Most commentators assume that

Nimrod was a man — a long-lived,
superior physical specimen of a man,
gigantic in stature and in personal
charisma. One possibility that most

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commentators overlook, however, is

that Nimrod may not have been a
man, but a deity. The ancient
Mesopotamians tended to idolize
figures who were powerful hunters,
warriors, and leaders, and as such,
their gods tended to reflect these
attributes. Moreover, the long span of
time indicated by the
accomplishments of Nimrod in the
Bible leads some to suggest that,
since most human kings reigned for
A depiction of the ancient Sumerian creation epic, less than 50 years, 60 at most, either
wherein the creation of the heavens and the earth was Nimrod had a supernatural longevity,
viewed as the result of a battle between the high god of was a particularly successful
the Sumerian pantheon (originally Anu, then Enlil, later politician, or the biblical writers may
Ninurta, Marduk, Asshur) and a dragon named "Tiamat".
have had one of the false gods of
This depiction appears to a later version where the god
Marduk was credited as the defeater of the dragon and
Babylon in view. "If Nimrod is not a
creator of the heavens and Earth. Marduk, a mighty god, he must at least have enjoyed a
warrior god, may have been the prototype for the biblical divine longevity."20 And though there
Nimrod. are candidates on the list that fit
either of the other two criteria —
unusual longevity and political prowess — the Babylonian Deity theory has its merits.
And of these gods, two have stood out in the history of Mesopotamia as "mighty
hunters" and "builders of cities": Ninurta, and Marduk.
To our knowledge, Ninurta is first referred to in a Sumerian composition
known as "LUGAL-E". In this epic poem, Ninurta is described as a king, and
a storm "whose radiance is princely". He is also described as "a hero striding
fiercely into battle". In this and many other epic poems, Ninurta is seen
slaying a variety of frightful creatures, including a giant eagle, a lion, a seven-
headed serpent, a six-headed boar, a bison, a seven-headed hound, and a
buffalo. Some commentators have even pointed out the numerous points of
commonality between the "feats of Ninurta" and the labors of Hercules,
indicating that the Greek and Roman Hercules myths may have been adopted
from Mesopotamian sources. "Judging by the mythological exploits of
Ninurta, then, there is every reason to call him a 'mighty hunter'. By virtue of
his mythological career, Ninurta became the patron of hunters. The
neo-Assyrian kings, who liked to boast of their hunting prowess, refer to him
as their source of inspiration. Thus Tiglath-Pileser I writes that he went
hunting for bulls, elephants, lions and birds 'at the command of Ninurta who
loves me'."21

Moreover, like Nimrod, Ninurta was known for his organization and
civilization of Mesopotamia, including the creation of the Sumerian water
system, which formed the basis of their agricultural system and, thus, their
economy. And though he was not explicitly credited for building it, the city of
Calah, mentioned in the Bible as having been built by Nimrod, was a major
cult center for Ninurta. And since Calah is an Assyrian city, Ninurta can be
seen as having moved from Sumer north to Assyria, as Nimrod had done.
Ninurta, then, is an excellent candidate for the mysterious Nimrod, as
"Nimrod (Ninurta) is the archetype of the Babylonian deity, a symbol of
Mesopotamian civilization."22

Another Mesopotamian deity popular in
its time was the god Marduk. Marduk
was also known for destroying the
dragon Tiamat and her brood of
monsters in the Babylonian Creation
Epic, also known as Enuma Elish. In
this same epic, Marduk is depicted as
having built the city of Babylon making
him, unlike Ninurta, a true builder of
cities. Marduk worship, like that of
Ninurta, also moved north into Assyria,
so that parallel is present as well.
Moreover, "the signs which constitute
the name of Marduk, who also is
represented as a hunter, are read
phonetically "Amar Ud"; and
ideographically they may be read 'Namr

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Ud'—in Hebrew 'Nimrod'."23

Perhaps most important is the close
similarity of Marduk with the earlier
Ninurta, who was also the hero god of
an earlier creation epic, the LUGAL-E,
which was similar to Enuma Elish in
many respects:
The motif of a mythological battle
between a heroic god and an army
of monsters was not invented by
the author of the Babylonian
Creation myth. On the contrary, in
the literary history of Mesopotamia
the topos of the divine combat
occurs as early as the third
millennium b.c. In a number of
these compositions it is the god Marduk, god of Babylon, and one
Ninurta who is the monster slayer. possible contender for the mysterious
When this role is conferred upon Nimrod.
Marduk in Enuma Elish, the
mythological feats traditionally
ascribed to Ninurta become accomplishments of the city god of
Babylon. This reinterpretation of an ancient theme is a piece of
religio-political propaganda. But turning Marduk into a Ninurta
redivivus, the Babylonian theologians underscored the preeminence
of their god, whose triumph had to match the leading position of their
The character of Nimrod, then, may not have been a man at all, but a Babylonian deity
who was considered to have been present at the foundations of all of the cities in both
Sumer and Akkad. Both seen as mighty warriors and civilizers, Ninurta, Marduk and
other lesser Mesopotamian deities may represent a tradition that was unique to
Mesopotamian history. And since no one king or even one god ever ruled for the whole
of Mesopotamian history, Moses may have decided to give this "king" the generic
name of "Nimrod", just as he done with the term balal, "confusion" used to describe
the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. In this way, he also avoided mentioning the name of
a foreign god in the text, which would have broken the first commandment.

Though Ninurta and Marduk are

good candidates for the mysterious
Nimrod, by far the best candidate is
the ancient hero/king Izdubar, more
commonly known as "Gilgamesh".
Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk, the
biblical "Erech", and was believed to
have been given the secret knowledge
of the world before the Flood by the
gods. As we have seen, according to
The Sumerian King List, after the
Flood kingship had been lowered
from heaven once more, in the city of
Kish, in ancient Sumer. According to
the list, since kingship had been
lowered from heaven to Kish after the
Flood, "Twenty-three kings ruled it
for 24,510 years, 3 months and 3-1/2
days".24 After that period of time,
Izdubar (Nimrod) in Conflict with a Lion. Izdubar is which is probably inaccurate, Kish
generally considered to be the same character as was defeated in battle, and the
Gilgamesh, a mighty hero/king of Sumer ca. 3500 b.c. kingship of Sumer had been moved to
who had been known for his feats of strength and defeat
of numerous dangerous creatures. Deified after his
the city of Uruk. There, Gilgamesh
death, Gilgamesh was a major figure in Mesopotamian was the fifth king in a line of 12
myth and legend for millennia. kings that lasted for 2,310 years until
Uruk had been defeated in battle and
the kingship removed to the city of

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The actual date for the founding of the city of Uruk was likely around 3500 b.c., a date
which archaeologists have fixed with a fair amount of certainty. It was during this time
that "the Uruk Culture" arose in Mesopotamia, setting a high water mark of intellectual
and cultural achievement that all the civilizations to follow in the region for thousands
of years would look back to as the "golden age" of Sumer. It was in Uruk, ca. 2700 b.c.
where Gilgamesh ruled as both priest and king, being both a wise ruler and an
understander of mysteries:
He who has seen everything, I will make known to the lands.
I will teach about him who experienced all things,
Anu granted him the totality of knowledge of all.
He saw the Secret, discovered the Hidden,
he brought information of the time before the Flood.
He went on a distant journey, pushing himself to exhaustion,
but then was brought to peace.
He carved on a stone stela all of his toils,
and built the wall of Uruk-Haven,
the wall of the sacred Eanna Temple, the holy sanctuary.
Look at its wall which gleams like copper,
inspect its inner wall, the likes of which no one can equal!
Take hold of the threshold stone — it dates from ancient times!
Go close to the Eanna Temple, the residence of Ishtar,
such as no later king or man ever equaled!
Go up on the wall of Uruk and walk around,
examine its foundation, inspect its brickwork thoroughly.
Is not even the core of the brick structure made of kiln-fired brick,
and did not the Seven Sages themselves lay out its plans?
One league city, one league palm gardens, one league lowlands, the open area
of the Ishtar Temple,
three leagues and the open area of Uruk it (the wall) encloses.
Find the copper tablet box,
open its lock of bronze,
undo the fastening of its secret opening.
Take and read out from the lapis lazuli tablet
how Gilgamesh went through every hardship.

— The Epic of Gilgamesh (Tablet I, Lines 1-27)26

There are many versions of old Izdubar/Gilgamesh legends, most of them in fragments.
In all of them, however, Gilgamesh is seen as a mighty hunter, warrior, and seeker of
ancient mysteries. A highly intelligent, gifted, and divinely guided man, Gilgamesh
bragged of being 2/3 god and 1/3 man, a giant in stature both in thought, word and
deed. For obvious reasons, many critics have pointed out that these legends are very
similar in nature to the text in Genesis that describes Gilgamesh. As Smith explains,
The centre of the empire of Izdubar is laid in the region of Shinar, or Sumir,
Erech, "the lofty" being the chief seat of his power, and thus agrees with the
site of the kingdom of Nimrod, according to Genesis.... We cannot overlook
the fact that the character of Izdubar as hunter, leader and king, corresponds
with that of Nimrod.... Izdubar, moreover, agrees exactly in character with
Nimrod; he was a hunter, according to the cuneiform legends, who contended
with and destroyed the lion, tiger, leopard, and wild bull or buffalo, animals
the most formidable in the chase in any country. He ruled first in Babylonia
over the region which from other sources we known to have been the centre of
Nimrod's kingdom. The principal scene, too, of his exploits and triumphs was
the city of Erech, which, according to Genesis, was the second capital of
As we have seen, at least one scholar has translated the ancient symbols that make up
the name "Izdubar" to read "Namr Ud", "Shining Light". Smith also points out that
Izdubar was also specially connected to the town of "Marda", the original Akkadian
name of which was "Amarda". In Akkadian, the word for "god" is "an", and put
together with "Amarda", it becomes "Anamarda", which is very similar to the name
"Nimrod" ('Ni-mar-a-da). Moses would not have wanted to give Gilgamesh fame in the
Bible, though, even though he was only a demigod, placing his name in the Bible also
would have violated the first commandment. Therefore, it is likely that Moses
substituted "Gilgamesh" with "Nimrod" — a generic term meaning either "shining
light", "he from Marad", or perhaps another translation that as yet eludes us.
Thus, Izdubar/Gilgamesh fits the description of Nimrod both in name and in fame.
However, though Gilgamesh did rule Uruk, one the cities mentioned in the Bible as
part of Nimrod's kingdom, he was not known for being a conqueror, merely an
adventurer and a seeker of mysteries. Moreover, there is no mention in the myths of
Gilgamesh having built the cities of Nineveh, Resen, and Calah, which Nimrod had

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been credited with. These cities were reserved for our next candidate: Sargon the Great,
King of Sumer and Akkad.

Though Gilgamesh best describes Nimrod in his

aspect of mighty hunter, mighty warrior, and
ruler of Sumer, later Sumerian, Akkadian,
Babylonian and even Assyrian kings better fulfill
the description of Nimrod as a conqueror. And of
all of the kings of Sumer, Sargon was the first to
become a true conqueror, conquering all of the
city-states of Sumer and Akkad and creating the
first true empire.
The Sumerian king list gives a number of kings
whom it claims ruled for thousands of years, and
then ends just before Sargon. Sargon then takes
the stage in the 23rd century b.c., defeating
Lugalzaggisi, the king of Uruk, and dragging
him away in a dog collar in order to humiliate
his former master and literally bring him to heel.
Sargon I "The Great", King of Sumer and This sort of radical action, intended to strengthen
Akkad ca. 2334-2279 b.c. Sargon is one his own image as a mighty conqueror who is not
of the best candidates of all the human to be trifled with, seems unusually cruel and
kings for being the mysterious Nimrod. disrespectful even for a conquering king.
The picture that emerges in the stories and
legends surrounding Sargon's rise and rule is one who "breaks the mold" of the old
traditions of Sumer, establishing new rules for himself and his glory perhaps more so
than any other king previous to him. He even ascribed to himself divine parentage, and
a life that was charmed, guided by the gods towards greatness. This attitude is
particularly evident in "The Legend of Sargon":
Sargon, the mighty king, king of Agade, am I.
My mother was a changeling, my father I knew not.
The brothers of my father loved the hills.
My city is Azupiranu, which is situated on the banks of the Euphrates.
My changeling mother conceived me, in secret she bore me.
She set me in a basket of rushes, with bitumen she sealed My lid.
She cast me into the river which rose not (over) me,
The river bore me up and carried me to Akki, the
drawer of water.
Akki, the drawer of water lifted me out as he dipped his
Akki, the drawer of water, took me as his son
and reared me.
Akki, the drawer of water, appointed me as his gardener,
While I was a gardener, Ishtar granted me (her) love,
And for four and [ ... ] years I exercised kingship,
The black-headed people I ruled, I governed.28
Not of royal Sumerian blood, Sargon was actually a Semite, of the Akkadians who
were the neighbors of the Sumerians to the north. His mother is described as a
"changeling", a term which in English means that she, or perhaps Sargon himself, or
both, had been placed in their mother's wombs by divine parents. Thus, by including
this term, Sargon was ascribing to himself divine parentage, making himself, like
Gilgamesh before him, a mighty man and son of the gods. Sargon's description of
himself as having been set upon the water in a reed basket is also interesting, as the
description of his watery journey is very similar to the early experience of Moses.
Though the two men are clearly different, separated by thousands of miles and at least
a thousand years, this description has incited no small amount of speculation on its
Raised by a poor "drawer of water", Sargon was then granted good fortune by Ishtar,
whom he believed placed him in the right place at the right time to ascend to kingship.
"Sargon began his career as cup-bearer to Ur-zababa, king of the city of Kish. A
Sumerian-language version of the story tells that Sargon escaped assassination. He
somehow became king himself and expanded his rule all over southern Mesopotamia,
pushing north to conquer Mari, Ebla, Ashur and Nineveh and even reaching Anatolia
and the Mediterranean. At some point Sargon moved his capital to the previously
unknown city of Akkad, adding the title "King of Sumer and Akkad" to his previous
designation, "King of Kish".29 He then adopted the title Sharru-kin, "the true king",

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apparently feeling that it was necessary to take steps to strengthen his legitimacy. This
would make sense, as not only had he usurped the previous king of Sumer, he was not
even Sumerian, instead being of Akkadian lineage. Also, by keeping the appellation
"King of Kish" throughout his reign, he further helped legitimize his accession to the
throne, as Kish, as we have seen, was the place where kingship had been brought down
from heaven after the Flood.
Where the Sargon solution fails, however, is the description of Nimrod's building of the
cities of Nineveh, Resen, and Calah in Assyria. Though Sargon did indeed conquer and
control that entire region, there is no description anywhere that he built these cities, one
of which, Nineveh, had been inhabited well before his time, at least as far back as 6000
b.c. He was also nowhere described as "a mighty hunter", being instead more of a
sophisticated politician and imperialist, focused on hunting for personal power rather
than for men or animals. So, whereas Sargon is the best solution for a human king,
there are still some questions that need to be answered before we can make a final
judgment regarding the true identity of the mysterious Nimrod.
Amraphel, King of Shinar:
Amraphel was the name of the king of Babylon
during the time of Abraham, ca. 2000 b.c.
Scholars generally believe him to be
Hammurabi. Amraphel, according to the text,
was part of a coalition of kings that had been put
together by one Chedorlaomer, king of Elam,
who at that time apparently held suzerainty over
Babylon. As we discussed in Part I of our
"Giants in the Earth" series, these kings banded
together in order to defeat the Amorite giants of
Canaan, who had failed to pay tribute to

Amraphel, (lit., "he speaks dark sentences" or

"he speaks in riddles"), as the king of Babylon
during the time of Abraham, was believed by
some to be Nimrod. Moreover, with the close
juxtaposition of the description of Nimrod in
Genesis 10, the Tower of Babel event in Genesis
11, the call of Abraham in Genesis 12, and the Amraphel, or "Hammurabi", receiving
major regional conflict described in Genesis 14 The Code of Hammurabi" from the
which included a prominent king of Babylon, a Sumerian god Shamash. The Code of
series of legends involving Abraham and Hammurabi is the first known
Amraphel/Nimrod arose that attempted to put comprehensive set of laws that regulated
these prominent subjects together into a coherent everyday life down to unprecedented
storyline. And part of that story was the detail, preceding even the 10
conclusion that Nimrod was actually the builder
of the tower of Babel:
Nimrod is generally considered to have been the one who suggested building
the Tower of Babel and who directed its construction. God said: "I made
Nimrod great; but he built a tower in order that he might rebel against Me"....
According to the "Sefer ha-Yashar" (l.c.), he at this time acquired the name
"Amraphel" in allusion to the fall of his princes (amar naphel).... The
punishment visited on the builders of the tower did not cause Nimrod to
change his conduct; he remained an idolater. He particularly persecuted
Abraham, who by his command was thrown into a heated furnace; and it was
on this account, according to one opinion, that Nimrod was called "Amraphel"
(amar phul) = "he said, throw in"; Targ. pseudo-Jonathan to Gen. xiv. 1; Gen.
R. xlii. 5; Cant. R. viii. 8). When Nimrod was informed that Abraham had
come forth from the furnace uninjured, he remitted his persecution of the
worshiper of YHWH; but on the following night he saw in a dream a man
coming out of the furnace and advancing toward him with a drawn sword.
Nimrod thereupon ran away, but the man threw an egg at him; this was
afterward transformed into a large river in which all his troops were drowned,
only he himself and three of his followers escaping. Then the river again
became an egg, and from the latter came forth a small fowl, which flew at
Nimrod and pecked out his eye. The dream was interpreted as forecasting
Nimrod's defeat by Abraham, wherefore Nimrod sent secretly to kill
Abraham; but the latter emigrated with his family to the land of Canaan. Ten
years later Nimrod came to wage war with Chedorlaomer, King of Elam, who
had been one of Nimrod's generals, and who after the dispersion of the
builders of the tower went to Elam and formed there an independent kingdom.
Nimrod at the head of an army set out with the intention of punishing his
rebellious general, but the latter routed him. Nimrod then became a vassal of

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Chedorlaomer, who involved him in the war with the kings of Sodom and
Gomorrah, with whom he was defeated by Abraham ("Sefer ha-Yashar," l.c.;
comp. Gen. xiv. 1-17).30
2100-2000 b.c. is a good time for the building of the tower, as it was during that time
that a disaster had struck Sumer, destroying the old order forever, as described in the
"Lamentation over the Destruction of Ur."31 However, Amraphel is not a good
candidate for Nimrod, as he not only never founded any cities to our knowledge, but
only had nominal control over Babylon as Chedorlaomer's vassal. Nevertheless, a great
deal of speculation on the identity of Nimrod involves Amraphel. Interestingly,
according to the Midrash, Nimrod had originally been warned of the birth of a man
who would defeat him by the appearance of a special star in heaven. As a result, he
murdered all the newborns, and forbade marriage, and men had to abstain from sexual
relations with women for a long time, to make sure that no babies were born during the
time of the star's appearance. Abraham's father Terah managed to impregnate his wife
anyway, and Abraham, according to the legend, was raised in secret. This pattern of
destruction of newborn babies who might be a threat to the established order is one of
the recurring themes in the Bible.
Tikulti-Ninurta I:
Another historical king that has been bandied about as a potential Nimrod is Tikulti-
Ninurta I, king of Assyria ca. 1246-1206. His name bearing the divine name of Ninurta,
the great hunter/warrior god of Sumer, Tikulti-Ninurta actions and speech are definitely
that of an arrogant king with a will to power. Speiser explains,
The high point of Tukulti-Ninurta's long and eventful reign (ca. 1246-1206)
was unquestionably his conquest of Babylon. The Kassite ruler of this great
traditional centre was carried off to Ashshur, as was also the statue of the
national god Marduk. The victor could now add to his other titles that of
"King of Sumer and Akkad". It was the first time in history that an Assyrian
held sway over all of Babylonia. Such an achievement was not to be repeated
until five centuries later, under Tiglath-Pileser III. Small wonder, therefore,
that these two awesome milestones came to loom large in the minds of
Mesopotamians and were highlighted as late as Hellenistic times.32
Assisting Tikulti-Ninurta's claim to Nimrod fame are the facts that he was of the
Cassite tribe (who may have descended from Cush, as had Nimrod), the fact that he
was a mighty warrior, and the fact that he was a great builder of cities in Assyria.
However, Tikulti-Ninurta did not start his kingdom in Sumer, as had Nimrod, but in
Assyria, later adding Sumer to his domain. Moreover, he did not build Nineveh to be
sure, merely maintaining it.
Ninus, also known as Shamshi-Adad, King of Assyria, ruled around ca. 800 b.c. He
was the eponymous founder of Nineveh, and as such is suggested by some as the true
Nimrod. However, Ninus could only have renamed Nineveh, as that great city had been
occupied for thousands of years previous to his reign. Ninus came onto the world stage
far too late in the game, was not known throughout the ancient world as "a mighty
hunter" or "mighty warrior", and did not begin his kingdom in Shinar. However, he
may have been an important link in a chain that has lasted for millennia, a chain of
rulers whose secret may lead us to the true nature of the mysterious Nimrod.

One of the dark horse candidates for

Nimrod that may constitute the most
important evidence for fully
understanding the character of
Nimrod is the constellation of Orion.
The ancient Babylonians were world-
renowned for their astronomical
abilities, believing that their gods
were present not only in their cult
statues, but also in the Sun, Moon,
stars and planets. The ancient
Babylonians (and all ancient peoples)
looked to the night sky for religious
inspiration, as it was there, they
believed, that the gods dwelt. The
constellations that we know today
were invented by these imaginative
peoples in ancient times as a
mnemonic device to help them
remember the stories of their gods,

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which were literally "written in the

stars" by the fertile imaginations of
our earliest ancestors. Bullinger
explains in his classic, The Witness of
the Stars,
If we turn to history and
tradition, we are at once met with
the fact that the Twelve Signs [of
the Zodiac] are the same, both as
to the meaning of their names
and as to their order in all the
ancient nations of the world. The
Chinese, Chaldean and Egyptian
records go back to more than
2,000 years b.c. Indeed, the
Zodiacs in the Temples of
Denderah and Esneh in Egypt,
are doubtless copies of Zodiacs
still more ancient, which, from
internal evidence, must be placed
Orion, the mighty hunter. Before he was set in the stars nearly 4000 b.c., when the
as a constellation, Orion was a titan, one of the giants of summer solstice was in Leo.
the antediluvian world who had been defeated by the
Josephus says ... 'God gave the
Olympian gods and destroyed by the Flood sent by Zeus.
Orion was a mighty hunter and, as depicted in the antediluvians such long life that
constellation, appears to be opposing the onrushing bull they might perfect those things
Taurus. The bull Taurus may be symbolic of God, whom which they had invented in
Orion, like Nimrod, opposed and fought against. Thus, astronomy.' Cassini commences
the true identity of Nimrod may have been written in the his History of Astronomy by
stars all along. Images compiled from E.W. Bullinger, saying 'It is impossible to doubt
The Witness of the Stars (Grand Rapids: Kregel
Publications, 1967), 125. All rights reserved. Click here
that astronomy was invented
for a larger version. from the beginning of the world;
history, profane as well as
sacred, testifies to this truth.'
Nouet, a French astronomer, infers that the Egyptian Astronomy must have
risen 5,400 b.c.! Ancient Persian and Arabian traditions ascribe its invention
to Adam, Seth, and Enoch. Josephus asserts that it originated in the family of
Seth; and he says that the children of Seth, and especially Adam, Seth, and
Enoch, that their revelation might not be lost as to the two coming judgments
of Water and Fire, made two pillars (one of brick, the other of stone),
describing the whole of the predictions of the stars upon them, and in case the
brick pillar should be destroyed by the flood, the stone would preserve the
According to Bullinger, and others, the constellations were known by the antediluvians,
and that knowledge had been passed down from father to son all the way to Noah, who
in turn had passed it on to his sons in the world after the Flood. The constellations were
used to tell stories that were eternal truths about mankind, particularly his origins and
his future destiny. And of the constellations, Orion consistently stood out in the myths
and legends of the ancient world:
Orion was the son of Neptune. He was a handsome giant and a mighty hunter.
His father gave him the power of wading through the depths of the sea, or as
others say, of walking on its surface. Orion loved Merope, the daughter of
Oenopion, king of Chios, and sought her in marriage. He cleared the island of
wild beasts, and brought the spoils of the chase as presents to his beloved; but
as Oenopion constantly deferred his consent, Orion attempted to gain
possession of the maiden by violence. Her father, incensed at this conduct,
having made Orion drunk, deprived him of his sight, and cast him out on the
sea shore. The blinded hero followed the sound of the Cyclops' hammer till he
reached Lemnos, and came to the forge of Vulcan, who, taking pity on him,
gave him Kedalion, one of his men, to be his guide to the abode of the sun.
Placing Kedalion on his shoulders, Orion proceeded to the east, and there
meeting the sun-god, was restored to sight by his beam. After this he dwelt as
a hunter with Diana, with whom he was a favorite, and it is even said she was
about to marry him. Her brother was highly displeased and often chid her, but
to no purpose. One day, observing Orion wading though the sea with his head
just above the water, Apollo pointed it out to his sister and maintained that she
could not hit that black thing on the sea. The archer-goddess discharged a
shaft with fatal aim. The waves rolled the dead body of Orion to the land, and
bewailing her fatal error with many tears, Diana placed him among the stars,
where he appears as a giant, with a girdle, sword, lion's skin, and club. Sirius,
his dog, follows him, and the Pleiads fly before him.34

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Orion was a titan, a giant literally four times the size of a normal man, according to
some accounts. He was also a mighty hunter who was able to manifest supernatural
powers, and was famous all over the ancient world, including Mesopotamia. Regarding
his constellation, Bullinger explains, that Orion "is so pictured in the ancient Denderah
Zodiac, where we see a man coming forth pointing to the three bright stars (Rigel,
Bellatrix, and Betelguez) as his. His name is given as Ha-ga-t, which means this is he
who triumphs. The hieroglyphic characters below read Oar. Orion was anciently
spelled Oarion, from the Hebrew root [or] which means light. So that Orion means
coming forth as light. The ancient Akkadian was Ur-ana, the light of heaven.35 This
description fits well with one of the translations of the name "Gilgamesh" — Namra
Udu, "shining light", which is where the name "Nimrod" may have derived. It may also
be instructive to note that the names of Uruk and Ur, two of the major cities of
Mesopotamia over which Nimrod ruled, also contain the word ur, "light", as part of
their names.
Some also have pointed out that Ninurta, of the ancient hunter gods, had also been
associated with the constellation of Orion, as well as the star Sirius, which they saw as
either his bow, or an arrow. van der Toorn explains,
The god's role as a hunter has been corroborated by his association with the
star called "arrow" (Sumerian KAK.SI.SA, Akkadian sukudu), i.e., Sirius. The
identification of Ninurta with Sirius, the principal star of Canis maior
(referred to as "Bow" by the Mesopotamians), may have facilitated the
identification of Nimrod with Orion in late antiquity. In Greek mythology,
Sirius is known as the dog of Orion, a legendary giant and hunter ... a
conflation of traditions could have resulted in the idea that Orion instead of
Sirius was the heavenly counterpart of Ninurta/Nimrod. In this connection it is
interesting to note that in Syriac Orion is named gabbar, "hero".36
So, not only was Orion a mighty hunter, he was also a gibbor, or mighty warrior.
Moreover, the constellation is arranged in the sky in such a way that it appears to be
opposing the onrushing bull, the constellation of Taurus. The bull Taurus may be
symbolic of God, whom Orion, like Nimrod, opposed and fought against. Thus, the
true identity of Nimrod may have been written in the stars all along, where Orion,
mighty hunter "before" the Lord could be translated as "in front of", "opposing", or
"against" in the sense that Orion is opposing God, rather than somehow working for
him. In the same way, the term "antichrist" can mean either "in place of Christ" or
"against Christ" — one meaning is merely questionable, whereas the other is clearly
more sinister. And since the Hebrew etymology of the word "Nimrod" is actually "we
shall rebel", then the sinister "Mighty hunter against the Lord" should become the
accepted translation.
Now that we have established that Orion fulfills the description of both "mighty
warrior" and "mighty hunter against the Lord", the question remains, how can a
constellation begin his kingdom in Shinar, or build cities in Assyria? The key to
understanding how Orion answers the Nimrod puzzle so completely is the fact that
though Orion did not actually build the cities, those who did rule Shinar and who had
built Assyria all worshiped and were inspired by the divine constellation of Orion. And
though they had used different names for the constellation, such as Ninurta and
Marduk, Orion being a later Greek appelation for the same constellation, in their minds
the same constellation ruled the heavens above and the Earth beneath. In that way,
though there were many different earthly "Nimrods" who had hunted and warred and
built, there was but one heavenly Nimrod that ruled the heaven and Earth, unchanging,
for thousands of years.
And there is a fair amount of evidence to support this, in the form of architecture, as
was originally discussed in Part IV of our The Riddle of the Sphinx series. There, we
discovered that large buildings, pyramids, and even entire cities may have built in order
to give glory to the divine Orion/Nimrod:
One of the prime factors for believing that all of the most ancient megalithic sites
around the Mediterranean were built (or rebuilt) by one man, Nimrod, is their
consistent relationships with the stars, particularly the constellation of Orion. We have
already seen in part three of our "Riddle of the Sphinx" series that the pyramids were
built and laid out in such a way as to duplicate the stars of the constellation of Orion.
Another link to Orion exists, however, in the city of Edessa, in what is now
southeastern Turkey, in the same region as described in the Bible as being where
Nimrod built his major cities. The oldest known name of Edessa was actually Ourhoi
(Syriac), Ourhai (Armenian), or Er Roha (Arabic)37, which is very close to our modern
"Orion". Furthermore, the name of the province of Edessa was originally called
Orrheone. Adrian Gilbert explains in Magi: The Quest for a Secret Tradition, "Given
that there is strong evidence there was an Orion cult at Edessa, the similarity between
the words Orrheonis and Orionis is such as to suggest that it was from here that the
Greek Orion cult had its origins."38

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The city of Edessa is actually closely associated

with Nimrod, and is even known as "The Throne of
Nimrod" to this day. There is a prominent set of
pillars in the city, which are closely associated with
Nimrod's throne, and which even appear on the
coinage of the day. One coin shows a figure
standing between the pillars with his arms
outstretched, surrounded by astronomical symbols.
Gilbert noticed, when examining the pillars, that
when viewing them from the north, the
constellation of Orion passes in between them, just
like the figure on the coin. A set of steps on the
southern end of the pillars tends to reinforce the
cultic aspect of these pillars, and they probably
served in a late-night ritual wherein the king
assumed his throne between the pillars just when
Orion passed between them, symbolically taking on
the ancient mantle of authority linked with the
According to the myths, the Greek Orion (or
Oarion) was a son of Poseidon [founder of
Atlantis. Like Nimrod in the Bible he was a
hunter and a giant. He was also exceedingly
handsome but, as is so often the case, this was
to lead him into trouble. When, after failing to
rid the island of Chios of wild animals, Orion Top: The pillars of Edessa, on an ancient
coin. The pillars are connected by a
seduced Merope the daughter of its king, the central figure surmounted by a cross
latter having him blinded as a punishment. An shape and flanked by the moon. These
oracle told Orion that he could have his sight pillars were closely linked with the throne
restored if he travelled east and exposed his of Nimrod/Orion.
eyeballs to the rising sun. Accordingly, he went Bottom: An illustration of the pillars,
to the island of Lemnos and there Eos (the with the constellation of Orion as it
dawn goddess) fell in love with him, his sight would appear to an observer looking
south. Images from Adrian Gilbert, Magi:
being restored by her brother Helios (the Sun). The Quest for a Secret Tradition
We can see in the Greek Orion myth a number (London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc,
of parallels with the Egyptian legend of Osiris. 1996), 203-204.
The story of his blinding by the king of Chios
echoes the murder of the Egyptian god-king Osiris by his brother Seth, whilst
both Isis and Eos are goddesses associated with the dawn who entreat the
Sun-god (Ra/Helios respectively) to bring Osiris/Orion back to full health. In
ancient Egypt the resurrection of Osiris was a matter of profound religious
significance, which seems to have been connected with the annual
reappearance of the Orion constellation at dawn after a period of invisibility.
However, Orion can also be "blinded", i.e., his stars become invisible, when
the moon (especially a full moon) passes close by.39
Interestingly, the enthronment of Nimrod appears to be linked with two pillars. Perhaps
this is similar to the experience of Samson, a judge of Israel from the tribe of Dan, who
was also like Nimrod, being a mighty hunter, warrior, and who also had great strength
and supernatural abilities. Samson appeared "between the pillars" of the Philistine
temple of Dagon, destroying the Philistines by pushing down those two pillars, which
had been critical supports for the temple. Interestingly, like Orion of the Greek myths,
Samson had also been blinded by his enemies after having shown inappropriate interest
in a woman. Moreover, the lost tribe of Dan is believed by some to be the tribe that
would produce the antichrist, and Nimrod is generally believed to be a type of the
antichrist. And since by the time of Samson Israel had begun to ignore God's
prohibition against intermarrying with the Canaanites, and since the tribe of Dan was
the first and most flagrant violator of that law, it is likely that Samson had had one or
more giants in his family tree — giants that may have descended from the line of giants
that Osiris had founded in Mesopotamia thousands of years previously. And Osiris, as
we have seen, also was portrayed by the Egyptians as the constellation of Orion. Thus,
the clear linkage between Nimrod, Orion, Samson, and Osiris may be the final clues to
the true identity of the mysterious Nimrod: Osiris.

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Finally, we reach the true source of the Nimrod legend:

Osiris, king of Egypt. Osiris, as we saw in Part I, was a
mighty man of old — a demigod, a giant, a king, a
conqueror, and a great civilizer and builder of cities.
Furthermore he, like Nimrod, was greatly interested in
recovering information from the world before the Flood.
And, perhaps most importantly, after he had civilized
Egypt, Osiris traveled to other lands, leaving Isis as his
regent, to teach other peoples what he taught the
Egyptians. This is the key — in ancient times Osiris,
traveling throughout the ancient world attempting to
civilize mankind, had left behind mighty legends in his
wake of a physical, intellectual and spiritual giant of a
man who had, in ancient times past, traveled to
Mesopotamia and civilized the barbarians that had lived
there. Forever afterwards, they looked back to this
"Golden Age" when demigods walked the Earth, teaching
mankind the arts and sciences and civilization.
Izdubar/Gilgamesh may have in fact been Osiris, as the
Osiris, the namesake of the pronunciation of Osiris' name from the original
Osirian civilization that hieroglyphics is actually pronounced "whizzer", very close
Nimrod was attempting to to "Izdubar".
rebuild. Osiris is represented by
the constellation of Orion in
It is also not a surprise that the first king of united Egypt
Egyptian zodiacs, and may
have been the same man as the
was named "Nar-mer", one of the god-names of Horus,
legendary Nimrod of which is also very similar to Nimrod. The symbol of
Mesopotamia known as a great Narmer was that of a catfish surmounting a chisel. Though
this symbol seems curious at first, it may be an important
hunter, conqueror, and builder
of cities. clue to the origin of Osiris and an ancient line of divine
kings who claimed descent from him. There is a family in
Europe named the Merovingians who have descended from a 5th-century king who
claimed to have been the offspring of a human mother and a mysterious "beast from the
sea": "the mysterious sea beast — the Bistea Neptunis — as symbolically defined in
the Merovingian ancestry. The relevant sea-lord was King Pallas, a god of old
Arcadia.... The immortal sea-lord was said to be 'ever-incarnate in a dynasty of ancient
kings' whose symbol was a fish."40 Thus, the Egyptian hieroglyphics for catfish and
chisel that make up Narmer's name may refer to the fact that Narmer was of divine
parentage, and the chisel may refer to the fact that he was known as a cutter of stone
and, therefore, a builder of cities. Thus, like Nimrod, Narmer was a semi-divine king
known for building cities. This makes sense, as Narmer was the king that had unified
upper and lower Egypt around 3200 b.c., forming the first nation of the ancient world.
Though probably not the king who inspired the legend of Osiris, Narmer was almost
certainly of the divine lineage of Osiris, and may well have been the source of the
name "Nimrod".
If Osiris did indeed visit Mesopotamia and bring kingship to Kish, we may actually be
able to date Osiris to approximately 3500 b.c., around the same time that civilization
arose both in Sumer and in Egypt. In both places, architecture and civilization both
arose around that time, with fully formed systems of writing, mathematics, astronomy
agriculture, and all the lively and technical arts we know today. Archaeologists have
long remarked on how suddenly, without any evidence of development over time. John
Anthony West says it best in his classic Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of
Ancient Egypt:
Egyptian science, medicine,
mathematics and astronomy were all
of an exponentially higher order of
refinement and sophistication than
modern scholars will acknowledge.
The whole of Egyptian civilization
was based upon a complete and
precise understanding of universal
laws. And this profound
understanding manifested itself in a
consistent, coherent and inter-related
system that fused science, art and
religion into a single organic Unity. In
other words, it was exactly the
opposite of what we find in the world
today. Moreover, every aspect of
The constellation or Orion. Inset is a closeup of
Egyptian knowledge seems to have the three belt stars of Orion, with a line drawn
been complete at the very beginning. through them to show how they are aligned.
The sciences, artistic and architectural
techniques and the hieroglyphic

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system show virtually no signs of a

period of "development"; indeed,
many of the achievements of the
earliest dynasties were never
surpassed, or even equalled later on.
This astonishing fact is readily
admitted by orthodox Egyptologists,
but the magnitude of the mystery it
poses is skillfully understated, while
its many implications go
As we also discussed in Part IV of our
The Riddle of the Sphinx series,
Osiris/Nimrod was most likely the builder
An aerial view of the Pyramids of Giza, which
or rebuilder of the many megalithic some believe were meant to be an earthly mirror
structures we find scattered throughout the to the belt stars of Orion in heaven. From bottom
ancient Near East in his attempt to left to top right: "Great" Pyramid of Khufu,
recreate the world before the Flood, many Pyramid of Khafre, Pyramid of Menkaure.
of which appear to have been built in an
attempt to mirror the constellation of
Orion on Earth, in the form of
The namesake of this fabled Osirian
Empire was the Egyptian god Osiris, the
ancient god of the Egyptians, who
predated most of the gods of Egypt
including Re. The origin of Osiris is not The three main pyramids of Giza, which mirror
clear, though myths of Osiris abound in exactly the three belt stars in the constellation
Egyptian religion and myth. Childress Orion. Bauval, Hancock and others believe that
believes that Osiris was an actual this was an attempt by the ancient Egyptians to
create a "heaven on earth" in a very real sense.
historical person who, like Gilgamesh of
Mesopotamian myth, was given godlike
status over time. This man "Osiris" was
known all around the Mediterranean, and
examples of his handiwork can be found
throughout the Mediterranean and its
Suddenly, in view of the advanced
and ancient civilization in the
Mediterranean, the mystery of some
of the awesome and inexplicable sites
around the Mediterranean, such as
Ba'albek [in Lebanon], does not seem
quite so mysterious after all.... This The three cities of Assyria built by
theory of Ba'albek being some Orion/Nimrod, which may also mirror the belt
stars of Orion on Earth. It may well be that
remnant of the Osirian Empire, along Nimrod did not start out in Sumer at all, but in
with some of the other megalithic Egypt, where he was known as Osiris.
sites in the Mediterranean, fits in well
with the Arab legend that the massive
stone blocks were built a short time after the Flood, at the order of the
legendary King Nimrod, by a "tribe of giants." King Nimrod, and Poseidon,
are just other names for Osiris of Egyptian mythology. 42
Thus, though Nimrod's kingdom appears in the Bible to have been restricted to
Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), this is unlikely as Cush, his ancestor, was the father of the
Kushites, who lived in what is now Ethiopia, south of Egypt. Similarly, Mizraim,
Cush's brother, was the father of the Egyptians (miz rai'm is the Hebrew name for
Egypt - literally, "the two lands", referring to upper and lower Egypt). It is also
instructive to note that the Bible said that the beginning of Nimrod's kingdom was
Babylon, indicating that he may have spread outward from Mesopotamia, spreading
out throughout the ancient Mediterranean world building magnificent structures the
likes of which cannot be duplicated even today. And though Nimrod is best
remembered by his feats of strength and building of architectural marvels, further study
will be required to see what became of his most important legacy to mankind: the line
of divine kings that followed after him.
Osiris answers all of the questions that have been nagging commentators for millennia,
especially the reference to Nimrod being a descendant of Cush. The Cushites lived in
Ethiopia, southern Egypt, northeast Africa and southern Arabia, and some of their
descendants may well have emigrated north and east into the land of Shinar. There,
they began to rebuild the antediluvian cities of the plain that had been destroyed by the

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Flood, and then began expanding outwards in their attempt to rebuild and recivilize the
Earth as it had been. Osiris is at the right place, at the right time, and of the right
lineage to be the fabled Nimrod of old. And forever after, his great exploits were
remembered by the ancient Mesopotamians in their myths and legends, and in the stars.

It appears that we are at the end of the chase, and have captured the legendary Nimrod.
Osiris, the namesake of this series, was the great civilizer of mankind in and around the
Mediterranean region that had been drowned by the Flood. And though it appears that
his attempt to rebuild the world before the Flood failed, the great empires of the ancient
world fading away and being forgotten, now covered over by a thick and nearly
impenetrable layer of Islam, it would be premature to say that Osiris has failed in his
attempt to recreate the world before the Flood. The answer to the identity of Nimrod
does not lay entirely in the personage of Osiris, or in the constellation of Orion, which
remembers him. The third leg in the triune identity of Nimrod is the legacy of kings
that he left behind him — kings that claimed that the royal blood of Nimrod flowed in
their veins, giving them the divine right of rulership over mankind. And this line of
kings may not be broken; some believe that one of this line may arise in the end to
reconquer the land of Shinar, in a quest to conquer the world and restore the world to
the way it had been before the Flood, when semi-divine kings ruled over a world
enslaved. At that time a Nimrod will arise and believe himself to be wise — but in the
end, he will be shown to be only a prince of fools.

Part I: The Athenian Empire | Part II: Antediluvian Egypt | Part IV: Beast from the Sea
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A. Leo Oppenheim, trans, "The Sumerian King List" in James B. Pritchard, ed.,
Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament with Supplement (Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press, 1974), 265-266.

J.B. Tannehill, Naamah and Nimrod: A Defense of the Faith of our Fathers
(Columbus, OH: The New Franklin Printing Co., 1916), 314.

Richard S. Hess, David Toshio Tsumura, eds., "I Studied Inscriptions from Before the
Flood": Ancient Near Eastern, Literary, and Linguistic Approaches to Genesis 1-11
(Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, Dec. 1994).

Tannehill, Naamah and Nimrod, 86-87.

P. Ant. Deimel, "Shumer = Shinar" Biblica 2 (1921), 71-74.

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A.S. Yahuda, "Calneh in Shinar" Journal of Biblical Literature 65 (1946), 325-327.

K. van der Toorn and P.W. van der Horst, "Nimrod before and after the Bible"
Harvard Theological Review 83:1 (1990), 1-2.

"Book 2: Parables (Chap. 69)" in The Book of Enoch, translated from the Ethiopian
by R.H. Charles. (Academy for Ancient Texts:

"The Sumerians and the Akkadians" in The Encyclopedia of World History, ed. Peter
N. Stearns (

Victor P. Hamilton, The New International Commentary on the Old Testament: The
Book of Genesis: Chapters 1-17 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, Dec. 1994), 339-340.

Gordon J. Wenham, Word Biblical Commentary: Genesis 1-15 (Waco, TX: Word,
1987), 224.

"Calah" in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, ed. James Orr

van der Toorn, "Nimrod before and after the Bible", 6.

"Resen" in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, ed. James Orr

"Resen" in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, ed. James Orr

Emil G. Hirsch, M. Seligsohn, Wilhelm Bacher, "Nimrod" in The Jewish
Encyclopedia, ed. James Orr (

Hirsch, Seligsohn, Bacher, "Nimrod" in The Jewish Encyclopedia.

"Nimrod (king)" (Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

Hirsch, Seligsohn, Bacher, "Nimrod" in The Jewish Encyclopedia.

van der Toorn, "Nimrod before and after the Bible", 6.

van der Toorn, "Nimrod before and after the Bible", 10-11.

van der Toorn, "Nimrod before and after the Bible", 15.

Hirsch, Seligsohn, Bacher, "Nimrod" in The Jewish Encyclopedia.

van der Toorn, "Nimrod before and after the Bible", 10.

Oppenheim, "The Sumerian King List", 265-266.

Hirsch, Seligsohn, Bacher, "The Epic of Gilgamesh" (Academy for Ancient Texts:

George Smith, The Chaldean Account of Genesis (New York: Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1986), 184, 191.

Robert A. Guisepi and F. Roy Williams, "The Legend of Sargon" (The International
History Project:

Yigal Levin, "Nimrod the Mighty, King of Kish, King of Sumer and Akkad" Vetus
Testamentum 52:3 (2002), 360.

Hirsch, Seligsohn, Bacher, "Nimrod" in The Jewish Encyclopedia.

Samuel Noah Kramer, trans, "Lamentation over the Destruction of Ur" in James B.
Pritchard, ed., Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament with

22 of 30 11/10/10 12:54 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Ah Osiria! Part III:...

Supplement (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1974), 455-463.

E. A. Speiser, "In Search of Nimrod" Eretz Israel 5 (1958), 34.

E.W. Bullinger, The Witness of the Stars (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1967), 9-10.

"Orion" (Mythology Guide:

Bullinger, The Witness of the Stars, 125.

van der Toorn, "Nimrod before and after the Bible", 11.

S. Vailhe, "Edessa" in The Catholic Encyclopedia Online (The Catholic
Encyclopedia Online:

Adrian Gilbert, Magi: The Quest for a Secret Tradition (London: Bloomsbury
Publishing Plc, 1996), 209.

Gilbert, Magi: The Quest for a Secret Tradition, 207.

"THE MEROVINGIAN DYNASTY: Bloodline of Jesus or Synagogue of Satan?"
(Watch Unto Prayer:

John Anthony West, Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt
(Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 1993), 1.

David Hatcher Childress, Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of Africa & Arabia
(Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997), 25-26.

Jewish Encyclopedia: Nimrod

Catholic Encyclopedia: Nemrod
Wikipedia: Nimrod (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia) Nimrod (Easton's Bible Dictionary) Nimrod (Smith's Bible Dictionary) Nimrod (Holman Bible Dictionary) Nimrod (ATS Bible Dictionary) Nimrod (Hitchcock's Bible Names) Nimrod (The Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon) Nimrod Hebrew and Greek Fonts (Windows) Hebrew and Greek Fonts (Mac) Hebrew and Greek Fonts (Linux)
Bible Tools: (Forerunner Commentary) Nimrod
Bible Facts: Nimrod
The Two Babylons
The Dream of King Nimrod
Providence Baptist Ministries: Nimrod
Caveman Art: Nimrod, the Mighty Hunter
The Contender: Reading between the Lines: Nimrod
Genesis: Nephilim, Dominance and Liberty
Rumor Mill News

M E S O P O T A M I A:
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Mesopotamia
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Mesopotamia
The Birth Of Civilization
The Metropolitan Museum of Art: The Art of the First Cities
Bible History Resources: Ancient Near East Resources
Fairfield University: Architectural Marvels of Ancient Mesopotamia
University of Texas: Images of the Ancient World
Routledge: Maps of Ancient Mesopotamia
K.C. Hanson: Photo Gallery of Ancient Mesopotamia

23 of 30 11/10/10 12:54 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Ah Osiria! Part III:...

B A B Y L O N:
Encyclopedia of the Orient: Babylon
Gateways to Babylon
BibleWorld: Babylon
Iraq GenWeb Official Website
The Threat to World Heritage in Iraq
Mojo's Website: Central Iraq - near Babylon and Kerbala
Barnabas Fund

A K K A D / A S S Y R I A:
The Ziggurat of Assur
Nimrud Assyria
Birs Nimrud - The Hill of Nimrod
UC Oriential Institute: Borsippa (Birs Nimrud)
The British Museum: Nimrud
Bible Tutor: Places: Assyria
Assyrian American Association of Modesto, California

D E I T I E S & D E M I G O D S: Ancient/Classical History

Wikipedia: Marduk
Gateways to Babylon: Marduk
Gateways to Babylon: Tiamat
Ziggurat of Marduk (Tower of Babel)
Esagila (Temple of Marduk)
The Assyro-Babylonian Mythology FAQ version 1.9html
Nimrod, Mars and the Marduk Connection

The International History Project: Gilgamesh
WSU World Civilizations: Gilgamesh
Cylinder Seal depicting the Epic of Gilgamish
Academy for Ancient Texts: The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh: A Musical Interpretation
The Epic of Gilgamesh: A Musical Interpretation (Purchase)

Osiris: Osiris
University of Colorado: Osiris The Story of Isis and Osiris Osiris, Asar
Ohio State University: Osiris

Nimrod as Constellation of Orion
Wikipedia: Orion (mythology)
The Mythology of the Constellations: Orion, the Hunter
Mythology Guide: Orion
Theoi Project: Orion
Orion (the Constellation)
Lexiline: Sumerian Sky Map of Nineveh
The Celestial Sphinx, a Sumerian Cylinder-seal and the Place of Purification


The University of California: The Akkadian Empire
Ragz-International: Sargon the Great
Encyclopedia of the Orient: Sargon
USAF: The Armies of Sumer and Akkad, 3500-2200 BC

Stela of Shamshi-Adad V

T R A V E L:
Visiting Mesopotamia - Iraq, the cradle of civilization
Picture Iraq
Bet-Nahrain, Inc.
The Virtual Babel Encyclopedia
Photoseek: Nemrut Mountain
To My Turkey: Nemrut Dagi (Mt. Nimrod)

24 of 30 11/10/10 12:54 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Ah Osiria! Part III:...

Turkey Travel Planner: Nemrut Dagi, Eastern Turkey

Ancient Iraq
Georges Roux
Until the middle of the nineteenth century there was little evidence of the
great civilizations that flourished for over three thousand years between
the Tigris and the Euphrates, apart from a few allusions in the Bible.
Almost every trace of the arts, sciences and literature of the Sumerians,
Akkadians, Babylonians and Assyrians was obliterated, hidden under thousands of
artificial mounds or tells representing ancient cities. Over the last hundred of years,
however, archaeologists of various origins have sought to uncover the monuments and
texts that reveal the history and civilization of the region known as Mesopotamia, most
of which corresponds to the territory of modern Iraq. In the last three decades, perhaps
no other country has been so extensively explored by archaeologists from all over the
world and by the Iraqis themselves, while new texts have been published and older
texts retranslated or reinterpreted by international teams of Sumerologists and
Assyriologists. Newly revised and now in its third edition, Ancient Iraq covers the
political, cultural and socio-economic history of Mesopotamia from the days of
prehistory to the Christian era and somewhat beyond. Dr. Roux describes for the
general public and students the empires that have successively arisen and collapsed in
Mesopotamia as well as the institutions, religions, sciences and daily life of its
inhabitants. That so vast a subject makes such absorbing reading is due not only to the
inevitable fascination of the past but also to the light, yet exact, touch of a talented
historian. (From the back cover)
Click here to buy this book.

Babylon (Ancient Peoples and Places)

Joan Oates
"Bablyon the Great, Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the
Earth": it is not easy for us to efface the lurid vision of Babylon conjured
up by the author of the "Book of Revelations". But what is the true story
of this ancient city, renowned for its Hanging Gardens — one of the
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World — and notorious for the Jewish
exile? In a highly acclaimed account, Dr. Oates describes the rise of Babylon from
Sargon of Agade to Hammurapi, the great law-giver under whom in the 18th century
b.c. the city first attained pre-eminence. She charts its progress under his successors, its
greatest period of empire during the reigns of Nebuchadrezzar and Nabonidus in the
6th century b.c. and its decay and final abandonment as Persians and Greeks turned
Mesopotamia into a battleground. (From the back cover)
Click here to buy this book.

Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others

(Oxford World's Classics)
Stephanie Dalley (Editor), C. J. Fordyce
These tales from the ancient civilizations of the "fertile crescent" stand
alongside the Odyssey and the Arabian Nights in being popular with an
international audience at the dawn of recorded history. Here are myths of
the Creation and of the Flood, as well as the fascinating Epic of
Gilgamesh, a story of heroic failure in a moment of human weakness. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

The Sumerian King List

Thorkid Jacobsen

25 of 30 11/10/10 12:54 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Ah Osiria! Part III:...

Click here to buy this book.

"I Studied Inscriptions from Before the Flood":

Ancient Near Eastern, Literary, and Linguistic Approaches to Genesis 1-11
Richard S. Hess, David Toshio Tsumura (Editor)

Click here to buy this book.

Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament with

James B. Pritchard (Editor)
Prichard's ANET is a standard reference for those examining the cultural
setting of the Bible. It contains translations of many important
inscriptions which shed light on otherwise mysterious Bible customs. Generally
regarded as a scholarly work, it's worth checking out for the layperson as well. Some of
the jargon may be a little tricky, but there's no substitute for original source material,
which makes up the majority of the book. Besides, some of the stories are just a plain
old (very old) good read. Included are such things as the Epic of Gilgamesh (containing
our oldest Flood parallels), the Nuzi Texts (which help us understand the life of Jacob,
among others), and various of the ancient law codes which have parallels to the biblical
code. Tremendously useful for study! (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

The New International Commentary on the Old Testament:

The Book of Genesis: Chapters 1-17
Victor P. Hamilton
Hamilton's study on the first 17 chapters of the Book of Genesis is part of
The New International Commentary on the Old Testament. Like its
companion series on the New Testament, this commentary devotes
consideable care to achieving a balance between technical information and homiletic-
devotional interpretation. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Word Biblical Commentary: Genesis 1-15

Gordon J. Wenham
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship,
from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture
as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual,
linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and
balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.
These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the
professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working
minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid
base of biblical scholarship. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Chaldean Account of Genesis

George Smith
1876. Containing description of creation, fall of man, deluge, tower of Babel, times of
Patriarchs and Nimrod; Babylonian fables and legends of the gods from cuneiform
inscriptions. Contents: discovery of Genesis legends; Babylonian and Assyrian
literature; Chaldean legends; Babylonian mythology; Babylonian legend of creation;
sin of the god Zu; exploits of Lubara; Babylonian fables; Izdubar legends; destruction
of tyrant Humbaba; adventures of Ishtar; illness and wanderings of Izdubar; story of
the flood and conclusion.
Click here to buy this book.

Magi: The Quest for a Secret tradition

Adrian Gilbert
It is Gilbert's contention that the Magi were members of a brotherhood

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Ah Osiria! Part III:...

that has been guiding civilization for at least five thousand years, since
the time the pyramids were built. At times persecuted, at other times
enjoying the patronage of kings and noblemen, these masters were, and
perhaps still are, the custodians of a a secret initiatory tradition.
Click here to buy this book.

Beyond the Blue Horizon:

Myths & Legends of the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets (1991)
E.C. Krupp
Beyond the Blue Horizon is a treasure trove of myths, legends, and
stories in which people have, through the ages, attempted to
understand the cosmos and its meaning for humankind. Collecting an
astonishing amount of lore between the covers of a single book, Krupp explains why
our ancestors were so intrigued by the heavens, and what their celestial stories meant.
An epic, authoritative, and cross-cultural exploration with over 150 illustrations,
Beyond the Blue Horizon tells how all civilizations searched the sky to understand the
universe - and our place in it.
Click here to buy this book.

NightWatch (1989)
Terence Dickinson
Dickinson, a renowned writer and former
planetarium astronomer teaches you all the basics to
start gazing, including: key facts of stargazing
equipment (binoculars and telescopes), 24 seasonal
star charts, "the universe in eleven steps", chapters
on the planets; moon & sun; eclipses; comets,
meteors & auroras; photographing the night sky; and
essential resources.
Click here to buy this book.

The Serpent in the Sky:

The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt (1993)
John Anthony West
This revised edition of West's revolutionary reinterpretation of the
civilization of Egypt challenges all that has been accepted as dogma
concerning this ancient and enigmatic land. It features a new introduction linking
Egyptian science with the perennial wisdom tradition and an appendix updating the
author's work in redating the Sphinx. Illustrations.
Click here to buy this book.

Lost Cities of Atlantis Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean

(Lost Cities Series)
David Hatcher Childress
One of Childress' popular "Lost Cities" series, Lost Cities of Atlantis
Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean covers the region in and around the
Mediterranean Sea, with a special emphasis on cities and mysteries
submerged beneath the waters of this vast inland sea. Calling himself a "maverick
archaeologist", Childress is more of a researcher, historian, travel writer, and general
raconteur rather than a a true academic archaeologist, making general observations
based upon library research, study of local myths, legends, and personal anecdotes, as
well as actual experiences visiting these sites. Childress is part of a growing trend in
historical and archaeological studies towards the rise of independent researchers. These
independents are men and women who have developed a distrust for "mainstream"
academic archaeology, due to the fact that there is increasing evidence that the
academic community is dismissing, ignoring, or even suppressing archaeological
evidence that does not fit in with their preset theories. As a result, these independents
have dismissed academe as largely irrelevant, and have gone out on their own to
examine the evidence for themselves, usually at their own time and expense. It was this
kind of passionate search for the truth about history and our origins that motivated
similar men of the 19th century to develop the science of archaeology, a passion that
motivated people of the 20th century like Childress, unsatisfied by the condescending,
pat answers of academics, to take matters into their own hands. Now, in the 21st
century, a growing chorus of discontentment with the academic archaeological
establishment continues to erode their viselike grip on the truth of our origins, and the
independents stand poised to wrest the sword of truth from the hands of those who

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Ah Osiria! Part III:...

seem only to be concerned about personal power, privilege, and social status. Lost
Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean is a fascinating read, and a
good addition to the Lost Cities series. It should make a great traveling companion for
anyone traveling in the Mediterranean region, as well as a great read for the armchair
archaeologist, or just someone who enjoys ancient history and mysteries.
Click here to buy this book.

Chariots of Fire
One of the most memorable soundtracks of all time, Vangelis's Academy
Award-winning Chariots of Fire is such a landmark, it's become the stuff of parody
whenever someone wants to punch a hole through sloppy sentimentality. But just go
back to this 1981 film to relive a perfect marriage of image and music. Vangelis
captures the heroism, grandeur, and pain of this racing drama, from the opulent main
"Titles" theme with its echoing snare drum and piano cadences to the electronically
abstract setting of Sir Charles H.H. Parry's choral work, "Jerusalem." Vangelis's score
hangs suspended between orchestral lushness and electronic mood, sweetness tempered
by the underlying psychological themes of the film. Often forgotten on this album is
the extemporaneous title suite that, in the days of LPs, took up the second side of the
album. Here, Vangelis explores some of the film's music cues at length, weaving them
into a minor keyboard symphony.
Click here to buy this book.

The Epic of Gilgamesh

Tony Garone
So what exactly is all this about? What does Ian Anderson (the
singer/flautist/leader of Jethro Tull) have to do with "The Epic of
Gilgamesh" and insignificant little Tony Garone? On September 11th, 2003, I received
a rather cryptic email from my close friend John Sergio (who played bass and Tin
whistle on "Utnapishtim and the Great Flood"). It was entitled, "DO THIS". Its only
content was this link: (Click here to read the full story
Click here to buy this CD.

Beauty in the Beast

Wendy Carlos
From the roar of Tibetan horns and the clangor of metal percussion that
opens Beauty in the Beast, Wendy Carlos in 1986 signaled a new direction
for her music. Beauty in the Beast is Carlos's magnum opus, an album that should have
established the synthesizer's role in the new global music landscape. More than that, it
should have established Carlos as a composer and not just a Switched-on Bach
jukebox. But not too many people were listening. Rereleased now after 14 years,
Beauty in the Beast has lost none of its power. Carlos is both profound and poignant,
dissonant and disarming on Beauty, as she fuses a global orchestra from her
synthesizers. "Poem for Bali" is the centerpiece of the album, an episodic, 17-minute
excursion as Carlos orchestrates the sounds and rhythms of a digital gamelan orchestra.
In addition to replicating the metallophones, gongs, and flutes of the traditional
gamelan, she creates her own hybrid sound designs, giving this work a surreal and
sometimes harrowing tone, like a dream bent through funhouse mirrors. But then there
are pieces such as "A Woman's Song," based on a Balkan melody. The title track
merges nightmare landscapes and a crazed carnival calliope with a haunting theme that
sounds like a lament for the end of the world. Beauty in the Beast is an essential
recording of both modern composition and synthesis--Carlos should plug into this
circuit again.
Click here to buy this book.

Gladiator: Music from the Motion Picture

Hans Zimmer, Lisa Gerrard
Most modern Hollywood films have musical "temp tracks" laid in as
they're edited, usually classical standards or music from other soundtracks
that helps shape the dramatic and emotional intentions of works in progress.

28 of 30 11/10/10 12:54 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Ah Osiria! Part III:...

Sometimes these temp tracks become the score (as in "2001"), but more often they
serve as a template for the film's eventual scorer. That said, we'll boldly climb out on a
limb and opine that director Ridley Scott was listening to a whole lot of Holst's The
Planets as he was cobbling together his modern gladiator epic. Credit Hans Zimmer for
taking "Mars, the Bringer of War" and hammering its familiar harmonic and rhythmic
Sturm und Drang into something serviceably fresh; cohort Lisa Gerrard generally
handles the more ethereal, atmospheric passages. As epic in scope as its thematic
inspiration (and with enough occasional nods to "authenticity" to make it work), this is
nonetheless a work of often surprising nuances, and one that recasts the traditional
heroic orchestral score in deliciously dark and ominous tones. Warning: repeated
listening may inspire the invasion of neighboring countries.
Click here to buy this book.

More Music from the Motion Picture Gladiator

Hans Zimmer, Lisa Gerrard
If there's one thing film producers and record executives like more than
Success, it's Success: Part 2. Thus when Ridley Scott's high-tech sword 'n'
sandal epic scored both Golden Globe wins and Academy Award nods for Best Film
and Best Score, it was a sure bet that another volume of Hans Zimmer's and Lisa
Gerrard's music for the film couldn't be far behind. Though not exactly leftovers, the
tracks here sometimes point to the fact that there wasn't enough fresh material to fill
this volume out, hence we get some remixed cues, a handful of familiar music with
dramatic dialog excerpts edited and superimposed (or misplaced, with decidedly mixed
results), and even a beat-heavy, dance-club mix of "Now We Are Free." With a little
over half an hour of entirely fresh material and some souvenir dialog snippets over the
rest, there's enough here to please Gladiator die-hards. Also of note: guitarist Heitor
Pereira's flamenco-flavored flourishes are better showcased throughout; and "The
Gladiator Waltz" serves up one of Zimmer's original synth demos (with a dash of
Russell Crowe dialog up front)--a dramatic amp-up of Holst's "Mars, the Bringer of
War" that's a prime example of the composer's state-of-the-art digital orchestral
Click here to buy this book.

Mysteries of the Bible

The Bible is the equivalent of a treasure map in this archeological edition
of A&E's Mysteries of the Bible series. Both contemporary scientists and
those from the last century have taken their cues from the scriptures when
digging, leading to excavation of the 3,000-year-old remains of the towns
of Beersheba and Capernaum. Also, there are accidental finds like a
shepherd's 1947 discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in a cave. This 45-minute tape,
narrated by Richard Kiley, examines the relationship between archaeology and the
Bible, illuminating such personalities as Sir William Flinders Petrie, whose ballerina
attire convinced the Egyptians it would be harmless to let him measure the pyramids.
The husband-and-wife team of Eric and Carol Meyers explain how their work on the
Masada both confirms and contradicts the only contemporaneous historical account of
the siege and mass suicide there. Finally, there's a good example of technology at work:
electromagnetic images eliminate random digging, computer models graphically
resurrect ancient Jerusalem.
Click here to buy this DVD.

Charlton Heston Presents the Bible: Genesis

In the beginning… before there was a written language, the stories in the
Bible were told, to people sitting around a campfire in the dark, listening to
the tales of what had happened and what was yet to come. Now, Academy
Award-winning actor Charlton Heston (Ben-Hur) recaptures all the passion, the power,
the drama, and the sheer beauty those first storytellers passed on to us with his own
dazzling new exploration of the greatest stories ever told. In Part One, Genesis, Mr.
Heston recounts the origins of man and the universe from the stark beauty of a recently
discovered Roman amphitheater at Beit She'an, Israel. Here is all the wonder of the
Creation… the forming of Adam and Eve… the choice of the Tree of Knowledge and
the loss of Eden. Here, too, is the dramatic story of Cain and Abel… the awesome

29 of 30 11/10/10 12:54 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Ah Osiria! Part III:...

power of God's wrath with Noah and the Flood… an the testament of faith in the
account of Abraham and Isaac. Shot on location in the Holy Land, this incredible
production is more than great literature come to life. It is a walk through history itself.
Click here to buy this DVD.

"MYSTERIOUS WORLD" name and logo © & ® 1998 Doug Elwell. All rights
Mysterious World is owned and operated by Doug Elwell, Inc. Wheaton, Illinois.
For more information on copyright and trademark policies,
please view our Terms & Conditions and Copyright Notice

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Ah Osiria! Part IV: T...

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Part I: The Athenian Empire | Part II: Antediluvian Egypt | Part III: Nimrod Hunting
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h, Assyria! The rod
of mine anger! The
staff in your hand is
my indignation!"
Thus spake God
through the prophet
Isaiah, who prophesied that the LORD
would raise up the Assyrians to smite
the Israelites, who by that time ( 734 BC
) had slidden into apostasy and forgotten
God. And smite them they did, carrying
away the northern ten tribes of Israel
into captivity. And so great did God's

1 of 17 11/10/10 12:59 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Ah Osiria! Part IV: T...

indignation burn against the northern ten

tribes, that they never again returned to
the land of Israel, remaining scattered
among the nations as a "wild olive tree"
to this day.

However, this was not the first time that

God had caused a great nation to raise
up the rod to smite the nations in His
wrath (nor would it be the last). As we
saw in Part III, in ancient times a new
power had arisen out of Egypt and had
The mysterious "Narmer Palette", which is believed to conquered and civilized all of
commemorate the first unification of Egypt under the Mesopotamia and the ancient Near East.
equally mysterious Pharaoh Narmer, ca. 3200 BC. The This was the "pre-dynastic" line of
palette is two-sided, both sides providing a wealth of Egyptian kings that had descended from
information about this ancient king of Egypt. Click here to the giant Egyptian demigod known as
view an interactive version. Osiris, the
first great king and world dictator of the world after the The Two
Flood. It was Osiris' goal to reclaim the lost world from Towers
before the Flood, particularly the region around the Howard
Mediterranean that we have entitled, "Osiria" after Osiris Shore
himself. To this end, Osiris took up the rod of war in order The best
to spread his "Pax Osiria" throughout the ancient world, soundtrack of the trilogy.
becoming the "rod of God's anger" and a terrible scourge to (Clips courtesy
all who opposed him.
Foundations Of Stone
But even Osiris, though undoubtedly long-lived, was still The Riders Of Rohan
but flesh, and in time he too, died. However, in death he The Uruk-hai
left behind a legendary legacy, a legacy that included a The King Of The
global civilization that shows his handiwork on earth, and a Golden Hall
constellation — Orion — that remembers his name in the The Black Gate Is
heavens. But the most important leg of Osiris' triune legacy Closed
was a dynasty of semi-divine kings, and the most famous The White Rider
of these "pre-dynastic" kings, his descendants, was
Pharaoah Narmer, from whose name and fame the name
"Nimrod" was undoubtedly derived.

Pharaoh Narmer rose up out of the dust of

history around 3200 b.c., and his mighty legacy
was to be the first pharaoh to conquer upper
Egypt and unite the two lands, upper and lower
Egypt, into one. Narmer gained reknown as a
great conqueror and a builder of cities, and is
remembered by history as the first king of the
first dynasty of Egypt.1
Though there are a few sources that mention
Pharaoh Narmer, by far the most important
archaeological relic that gives us the most
information about him is the famed "Narmer
The serekh of Pharaoh Narmer, found at Palette" (above). Carved out of dark, greenish
the top of the Narmer Palette. The serekh slate, this palette is believed to have been a ritual
is a form of writing the names of pharaohs offering to the gods given by Narmer as thanks
that preceded the more commonly known for his successful conquest of southern, or
"cartouche". Narmer's serekh is also our "upper" Egypt from his base in northern, or
source for the pharaoh's name, as nar is
the word "catfish" (top), and mer is the
"lower" Egypt.
word "chisel" (center). The two structures
on either side of the serekh most likely Both sides of the mysterious artifact are filled
indicate thrones, or towers, as they are with very important information about the rise
typically represented in Egyptian art. All and rule of Narmer. But the most striking part of
together, Pharaoh Narmer is portrayed as a the palette is the front, or "obverse" side of the
"beast from the sea", a bottom-feeding palette, which shows Narmer in the classic
fish, who is also an architect, a "builder of "upraised arm" pose. This pose became the
cities", as indicated by the chisel. Adding
signature stance for all pharaohs after him,
in the two towers on either side of the
serekh, we get the idea that Narmer has routinely showing up on war monuments
either built these two towers, or intends to showing the pharaoh victorious over his enemies.
destroy them — or both. The image at the On the top of both the obverse and the reverse of
bottom between the two towers may be a the palette, however, is the most important clue
gate. Roll over the image to see an outline to this Pharaoh's legacy — his serekh (left), a
version of the serekh. specialized way of writing the names of Egyptian

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royalty, similar to but preceding the more commonly known cartouche in usage.
Narmer's serekh is unusual in that it contains not a heroic lion or a fierce falcon, but a
seemingly benign catfish surmounting a chisel. It is from this catfish and chisel that we
derive Narmer's name — in ancient Egyptian, the word for "catfish" was nar, and the
word for "chisel" was mer. Unfortunately, we do not know for sure if he was referred to
as "Narmer", or if these symbols were meant only to describe his character and
background — his "fame" rather than his name. Much speculation has been offered as to
the meaning of these hieroglyphs, but until now little light has been shed on these
enigmatic symbols.
Narmer's serekh is built of two towering "throne" hieroglyphs that are facing each other,
enclosing and symbolically limiting the power of the catfish that is bound in between
these two pillars in a sort of "prison". The "catfish" is not sitting idly, however — it
appears that it is attempting to remove itself from its prison, with the aid of a chisel that
is set against what appears to be a sort of "black gate" connecting the two towers. More
than just a symbol of building, then, whether of cities or of nations, this chisel is a tool
that the "catfish" appears to be using in an attempt to escape its ancient bonds, and
become, if you will, a "free" mason.

The catfish is also an interesting symbol in that it is a bottom-feeding fish that lives at
the bottom of the sea. Could it be that during his tutelage in his early years in Egypt that
Moses had heard the story of the rise and rule of Narmer, a story that he cleverly alluded
to when he wrote about how the "serpent" had been cursed to crawl in and eat dust
forever? ( Gen. 3:14-15 ). Moreover, the fact that this type of fish lives at the bottom of
the sea may be a subtle allusion to the fact that Narmer believed that he was of divine
parentage, descended from the ancient giant kings from the world before the Flood who
now lay buried under sea, silt and sediment. The abyssal trenches at the bottom of the
oceans were indeed believed to be one of the holding places of the fallen angels who had
rebelled against God in the world before the Flood, where they were entrapped and
imprisoned in "chains of darkness" until the day of judgment. ( 2 Peter 2:4-5; Jude
1:5-6; Rev. 9:13-15 )2

In sum, then, these symbols may indicate that Narmer believed himself to be the
reincarnation of one of the ancient fallen angels from the world before the Flood, one
who had returned to break through the ancient barriers erected by God to keep him in
check and begin the process of rebuilding the world as it had been before the Flood.
This great, warrior, conqueror, and builder of cities was most likely the conqueror who
became known in Mesopotamia as "Nimrod", indicating that Narmer may have
conquered not only upper Egypt, but also large parts of the ancient Near East in his
quest to rebuild the world as it had been before the Flood.

Interestingly, the name of Narmer's son, Menes means, literally, "gaming board".3 As
such, it may well be that the rise of Narmer was the first move in a grand strategy, or
"great game" devised by the fallen angels in a bid to return the world to the way it had
been before the Flood, where semi-divine kings ruled over a world enslaved. Menes and
his descendants were thus successive genetic "steps" in this global game of "genetic
chess", with the eventual goal of enslaving the nations under a one-world government
run by a group of semi-divine rulers sometime in what was then in the distant future.

But who was behind this genetic game, and why?

As we have seen, the fallen angels who had
attempted to create a kingdom on Earth apart
from the control of God in the world before the
Flood had been imprisoned by God for their
rebellion in the deep parts of the Earth, which
included the abyssal trenches at the bottom of the
oceans. Later, however, they appear to have
escaped their imprisonment to some extent, and
influence mankind to follow them and their
wicked ways once more. The question remains,
however, does an event of such importance as
the reappearance of the fallen angels on Earth
appear anywhere in the ancient histories and
mythologies of Earth? In fact, it does, in the
Sumerian legend of Oannes, the original "fisher

At Babylon there was (in these times) a

great resort of people of various nations,
who inhabited Chaldaea, and lived in a

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lawless manner like the beasts of the field.

In the first year there appeared, from that
part of the Erythraean sea which borders
upon Babylonia, an animal [endowed with
human reason], by name Oannes, whose
whole body (according to the account of
Apollodorus) was that of a fish, that under
the fish's head he had another head, with feet
also below, similar to those of a man,
subjoined to the fish's tail. His voice too,
Oannes, the original "Beast from the Sea". and language, was articulated and human,
Oannes was a half-man half-fish deity and and a representation of him is preserved
god of the sea cognate to Ea of the even to this day. "This Being was
Mesopotamians, Dagon of the Philistines, accustomed to pass the day among men; but
Neptune of the Greeks and Poseidon of the
Romans. Oannes is believed to have arisen
took no food at that season; and he gave
out of the sea to impart the secrets of them an insight into letters and sciences, and
civilization to mankind in the world after arts of every kind. He taught them to
the Flood, and was most likely the father construct cities, to found temples, to compile
of Osiris and the next generation of laws, and explained to them the principles of
Rephaim giants in the world after the geometrical knowledge. He made them
Flood. distinguish the seeds of the earth, and
shewed them how to collect the fruits; in
short, he instructed them in everything which could tend to soften manners and
humanize their lives. From that time, nothing material has been added by way
of improvement to his instructions. And when the sun had set, this Being
Oannes, retired again into the sea, and passed the night in the deep; for he was
amphibious. After this there appeared other animals like Oannes.
- Berossus, from Ancient Fragments 4
Oannes first appeared to the ancient Sumerians sometime in the fourth millennium b.c.
This of course corresponds very closely with the introduction of letters and writing in
both ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia. The city of Kish, in ancient Mesopotamia,
as we saw in Part III, was the first known place on Earth to have a system of writing,
around 3500 b.c. Also, as we saw in Part I Osiris, like Oannes, also came to mankind,
who at that time was barbarous and uncivilized, and taught them how to be civilized —
what to eat and drink, how to read and write, and so forth. Osiris also traveled to other
lands and civilized them as well, around the same time that Oannes was civilizing the
Mesopotamians. And though Osiris is not described in the texts as having come forth
from the sea, the gods who came before him had come forth from Nun, the god of the
primordial sea, so the connection with the sea is not absent in Osiris' mythology.

Oannes, then can be equated with Osiris of the Egyptians, Dagon (the fish god) of the
Philistines, Ea of the Mesopotamians, and Neptune and Poseidon of the Greek and
Roman myths. Each of these gods (or is it one sea god with many names) also had a
hand in the creation of man, and in his continuing development, getting involved at
certain points in order to influence the path on which mankind walked over time.
Moreover, as we saw in Part IV of our series on Atlantis, Poseidon had actually mated
with a human woman to create a race of giants that had ruled over this legendary isle. If
Oannes were Poseidon returned, then it is most likely that this "beast from the sea" had
returned to recreate the race of the giants that had ruled the world before the Flood — a
race of semi-divine kings who would eventually attempt to conquer and rule the entire
Earth. And the first major step in recreating the world as it had been before the Flood,
where a handful of giants ruled over a world enslaved, was Pharaoh Narmer, the
legendary "Nimrod", who was part of a special line of "Fisher Kings" whose eventual
goal was the conquest and enslavement of the entire world.

But Narmer was not the only descendant of

Osiris, "the Beast from the Sea". Osiris/Oannes
had traveled throughout the Mediterranean and
the ancient Near East civilizing the barbaric
peoples, teaching them reading and writing,
giving them laws, and so forth. However, not
only did he leave behind a legacy of civilization,
but he also sired a line of kings, through whom
he would rule the nations, to this day — "one
ring to rule them all", as it were.
This unholy bloodline was to form an aristocracy

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of "blue bloods" that to this day rules over the

nations, despite the facade of democracy that has
recently allowed some degree of liberty from
their dictatorial rule. These "Fisher Kings" have
ruled the world ever since the rise of Osiris and
of Narmer, a line of modified humans whose
Terry Gilliam's interpretation of the Fisher genetic ancestry has been altered by the fallen
King as Red Knight. An allusion to the red angels to make them taller, stronger, smarter
horseman of the apocalypse, perhaps? and/or more aggressive than those peoples over
From the film, The Fisher King. whom they rule — just like the ancient giants
from the world before the Flood. Lawrence
Gardner gives an excellent example of
intermarriage between humans and the mysterious "beast from the sea" in his book,
Bloodline of the Holy Grail,
The Sicambrian Franks, from whose female line the Merovingians emerged,
were associated with Grecian Arcadia before migrating to the Rhineland.... The
Arcadian legacy was responsible for the mysterious sea beast — the Bistea
Neptunis — as symbolically defined in the Merovingian ancestry. The relevant
sea-lord was King Pallas, a god of old Arcadia, whose predecessor was the
great Oceanus. In fact, the concept dated back as far as the ancient kings of
Mesopotamia, who were said to be born of Tiamat, the great mother of the
primordial salt waters. The immortal sea beast was said to be ever incarnate in
a dynasty of ancient kings, whose symbol was a fish. This became an emblem
of the Merovingian kings, whose symbol was a fish.5
The infamous, heretical Merovingians believed that they were both the descendants of
Jesus and the descendants of a "beast from the sea", a Neptune-like creature identical to
Oannes that they believe inseminated women of their line and continued to promote and
support them behind the scenes as rulers over all of Europe. Though they were clearly
not descendants of Jesus, as we have seen, the concept that they were the descendants of
a fish-like creature has clear antecedents in ancient history. Charlemagne, one of the
most famous of the Merovingians, was actually an exceptionally tall and strong giant of
a man, who for a period actually controlled most of modern Europe. Interestingly, they
actually traced their line not only to ancient Greece, but all the way back to ancient
Mesopotamia, where Osiris/Oannes had begun the ancient line of kings sometime during
the fourth millennium b.c. This line continues on even today, to modern royalty and
even to "elected" leadership.

The end goal of the "great game" that Azazel,

Semjaza, and the rest of the fallen angels are
playing is the resurrection of the world as it was
before the Flood, with themselves as its absolute
rulers. In order to do this, they first had to
overcome the ancient barriers that have held
them ever since they had been imprisoned by
God after the Flood as punishment for corrupting
the world. In order to achieve this goal, they
created a race of modified humans whom they
have been using to quietly take control over the
A miniature from the Burckhardt-Wildt whole world in secret, from behind the scenes.
Apocalypse depicting the events described As shown in Narmer's serekh, these fallen angels
in Revelation 13, which describes a have been using this strategem to slowly chisel
"beast" emerging from the sea, and
another emerging from the land. Note the
away at the barriers that God had set up to keep
"fleur-de-lis" trident, ancient symbol of them imprisoned. It is from this concept that the
Poseidon, and of the Merovingians. Image term "freemasons" was derived — the
from The Detroit Institute of Arts freemasons, and related groups have been
diligently chipping away at the two "towers" that
God had chained them to after the Flood. They
are called "free" masons as they are chipping away at God's laws in order to be "free" of
his rule. Quietly, behind the scenes, for literally thousands of years, these secretive
heretical groups have been consolidating money and power in order to make a bid for
world rulership, looking for the day when they could knock down the two towers that
have been holding them imprisoned for so many thousands of years. Thus, the end game
of this great game will involve the destruction of two towers as the final prelude to final
resolution of the great game and their total takeover of the entire world.
This milestone was fulfilled in the destruction of the two towers of the World Trade
Center complex. And in this event, we can also understand the meaning of some of the

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more enigmatic parts of the Book of Revelation:

After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great
authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor.
With a mighty voice he shouted: “Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has
become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every
unclean and detestable bird.
For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings
of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew
rich from her excessive luxuries.”
Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, my people, so
that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her
for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.
Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done.
Mix her a double portion from her own cup.
Give her as much torture and grief. as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In
her heart she boasts, "I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn."
Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and
famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges
“When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her
luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her.
Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: "Woe! Woe, O great
city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!" ( Rev
18:1-10 )
The description of the great prostitute in the preceding chapter of Revelation (17 ),
describing her as both "Babylon" and as "a great city" that rules over the kings of the
Earth — a very large city, a very rich city, a major cultural capitol, a major port city and
numerous other clues to complicated to get into here. All together, the only city that fits
the description of this "Great City" is in fact New York City, the only city in the world
that could realistically be described in this manner. Moreover, the description of "the
smoke of her burning" and the wails of the merchants, "in one hour your doom will
come" describes perfectly the events of 9/11. The wailing of the world's merchants is
particularly apt, since these were the World Trade Towers, which means their
destruction formed a major disruption for world trade for "the merchants of the earth"
(v.11). Moreover, the second trade tower fell almost exactly one hour after the first had
fallen — "in one hour your doom has come". Finally, the angel's double usage of the
word "fallen" tends to support the idea that he was describing the falling of not one, but
two towers. "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!" (v.2).
In Revelation 17, the woman is shown as riding a "beast" that had come up out of the
"Abyss", which means the abyssal plains at the bottom of the ocean. The woman, who
holds a golden cup full of blood and abominations, is likely a symbol of the false,
gnostic anti-church that has been shadowing and attempting to corrupt the true church of
God for thousands of years. Her destruction by this "beast from the sea" was likely at
least partly fulfilled in the events of 9/11, and may be completed in a future action or
actions initiated by this beast. The description of this "beast from the sea" is given in
greater depth in Revelation 13:
And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads,
with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.
The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a
mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne
and great authority.
One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal
wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the
Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and
they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can
make war against him?”
The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to
exercise his authority for fortytwo months.
He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his
dwelling place and those who live in heaven.
He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And
he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.
All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast–all whose names have not
been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the

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creation of the world. ( Rev 13:1-8 )

The "beast from the sea" is of course a world empire dominated by seven great nations,
or "heads" who are controlled by the descendants of Osiris, the original "beast from the
sea". It is the endgame of his "great game" that he had started thousands of years before
with the goal of freeing himself from his ancient bonds and placing himself as ruler over
the entire Earth. And for a time, times, and half a time, Azazel's master plan will

J.R.R. Tolkien's book, The

Lord of the Rings, was the
story about how a powerful
spirit by the name of Sauron
(Quenya Elvish, literally,
"the Abomination") was The One Ring
seduced by the dark side
into coming to Earth (or
"Middle-Earth", in this case), in order to found a
kingdom of his own apart from the control of the
higher powers (the "Valar" in the Tolkien
universe). To achieve his goal of the total
domination of the world, Sauron created a series
of magic rings and handed them out to the rulers
of the Earth as a gift from a "friend".
Unbeknownst to them, however, Sauron had
created a master ring that he intended to use to
control the bearers of the other rings that he had
given to the various peoples of Middle-Earth.
Into this ring he poured most of his power,
hatred, malice, and desire to dominate others,
and he then attempted to use this "One Ring to
rule them all" to effectively remote-control the
leaders to whom he had given the other, lesser
rings. Most of these leaders sensed his evil
intentions and did not wear the rings he gave
them, but some — lesser men who were like
Sauron in that they sought to control and
dominate others — fell into his trap and became
his slaves. And through his ring he was able to
control these kings of men to help him to
perform his dark will — to control the Earth,
enslave its peoples, and cover the entire world in
a second darkness.
However, Sauron was defeated in battle in a
grand alliance of peoples who banded together to
The helmet of Sauron, as portrayed in the
destroy him once and for all. His armies were
movie, The Lord of the Rings. The design
is unusual in that the faceplate appears to defeated, and his mighty ring was cut from his
have tentacles reminiscent of the image of finger. Since the ring held most of his power,
the catfish found on Pharaoh Narmer's personality and will, without the ring he was no
serekh, and indeed looks like the catfish longer able to achieve corporeal form, and
portrayed there when viewed from above, instead became a shadowy demon, working
the shape of the eyes and the curve on the behind the scenes to accomplish his goals until
top of the helmet also correlating. Could
he could retrieve his ring.
Tolkien and/or the designer of this helmet
have been making a subtle allusion to the
mysterious Pharaoh Narmer, the "Catfish
Because part of his essence was within the ring,
King", which may have been Tolkien's it was highly intelligent and able to manipulate
inspiration for Sauron? people and events also. To this end, it betrayed
the man who had defeated Sauron and taken the
ring, causing him to be killed and fall into a
river. There, the ring sank to the bottom and embedded itself in the muck, waiting for its
time to come again.

Then, after many centuries, the ring allowed itself to be found again. While fishing, a
hobbit named Deagol was pulled into the water by a particularly large fish, and was
forced to relinquish his pole after being dragged all the way down to the bottom. There,
he saw the ring in the muck, and grabbed it immediately, bringing it back to the surface.
The ring then proceeded to tempt Deagol's "friend" Smeagol into stealing it away from
him. Sorely tempted by the ring, Smeagol ended up murdering Deagol and taking the
ring for himself. The ring then proceeded to turn Smeagol into a worthless, bottom-

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feeding wretch, empowering his dark side at the expense of his normally cheerful
disposition. Smeagol eventually left the world of life and light all together, opting
instead to live in darkness in caves deep beneath the mountains. There he stayed alive by
dining on his favorite food — catfish.
Eventually, the ring caused itself to pass out of Smeagol's hands (who is now named
"Gollum"), into the hands of another Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. Interestingly, Bilbo
was in the midst of a quest to recover a treasure from the hands of a great red dragon
when he found the ring. Over the next several decades, the ring began to tempt Bilbo as
it had Smeagol, but Bilbo was a much stronger and better person than Smeagol had
been, so he was able to resist its powers. Eventually, however, he too began to succumb
to the power of the ring, and was forced to give it to his nephew, Frodo Baggins.
It was then determined by a council of wise elders
that this magic ring was in fact the One Ring that
had once belonged to Sauron. It had also been
discovered that Sauron had recently begun to reform
his power in Middle-Earth and had begun to rebuild
his armies in his old territory of Mordor, where he
now appeared as a great, flaming eye at the top of a
tall tower. The ring, it seems, had kept him from
dying completely, as his life force was still linked to
it, and it to him. It was further determined that the
ring was too powerful and too evil for anyone to The Great Eye of Sauron, from the
wield, as it would eventually corrupt them — Sauron movie, The Lord of the Rings: The
had poured too much of his wickedness and malice Fellowship of the Ring. This is the form
into the ring to make it usable. Finally, it was found that Sauron took during the Third Age, as
out that Sauron's spirit, long dormant, was slowly his body had been destroyed at the end of
reviving, and he had begun to look for the One Ring the Second Age. Note that the eye is
between two pillars.
again so that he could regain his former strength.
And if he was able to find it, he would regain his
former strength and become powerful enough to defeat all the armies of Middle-Earth
— which had become weakened since the last war — and cover all of Middle-Earth in a
second darkness.
It was therefore decided that the ring had to be destroyed. And the only place that the
ring could be destroyed was in the fires of Mount Doom — the volcano in which it had
been forged. From this came the quest to destroy the ring that forms the basis of the
storyline of The Lord of the Rings (hereafter, "LOTR").
Before now, understanding what I am terming "The
Lord of the Rings Cipher" was impossible. The
connection between Osiris, Pharaoah Narmer,
Nimrod, the Great Pyramid, the fallen angels, a dark
lord, a powerful ring, two towers, and a catfish of all
things, sounds ridiculous outside of the context of
our series on ancient Osiria. However, as we have
discovered in this series, much has been hidden that
is now being revealed, and Tolkien, who is
considered to be one of the great minds of the
twentieth century, may have been an even greater
genius than even his most fervent acolytes have
previously imagined.
Tolkien wrote LOTR not as simple entertainment,
nor as an allegory of World War II (though he
doubtless drew upon the terror of Hitler in his
A reproduction of Sauron as he appeared development of the character of Sauron, and of the
in the Second Age, as portrayed in the blitz in his description of the Nazgul). Tolkien wrote
movie, The Lord of the Rings: The LOTR as a warning of what was about to come upon
Fellowship of the Ring. Note the upraised
the Earth. The dark lord, his ring of power, the great,
flaming eye atop his towering throne, all were to
come to pass in the not-to-distant future, as the great
game of Azazel and the other fallen angels drew near to its end.
Sauron is, of course, Azazel, the fallen angel, also known generically as Satan (lit., "the
enemy") in the Bible. His "One Ring" is his own will to power, and the lesser rings are
his creation of a race of hybrid humans that are designed to be more easily controlled by
him. These "ringwraiths" are under his direct control, and Azazel and the other fallen
angels have used them and their descendants to slowly take control of the world behind
the scenes, chipping away at the old order established by God from within. Interestingly,
Sauron also used the same technique of quietly undermining and dividing his opponents
over long periods of time before attacking.

The defeat of Sauron at the end of the Second Age of Middle-Earth is cognate to the
defeat of the fallen angels at the end of the age before the Flood. (Interestingly, as we

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have seen, the Hopi Indians of the Desert Southwest also believe that the Earth is
presently in its Fourth Age, and that the previous, Third Age had been destroyed by a
Flood.) Tolkien's emphasis on the fact that the ring was buried in the muck at the bottom
of a body of water is also cognate to the fact that the ancient world and the fallen angels
had also been buried beneath water. Moreover, the recovery of the ring was closely
associated with fish, in this case the catching of a fish that dragged the hobbit Deagol
down to the depths of the water.

Perhaps most importantly to our present study, the

ring turned the Hobbit Smeagol into the bottom-
feeding, selfish, bipolar schizophrenic wretch named
Gollum whose favorite food was catfish — the
symbol of Narmer. Interestingly enough, the helmet
of Sauron as specifically designed for the movie
adaptation of LOTR (above) is unusual in that the
faceplate appears to have tentacles reminiscent of the
image of the catfish found on Pharaoh Narmer's
serekh. It particularly looks like the catfish portrayed
in Narmer's serekh when viewed from above, the
shape of the eyes and the curve on the top of the
helmet also correlating. Even Sauron's use of a mace
is highly reminiscent of the classic "upraised arm"
pose shown on the Narmer Palette. Could Tolkien
and/or the designer of this helmet have been making
a subtle allusion to the mysterious Pharaoh Narmer,
the "Catfish King", which may have been Tolkien's
inspiration for Sauron?
In The Two Towers, the character
And there is much more. The "Two Towers" featured Saruman was seduced by the dark side
and turned his abilities towards evil. This
prominently in LOTR are an allusion to the two evil took the form of abandoning nature
pillars to which Azazel was chained as punishment and instead embracing industrialization,
for corrupting the world before the Flood, and of the the most horrid aspect of which was the
two tower hieroglyphs in Narmer's serekh shown genetic manipulation of men and other
symbolically imprisoning the catfish. The species. Image from Lord of the
destruction (or conquest) of these towers in LOTR
was a warning that two towers would be destroyed in
the near future by Azazel as part of the last stage of his freeing himself from his prison
right before his takeover of the whole world. And in 2001, the "two towers" that Azazel
has been chiseling away at for so many thousands of years have at last (symbolically)
fallen, and he is now loose from his ancient prison between the pillars.
Though there are many more parallels we could examine, the most prominent, and
critical final warning from Tolkien comes in the form of the great "eye" at the top of the
tower. As we have seen in Part II of this series, the Great Pyramid was in fact not a mere
monument, nor a tomb, but a method for generating electrical power and
communications that had been turned from its beneficial purpose to cause destruction.
Once used as a massive free energy device in function identical to a Tesla Tower, the
great pyramid was turned into what one author has termed "the Giza Death Star" that
sparked the last great world war of the antediluvian world. And this pyramid was, in
appearance, essentially a great flaming eye atop a tall tower. It is this great weapon that
Azazel and his masonic minions are striving to recreate in order to use it to once again
try to conquer and enslave the entire world. This is why the symbol of the Freemasons is
a great eye inside a pyramid, and their motto is novus ordo seclorum — "a New Order of
the Ages" — they intend to free themselves from God's rule, recreate the great weapon,
and then use it to conquer the world.

Left: Tesla's behemoth tower, to be used for trans-Atlantic wireless communications and the
demonstration of wireless power transmission, erected in 1901 at Wardenclyffe (now Shoreham) on Long
Center: The hieroglyph for the Egyptian god Horus, which is simply the all-seeing eye over a throne.
The plant to the right was a later addition by the strange, superstitious religion of the dynastic Egyptians.
Right: The eye of Sauron — yet more evidence that J.R.R. Tolkien was a genius.
Sauron image from The Art of the Return of the King

9 of 17 11/10/10 12:59 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Ah Osiria! Part IV: T...

As part of the last stages of "the great game" wherein

Azazel and the fallen angels will finally free
themselves from their ancient prison, their masonic
minions had to escape the Old World and create a
new country wherein they could have the freedom to
move and speak freely so as to begin rebuilding the
world as it had been before the Flood. To this end,
"America" was created, a "New Atlantis" that was
ostensibly intended to be a place of religious and
other freedoms, but whose secret agenda was as a
base from which to rediscover the forbidden
technologies of the antediluvian world and use them
to conquer the world. America, though quite
The All-Seeing Eye of the freemasons possibly the greatest country the world has ever
atop a pyramid, with the motto "a New seen, full of some of the best people the world has
Order for the Ages" along the bottom ever seen, is far from perfect. In fact, in recent
decorates every dollar bill. Image from decades America has turned from a primarily moral and ethical nation into a place where pretty much
anything goes. Once the beacon of chastity and
temperance for the world, America's popular culture is essentially a "whore culture", a
free-sex society with few if any remaining restrictions. Becoming increasingly free of
God's Law, cultural traditions, and any semblance of morality, America has become an
ideal environment for the spread of wickedness on a global scale like a virus —
precisely the sort of place that the fallen angels had planned. By removing God's Law
and other moral and ethical restrictions in the name of "freedom" and "tolerance",
Americans have been morally weakened, divided, and set up to be enslaved.
This may well be why John the Revelator used the metaphor of "the Great Prostitute" to
describe New York City and the increasingly decadent culture of the U.S. It may well be
that the forces of the Beast have purposely promulgated an "anything goes" mentality
that has led to such immorality in this country, full well knowing that without a strong
moral center and cultural traditions, a country is much easier to enslave. For this reason,
the beast will allow the "whore" — American popular culture — to ride him until she
has done her job of morally corrupting and greatly weakening America (and many other
countries around the world). Then, when the whore has sufficiently weakened and
undermined the morals and cultural traditions, replacing them with the global "whore
culture" we are seeing today, he will destroy her and conquer the now decadent and
weakened peoples. This is the initial act in the "endgame", the end of the great game —
the enslavement of the entire world. And it started on 9/11/2001.
In the final phase of the Great Game, the "Endgame", the fallen angels and their masonic
minions will create a false crisis, and an enemy leader that is a straw man — i.e., a fake
opponent who is either a dupe or secretly working for the masons. Osama Bin Laden is
most likely this dupe, and the destruction of the two towers was the "Reichstag Fire"
that gave the powers that be the excuse to start the last great world war. As a result of
the activity of this "false prophet" (let the reader understand), mankind will willingly
allow themselves to be enslaved due to the fake "terrorist threat". The last great world
war will then result in the total conquest of Earth and consolidation under one
government. And once that is accomplished, mankind will be easily enslaved. At that
point only an outside force will be able to save mankind from permanent enslavement
— or annihilation in favor of a "superior" form of mankind. And this outside force will
be "The Return of the King", Jesus Christ, who will utterly destroy the forces of Azazel
and his minions. But this conquest will not take place without a struggle, which is where
"the Great Eye" comes in.
In Matthew 24, Jesus makes a rather mysterious statement:

So when you see standing in the holy place "the abomination that causes
desolation," spoken of through the prophet Daniel — let the reader understand
— then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. ( Matt. 24:15-16 )
The term "abomination that causes desolation" literally means a profane, foreign object
that is placed in a holy place where it does not belong, and the result of its inappropriate
placement results in great destruction. In this case, it refers to an extemely profane
object being placed in the Third Temple in Jerusalem, which has yet to be rebuilt. No

10 of 17 11/10/10 12:59 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Ah Osiria! Part IV: T...

one knows what that object is, but our analysis may lend us some clues as to what that
object might be.

As we have seen, the

freemasons are part of an
ancient tradition that stretches
all the way back to ancient
Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Even today their rituals
incorporate references to
Solomon's Temple and Hiram,
the Phoenician builder whom
Solomon had contracted to
build the temple. In fact,
probably the sole reason for
the existence of the
Freemasons is to build the
Third Temple. However, the The "Great Eye" of the antediluvian world, and the inspiration for the
Third Temple will not be holy Great Eye of Sauron. Click here for a detailed explanation of how it
like the first two (truly, only worked.
the First Temple was holy). It will be a false temple created for the purpose of enslaving
mankind, and the "abomination of desolation" placed within it will be a false ark that
will make the Third Temple not a means of healing the nations, but a Great Weapon to
conquer them. It will be the penultimate manifestation of Satan's power and will to
dominate others — "One Ring to Rule them All", as it were. In it, the master design of
Azazel and the other fallen angels to escape the control of God and found a kingdom of
their own on Earth will come to its fruition — in it, the great "ring", or spell that he cast
in elder times will finally come to pass. It is this Great Weapon, this "abomination of
desolation", that will be the primary weapon of Azazel, the Beast from the Sea, that he
will use to oppose the Return of the King.

Pharaoh Narmer | The Great Game | The Fisher Kings | The Beast from the Sea
The Lord of the Rings Cipher | Endgame
Osiria Links | Osiria Books | Osiria Audio | Osiria Video | Osiria Collectibles
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Marie Parsons, "King Catfish, also called Narmer" (Tour Egypt:

The exact location of the prison the fallen angels had been thrown into by the
archangels as punishment for corrupting the antediluvian world is unclear, though the
sea floor could well be one of the places where they were cast down and buried. See The
Legend of Atlantis: The Antediluvian World for more background information, Giants
in the Earth: Giants of the Ancient Near East for more information on the reappearance
of the giants in the world after the Flood, and Ah, Osiria!: The Athenian Empire for
more information specifically about the giant Osiris.

Parsons, "King Catfish, also called Narmer".

Bruce Magnotti, " The Origins of Our Civilization" (OANNES - The
Origins of Western Civilization:

11 of 17 11/10/10 12:59 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Ah Osiria! Part IV: T...

Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail (Gloucester, MA: Fair Winds Press,
1996), 150.


Osiris: Osiris
University of Colorado: Osiris The Story of Isis and Osiris Osiris, Asar
Ohio State University: Osiris

Nimrod as Constellation of Orion
Wikipedia: Orion (mythology)
The Mythology of the Constellations: Orion, the Hunter
Mythology Guide: Orion
Theoi Project: Orion
Orion (the Constellation)
Lexiline: Sumerian Sky Map of Nineveh
The Celestial Sphinx, a Sumerian Cylinder-seal and the Place of Purification

Oannes - The Origins of Western Civilization
Oannes - The Herald of Western Civilization
Encylopedia Mythica: Oannes
The Story of Oannes
Who Is Oannes?

Encylopedia Mythica: Ea

The Fisher King:

The Fisher King
Arthurian Legends Illustrated: Part IV. Healing the Fisher King


Pharoah Narmer:
King Catfish, also called Narmer
Aha! Or is it King Menes?
The Narmer Palette: The Victorious King of the South
The Narmer Palette: King of the North
The Alpha and the Omega: The Protodynastic [Predynastic] Period
The Alpha and the Omega: The Obverse Side of Narmer's Palette - The Bull
The Alpha and the Omega: The Reverse Side of Narmer's Palette - The Upper, First,
Second and Third Registers The Narmer Palette Narmer's Titulary
Narmer: The Narmer Palette
Eternal Egypt: King Narmer: The Narmer Palette
Audrey's Ancient Egypt: The Narmer Plate is a Sky Chart
Narmer Serekh Sign
Ancient Egypt: The Mythology - Serekh
Tour Egypt: Serekh
The 'God with the Upraised-Arm' in Near Eastern Mythology: An Astronomical

T R A V E L:
Visiting Mesopotamia - Iraq, the cradle of civilization
Picture Iraq
Bet-Nahrain, Inc.
The Virtual Babel Encyclopedia
Photoseek: Nemrut Mountain
To My Turkey: Nemrut Dagi (Mt. Nimrod)
Turkey Travel Planner: Nemrut Dagi, Eastern Turkey

12 of 17 11/10/10 12:59 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Ah Osiria! Part IV: T...

Bloodline of the Holy Grail

Laurence Gardner
Though Mr. Gardner's conclusions regarding a supposed "bloodline of
Jesus" are not well founded, his research into the heretical teachings of the
Templars, Cathars and related gnostic groups, as well as insights into some
of the religious motivations behind European history, are worth a look
Particularly interesting and important is his research into the Merovingian line of kings
that believed that they had descended from a "Beast from the Sea". (Review by
Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others

(Oxford World's Classics)
Stephanie Dalley (Editor), C. J. Fordyce
These tales from the ancient civilizations of the "fertile crescent" stand
alongside the Odyssey and the Arabian Nights in being popular with an
international audience at the dawn of recorded history. Here are myths of
the Creation and of the Flood, as well as the fascinating Epic of
Gilgamesh, a story of heroic failure in a moment of human weakness. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

The Sumerian King List

Thorkid Jacobsen
Click here to buy this book.

"I Studied Inscriptions from Before the Flood":

Ancient Near Eastern, Literary, and Linguistic Approaches to Genesis 1-11
Richard S. Hess, David Toshio Tsumura (Editor)

Click here to buy this book.

Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament with

James B. Pritchard (Editor)
Prichard's ANET is a standard reference for those examining the cultural
setting of the Bible. It contains translations of many important inscriptions
which shed light on otherwise mysterious Bible customs. Generally regarded as a
scholarly work, it's worth checking out for the layperson as well. Some of the jargon
may be a little tricky, but there's no substitute for original source material, which makes
up the majority of the book. Besides, some of the stories are just a plain old (very old)
good read. Included are such things as the Epic of Gilgamesh (containing our oldest
Flood parallels), the Nuzi Texts (which help us understand the life of Jacob, among
others), and various of the ancient law codes which have parallels to the biblical code.
Tremendously useful for study! (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

The Lord of the Rings (50th Anniversary Edition)

J. R. R. Tolkien

13 of 17 11/10/10 12:59 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Ah Osiria! Part IV: T...

The Fellowship of the Ring, part one of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic

masterpiece, fist reached these shores on October 21, 1954,
arriving, as C. S. Lewis proclaimed, "like lightning from a clear
sky." Fifty years and nearly one hundred million American readers
later comes a beautiful new one-volume collector’s edition
befitting the stature of this crown jewel of our list. With a text fully
corrected under the supervision of Christopher Tolkien to meet the author’s exacting
wishes, two large-format fold-out maps, a ribbon placemarker, gilded page edges, a
color insert depicting Tolkien's own paintings of the Book of Mazarbul and
exceptionally elegant and sturdy overall packaging housed within an attractive slipcase,
this edition is the finest we’ve ever produced.
Click here to buy this book.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers [SOUNDTRACK]

Howard Shore
Howard Shore's music for the massively successful first film chapter of
Tolkien's Ring saga won him the Oscar® for Best Original Score,
something of a surprise given the music's ambitious scale and determinedly dark
overtones, factors that handily blurred the line between typical film fantasy music and
accomplished concert work. Its sequel takes the same, often Wagnerian-scaled dramatic
tack, following the film's story line into even more brooding and ominous dark corners.
The previous film's Hobbit-inspired pastoralism is supplanted here by rich ethnic
textures that expand the musical scope of Middle-earth and the World of Men; the
Hardanger, a Norwegian fiddle, represents the Rohan and the North African rhaita colors
the Mordor theme, while log drums, dilruba, wood xylophone, and cimbalon add
intriguing textures elsewhere. The score's looming orchestral clouds are brightened by
Shore's masterful choral writing, which infuses ancient liturgical influences with various
solo turns by Isabel Bayrakdarian, indie-pop star Sheila Chandra, Ben Del Maestro, and
Elizabeth Fraser. "Gollum's Song," the composer's concluding collaboration with lyricist
Fran Walsh, is delivered with Björkish, postmodern angst by Emiliana Torrini, and helps
punctuate the story's modern sense of allegory.
Click here to buy this CD.

Chariots of Fire
One of the most memorable soundtracks of all time, Vangelis's Academy
Award-winning Chariots of Fire is such a landmark, it's become the stuff of parody
whenever someone wants to punch a hole through sloppy sentimentality. But just go
back to this 1981 film to relive a perfect marriage of image and music. Vangelis captures
the heroism, grandeur, and pain of this racing drama, from the opulent main "Titles"
theme with its echoing snare drum and piano cadences to the electronically abstract
setting of Sir Charles H.H. Parry's choral work, "Jerusalem." Vangelis's score hangs
suspended between orchestral lushness and electronic mood, sweetness tempered by the
underlying psychological themes of the film. Often forgotten on this album is the
extemporaneous title suite that, in the days of LPs, took up the second side of the album.
Here, Vangelis explores some of the film's music cues at length, weaving them into a
minor keyboard symphony.
Click here to buy this CD.

Raiders Of The Lost Ark [SOUNDTRACK]

John Williams
The first of the three Indiana Jones scores, Raiders established the popular
Raiders March Theme as an instant classic in the world. As easily
recognizable as the Star Wars fanfare, John Williams' Raiders March is the first track on
this expanded edition of the Raiders soundtrack, from there it becomes a great thrillride
that follows Indy's adventures to find the Ark. Along with the standard music there are
some bonus tracks that were not previously published before. The insert has an
interview with John Williams, pictures from the making of the movie and a break down
of the tracks. This is a superior soundtrack recording and unlike the more mature sound
to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, has many more instances where the Raiders
March is used. Other themes to listen for include the ark theme, which makes a brief
reappearance in Last Crusade, is used many times here as well as the love theme for
Indy and Marion. 1995 reissue. 30 additional minutes have been interwoven which were

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Ah Osiria! Part IV: T...

deleted from the original 1981 release, totaling 74 minutes of pure listening pleasure.
Re-mastered including a special 24 page booklet containing an interview with John
Williams, as well as liner notes, rare photos and sketches not included with the original
release. Standard jewel case housed in a slipcase. Top notch.
Click here to buy this CD.

Beauty in the Beast

Wendy Carlos
From the roar of Tibetan horns and the clangor of metal percussion that
opens Beauty in the Beast, Wendy Carlos in 1986 signaled a new direction
for her music. Beauty in the Beast is Carlos's magnum opus, an album that should have
established the synthesizer's role in the new global music landscape. More than that, it
should have established Carlos as a composer and not just a Switched-on Bach jukebox.
But not too many people were listening. Rereleased now after 14 years, Beauty in the
Beast has lost none of its power. Carlos is both profound and poignant, dissonant and
disarming on Beauty, as she fuses a global orchestra from her synthesizers. "Poem for
Bali" is the centerpiece of the album, an episodic, 17-minute excursion as Carlos
orchestrates the sounds and rhythms of a digital gamelan orchestra. In addition to
replicating the metallophones, gongs, and flutes of the traditional gamelan, she creates
her own hybrid sound designs, giving this work a surreal and sometimes harrowing tone,
like a dream bent through funhouse mirrors. But then there are pieces such as "A
Woman's Song," based on a Balkan melody. The title track merges nightmare landscapes
and a crazed carnival calliope with a haunting theme that sounds like a lament for the
end of the world. Beauty in the Beast is an essential recording of both modern
composition and synthesis--Carlos should plug into this circuit again.
Click here to buy this CD.

The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers

(Platinum Series Special Extended Edition)
Not seen in theaters, this unique version of the epic adventure features
over 40 minutes of new and extended scenes integrated into the film
by the director. DVD set consists of four discs with hours of original
content including multiple documentaries, commentaries and
design/photo galleries with thousands of images to give viewers an
in-depth behind-the-scenes look at the film. Frodo Baggins and the Fellowship continue
their quest to destroy the One Ring and stand against the evil of the dark lord Sauron.
The Fellowship has divided and now find themselves taking different paths to defeating
Sauron and his allies. Their destinies now lie at two towers — Orthanc Tower in
Isengard, where the corrupted wizard Saruman waits and Sauron's fortress at Baraddur,
deep within the dark lands of Mordor. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

The Fisher King

Arthurian mythology and modern day decay seem perfect complements to
each other in this Terry Gilliam drama/comedy/fantasy. Shock jock Jack
Lucas (Jeff Bridges) makes an off-handed radio remark that causes a man to
go on a killing spree, leaving Lucas unhinged with guilt. Lucas's later,
chance meeting with Parry (Robin Williams), a homeless man suffering from dementia,
gets him involved in the unlikely quest for the Holy Grail. The rickety, and patently
unrealistic stand that insanity is just a wonderful place to be, and that the homeless are
all errant knights, wears awfully thin, but there are numerous moments of sad grace and
violent beauty in this film. The screenplay by Richard LaGravenese launched his
successful career and his smart wordplay helped garner Mercedes Ruehl an Oscar as
Lucas's girlfriend. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

The Lord Of The Rings Fellowship Of The Ring 10" Sauron Deluxe

15 of 17 11/10/10 12:59 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Ah Osiria! Part IV: T...

The great evil who is seeking to rule Middle Earth has been
masterfully crafted into a 10" action figure. Adorned in intricately
detailed armor, Sauron features 16 points of articulation. He holds his
evil mace and wears a shrouded back cape. Sauron wears "the one ring
to rule them all," which is lost when his fingers are realistically
severed. His eyes light up red as he electronically speaks four different
phrases from the movie.
Click here to buy this collectible.

The One Ring

One Ring to Rule Them All. One Ring to Find Them,
One Ring to Bring Them All, And in the Darkness Bind Them!
The One Ring...Isildur's Bane, the Ring of Power...forged in the fires of Mount Doom by
Sauron himself! Now you, too, can be a Ringbearer, if you dare...
Bearing the Black Speech of Mordor, transcribed into beautiful, flowing Elvish script
which is laser engraved, these rings are reproductions of the One Ring you have seen in
the movies, and are fully licensed by New Line. The Elvish script is both inside the rings
as well as outside. A certificate of authenticity accompanies this recreation of The One
Click here to buy this collectible.

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Giant Links | Giant Books | Giant Audio | Giant Video | Giant Posters

iants! The very stuff of myth and legend, giants

live in the gray area between myth and history,
flitting about on the periphery of human memory
like the shades of departed spirits. Like the

1 of 34 11/10/10 1:08 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

mysterious sea serpents, giants populate the

myths and histories of peoples all over the world.
However, unlike the mysterious sea serpents, giant
sightings are now rarely reported, and the ancient stories
of giants in the Earth — once prominent in human
memory — on the great scales of human belief are
quickly fading into the nether realm of myth.

However, this was not always the case. Prominent

references in the Bible and numerous other religious and
historical texts from around the world make prominent
mention of a time in mankind's distant past wherein giants
walked the Earth. At one time the belief in giants was as
prevalent as the belief in angels, but now the belief in
things unusual and supernatural in general seems to be
increasingly falling prey to the relentless onslaught of the modern age of rationalism
and almighty science. It appears it is now up to these shadowy beings to make
themselves known once more, or else disappear forever into the ranks of myth and
legend. Ironically, it may be science, that implacable enemy of myth, that may resurrect
the very giants whose existence it had sought in vain to erase from the memory of man.

The ancient Near East, the

Americas, Africa, Asia and Conan
Australia, and Europe in The
particular all have stories of
abnormally large humans of
various sizes. From tribes of Barbarian: Original
unusually tall, strongly built Motion Picture
men ranging anywhere from Soundtrack
8-12 feet in height to solitary Perfect listening while
giants towering several miles reading our articles on
high, stories of giants are among Giants! (Courtesy
the favorites of storytellers
worldwide. However, whereas Anvil of Crom
some giants are perceived as Riddle of Steel/
gentle and harmless, even Riders of Doom
beneficent, more often than not, Gift of Fury
giants were described as being Wheel of Pain
possessed of wicked minds and Atlantean Sword
insatiable appetites — engaging
in unnatural acts shocking even
to the modern mind. These wicked sons of Belial were
known for their immense size, raging appetites, devious
minds, aggressive behavior, technological sophistication
and, above all, skill in the art of war.

All together, these features proved to be a deadly

combination, and the giants conquerered and enslaved all
but the strongest foes with ease. As a result, these wicked
giants of old were usually to be found ruling over large
masses of normal-sized human beings — whom we now
know as homo sapiens — keeping them as slaves and, it is
whispered, as fodder for various unsavory uses. Constantly at war with homo sapiens,
whom the giants considered to be inferior due to their small size and moderate
disposition, the giants constantly lived on the knife's edge of either absolute domination
or total extermination — giving no quarter, and in turn, receiving none.

But where did this mysterious race of giants come from? Among those that believe in
the existence of these ancient aberrations, there have been several explanations:
Giants are a race of unusually tall people that came into being as a result of
healthy living conditions and good nutrition. Homo sapiens today, for
example, is taller than he has been for many centuries, if not thousands of
years, due largely to good nutrition and dramatic improvements in living
conditions worldwide;

Giants are the result of selective breeding over time to create a "worker class"
from within the larger population. These larger, stronger people were intended
to be used as warriors, heavy laborers, and in other positions that require great
size and strength. This practice has been employed in various times and places

2 of 34 11/10/10 1:08 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

in recorded history for this very same reason. This unusual size may have
been supplemented by the consumption of hormonal or steroidal supplements,
as has been done in modern times;

Giants are the result of interbreeding between humans and fallen angels, with
the intent of creating a "master race". This master race, some believe, was
intended to rule over the earth and over homo sapiens, eventually supplanting
homo sapiens entirely.

Though the first two solutions are reasonable — and may also be part of the equation
— by far the most commonly reported origin of the giants of old was that they were
born of divine parentage. As we saw in Part II of our Atlantis series, many of the
ancient texts of mankind tell of a time when divine beings came down to earth and,
tempted by the beauty of human women, took wives from among them and sired
offspring that grew to be gigantic in stature. As Larkin & Teale explain in their classic
popular work on the subject, Giants,
Giants varied in size, but were certainly beyond classification by human
standards both in terms of size and power. For example, the Book of Enoch
relates that angels sent by God to guard the earth were seduced by the beauty
of terrestrial women who subsequently gave birth to demoniacal sons 3,000
cubits [approx. 4,500 feet] high. Later, ancient historians tell us, Og, the King
of Bashan, who lived three thousand years, escaped the Flood by wading only
knee-deep beside the Ark. He was able to roast a freshly caught fish by
holding it up to the sun. Upon his death, one of his bones was used as a bridge
to span a river. Attempting to destroy an Israelite camp, mighty Og ripped up
a mountain six miles long at its base and bore it on his head on the trek
towards the camp. Fortunately Moses, a comparative sprat merely ten cubits
tall, jumped high into the air to strike Og on his forty-five foot high ankle with
a ten-cubit long axe, thus felling and ultimately slaying his foe.1
Although the Jewish legendary material regarding the huge size of Og and Moses are
clearly midrashic in nature, the Bible makes no bones about the existence of giants in
the ancient world, both in the antediluvian world and afterwards. As Moses said in
Genesis 6:4, "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also afterwards". Giants
have plagued Earth since the very earliest times, and the earliest known records of
giants in the Earth come from the land of the Bible: the ancient Near East.

Save perhaps Plato's

accounts of the
titans — the giant
sons of Poseidon
who founded ancient
Atlantis — the
oldest known records
of giants come from
that region of the
world known as the
ancient Near East,
generally considered
to be the cradle of
known civilization.
The ancient Near
East as we know it
today encompassed a
region that is
generally centered A map of the ancient Near East. The ancient Near East was a culturally defined
region roughly centered around the area between the rivers Nile and Euphrates,
around the area currently defined by the countries of Greece on the northwest, Iran (Persia) on the
between the rivers northeast, Saudi Arabia on the southeast, and Egypt on the southwest. Cultural
Nile and Euphrates references in the Bible also refer to lands as far north as Russia, as far south as
— the area that God Ethiopia, as far east as Afghanistan and as far west as Spain. Image from (Map 6a)
had promised to
Abraham and his descendants forever. (Gen. 15:18) — and stretches as far east as
Afghanistan and as far west as Greece.

The earliest references to giants occur in the very

earliest times in Earth's history, before even the time
of Adam when, it was believed by some, a

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"pre-Adamic race" walked the Earth. This race,

which was apparently gigantic in stature, was created
by a mysterious group of divine beings who had
come down from heaven and had artificially
manipulated the genes of the various kinds of animal
life that God had created in order to create a
humanoid lifeform of gigantic stature that displayed
numerous animal characteristics. These were the
class of giants known as the "pre-Adamites".

As was discussed at length in Part III of our Atlantis series, the origins of man do
not appear to be as clear-cut as some might want to believe. It is easy to say that Adam
was the first human being, created by God, from whom the rest of mankind originated,
and that's that — end of story. However, though no one disputes that God created
Adam, the first homo sapiens, there is some dispute as to whether or not homo sapiens
was in fact the first type of human on this planet. Significant evidence of the existence
of a race before Adam, a "pre-Adamic
race", exists both in religious and
historical texts and in the fossil record.
In fact, numerous forms of proto-human
have been discovered, including such
notables as homo neanderthalis and
homo erectus, each showing a small
improvement over the previous form.
And each of these races of proto humans
appeared suddenly in the fossil record,
almost as if they had been manufactured.

These races, all of which preceded or

were contemporaneous with homo
sapiens, we will therefore henceforth
refer to generically as homo artificialis —
genetically manufactured mankind.
Artificialis, instead of being created out Adam and Eve tempted by "the serpent", typically
of whole cloth as was homo sapiens, characterized by artists as Satan in a semi-serpentine
appears to have been woven together form. Some argue that "the serpent" was actually one of
the fallen angels, or possibly even one of the
through a process of genetic pre-Adamic race that the fallen angels are believed to
experimentation — patched together from have created, and that "the tree of the knowledge of
various different pre-existing animal good and evil" was actually symbolic of a strand of
DNA, DNA that was unique to this pre-Adamic race.
species.2 The DNA of existing animal This interpretation is called "Temptation and Fall"
species was spliced together with that of Michelangelo's classic version of the fall of man taken
other species by these divine beings in from the Sistine Chapel. Image from University of
Pennsylvania: The Temptation of Adam and Eve:
order to create a breed of human that Images
possessed the specific characteristics that
they desired. Meddling with God's Creation, these divine beings — whom we shall
henceforth refer to as "fallen angels" — apparently created homo artificialis as a sort of
"vehicle" through which they could operate in order to interact with the material world.
Though these fallen angels had originally been sent to Earth merely to watch over the
Creation, according to the Bible, the Book of Enoch and related texts, these angels fell
from grace, disobeying their divinely mandated boundary of "look, don't touch", and
got personally involved. Moreover, not only did they get involved in the world, they
got very involved in the world, taking things into their own hands into order to reform
God's Creation into a form that better suited their wishes, giving themselves physical
means through which they could fashion earthly destinies for themselves contrary to
what God had originally intended. Coming down to Earth, the fallen angels, led by the
demons Semjaza and Azazel, divided up Earth amongst themselves, a rule that
continues to this day.3

In order to stop the despoilment of His creation by

these rebellious "lesser gods", the fallen angels,
YHWH created homo sapiens to supplant and
eventually destroy their abhorrent offspring that were
running rampant all over His Creation. YHWH,
according to the book of Genesis, created perfect
homo sapiens mankind in His own perfect image. He
then placed Adam in a perfect environment — the
"Garden of Eden". Adam had been specially
designed for the Garden, and the Garden had been
specially designed for Adam — both were designed
to be in perfect shalom balance with the other. There

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Adam and his wife, Eve, had they remained loyal to

YHWH, would have been fruitful, multiplied, and
subdued the Earth, slowly but surely turning the
whole Earth into an Edenic paradise. Moreover, in
the process of slowly but surely subduing the Earth,
they would also have slowly but surely supplanted
and destroyed the accursed artificialis strains.

However, their perfect walk with God was stopped

when a "serpent" tempted them to eat the "fruit" of a
DNA: The Tree of Life? If so, this bit of
information may revolutionize our"tree" that had been forbidden to them. (Genesis 2-3)
understanding of Genesis 3, the Bible ...
and human history. Though most interpreters believe that this tree was a
Image from Robert Finkbeiner literal tree and the sin of eating the fruit was simply
Illustrations the sin of disobeying God's directive, another more
meaningful explanation is that the tree they were forbidden to eat from was in fact
symbolic of a variant type of DNA. In this scenario, Adam and Eve as homo sapiens
represented a pristine form of DNA, symbolized by the "Tree of Life", as opposed to
the patchwork DNA of the pre-Adamites, homo artificialis, that was symbolized by the
"Tree of Knowledge". "The Fall" then, was not just a breaking of trust with YHWH,
though that was certainly part of it. The Fall was caused by the intermarriage between
Adam and Eve and their descendants and the mysterious pre-Adamic race, the result
being that the genetic purity of homo sapiens was compromised.
In short, the new homo sapiens, which had been intended to replace the old homo
artificialis, instead of replacing it, instead merged with it and thus actually helped in its
continuance. As a result, Adam and Eve's descendants — save a chosen few — lost
their genetically pure status, becoming corrupted by the DNA of the giant artificialis
that they were intended to replace, and YHWH's strategy of gradually phasing out the
pre-Adamites was nullified. This was the first stage in the ongoing "genetic warfare"
between YHWH and the rebels, a war by proxy that set the pattern for the rest of
human history, where the genetic "seed of the woman" would constantly be battling the
genetic "seed of the serpent" for dominion over Earth:

"And I will put enmity

between thee and the woman,
and between thy seed and her seed;
he shall crush thy head,
and thou shalt bruise his heel."
(Genesis 3:15)

In stage two of YHWH's genetic war against the

giants, from Adam to Noah, "the seed of the woman"
— homo sapiens — remained relatively pure for a
time. However, after several generations had passed,
it became increasingly compromised to the point
where pure homo sapiens nearly became extinct.
Homo artificialis with its superior size and
technological sophistication, quickly gained an upper
hand in the genetic "war between the seeds", with
dire consequences for all mankind — and even Earth

Though the evidence for fallen angels interacting

with God's Creation before the creation of Adam is still largely speculative from the
theological perspective, the evidence for fallen angels tampering with man and his
environment after the creation of Adam is fairly substantial. Numerous theologians
have pondered over the enigmatic passage in Genesis 6, where a highly unusual and
rather chilling event took place:
GENESIS 6:1-4:
When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were
born to them,
the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they
married any of them they chose.
Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is
mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days — and also afterward — when
the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They
were the heroes of old, men of renown.

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Whereas some source-critical scholars tend to dismiss Genesis 6 as "a fragment or

motif taken from an ancient Near Eastern myth,"5 some even going as far as describing
it as a "cracked, erratic boulder" that does not belong in what they perceive as an
otherwise homogeneous storyline, others see it as an important stage in the underlying
theme of the Old Testament, and perhaps of the entire Bible — that of the war between
YHWH and the rebels, described in Genesis 6 as "the sons of God".

The identity of the "sons of God", mentioned in

Genesis 6 as the progenitors of the giants, has been
a subject of a significant amount of speculation.
Scholars point out that the word "God" in the Old
Testament is usually the Hebrew elohim, literally,
"gods" in the plural. This has caused no small
consternation among scholars who want to
reconcile the aggressively monotheistic Yahwistic
religion with the frequent usage in the Bible of a
divine name that indicates that God is actually a
plurality of deities. As Cooke explains, "Any
serious investigation of conceptions of God in the
Old Testament must deal with recurrent references
which suggest a pluralistic conception of deity.
Beings other than Yahweh are referred to variously
Azazel leading the rebel angels to the
as "sons" or as an "assembly", "council", etc. What newly-formed Earth. Variously called
do these references mean? Do they refer to divine "sons of God", "fallen angels", demons
or to human entities? How are they related to the and devils, these beings appear to be a
God of Israel?"6 splinter faction from the heavenly host
that, in the most ancient times, came to
Earth to found kingdoms apart from the
The arguments regarding the identity of these
authority of YHWH. Image from Dore's
mysterious "sons of God" generally breaks down Illustrations for "Paradise Lost" .
into three basic interpretations:


The 'sons of God' are the Sethites (cf. 5:1-3), while the 'daughters of men' are
from the Cainite line. In favor of this view is the division of the human race
into two lines of descent in the previous chapters (4:17-5:32), but against it
are the arguments that since 'man' (ha adam) is used in verse 1 of mankind
generally, it is unlikely to mean only one section of humanity in verse 2 and
that 'sons of God' does not appear as a collective term for the Sethites, either
in these chapters or elsewhere.


The 'sons of God' are heavenly beings, who mate with earthly women. In
favour of this interpretation is the regular use of the term 'sons of God' for the
heavenly court that surrounds Yahweh (e.g., Ps. 29:1, 89:7; Job 1:6). There is
a prima facie case for supposing both the nephilim and gibborim of verse 4)
are to be regarded as the offspring of such unions, though it has been argued
that the structure of verse 4 deliberately affirms the existence of the Nephilim
before the unions of verse 2). We may leave aside, however, the problem of
origin of the Nephilim, and note that the majority of scholarly opinion
supports the identification of the 'sons of God' as heavenly beings.


The 'sons of God' are dynastic rulers who, as oriental despots, established
royal harems by force or practiced indiscriminate rape. This view has the
merit of taking seriously the phrase 'they took for themselves wives from all
whom they chose'.... Nevertheless, the identification of the 'sons of God'
simply as human rulers has the weakness that it is rarely if ever attested in the
ancient Near East as a term for kings in general.7

Though the other theories have their merits,

the clear answer is that the sons of God were
(and are) heavenly beings. Theologians are
generally in agreement that YHWH is
presented in the Bible as the chief God of a
pantheon of lesser deities, generically termed
"the sons of God". Though most of these
divine beings, typically referred to as "angels"
in the Bible, remained loyal to YHWH, some
opted to rebel against Him and His divine
directives. Though it is not clear as to exactly
how many of this heavenly host rebelled
against YHWH, some speculate, based upon

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Michael and the loyal angels defeating "the
dragon" Satan and the rebel angels and casting
them down from heaven to Earth. Image from
Gustave Dore's "A Crowned Virgin: A Vision of
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

Revelation 12:3-4, that as many as one-third of the angels — described symbolically

as "stars" in the text — followed Semjaza, Azazel and a group of other powerful angels
into rebellion against YHWH: "Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous
red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. His tail
swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth." These "fallen
stars" are generally considered by theologians to be fallen angels — the same fallen
angels who tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden, and have continued to have a
malificent effect on mankind ever since.

The "intermarriage" between these fallen angels and the giants continued on unabated
thoughout the antediluvian period. Without having given any thought to the
consequences such actions might have on YHWH's well-ordered Creation, the fallen
angels continued to visit and genetically modify their horrid creations, making
improvements in their physical and mental capabilities as well as giving them
knowledge and gifts of technology that they could use in their quest to rule the world.
These "gifts" included such skills as the ability to develop tools and weapons, read the
signs and seasons in the stars, distill medicines from plants, and even use cosmetics to
enhance beauty. However, instead of improving the lot of mankind, the fallen angels'
worthless gifts of technology actually had the effect of making things worse. As it is
described in the Book of Enoch,
And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and
breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of
working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the
beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all coloring
tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication,
and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjaza taught
enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armaros the resolving of enchantments,
Baraqijal taught astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge
of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and
Sariel the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry
went up to heaven.... (1 Enoch 8:1-4)8

The effect of giving mankind technology and methods of manipulating matter, what we
now know as "the sciences", merely allowed the wicked giants of old greater ability to
further disrupt the shalom of YHWH's formerly well-ordered cosmos. Moreover, the
inherent danger of the intermarriage between the human and the divine is that it would
result in the creation of a "master race" of super beings with a practically limitless
lifespan and superior capabilities that could be used to conquer not only Earth, but
possibly even heaven itself. As van Gemeren explains,

The perverted nature of man's thoughts (6:5) may be inferred from (6:3).
Being under God's judgment since the Fall, man made an attempt to
circumvent God's plan by being enticed to the Satanic scheme of
intermarriage with demonic beings with the hope of ultimate prolongation of
life. The resultant super-race, produced by the intermarriage of 'the sons of
God' and the daughters of men, is in God's judgment still basar ('characterized
by flesh', verse 3). Hence it is also observed that the super-race of the
nephilim-gibborim was characterized as belonging to the Earth. To crush the
attempt of introducing man into the realms of the divine, God sovereignly and
justly judged man to death in the Flood.9

homo artificialis nephili

It is here in Genesis 6 that the giants are first given
a name: the nephilim. From the Hebrew root n f l,
"to fall", "to come down", or "to be thrown down"
depending on the tense of the verb, the word
"Nephilim" means, literally, the ones who came
down — in this case, to Earth. As Birney explains,
"The word "nephilim" occurs only here and in
Numbers 13:33. In Numbers it is used of the
Anakim, who were of great stature. The LXX
translates "giants" [gigantes], and other old Greek
versions translate "assailants" or "violent men".
Various ideas have been tied to the root NPL, to
fall, e.g., to fall from heaven (fallen angels)."9
"The Giants Attacking Heaven" by
The Nephilim were the gigantic offspring that Bernard Picart (1673-1733).
resulted from the union of the fallen angels and In the Greek myths, Zeus and other
"the daughters of men", that grew to be of a children of the Titans made war on their
tremendous stature and possessed of a titanic Titan forebears, who had been ruling
arrogance and will-to-power that rivaled that of unjustly in a battle known as the

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their Satanic fathers. As Stephen Quayle explains Titanomachy. Though Zeus and co.
in his seminal work, Genesis 6 Giants, overthrew the titans, the titaness Gaia
gave birth to the giants in order to take
The Nephilim that were produced by the revenge. The giants made war on Zeus
angel/mankind marriage were much different and the heavenly gods in a battle known
from either of their parents. This, too, went as the gigantomachy, in which the giants
were utterly defeated. The Nephilim
against God's plan for the Earth in which each giants of the Bible may have attempted to
animal and human being was to reproduce overthrow heaven as well. Image from
"after its own kind". [Genesis 1:24] This is Greek Mythology Link: Giants
perhaps the best demonstration that the parents
of these creatures were not simply descendants of Cain and Seth. Had they
been, they would have produced human offspring, rather than the Nephilim.
The Nephilim were more than simply large beings or giants in the way giants
are normally thought of today. When the Greek Septuagint was created, the
Hebrew word Nephilim was translated into Greek as gegenes. This is the same
word used in Greek mythology for the "Titans", creatures created through the
interbreeding of the Greek gods and human beings. The English words
"genes" and "genetics" are built around the same root word as gegenes; genea
meaning "breed" or "kind". Thus, the choice of this word again suggests a
genetic component to the creation of these giants.10

Though Quayle appears to promote the idea that the Nephilim were actually formed by
combining the DNA of the fallen angels and human women, since angels are spirit and
thus do not have DNA, we hold to the thesis that the Nephilim were genetically
manufactured beings created from the genetic material of various pre-existing animal
species. Thus, to fit them into our scientific paradigm, we should officially term the
Nephilim as a subclass of homo artificialis: homo artificialis nephili.
Thus, the fallen angels did not personally interbreed with the daughters of men, but
used their godlike intellect to delve into the secrets of YHWH's Creation and
manipulate it to their own purposes. And the key to creating or recreating man, as we
have (re)discovered in the twentieth century, is the human genome — DNA. Quayle
points out that the Greek antecedent of the word "giants" is the word gegenes, from
which was derived the Greek word gigantes (Genesis 6:4, LXX), from which we in
turn derive the English word "giant". Moreover, gegenes, besides being the root of the
word "giant", is also the root of the words "genes", "genetics", "geneology", and so
forth. Thus, the concept of genetic manipulation was "spliced in" to the ancient
conception of giants. Quayle's extensive research on the subject also has unearthed
some frightening scientific statistics:

While modern ethics has prevented scientists from pursuing eugenics (the
creation of more perfect "supermen" by modifying human genetic
components), it is completely possible that modifications in human genetic
components might create a very different being from human DNA. A hint of
what might result from such a modification was seen in April 1997, when
scientists at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore revealed that they had
discovered a gene in mice which they called growth/differentiation factor-8
(GDF-8). When mice cells were altered genetically to delete this gene, the
creatures that were conceived from these altered eggs grew enormous
muscles, becoming "super mice" for all practical purposes. The scientists
wrote in the science journal Nature, "We disrupted the GDF-8 gene by gene
targeting in mice. [Mice lacking the gene] are significantly larger than
wild-type animals and show a large and widespread increase in skeletal
muscle mass. Individual muscles of mutant animals weigh two to three times
more than those of wild-type animals." Now notice that this again goes well
beyond what would be seen if the animals were simply given a growth
hormone. These animals, with the GDF-8 gene, were not only stronger, they
were two to three times larger. In other words, the super mice were stronger
and considerably larger than their natural brothers and sisters having an
unaltered genetic makeup. Imagine a human being so altered, who is stronger
and two or three times larger than an average person, and you'll see the
modern equivalent of the ancient giants, the "mighty men" of the biblical
Quayle also points out that the giants did not suffer from a hormonal imbalance,
commonly known today as "gigantism", as those who suffer from gigantism usually
suffer from a number of debilitative diseases that make movement for them difficult
and painful. This is quite different from the powerful, proportionally built, athletically
superb warriors portrayed in the Bible and other ancient texts. So, according to Quayle,
there is definitive proof that genetic manipulation can in fact result in the development
of a gigantic version of a particular species — in this case, mice. But can the same
thing be done with humans? We may know soon.
The rabbinic literature also confirms that the Nephilim were indeed a giant, wicked

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species of early mankind that had existed before the Flood, and also afterward, during
the time of Moses. Newman explains,

Regarding the "Nephilim", the rabbis apparently used Num 13:33, where the
term is associated with the Anakim at the time of the Exodus. With this hint
and the aid of Deut. 2:10-11, 20-21, they obtained five other names for the
Nephilim by which to describe them using etymological word-play. Two of
these are rather supernatural sounding: "Gibborim: ... the marrow of each
one's thigh bone was eighteen cubits long"; "Anakim: ... their necks reached
the globe of the sun." The term "Nephilim" is understood as teaching that
"they hurled (haphilu) the world down, themselves fell (nephelu) from the
world, and filled the world with abortions (nephilim) through their

As Newman points out, several subclasses of Nephilim appear to have existed before
the Flood, and also afterwards. One of those that existed before the Flood were the
"Gibborim", the "mighty men of old".

homo artificialis nephilim gibbori

The "Gibborim" were the "heroes of old, men of
renown" mentioned in Genesis 6, who were the
offspring of the Nephilim. As Newman explains,
"In Gen 6:4 nephilim is translated gigantes
without textual variation. The Greek word,
usually rendered "giant", indicates a warrior of
large stature and translates gibbor in Gen 10:8,
9".13 The Nephilim, as well as being genetically
modified by the fallen angels, apparently
procreated amongst themselves at the same time,
as well as procreating with homo sapiens,
resulting in the creation of a subclass of giants
known as the gibborim. Not quite as tall as the
Nephilim — who were likely giants among
giants, dozens, perhaps hundreds of feet tall, if
the midrash are to be believed — the Gibborim
were probably more the size of Goliath, in the An archetypal antediluvian ruler.
8-12 feet tall range. To aid in differentiating the Image from Conan the Barbarian,
various different types of giants mentioned in the © 1981 Universal Pictures.
Bible, we will classify this type of homo artificialis nephili / homo sapiens hybrid as
homo artificialis nephilim gibbori, "Gibborim" for short.

The intermarriage between the semi-divine Nephilim, the Cainites and, eventually even
the Sethites led to the near-extinction of the pure Adamic line of homo sapiens, where
all but a few living on Earth near the end of the antediluvian period were actually this
mixed-breed of Gibborim. As DeLoach explains in his classic, Giants: A Reference
Guide from History, the Bible, and Recorded Legend,

Right down to the first day of the deluge, the fallen angels in evolved human
flesh, whom Moses called "the Nephilim", kept on marrying the comely
daughters descended from Adam. These unlawful unions, having grown
exceedingly common, now posed the gravest threat to God's plan for the
redemption of His people. The situation was this: by absolute necessity, the
Almighty Angel of the Lord who promised to come and redeem the fallen
Adamic family had to be born from pure stock. But over the centuries the two
races had so completely integrated that Nephilim blood now "polluted"
virtually all Adam's offspring. In Noah's time, the condition reached the crisis
stage, as commentator H.B. Pratt explains, "There are, for example, those who
suppose here, just as in the case of the wife of Cain, that there were two
distinct races of men in the world, the Adamic and the Pre-Adamic — a race
perhaps half bestial; the mixture of which two races caused the moral
desolations that are mentioned; and that when the Hebrew text says ... that
'Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations', [it means] that he was of
pure stock and uncontaminated."14

Though the mixed-breed Gibborim were superior in most every way to homo sapiens,
superior ability breeds superior ambition.15 A world full of Alexanders, Hitlers, and
Genghis Khans, all of whom were physically superior to Arnold Schwartzenegger,
intellectually superior to Albert Einstein, and more Machiavellian than Machiavelli,
will not stay peaceful for long. The intermarriage between the Nephilim, the Cainites
and, eventually even the Sethites led to an extreme condition of lawlessness and
ungodliness in the world which YHWH found intolerable. DeLoach continues,

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Besides mongrelizing Adam's family, the intermarriages boded another great

ill. For the more the two races commingled the more Adam's children fell
under the Nephilim's bad influences. They not only adopted the riotous ways
of these rebels against heaven, but they likewise gave themselves over to their
own carnal appetites and pursued worldly pleasures without restraint. And so
it happened that most humans still sank to the depths of moral and spiritual
depravity. But those few who deplored what the world was coming to had not
seen the worst yet. For when these created and evolved peoples copulated,
many of the children born to them grew to astonishing sizes. Having bodies
that were part animal and part man, these insolent, boastful fellows exhibited
far greater physical strength than other mortals. Thus endowed, war naturally
became their main occupation and plundering their neighbors a way of life. As
exceedingly evil as their Nephilim fathers were, the Gibborim easily
surpassed them. Indeed, with the appearance of these ungodly, gigantic
beings, wickedness and violence in the earth brimmed over. Because of them,
moreover, the whole order of the creation was rapidly being subverted.15

The shalom peaceful balance of the Garden of Eden was destroyed by the tyrannical
and warlike methods employed by the Nephilim. Instead of wealth earned by honest
toil, the Nephilim, and their horrid children, the Gibborim, plundered the wealth of
others and heaped it up in vast hordes for the purposes of conspicuous consumption,
gorging while others starved. Despising hard work and God's institution of marriage
life, the Gibborim sought only for temporary pleasures, achieving their goals through
merciless murder, plunder and rapine. Instead of loving their neighbors and working
together with them for the common good, they instead sought to enslave them if they
were of use to them, or destroy them if they were not. In these ways, the Nephilim
echoed in their Godless actions their divine parents' rejection of YHWH's ordinances.
As Kline explains, "Within this succession of the bene elohim, the marriage ordinance
was desecrated and the extension of dominion was sought by violence rather than
through godly labor".16 The Gibborim created no wealth, and added no value to the
natural equation. They were simply giant parasites living off of the work of others, and
off of nature itself. Moreover, by taking any wives they chose from both artificialis and
sapiens, creating vast harems of women that bore only their children, they reduced the
ability of Godly men — whose presence was beneficial to Earth — to procreate and
continue. In this way the Gibborim multiplied like a virus at the expense of the host:
wasting resources, killing off healthy cells, and spreading poisons all over the face of
Earth. In the end, using their techniques of murder, plunder, and rapine, homo
artificialis systematically subverted and destroyed homo sapiens.
Though on the face of it it might seem that homo artificialis had won the genetic "arms
race" and thus proved themselves the superior species, had the Gibborim won and
wiped out homo sapiens forever, they would have eventually disappeared as well.
Without homo sapiens to exploit, they would have quickly turned on and destroyed
each other, destroying all life on Earth in the process. Their need to dominate and
destroy came out of the essential emptiness of their souls, which they sought in vain to
fill with earthly pleasures. However, the more they stole, the emptier their souls
became, and they had to conquer and plunder more and more to fill the emptiness
inside them until all life on Earth was in peril of being destroyed. And even if they had
conquered the whole world, they still would have lost their souls. Clines aptly
describes this hyperaggressive tendency of the Gibborim as "an insane acceleration of
the Fall; it is self-affirmation to the point of destruction."17 Without the stable,
productive presence of homo sapiens, the Gibborim would have had no one to plunder
and enslave. Without the preservative, "salt and light" influence of God's people, the
Gibborim would have flown into a frenzy of conquest and destruction (which, just
before the Flood, is exactly what they did). Thus, by systematically eliminating homo
sapiens, homo artificialis guaranteed its own extinction — proving that it was, in fact,

The worthless Gibborim created nothing

of value, and destroyed everything of
value that they touched. Like black holes
devouring light-giving stars, these living
dead devoured all life and light wherever
they went, consuming everything and
returning nothing. Well did Jude describe
them and their latter-day relations when
he described them as "shepherds who
feed only themselves. They are clouds
without rain, blown along by the wind;
autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted
— twice dead. They are wild waves of
the sea, foaming up their shame;

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wandering stars, for whom blackest A representation of a black hole in the process of
darkness has been reserved forever." devouring a star. The black hole is a tiny singularity
perhaps no larger than the size of a grapefruit, the
(Jude 1:12-13) remnant of a burned out star whose gravity was so great
that it collapsed in on itself. Now, it continues its
The main reason homo artificialis failed existence devouring other stars, making a spectacular
and had to be destroyed was that it was show at the expense of destroying something useful. The
out of balance with its environment. The light you see here is the remains of a star that the black
hole is devouring, swirling around the powerful gravity
appetites of the giants were so immense of the black hole that sits at the center, giving the
that in order to feed themselves and illusion that the black hole is giving off light, whereas it
satisfy their lusts they were forced to actually devouring it. All in all, the black hole is a fitting
conquer and plunder others, and in the metaphor for the fallen angels and their worthless
offspring, the Nephilim.
process they destroyed the people and Image from NASA's Starchild page.
infrastructure required to create these Click here to view the video.
resources. Moreover, they paid no
attention to their environment, cutting
down whole forests, exhausting Earth's natural resources, and polluting the lakes,
rivers, and even the genes of men and animals in order to accomplish their pointless
goal of dominating Earth. But of what use is Earth if, in the process of conquering it,
you have destroyed it? In contrast, homo sapiens had been created to fit into the Earthly
environment, to reap and sow according to the seasons, to acquire wealth through hard
work, and not plunder — to maintain a harmonious balance with nature, taking only as
much as he needed, and returning the rest. Had Adam and his progeny continued on
with this strategy, the entire Earth would have eventually been turned into an Edenic
paradise. However, by rejecting YHWH and His shalom strategy of gradually
reproducing and slowly but surely subduing Earth, instead being tempted into
following the vainglorious conquest strategy taught by the Nephilim, Adam and Eve
also became subject to the same natural laws that the Nephilim had broken. By going
for the short term gains brought by the methods used by the Nephilim, mankind upset
the delicate balance with Earth that was necessary to be truly successful over the long
term. As a result, mankind was punished by the very Earth that they had set out to
conquer, as Earth rebalanced itself, and vomited them out — with the Flood. (Cf.
Leviticus 18:24-28) As Hendel explains,

Gen 6:1-4 presents a mixing of categories — of gods and mortals — and the
procreation of a hybrid category of demigods which it is in the nature of the
myth to suppress. Mary Douglas has pointed out the preoccupation of ancient
Israelite thought with the suppression of anomaly in dietary laws and in the
laws of kinship. These "purity laws", as she calls them, serve to keep "distinct
the categories of creation." The same tendency is at work in Genesis 6:1-4.
The sexual mingling of the sons of God and the daughters of men creates an
imbalance and a confusion in the cosmic order. The birth of the demigods
threatens the fabric of the cosmos.... The natural conclusion of Gen 6:1-4,
according to the logic of the myth, is the deluge — the destruction of
humanity and the concomitant annihilation of the disorder. The cosmic
imbalance is resolved by a great destruction, out of which a new order

In conclusion, in stage two of the

genetic "proxy" warfare between
YHWH and the rebels, from Adam to
Noah, the rebels won the battles, but lost
the war. In order to destroy the Nephilim
and the accursed Gibborim and restore
the shalom natural balance between
God, man, and Earth, God sent the Great
Flood to wipe the slate clean. In order to
restore the balance, YHWH was forced
to destroy all life on Earth, most of
which had become either genetically
tainted, polluted, or otherwise rendered LUCIFER IN STARLIGHT
unusable. As a result of the Flood, all of ON a starr'd night Prince Lucifer uprose.
the work the fallen angels had done to Tired of his dark dominion swung the fiend
either corrupt or destroy homo sapiens Above the rolling ball in cloud part screen'd,
had been rendered useless, and their Where sinners hugg'd their spectre of repose.
Poor prey to his hot fit of pride were those.
vain attempt to raise an army in order to
And now upon his western wing he lean'd,
storm heaven was thwarted. But all was Now his huge bulk o'er Afric's sands careen'd,
not lost. YHWH had saved one Now the black planet shadow'd Arctic snows.
genetically pure man of the line of Seth, Soaring through wider zones that prick'd his scars
Noah, along with his three sons and With memory of the old revolt from Awe,
their wives, and a sampling of untainted He reach'd a middle height, and at the stars,
animal species. (Genesis 6:9-9:17) In Which are the brain of heaven, he look'd, and sank.
Around the ancient track march'd, rank on rank,
effect, though the sons of Seth had lost

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the battles, YHWH had won the war. The army of unalterable law.
Fulfilling the prophecy of Genesis 3:15,
the heel of the man had been bruised, George Meredith (1829-1909)
but the head of the serpent had been
crushed. Image adapted from
"Fall of Day", by William Rimmer
As world war raged across the planet, from the Museum of Fine Arts: Boston.
the Nephilim masters and their
Gibborim armies fighting the final battles against each other to decide who would
finally rule Earth, Noah obeyed YHWH and shut the doors on the antediluvian world.
Soon thereafter, the world that was, died. However, though the Flood wiped out all of
the Nephilim and Gibborim, their progenitors — the fallen angels who cannot die —
watched and waited for the time when they could start the next phase of the great
genetic war again.

Though the giants of old had been destroyed, their

fathers, the fallen angels, had not. As a result, as soon
as the waters receded, the "mystery of iniquity"
began once more. Phase three of the war between
YHWH and the rebels actually began just after Noah
and his family left the ark, in a controversial event
that resulted in the cursing of the line of Canaan, one
of the sons of Ham, the son of Noah. (Genesis
9:18-27) In this event, Noah, who had been drinking
wine from his vineyard in an apparent attempt to help
fulfill YHWH's command to repopulate Earth, passed
out in his tent in an unseemly position. Ham, one of
Noah's three sons, saw his father's nakedness, and
apparently handled the situation quite inappropriately. So inappropriately, in fact, that
Noah laid a curse on Ham's son Canaan, setting up what some scholars refer to as "the
Canaanite theme" — a theme that was to play an important role in the rest of the Old
Scholars are greatly divided on this issue, though it appears that all agree that
the action was sexual in nature. Allen P. Ross in his article, "The Curse of
Canaan" points out that "Ham, represented most clearly to Israel by the
Egyptians and Canaanites, acted wrongly in violating sexual customs regarded
as sacred and a result had one line of his descendants cursed with
subjugation." Ham and his son, Canaan, were labeled with the brand of
"pervert" and were utilized in the narrative of Genesis to show that the
Canaanites were sexual perverts from the very beginning and thus deserved to
be destroyed.19

The Canaanites, along with the Egyptians and,

generally speaking, all of the descendants of Ham
(Genesis 10:6-20) were portrayed throughout the
Bible as being morally and ethically wicked. The
Canaanites, however, were described as being
particularly wicked, as Noah had foreseen when he
laid the curse specifically on Canaan. And as history
unfolds, it becomes clear that Noah's curse had been
correct, as Canaan's line became the line through
whom the fallen angels would once again work their
iniquity. As a result of this wickedness, the
Canaanites, who inhabited "the land of Canaan" on
the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, were painted
in the Bible as being irretrievably corrupt and
marked for destruction.

YHWH knew that it was only a matter of time until

Canaan's wickedness would need to be dealt with, "Noah Cursing Canaan" (Gen. 9:18-27)
and this turned out to be true. After the time of the by Gustave Dore. From The Dore Bible
Flood (ca. 10,000 b.c.), the mystery of iniquity Illustrations.
worked for 8,000 years, bringing Earth to the point where conditions once again had
begun to resemble those that had led to the need for the Great Flood. In order to put an
end to the mystery of iniquity, YHWH raised up Abraham, a pure descendant of
righteous Shem. Abraham was YHWH's special representative, whom he would use to
destroy the wicked descendants of Canaan, giving to Abraham's descendants the land
of Canaan as their special inheritance:

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And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger
in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them
four hundred years; 14And also that nation [Egypt], whom they shall serve,
will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance. 15And
thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age.
But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again [back to the land of
Canaan]: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full. 17And it came to pass,
that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and
a burning lamp that passed between those pieces. 18In the same day the LORD
made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land,
from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates (Genesis

But why did YHWH plan to destroy the Canaanites and give their land to Abraham's
descendants? Because the fallen angels were once again at work on Earth, using the
Canaanites to breed a whole new generation of Nephilim and Gibborim giants. And the
fallen angels, like YHWH, also had their own special representative — Amor, a
descendant of Canaan. Amor, the father of the "Amorites", became the most wicked of
all, the line though whom the fallen angels had begun recreating the dreaded Nephilim
in the land of Canaan. Thus, while YHWH was breeding men of the line of Shem that
were more and more righteous, the fallen angels were breeding men of the line of Ham
that were more and more wicked — just as they had before the Flood. For this reason
YHWH forbad Abraham to tarry in Canaan, instead planning for his descendants to
sojourn in Egypt for 400 years. This allowed the "iniquity of the Amorites" to come to
its full, rotten ripeness while Abraham's descendants grew strong and numerous in a
safer, healthier environment away from Canaan.

The fallen angels were busily at work creating all new armies of wicked giants that
they would once again use to try to conquer the world. And though their extreme moral
decline was only in its infant stages during the time of Abraham, it was just a matter of
time until this "iniquity of the Amorites" would come to the full.

Phase three of the war between YHWH and the rebels, which began soon after Noah
and his family left the ark, ca. 10,000 b.c., did not come to fruition until the time of
Abraham, ca. 2000 b.c. Though some commentators believe that Nimrod, one of the
descendants of Ham, (Gen. 10:8-12) was a giant, giants do not make a significant
appearance in the Bible again until Genesis 14, during the time of Abraham's sojourn
in Canaan. Genesis 14 describes a major regional conflict between the king of Elam
and five of his vassals who lived in the land of Canaan, a war in which Abraham
played a small part. Chedorlaomer, the king of Elam, had gathered together three of his
allies and gone to war with this confederation of five Canaanite kings who had refused
to pay tribute any longer:
And it came to pass in the days of Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of
Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of nations; 2That these
made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah,
Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela,
which is Zoar. 3All these were joined together in the vale of Siddim, which is
the salt sea. 4Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth
year they rebelled. 5And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer, and the
kings that were with him, and smote the Rephaims in Ashteroth Karnaim, and
the Zuzims in Ham, and the Emims in Shaveh Kiriathaim, 6And the Horites in
their mount Seir, unto Elparan, which is by the wilderness. 7And they
returned, and came to Enmishpat, which is Kadesh, and smote all the country
of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites, that dwelt in Hazezontamar. 8And
there went out the king of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrah, and the king of
Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (the same is Zoar;) and
they joined battle with them in the vale of Siddim; 9With Chedorlaomer the
king of Elam, and with Tidal king of nations, and Amraphel king of Shinar,
and Arioch king of Ellasar; four kings with five. 10And the vale of Siddim was
full of slimepits; and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, and fell there;
and they that remained fled to the mountain. 11And they took all the goods of
Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their victuals, and went their way. (Genesis
Though the theme of the passage is a familiar one, war, some of the participants in that
war were not. Though the war was initially supposed to be against the five kings of
Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim and Zoar, instead of taking these kings head-on,

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the Elamites and their allies instead began their attack far to the northeast, in the region
of Bashan, and then worked their way down the east side of the Jordan, systematically
destroying a heretofore unknown group of peoples called the Rephaim, Zuzim, Emim,
and Horim. They then turned to attack the Amalekites and Amorites, finally heading
towards their initial target, the five kings of the five cities of the plain in southern
Canaan. Hamilton explains,

The names of other peoples whom the Elamites and their allies subdued —
Rephaim, Zuzim, Emim, Horim, Amalekites, Amorites — would indicate that
the uprising of the five southern kinglets was but one part of a massive effort
to resist continued Mesopotamian control in Transjordan. The invading kings
repress such attempted revolts in grandiose and unmitigated style. Nobody can
stand before them, even though the defeated Rephaim, Zuzim, and Emim are
themselves imposing threats, people of giant stature. (Deut. 2:10-12, 20-23)20

But why did they make the

strategic decision of attacking
these unknown peoples before
approaching their main target?
DeLoach explains, "Somehow,
perhaps from spies,
Chedorlaomer learned of the
miliary alliance that the five
cities had made with the giants
who occupied Bashan, Gilead,
and Edom. He thus chose not
to strike the first blow at
Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah,
Zeboiim, or Bela, but moved
instead to cut off help from
their Rephaim neighbors".21
The giants were powerful
warriors, and had to be
divided and conquered, as a
combined army of giants and
men would have sorely
pressed even the superb
Elamite forces. If they had
attacked the five kings
directly, they would have been
surrounded on all sides by
armies of giants, which might
have led to their complete
annihilation. Instead, they
wisely pursued a "divide and
conquer" strategy, starting
with the Rephaim in the north,
and working their way down
to the Horim in the south:

Sweeping down the The distribution of Rephaim and Gibborim-type giant subclasses in
valley, his army quickly Canaan, ca. 2000 b.c. Though the distribution of the various giant
classes and exact territorial limits are unknown, general areas of
laid siege to Ashteroth inhabitation can be derived from Genesis 14 and Deuteronomy 2-3.
Karnaim. This chief city The Rephaim dominated most of south, central and northern Palestine,
of the Rephaim lay in the but the Zuzim dominated the region south of the Rephaim capitol
district of Bashan, about Ashteroth Karnaim, with the Emim east of the Dead Sea and the
Horim south of the Emim and east of the Vale of Siddim. Moses also
six miles northwest of mentions the "Avvim" that were centered around Gaza, southwest of
Edrei. These giants Palestine, but there is no record of an Elamite attack on the Avvim.
worshipped Astarte, the Chedorlaomer first attacked Ashteroth-Karnaim, the stronghold of the
goddess of the crested Rephaim, then proceeded to defeat the Zuzim at Ham, the Emim at
Shaveh-Kiriathaim, and the Horim in their mountain strongholds
moon. They were greatly scattered throughout Seir. They then subdued the Amalekites just
decimated. Continuing south of Palestine, defeated the Amorite armies in Hazazon-Tamar,
along what the ancients and destroyed the confederation of the five kings of Sodom,
called the King's Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Zoar at the Vale of Siddim, south of
the Dead Sea. Having thus subdued the entire country, the Elamites
Highway, a trade route then plundered all of the five cities in succession, taking away a very
that ran the entire length large amount of booty.
of the Trans-jordanian Click here to view a larger image.
plateau to the Gulf of Aqabah, Chedorlaomer and his confederate kings next
fell upon the enormous Zamzummim people of Ham. Some archaeologists
identify this city with modern Ham, which is located in eastern Gilead, about
four miles south of Irbid. After this, the kings from Elam and Mesopotamia
attacked and cut off the terrible Emim giants at nearby Shaveh Kiriathaim.
These people, described as "great and many and tall", occupied the land that
the Moabites later took.22

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The mysterious Rephaim, Zuzim, Emim and Horim were, in fact, giants. Giants were
again on Earth in the time of Abraham, and YHWH was waging war upon them once
more, using the Elamites — like Abraham, descendants of Shem — to destroy them.
These mysterious giant races are described in much more detail than the Nephilim and
Gibborim of the antediluvian world were, and are even given race-specific names, as

homo artificialis rephi

The Rephaim were the next generation of giants, the "new Nephilim", and were of
Amorite descent. The fallen angels had chosen one of the line of Canaan, Amor, to use
as the line through which they would once again begin to genetically modify mankind
towards the creation of a new race of supermen. However, whereas nephilim, the term
used to describe the half-divine, half-human demigods of the antediluvian world,
straightforwardly translates into "those who came down", the exact meaning of the
term rephaim is not as clear, as the term is used for a variety of purposes, both in the
Bible and in related texts. L'Heureux gives an excellent summary of the state of the
debate in his excellent monograph, Rank among the Canaanite Gods: El, Ba'al and
the Rephaim:

The relevant data are the following: the occurrence of 1) rephaim, meaning
the shades of the dead; the occurrence of 2) rephaim, referring to a gigantic
race which inhabited parts of Palestine and Jordan before Israelite times;
references to yelidiy ha-raphah (with variants) who are usually understood as
descendants of Raphah, who would be the ancestor of the Rephaim; a
geographical name, "Valley of the Rephaim;" personal names containing the
element rapha or raphah,. In addition to the above, there are related matters
which might be relevant: references to the Anaqim who, like Rephaim, were
thought to be a prehistoric race of gigantic stature; appearing only twice are
the Emim, apparently a special designation for the Rephaim of the territory
later occupied by the Moabites; similarly the Zamzummim are the Rephaim of
the Ammonite area; finally, the word Nephilim is also used for the giants of

In the Ras Shamra texts found in the Canaanite city-state of Ugarit, the Rephaim are
described as being simultaneously divine beings, human beings, cultic functionaries of
the Amorite god Ba'al, mighty warriors, riders of chariots, and healers, or "ones who
are healed". Some scholars also believe that that they were part of an aristocracy. The
Amorites, who worshiped the god Ba'al, also believed that Ba'al was gigantic in stature:
"Ba'lu the Saviour, was extremely tall. An Ugaritic myth tells us that when another god
tried to sit on the throne of Ba'lu 'his feet did not reach the foot-stool, his head did not
reach the top of the back.'"24

Ba'al was the Amorite/Canaanite war, storm and fertility god, whom they believed
made his presence known in, among other things, the yearly rains that came and made
the fields bring forth their bounty each year. When the rains ended at the end of the
rainy season, it was thought that Ba'al had died and gone down to the underworld, not
to return again until the rainy season in the following year. During the intervening time,
he remained in the underworld, among the spirits of the dead. The Rephaim were
believed by the Amorites to be Ba'als acolytes, accompanying him both in the storm
and into his journey into the underworld after the rains ceased. As a result, "since these
minor deities follow Ba'al in his descent to the underworld, they later became identified
with the shades of the dead, as in Biblical Hebrew and in Phoenician."25 L'Heureux
points out that, since greater gods in the Canaanite pantheon are described with the
singular term rapha, then the term rephaim most likely refers to an assembly of lesser
gods. This concept compares favorably with the Hebrew conception of elohim which
most believe is meant to indicate an assembly of divine beings, or angels, in contrast to
the singular El, which is used exclusively of YHWH, the head of the divine assembly.
In short, Rapha is to rephaim as El is to elohim.26

However, unlike the heavenly deities of the court of YHWH, the court of Ba'al is
instead an assembly of underworld deities, what the Israelites would have considered
demonic spirits, or fallen angels. The Amorites worshiped these underworld deities as
the departed spirits of their ancestors, and their funerary rituals were also acts of
worship that included such activities as extreme drunkenness, riotous acts, cannibalism
and worse.27 The spirits of the dead that were most worshiped were those of ancient
kings and heroes: "within the framework of the Baalistic cult sacrificial meals with the
spirits of the dead took place ... the ghosts are called metim "dead" or shedim "genii".
One of the more interesting features of the text is that the rephaim seem to be a special
class of spirits: kings, heroes, warriors, rulers."28 Concerning the meaning of rapha and
how it fits into the concept of underworld deity, Gray believes that the basic meaning
of rapha is "to heal" or, more likely, to be healed.29 However, since it has to do with

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the dead rephaim, and since these dead rephaim are, along with Ba'al, resurrected at the
beginning of each rainy season, I suggest that the Rephaim are not merely healed but,
along with Ba'al, resurrected, and the fertility of the land resurrected with them. Thus
the basic concept behind the word rephaim is "those who have been resurrected".

The rephaim deities of the Ugaritic texts, then, were seen as the resurrected spirits of
ancient warrior kings. But resurrected into what? And how does this apply to the
Rephaim giants? The Rephaim were seen by the Amorites as both divine and human,
as human incarnations of the divine rephaim, just as the Amorite king was considered
to be the incarnation of their state god, Ba'al.30 These "Rephaim of Earth" were
believed to be the earthly incarnations of the divine (or fallen) Rephaim of the
underworld. Moreover, since these were the spirits of ancient warriors, kings and
heroes from ancient times, it was probable, since the Rephaim giants were specifically
noted by Moses as being the return of the antediluvian Nephilim, that the Rephaim
were in fact the reincarnations of the demonic spirits of the Nephilim giants who had
been destroyed in the Flood. Thus, inherent in the very name "Rephaim" was the
confirmation that the Rephaim were indeed the return of the Nephilim. As such, we
have given them their own scientific classification to identify the Rephaim as the next
generation that succeeded the Nephilim breed of giants: homo artificialis rephi.
In sum, then, according to the Bible and related texts, the Rephaim were a giant,
human/divine hybrid race that formed an aristocratic warrior class known for their use
of chariots in battle, a "master race" of giant warrior-kings that were worshiped as the
reincarnated spirits of the giant antediluvian god-kings, the Nephilim.31 They served
the Amorite king who was considered the incarnation of the Amorite high god Ba'al,
who was also gigantic in stature, probably larger than the rest. This king likely ruled
from Ashteroth-Karnaim, in the region of Bashan, in northeastern Canaan. These giant
god-kings ruled over a mass of homo sapiens, whom the fallen angels were
systematically altering into another class of Gibborim "storm troopers" in order to,
once again, attempt to exterminate the "inferior" homo sapiens and rule the world.
These Gibborim even had specific names: the Zuzim, the Emim, the Horim, and the

homo artificialis rephaim zuzi

The Zuzim were a Gibborim subclass of the Rephaim, the result of interbreeding
between the Rephaim and homo sapiens. The resultant "Zuzim" (Gen. 14:5) were
probably 8-10 feet tall on average, a few feet shorter than the Rephaim, some of whom
probably approached 12 feet in height or more. Moses described the Zuzim as
"Zamzummims" Deut. 2:19-21 that had once lived east of the Jordan River. They had
been seriously depopulated by Chedorlaomer around 2000 b.c., but had been
exterminated by the Ammonites somewhere betweeen 2000-1300 b.c. "Zamzummim"
can mean either "murmurers" or "stammerers", and seems to indicate that they may
have been involved in some sort of necromantic activity. Pope explains, "The
designation Zamzummim is probably to be related to Arabic zamzam which is used
onomatopoetically of buzzing or humming noise but also for a troop of people, both
senses being appropriate to the dead, the not-so-silent majority who chirp, mutter and
whisper from the dust (Isaiah 8:19, 29:4).32 L'Heureux links the name zamzummim to
the Hebrew zamam, "to murmur".33 Graves and Patai in Hebrew Myths: The Book of
Genesis translate zamzummim as "achievers", probably in the sense that they were
exceptionally strong and athletic, but do not give the provenance of this translation.34
DeLoach suggests that the translation "stammerers" should be understood as "speakers
of a barbarous tongue".35 However, we believe the necromantic concept is best here
because, as we have seen, the Rephaim considered themselves to be the reincarnated
spirits of ancient heroes. Moreover, the Amorites were known for their worship of the
dead,36 even speaking to them in "peeps" and "mutters". Therefore, the name "Zuzim"
or "Zamzummim" should be understood as "mutterers" in the sense of communicating
with the dead. Interestingly, some have proposed that the term "Zamzummim" should
be understood as "Ham-Zuzim", i.e., "the Zuzim from Ham", their capitol city.
Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary also has the cryptic entry, "Zamzummims, projects
of crimes; enormous crimes".37

homo artificialis rephaim emi

The Emim were another Gibborim subclass that lived just south of the Zuzim and east
of the Dead Sea. They are mentioned twice in the Bible, first in Gen. 14:5 and, like the
Zuzim, recounted by Moses in Deut. 2:10-11. Like the Zuzim, they had been seriously
depopulated by Chedorlaomer around 2000 b.c., but had been exterminated by the
Moabites somewhere betweeen 2000-1300 b.c., who settled just south of their
Ammonite cousins. "Emim" is variously translated as "fearsome ones" (Pope),

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"awesome ones" (Wenham)38 "dreadful ones" (DeLoach) and "Terrors" (Graves and

homo artificialis rephaim hori

The Horim were yet another Gibborim subclass that lived just south of the Emim and
east of the Vale of Siddim, in the mountains of Seir. They are mentioned three times in
the Bible, first in Gen. 14:5-6 and, like the Zuzim and Emim, recounted by Moses in
Deut. 2:12 and Deut. 2:22. They too had been seriously depopulated by Chedorlaomer
around 2000 b.c., but had been exterminated by the descendants of Esau somewhere
betweeen 2000-1300 b.c. Not much is known about them, except that they were
cave-dwellers in the mountains of Seir, south of the Emim area. Smith's Bible
Dictionary suggests that the name "Horim" was taken from the term "cave-dweller".39

homo artificialis rephaim avvi

The Avvim are the final Gibborim subclass mentioned in the Bible that existed during
the time of Abraham. They lived in southwestern Palestine, in the area around Gaza.
They are explicitly mentioned only once in the Bible, in Deut. 2:23. They apparently
had not been affected by Chedorlaomer, but had been exterminated by the Caphtorites,
another descendant of Ham, somewhere betweeen 2000-1300 b.c. However, according
to Josh. 13:3, some may have still existed in that region for some time afterwards. Like
the Horim, not much is written about the Avvim. Graves and Patai translate their name
as "Devastators" or "Serpents". The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
equates them with the Hivites,40 which means that some must have survived the
Caphtorite onslaught, as the Hivites are listed as those among the Canaanites that had
to be destroyed during the time of Moses Ex. 23:23.

In Phase 3 of YHWH's war against the rebels,

YHWH had used one of the descendants of Shem —
Chedorlaomer, king of Elam — to bring together a
confederation of kings and cripple the growing
Rephaim giant threat. YHWH was taking no chances
and nipped the activity of the fallen angels in the bud
before it got out of control. YHWH's war against the
giants during the time of Abraham, however, did not
officially end in the text until after the "two angels"
destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Though it was not
specifically mentioned, Sodom and Gomorrah were
likely major strongholds of the Rephaim, and their
destruction directly by angels — instead of through
human intermediaries such as Chedorlaomer —
indicates that it had contained the wickedest
Rephaim and Gibborim that then existed on Earth.
Lot and family fleeing Sodom. The
(Gen. 19) In the process, the angels also saved Lot brother of Abraham, Lot's descendants
and his daughters, who would give birth to the later finished off the Zuzim and Emim.
Ammonites and Moabites that were destined by God Image from Art Passions.
to finish off the Zuzim (Deut. 2:19-20) and Emim (Deut. 2:9-11). Some Rephaim and
Gibborim, however, were still left in the land, even after the conquests by the
Ammonites, the Moabites, and the Edomites, all of whom were also descendants of
Shem. For this reason, YHWH raised up the descendants of Abraham, through Isaac
and Jacob, as an army to finish off the giants in the land of Canaan. And, after 400
years of captivity in the land of Egypt, Israel was about to complete Phase 4 of
YHWH's war against the rebels, using Moses as the next earthly leader of His divine

Phase 4 of YHWH's genetic war against the rebels

began when Abraham's wife, Sarah, gave birth to
Isaac, though she was over 90 years old. (Gen. 21)
Isaac in turn had two sons: Jacob, the father of the
Israelites, and Esau, whose descendants migrated
eastward and finished off the Horim in the mountains
of Seir. (Deut. 2:12) The Israelites, however,
escaping a famine in the land of Canaan, moved to
Egypt, where they grew and prospered as a nation for
400 years. Meanwhile, after the Zuzim, Emim,
Horim and Avvim were destroyed, the iniquity of the
Amorites came to the full as the Rephaim developed

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an all-new group of giant Gibborim stormtroopers —

the Anakim. Growing in parallel, the righteous and
the wicked, the meek and the powerful, homo
sapiens and homo artificialis — one would emerge from the battle victorious, and the
other would be totally destroyed.
After their 400 year sojourn in the land of Egypt, Israel was ready for their final
training before they were sent into war against the giants. To this end, YHWH sent
Moses to free Israel from their captivity, and lead them to the Promised Land of
Canaan, where they would finish off the remnant of the Rephaim and, theoretically,
restore YHWH's shalom to Earth. In the meantime, YHWH showed them many
supernatural signs and wonders, which should have convinced them that He was all
powerful, and that no force in heaven and Earth could defeat Him or those who were
with Him — not even the fearsome giants of Canaan.
When Israel first approached the land of Canaan, they sent out a group of twelve spies,
one from each tribe of Israel, to gather intelligence on Canaanite fortifications and
military capabilities. The spies went all the way up through the land of Canaan, well
into the old Rephaim areas in the north, and back again. Returning from their 40-day
journey, they returned in fear of the giants they saw there, particularly the Anakim,
despite all of the signs and wonders that YHWH had shown them:
So they went up, and searched the land from the wilderness of Zin unto
Rehob, as men come to Hamath. 22And they ascended by the south, and came
unto Hebron; where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the children of Anak, were.
(Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.) 25And they
returned from searching of the land after forty days. 27And they told him, and
said, We came unto the land whither thou sentest us, and surely it floweth with
milk and honey; 28Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land,
and the cities are walled, and very great: and moreover we saw the children of
Anak there. 29The Amalekites dwell in the land of the south: and the Hittites,
and the Jebusites, and the Amorites, dwell in the mountains: and the
Canaanites dwell by the sea, and by the coast of Jordan. 30And Caleb stilled
the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we
are well able to overcome it. 31But the men that went up with him said, We be
not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we. 32And they
brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the
children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it,
is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw
in it are men of a great stature. 33And there we saw the giants, the sons of
Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as
grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. (Num. 13:21-22, 25, 27-33)

homo artificialis rephaim anaki

The "sons of Anak", the Anakim were the next generation of Gibborim giants produced
by the Rephaim in the land of Canaan. Stronger, faster, and fiercer than the rest of the
giants before or during that time, the Anakim were greatly feared by all — including,
probably, other giant types.

At this time, many Rephaim and some Horim, Avvim and Anakim giants
occupied the hill country of northern Canaan, while the Anakim completely
dominated the south. The spies must therefore have seen these frightening
fellows every place they went. But in their later report to Moses they
mentioned only the Anakim giants — apparently because they struck more
terror in them than all the rest. For ferociousness and daring, the Anakim set
the standard. Against them, in fact, all the other giants were measured. Moses
himself confirmed their superiority when he wrote in his book this famous
proverbial saying: "Who can stand against the sons of Anak?" [Deut. 9:2]41
The Anakim had their power base in Kiriath-Arba (later called Hebron), located in the
mountains of what would later become southern Judea, about twenty miles south of
Jerusalem. Kiriath-Arba was named after Arba, the father of Anak. (Joshua 15:13)42
There, the sons of Anak, Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, ruled over both the Anakim
and non-Gibborim Canaanitish peoples that lived in the area. Rabbinical tradition has a
fair amount to say about the sons of Anak:

According to rabbinical tradition (Gen. R. xxvi.), the Anakim are of the same
Titanic race as the Rephaim, Nefilim, Gibborim, Zamzummim, and Emim.
The name (as though containing the element 'anak = neck) is explained in the
Midrash (Gen. R. xxvi.) as indicating that they wore "neck-chains heaped

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upon neck-chains," or, as if from the verb "to press," "force," that they seized
the solar disk and cried, "Send us rain," or that "they squeezed their heads into
the sun" (Sotah 344b; see Rashi on Yoma, 10a). Of the three sons of Anak
who filled the spies with awe and fear by their gigantic stature, Ahiman,
Sheshai and Talmai (Num. xii. 22-33), the first is represented in Num. R. xvi.
and Tan., Shelah, 7, ed. Buber, 11, as challenging passers-by, saying: "Whose
brother will fight with me?" (a play upon "Ahiman" = brother of whom); the
second stood there stolid as a block of marble (a play upon shesh = marble),
and the third made deep furrows (a play upon telamim = furrows) in the soil
with every step.43

The word 'anak means "neck" or "necklace" in

Hebrew, and there appears to have been a tradition of
the Anakim being a long-necked race, that wore
many necklaces, possibly stacked one upon the other.
Perhaps what we are intended to understand was that
the Anakim, like the 'Long Neck' Karen peoples of
Myanmar and Thailand, stacked brass rings around
their necks in order to stretch out their necks in an
effort to enhance their height and appearance. That
would also explain the alternate meanings that the
rabbis were exploring, including "to press, force", as Atribe
woman from the 'Long Neck' Karen
that inhabitants a region of Asia
if they were forcing their heads upwards, and the spanning Myanmar and Thailand. The
idea that they "squeezed their heads into the sun", in Anakim may have engaged in similar
the sense of "squeezing" their heads upward using practices in order to increase their height,
the brass rings. This type of purposeful manipulation which resulted in the lengthening of their
necks at the same time, a practice which
of the body in order to create frightening and became their trademark, and their
disturbing effects, including neck and skull namesake. Image from
malformation, extensive piercing, body painting,
tattooing and similarly bizarre methods of body modification, appears to have been
typical of the Anakim, and of the Nephilim generally. Unlike the Karen women,
however, it appears that the intent of the Anakim was not to enhance their physical
beauty, but to make themselves look taller and fiercer, an effect that worked as a form
of psychological warfare to further terrify their enemies. This would fit the Anakim
profile as, according to the picture of them painted by the commentators, every aspect
of Anakim life was geared towards the art of war. DeLoach explains,

In the plural, Anakim means "people of the

necklace" or "neckpiece," and so it is
explained by the ancient rabbis. The name
comes from 'anaq, the Hebrew word for
"necklace". Moses, in Numbers 13:33, affirms
that they descended from the Nephilim. Their
uncommon height was, of course, enough to
arouse in people of normal size some
uneasiness. But the Anakim were also a fierce,
half-wild people, given to deeds of great
daring. Consequently, they loved war and
regarded it as a normal way of life. So
ingrained was their inclination to fight that
when no common enemy could be found
A giant skull, one of collection of giant
skulls on display in the Gold Museum in
against whom they could exercise their natural
Lima, Peru. Purposeful deformation of belligerency, they fought amongst themselves.
the skull in order to increase height and Such a hostile attitude, combined with their
engender fear in one's enemies is a extraordinary stature, caused shivers in most
tradition that is ancient and widespread.
people who came in contact with them.44
Image from Light 1998.
When the spies returned from exploring Canaan, all of the spies save Joshua and Caleb
brought terrifying reports of the sons of Anak, spreading such fear in the camp that the
Israelites threatened to stone Moses and return to Egypt. As a result, YHWH was so
angry with them that, if not for the intercession of Moses on their behalf, He would
have destroyed Israel right then and there. Instead, relenting, YHWH sentenced Israel
to wander in the wilderness for 40 years, during which time He further purified them,
killing off all those in the camp who had murmured against Moses. The only two
fighting men who survived from that generation were Joshua and Caleb, the only two
who had faith that YHWH could easily defeat the giants despite their great size, as they
knew that it was not by might nor by power, but with the Spirit that YHWH fought
against the giants.

During the 40 years of spiritual training in the wilderness, a new generation of

Israelites had grown up in an environment where they had been trained to rely solely
on YHWH for their survival. As a result, they were now ready to to take on the giants
of Canaan, as fighting against the giants, without YHWH's angels fighting for them,
would surely result in defeat. Determining that Israel was now ready, YHWH directed

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Moses to lead the Israelites to attack the remnant of the Rephaim giants on the east of
the Jordan River first, leaving the Rephaim and Anakim west of the Jordan to Joshua.
And of these Rephaim, two were most famous: Sihon and Og, kings of the Amorites.

Sihon was a famous Rephaim giant that ruled over the Amorites east of the Jordan river
during the time of Moses. Though it is not specifically stated, it appears likely that the
Amorites had, by that time, been genetically modified and interbred into yet another
Gibborim class of giant that, like the Anakim, was used by the Rephaim as
stormtroopers for their inhuman armies. If so, "the iniquity of the Amorites" had
literally come to the full, as the Amorites themselves had been completely converted
into Gibborim-type homo sapiens / homo artificialis hybrid giants through
interbreeding with the Rephaim.
By the time of Moses, Sihon and the Amorite Gibborim had driven the Ammonites
south into the hills, taking their territory from the River Jabbok in the north as far as the
River Arnon in the south. There, Sihon ruled over the Amorites from Heshbon, and his
brother, Og, ruled over the Amorites of the north, in Bashan.45 "Over these
Transjordanian Amorites reigned two giant kings, Sihon and Og. Moses refers to them
as remnants of the Rephaim. Og later became the most famous of the two, because of
his great bedstead. But from what records we have, Sihon appears to have been the
most powerful and probably posed the greatest threat to the advancing Hebrews' plan
of attack."46
Sihon and Og were widely respected and feared, and well-protected, both physically
and spiritually, so YHWH took no chances with them. To ensure the victory, He sent
Moses himself against them in the preliminary assault against the giants of Canaan that
would set up the rest of the conquest of Canaan. As DeLoach explains,

In their day, Sihon and Og commanded wide respect as great and mighty
monarchs. Although Sihon is not described in scripture as a giant, as Og was,
other sources definitely place him among the Rephaim. Rabbinical literature,
for instance identifies him as Og's brother. The ancient rabbis likewise list
both kings as grandsons of Shemjazai [aka, Semjaza], a fallen angel (Niddah
61a), who evidently was of the Nephilim. Sihon, they further write, resembled
Og in stature and bravery (Midrash, Agadah, Hukkat, ed. Buber, p. 130a).
These old writings also identify him with Arad the Canaanite (Numbers 21:1),
who was called Sihon because he resembled the foals in the desert for
swiftness. Accordingly, the rabbis sometimes referred to him as "the
Canaanite", claiming that he was overlord of that land and had over there
many vassal kings who paid him tribute.47

Being the grandsons of Semjaza himself, Sihon and Og could not have been moved
unless a more powerful angel — most likely Michael the archangel — fought against
them and removed their powerful protection in preparation for the Israelite conquest.
Michael does indeed fight against the fallen angels, as is evidenced by Daniel 10:13
and related references. Michael is also the angelic patron of Israel (Daniel 12:1), and is
thus most likely the angel that YHWH sent before Israel to drive out the Canaanites,
confuse them, and manipulate them and their environment to the point where they were
weak and easily conquered:
Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring
thee into the place which I have prepared. 21Beware of him, and obey his
voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my
name is in him. 22But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I
speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto
thine adversaries. 23For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in
unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the
Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off. 27I will send my fear before
thee, and will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come, and I will make
all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee. 28And I will send hornets before
thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from
before thee. 29I will not drive them out from before thee in one year; lest the
land become desolate, and the beast of the field multiply against thee. 30By
little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased,
and inherit the land. 31And I will set thy bounds from the Red sea even unto
the sea of the Philistines, and from the desert unto the river: for I will deliver
the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and thou shalt drive them out before
thee. (Exodus 23:20-23, 27-31)

Besides Michael and the angels engendering superstitious fear and terror into the giant

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population, reducing their morale and thus their fighting effectiveness, commentators
believe the reference to "hornets" means that massive swarms of hornets invaded the
tall, strongly fortified castles of the giants, driving the giants out into the open where
they were much more vulnerable. The text seems to promote the idea that nature itself
was fighting against the giants who, like the Nephilim and Gibborim of the
antediluvian world, were out of balance with nature. As a result, the land was
"vomiting them out", driving them out and destroying them little by little to the point
where they were ripe for conquest. (Lev. 18:24-28)

Finally, by playing on Sihon's pride, Michael manipulated him into a position where his
weakened, confused, fearful and demoralized armies were all in one place, out in the
open, where the armies of Israel could finish them off all at once:
And Israel sent messengers unto Sihon king of the Amorites, saying, 22Let
me pass through thy land: we will not turn into the fields, or into the
vineyards; we will not drink of the waters of the well: but we will go along by
the king's high way, until we be past thy borders. 23And Sihon would not
suffer Israel to pass through his border: but Sihon gathered all his people
together, and went out against Israel into the wilderness: and he came to
Jahaz, and fought against Israel. 24And Israel smote him with the edge of the
sword, and possessed his land from Arnon unto Jabbok, even unto the children
of Ammon: for the border of the children of Ammon was strong. 25And Israel
took all these cities: and Israel dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites, in
Heshbon, and in all the villages thereof. 26For Heshbon was the city of Sihon
the king of the Amorites, who had fought against the former king of Moab,
and taken all his land out of his hand, even unto Arnon. 32And Moses sent to
spy out Jaazer, and they took the villages thereof, and drove out the Amorites
that were there. (Numbers 21:21-26, 32)

Having defeated the Amorite

armies all at once, including
Sihon himself, the Israelites
quickly moved in, as the
kingdom formerly known as
Sihon's had become instantly
ripe for the spoil. There was
no need to fight any additional
armies, or lay siege to the
numerous fortresses, as all of
the warrior Amorites had been
slaughtered in the battle, and
those few that survived had
turned tail and fled. The
Israelites then made quick
work of those foolish enough
to stick around, exterminating
them to the last man — just as
they had been ordered.

After wiping out the remnant

of the giant Amorites and
Rephaim of the kingdom of
Sihon, Moses then sent
another large army north, to
the kingdom of Og, in Bashan.
Og, the brother of Sihon, was
apparently the last of the true
Rephaim giants in Canaan, or
perhaps the last of the
Rephaim east of the River
Jordan — it is not clear in the
text. He ruled over his own
large army of Amorite The Conquest of Canaan during the time of Moses and Joshua, ca.
Gibborim in northeastern 1300 b.c. The Conquest was begun by Moses, who destroyed Sihon
Canaan from Ashtaroth- and Og and took the entire area east of the Jordan away from the
Anakim and Rephaim. He then moved against the remnant of the
Karnaim, the ancient capitol Rephaim who were making a last stand at Edrei, and then Israel
of the Rephaim. When he encamped across the river Jordan from Jericho, their next primary
heard of his brother's fate, he target. Leadership then fell to Joshua, who took Jericho, Ai, and
set out immediately to destroy defeated a confederation of Amorite kings at Gibeon. Following them
south, he slew the remnant of their armies, and their razed Lachish,
the Israelites. However, Moses Eglon, Hebron, Debir, Kadesh-Barnea, Gaza, Debir, Goshen, and
had already sent an army, everyone else who lived in southern Palestine at that time, including

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headed by Jair and Nobath of both the Anakim giants and the normal-sized Amorites. Joshua then
the tribe of Benjamin, to began to clear out northern Canaan, fighting another decisive battle at
Hazor before razing it, and then clearing out the remainder of the
destroy him. The two armies Rephaim in the north and their allies. The remainder of the cleanup
met at Edrei, the second was left to the 12 tribes after the death of Joshua.
largest city in Sihon's Click here to view a larger image.
kingdom:48 "And they turned and went up by the way of Bashan: and Og the king of
Bashan went out against them, he, and all his people, to the battle at Edrei. And the
LORD said unto Moses, Fear him not: for I have delivered him into thy hand, and all
his people, and his land; and thou shalt do to him as thou didst unto Sihon king of the
Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon. So they smote him, and his sons, and all his people,
until there was none left him alive: and they possessed his land." (Num. 21:21-35)

Like Sihon, Og was swiftly done away with, his confused, demoralized armies no
match for the Spirit-filled holy warriors of YHWH. Ironically, Og, though generally
considered to have been less powerful than Sihon, took on a legendary, at times almost
comical character in the many Jewish legends that grew up around him. One story has
Og surviving the Flood by hanging on to the ark, swearing servitude to Noah in return
for food. The legends also place Og at many pivotal points in Israel's history, including
a celebration for Isaac, and Jacob's blessing of Pharaoh. During the battle of Edrei,
another legend tells, "Og sat on the city wall, his legs, which were eighteen ells (27
feet) long, reaching down to the ground."49 The picture that emerges of Og is not so
much that of a mindless savage, but that of a highly intelligent and sophisticated
individual who was possessed of a dark side. At times almost godlike in his speech and
manners, Og was simultaneously utterly ruthless in his ambition to conquer the world,
treating mankind as mere chattel to fill his torture chambers for his amusement, or to be
used as fuel for the furnaces of his war machine. Extreme schizophrenia, alternating
between glorious beauty and diabolical evil, appears to have been typical of giantkind.
DeLoach explains the quality of the man:

An exceptional giant, Og ruled a country with sixty strongly fortified cities.

His kingdom, extending from the Jabbok River to Mount Hermon, enjoyed a
good, year-round climate. Bashan was also blessed with an exceedingly rich
soil that yielded abundant crops, and its lush pasturelands produced many
choice cattle. Consequently, in ancient times it became a byword for
fruitfulness. The lord of this ideal land, according to Josephus, stretched to a
colossal height and possessed great strength. "Now Og had very few equals,
either in largeness of body or handsomeness of his appearance," he writes.
"He was also a man of great activity in the use of his hands, so that his actions
were not unequal to the vast largeness and handsome appearance of his
Besides the quality of the man, perhaps what elevated Og above his brother in
prominence was his legendary "iron bed" that was mentioned by Moses: "For only Og
king of Bashan remained of the remnant of giants; behold his bedstead was a bedstead
of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? nine cubits was the length
thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man."(Deut. 3:11) Og's
legendary "iron bed" was 13-1/2 feet long and 6 feet wide, making it likely that Og was
probably at least twelve feet tall — at least twice as tall (and wide) as the average man,
who would appear as a young child by comparison. Scholars have debated the subject
of what exactly this "bed" was, anything from a simple iron bed to a ceremonial couch
to one of the many dolmens in the area, many of which were used as markers for
important burial sites.51 Though the dolmen idea is a sound one, the Hebrew means,
literally, "iron couch". de Moor has also explored some interesting ideas about the
mysterious "iron bed" and its role in the story of Og.52
After the defeat of Sihon and Og, kings of the Amorites, Moses was "honorably
discharged", and relieved of duty, and his mantle of authority was transferred to Joshua.
After the Israelites had completed the conquest of the Amorites east of the Jordan, they
were know set to cross the Jordan into the Promised Land. Joshua, as chronicled in the
book of Joshua, then proceeded to annihilate the Anakim and their Canaanite allies
west of the Jordan. Joshua fought a war of extermination against the giants and their
corrupt Canaanite allies until old age overtook him, bringing Phase 4 of YHWH's war
against the giants to a close. Unfortunately, a remnant of giants remained in the old
Avvim area, around Gaza and Gath. These wicked sons of Belial were left over for
another generation of Israel to conquer.

Phase 5 of YHWH's war against the giants had

begun after Joshua, growing too old to continue
fighting, was allowed to retire and let the next
generation of Israelites finish the job. However, the

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

next generation began to fall away from YHWH, and

they did not completely finish off the giants. Instead,
the Israelites began to become corrupt and follow the
ways of the Amorites before them — lying, cheating,
stealing, and generally being immoral, unethical, and
just plain dishonest. Even the high priest Samuel's
sons became corrupt 1 Sam. 8:1-5 and, as a result,
after a series of "judges" ruled over Israel for a
period of time, kingship was instituted in order to maintain national standards of
weights and measures, as well as national identity. Most importantly, the king was
needed to help unite Israel against foreign enemies, as Israel had not followed the Law
closely (or, as was the case of the tribe of Dan, not at all, but more on that later). As a
result, Michael and the angels, who required strict obedience to the Mosaic law in order
to be able to act on behalf of Israel, were no longer able to protect them from their
enemies as they had done during the conquest of Canaan. In short, the more they
sinned and took on the pagan ways of the remnant of the Canaanites and the
surrounding peoples, the more vulnerable they became to being subverted and
destroyed by the remnant of the Canaanites whom they had failed to drive out.

Among the remnant of the Canaanites was a remnant

of the Rephaim giants, including possibly some
Anakim and some Avvim. A remnant of these giants
fled from the Israelite onslaught, some of whom
sought refuge with the Philistines. The Philistines
were a seafaring people who had migrated from the
Mediterranean and settled on the southeast coast of
the Mediterranean, stretching from southwest
Palestine around the area of Gaza all the way to
northeastern Egypt. During the time of David, ca.
1000 b.c., one Goliath of Gath, a giant, came against
Israel at the head of an army of Philistines:
And there went out a champion out of the camp
of the Philistines, named Goliath, of Gath,
whose height was six cubits and a span. 5And he
had an helmet of brass upon his head, and he
was armed with a coat of mail; and the weight of
Boastful Goliath about to be slain by the coat was five thousand shekels of brass.
YHWH's servant, David.
And he had greaves of brass upon his legs, and
a target of brass between his shoulders. 7And the staff of his spear was like a
weaver's beam; and his spear's head weighed six hundred shekels of iron: and
one bearing a shield went before him. 8And he stood and cried unto the armies
of Israel, and said unto them, Why are ye come out to set your battle in array?
am not I a Philistine, and ye servants to Saul? choose you a man for you, and
let him come down to me. 9If he be able to fight with me, and to kill me, then
will we be your servants: but if I prevail against him, and kill him, then shall
ye be our servants, and serve us. 10And the Philistine said, I defy the armies of
Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together. (1 Sam. 17:1-11)

None of the Israelites had the courage to face Goliath, except one David, son of Jesse
— a mere boy. Already had the Israelites forgotten to rely on YHWH's angels to fight
for them, instead relying on sword and shield — the gifts of Azazel, the fallen angel —
to help them fight their pointless wars for power and glory. Armed only with light
weapons and faith in YHWH, the Israelites of Joshua's day had conquered not by
might, nor by power, but by the Spirit, letting go and letting God. But by the time of
David, that apparently had been forgotten, and the Israelites had taken on the ways of
the Canaanites. David, however, understood the way YHWH worked and, spurning
sword and shield, took his simple goat hair sling, and slew empty Goliath, whom
neither sword nor shield could protect from Michael's hand:
And Saul armed David with his armour, and
he put an helmet of brass upon his head; also he
armed him with a coat of mail. 39And David
girded his sword upon his armour, and he
assayed to go; for he had not proved it. And
David said unto Saul, I cannot go with these; for
I have not proved them. And David put them off
him. 40And he took his staff in his hand, and
chose him five smooth stones out of the brook,
and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had,

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even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand:

and he drew near to the Philistine. 41And the
Philistine came on and drew near unto David;
and the man that bare the shield went before
him. 42And when the Philistine looked about,
and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but
a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance. David slaying Goliath with a sling stone.
43 Despite its relative simplicity, the sling
And the Philistine said unto David, Am I a was a deadly weapon, capable of sending
dog, that thou comest to me with staves? And stones hundreds of yards, and would have
the Philistine cursed David by his gods. 44And been particularly devastating at close
the Philistine said to David, Come to me, and I
will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field.
Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with
a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of
hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. 46This day will
the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine
head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this
day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the
earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47And all this assembly shall
know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the
LORD's, and he will give you into our hands. 48And it came to pass, when the
Philistine arose, and came, and drew nigh to meet David, that David hastened,
and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. 49And David put his hand in
his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in his
forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead; and he fell upon his face to the
earth. 50So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone,
and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of
David. 51Therefore David ran, and stood upon the Philistine, and took his
sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof, and slew him, and cut off his
head therewith. And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they
fled. 1 Sam. 17:38-52
David had slain Goliath with the power of YHWH,
who had guided the slingstone to its target with
flawless precision. This unarmored, unskilled,
4-foot-tall boy of the Israelites had easily killed a
ten-foot-tall giant master of the art of war, who had
been outfitted with top-of-the-line weapons and
armor. Moreover, in the eyes of the Philistines, the
defeat of their champion by an Israelite meant that
the God of Israel had defeated Ba'al, the god of the
Philistines that day. Seeing this event as a clear sign
from heaven that they too were meant to lose, they
fled in terror, and were cut down by the Israelite
armies all the way to Ekron. Thus the land had peace
for many a year — but the giants were not gone yet.

Despite the power of the sling at close But neither Israel nor David had seen the last of
range, David wisely decided to behead the giants. In Goliath's hometown of Gath there
Goliath with his own sword to make sure, lived others, at least four of whom were also
and to clearly prove to the Philistines that warriors. They were the sons of Rapha [i.e.,
their arrogant champion was indeed dead.
remnants of the Rephaim]. The scriptures
identify one of these as Goliath's brother, and
some scholars think all were his brothers. Their names, as we have them, were
Lahmi, his brother, who was equally huge and bore a spear just as massive;
Ishbi-benob, whose armor vied in weight with Goliath's; Sippai, whose
enormous height and size were the wonder of all; and besides these, one,
unnamed, who had six fingers and six toes on each hand and foot. These
giants probably descended from either the Anakim or Rephaim who fled to the
five Philistine cities in Joshua's day.53

Though Goliath had several brothers, these too were dispatched by David's own
"Gibborim", his "mighty men" whom he named after the giants whom they slew out the
land — much in the way today's sports teams name themselves after historical and
mythical characters. As DeLoach explains,

After David was anointed king, he reigned the next seven years at Hebron. It
was probably during these years, or soon after he transferred his capitol to
Jerusalem, that Benaiah, one of his thirty mighty men, did the exploits that
won him renown. These included Benaiah's killing of two mighty Ariels, or,
as the King James Version describes them, "two lion-like men" from Moab;

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his going down into a pit on a snowy day to fight a lion; and his delivering the
deathblow to an Egyptian giant. The big Egyptian that Benaiah fought wielded
a spear as large as a weaver's beam, while Benaiah was armed only with a
club. But, in the sparring, Benaiah snatched from this giant his own spear and
dispatched him with it.54

Later in his life, David, ironically, nearly met his fate at the hands of another giant,
Ishbi-benob, who came upon David who was tired from battle. As a result, David's men
made him swear that he would never go out to battle again, lest he quench the light of
Israel. (2 Sam. 21:17) After that nearly fatal encounter, David left the rest of the giant
fighting to his mighty men:

Later on, having heard the Philistines had gathered around the city of Gob,
near Gezer, David sent an army against them. In the ensuing battle, Sibbecai
the Hushathite slew the giant Sippai. According to Josephus, Sibbecai that day
slew several others who "bragged they were the posterity of the giants, and
vaunted themselves highly on that account." In another skirmish with these
people at Gob, Elhanan felled Lahmi in single combat and put the rest to
flight. Lastly, in an Israelite attack on Gath, the boastful giant with six fingers
on each hand and six toes on each foot came out and taunted Israel. Jonathan,
son of Shimeah, David's nephew, accepted his challenge to single combat and
killed him. After this, the Philistines no more made war against Israel.55

Having finally wiped out the remnant of the giants, the land was at rest for many
decades of the reigns of David and his son, Solomon. This was the end of Phase 5 of
YHWH's war against the giants. Solomon, literally, "peace", is the same word as the
Hebrew shalom, the same shalom of the garden of Eden that YHWH had intended to
use Israel to restore in the land of Canaan. This shalom was now restored, in part,
under the reign of Solomon — literally, shelomo, "man of peace". However, as did
Adam in the garden, Solomon too fell into idolatry, and began to worship the gods of
the nations and practice their sinful ways, leading the entire nation into sin. As a result,
the shalom was lost, and Israel was first divided by civil war, and then destroyed
altogether in invasions very similar to those that Chedorlaomer had visited upon the
Rephaim during Abraham's time. Just as Moses had predicted, the land vomited them
out, just as it had vomited out the giants, and a fierce people from the north came and
took them into captivity.

Phase 6 of YHWH's war against the giants did not begin for nearly 1,000 years, when
Christ was born. The fulfillment of many thousands of years of genetic warfare, Jesus
was born a pure descendant of Adam, untainted through countless generations, through
Noah, Abraham, Israel, Judah, David and, finally, Mary. However, though Jesus has
since ascended, Phase 6 of YHWH's war against the giants is still unfinished. Who
knows if somewhere, in secret, another "master race" of giants is being bred for world
conquest? Rumours of encounters with "aliens" who come down from heaven, and vast
breeding farms of hybrid "super soldiers" has set talk radio, the Internet, and related
media abuzz for years. Who knows? Perhaps the consummation of Phase 6 of YHWH's
genetic war against the giants is at hand, when once again Michael and the heavenly
host will do battle with the giants in the Earth.
There were giants in the Earth in those days ... and also afterwards.

Though the giants of old have long since passed,

remnants of their passing can still be found scattered
around Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, and Syria/Lebanon.
Dolmens, stone circles, perhaps ancient giant
skeletons, weapons, armor, and even forbidden
technologies may await discovery throughout the
region, for those who are daring enough to brave
potential terror threats — or risk disturbing
long-buried spirits that are best forgotten. The most
Rujm Hiri, a major megalithic stone circe famous artifacts of the Rephaim are the Rujm Hiri
in Bashan, the old kingdom of Og. Rujm stone circle, the Gilgal Rephaim stone circle, and
Hiri may predate Stonehenge, and may the various dolmens scattered throughout ancient
have been built by the same people.
Palestine and Jordan that mark ancient, buried
secrets. Though access to many of these regions are restricted, dangerous, and even
forbidden, such as the disputed Golan Heights region, where Rujm Hiri and Gilgal
Rephaim lie, access may be available to the persistent. Perhaps a young lion will decide
the issue?

Here are some links to help you get you started on your journey. Proceed with caution:

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

CIA World Factbook: Israel

U.S. State Dept. Travel Advisories: Israel
Israel Ministry of Tourism
Lonely Planet: Israel
Travelmania: Israel's Travel Reservation Center
Jerusalem Post: Travel Israel Museums Guide
Jewish Virtual Library: Israel/Jewish Travel

CIA World Factbook: Jordan

U.S. State Dept. Travel Advisories: Jordan Jordan
Lonely Planet: Jordan
Jordan Travel Exchange
iExplore: Jordan Travel and Trips
Discovery Travel Eco-Tourism: Jordan
Walla Walla College: Updates from Jordan
Franciscan Archaeological Institute: Proposal for the Zoning of the Mount Nebo
Archaeological Park

CIA World Factbook: Egypt

U.S. State Dept. Travel Advisories: Egypt
Lonely Planet: Egypt
iExplore: Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
Egypt TourismNet
Egypt Tours & Travel
Egypt Tours and Travel Services
Red Sea Guide: Egypt

CIA World Factbook: Syria

U.S. State Dept. Travel Advisories: Syria
Lonely Planet: Syria Syria
Map Town: Syria Maps and Travel Guides
Arabic German Consulting: Syria Travel Info

Part II: Giants of the Americas | Part III: Giants of Asia | Part IV: Giants of
Giants in Myth and History | Giants of the Ancient Near East
Giants in the Time of Adam | Noah | Abraham | Moses | David | Hunting for
Giant Links | Giant Books | Giant Audio | Giant Video | Giant Posters

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

David Larkin and Sarah Teale, Giants (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1979), 16.

Cf. Leviticus 19:19: "Keep my decrees. Do not mate different kinds of animals. Do
not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds
of material." This legislation appears to specifically forbid the kind of meddling with
God's Creation that the fallen angels were famous for.

Ronald S. Hendel, "When the Sons of God Cavorted with the Daughters of Men",
Bible Review Summer 1987, 9-10. Cf. also our discussion on the fallen angels in Part
II of our series on legendary Atlantis.

Ronald K. Brown, editor, The Book of Enoch (San Antonio, TX: The Guadalupe
Baptist Theological Seminary Press, 2000), 6.

David L. Petersen, "Genesis 6:1-4, Yahweh and the Organization of the Cosmos"
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 13 (1979), 47.

Gerald Cooke, "The Son(s) of (the) God(s)" Zeitschrift fur die Altestamentliche
Wissenschaft 76 (1964), 22.

David J.A. Clines, "The Significance of the 'Sons of God' Episode (Genesis 6:1-4) in
the Context of the 'Primeval History' (Genesis 1-11)" Journal for the Study of the Old
Testament 13 (1979), 33-34.

Brown, The Book of Enoch, 6-7.

William A. van Gemeren, "The Sons of God in Genesis 6:1-4 (An Example of
Evangelical Demythologization?" Westminster Theological Journal 43 (1987), 347.

Leroy Birney, "An Exegetical Study of Genesis 6:1-4" Journal of the Evangelical
Theological Society (Winter 1970), 51.

Stephen Quayle, Genesis 6 Giants (Bozeman, MT: End Time Thunder Publishers,
2002), 128.

Quayle, Genesis 6 Giants, 129.

Robert C. Newman, "The Ancient Exegesis of Genesis 6:2, 4" Grace Theological
Journal 5.1 (1984), 26-27.

Newman, "The Ancient Exegesis of Genesis 6:2, 4", 16.

Charles DeLoach, "Giants and the Flood", in Giants: A Reference Guide from
History, the Bible, and Recorded Legend (Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.,
1995), 105-106.

Marc Daniels, "Space Seed", Star Trek Episode #24 (1966).

DeLoach, "Giants and the Flood", 106.

Meredith G. Kline, "Divine Kingship and Genesis 6:1-4" Westminster Theological
Journal 24 (1962), 200.

Clines, "The Significance of the sons of God Episode", 37.

Ronald S. Hendel, "Of Demigods and the Deluge: Toward an Interpretation of
Genesis 6:1-4" Journal of Biblical Literature 106/1 (1987), 23.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

Douglas A. Elwell, YHWH against the Ba'als of Canaan: Contextualing the Old
Testament (Wheaton College: Wheaton College Graduate School, 1993), 3-4.

Victor P. Hamilton, The New International Commentary on the New Testament: The
Book of Genesis: Chapters 1-17 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990), 402.

DeLoach, "Abraham and the Giants", 6.

DeLoach, "Abraham and the Giants", 7-8.

Conrad E. L'Heureux, Rank among the Canaanite Gods: El, Ba'al and the
Rephaim (Harvard Semitic Monographs 21) (Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1979),

Johannes C. de Moor, "Rapiuma — Rephaim" Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche
Wissenschaft 88 (1976), 330.

Conrad L'Heureux, "The Ugaritic and Biblical Rephaim" Harvard Theological
Review 67 (1974), 265.

L'Heureux, "The Ugaritic and Biblical Rephaim", 268-269.

Marvin H. Pope, "The Cult of the Dead at Ugarit", in Ugarit in Retrospect (Winona
Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1981), 159-179.

de Moor, "Rapiuma — Rephaim", 333.

John Gray, "The Rephaim" Palestine Exploration Quarterly 84 (1949), 134.

L'Heureux, "The Ugaritic and Biblical Rephaim", 270-271.

L'Heureux, "The Ugaritic and Biblical Rephaim", 271-272.

Pope, "The Cult of the Dead at Ugarit", 170.

L'Heureux, Rank among the Canaanite Gods, 115.

Robert Graves and Raphael Patai, Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis (New York:
Doubleday, 1964), 106.

DeLoach, "Abraham and the Giants", 6.

Pope, "The Cult of the Dead at Ugarit", 159.

"zamzummims", in The Beet Foundation.

Gordon J. Wenham, Word Biblical Commentary: Genesis 1-15 (Waco, TX: Word
Books, 1987), 311.

"Horim", in Smith's Bible Dictionary (

"Avvim; Avites", in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

DeLoach, "Canaan's Anakim", 45-46.

"Anakim", in Easton's Bible Dictionary (

"Anakim", in The Jewish Encyclopedia (

DeLoach, "Canaan's Anakim", 45-47.

"Sihon", in The Jewish Encyclopedia (

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

DeLoach, "Sihon's and Og's Overthrow", 262.

DeLoach, "Sihon's and Og's Overthrow", 263.

For more on the territories of Sihon and Og and the traditions behind them, see J.R.
Bartlett, "Sihon and Og, Kings of the Amorites" Vetus Testamentum 20 (1970),

"Og", in The Jewish Encyclopedia (

DeLoach, "Sihon's and Og's Overthrow", 266-267.

L'Heureux, Rank among the Canaanite Gods, 115.

de Moor, "Rapiuma — Rephaim", 323-345.

DeLoach, "David vs Goliath", 77.

DeLoach, "David vs Goliath", 77-78.

DeLoach, "David vs Goliath", 78.

The Completion of the Mapping of the Human Genome: Monday, February 12,
U.S. and Britain to Make Human Genome Project Results Public Unraveling the DNA Myth
Giants, the Bible and my Big Uncle ED!

Steve Quayle: Giants from Times Past (Images)

Steve Quayle: Giants Skulls (Images)
The Bible UFO Connection: "Giants Were among Us"
The Bible UFO Connection: "Giants in History, Myth, and Legend"
Strange Relics from the Depths of the Earth (PDF)
Alton Museum of History and Art: Robert Pershing Wadlow
Roadside America: Robert Wadlow: World's Biggest Man

BibleProbe: "Were the Nephilim Sons of God?"

Return of the Nephilim: "Giants in History" "The Watchers"
Bereshith: "The Purpose of Satan in Producing Giants" (Dake)
Bereshith: "The Days of Noah" "The Book of Giants"
Easton's Bible Dictionary ( Giants
Easton's Bible Dictionary (HTML Bible): Giants
Smith's Bible Dictionary (Search God's Word): Giants
MetaReligion: The Book of Giants
Marquette University: "Overshadowed by Enoch’s Greatness"
Giants in the Bible
The Giants and the Sons of God
Watcher Website: "Strange UFO Sightings in Israel"
Church & Israel Forum: "Giants in the Land"
Wise Observatory: "Astronomy in Israel: From Og's Circle to the Wise
The Christian Resource Institute: "Sons of God and Giants"
Brush up Your Bible: "There Were Giants in the Earth in Those Days"
Nuggets from the Bible: "Giants in the Bible?"
Daily Bible Study: "Giants"
Branch Christian Ministries: "Giants of the Bible"

29 of 34 11/10/10 1:08 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

Biblical Artifacts and Studies: "Giants and the Bible" "Fall of Angels" "Giants" "Amorites" "Zuzim" "Emim" "Horim" "Avvim" "Anakim" "Sihon" "Og" "Goliath" Valley of the Rephaim Races of the Old Testament The Seventy Nations and Languages Stone and Stone Worship
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ( "Anakim"
Easton's Bible Dictionary ( "Anakim"
Eastons Bible Dictionary (HTML Bible): "Anakim"
Smith's Bible Dictionary (SearchWorks): "Anakim"
Wikipedia: "Anakim"
hyperdictionary: "Anakim"
David Icke: Annunaki Compared to the Anakim
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: "AMMON; AMMONITES"
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: "MOAB; MOABITES"
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: "SEIR" Dolmen
Holy Land Photos: Golan/Bashan Views: Dolmen
Mandala Symbolism from Natural Vistas in Israel: Rujim Hiri
Dolmen near Gamla, Golan Heights, Israel
Christian Churches of God: Gilgal Rephaim (or Circle of the Refaim)
Philologos: Hamon-gog
Megaliths and the Bible (German)

Serpent Mound Mysteries: "A Tradition of Giants"

NI.BI.RU: "Ancient Giants of the Americas"
Xpeditions Magazine: "When the Giants Roamed the Americas"
The Bible UFO Connection: "History of North American Giants Part 1"
The Spalding Research Project: "The GIANTS of Conneaut"
The Spalding Research Project: "History of Ashtabula County"
Ancient American: "Incan Giants"
Ancient Giant Skulls of Rulers
Steve Quayle: "Giants and Ancient North American Warfare"
Steve Quayle: "Giants and Ancient North American Warfare"
Ancient American: "Ancestors of Our First Americans" (PDF)
Ancient American: "'Gigantic' Newcomers to the Prehistoric St. Lawrence
River Valley" (PDF)
Ancient American: "Historical Collections of Ohio, 1852" (PDF)
BUFO Paranormal: "Giants of North America, Giants of New York"

Mysterious Australia: "And There Were Giants"

University of St. Andrews: "The Book of Giants"
University of St. Andrews: "The Book of Giants"
The Hall of the Giants
The Megalithic Portal: Giant's Grave

The Bible UFO Connection: "Giants in English History"

Above Top Secret Forum: Giants
Far Shores: "Archaeologist Demands Respect for Giants' Bones"
Introduction to Cornish Giant Folk Stories
InterRed Demo: "Gigantomachie: The Fight of the Giants"
Orkneyjar: "Orkney's Giant Folklore "
The Daily Grail: "There were GIANTS"
Giants: Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
BUFO Paranormal: "Giants"
Theoi Project: "The Gigantes"
Theoi Project: "The Heka-Gigantes"

30 of 34 11/10/10 1:08 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

The Sheffield City Giants

Halifax Traditions Festival: The Sheffield Giants
Mysterious Britain: The Aldworth Giants "Giants"
Opera Online: "Fasolt & Fafner"
MythMan: Gigantes

David Larkin, Julek Heller (Illustrator)
Giants is a classic popular reference work on the subject of giants in
myth and history, and is also an enjoyable read on its own. Filled
with lavish, cleverly rendered illustrations, it makes an excellent
general reference book and even a good coffee table book. (Review
by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Genesis 6 Giants
Stephen Quayle
Genesis 6 Giants provides a good, solid overview of giants in
religion, myth and history, and also serves as a good reference for
other sources on giants. Quayle also adds his own insights into the
mix, providing some interesting and thought-provoking reading. He
also offers several other books on related topics on his website, (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Giants: A Reference Guide from History, the Bible, and Recorded

Charles DeLoach
A standard reference book for giants throughout history, DeLoach's
classic work is the result of years of painstaking research. Books of this
type are becoming increasingly rare, but fortunately, DeLoach's Giants is
still in print, or else much important information on this subject would be lost, or very
difficult to find. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

The Book of Enoch

Ronald K. Brown (Editor)
This book is a carefully cross referenced exegetical presentation of the
writings of the prophet Enoch with other books of the Holy Bible. The
book coorborates the with the writers of Holy scriptures and
revolutionizes many theological axioms on the Trinity, angels, demons,
final judgment, creation, etc. The Book of Enoch gives illumination to the origin of
many statements made by Old Testament prophets as well as New Testament writers
and prophets. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Rank among the Canaanite Gods: El, Ba'al and the Rephaim
(Harvard Semitic Monographs 21)
Conrad E. L'Heureux
The excellent monograph by a leader in the field of Levantine studies
provides scholars with an excellent resource for understanding the
intricacies of Canaanite religion, specifically that of the city-state of
Ugarit. L'Heureux provides us with a comprehensive review and analysis of all of the
scholarship to that date (1974) on the Canaanite gods and the mysterious rephaim. The
quantity and quality of the analysis provided in this monograph makes it a must-have
for any serious researcher into Levantine studies. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

31 of 34 11/10/10 1:08 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

Conan The Barbarian: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Basil Poledouris
From the time between when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the
sons of Aryas, came a soundtrack undreamt of. This Varese Sarebande
version of the CD differs from the import in that it contains several more songs — well
worth the price if you are as much a fan of Conan as are we. What is best in life?
Listening to this CD while weaving tales of gods, warriors, witches ... and giants!
(Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this CD.

Long Walk Home: Music from the Rabbit-Proof Fence

Peter Gabriel
Though originally written for the film "Rabbit-Proof Fence", set in
aboriginal Australia, the primeval and mysterious passions of this aborigine-inspired
music brings to mind the idea of a ancient race whose time has passed. While the
booming electro-tribal rhythms of previous Gabriel work come instantly into play,
there's a sense of spacious mystery that's perfectly emblematic of the story's Australian
outback setting. Gabriel's penchant for dense aural construction gives way to an
ambient soundscape punctuated by Aboriginal percussion, didgeridoo, and bird song,
and occasionally washed over by lolling tides of synth and samples. It's an atmosphere
that, like the Aboriginal world it evokes, is nearly devoid of traditional melody, but one
infused with a gripping, almost subliminal power. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this CD.

Isle of Avalon: A Pilgrim's Memoir

Rusty Crutcher
Part of Rusty Crutcher's beautiful "Sacred Sites" series, Isle of Avalon is a
gorgeous rendering of the idyllic days of Camelot. Alternately innocent
and dirgelike, upbeat and sonorous, Isle of Avalon at times sounds like the soundtrack
to the Garden of Paradise, rather than just simply Avalon. Eerie, incandescent, pure,
this CD is very pleasing to the aural palate, and a helpful inspiration for writing as well.
(Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this CD.

Conan the Barbarian - Collector's Edition

Conan the Barbarian, the movie that turned Arnold Schwarzenegger into
a global superstar, is a prime example of a match made in heaven. It's the
movie that macho maverick writer-director John Milius was born to
make, and Arnold was genetically engineered for his role as the muscle-bound, angst-
ridden hero created in Robert E. Howard's pulp novels. Oliver Stone contributed to
Milius's screenplay, and the production design by comic artist Ron Cobb represents a
perfect cinematic realization of Howard's fantasy world. To avenge the murder of his
parents, Conan tracks down the evil Thulsa Doom (James Earl Jones) with the help of
Queen Valeria (played by buff B-movie vixen Sandahl Bergman) and Subotai the
Mongol (Gerry Lopez). Aptly described by critic Roger Ebert as "the perfect fantasy
for the alienated pre-adolescent," this blockbuster is just as enjoyable for adults who
haven't lost their youthful imagination. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

The Whole Wide World

Director Dan Ireland shows a talent for authenticity with this
heartbreaking love story based on Novalyne Price's 1988 account of her
prickly romance with 1930s pulp-fiction writer Robert E. Howard, the
creator of Conan the Barbarian. She was a schoolteacher in a small Texas town; he

32 of 34 11/10/10 1:08 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

was the odd-ball writer who lived at home and created comic-book characters that were
sexier and more violent than was considered decent by the locals. Renée Zellweger's
performance is a gem of sweet unconventionality matched by Vincent D'Onofrio's
powerful show of eccentricity and increasing mental illness. Though smart and feisty,
this leaves us wishing the filmmakers had dug deeper into Howard's unusual
relationship with his manipulative mother. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

Koyaanisqatsi - Life Out of Balance

First-time filmmaker Godfrey Reggio's experimental documentary from
1983 — shot mostly in the desert Southwest and New York City on a tiny
budget with no script, then attracting the support of Francis Ford Coppola
and George Lucas and enlisting the indispensable musical contribution of Philip Glass
— delighted college students on the midnight circuit and fans of minimalism for many
years. Meanwhile, its techniques, merging cinematographer Ron Fricke's time-lapse
shots (alternately peripatetic and hyperspeed) with Glass's reiterative music (from the
meditative to the orgiastic) — as well as its ecology-minded imagery — crept into the
consciousness of popular culture. The influence of Koyaanisqatsi, or "life out of
balance," has by now become unmistakable in television advertisements, music videos,
and, of course, in similar movies such as Fricke's own Chronos and Craig McCourry's
Apogee. Reggio shot a sequel, Powaqqatsi (1988), and is planning to complete the
trilogy with Naqoyqatsi. Koyaanisqatsi provides the uninitiated the chance to see where
it all started — along with an intense audiovisual rush. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

Powaqqatsi - Life in Transformation

Powaqqatsi, or "life in transformation," is the second part of a projected
trilogy of experimental documentaries whose titles derive from Hopi
compound nouns. Reggio reuses techniques familiar from the previous
film (slow motion, time-lapse, superposition) to dramatize the effects of
the so-called First World on the Third: displacement, pollution, alienation. But he
spends as much time beautifully depicting what various cultures have lost--cooperative
living, a sense of joy in labor, and religious values--as he does confronting viewers
with trains, airliners, coal cars, and loneliness. What had been a more or less peaceful,
slow-moving, spiritually fulfilling rural existence for these "silent" people (all we hear
is music and sound effects) becomes a crowded, suffocating, accelerating industrial
urban hell, from Peru to Pakistan. Reggio frames Powaqqatsi with a telling image: the
Serra Pelada gold mines, where thousands of men, their clothes and skin imbued with
the earth they're moving, carry wet bags up steep slopes in a Sisyphean effort to
provide wealth for their employers. While Glass juxtaposes his strangely joyful music,
which includes the voices of South American children, a number of these men carry
one of their exhausted comrades out of the pit, his head back and arms
outstretched--one more sacrifice to Caesar. Nevertheless, Reggio, a former member of
the Christian Brothers, seems to maintain hope for renewal. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

Ireland -
The Giant's
Size: 13 in x
38 in
The world-
Causeway, located on the northern coast of Ireland. The causeway, a mass of hexagonal
columns created by rapidly cooling volcanic basalt, the causeway has been a prominent
part of Irish myth and legend for thousands of years. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this poster.

33 of 34 11/10/10 1:08 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Spring 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

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Part I: Giants of the ANE | Part III: Giants of Asia | Part IV: Giants of Europe
Applause NEW! Giants of the Americas Discussion Board Dancing
(Requires Registration)
The Holocaust of Giants | Giant Characteristics | Giants of North America
Giants of Central & South America | Conclusions | Hunting for Giants
Giant Links | Giant Books | Audio | Video | Posters
hough the ancient Near East is the place
where most believe the giants of old
originated, the Americas — particularly
North America — also have a history rich
with myths and legends of ancient giant
inhabitants that had once dominated the
fruited plain. Moreover, the Native American

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

storytellers who tell tale of the exploits of these

ancient men of renown believe that these gigantic,
semi-divine beings were the original inhabitants of
the Americas, having preceded modern Native
Americans by many thousands of years.
Modern Native Americans are, for the most part,
genetically Asiatic in ancestry, and are believed by
most mainstream scientists to have first appeared in
the Americas around 9500 b.c. They had come to
America, according to this theory, by migrating
across the Bering Strait, and from there had
proceeded to populate both American continents at a
The face of a Hopewell Indian? This relatively rapid pace. In the process, they hunted
graven image is made of pure copper, and down and destroyed the last of the gigantic
likely portrays a god or demigod of the
mammals of the Pleistocene epoch, such as the
Hopewell religion — or perhaps a giant.
Image from Ohio History Central. woolly mammoth and the sabretooth tiger, and then
proceeded to develop along typical uniformitarian
lines. This is the theory that has been propounded by mainstream science and, until
recently, it had proved to be generally sound.

However, more recent discoveries have forced more Dances

open-minded academics to reevaluate whether or not the With
Asiatic invaders had met and eliminated only gigantic Wolves
mammals. Increasing evidence suggests that these "Paleo- John Barry
Indians" also fought and defeated gigantic humans as well. Western-style music
New archaeological discoveries have forced academics to from the film
push their dates for human inhabitation of the Americas back (Courtesy
literally tens of thousands of years. However, though these
discoveries of common potsherds, clothing, and similar Main Title
artifacts have been accepted into mainstream science, other The John Dunbar
discoveries, such as the discovery of numerous ancient giant Theme
skeletons — and even giant mummies — throughout the Journey To Fort
Americas, have been hushed up and quietly reburied, or Sedgewick
relegated to the vaults of the Smithsonian à la Indiana Ride To Fort Hays
Jones®. All evidence of these ancient giants of the Americas The Death Of
has been systematically hidden away from public view, and Timmons
all those who attempt to tell about the true history of ancient
America have been systematically attacked as frauds and
charlatans. Yet, as we will see, much evidence of the ancient giants of the Americas
still exists. It is now time for this "holocaust of giants" to be revealed.

As English, German, Dutch, Norwegian

and other European settlers moved west
to settle the fruited plain, they came
across countless mound structures that
literally dotted the landscape. As they
cleared the land for settlement and
agriculture, they dug deep into these
mysterious mounds and, more often than
not, found that they were burial mounds
Possible giant skeleton found in the southeast. This for the ancient cultures that preceded
particular skeleton was measured and found to be over them. Asking the remnant of the once
8-1/2 feet tall, though this fact has not been verified as numerous aboriginal inhabitants of the
the location of this skeleton has not been revealed.
Skeletons of this type have been reported all over the
land whether or not they created these
United States, particularly in the southeast. Image from mounds, they were told that that many of
Ancient American. them preceded the time of the "red man",
some by a very long time. And these
statements proved true as, though most mounds were indeed left behind by the
ancestors of the Native Americans who greeted the pioneers, some of the most ancient
contained the bones of a long extinct race of giants that the Native American remnant
still recalled in their tribal traditions. The pioneers, unencumbered by "scientific"
predispositions and hidden agendas, simply recorded the facts as they saw them — and
what they wrote down was astonishing. As Ross Hamilton explains in his seminal
article, "Holocaust of Giants",
The first hint we had about the possible existence of an actual race of tall,
strong, and intellectually sophisticated people, was in researching old
township and county records. Many of these were quoting from old diaries
and letters that were combined, for posterity, in the 1800s from diaries going

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

back to the 1700s. Says Vine in this understanding: "Some of these old county
and regional history books contain real gems because the people were not
subjected to a rigid indoctrination about evolution and were astonished about
what they found and honestly reported it." The title pages of the early county
and pioneer history books often included phrases like "CAREFULLY
archaeology came to subscribe the general public to its view of prehistory —
generations prior to Darwin's troublesome theory — the pioneers thought that
some of the earthworks were as ancient as could be concurrent with human
habitation in America. Some among the early settlers exercised their pens
assured that the earthworks were not built by the direct ancestry of the native
people living in the historical period, but rather were constructed in a more
remote era encompassing a different social order. They compared the "Mound
Builders," with the "Indians," clearly discerning the former as belonging to an
earlier time — possessing a different fate or destiny from the latter.1
These reports — which took place centuries before Darwinism and its baleful offspring
poisoned the well of true scientific inquiry into the true history of humanity — seem
unbelievable to readers today, "enlightened" as they are as to the party line view of
history. The truth about America's ancient history, however, is somewhat different than
the highly sanitized, politically correct view ladled out like so much gruel by
academics today, as is evidenced only by a mere handful of historical reports from one
area of the country alone — the Ohio Valley:
Evidence for the occupation of this region
before the appearance of the red man and the
white race is to be found in almost every part of
[Marion] county, as well as through the
northwest generally. In removing the gravel
bluffs, which are numerous and deep, for the
construction and repair of roads, and in
excavating cellars, hundreds of human
skeletons, some of them of giant form, have
been found. A citizen of Marion County
estimates that there were about as many human
skeletons in the knolls of Marion County as
there are white inhabitants at present!
— The History of Marion County, Ohio The title pages of the early county and
pioneer history books often included
Mastodonic remains are occasionally AND COMPILED" and "LEST WE
unearthed, and, from time to time, discoveries FORGET", partly because some of the
of the remains of Indian settlements are things written therein were so fantastic.
indicated by the appearance of gigantic Image and text adapted from Serpent
skeletons, with the high cheek bones, powerful Mound Mysteries.
jaws and massive frames peculiar of the red
man, who left these as the only record with which to form a clew to the
history of past ages.
— The History of Brown County, Ohio

Three skeletons were found at the mouth of the Paw Paw Creek many years
later, while Nim (Nimrod) Satterfield was justice of the peace. Jim Dean and
some men were digging for a bridge foundation and found these bones at the
lower end of the old buffalo wallow. She thought it was Dr. Kidwell, of
Fairmont, who examined them and said they were very old, perhaps thousands
of years old. She said that when the skeletons were exposed to the weather for
a few days, their bones turned black and began to crumble, that Squire
Satterfield had them buried in the Joliffe graveyard (Rivesville). All these
skeletons, she said, were measured, and found to be about eight feet long.
— Now and Long Ago: A History of the Marion County Area 2
Throughout the eighteenth, nineteenth, and even the twentieth century, amateur
excavators routinely found giant skeletons in mounds and caves from the upper
northeast to the southeast, the Midwest, and scattered throughout North America.
Discoveries of giant skeletons appear to have been concentrated around the Ohio
Valley, however, the area that is now known for its numerous mound structures. The
Ohio Valley, as we have seen, was the epicenter of Native American life for many
thousands of years during the Archaic and Woodland periods of ancient American
history. It was here, according to the original eyewitness accounts, that numerous giant
skeletons and countless irreplaceable artifacts were discovered by intrepid settlers
interested in discovering the true history of the New World. However, though many of
these giant skeletons simply mouldered away into the soil days or even hours after they
were exposed to the elements, many other giant skeletons, some with strands of blond
or red hair still clinging tenaciously to their skulls, were covered up, spirited away or
destroyed as part of an ongoing "holocaust" of America's true history.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

The Smithsonian was founded in 1836 by the

bequest of one James Smithson, a wealthy English
scientist who left a princely sum of $500,000 "to the
United States of America, to found at Washington,
under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an
establishment for the increase and diffusion of
knowledge among men."3 Though the institution
initially fulfilled Smithson's mandate, after a few
decades of growth and sound management, creeping
bureaucracy set in, and the museum's lofty goals
began to outstrip its ability to properly manage its
assets. Furthermore, the decision of one man,
Smithsonian executive John Wesley Powell, set in
motion a series of events that led to a historical and
archaeological disaster of a magnitude so great that
James Smithson, the man behind the it is difficult to fully comprehend.
institution. Image from The Smithsonian.
Powell had lived among the Native Americans, and
had become sensitive to their plight. As a result, when the time came for the museum to
organize its strategy for systematically analyzing and cataloging all of the information
that was to be found in the New World, the decision was made to take an isolationist
approach, rather than a cultural diffusionist approach. The isolationist approach posited
that the ethnically Asiatic Native Americans that met Columbus and the Pilgrims were
the same peoples who had populated the continent since the beginning of human
history, and that there had been no other contact between them and any other
non-Asiatic peoples whatsoever, period. However, though it appears that the Asiatics
had indeed dominated the Americas for thousands of years, new evidence, previously
suppressed, appears to show that there was indeed interaction with other cultures that
had immigrated to the New World in prehistoric times. This approach, the "cultural
diffusionist" approach, is the new paradigm in ancient historical studies, and helps
explains the existence of giant, blond and red-headed skeletons throughout the
As a result of Powell's decision to reject any and all evidence that might contradict his
prefabricated theory that early America had not been visited by any European, African,
Middle-Eastern, or any other non-Asiatic, non-Native peoples, voluminous amounts of
irreplaceable historical data were lost, miscategorized, or "misplaced". As Hamilton
explains, "Armed with a self-created doctrine powered by ample funding, and with a
little help later from the one-way door to the Smithsonian's inaccessible catacombs, the
years that followed saw Powell and his underling nearly succeed in the obliteration of
the last notions of the legendary, mysterious, and antique class of mound building
people, and for that matter, any people that didn't fit into the mold of his theory. Did
Powell intentionally overlook some of the archaeology so as to focus on his own
special agenda?"4
This poor decision then led to a wholesale plunder of mounds, caves, and anything else
Powell and his cronies could get their hands on. And in the process, anything that fit
into their narrow paradigm of American history was kept, while everything that did
not, met an ignominious end. So much devastation was wrought by this man's poor
decision and concomitant mismanagement, overloading Smithsonian storage with an
impossibly large amount of miscategorized artifacts, that even today the Smithsonian
has not fully cataloged everything. Worse, as a result of this decision, our
understanding of America's ancient history in general has been woefully inadequate at
best, and at worst, just plain wrong. Powell and Co. likely did not purposely destroy
data, though some of the precious evidence of America's gigantic past may have been
lost or destroyed in transit. The real problem lay in the fact that these countless crates
of precious truth are lost in the massive, almost legendary "Smithsonian Warehouse",
guarded by both security guards and security by obscurity. And as the multiplicity of
filing systems in use in the Smithsonian can best be described as byzantine, it is likely
that they will stay there for some time. As Cooke explains,
Rumored to be beneath the Vatican lie many levels of secret, impregnable
vaults that make up the legendary Vatican Archives. Supposedly containing
the plunder of millennia and the secrets of the ages, their contents have filled
the imaginations of countless generations. Perhaps not equal in quality, but
certainly rivaling in quantity, are the archives of the Smithsonian Institution.
And in those archives, open only to government officials, lie the bones of
many thousands of corpses dug up, described and stored without study, many
for over a century and a half. Scores, if not hundreds, of these skeletons are
considered giants and yet, they lie deteriorating, not finding the slightest
interest from anthropologists. Wanting no part in rocking the neatly defined,

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

religiously correct American prehistory model, the researchers ignore them

now and there is no sign this will ever change. Hidden in dark, inaccessible
storage is a sad example of scientific domination over social understanding
and cultural history. Not to be found in the history books, the science
references or the classroom is undeniable evidence that a race of giants had a
prominent presence on the North American continent. Also hidden from
public understanding is the fact that giants were among the native people who
fell before the colonial
eradication crusade. Only the
fortunate cultural conscience of
amateur historians, writing about
the prominent events of their
individual communities,
preserved easily accessible
evidence of giants in our North
American past. Though there is
much evidence in the written
record of the Smithsonian it is an
overwhelming and disorganized The fabled "Smithsonian Warehouse", depicted at the
system typical of a rapid and end of Raiders of the Lost Ark wherein the Ark of the
misguided mass internment Covenant was stored until "top men" could analyze it.
project.... All evidence, showing Though the actual location of the Lost Ark is most likely
in Axum, Ethiopia, rumor has it that the warehouse
anything not fitting a Stone Age does contain numerous giant skeletons and artifacts
culture better eliminated than from countless plundered mounds and burial caves from
trifled with or indicating all over the United States. Image from
anything that might warrant serious study, was quietly filed away and
warehoused in obscurity.5
Though most of the ancient tombs of the giants have been plundered and effectively
lost, much historical data still exists regarding the existence of giants, due to the
numerous written accounts left behind by our pioneer ancestors. These stories paint a
picture of ancient America that is very different than that told in the standard history
books. First, however, let us go over in detail the specific characteristics of the giants as
evidenced by the North American finds, combine them with parallel references to
giants of the ancient Near East and related regions, and then attempt to formulate a
theory as to how they came to the Americas.

Though we have some references to the

physical characteristics of giants of the
ancient Near East, such as their great
size, strength, fearlessness in battle and
usage of advanced weapons and armor,
there is substantially more detailed
evidence available regarding the physical
appearance of American giants. This is
due to the fact that, unlike the giants of
the ancient Near East, giant skulls, giant
skeletons, and even giant mummies
reportedly have been found throughout
the Americas, usually accompanied by a
This chart represents the comparative sizes of giants substantial amount of peculiar artifacts.
throughout history from all over the world. Sizes of
However, giants are more than just tall,
giants in various accounts range anywhere from 8-1/2 to
36 feet or more. Modern man is presented on the far left
powerful, beings. Their skeletal remains
for comparison. often show characteristics that are not
Image from Steve Quayle's The Q Files.
only unique to the regions in which they
lived, but also unique to their breed, unheard of in homo sapiens. More than just tall,
powerful, manlike creatures, giants also displayed characteristics that ranged from the
merely unusual to the truly bizarre.
GREAT SIZE: Giants of the Americas have ranged
in size from a more common 7-9 feet tall all the way
to massive tyrants standing as high as 12 feet tall or
taller. Today's "giants" such as former NBA star
Manute Bol are not the same as the giants of old,
however, which were proportionally broader and
heavier as well as taller.

GREAT STRENGTH: Giants were more than

proportionally strong. Though the average giant was
perhaps 50% taller (9 feet tall vs. 6 feet tall) and

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

probably at least 100% more massive (400 pounds vs.

200 pounds) than the typical homo sapiens, they were
able to lift and carry many times more weight than
normal men, perhaps 6 times as much (600%) or
more. Whether it was because of the mechanical
advantages they had due to their great size, or the fact
that they appear to have been genetically engineered
to be exceptionally strong, giants were exceptionally
well suited to the rigors of combat as well as lifting
heavy weights for building and other purposes. As
such, it may explain how some of the huge
megalithic structures around the world may have
been built, whose existence cannot otherwise be
explained. Modern "giant" Manute Bol
from Sudan is 7 feet, 7
inches tall and 240 pounds in
RED OR BLONDE HAIR: The early pioneers his stocking feet. Bol could
often took pride in the fact that the tall, powerful dunk the ball without
giants they were uncovering in the various mounds jumping, but he was also
that they were leveling for agricultural purposes physically strong and a good
actually had hair that was similar in color to their all-around athlete. However,
own: blonde, and occasionally red. These colors are at 240 pounds Bol is much
unique to Europeans so, by their very existence, these slimmer than the giants of
old, who were proportionally
blonde and red-headed mummies prove beyond a broader and heavier as well
shadow of a doubt the cultural diffusion theory of as taller, making Bol more
American history. Red-headed mummies were likely a tall man rather than a
purportedly also found in Mammoth Cave, but these true giant. Image from The
have apparently been reburied and hidden until Lair of Manute Bol.
further notice. Red haired mummies also reportedly have been found in
Lovelock Cave near Lovelock, Nevada though, of course, no images are
available as of yet. These and other discoveries no doubt highly motivated the
Smithsonian's hatchet men to redouble their efforts to hide or destroy the
evidence of America's true past.

FACIAL FEATURES: Just as the hair

color of the giants tends to be more
European in color, so too the facial
features of the giants tend to be European
as well. High foreheads, high cheekbones,
strong chins with prominent clefts, and
possibly even a prominent gap between
the two front teeth, facial features that all
indicate that they were at least partly
related to the Europeans. Most of the
"shorter" giants in the 7-9 foot range
tended to have more Native American
features, as they were apparently the
product of intermarriage between the
original "European" type giants and the
Seven-foot-two-inch, 350-pound actor Asiatic natives, but the taller ones —
Richard Kiel easily overpowering 007 as especially the mummies — tended towards
the assassin "Jaws" in The Spy Who a more European-type physiognomy.
Loved Me. Despite his great size and
strength, even Kiel would have been DOUBLE DENTITION: One of the
considered relatively small by comparison two features that truly set apart the giants
with most ancient American giants. Image
as a specific subspecies of humanity — as
from the Official Richard Kiel Fan Club
opposed to being a variation on homo
sapiens — are the frequent reports of
"double dentition", or two sets of teeth,
one behind the other. No one who has
researched the subject is aware of why
some tribes of giants had two sets of teeth.
Some have speculated that it is an "all the
better to eat you with" approach, where it
gave them a better grip on their food, but
no other land animals have this feature.
Sharks do have multiple layers of teeth
however, up to eight, but they are not
permanent, instead constantly rotating
forward to replace teeth that are frequently
lost.6 Thus, the reasons for the extra set of
teeth remain, to this point, unknown.

SIX DIGITS: Another attribute that is

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Richard Kiel as a 9-foot-tall "Kanamit" unique to the giants is the existence of an

alien from the Twilight Zone episode, "To extra finger on each hand, and an extra toe
Serve Man". Image from JC's Place. on each foot, for a total of 6 digits per
hand and foot, 24 in total. This has been
seen not only in some American giant
skeletons, but was also one of the traits
some of the giants described in the Bible
displayed. According to the Second Book
of Samuel, an unnamed giant, a Rephaim,
was described as having six fingers and six
toes: "In still another battle, which took
place at Gath, there was a huge man with
six fingers on each hand and six toes on
each foot-twenty-four in all. He also was
descended from Rapha." ( 2 Sam. 21:20)
Interestingly, even today some children are
Giant skull from Peru with a shape very born with an extra finger or toe, a
similar to that displayed by the Kanamit condition known as hexadactyly, lit., "six
alien. Perhaps this skull or one like it was fingers".
the inspiration for the costume designer?
Image from BUFO Radio.
rare specimens of
It is interesting to note that in The Spy
Who Loved Me, "Jaws" was a giantgiants are said to
have horns
assassin with steel teeth that he used to kill
protruding from
his victims. In "To Serve Man", the
Kanamit were a race of 9-foot-tall giant
their head like that
cannibals with domed, vaulted skulls.
of a goat or, more
Unusual height, strength, teeth, skull
specifically, a
shape, cannibalism, and technological
satyr. As
sophistication were all characteristics of Horned human skull on
the giants. More recently, they have also display in "French
been associated with the UFO explains, "Human Museum". Although
skulls with horns
phenomenon. Click here to see some unverified, the image is
video clips of Mr. Keil's great size and
were discovered in certainly compelling. Note
strength in action. a burial mound at the laurel leaves added to
Sayre, Bradford the display in order to give
it a sylvan, "puckish"
County, Pennsylvania, in the 1880's. Horny
satyrical appearance.
projections extended two inches above the eye-brows,
and the skeletons were seven feet tall, but other than
that were anatomically normal. It was estimated that
the bodies had been buried around A.D. 1200. The
find was made by a reputable group of antiquarians,
including the Pennsylvania state historian and
dignitary of the Presbyterian Church (Dr. G.P.
Donehoo) and two professors, A.B. Skinner, of the
American Investigating Museum, and W. K.
Morehead, of Phillips Academy, Andover,
Massachusetts. The bones were sent to the American
Investigating Museum in Philadelphia, where they
were later claimed to have been stolen and have never
been seen again."7
The greek demigod Pan.
"Horned" giants would indicate a genetic mixing Pan was a satyr, a horned
between man and animal, as had been intimated by composite being with the
Edgar Cayce and others. Cayce believed that man upper body of a man and
had been created by spiritual beings "projecting" the lower body of a goat,
themselves into physical matter, with results that were usually associated with the
night and the forest.
part human, part animal. Others further clarify that
these spiritual beings, also known as "fallen angels",
had disrupted the natural order by artificially mixing the genes of men and
animals in order to create breeds of mankind that had advantages over the
others, such as height, strength, intelligence, and so forth. In the process,
however, side effects occurred, such as, for example, horns. This may have
given rise to the story of satyrs and other animal-human hybrids often
mentioned in the myths and legends of peoples around the world, genetic
traits that occasionally manifest themselves in the blended human genome.


skeletons have been found with relatively
advanced weaponry of a type otherwise
unheard of in the Americas. Swords,
shields, armor, helmets, and related
weaponry more like European and ancient
Near Eastern armor types than anything
found in the Americas. As Quayle explains,

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"Nature, in its December 17, 1891, issue,

reported that at a depth of fourteen feet in a
large Ohio burial mound excavators found
the skeleton of a massive man in copper
armor. He wore a copper cap, while copper
moldings encased his jaws. Copper armor
also protected his arms, chest, and stomach.
A necklace made of bear's teeth and inlaid
with pearls decorated his neck. At his side
lay the skeleton of a woman, probably his
Goliath's kit included bronze weapons wife."8 Goliath and his kin were also said
and armor, bronze being copper alloyed
with tin, zinc and phosphorus. Goliath's to wear advanced armor and had swords
weapons and armor were likely more that were described as "new", which might
advanced than that of anyone else on the be better translated as "advanced", possibly
field. His relatives also apparently had meaning that they were made of bronze,
superior weapons as well, perhaps made
of iron or even steel. iron or even steel. Advanced weapons and
armor appear to be yet another trademark of
the giants.

CANNIBALISM: Native Americans legends usually described the giants

as having been cannibals, though there apparently were some "good" giants
that had given up eating human flesh. As Dieterle explains "Like other spirits,
the Man Eaters can be divided into two tribes: the Good Giants and the Bad
Giants. Most seem to have belonged to the tribe of Bad Giants who indulge
their appetite for human flesh, but the Good Giants have belied their name by
abandoning the practice of eating people."9 For the bad giants, however,
humans were their favorite food, and they would go out of their way to
acquire them. "Human beings were the favorite food of the Bad Giants who
would go to some lengths to get it. On occasions they massacred whole
villages in order to eat the inhabitants. Like other man eaters, such as the Bad
Thunderbirds10 they would let some people live just to fatten them up so that
they would be all the tastier later. Good, fat humans, apparently make
excellent soup as well. When the Giants wanted to "eat soup," as they put it,
one way to get it was to challenge the humans to games of chance.11 This
story is not unlike the Greek story of the Riddle of the Sphinx, wherein a
female sphinx would waylay travelers and, if they could not answer her riddle,
she would eat them. Similarly, if the giants won the game of chance, or
perhaps answered a riddle in a riddle game, they could eat the humans.
Cannibalism practiced by ancient Near Eastern giants was also implied when
the spies who were sent to spy out Canaan in preparation for the Conquest
came back with the warning that "The land we explored devours those living
in it." (Num. 13:32) Most commentators believe that this was a cryptic
reference to the cannibalism practiced by the giants. Interestingly, studies have
shown that giant cannibal fish often appear within fish populations when the
larger fish need to offset the advantage that smaller fish have over them in the
areas of foraging and efficient use of energy in order to survive. The larger
fish offset the superior capabilites of the smaller fish by eating them, thus
preserving themselves at the expense of effective, useful forms of life that fit
in well with their environment.12

DEAFENING ROAR: Steve Quayle has pointed out on an interview he

did on Coast to Coast A.M. that the giants tended to yell when they talked,
rather than speaking normally, as we understand it. When they were aroused,
they emitted a deafening roar which was terrifying to all who were not used to
it. Quayle believes this to be true based upon the structure of the nasal
passages on some of the giant skulls, as well as historical reports of their
terrifying cries.13

Many have speculated on why the giants

had such strange characteristics as six
fingers and double sets of teeth, though
no one as of yet has come up with a
satisfactory answer. However, the answer
may lie in the horrid genetic experiments
of the Third Reich, in which twins
figured prominently. Hitler was obsessed
with the eugenics idea (that had actually
originated in the United States around the
turn of the century), the goal of which

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was to eliminate everyone on Earth that

was not "Nordic", i.e., blond-haired, blue American eugenicist Dr. Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer
examines twins. His assistant, one Josef Mengele —
eyed, tall and intelligent — in other who would later become known as the infamous Nazi
words, like the giants. "The world "Angel of Death" — continued these experiments at
thought Hitler was mad and barely Auschwitz. The Nazi obsession with twins must have
understood his rationales. But the concept had some sort of very important meaning, judging from
the emphasis placed upon them. Image from JTA -
of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed Global News Service of the Jewish People.
master Nordic race was not Adolf
Hitler’s. The idea was created in the
United States at least two decades before Hitler came to power."14 Dr. Otmar Freiherr
von Verschuer was a pioneer in the American eugenics movement, and his prodigy, one
Joseph Mengele, carried on his horrid experiments at Auschwitz focusing, strangely
enough, on twins. Black explains,
At the time of Rockefeller’s endowment, Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, a
hero in American eugenics circles, functioned as a head of the Institute for
Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. Rockefeller funding of the
Institute for Anthropology continued directly and through other research
conduits during Verschuer’s early tenure. In 1935, Verschuer left the Institute
to form a rival eugenic facility in Frankfurt that was much heralded in the
American eugenic press. Research on twins in the Third Reich exploded,
backed up by government decrees mobilizing all twins. At about that time,
Verschuer wrote in Der Erbarzt, a eugenic doctors’ journal he edited, that
Germany’s war would yield a “total solution to the Jewish problem.”
Verschuer had a long-time assistant. His name was Josef Mengele. On May
30, 1943, Mengele arrived at Auschwitz. Verschuer notified the German
Research Society, “My assistant, Dr. Josef Mengele (M.D., Ph.D.) joined me
in this branch of research. He is presently employed as Hauptsturmfuhrer
[captain] and camp physician in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Anthropological testing of the most diverse racial groups in this concentration
camp is being carried out with permission of the SS Reichsfuhrer [Heinrich
Himmler].” Mengele began searching boxcars that arrived at the camp for
twins. When he found them, he performed beastly experiments, scrupulously
wrote up the reports and sent the paperwork back to Verschuer’s institute for

Mengele is one of the most infamous of all the Nazis, having earned the nickname
"The Angel of Death" at Auschwitz as he had been the selector who had decided who
lived and who died. Although he is now considered to be one of history's greatest
monsters, before his actions in the war he was considered to be an intelligent,
well-educated man from a well-to-do family, who studied physical anthropology and
genetics in college. He ended up working with von Verschuer at the Frankfurt
University Institute of Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene. His research focused on
the shape of the front of the jaw and how it varied amongst racial groups, and also cleft
palates, a congenital birth defect where the skull is slightly divided at the roof of the
mouth, leaving a gap, or "cleft". From there he proceeded to focus obsessively on
twins, apparently in the context of trying to understand the bipolar nature of the
development of the human body — specifically, how the two halves of the human skull
fuse together. Unfortunately, the times brought out the true wicked character of the
man, and he decided that the situation at Auschwitz was ideal for experimentation on
twins. One twin who survived the ordeal recalls the experience:
Of all the aspects of Mengele’s character which are of interest, his research on
twins is the focus of the C.A.N.D.L.E.S. organization. Beginning in 1944,
twins were selected and placed in special barracks.... It is believed that
Mengele had worked with twins under Verschuer at the University of
Frankfurt. Auschwitz offered Mengele unlimited number of specimens where
twins could be studied at random. According to Dr. Miklos Nyiszli in
Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account, twins provided the perfect
experimental specimens. One could serve as a control while the other endured
the experiments. It was well known in the camp that when a twin went to the
infirmary, (s)he never returned and that the other twin disappeared too....
Twins in the experiments describe three days of what must have been
psychological examination and three days of laboratory experiments. "Three
times a week we were marched to Auschwitz to a big brick building, sort of
like a big gymnasium. They would keep us there for about six or eight hours
at a time — most of the days..... We would have to sit naked in the large room
where we first entered, and people in white jackets would observe us and
write down notes. They also would study every part of our bodies. They
would photograph, measure our heads and arms and bodies, and compare the
measurements of one twin to another. The process seemed to go on and on."
The laboratory experiments were described by Kor as follows: "Most of the
time, they would take blood from one arm, and they gave us shots in the
other." Experiments did not end with the death of the twins. Dissection of the

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corpses for final medical analysis is well documented by Nyiszli and by

Lifton. 16
The Nazis believe that they had descended from giant,
"Aryan supermen" that once lived in Germany and elsewhere
but had been "polluted" by intermarriage with other, "lower"
races that resulted in the loss of their great height, strength
and "magical powers". To regain this former "genetic
purity", and the commensurate height, strength and powers
that had been lost, the Nazis actively sought out German and
other European men and women who had the desirable,
"Aryan" characteristics — blonde hair, blue eyes, good looks
and tall, strong, athletic bodies — and created what were
essentially state-sponsored brothels called Lebensborn that
they were using in an attempt to breed a new group of giant
"Aryan supermen" that essentially would be property of the
state. They even went as far as to kidnap children who had
these characteristics from families living in other countries
such as Poland and Czechoslavakia and give them to German
The skeleton of a type of families for adoption, though these children also remained
conjoined twin known as
"Dicephalus", where both
the property of the state. But there was even more method to
heads of the twin share one the madness. Mengele was not just obsessed with Aryan
body. Could the giants have purity, but even more so with the concept of twins. But how
been the result of a "perfected" do twins fit into the genetic equation? Why obsessively test
fusion of twins into one much
larger "giant" individual? This
and measure twins, people with harelips, and how chin sizes
would explain the extra set of and shapes vary from culture to culture, when you can
teeth and additional digits on restore your "genetic purity" merely through selective-
hands and feet as breeding programs?
imperfections of the process,
and may also explain the
occasional refences in
It appears that selective breeding was only the beginning of
folktales to two- headed Hitler's mad quest to restore the so-called "Aryan race" to its
giants. Image from former glory. Though it seems wildly implausible, even impossible, the equation that involves the obsessive study of
Warning: Not for the
twins, the shape and division of the skull, the existence of
giant humanoids in mankind's past who had six digits and
two sets of teeth, and the theory that the Germans had
descended from this "master race" of giants, can have only
one answer: Mengele (and others) believed that the secret of
the giants was that they had been created in ancient times by
a scientifically advanced race who had successfully
manipulated fertilized human eggs so as to produce the
successful fusion of identical twins into one body —
creating, in effect, one single "giant" individual that would,
theoretically, grow to twice the size of an ordinary
individual. This neatly explains many of the characteristics
of the giants, including their great size, strength, and
The villain in the classic tale especially the double dentition and the extra fingers and toes,
of "Jack and the Beanstalk" is which would (and do) naturally occur as part of the process
in fact a two-headed giant. Not of twins becoming conjoined. It would also result in the
only is it a two-headed giant, it bones, and particularly the skulls, becoming unusually strong
is also a red-headed, vicious
cannibal. Coincidence? and thick, which also corroborates well with those few
Unlikely. Image from Jack skeletal remains of giants that have been found intact.
Outwits the Giants.
Moreover, if the process is indeed additive (or even
possible), then multiple fused embryos might result in multiples of size, fused
sextuplets perhaps being the means by which the rumored 36-foot giants (6 x 6) had
been created. This "scientifically advanced race" may have also tinkered with the
body's growth hormones, where it may have been that the sky was literally the limit for
how tall they could make the giants. Larger brain capacity may have also resulted in
increased intelligence, but apparently this increase in capabilities came at a cost —
psychosis. Cannibalism and the other wicked behaviors known to have been displayed
by giants can then be understood as the predictably psychotic behaviors of what were
essentially natural-born bipolar schizophrenics — two brains fused into one. As a
result, they hated everyone and everything, and hated themselves above all. The net
effect of this state of affairs was that, in order to survive psychologically, they were
forced to focus their self-hatred outwards towards others. As a result of this need to
turn their internal conflicts outward in order to remain at least marginally sane, the
culture of the giants, and their religion, became one that was entirely based on war and
domination of others. The alternative was that, if they did not make war on others
outside of their group, they would then attack and kill each other, and then finally —
with no one else left to kill — kill themselves. Thus, not only were the giants bred for
war and conquest, they literally could not survive without it.
If this "fused-twins" scenario is indeed true, then it would appear that either mankind

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had at one time reached a high level of technological sophistication, or some sort of
higher power had interfered with humanity some time in the past, tinkering with the
human genome and reproductive process in order to create a breed of giant man that
best suited their needs. It is our thesis, as elucidated in Giants in the Earth Part I, that
it was the latter, though no doubt these "higher powers" also gave technology to
mankind so that they could help these powers in achieving their goals. And what were
these goals? As we saw in Part I, they were apparently world domination through the
extermination of God's own homo sapiens in favor of a "superior" form of man — a
"master race" of giants.

As we saw in Part I, the giants, or "Nephilim"

were created by the fallen angels in the ancient
times before the Flood — and possibly even before
Adam — as a "vehicle" through which they could
interact with the world. These giant, "artificial"
forms of mankind were then used in an attempt to
wipe out God's version of man, whom we now
know as homo sapiens, but God intervened and
wiped out the giants in a Flood before they could
complete the job. However, the giants were
recreated again after the Flood in the form of the
"Hopewell Green Slate Ceremonial
Swastika". The swastika is an ancient "Rephaim" (lit., "those who were reborn") in a
symbol that, like the giants, can be found second attempt to destroy homo sapiens and take
all over the world. This Hopewell version over the world, an attempt that was delayed by the
implies that the Hopewell may have also Elamites, and finally destroyed by the Israelite
considered themselves to be a master race,
the aristocracy of the Hopewell possibly invasion of Canaan.
even being Aryan in descent. Note that the
swastika is actually made up of two The Bible is thus a primary reference on how the
crossed serpents. Image from The giants came into being, as well as giving some
Barakat Gallery. details as to their behavior and appearance.
However, the narrative in the Bible is limited to the
ancient Near East, information on peoples living
outside of that region being sketchy at best. Thus,
for information on giants outside the ancient Near
East, such as those that have been found in the
Americas, we will need to turn to alternative
sources, using the biblical references to giants as a

The Nazis were obsessed with the idea that they

This engraved image from Spiro Mound in were the descendants of the "Aryans", a racial
Oklahoma also shows a form of the designation that has been applied to the peoples of
swastika. Also known as the sun wheel,
this swastika elaborates upon the Native
Iran and northern India for thousands of years. The
American concept of the four directions Nazis (and others) believed that Germany was the
and the four winds, under the "square sky" original home of the so-called "Aryan race", a
through which the sun traveled. Image "master race" that had migrated and conquered their
from InnerX.
way throughout the ancient world, forming elite
classes, or "royalties", that have ruled over other
peoples throughout the world ever since. This is
known to have taken place in ancient Persia (Iran)
under the Achaemenids, who ruled Persia and its
large empire from approximately 560-330 b.c. The
Vedic Indians, the upper caste in Indian society,
were also believed by some to come from a
homeland in the northwest, invading India (and
A Mission Indian basket decorated with other places) and taking rule over the local
swastikas. This controversial symbol may
have started its career in the Americas as a inhabitants, a pattern of conquest and continuing
symbol of an aggressive, warlike invader dominion that perhaps led to the term "Aryan"
race, but it has long since been changed by taking on the concept of "Noble" or "master race".
the Native Americans into a symbol of
positive energy and natural cycles. It was
Aryan is the Anglicization of the Sanskrit,
Hitler' purposeful misuse of the symbol
Avestan and Vedic term arya. The literal
that led to its current stigma. Image from meaning of the word is "Noble".
Etymologically, it seems originally to denote
kinfolk or clansmen, and later to be a general term of respect. The Rigveda
describes people following the Vedic way to be Aryan. New archaeological
findings suggest that the Aryans have been in India since at least the fourth
millennium BC. Archeological records show that early in the 2nd millennium
BC, ancient Persians (in present-day Iran) used the term Aryan to describe
their lineage and their language. Darius the Great, King of Persia (521 - 486

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BC), in an inscription in Naqsh-e-Rostam (near Shiraz in present-day Iran),

proclaims: "I am Darius the great King.... A Persian, son of a Persian, an
Aryan, having Aryan lineage...". The term has become a term of art in the
Zoroastrian, Buddhist, and Jain, and Hindu religions. The Aryan tribes in the
Indian subcontinent called their land Aaryaa varta or Aryan expanse/Aryan
land. When the ancient Persians lived in the Inner Asian Steppes and moved
south into today's Iran (the name itself derives from arya), they named the
place Airyanem Vaejah, or The Iranian Expanse, and today the word survives
as Iran. Many present day Iranian boy and girl names reflect this ancient
relation: names like Aryana, Iran-dokht (Aryan Daughter), Arayn, Aryan-Pur,
Aryaramne.... In fact, the root word *ar- or *arya- is one of the most widely
distributed names of people and places in the Indo-European world. It gave a
name not only to the Aryans of India, but also to the aristocrats, the aristoi,
the "most noble," of Greece, and the Irish of Éire. Another grade of the root
appears in Latin ordo, meaning "order." The original meaning of the word
probably suggested a union, league, or confederacy.17

Perhaps the strongest evidence of Aryan influence

can be found by studying the religions of those
countries which it is believed were either conquered
or strongly influenced by invading Aryan tribes.
The religion of the Aryans shared not only a
common pantheon of gods, but also very similar
symbology, the most common of which was the sun
wheel, also known as the swastika. This symbol is
nearly universal, being found both in the ancient
Near East, Asia, throughout Europe, and even in
the Americas. As Boxer explains,

Before the Nazi Party adopted the swastika and

The swastika flag of the Germanturned it into the most potent icon of racial
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche
hatred, it traveled the world as a good luck
Arbeiterpartei, or "National Socialist
symbol. It was known in France, Germany,
German Workers' Party", "Nazi" for short.
Britain, Scandinavia, China, Japan, India and
The swastika was first coopted by the
Nazis in 1920, who called it the
the United States. Buddha's footprints were
hakenkreuz, or "hooked cross". Unlike the
said to be swastikas. Navajo blankets were
traditional swastika, the Nazi swastika is
woven with swastikas. Synagogues in North
almost invariably depicted at 45° to the
horizontal. Image from Africa, Palestine and Hartford, Conn., were built with swastika mosaics. The swastika gets
its name from the Sanskrit word svastika, meaning well-being and good
fortune. The earliest known swastikas date from 2500 or 3000 B.C. in India
and Central Asia. A 1933 study suggests the swastika migrated from India
across Persia and Asia Minor to Greece, then to Italy and Germany, probably
in the first millennium B.C.18
The swastika, until Hitler coopted it for use as the
Nazi party symbol, had been a relatively benign
symbol of good fortune throughout the world,
specifically symbolizing the sun, the four
directions, and the four winds. However, like Hitler,
it may be that the ancient Aryans also used it as a
symbol of evil, in a reversed form that implied
destruction instead of creation, of domination
instead of cooperation. The ancient Aryans, like
their Nazi descendants, were also a people bent on
conquest and destruction. Moreover they, like the
Amorites of ancient Canaan, were semi-nomadic in
lifestyle, and rode chariots into battle, having the
same methods of rapid, blitzkrieg-style warfare that
the German armies also would use in their updated
version of the chariot — the tank. The ancient
Aryans also worshiped warrior gods that were very
similar to the gods of the Norse myths, a fact that
had helped convince Hitler and others that the
The Nazis saw the tank as a modern
northern Europeans were in fact descendants of the upgrade to the chariot that, like the
Aryans. Interestingly, the Aryan gods were also chariots of old, allowed them to quickly
very similar to the gods of the Amorites, and easily defeat and control large
particularly, Ba'al. numbers of people. The Amorites of
Canaan used the same methods, being
reknowned for their skill in chariotry.
This evidence gave rise to the search for the Image from Calvin College: German
original Aryan homeland, and thus, it was Propaganda Archive.
believed, to the origins of the European "race".

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Many scholars argued that the Aryans originated in the Inner Asian Steppes,
from which they migrated both west into Europe and south into Afghanistan,
Iran and parts of India around 1800 BC. The spread of the Aryans was
supposed to explain how it came to pass that Indo-European languages
became so widespread throughout Europe and Asia. It was thought, moreover,
that the Aryans came as conquerors, displacing earlier peoples, in most of the
places where the languages were spoken. They were able to conquer so much
territory because their nomadic lifestyle, their use of the horse and wheeled
vehicles such as chariots gave them a drastic military advantage.19

When people familiar with sci-fi/fantasy films hear the name "the Kurgan", they think
of the villain from the popular cult classic film, Highlander. However, though the
character of the Kurgan is fictional, the Kurgan race from which the character was
drawn was not. The Kurgans were a real people who lived in the steppes of Russia
between 5000-2000 b.c., thereafter apparently migrating from that region to settle
practically every part of the world. The Kurgan are believed by some to be the
prototypical Indo-European or "Aryan" race, conquering as far east as Mongolia, as far
west as Britain, as far north as Russia, and as far south as southern Canaan. Evidence
suggests that they may have also made it as far as the South Pacific, and even to the

"The Kurgan" from the movie, Highlander. In the film, The Kurgans were correctly portrayed as an ancient,
barbaric people from the steppes of Russia who, for amusement, had tossed children into pits with hungry
dogs to fight for meat. Ramirez, one of the other "immortals" in the film, described the giant "Kurgan"
character as such: "He is the perfect warrior. He cares about nothing or no-one. He is completely evil." Image
from Highlander

The Kurgan were a very ancient people, who had been around for thousands of years
by the time of the Israelite invasion (ca. 1200 b.c.). The Kurgan, and the Indo-Aryans
in general, were a warlike, semi-nomadic race that, according to the Aryan Invasion
theory had, around 2000 b.c. and afterwards, begun to aggressively expand outwards
from their base in central Asia. As a result, fragments of their religion, language and
culture can be found all over the world.
The Kurgan people were an Indo-European culture existing during the fifth,
fourth, and third millennia b.c.; they lived in northern Europe, from Russia
across Germany, and various authorities have mounted a case for them being
THE proto-Indo-European culture, from which all Indo-European cultures
descend. Other researchers think it likely that later-day Kurgans were the "Sea
People" who laid waste to the Holy Land around 1200 b.c. — traveling south
along the Mediterranean in ships, with their women following them in wagons
along the shore. The word kurgan means barrow or grave in Slavic and
Turkic; Kurgan culture is characterized by pit-graves or barrows, a particular
method of burial. They are also called the Pit-grave people, or Barrow people.
The earliest Kurgan sites are in the Ukraine and southern Russia, from which
they spread by about 2000 b.c. to Europe, crossing the Dnieper River.
Wherever Kurgan culture spread, it was marked by common elements unlike
those of the surrounding Bronze-Age cultures.20
The Kurgans were quite
literally the original
Caucasians, having
originated from the area
around the Caucasus from
which the term has derived.

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They were tall, blonde-

haired, and blue-eyed, expert
horsemen and chariot riders,
and buried their dead in large
burial mounds, or "barrows".
The term kurgan, in fact,
means "burial mound".
The "Aryan Invasion" theory illustrated. Based on archaeological, Interestingly, the early
cultural and philological evidence, this theory posits that the Kurgans Kurgans appear to have
and other Indo-European "Aryan" peoples had at one time invaded
coexisted with another, more
Europe, Asia and the Middle East, bringing their language, religion
and culture with them. The Caucusus, the region from which the
primitive culture, generally
Indo-European Kurgans emerged, is located at the center right of the referred to as
image, between the Black and Caspian Seas. Note also the southern "Cro-Magnon". As Elst
invasion route took the Kurgan to southern and western Canaan at the explains,
same time the "giants" began to become numerous in the region
The start of the Kurgan
(around 2000 b.c. and afterwards). Image from Archaeology and
Language : The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins. culture was
accompanied by a change in the racial composition of the population of South
Russia in about 4500 b.c.: The Dniepr-Donets people are known to be massive
Cro-Magnons, continuous from the Upper Palaeolithic; the Strednij Stog-2
men are described as more gracile, tall-statured, dolichocephalic with narrow
faces.... The skeletal remains are dolichomesocranial, taller-statured and of a
more gracile type than those of their predecessors in the substratum. But the
two racial types coexisted for long, though still culturally distinct. Kurgan II,
ca. 4000-3500 b.c. Materials from this period demonstrate continuous
coexistence with the Dniepr-Donets culture: two different physical types (both
of "Cro-Magnon C" type, but with the Kurgan people being more gracile) and
burial customs (collective burials in trenchlike pits characteristic of the
Dniepr-Donets culture, and single burials of Kurgan type) were proved to be
present even in the same villages.21
Cro-magnon were unlike homo neanderthalis, actually being a
form of human that were very similar in skeletal structure to
homo sapiens, yet different. One of these differences, as Elst
points out, is their massive size, both in height and strength.
Though no "giant" specimens of cro-magnon are known to
exist (or have been hidden or destroyed), it may be that
remnants of Cro-Magnon man might account for the
description of "giants" in the Earth that have been described all
over the world. Moreover, the fact that they coexisted with the
more gracile Kurgan for thousands of years, and the fact that
the Amorites were also a mixture of both relatively tall and
The very first
"Cro-Magnon" skull to be
giant peoples, forms another potential link between the Aryans
discovered, found in and the Amorites.
Dordongne, France.
Cro-Magnon was similar to The fact that the Kurgan are equated by some with the
but different than homo pelishtim, or "sea-peoples" who invaded Canaan around 1200
sapiens, displaying a more b.c. is also interesting, as that is around the same time that
rounded skull. However, Israel had conquered the Amorites and the remnant of the
Cro-Magnon tended to be Rephaim in that region. The sea peoples occasionally invaded
more massive, and may
have accounted for some of
from the sea for the next couple of centuries, up to the time of
the reports of "giants" David (1000 b.c.), the time when Goliath made his appearance
mentioned in traditions on the scene — Gath, his hometown, being on the
around the world. Image Mediterranean sea coast. The remnant of the giants that David
from Human Evolution at and his men faced also lived on the sea coast around that time,
the Smithsonian which creates a strong link between the invading Kurgan and
Institution. the giants of the Bible. The appearance of burial mounds, or
"barrows" in Palestine linked to the Kurgans/Amorites is another interesting link, as the
very name "Kurgan" means, literally, "hill" or "burial mound".
For a variety of reasons, then, it would appear that the Kurgans were the same people
as the "Amorites", those people that had been driven from Canaan by the Israelites
during the time of Moses (ca. 1200 b.c.). Their religion, culture, style of warfare, area
of control and the period during which they controlled it all correspond closely to the
description of the Amorites — so closely, in fact, that it appears clear that they were
actually one and the same. Also, as we saw in Part I, the Amorites were essentially a
race of tall, warlike men, hybrid giants to be more precise, who were ruled over by a
hierarchy of giant Rephaim who rode chariots — just like the Kurgan.
Og, king of Bashan, one of the two remaining Rephaim rules of the Amorites by the
time of the Conquest, was at least twelve feet tall — at least three feet taller than the
tallest Amorite who probably averaged between 7-9 feet tall. This would explain why
Mengele and the Nazis were simultaneously initiating two different programs of "racial
hygiene" to recreate the ancient "Aryan" order: the first program, the "selective

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breeding" program, was designed to (re)create a race of seven- to nine-foot-tall,

powerful Gibborim-type warriors that would serve as the footsoldiers for the Nazi
armies, whereas the second, "twins" program was designed to create an "overlord" race
of 12-foot-tall (or more) Rephaim-type giants that would serve as their commanders
— exactly how it was in Canaan before the Israelite invasion, and in the world before
the Flood. As such, it appears that the Israelites destroyed the Aryan/Amorite "master
race" breeding program just in time, a task that the invading Allied armies of World
War II may have also accomplished by defeating Nazi Germany.
To this point we have theorized that the Indo-Aryan "Kurgan" were the same as the
"Amorites" mentioned in the Bible. Moreover, we have theorized that the exceptionally
tall giants such as Og mentioned in the Bible may have been giant Cro-Magnon
remnants that lived among the Kurgans, a form of human that we had theorized in Part
I might have been specially bred by fallen angels to be even larger and stronger than
the giant Amorites. We have also determined that the Kurgans were an aggressive,
warlike race that had invaded as far west as Ireland, and as far East as China, possibly
even as far east (and south) as New Zealand. The question remains, however, did the
Kurgans make it as far as the Americas? Let us look at the characteristics of the
Kurgans and see if there any points of commonality between the giant Kurgans and the
giants of the Americas:
GREAT SIZE: The Kurgans appear to
have been larger than normal, with peoples
mixed amongst them that were
exceptionally large and strong
(Cro-Magnon). American giants also
varied in size from 7-12 feet tall and even
taller, though a stormtrooper/commander
relationship between the 7-9 foot-tall
giants and the 12+ foot-tall giants, as was
the situation in Canaan, has not been

RED OR BLONDE HAIR: The A Kurgan horseman. The Kurgan were

master horsemen, a skill that allowed them
Kurgan emerged from the Caucasus, the to quickly and easily take control of the
heartland of blonde and red-haired, vast steppelands of Central Asia, and
"Caucasian" peoples on Earth. As we have expand their influence for thousands of
seen, American giants also commonly had miles in every direction. Note the size of
red or blonde hair. Moreover some of the the Kurgan warrior relative to the horse.
Beothuk Indians of Newfoundland also Image from The Kurgan Invasions.
had blond hair, as well as light-colored (Rev. 6:4)
skin, which proves the presence of Caucasian genes in North America in
ancient times.22

RED OCHRE: The Kurgan were known for using clay tinged red with iron
oxide (rust) to cover the gravesite and body of the dead. This substance,
generally referred to as "red ochre", has also been found in many North
American burials, leading to the general designation of "red ochre people"
being used commonly in North American archaeology. This was particularly
true of the Beothuk Indians of Newfoundland, who not only covered their
dead and various funerary objects with this substance, but they also covered
their own living bodies with a mixture of red ochre and oil to protect
themselves from the cold in the winter and mosquitoes in the summer. The
Beothuk, as we have seen, also have genetic traits that are indisputably

LINGUISTIC SIMILARITIES: Language studies of the spread of

Indo-European language groups have found antecendents of this ancient
language all over the world. The Kurgan had conquered primarily eastward
and westward, leaving behind a trail of linguistic clues to follow. One of these
root languages, Dene Caucasian, is believed by some to be the ancestor of the
Na-Dene language, a Native American family of languages that is most
common in Canada and America's desert southwest.23

COMPLEX MOUND STRUCTURES: The Kurgan, whose very name

means "burial mound", were known for their use of barrows to bury their
dead. Burial mounds are also very common in North America and, as we have
seen, many American burial mounds contained the bones of blonde- and
red-haired giants.

GAMBLING: The Kurgan were known for their use of sheep's knuckles, or
astragali, for both divination and gaming. Cannibalistic giants in Native
American legends would often gamble with humans in order to see who

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would survive, and who would be eaten.

Though the giant size of the Kurgan has not been proven, their identification with the
Amorites, who were tall in stature, is probable. Moreover, the Caucasian Kurgan had
blonde or red hair, as did the giants of the Americas, and also used red ochre in their
burials, a practice that was also common in the Americas. Linguistic similarities
between Indo-European and Native American languages are also highly indicative of
Kurgan influence in the Americas. Complex mound burials, of course, are the very
namesake of the Kurgan, and are extremely common in North America. Gambling of
course is fairly common worldwide, but also seems to be an uniquely Kurgan-
American obsession.
All together, we have explored a number of fantastic scenarios which would, on their
face, seem dubious at best. The idea that giants existed at all in the ancient world seems
unlikely enough. Add to that the idea of an "advanced civilization", or even "fallen
angels" coming down and breeding giants, the idea seems to drift well into the realm of
fantasy. Yet evidence of giants in the ancient world is clearly corroborated by not only
the Bible, but also the ancient traditions of nearly all peoples on Earth. Moreover, the
more pedestrian archaeological evidence left behind by the Aryan Kurgans, such as the
complex burial mound structures, red ochre burials, linguistic evidence and related
information finds ready cognates in North American archaeology. This evidence alone
forms a strong case that the Indo-Europeans may have colonized as far as the
Americas. Add to that the numerous accounts of giants that came from "the other side
of the Ocean" in the histories of the Native Americans, and you have a combination of
evidence that is weighty indeed.

America's ancient
past was in many
ways vastly
different than the
picture painted by
science. Though
most, if not all of
what the textbooks
say about ancient
America is
historically correct,
the problem lies
not with what they
do say, but with
what they do not. A depiction of a North American giant, based upon Native American legends. Native
Though Americans believed that the first peoples to inhabit Earth were a race of gigantic
"mainstream" Indians. These giants did not respect the Great Spirit, committing crimes against
scholarship insists both man and nature, so the Great Spirit sent a Great Flood to destroy them. Image
that giants are from Julek Heller's Giants.
figments of our imagination, the myths and legends of the Native Americans tell a
different tale:
A tribe of North American Indians believes that the first human beings on the
Earth were a race of gigantic Indians — so large that even the mighty buffalo
was dwarfed by their size. Such a giant Indian could lift a full-grown buffalo
bull from the ground and throw it over his shoulder, carrying it back to his
encampment effortlessly. A yearling to him was so small he would simply
hang it from his belt as a hunter today might do with his rabbit. These giant
forebears had no fear of any superior power, had no notion of a life after death
and did not believe in Ti-ra'-wa, the all powerful one who watches over the
destiny of man. So the giants did as they pleased with no regard for the
consequences. Finally, when the deeds they perpetrated had reached
unacceptable proportions, Ti-ra'-wa resolved to punish the big men. He caused
the waters of the rivers, lakes and seas to rise up until they were level with the
land. The ground became soft and the heavy giants sank down into the mud
and were drowned. Even today massive bones are still found in remoter areas
of North America.24
This description of the destruction of the giants of North America fits very closely with
the Hebrew conception of how the giants were destroyed by the Flood, as evidenced
by the Bible and related texts. Also like the Israelites, Native American legends tell
how their ancestors had also fought and destroyed remnants of these fearsome warriors
when they had migrated to North America. Like the Elamites and Israelites of the
ancient Near East, whom YHWH had sent to destroy the giant Rephaim and Anakim

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of that region, the ancient ancestors of our modern Native Americans, under the
guidance of the "Great Spirit", had defeated the wicked, abhorrent giants of the
Americas. As a result of their victories, they were given the lands that the giants had
formerly inhabited, just as the "Great Spirit" had done with the Israelites.

The Great Flood

of Noah probably
took place around
9500 b.c., at the
end of the last Ice
Age. Though the
Great Flood had
wiped out the
giants all over the
world, after the
Flood the fallen
angels had
DNA, historical and linguistic evidence indicates that two different groups of
Indo-Aryan Kurgans invaded east and west from an origin point in the Caucasus
restarted their
starting sometime during the second millennium b.c. When the two divisions of the "master race"
red-bearded (X1 Haplogroup) and black- bearded (X2 Haplogroup) giants met in program, and the
the Americas, civil war was a result, with the red-beards winning. Both divisions giants returned to
also made significant inroads into Central and South America. One or both the Americas with
divisions also invaded south into Palestine as well, but they were turned back by the the same gusto
Israelite conquest. they had brought
with them to the ancient Near East. During the time of Abraham, around 2000 b.c., as
we have seen, the Kurgans began to expand outwards from their central Asian
homeland and began invading in all four directions: north, south, east, and west. The
most popular and best supported theory for the fate of the Kurgans and their
Indo-Aryan allies was that they eventually conquered and became assimilated with the
Russians in the north, the Iranians and Canaanites in the south, the Mongols and the
Indians in the east, and the Europeans in the west. However, recent evidence, even
more conclusive than the strong archaeological, linguistic and other evidence, has
proven that their conquests were even more extensive than previously thought,
reaching even North America. This definitive evidence of a Kurgan invasion into the
Americas during ancient times can be found in the form of mitochondrial DNA:

DNA analysis on Native Americans began in the 1980s, but with rapid
technological improvements, research intensified in the early 1990s. Several
teams of genetics researchers at prominent American universities have been
conducting numerous studies. Although results from early studies showed the
expected Siberian-Asia ancestry of the majority of modern Native American
tribes, things took an unexpected turn in 1997. At that point it was found that
a small percentage of modern Native Americans have an unusual type of DNA
then known to exist only in a few locations in Europe and the Middle East.
Subsequent research indicated that the European DNA was not the result of
genetic mixing after Columbus. In addition, the same DNA was later found in
the bone of an ancient American burial confirming that people carrying this
unique DNA had entered America in ancient times. However, in July 2001,
this unique gene was also found in a small tribe living in the northern Gobi
Desert area. The DNA research initially seemed to promise solid proof of not
only where the ancient Americans came from, but also when they came.25
In 1997, a European-type strain of mitochondrial DNA was found in 3 percent of the
Native American population. This strain, known as "Haplogroup X" differs from the
Siberian, Japanese and Polynesian strains, known as groups A, B, C and D, that
dominate the Native American genome. Haplogroup X can be further subdivided into
two "subhaplogroups": "X1", and "X2". X1 is primarily found in northern and
northeastern Europe, whereas X2 is found in the Near East, Central Asia, the Caucasus,
Siberia and — you guessed it — North America. As such, the belief that Europeans
had visited the Americas in ancient times has been confirmed beyond a shadow of a
doubt. And the "genetic footprints" that they left behind clearly point to a place of
origin in Central Asia and the Caucacus — the ancient homeland of the Kurgan.
We have now confirmed, via DNA evidence, that the Indo-Aryans had indeed invaded
the Americas in ancient times — possibly several times in several different waves
stretching over a period of thousands of years, beginning as early as 9000 b.c., by some
estimates. Moreover, the existence of two different strains of Haplogroup X, X1 which
traveled west from the Caucasus, and X2 which traveled east, implies that two different
tribes of Kurgan may have reached the Americas — X1 from the east via Greenland,
and X2 from the west via the Bering Straits. Is there evidence in Native American
myths and legends of two invading peoples coming from both east and west in ancient

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times? In fact, there is.

The small extended-family group above represents "Red Paint People" displaced about 9,000 years ago
from the Atlantic coastal plain into familiar New England landscapes. They set up the oldest navigational
guides along these coasts with their standing-stones, and carved tools of stone, bone and ivory into
stunningly life-like images of killer whales and other creatures---works that rival (and even resemble!) the
craftsmanship of ancient Europe at this time. Red ochre, or iron oxide, they used for purposes both spiritual
and practical — as an honorific in burials and sites, and as protection from sun and insects. Image from

Save perhaps the account of the giants being destroyed by the Flood, the oldest account
of giants living in the Americas can be found in the traditions of the Chippewa
(Minnesota), Sandusky and Tawa tribes (both of Ohio). These traditions tell of a race
of black-bearded giants that had first conquered and ruled North America, but had been
conquered themselves by another race of red-bearded giants:
In this connection I would say that Mr. Jonathan Brooks, now living in town,
stated to me, that his father, Benjamin Brooks, who lived with the Indians
fourteen years, and was well-acquainted with their language and traditions,
told him and others that it was a tradition of the Indians that the first tribe
occupying this whole country, was a black-bearded race, very large in size,
and subsequently a red bearded race or tribe came and killed or drove off all
the black beards, as they called them.
— The Firelands Pioneer (1858)26
Beards are only found in European, Middle-Eastern, and some African peoples, but
only very rarely in Asiatic peoples, which make up the majority of the Native
American genome. Despite this, Native Americans believe that not one, but two types
of bearded peoples had at one time occupied the Americas. And not only were they
bearded, they were giants as well. They also say that the black-bearded race that had
once occupied the Americas had been driven off by a red-bearded race of giants. Could
this have been a fateful meeting between This red-headed
the two divisions of the ancient Kurgans, mummy was one of
one defined genetically as Haplogroup X1, many found in the
and the other defined as Haplogroup X2? Takla Makan desert
As we have seen, the X1 group of in central Asia, in
the far northwestern
Indo-Aryans had migrated north and west, corner of China.
settling central, northern, and western Though many
Europe, whereas X2 had migrated through mummies have had
the Takla Makan desert, along the old Silk typical Asian
Road (where blonde and red-headed features, this and
mummies 3,000-4,000 years old have many more
recently been discovered), through displayed distinctly
European features.
Mongolia, Siberia, and finally through This ancient beauty
Alaska into North America, where they forms a link to a
conquered and eventually integrated with part of humanity's
the Native Asiatic peoples. The X1 group ancient past that
of Kurgan then likely migrated from had previously been
Britain, Ireland and Scandinavia to North forgotten. Image
America via Iceland and Greenland, just as from NOVA Online.
the Vikings would do thousands of years later. When the X1 "red-bearded" group
invaded North America and met the X2 "black-bearded" group who had long since
assimilated with the native Asiatics, the more "pure-blooded" Aryan red-bearded giants
likely did not recognize them as distant relatives and instead attacked and destroyed the
black-bearded giants, leaving only a small remnant of them behind. Interestingly, as we
have seen, when the Vikings had sailed from Greenland to Newfoundland around 1000
a.d., they had found native peoples with light skin and dark hair called the Beothuks,
some of which had blonde hair. Could these Indo-European remnants have been the last
of the "red-bearded" peoples that had invaded and destroyed the black-bearded race,
later becoming assimilated with the more numerous Asiatics?

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A pattern seems to be
emerging of a series of waves
of migration and conquest
that originate from central
Asia — specifically, two
primary waves of conquest
that circled around the world,
east and west, meeting in
North America where the two
bands of Indo-Aryans, one
This image is of an occult ceremony wherein the Nazis were
now with dark hair due
attempting to reenergize the ancient Aryan gods in order to gain the largely to intermarriage with
power to defeat their enemies and conquer the world. Each Asiatics, and one still
stormtrooper held a torch and walked in a circular procession, literally relatively pure "Aryan",
bringing to life the ancient sunwheel, or "black sun" that was the routinely meet and battle for
swastika. However, this "black sun", instead of bringing light and life, supremacy over the
like a black hole conquers and devours all it touches. As we have Americas. If this is true, this
seen, Hitler was not the first Caucasian to use the swastika as a
symbol of conquest, as seen by its presence in North America related
would make it clear that the
to the Aryan Invasions. Image from Black Sun: The Mythological red-bearded giants were the
Background of National Socialism. X1 group of Indo-Europeans,
invading North America from
the east, from Europe,
whereas the black-bearded giants were likely the X2 group of Indo-Europeans that had
invaded North America from the west, from Asia.
Could this repeating pattern of conquest be a cycle of history that is just now beginning
to be understood? The Norse myths tell of an ancient war between the Aesir and
Vanir, two groups of divinities that were gigantic in stature — could the enmity
between the Aesir and the Vanir been an echo of an ancient civil war amongst the
Indo-Europeans that sent one group east, and the other west, which created the different
X1 and X2 Indo-European haplogroups? If so, this ancient, recurring political division
in central Asia might explain the mysterious references in the Bible to Gog and
Magog, two kings who come from central Asia and attempt to conquer the world in the
end times. In fact, the Bible prophecies that Gog and Magog will attempt to conquer
the world not once, but twice: during the tribulation period, as described in Ezekiel 38,
and again after the 1,000 years of messianic rule, as described in Revelation 20.
Perhaps not by accident, the name "Gog" sounds much like the name "Og", one of two
giant Rephaim who once ruled over the Amorites in Canaan. Also very telling is the
fact that the ancient Indo-Europeans also worshiped a pair of twin gods, two
conquering kings who were associated with white horses that correspond closely with
the gods Castor and Pollux of the Roman myths. This sort of "schizophrenic rule"
between two great divisions of the Indo-Europeans — led by two charismatic leaders
— seems to be normative in the history of the Indo-Europeans, a fact that neatly ties in
with our previous study of the Nazi fascination with twins, as well as their tendency
towards violence and schizophrenic behavior.

Over and over it appears that the Caucasus, the

homeland of the Kurgan, has played a role in world
war scenarios. World War I started after the
Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-
Hungarian throne, was assassinated in Sarajevo,
Bosnia, by a Serbian nationalist. Bosnia is on the
border of central Asia, not far from the Caucasus.
World War II, of course, was started by Adolph
Hitler, who was attempting to revive what he
referred to as the "Aryan race", which he believed
had its homeland in the Caucasus. Interestingly, the
final battle of Gog and Magog, which also comes
forth from the Caucasus, involves the nations from
"the four corners of the earth" — a possible allusion
to the four winds/swastika concept that seems to be
This classic image from the German
propaganda machine shows Hitler as a
part and parcel of this cyclical "fascist" movement
sort of messianic figure of the "Aryan" that appears to come forth from the Caucasus on a
race, complete with false "dove" over his regular basis. This fascist movement, as we have
head, a bastardization of the dove that seen, involves a "four-front war": one moving north,
ascended upon Christ after his baptism by into Russia, one moving south, into Palestine, one
John. Was Hitler the return of Azazel? moving east, into Asia, and one moving west, into
Image from Calvin College: German Europe, with the eventual goal of the eastern and
Propaganda Archive.
western campaigns meeting up in the Americas.
This is what happened with the Kurgans over 4,000 years ago (possibly several times),

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and was attempted again by Hitler again in 1939.

Interestingly, World War II featured not
one but two megalomaniacs: Adolph
Hitler, and Joseph Stalin. It has been
remarked by many that these two
infamous dictators in many ways led
parallel lives. Both dictators were born
near or in Central Asia: Hitler in eastern
Austria, and Stalin in the republic of
Georgia. Georgia is, of course, where
the Caucasus Mountains are located,
the heartland of the ancient Indo-Aryan
Joseph Stalin, absolute leader of Russia from
Kurgan. Not only were the histories and 1922-1953. Stalin was born in Georgia, near in the
upbringing of these men very similar, but Caucasus, the heartland of the Indo-Europeans. In the
their political theories were also similar. photo, the Caucasus, his homeland, is located over his
Hitler believed in a form of fascism right shoulder, and he points upwards, towards Russia.
called National Socialism, and Stalin, Though Stalin was somewhat less charismatic figure
who was not a true communist by any than Hitler, he was no less powerful, nor brutal. Was
Stalin the return of Semjaza?
means, believed in a form of socialism
called Social Fascism. Stalin believed
that social democracy as preached by Marx and fascism were really one and the same.
Thus, in his mind, he and Hitler were just two sides of the same coin — two dictators,
one to rule the east, and one to rule the west, two towering wills to shape the destiny of
man. However, Hitler had no interest in sharing power — he had his mind set on only
one thing: to rule them all.
Hitler saw Communism in general and Stalin in particular to be his mortal enemies.
The non-aggression pact that was signed between the two peoples was merely a
delaying tactic to give Hitler time to secure his western front so as to help ensure
victory over the hated Communists. However, Stalin for some reason was convinced
that Hitler would not break the treaty. Thus, when Hitler reneged on his non-aggression
treaty and blitzed into Russia, his southern thrust heading straight for the Caucasus,
Stalin was caught completely by surprise. Perhaps this is similar to what happened to
the Kurgans in ancient times as well — civil war, that led to the division of the race
into eastern and western branches, led by the same Gog and Magog of legend? Were
Hitler and Stalin the return of these two ancient villains, battling all the world — and
each other — for world domination? Will these fallen angels rise again in the end-times
— using different faces, and different names — to try to conquer the world once more?

Why does this "bipolar fascist" movement recur cyclically and,

furthermore, why does it emanate from the Caucasus? Is there
an ancient power or powers emanating from this region that
moves men to do great violence, a power that has designs on
conquering the world? A particularly interesting bit of
information that may shed light on this question can be found
in a legend of Gog and Magog involving Alexander the Great,
who, "while conquering the world, came eventually to the
Caucasus Mountains where Prometheus the Titan had been
chained long before."27 This Greek myth of the chaining of an
ancient titan may be the same story that the Book of Enoch
describes as the chaining of the most powerful of the ancient
fallen angels, Azazel, the angel that had led all the rest into
Prometheus was one of the rebellion. This would explain why this region has long been
"titans", a group of associated with war, particularly technologically sophisticated
semi-divine beings in the war (bronze and iron weapons, war chariots, etc.), as Azazel's
Greek myths that rebelled particular skillset had to do with the development of weapons
against the gods.
of war. Prometheus, interestingly, was one of the titans of
Prometheus, one of the
leaders of the rebellion,
Greek mythology who had stolen "fire" from the gods and
stole the secret of fire from given it to man, just as the fallen angels had taken the heavenly
Zeus and gave it to secrets of technology and given it to man — fire is the most
mankind. Prometheus was basic form of technology that allows the development of all the
also closely involved with rest. If indeed Azazel was buried and trapped under the
the creation of man. Caucasus, just as Prometheus had been "chained" there, it could
be conjectured that the swastika is the symbol of Azazel, and those who use the symbol
are attempting to magically summon his power for use in conquering their enemies.
This would explain the otherwise seemingly pointless fascination the Nazis had with
the symbol, incorporating it as the central focus of their midnight occultic rituals, and
emblazoning it on absolutely everything in their inventory. In their minds, the power of
the "dark sun" was very real, and by using it they were resurrecting its ancient, evil
power for their use in modern times.

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The giving of technology to man, as we have seen, caused a great imbalance in man
and nature that had to be reconciled with a Flood that destroyed all life on earth, save
those kept safe on the ark. As it is described in the Book of Enoch,
Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great
One spake, and sent Uriel to the son of
Lamech, 2and said to him: Go to Noah and tell
him in my name "Hide thyself!" and reveal to
him the end that is approaching: that the whole
earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about
to come 3upon the whole earth, and will
destroy all that is on it. And now instruct him
that he may escape 4and his seed may be
preserved for all the generations of the world.
As part of his punishment, Zeus chained
And again the Lord said to Raphael: Bind Prometheus to the Caucasus mountains,
Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the where he remains to this day. Part of the
darkness: and make an opening in the desert, myth describes how an eagle swoops
which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. And down and eats his liver every day, the
place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and liver regenerating during the night so it
can be eaten afresh each day. What might
cover him with darkness, and let him abide this act symbolize? Send your thoughts to
there for ever, and cover his face that he may
6,7 Image from Encyclopedia Mythica.
not see light. And on the day of the great
judgement he shall be cast into the fire. And heal the earth which the angels
have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the
plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret
things that the 8Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the
whole earth has been corrupted 9through the works that were taught by
Azazel: to him ascribe all sin. And to Gabriel said the Lord: Proceed against
the bastards and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and
destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from
amongst men [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other
that they may destroy each other in 10battle.28
According to the Book of Enoch, Azazel/Prometheus had not only given men the gift of
technology, he had also meddled with their genetic structures to create the giants, "the
children of the Watchers", as a "master race" of unbeatable warriors that he intended to
use to conquer the world. "The Watchers" were those angels who had been directed by
God to oversee God's creation, but had instead meddled with it so as to turn it to their
own advantage, thus becoming rebel, or "fallen" angels. Along with Azazel fell another
powerful angel, "Semjaza", with whom it appears he shared the rule, at least, to a
certain extent. It may be that Azazel and Semjaza actually struggle with each other for
who actually has control, a conflict that is responsible for the ancient and recurrent
division among the Indo-European races. This would explain the consistent appearance
of "twin" rulers of the Indo-Europeans throughout history, the most recent being Hitler
and Stalin. Were Hitler and Stalin the return of Azazel and Semjaza? The Book of
Enoch says that both of these fallen angels were buried and placed in chains until the
end times, when they will be released one last time to wreak havoc on the Earth. Was
World War II just a warmup for the main event?
If Azazel and Semjaza were indeed both
imprisoned under the Caucasus, it would explain a
great deal. These wicked beings had attempted to
create a master race of giants in the world before
the Flood, and had been punished and imprisoned
for doing so. However, they still attempt to recreate
the world the way it was before the Flood, creating
armies of giants to conquer it, but are now limited
by their imprisonment so that their attempts, though
powerful, consistently fail. Now they remain
chained "between the pillars", awaiting their day of
release, the "pillars" being Mount Elburz, a
twin-peaked mountain located in the Caucasus, also
known as ubera aquilonas, or "the Breasts of the
North". In the Alexandrian legend of Gog and
Magog mentioned previously, Alexander had
magically moved those mountains together and
built an adamantite gate between them to keep Gog
and Magog and their hordes from invading south
In The Two Towers, the character
into the civilized lands, a gate that will be opened in
Saruman was seduced by the dark side
the end times to let Azazel and Semjaza, aka "Gog and turned his abilities towards evil. This
and Magog", to conquer the world. evil took the form of abandoning nature

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

After Azazel and Semjaza were imprisoned, God and instead embracing industrialization,
then decreed that their progeny, the giants, who the most horrid aspect of which was the
genetic manipulation of orcs (homo
were poisoning and destroying the whole of God's
neanderthalis) and other primitive forms
Creation, were to be destroyed in a Flood. of mankind (homo erectus, Cro-magnon)
However, before He sent the Flood to destroy the to create a larger, stronger form of hybrid
giants and cleanse Earth from their poison and footsoldier (homo artificialis) that he
corruption, He had sent the archangel Gabriel to set intended to use to destroy the human race
the giants against each other so that they would (homo sapiens). Interestingly, if one were
destroy each other in a massive civil war. This civil to interpolate the map of Middle Earth
war was likely a world war, as was discussed in our over a map of Europe, Saruman's tower
would be in Central Europe, and
series on legendary Atlantis, where we had Sauron's tower would be in the
theorized that the giants had built the mighty Caucasus. It may be that Tolkien intended
empires of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean, Osiria in Saruman and Sauron to be symbolic of
what is now the Mediterranean Sea, Rama, which is Hitler and Stalin, possibly even Gog and
now sunken off the coast of India, and other areas Magog, two towering wills ready to
of the world. These various empires had, according unleash their genetically modified armies
on the Earth. Image from Lord of the
to esoteric tradition, gone to war with each other in
the time right before the Flood, giants fighting
against giants. The giants apparently fought against
and destroyed each other on every continent until the Great Flood came and wiped
them, the poisons their weapons created, and the corruptions they had wrought off the
face of the earth.
However, as we saw in Part I, this was not the end of the giants. Immediately after the
Flood had subsided, Azazel, Semjaza and the other rebel angels began recreating the
giants of old, manipulating the human genome to increase their size and strength, and
giving them improved war technology in order to conquer and enslave the "inferior"
homo sapiens that God had created and saved from the Flood. Ever since the Flood,
attempt after attempt to raise an army of giants and conquer the world has been
undertaken, each time using the Indo-Europeans as their primary resource of
manpower. Each attempt has failed, however, the giants gradually being worn down
and outcompeted for resources by the more numerous and more efficient homo sapiens.
However, though these attempts to conquer the world have all failed, they have left
mighty, jack-booted footprints all over the world, including the myths and legends of
the Americas. And along with these genetic and linguistic footprints, the ancient
Indo-Aryans left the symbol of Azazel: the swastika.

Not surprisingly, the giants in the histories and

myths of the Native Americans were almost entirely
evil in nature. Ruthless, greedy, aggressive,
cutthroat and cannibalistic, they were in every way
evil. Not surprisingly, based upon our "Aryan
Invasion" paradigm, the myths portray the giants as
being blonde or redheaded as well, and even say
that these giants came from across the sea, the home
of the giants:
Giants are a malignant race who flourished in
primordial times before they were brought into
check by the great spirits. Although they would
frequently sojourn on the island earth where
humans live, their home is in a Spiritland on the
other side of the Ocean Sea. Since two Wolf
Spirits reached it floating on a small ice berg, it
apparently lies in the arctic north. There the
The Burdick Track, found near Glen wind blows cold and fierce, and the ground can
Rose, Texas, famous for its dinosaur be covered in snow. On the other side of the
tracks. This track was found in ocean, tribes of Giants flourished. Some of
Cretaceous limestone, the same level that them protected their mortality by removing
a number of dinosaur tracks were also their hearts and wrapping them in bundles of
found. The track is 13-1/4" long, making
the person who made the print over 7 feet
feathers which they hid away on a platform.
tall and weighing in excess of 300 These Giants were killed by the Thunderbird,
pounds. Image from The Interactive Ocean Duck, who found their hearts and burned
Bible. them to ashes. Like other spirits, the Man
Eaters can be divided into two tribes: the Good
Giants and the Bad Giants. Most seem to have belonged to the tribe of Bad
Giants who indulge their appetite for human flesh, but the Good Giants have
belied their name by abandoning the practice of eating people. Originally, they
too had eaten people, but the spirit called "Young Man Gambles Often"
(Hotcîtcîwagiogega), caused them to vomit up everything within them, until
finally they disgorged ice from their stomachs. This it was that caused them to
eat humans. After that, they enjoyed the same food that humans ate. While the

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

stomachs of Giants contain ice, their heads contain wampum, which is to say,
sea shells.29
The giants were clearly understood by the Ho-Chunk (Winnebago) Indians as having
come from across the sea, from the arctic lands of Greenland, Iceland and Scandinavia.
This was their home, the home of what we now know to be the X1 haplogroup of
Indo-Aryan giants who had conquered their way all the way from the Caucasus to the
fjords of Norway and beyond, all the way to Iceland, Greenland, and finally to North
America. The interesting reference to "removing their hearts" may be a reference to the
heartless brutality that the giants displayed, killing and pillaging indiscriminately, and
even devouring their captives. The reference to wrapping their hearts in feathers and
hiding them on a platform may be an oblique reference to the practice of human
sacrifice that was practiced in Central and South America until only a few centuries
ago, a practice that may have been taught to them by the wicked giants. The "platform"
probably refers to the massive pyramids atop which the sacrifices were performed,
where the hearts of the victims were removed and sacrificed to the sun god. It may be
that in the process of sacrificing their hearts to the sun god, the hearts had been
wrapped in feathers and then burned. It may be also that human sacrifice had been
carried on in North America at such centers as Aztalan and Cahokia, that also have
platform mounds, though there is no evidence of human sacrifice in North America
known to date.
A young hero named, essentially, "risk-taker", challenged the giants and forced them to
vomit up the ice from their stomachs, the "ice" likely being an Indian metaphor for
being cold and remorseless — what we would call "cold-hearted". Thus rid of the "ice"
in their hearts, they saw that what they were doing was wrong, and stopped eating
humans. However, their heads were still full of wampum, that is to say, sea shells,
which were the unit of currency on the sea coast. Therefore, the concept of their heads
being "full of wampum" meant that they still were greedy, and continued plundering
and pillaging. Interestingly, the idea of the giants being cold and empty inside, needing
to fill the void with material pleasures and wicked activity fits in very well with the
concept of giants arrived at in Part I.
Not only are the Giants by nature man eaters, as their Hotcâk name
Wángerútcge reveals, but male Giants are as tall as trees, four times the height
of a man. On the other hand, Giant women, who are particularly noted for
their beauty, are about the same size as humans. Despite the hostility and
dietary proclivities of Giants, humans are part Giant themselves. Once humans
were smaller and rather uniform in size. In ancient times men took Giant
women as brides, and over time the admixture of the two bloods produced a
race of variable heights such as we are today. Particularly large humans
merely take after their Giant ancestors. Some large human men are thought to
be reincarnations of Giant Spirits, usually of the Good Giant tribe, judging by
their benevolence. One cannibal Giantess, some call "Pretty Woman," had
hair said to be, variously, red, orange, or yellow. Despite her superior skill in
lacrosse, her life was spared by the victorious good spirits, and she was
adopted into human society.30
The giants were naturally cannibalistic and, in the Ho-Chunk legends, over 20 feet tall.
Interestingly the story also explains about how many Indian tribes, all of whom were
apparently black-haired, were already part giant. However, the invading blonde and
red-haired giants were much taller, indicating perhaps that they were purer "Aryan",
and had not intermarried with smaller races. Along these lines, the reason given for
why some Indians are taller than others is because they had made treaties and
intermarried with previous waves of invading giants, effectively neutralizing them, and
in the process creating a race of taller, stronger Asiatic Native Americans. This must
have been the fate of the X2 group of giants that had invaded from Asia: they had
eventually intermarried with the Asiatics, with the net result that, when the X1 group of
Kurgans had invaded North America from Europe, they found it being ruled by a race
of dark-haired, large men, 7-8 feet tall, rather than blonde and red-haired giants ranging
in height from up to 12 feet tall or taller. Interesting details about the conflicts between
the native, dark-haired, tall hybrid giant Indians and the invading red- and blonde-
haired "purer" giants have also been retained in the story of "Pretty Woman".
Interestingly, even this newer, more aggressive breed of giants invading from Europe
eventually ended up interbreeding with the native black-haired Asiatics.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Though this story of Asiatic giants meeting and being

defeated by European giants in ancient times may
seem fanciful, even ridiculous, once again the
traditions of the Native Americans, as well as the
archaeological record, bear true witness to America's
giant past. Perhaps one of the most obvious but
seldom referenced giant peoples of the past are the
mysterious "Adena" people.

Around 1000 b.c., at the boundary between the end of

the Archaic Period and the beginning of the
Woodland Period of North American history, a new
people moved into the Ohio Valley from the
southwest. These were an intelligent and fairly
civilized people, more commonly known as the
Adena. And unlike the native populations of the Ohio
Male and female Adena skulls. The Valley, which were relatively average in height and
Adena migrated from the south into the slender in build, the Adena were tall, and powerfully
Ohio Valley approximately 1000 b.c., built. As Silverberg explains in his classic, The
conquering and ruling over a more Mound Builders
gracile, "long-headed" population, as
was the case in Central Asia. Note the
It seems clear that the Adena people were
rounded skulls and the massive intruders in the Ohio Valley, representing not
jawbones with prominent bilateral
merely a new cultural tradition but a new
protrusions, or "cleft chins". Image
from The Q-Files. physical stock. The Archaic inhabitants of the
region were mainly long-headed, with narrow
skulls and slender bodies.... The Adena folk were
quite different, [having] a large round skull, prominent forehead, heavy brow
ridges, jutting chin, and massive bones. The Adena folk were unusually tall;
bones of women over six feet in height and men approaching seven feet have
been discovered. This band of people of great majesty and size forced its way
into the Ohio Valley about 1000 b.c., it seems.... Perhaps there was a small
elite of round-headed giants dominating and ruling an existing long-headed
Ohio Valley population. But the question remains: where did the mound-
building Adenas come from?31
The Adena were a short-headed, or "brachycranic"
people, meaning that their heads were nearly round, as
opposed to the more "long-headed" and narrow skulls of
the Archaic peoples that preceded them in the region. The
Adena even practiced cradleboarding, so as to accentuate
this domelike shape. The Adena also has prominent,
massive jaws and cleft chins, a trait that is typical of
giants, as we have seen. The larger, stronger, and possibly
more intelligent Adena appear to have conquered and
taken the rule over the smaller, "long-headed" peoples of
Outline of the head of a statue of a
the Ohio Valley, a pattern identical to that which occurred
woman found in the bottom land
in Central Asia, where the more massive, round-headed of the Ohio River near Tolu, KY.
Cro-Magnon had also moved in and defeated the existing Image from Serpent Mound
long-headed population. Mysteries.

Similarly, as we have seen, with the Adena began the era of mound building in the
Ohio Valley. This makes sense, as it is most likely that the Adena were in fact the last
stages of a Kurgan invasion, the original Kurgans having been assimilated by several
generations of Asiatics until the Adena, who were no longer giants but merely tall,
spent the last of the fury of the original Kurgan invasion with one final conquest: the
Ohio Valley. If they were indeed the last leg of a Kurgan invasion, it is likely that they
would have retained some of the practices of their Kurgan forebears. This of course,
would explain the moundbuilding, as the Kurgan had been the moundbuilders par
excellence from ancient times. Thus, it is likely that the Adena were a Kurgan/Asiatic
hybrid giant race, of the same pedigree that had been destroyed in times past by
invading European giants.

One of the more enigmatic references to giants in the legends of the Native Americans
was a legend of the Tuscarora of a giant people named the "Ronnongwetowanca".
These people once had ruled over the Ohio Valley for some time prior to 1000 b.c.,
ruling over what was described by the Native American storytellers as "a considerable
habitation". As Hamilton explains,
David Cusick, a Tuscarora by birth, writes in 1825 that among the legends of

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the people of the ancient stock, there was a powerful tribe called
Ronnongwetowanca. They were giants, and had a "considerable habitation."
He says that when the Great Spirit made the people, some of them became
giants. The giants were said to have had a "silly" mode of attack, waiting until
their intended victim was not expecting anything. After a time, and having
endured the outrages of these giants, it is said that the people banded together,
and through the final force of about 800 warriors, successfully annihilated the
abhorrent Ronnongwetowanca. After that, it was said that there were no giants
anywhere. This was supposed to have happened around 2,500 winters before
Columbus discovered America, i.e., around 1000 B.C.E. — the time that the
Adena seem to have arrived in the Ohio Valley.32
As Hamilton alludes, the Ronnongwetowanca were likely wiped out by the invading
Adena, who had made their first appearance in the Ohio Valley region around that time.
Though the Adena were also tall and robust, they were not true "giants", as we have
seen, at least not like the Ronnongwetowanca. Another peculiarity of the giants may be
seen here as well: they tended to behave in a bizaare and deceptive, or "silly" manner,
in order to confuse their opponents, perhaps to give them a false sense of security.
Based on this, one might surmise that these giants may have feigned peace treaties with
potential rivals in order to gain the advantage of surprise over them, and wipe them out
with little resistance. This may have been what Hamilton refers to as "the outrages of
the giants", and may have been one of the main reasons for how they had taken the rule
over the Ohio Valley: their Machiavellian techniques, as well as their large size, gave
them an edge that was difficult to overcome.
Few details are known about the Ronnongwetowanca, so we cannot determine whether
these giants were red-bearded or black-bearded, if indeed they had beards at all. Nor
can we fit them into our Asiatic/European giants paradigm, as we could the Adena so,
for now anyway, they remain one of the ancient unsolved mysteries of America's giant
past. Some certain information can be derived from this bit of information from the
Tuscarora elders, however: the Ronnongwetowanca were believed to have been the last
of the giants in North America.

Another enigmatic fragment of North America's giant history can be found in the
legend of the Alleghans. The Alleghans, who gave their name to the Allegheny
Mountains, were a very tall and strong people who once dominated the eastern United
States. It was also believed by some that they were the oldest tribe in North America.
The oldest tribe of the United States, of which there is a distinct tradition,
were the Alleghans. The term is perpetuated in the principal chain of
mountains traversing the country. This tribe, at an antique period, had the seat
of their power in the Ohio valley and its confluent streams, which were the
sites of their numerous towns and villages. They appear originally to have
borne the name of Alli, or Alleg, and hence the names of Talligewi and
Allegewi. By adding to the radical of this word the particle hany or ghany,
meaning river, they described the principal scene of their residence namely,
the Allegheny, or River of the Alleghans, now called Ohio. The word Ohio is
of Iroquois origin, and of a far later period; having been bestowed by them
after their conquest of the country, in alliance with the Lenapees, or ancient
Delawares. (Phi. Trans.) The term was applied to the entire river, from its
confluence with the Mississippi, to its origin in the broad spurs of the
Alleghanies, in New York and Pennsylvania; and the designation, to its
sources, is still continued in use by that people. From the traditions of the
Lenapees, given to the Moravian missionaries, while the lamp of their
traditional history still threw out its flickering but enlivening flames, the
Alleghans had been a strong and mighty people, capable of great exertions
and doing wonders.33
The story of the Alleghans come from the Lenni Lenape, whose descendants are better
known today as the Delaware. The Lenni Lenape, a tribe of normal height and build,
had originally migrated from the west, at the bidding of the "Great Spirit". At the river
crossing of the Mississippi, they had met up with another people known as the
Mengwe, with whom they became allied. Then, in a manner very similar to the way in
which the Israelites had approached the land of Canaan, the Lenni Lenape sent out
scouts to "spy out the land"

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They told, that they had found the further bank

of the River of Fish inhabited by a very
powerful people, who dwelt in great villages,
surrounded by high walls. They were very tall,
so tall that the head of the tallest Lenape could
not reach their arms, and their women were of
higher stature and heavier limbs than the
loftiest and largest man in the confederate
nations. They were called the Allegewi, and
were men delighting in red and black paint, and
the shrill war-whoop, and the strife of the spear.
Such was the relation and made by spies to
their countrymen.34
Like the Israelite spies, the Lenni Lenape spies
brought back a report of giants in the Earth, even
using terminology that is strikingly similar to that Russian giantess, original source
used in the Bible. (Numbers 13) Also, like the unknown. The Lenape spies described the
giants that the Israelites had conquered in Canaan, giants as so tall that "the head of the
tallest Lenape could not reach their
the giants of the Ohio Valley lived in high-walled
arms." This giantess is close to 8 feet tall,
cities, indicative of a relatively sophisticated as well as being proportionally larger and
culture. Moreover, they were not merely tall, but stronger. The Kurgan probably looked
huge, their description indicating a people that were much like her, as Russia is just north of
large and powerful, possibly in the 8-9 foot range in the Caucasus. Note that her facial features
height, or even taller. Interestingly, like the Kurgan are not dissimilar to those of modern
and the Red Ochre People, these people painted Native Americans.
Image from The Q-Files.
their entire bodies in red — or black — paint, and
were extremely warlike in nature.
The Lenni Lenape then sent messengers on to the Alleghans, or "Allegewi", in order to
try to establish formal relations with these formidable people so they could pass by
them unscathed. However, true to their Machiavellian nature, as the Lenni Lenape
began to cross the Mississippi, the giant Allegewi broke their promise and attacked
them when they were at their most vulnerable.
They sent a message to the Allegewi to request permission to settle
themselves in their neighborhood. This was refused them, but they obtained
leave to pass through the country and seek a settlement farther to the eastward.
They accordingly began to cross the Namesi Sipu [Mississippi River], when
the Allegewi, seeing that their numbers were so great, and in fact they
consisted of many thousands, made a furious attack on those that had crossed,
threatening them all with destruction, if they dared persist in coming over to
their side of the river. Fired at the treachery of these people, and the great loss
of men they had sustained, and besides, not being prepared for a conflict, the
Lenape consulted on what was to be done; whether to retreat in the best
manner they could, or try their strength, and let the enemy see they were not
As a result of the treacherous attack, the Lenni Lenape consulted with their Mengwe
allies, and decided that a war was necessary to bring the giant Alleghans to heel. As the
wicked intentions of the Alleghewi was evident, it became clear that these giants, with
their "silly" mode of attack, could not be trusted, and might have to be exterminated.
Thus followed a long war with the Alleghewi that, despite their great size, strength, and
superior skill in battle, resulted in an eventual loss for these mighty giants of the Ohio
Valley. Worn down by the superior numbers and steely resolve of their smaller foes, the
wicked Alleghans were wiped from the face of the Earth (though a variant version of
the tale has a remnant of the giants escaping down the Mississippi). Heaps upon heaps,
their giant bodies were buried in place in hundreds of burial mounds.
After their successful, but costly battle, the Lenni Lenape and the Mengwe went their
own separate ways. Whereas the Lenni Lenape would migrate further east to become
the Delaware, the Mengwe would migrate north to become the part of the Iroquois
six-nation confederacy, later becoming bitter enemies of the Delaware, their former
allies. Among these Iroquois were the Tuscarora which, as we have previously seen,
had kept a tradition of an ancient tribe of giants known as the Ronnongwetowanca, that
had been destroyed by a confederation of several tribes, including their own. Most
likely, the Ronnongwetowanca and the Alleghans were the same or closely related
peoples, and their destruction marked a major turning point in the history of ancient
North America.

The Si-Te-Cah were another mysterious tribe of

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giants whose origin had been previously

unexplained. Not merely tall, these giants also had
red hair, and mummified their dead. They were also
a warlike, cannibalistic people who were in a
constant state of war with the other, Asiatic tribes,
who harassed them constantly. Eventually, with the
concerted efforts of several tribes, the Si-Te-Cah
were pushed back to their homelands in the area
Lovelock Cave skull discovered in the around Mt. Shasta. And it was there, in a cave, that
1920s in Lovelock, Colorado. The they met their fate. As McNatten explains,
mummies were ignored by the local
authorities and ordered to be reburied.
So how did the mummies get in the cave,
Some skulls had red hair, which occurs
anyway? The way the Paiutes tell it, the
only in Europeans, proving that there was
a European presence in the Americas Si-Te-Cah lived on a lake in the basin
before Columbus. Image from overlooked by the cave. When I say on the lake, that's just what I mean - they dwelled on
rafts to escape harassment from the Paiutes.
The rafts, like many other things in Si-Te-Cah society, were made of a fibrous
water plant called tule; in fact, the name Si-Te-Cah means "tule eaters." The
Paiutes and the long-legged redheads did not get along well. The Indians
accused the Si-Te-Cah of being cannibals, and waged war against them. The
Si-Te-Cah fought back. After a long struggle, a coalition of tribes trapped the
remaining Si-Te-Cah in what is now called Lovelock Cave. When they
refused to come out, the Indians piled brush before the cave mouth and set it
aflame. The Si-Te-Cah were annihilated.36
In 1911, guano miners digging in a cave in Lovelock, Nevada found in the excrement a
collection of mummies, bones and artifacts. True to the tale, the mummies were indeed
red-headed. Other red-headed mummies were found in other parts of the same region
as well, including the Humboldt Lake bed and a local ranch. However, once again, the
scientific establishment ignored the evidence, and the Lovelock mummies remain a
mystery to this day. Interestingly, as we saw in our summer, 2002 story on Mt. Shasta,
the Modoc of the Shasta area believed that they were actually the descendants of the
intermarriage between a red-headed people and a more primitive form of human.
Perhaps the final fate of the Si-Te-Cah was not, in fact, death by fire, but by gradual
integration, as was the eventual fate of all of the giant invaders of the Americas.

Though there are only a few stories about major tribes of giants in Native American
lore, other unusual giant stories do occur from time to time in the histories of the
various Native American tribes. Even after the destruction of the major tribes of giants
in the Ohio Valley, giants occasionally visited the Native Americans, and even left
positive impressions on their lesser hosts, as one native storyteller relates:
James Wafford, of the western Cherokee, who was born in Georgia in 1806,
says that his grandmother, who must have been born about the middle of the
last century, told him that she had heard from the old people that long before
her time a party of giants had once come to visit the Cherokee. They were
nearly twice as tall as common men, and had their eyes set slanting in their
heads, so that the Cherokee called them Tsunil´ kalu´, "the Slant-eyed people,"
because they looked like the giant hunter Tsul´ kalu´. They said that these
giants lived far away in the direction in which the sun goes down. The
Cherokee received them as friends, and they stayed some time, and then
returned to their home in the west....37
Interestingly, their namesake, Tsul 'Kalu, which means "slanting eyes", was also a war
and thunder god. The Cherokee religion also has a pair of twins that they called the
"Thunder-boys". This is very similar to the Indo-Europeans, whose primary deities
were war and thunder gods. Also, as we have seen, twins figured prominently in their
pantheon of gods as well, as they also did in Central and South America.

Rumors and reports of giants in Central and South America are no less numerous than
those of North America. However, though there are seemingly endless lists of
archaeological and historical reports of both living giants and giant remains throughout
the Americas, we will focus on the most prominent of these giant sightings for this
work, and direct the reader to the list of resources at the end of this article for further
research on the voluminous amount of archaeological and historical evidence for the
existence of giants in the Americas.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

It is not known whether or not the Indo-Aryan Kurgans penetrated as far south as
Central and South America. The genetic testing taken on North American Indians was
not performed on the natives of the Central and South American nations, so genetic
evidence of a Kurgan invasion south of the present United States is not currently
available. However, the ancients did not respect modern boundaries, roaming and
conquering at will throughout the Americas, so we could, and should, expect to find
giants all the way down to the very southern tip of Argentina. And, in fact, we do.

The "Tsunil Kalu" that had visited the Cherokee in ancient times had come from a land
far in the west. The Cherokee had lived in the American southeast in ancient times, so
the Tsunil Kalu likely came from the American southwest. The southwest, as we have
seen, was one of the places that the Na-Dene language, a derivative of Dene-Caucasian,
is still spoken today. This forms a linguistic link between central Asia and North
America, and thus helps prove our Kurgan Invasion theory, because Central Asia is
where the Dene-Causasian family of languages comes from. America's desert
southwest is a contiguous region that reaches well into
Mexico, so it is likely that the Tsunil Kalu were either
from or related to other giants who lived in Mexico.
However, since we do not have genetic evidence from
south of the border, we must look to the histories of the
early explorers and from the Native Central Americans
themselves to find clues as to whether or not giants
indeed inhabited Central America. Fortunately, there is a
great deal of historical — and archaeological — evidence
that clearly indicates that Central America once hosted
substantial populations of giants.

Steve Quayle gives a good summary of the types of giants

and giant remains that have been found in central
America, particularly Mexico, citing several instances
where Spanish conquistadores encountered both giant
remains and living giants during their forays into what is A giant femur (thigh) bone found
now Central America: reportedly found in Turkey.
Assuming this find is legitimate,
The fossil bones of Mexico are often referred to by the owner of this bone would have
those now inhabiting the area as being from the been close to 20 feet tall,
giants who dwelt in the land in early times. comparable to some of the ancient
reports of giant bones found in
According to the local legends, these giants lived in
Mexico. Image from
the plains of Tlascala by the Olmecs, who came there
before the Toltecs. At the time of the Spanish Conquest, Bernal Diaz was told
of the huge stature of these giants as well as their crimes; and, to show him
how big they were, the storytellers brought him a bone of one of them, which
he measured himself against, and it was as tall as he, who was a man of
reasonable stature. He and his companions were astonished to see those bones,
and held it for certain that there had been giants in that land.38

Bernal Díaz del Castillo was one of the chief chroniclers of the conquest of Mexico by
the Spaniards. He spent his first years in the Americas as a soldier helping to conquer
Mexico, and in the process, he learned a great deal about the history of the area,
particularly about the Aztecs.

The Aztecs were a native American

people who dominated northern Mexico
during the time of the Spanish
Conquest of Mexico, in the early 1500s.
They had originally lived in the desert
southwest, but had fled south, into
modern-day Mexico, to escape the
oppressive taxes of the Toltecs, who
apparently still held control over at least
part of the desert southwest. From this
Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City, was the capitol of the migration came the legend of Aztalan, a
Aztecs. Tenochtitlan was a magnificent city, as or more land of many waters somewhere to the
magnificent than any other city in the world, and was of north of Mexico, where the ancestors of
such a grand scale, some believe that it could only have
been built by giants. Image from Hope of Israel
modern Mexicans had emigrated from.
According to their own legends,
they originated from a place called Aztlan, somewhere in north or northwest
Mexico. At that time the Aztecs (who referred to themselves as the Mexica or
Tenochca) were a small, nomadic, Nahuatl-speaking aggregation of tribal

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peoples living on the margins of civilized Mesoamerica. Sometime in the 12th

century they embarked on a period of wandering and in the 13th century
settled in the central basin of México. Continually dislodged by the small
city-states that fought one another in shifting alliances, the Aztecs finally
found refuge on small islands in Lake Texcoco where, in 1325, they founded
the town of Tenochtitlan (modern-day Mexico City). The term Aztec,
originally associated with the migrant Mexica, is today a collective term,
applied to all the peoples linked by trade, custom, religion, and language to
these founders. Fearless warriors and pragmatic builders, the Aztecs created
an empire during the 15th century that was surpassed in size in the Americas
only by that of the Incas in Peru.39
The Aztecs believed that their chief god Quetzalcoatl was
a giant, bearded Caucasian who had come to Mexico in
ancient times and had taught the cultural predecessors of
the Aztecs all aspects of civilization, including but not
limited to the following:
Named all of the landmarks of the Earth (mountains,
seas, etc.)
Discovered maize
Created fire (in the guise of Mixcoatl)
Established the maguey culture -- octli brewing and
ceremonial drunkenness
Gave instruction of music and dance
Cured eye ailments, blindness, coughs, skin
Gave the priests the practice of curandero, the Quetzalcoatl, the chief god of
diagnostic casting of lots (a sort of medical divination) the ancient Mexicans, was
believed to be a red-haired,
Helped with fertility problems
Caucasian giant who wore a
Sired royal lineages white tunic covered with red
Established the priesthood -- gave proper instruction crosses. He originally came to
of sacrifice and created the Tonalmatal (Book of the Central America from the east,
Destiny Days) across the sea, and promised to
return again in the future.
Domesticated animals40
However, despite all the aid he had given the ancient Mexicans, Quetzalcoatl had been
driven away by an evil priest named Tezcatlipoca, and had headed east, back to his
homeland across the sea. He was prophesied to return again at some point in the future,
however, to help check on the progress of the ancient Mexican peoples whom he had
helped civilize. Interestingly, in the same year that it was believed that this light-
skinned, bearded giant from the east was prophecied to return, the light-skinned,
bearded Hernan Cortez met with the Aztecs for the first time. Another interesting fact
is that the Aztecs also believed that Quetzalcoatl's robes had been white, covered with
red crosses, a uniform very similar to that worn by Cortez and his men.41
Another scholar by the name of Fray Diego Duran had an opportunity during the time
of DeSoto's and Coronado's conquests to preach to the natives, and in the process,
learned a great deal about their history. Duran learned that in ancient times, Mexico had
belonged to a mixture of giants and a primitive people of average size. Around 900
a.d., however, six tribes from North America had emigrated to Mexico, and had
destroyed the savage, abominable giants and taken their land. One historian believed
that these giants had been the same people as the Toltecs, who had built the massive
city of Teotihuacan. Upon finding one of their skeletons, another historian described
the teeth as nearly as big as the fist of a man.42 Interestingly, the capitol city of the
Toltecs was Tula, perhaps the same Tula after which the red-headed, giant Si-Te-Cah,
mentioned previously, had been named, the name Si-Te-Cah meaning "tule eaters". The
Si-Te-Cah had actually been chased out of the area that is now Lovelock, Nevada in
southern Nevada. The city of Tula was in northern Mexico, only a few hundred miles
away from Nevada. Thus, it may be that the Toltecs and the Si-Te-Cah may have been
related, even the same, people.

The Aztecs myths and legends still tell the story of Caucasian giants who visited them
from the east via boats. The Aztecs also believed that Quetzalcoatl, one of the "white
giants", had left behind a royal lineage of Caucasian/Mexican descent. This was also
true of the Maya, who believed that their kings were half god and half human, and were
occasionally pictured with six fingers and six toes. Six fingers and toes, as we have
seen, was one of the hallmarks of the giants. Interestingly, like the Kurgans, the Maya
also worshiped twin gods, called Hunapu and Xbalanque.43

The Maya were the cultural predecessors of the Aztecs in the region, and the Aztecs

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received much of their beliefs and traditions from the Maya, (as well as other cultures
such as the Toltecs). They may have also intermarried to some extent. The Maya may
have been visited, or even conquered by the same race of "red-bearded" Indo-European
giants that had conquered North America in the ancient past, the existence of a dynasty
of six-digited rulers and the worship of twin deities being the only remaining evidence
of that ancient conquest.

Ecuador, which occupies the farthest western coast of South America, has perhaps
some of the most terrifying tales of the most wicked giants. As Quayle explains,
At first the Spaniards thought that the natives in Guayaquil, Ecuador, were
fabricating a tale concerning a tribe of giants who once invaded their land and
terrified them for some years. But they spoke so convincingly about such a
time that, in 1543, Juan de Olmos, lieutenant governor of Port Viejo, finally
ordered excavations be made in the valley at the place where the natives
claimed these giants were destroyed by fire from heaven. In the his account of
these archaeological diggings, Zarate reported that Olmos' party "...found such
large ribs and other bones that, if the skulls had not appeared at the same time,
it would not have been credible they were of human persons.... Teeth then
found were sent to different parts of Peru; they were three fingers broad and
four in length." They also found marks from thunderbolts in the rocks there,
giving further credibility to the story the natives told.44
In very ancient times, a tribe of giants had invaded South America along the western
coastline as far as Ecuador. According to the legend, these giants were so wicked that
they had actually been destroyed by fire from heaven. This of course, as we saw in
Part I, was the same fate of the giants of Sodom, and for the same reasons, as we shall
"The natives tell, from what they
heard through their forefathers, who
heard and had it from far back, that
there came by sea in rafts of reeds
after the manner of large boats,
some men who were so tall that
from the knee down they were as
big as the full length of an ordinary
fair-sized man, and the limbs were
in proportion to their bodies, so
misshapen that it was monstrous to
look at their heads, as large as they
were, and with the hair that came A giant skull from the Gold Museum in Lima, Peru.
down to the shoulders. The eyes The shape of the skull would explain the description of
they give to understand were of the the "misshapen" heads of the giants given by the
size of small plates. They affirm that Ecuadorian natives.
Image from Light 1998
they had no beards and that some
were clad in skins of animals, while others came as nature made them, and
there were no women along.... These tall men or giants ... ate and wasted all
the food they could find in the land, for each one of them consumed more than
fifty of the natives of the country, and as the supply was not sufficient for
them, they killed much fish in the sea by means of their nets and contrivances
which, it stands to reason, they must have had."45
If the legend is to be believed, these giants appear to have been close to 20 feet tall.
Moreover, their proportions were huge and their appearance gruesome to behold, as if
they had stepped out of a horror film. Not handsome as the giants of Europe were said
to be, these giants were fearsome to behold, their glaring eyes and massive, misshapen
heads causing fear and revulsion in all who saw them. Interestingly, just as the giants of
the ancient Near East were described, they wasted resources, consuming mass
quantities and giving no thought to conservation of resources to enable their continued
usage. Little more than giant human parasites, these foul creatures were a menace to
society, and to themselves, fouling and destroying everything they touched.
"The natives abhorred them, for they killed their women in making use of
them, and the men they killed for other reasons. The Indians did not feel
strong enough to kill these new people that had come to take their country and
domain, although great meetings were held to confer about it; but they dared
not attack them. After a few years, the giants still being in the country, and
having no women, and those of the Indians not suiting their great size, or
because it may have been by advice and inducement of the demon, they
resorted to the unnatural vice of sodomy, which they committed openly in
public, with no fear of God and little shame of themselves." Cieza then wrote

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that, according to the account handed down by the natives, an angel in a mass
of fire descended from heaven and killed the giants.46
This conquest model was probably normative for the Kurgan giants. Traveling along
the shoreline in shallow-draft boats gave them easy access to any part of the coast,
allowing them to move quickly and strike hard without having to fight their way
through the land. Normally the womenfolk would follow the men on land in
horse-drawn carts, perhaps with the intent of appearing to be traders rather than
conquerors, but this time the women had not been able to follow. As a result, those
giants that were not destroyed by the angel died out or were assimilated into the local
populations, but not without first doing terrific damage to the natives and their

Though there are no known living giants in

Ecuador, there is a tribe of normal-sized people that
has some among them that exhibit giant
characteristics, such as six fingers, six toes, and
double dentition. They are a tribe of particularly
violent South American aborigines called the
The Waorani were first discovered in the 1940s
when they attacked and killed an expedition looking
for oil. "By 1949, a total of twelve Shell employees
had been killed by Waorani, forcing Shell to
abandon their operations. The Waorani had earned a
reputation as a tribe of hostile 'savages', or in the
Quichua language, 'Aucas'. It would be almost
another decade before any peaceful contact would
be made."47 This next contact would come in the
A Waorani male. Note the t-shirt.
form of the Christian missionary Jim Elliott.
Image from Adrian Warren Photo
Library Unfortunately, Elliott and four other missionaries
were killed by the vicious Waorani, but later
missions by Elliott's widowed wife proved to be successful in breaking the cycle of
violence and civilizing the Waorani.48

During the 1970s, one Dr. James Yost had made substantial efforts to learn more about
these mysterious people and their unknown origins. In the process, Yost found some
facts about the Waorani that were disturbing:
Unravelling the secrets of Waorani culture, Jim
made some amazing discoveries. He found that
the Waorani had maintained the highest levels
of homicide ever recorded in the annals of
human history. Fully fifty per cent of all deaths
in the preceding five generations had been the
result of homicide as the Waorani engaged in a
continuous and deadly internal vendetta,
pursued mostly at night, in spearing raids. No
death, it seemed, whatever the cause, went
unavenged. Furthermore, the Waorani were
even reputed to kill by spearing any, although
only a few instances have been proven, of their
old people who no longer had the means to
support themselves; and they practised
infanticide, either strangling unwanted or
malformed babies with vines, or burying them
alive.49 Waorani males with six fingers on their
hands and six toes on their feet.
The Waorani, though extremely violent, also Images from WAORANI: The Saga of
exhibited superior genetics, being some of the Ecuador's Secret People: A Historical
healthiest people in the world: "Medically, the Perspective
Waorani turned out to be something of an enigma: they had no trace of cancer; no
cardiovascular disease; no high blood pressure; no allergies; and none of the known
diseases familiar to us."50 Not only were they physically superior in many ways, some
even had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot — characteristics, as we
have seen, of the giants. It would appear that the giants of old that had invaded
Ecuador, as described previously, had integrated with the native Asiatic population,
creating a hybrid race of people that were in many ways physically superior — and
extremely violent.

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Just to the south of Ecuador on the western coast of

South America lies Peru. The earliest known
inhabitants of Peru were the Chavin people, about
whom little is known save from some religious
artifacts. The Chavin culture had its early
beginnings around 1400 b.c., and began to go into
decline around 300 a.d., where it was gradually
replaced by the Moche culture. The Moche, were a
fairly sophisticated culture, the most prominent of
whom appears to have been one "Lord of Sipan",
who appears to have been one of the great kings of
the ancient world, even considered to be half god,
half man by his subjects. The Lord of Sipan, who
lived around 300 b.c., had been buried with
treasures so rich and extensive that he has been
called the Tutankhamun of pre-Columbian America.
Another prominent archaeological treasure of
ancient Peru during the Moche period are the
so-called Nazca lines, the origin and function of
which are still not clear to this day.
The "Lord of Sipan" absolute ruler of the
The Moche, who formed the cultural basis from
Moche around 300 a.d., and considered to
which all later South American civilizations would
be half-god, half-man by his subjects.
Image from grow until the Spanish conquest, were in turn
abruptly supplanted by the Chimu culture around
1100 a.d., and lasted until the 1400s, when they were in turn replaced by the Inca,
perhaps the best known of all South American civilizations.

Though the Incan empire had only been around for a few centuries before they were
destroyed by the Spanish under Pizarro, the Inca are the best known culture of South
America. And in that short space of time, they created cultural and architectural
achievements that were nothing short of astounding.
Between 1200 and 1535 AD, the Inca
population lived in the part of South America
extending from the Equator to the Pacific coast
of Chile. The beginning of the Inca rule started
with the conquest of the Moche Culture in Peru.
The Inca were warriors with a strong and
powerful army. Because of the fierceness of
their army and their hierarchical organization,
they became the largest Native American
society. The height of their reign in the 15th
century came to a brutal end in 1535 when the
Spanish conquistadors took over their territory.
Their cities and fortresses were mostly built on
highlands and on the steep slopes of the Andes
Mountains. The architecture of the Inca cities
still amazes and puzzles most scientists. Stone
steps lead up to the top of the cities, which
consist of stone houses and religious buildings.
The blocks of stones weigh several tons and
they are fit together so tightly that not even a Machu Picchu, located in the Andes
Mountains in Peru, northwest of Cuzco.
razor blade can fit through them.51
The Inca cities such as Machu Picchu were so massively built and the megalithic stones
so large, some of them weighing hundreds of tons, that only giants could have built
them. And displayed in the Gold Museum in Lima, Peru, are in fact the ancient giant
skulls of rulers, proving that giants did indeed walk the earth, at least in Peru. Glenn
Kimball also describes a tour he was given of a collector's private museum wherein
were displayed 9-10 foot-tall Incan mummies wearing clothing made of spun gold:
Nine-and-a-half feet tall is large for a
human mummy, especially when it is found
among today's diminutive Peruvians,
whose average stature is just five feet.
Understandably, professional
anthropologists find tales of ancient giants
amusing, but nothing more. Physical
evidence may nonetheless exist to

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

demonstrate that an oversized race of men did indeed dominate parts of

prehistoric South America. The actual mummified head of the crowned king
in the photograph is almost twice as large as my own and I wear the largest hat
of anyone in my acquaintance. When we were invited to the private gold
museum to begin with I was expected to be dazzled by gold. However, it
dawned on me the minute I walked through the door that the size of the head,
and indeed his whole body, was the unique feature of this king. The gold was
impressive, but the size of the man was something more impressive than gold.
The golden tunic that hung on the wall was made of spun gold. This was the
first time in my life I had seen gold woven into a fabric for clothing. The tunic
was over eight feet tall and tailored in such a way as to suggest that it was not
intended to drag on the floor behind a king, but rather to hang straight down to
the floor and no further. That made the tunic itself a measuring device for the
original height of the giant king. It was shocking to imagine a man who could
first wear this tunic without looking like a small child playing with his
mother's clothing and secondly it was shocking to imagine the shear weight of
the garment. The golden necklace at the foot of the tunic would have hung to
the floor around the neck of anyone I know. The golden shoulder shield in the
photograph was almost twice the size of shoulder pads used by professional
football players. There was also a set of golden gloves whose hands and
fingers extended from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger about twelve to
fourteen inches. I couldn't tell exactly because they were kept behind security
And not only were there giant Inca kings in Peru, there were also pyramids and
red-headed mummies. These mummies were of a royal line, descended from
Viracocha, a red-bearded, Caucasian demigod very similar to the Quetzalcoatl of the
ancient Aztecs:
Some of the mummies were found to have the
stiff black hair of the Indians, while others,
which have been kept in the same conditions,
have red, often chestnut-colored hair, "silky and
wavy, as found amongst Europeans, they have
long skulls and remarkably tall bodies. Hair
experts have shown by microscopic analysis,
that the red hair has all the characteristics that
ordinarily distinguish a Nordic hair type from
that of Mongols or American Indians." Pizarro A Peruvian red-headed mummy. This
asked who the white skinned redheads were. mummy was apparently one of the last of
The Inca Indians replied that they were the last the line of Viracocha, the Caucasian
descendants of the Viracochas. The Viracochas, founder of South American civilization.
they said, were a divine race of White men with Image from BUFO Radio
beards. They were so like the Spanish that the Europeans were called
Viracochas the moment they came to the Inca Empire. The Incas thought they
were the Viracochas who had come sailing back across the Pacific.53
The existence of gigantic skulls, red-headed mummies, and recollections of giant,
Caucasian visitors in ancient times who brought civilization, makes it clear that the
Indo-Europeans may have made it as far down south as Peru. But did they stop there?

Previously we had hypothesized that the

Indo-Aryan Kurgans were the same "sea peoples"
who had invaded ancient Canaan during the second
millennium b.c. More recently we saw that the
ancient giants of Ecuador also had invaded Ecuador
from the sea. It is reasonable to assume, then, that
the Kurgan invasion pattern may have been largely
sea-based. If so, we could expect to find even more
stories of giants further down the west coast of
South America from Ecuador and Peru, even
stretching around the horn of South America. And
indeed, we do.
In 1520, when Magellan was looking for a pass to
run around the horn of South America and into the
Pacific Ocean in his attempt to circumnavigate the
world, he ran into a snow storm so severe that he "A sailor giving a Patagonian woman
was forced to take anchor in the Bay of San Julian some biscuit for her child." The
on the east coast of modern Argentina. Fearful of a frontispiece for John Byron's travel epic,
mutiny due to fear of the weather and low food A Voyage around the World (1767).
reserves, Magellan decided to stay ashore for a time Image from Patagonia: Natural History,

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

and initiate repairs as well as build up their food Prehistory and Ethnography at the
stores. Weeks and months passed uneventfully until Uttermost End of the Earth.
one day Magellan and his crew saw something quite
unusual. As Magellan's chronicler explains in his Journals,
We had been two whole months in this harbor without sighting anyone when
one day (quite without warning) we saw on the shore a huge giant, who was
naked, and who danced, leaped and sang, all the while throwing sand and dust
on his head. Our Captain ordered one of the crew to walk towards him, telling
this man also to dance, leap and sing as a sign of friendship. This he did, and
led the giant to a place by the shore where the Captain was waiting. And when
the giant saw us, he marveled and was afraid, and pointed to the sky believing
we came from heaven. He was so tall that even the largest of us came only to
midway between his waist and his shoulder; yet withall he was well
proportioned. He had a large face, painted round with red; his eyes were
ringed with yellow and in the middle of his cheeks were painted two hearts.
He had hardly any hair on his head, what little he had being painted white.54

The name of this tribe of Indians was the Tehuelches, but initially Magellan named
them "Patagonians", after the Spanish word patagon, or "big feet". This was because
their feet were unusually large even for their size. They also wore musical rattles
around their waists, so when they danced, they gave off a tremendous musical noise,
which they danced to like madmen. Dancing and capering, laughing and throwing dust
up over their heads, with their fancy, musical costumes, big feet, and oddly painted
faces, the Patagonians must have looked like clowns to the Spanish explorers. And not
only were they like clowns, they also had enormous appetites, able to eat at one sitting
enough biscuits to feed 20 Spaniards. Though the existence of the Patagonian giants is
now doubted by most mainstream scholarship, their existence was not doubted by the
explorers and people of the time, who often went out of their way to see a Patagonian
Like North America, Central and South America were full of giants, from the equator
all the way down to the horn of South America. These giants were gradually killed off
or outcompeted for resources by the smaller but more numerous Asiatics, the remnants
of these giant tribes eventually intermarrying with them, creating a breed of taller
Central and South American Indians. Some of these natives were aristocracies like
those found in Europe and Asia, being taller, fairer of skin, and often having red or
blonde hair, clearly linking them to Europe. Moreover, the histories of Central and
South America make it clear that giants had once ruled over North, Central and South

Having initially embarked on a simple survey of the evidence pointing towards the
existence of giants in the Americas in ancient times, we have instead gone a giant step
further and developed a radical new theory about the origins and history of humanity
not only in the Americas, but throughout the world. The basis of this theory has been
formed on significant evidence of a major migration of a warlike people that took place
during the second millennium b.c. This migration started in Central Asia, and the
peoples who undertook the migration were called the Kurgans. These Kurgans were
very large in stature, ranging from 7-9 feet tall, some of them being gigantic, reaching
up to 12 feet tall or taller. The symbol of the Kurgans was the swastika, which was a
symbol of the sun, the four winds and, above all, conquest, which they undertook on all
fronts — north, south, east and west. Their conquests north and south were limited in
success, but their eastern and western campaigns were highly successful, both reaching
all the way to the Americas. When they had met in the Americas, however, they made
war on each other, the western front overcoming those who had gone east. Eventually,
through wars and assimilation with the smaller local inhabitants, both the northern,
southern, eastern and western campaigns of Kurgan giants finally petered out. Having
been gradually worn down and absorbed by the smaller but more numerous homo
sapiens, both the blonde, Caucasian giants and the smaller, dark-haired homo sapiens
intermarried, the end result of the war of the giants being a larger, stronger homo
sapiens, many of whom now have lighter skin, blonde, and even red hair. Linkage was
also made with the giants of the ancient Near East, and additional evidence added to
our theory about how the giants originally had been created by "higher powers" as a
means through which they could conquer the world. Further speculation was added
about how World War II may have been started by these fallen angels trying yet again
to recreate the ancient giants of old and conquer the world, and how future world wars
may be started with the same goals in mind.
Now, as a result of the victory of lowly homo sapiens over the giants, only their giant
footsteps in history remain in the form of their history, religion, language and culture,

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all of which are still remembered by the inhabitants of the Americas — memories that
were still relatively fresh by the time that the first Christian explorers came to the New
World. Moreover, discoveries of giant bones by these explorers, discoveries that have
taken place as recently as the twentieth century, continue to prove that giants did
indeed walk the Americas. The question lies now in the hands of the academic
establishment. Will they continue to willfully neglect the genetic, linguistic, cultural,
archaeological and historical evidence, maintaining the failed Isolationist paradigm in
the face of overwhelming evidence, or will they risk the reprisal of Mammon by
stepping out and revealing the evidence of America's true history that has lain buried in
obscurity for over a century? Is it truly science if one willingly covers up evidence that
only contradicts one's cherished beliefs? Have academics been reduced to the level of
having to cover up the truth in order to save their careers?
One has to wonder if the theories one hears about sinister forces working behind the
scenes are indeed true, forces that wish to control us by covering up vital information
about our true history. Increasingly more and more people are coming to the conclusion
that we are being held in bondage to a false history, but are afraid to speak out lest we
be chastised for political incorrectness, crippled by social sanctions, or worse. Yet,
these questions need to be answered before we can truly know who we are and why we
are here. We may even find that the quest to find these answers may lead us to the
conclusion that our history has all been part of a "great game" — a "game" or, more
accurately, "war", that has been controlling the destiny of mankind since its beginning.
However, this war is fought primarily with neither weapons, words, nor even ideas, but
with genetics, where man himself is the weapon, and the hearts of men, the battlefield.
There were giants in the Earth in those days ... and also afterwards.

If one has the daring to

actually search for evidence of
America's giant past, one
should begin in the heartland
of giantkind in the Americas:
the Ohio Valley, home of the
Great Serpent Mound.
However, if you are lucky
enough to find evidence of
giants, whether a complete
skeleton, bones, artifacts, or
other unusually large or
Kurgan-oriented artifacts, do
not attempt to excavate them
Serpent Mound, located near Peebles, Ohio in the heart of the Ohio yourself — irreplacable
Valley, sat at the center of giantkind in North American prehistory.
information may be lost if the
excavation is not carried out
professionally. Contact us directly at and we will
contact a professional archaeologist to do the job for you (and give you the credit for
the find).
Regardless of whether or not you actually find any giants, you may find that the real
fun is in the search. Consult these links for a guide to see where giants are most likely
to be found in the Americas. Make sure to note the travel advisory links from the State
Department as well:

Serpent Mound/Ohio Valley links (The Adena, Alleghans, Ronnongwetowanca)

Mt. Shasta links (The Si-Te-Cah)
The American Southwest (The Tsunil Kalu)
Side Canyon ... explore the American Southwest
The Grand Circle
Southwest Vacation Travel
Sierra Heritage

35 of 50 11/10/10 1:11 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

U.S. Department of State: Mexico
Know Mexico
Andale Mexico
Mexico Online
Traveler's Health: Central America

U.S. Department of State: Ecuador

Columbus Guides: Ecuador
Explorering Ecuador
Explorering Ecuador
Ecuador Travel Guide Ecuador

U.S. Department of State: Peru

Kontiki Tours & Travel: Peru & Machu Picchu
Enjoy Peru
GORP: Ancient Peru
Tropical Nature Travel: Peru
Machu Picchu: Crown Jewel in the Clouds

U.S. Department of State: Argentina (Patagonia)

Argentina Discover
Patagonia Argentina & Chile Travel Guide
iExplore: Patagonia
Patagonia Travel Guide
Southwind: Patagonia Nature Discovery
Visit Chile: Chilean Patagonia
Victory Cruises: Patagonia

Part I: Giants of the ANE | Part III: Giants of Asia | Part IV: Giants of Europe
The Holocaust of Giants | Giant Characteristics | Giants of North America
Giants of Central & South America | Conclusions | Hunting for Giants
Giant Links | Giant Books | Audio | Video | Posters

36 of 50 11/10/10 1:11 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Editorial | Press Releases | Book Reviews | Fragments

Serpent Mound II | Giants II | Osiria II
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Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Advertising? Press Releases?
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Ross Hamilton, "Holocaust of Giants: The Great Smithsonian Cover-up" (Serpent
Mound Mysteries:

Hamilton, "Holocaust of Giants".

"The History of the Smithsonian" (Smithsonian:

Hamilton, "Holocaust of Giants".

Patrick Cooke, "A Giant Cover-up: The Smithsonian Giants" (The Bible UFO

Venice Florida dot com, "Sharks' Teeth General Info" (Venice Florida! dot com:

Mary Sutherland, "Was There a Race of People that Had Horns?" (BUFO Radio:

Steve Quayle, "Accounts of Giants in North America: Ohio Giants" (The Q Files:

Richard L. Dieterle, "Giants or Man Eaters (Wâ´gerútcge)" (The Encyclopedia of
Hotcâk (Winnebago) Mythology:

The Thunderbirds were primarily benificent spirits, but apparently some of them had
turned bad. For more information on the native American Thunderbird myth, see our
popular article, "The Fabulous Thunderbird".

Dieterle, "Giants or Man Eaters (Wâ´gerútcge).

Claessen, D., A de Roos and L. Persson, "Giant cannibals emerge from
size-structured population dynamics [Abstract]" (Allen Press Abstracts:

George Noory and Steve Quayle, "Dead Scientists" (Coast to Coast A.M.:, Broadcast Date: 11/27/2003).

Edwin Black, "Hitler made eugenics famous, but he took it from United States"
(JTA: Global News Service of the Jewish People:

Black, "Hitler made eugenics famous, but he took it from United States".

C.A.N.D.L.E.S. Web Museum, "Mengele" (C.A.N.D.L.E.S. Web Museum:

17, "Aryan" (

37 of 50 11/10/10 1:11 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Sarah Boxer, "Move afoot to detoxify ancient, once-benign swastika symbol"
(Seattle Post-Intelligencer:

19, "Aryan Race" (

University of Calgary, "Kurgan Culture" (University of Calgary:

Koenraad Elst, "Where Did the Kurgans Come From?" in Update on the Aryan
Invasion Update (South Asia Books: 1999).

Free Papers, "The Aboriginal People of Newfoundland" (Free Papers:

Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Genes, Peoples, and Languages (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 2000), 135, 158, 169.

David Larkin and Julek Heller, Giants (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1985), 40-41.
The Indian tribe referred to here is likely the Pawnee.

Greg Little, John Van Auken and Lora Little, Mound Builders: Edgar Cayce's
Forgotten Record of Ancient America (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1985), 60.

Hamilton, "Holocaust of Giants".

University of Calgary, "The Legend of Gog and Magog" (University of Calgary:

Academy for Ancient Texts, "The Book of Enoch: Book 1: Watchers" (Academy
for Ancient Texts:

Dieterle, "Giants or Man Eaters (Wâ´gerútcge)". Interestingly, there is a legend of
the Thunderbird where the home of the Thunderbirds lies beyond two great, magical
mountain peaks that open and close together like a gate, similar to that described in the
Alexandrian myth of Gog and Magog. Could the Thunderbird myth have been a
remnant of the ancient Indo-European beliefs that remained as a fragment of Native
American tradition?

Dieterle, "Giants or Man Eaters (Wâ´gerútcge)".

Robert Silverberg, The Mound Builders (Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1968),

Ross Hamilton, "A Tradition of Giants" (Serpent Mound Mysteries:

Steve Quayle, "A Tradition of Giants and Ancient North American Warfare,
Part 2" (The Q Files:

Quayle, "A Tradition of Giants and Ancient North American Warfare, Part 2".

Quayle, "A Tradition of Giants and Ancient North American Warfare, Part 2".

Steve McNatten, "Who Were the Si-Te-Cah?" (

Mary Sutherland, "Giants of Ohio and the Mound Builders" (BUFO Radio:

Steve Quayle, Genesis 6 Giants (Bozeman, MT: End Time Thunder Publishers,
2002), 197.

Glenn Welker, "The Aztecs/Mexicas" (

USCD, "Quetzalcoatl the Myth" (University of California, San Diego:

38 of 50 11/10/10 1:11 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Quayle, Genesis 6 Giants, 205-206.

Quayle, Genesis 6 Giants, 272-273.

Quayle, Genesis 6 Giants, 200-201.

Quayle, Genesis 6 Giants, 284.

Quayle, Genesis 6 Giants, 284-285.

Quayle, Genesis 6 Giants, 285.

Adrian Warren, "WAORANI The Saga of Ecuador's Secret People: A Historical
Perspective", page 2 (The Last Refuge:

Warren, "WAORANI The Saga of Ecuador's Secret People", page 5.

Warren, "WAORANI The Saga of Ecuador's Secret People", page 7.

Warren, "WAORANI The Saga of Ecuador's Secret People", page 7.

MSU EMuseum, "Inca" (Minnesota State University EMuseum:

Steve Quayle, "Giants of the Royal Incas" (The Q Files:

Mary Sutherland, "Red Headed Mummies PERU" (BUFO Radio:

Quayle, Genesis 6 Giants, 291-292.

Serpent Mound Mysteries: "Holocaust of Giants"

The Bible UFO Connection: "Giants Were among Us"
The Smithsonian: "The History of the Smithsonian"
David Hatcher Childress: "Archaeological Coverups?"
Forgotten Ages Research Society: "Strange Relics from the Depths of the

The Dub Room: Notes on the Demi-Gods of Genesis 6

BUFO Radio: "Giants: Ancient Super Race of Man"
Georgetown University: Central Asia Images
University of Calgary: The Kurgans
The Languages of Russia: The Kurgan Oblast Kurgan, Russia
Center for the Study of Eurasian Nomads
The Garden of Danu: The Great Deluge
The Garden of Danu: The Mammoth Hunters
The Garden of Danu: The Kurgan Invasions
The Garden of Danu: Kurgan Use of the Horse
The Golden Grave from Arzhan
Battle of Stalingrad Tours
The Kurgan Barrows (Russian)
AltaVista's Babelfish Translation Service

39 of 50 11/10/10 1:11 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Kurgan Invasion Map

Red Ochre burials in Romania
The "Amazon Princess of Ipatovo": A Spectaclar Mound Burial in the Caucasus
The Kurgan Debate online
A Look at Modern Human Origins: Cro-Magnon
Bone Clones: Cro-Magnon Skull

Serpent Mound Mysteries: "A Tradition of Giants"

The Encyclopedia of Hotcâk (Winnebago) Mythology: "Giants or Man Eaters
Steve Quayle: "Hidden Proofs of a Giant Race"
Steve Quayle: "Giants and Ancient North American Warfare, Part 1"
Steve Quayle: "Giants and Ancient North American Warfare, Part 2"
Steve Quayle: "Giants and Ancient North American Warfare, Part 3"
Steve Quayle: "Giants and Ancient North American Warfare, Part 4"
Steve Quayle: "Giants and Ancient North American Warfare, Part 5"
BUFO Radio: "Giants of Ohio and the Mound Builders"
Norka of Akron: Ohio Valley Bones: Reality? or Imagination?
Xpeditions Magazine: "When the Giants Roamed the Americas"
The Bible UFO Connection: "History of North American Giants Part 1"
The Spalding Research Project: "The GIANTS of Conneaut"
The Spalding Research Project: "History of Ashtabula County"
Ancient American: "Ancestors of Our First Americans" (PDF)
Ancient American: "'Gigantic' Newcomers to the Prehistoric St. Lawrence
River Valley" (PDF)
Ancient American: "Historical Collections of Ohio, 1852" (PDF)
BUFO Paranormal: "Giants of North America, Giants of New York"
Giant Skeletons
Ohio History Travelogues: Hopewell Culture National Historical Park
NI.BI.RU: "Ancient Giants of the Americas" "Who Were the Si-Te-Cah?"
Shift Journal: Hopi Prophecies
North American Indian Thunder Gods Myths

BUFO Radio: "Giants of Mexico"

The Maya: Lords of the Earth
The Last Refuge: "WAORANI" The Saga of Ecuador's Secret People" "OOPArts & Ancient High Technology"
Steve Quayle: "Giant Skulls from Peru"
Ancient American: "Incan Giants"
Steve Quayle: "Giants of the Royal Incas"
Ancient Giant Skulls of Rulers
BUFO Radio: "Red Headed Mummies: PERU"
The Museum of Unnatural Mystery: The Lines of Peru
Minnesota State University: Inca
Steve Quayle: Giants of the Royal Incas

David Larkin, Julek Heller (Illustrator)
Giants is a classic popular reference work on the subject of giants in
myth and history, and is also an enjoyable read on its own. Filled
with lavish, cleverly rendered illustrations, it makes an excellent
general reference book and even a good coffee table book. (Review
by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Genesis 6 Giants
Stephen Quayle
Genesis 6 Giants provides a good, solid overview of giants in
religion, myth and history, and also serves as a good reference for

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

other sources on giants. Quayle also adds his own insights into the
mix, providing some interesting and thought-provoking reading. He
also offers several other books on related topics on his website, (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Giants: A Reference Guide from History, the Bible, and Recorded

Charles DeLoach
A standard reference book for giants throughout history, DeLoach's
classic work is the result of years of painstaking research. Books of this
type are becoming increasingly rare, but fortunately, DeLoach's Giants is
still in print, or else much important information on this subject would be lost, or very
difficult to find. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Giants in the Earth : A Saga of the Prairie

Ole Edvart Rolvaag
The classic story of a Norwegian pioneer family's struggles with the land
and the elements of the Dakota Territory as they try to make a new life in
America. "The fullest, finest, and most powerful novel written about
pioneer life in America" (The Nation). Considered one of the great works
of American literature, this book will give the reader a good feel of what pioneer life
was really all about. (From the back cover)
Click here to buy this book.

Jack Outwits the Giants

Paul Brett Johnson (Illustrator)
Down-home storytelling and comic pictures of silly giants
enliven Johnson's (Fearless Jack) newest tale of the
Appalachian boy-hero Jack. Trapped by a two-headed giant
who threatens to fry him for breakfast, Jack outwits the
foolish behemoth and his wife with a series of tricks, from
squeezing milk from a stone (he has concealed a milkweed
pod in his hand) to fibbing about a sheriff's posse that is
coming to search for them ("I told you we shouldn't of eat
them two deputies," the giant's wife wails. "Now we're in for
it!"). Johnson's paintings make hay with the warts and
snaggle-teeth of the giant's two faces ("both of 'em mud-fence ugly") as he licks his lips
and tries to best the visitor introduced as "tender young Jack." The boy's trusty hound
hovers in the background, his expressive face a lively barometer of the mood. The
climactic illustrations show Jack convincing the two giants to hide down in the well,
then kicking up "the awfullest ruckus you ever heard" to imitate the sound of the
approaching posse; in the end, Jack cuts the bucket rope with a handy ax. This snappy
story delivers a giant-size good time. Ages 4-8. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Children of the Flames: Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of
the Twins of Auschwitz
Lucette Matalon Lagnado, Sheila Cohn Dekel (Contributor)
A horrifying yet spellbinding account. Although Mengele was a mediocre
doctor, he was encouraged in his pursuit of "genetic research" to create a
"master Aryan race" with the concentration camp at Auschwitz providing
an ample supply of specimens for his unscientific, poorly documented experiments.
Twins were his fixation, and this book interviews some of the estimated 100 survivors
from an initial sample of 3000 young people. The fascination of this book is that it
follows the lives of both Mengele and the twins in their readjustment to life away from
the camps. This gripping tale is extremely readable and well documented, offering
another facet to the human tragedy of the Holocaust. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account

Dr. Miklos Nyiszli
When the Nazis invaded Hungary in 1944, they sent virtually the entire
Jewish population to Auschwitz. A Jew and a medical doctor, the prisoner

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Dr. Miklos Nyiszli was spared death for a grimmer fate: to perform
"scientific research" on his fellow inmates under the supervision of the man who
became known as the infamous "Angel of Death" — Dr. Josef Mengele. Nyiszli was
named Mengele's personal research pathologist. In that capacity he also served as
physician to the Sonderkommando, the Jewish prisoners who worked exclusively in the
crematoriums and were routinely executed after four months. Miraculously, Nyiszli
survived to give this horrifying and sobering account. Auschwitz was one of the first
books to bring the full horror of the Nazi death camps to the American public.
Although much has since been written about the Holocaust, this eyewitness account
remains, as the New York Review of Books said in 1987, "the best brief account of the
Auschwitz experience available." Of Bruno Bettelheim's famous foreword Neal
Ascherson has written, "Its eloquence and outrage must guarantee it a permanent place
in Jewish historiography." (From the back cover)
Click here to buy this book.

Archaeology and Language : The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins

Colin Renfrew
In this book Colin Renfrew directs remarkable new light on the links
between archaeology and language, looking specifically at the puzzling
similarities that are apparent across the Indo-European family of ancient
languages, from Anatolia and Ancient Persia, across Europe and the
Indian subcontinent, to regions as remote as Sinkiang in China. Professor Renfrew
initiates an original synthesis between modern historical linguistics and the new
archaeology of cultural process, boldly proclaiming that it is time to reconsider
questions of language origins and what they imply about ethnic affiliation--issues
seriously discredited by the racial theorists of the 1920s and 1930s and, as a result,
largely neglected since. Challenging many familiar beliefs, he comes to a new and
persuasive conclusion: that primitive forms of the Indo-European language were
spoken across Europe some thousands of years earlier than has previously been
assumed. There was, in particular, no "coming of the Celts", but rather a parallel
development of Celtic-speaking peoples in much the same areas in which they are
found today. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology, and Myth

J. P. Mallory
What image do the Indo-Europeans conjure up? For many, it is one of
horse-riding warriors sweeping out of Asia, spreading their languages and
culture with each clash of the sword. Certainly, linguistic history shows
that most of the peoples of Europe, Iran and India share a common ancient language
known as Proto-Indo-European. Celts, Germans, Italians, Greeks, Albanians, Slavs,
Indians and many peoples long extinct can all have their linguistic ancestry traced back
to this mother tongue. But how far does the story told by languages match the historical
and archaeological record? What do we know about the lives and beliefs of these early
Indo-Europeans? And where was their original homeland? With the skill of a forensic
scientist Dr. Mallory traces the immediate origins of each of the Indo-European peoples
of Europe and Asia. By comparing their languages he demonstrates their common
cultural heritage, and through the technique of comparative mythology he examines
their earliest beliefs. Then he puts the case for their most likely homeland and presents
the archaeological and linguistic evidence for their expansion across Europe and Asia,
a process that has in recent times carried Indo-European speakers to every corner of the
world. Accompanied by extensive quotations from translated texts and fully illustrated
with maps, diagrams and photographs, In Search of the Indo-Europeans is recognized
as the standard work in its field. (Review from the back cover)
Click here to buy this book.

Update on the Aryan Invasion Debate

Koenraad Elst
The author shows profound knowledge of the highly political debate on
the Aryan Invasion theory. Though the Aryan Invasion Theory is
untenable based on current data he urges the revisionist scholars to
answer some of the valid concerns about the Indian Urheimat Theory
(IUT). He laments on the deafness and over confidance of the scholars in each camp.
There is a good discussion of the linguistic issues for the uninitiated. The book draws
the reader in right from the first page and is hard to put down. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

42 of 50 11/10/10 1:11 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Genes, Peoples, and Languages

Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Mark Seielstad
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza was among the first to ask whether the genes of
modern populations contain a historical record of the human species.
Cavalli-Sforza and others have answered this question-anticipated by
Darwin-with a decisive yes. Genes, Peoples, and Languages comprises
five lectures that serve as a summation of the author's work over several decades, the
goal of which has been nothing less than tracking the past hundred thousand years of
human evolution. Cavalli-Sforza raises questions that have serious political, social, and
scientific import: When and where did we evolve? How have human societies spread
across the continents? How have cultural innovations affected the growth and spread of
populations? What is the connection between genes and languages? Always
provocative and often astonishing, Cavalli-Sforza explains why there is no genetic
basis for racial classification. (Review by
Click here

Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives

Alan Bullock
This is a huge and masterful dual biography of two of the most monstrous
personalities of this century. Bullock, whose Hitler: A Study in Tyranny (
LJ 2/15/64) truly deserves its designation as a classic, has produced a
smoothly written study of how these two lives ran parallel and how they
intertwined to affect the lives of millions in the first half of this century. One would
expect Bullock to know Hitler, but his grasp of Stalin and his times is also impressive.
In chapters alternately dealing with Hitler and then Stalin, Bullock analyzes how each
man achieved and then used power for his own twisted goals. It is chilling to realize
that both men rose within legitimate institutions, each "playing the game" by the
established rules. Hitler's evil empire collapsed with his death, Stalin's would live on to
haunt the Soviet Union for decades. Essential for anyone seeking to understand the
history of the West in this century. (Review by Library Journal)
Click here to buy this book.

Mound Builders: Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Ancient

Gregory L. Little, John Van Auken, Lora Little
Despite the claims of archaeologists, the history of ancient America put
forth in Edgar Cayce’s readings has never been tested. Edgar Cayce,
America’s famous “Sleeping Prophet,” gave 68 “psychic readings”
between 1925 to 1944 that provided information on America’s Mound Builders and
ancient American history. These readings have never been thoroughly analyzed and
have been largely forgotten. For the first time, Cayce’s statements about ancient
America are genuinely compared to current archaeological evidence. Since 1997, a
series of astounding developments have shattered American archaeology’s most
cherished beliefs. Excavations have uncovered solid evidence that ancient America was
probably settled at least 50,000 years ago. Genetic evidence shows that several waves
of migrations came into America from not only Siberia, but also from Polynesia,
China, and Japan. A mysterious genetic type has been identified in ancient American
skeletal remains as well as in some modern Native Americans. This enigmatic type is
also linked to Israel, parts of Spain, France, Italy, and the northern Gobi Desert. It may
well have originated in a location between America and Europe. This genetic type
entered America in about 10,000 B.C. and could be the result of migrations from the
mythical land of Atlantis. Another genetic type could be from the mythical land of Mu.
Mound Builders also shows how evidence essentially confirms that a series of
migrations to America from Semitic lands began in 3000 B.C. This evidence is
compared to Mormon ideas. In addition, Mound Builders shows how several mound
sites were built in accordance with Plato’s descriptions of Atlantis and how numerous
mound complexes were arranged to reflect the Belt of Orion. Mound Builders is truly a
compelling, comprehensive look at the archaeological and genetic evidence from
ancient America and the first genuine analysis of Cayce’s readings on history. Contains
144 pictures/illustrations. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

The Mound Builders

Robert Silverberg
"Our forebears, finding large, incomprehensible earthworks scattered
down the Mississippi Valley, refused to believe they were built by the

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

aborigines who still cluttered up the place and impeded settlement. Mr.
Silverberg describes, with gleeful and copious quotation, the nineteenth-century
literature of speculation which attributed these monuments to Phoenicians, stray
Vikings, the lost tribes of Israel, refugees from Atlantis, an extinct race of giants, and
Welshmen. The book, which is charmingly written, ends with a history of the
archaeological work which gave the mounds back to the Indians." (Review by The
Atlantic Monthly)
Click here to buy this book.

Jim Elliot (Heroes of the Faith)

Susan Miller
Jim Elliott visited Ecuador's savage Waorani tribe, locally known as the
"Aucas", in 1956. After using some clever techniques to initiate contact,
Jim and a group of other Christian missionaries met with the Waorani,
only to be speared to death in a tragic incident that shocked the world.
Later, his wife Elisabeth successfully made peaceful contact with the Waorani, and
converted them to Christianity, breaking the cycle of hate and violence that had
enslaved them for so long. A touching story and a great Gospel message for those on
the fence about Christianity. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Patagonia: Natural History, Prehistory and Ethnography at the

Uttermost End of the Earth
Colin McEwan (Editor), Luis Alberto Borrero (Editor), Alfredo Prieto
(Editor), Anne Chapman
Some fourteen to ten thousand years ago, as ice-caps shrank and
glaciers retreated, the first bands of hunter- gatherers began to
colonize the continental extremity of South America--"the uttermost end of the earth."
Their arrival marked the culmination of humankind's epic journey to people the globe.
Now they are extinct. This book tells their story. The book describes how these intrepid
nomads confronted a hostile climate every bit as forbidding as ice-age Europe as they
penetrated and settled the wilds of Fuego-Patagonia. Much later, sixteenth-century
European voyagers encountered their descendants: the Atnikenk (southern Tehuelche),
Selk'nam (Ona), Yt.mana (Yahgan), and Kawashekar (Alacaluf), living, as the
Europeans saw it, in a state of savagery. The first contacts led to tales of a race of
giants and, ever since, Patagonia has exerted a special hold on the European
imagination. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Red Earth, White Lies: Native Americans and the Myth of Scientific
Vine DeLoria
Though Deloria has a broad academic brief — he teaches history, law,
religious studies and political science at the University of Colorado —
here he ventures into a new area, attacking the way scientists have created
"a largely fictional scenario describing prehistoric North America" and
suggesting that Indian lore may offer better explanations. Given Deloria's not-so-
temperate tone — "Christianity has been the curse of all cultures into which it has
intruded" — it is hard to judge all his arguments. He finds flaws in scientific accounts
of how Indians once traversed the Bering Strait land bridge; he also reports that
geological evidence suggests an earlier Indian presence and notes that no tribal creation
stories reflect such a migration. Similarly, he criticizes scientists who argue that Indians
killed off North American megafauna of the Pleistocene era. Deloria's fiercely argued
study sometimes overwhelms as a narrative, but his charges should provoke more
evaluation, as well as examination of the consonance of science and Indian tradition.
(Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Dances With Wolves: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

John Barry
John Barry's Academy Award-winning score for actor/director Kevin

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Costner's nouveau western, Dances with Wolves, is nothing short of a modern classic
by a film scoring master. Utilizing Wagnerian structure, Barry's three main themes
recur in magisterial symphonic form. The memorable "John Dunbar" theme alone has
become an almost subconscious part of modern life, utilized as Muzak and underscore
for public events great and small. Barry's skills as an arranger color his themes in
subtly shifting orchestral hues, giving even the most repeated melodic passages new
emotional weight. Barry's rich music is living proof that the art of orchestral film
scoring is still alive and surprisingly vital in the '90s. (Review by
Click here to buy this CD.

Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out Of Balance

Philip Glass
Fifteen years after its initial release, Philip Glass's score to Godfrey
Reggio's film Koyaanisqatsi is still as timeless as it was meant to be.
Glass's epic score, virtually the only sound in this non-narrative movie, accompanied
an exhilarating, wordless meditation of images ranging from expansive, slow-motion
landscapes to whirling-dervish city scenes shot using time-lapse techniques. Glass's
music was a perfect match. The opening chant is still unlike anything Glass has
composed, a Tibetan monk operatic growl that set up the foreboding sense of loss the
film engenders. Most of the score, however, casts Glass's minimalist themes in
orchestral expanses. Bass strings troll the bottom while flutes draw circles in the air. On
"The Grid," manic keyboards drive into the night, pounding out the cyclical refrains
that are a Glass trademark. When Koyaanisqatsi came out, it seemed opulent with its
orchestral forces, but always at the center were the keyboards, reeds, and voice that are
Glass's characteristic sound. Koyaanisqatsi means "life out of balance," but Glass's
remarkably austere score remains perfectly poised. This newly re-recorded edition adds
nearly 30 minutes to the previous CD release with two previously unissued tracks and
extended versions of "The Grid" and "Prophecies," the two signpost works of the film.
(Review by about the 1998 re-recording of this album)
Click here to buy this CD, or here to buy the 1998 re-recording.

Long Walk Home: Music from the Rabbit-Proof Fence

Peter Gabriel
Though originally written for the film "Rabbit-Proof Fence", set in
aboriginal Australia, the primeval and mysterious passions of this aborigine-inspired
music brings to mind the idea of a ancient race whose time has passed. While the
booming electro-tribal rhythms of previous Gabriel work come instantly into play,
there's a sense of spacious mystery that's perfectly emblematic of the story's Australian
outback setting. Gabriel's penchant for dense aural construction gives way to an
ambient soundscape punctuated by Aboriginal percussion, didgeridoo, and bird song,
and occasionally washed over by lolling tides of synth and samples. It's an atmosphere
that, like the Aboriginal world it evokes, is nearly devoid of traditional melody, but one
infused with a gripping, almost subliminal power. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this CD.

Conan The Barbarian: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Basil Poledouris
From the time between when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the
sons of Aryas, came a soundtrack undreamt of. This Varese Sarebande
version of the CD differs from the import in that it contains several more songs — well
worth the price if you are as much a fan of Conan as are we. What is best in life?
Listening to this CD while weaving tales of gods, warriors, witches ... and giants!
(Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this CD.

Mysterious Origins of Man: Rewriting Man's History

On February 25, 1996 NBC aired a one-hour prime-time special, The
Mysterious Origins of Man, hosted by Charlton Heston. Controversy

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exploded in the academic community following this telecast. Much of the

material for the program was taken from Forbidden Archeology, featuring
interviews with co-authors Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson on the
show. This DVD provides explosive evidence of man's true history, a
history that academics don't want you to know about. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this DVD.

Dances with Wolves (Special Edition)

Kevin Costner's 1990 epic won a bundle of Oscars for a moving,
engrossing story of a white soldier (Costner) who singlehandedly mans a
post in the 1870 Dakotas, and becomes a part of the Lakota Sioux
community who live nearby. The film may not be a masterpiece, but it is far more than
the sum of good intentions. The characters are strong, the development of relationships
is both ambitious and careful, the love story between Costner and Mary McDonnell's
character is captivating. Only the third-act portrait of white intruders as morons feels
overbearing, but even that leads to a terribly moving conclusion. Costner's direction is
assured, the balance of action and intimacy is perfect--what more could anyone want
outside of an unqualified masterpiece? (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

Koyaanisqatsi - Life Out of Balance

First-time filmmaker Godfrey Reggio's experimental documentary from
1983 — shot mostly in the desert Southwest and New York City on a tiny
budget with no script, then attracting the support of Francis Ford Coppola
and George Lucas and enlisting the indispensable musical contribution of Philip Glass
— delighted college students on the midnight circuit and fans of minimalism for many
years. Meanwhile, its techniques, merging cinematographer Ron Fricke's time-lapse
shots (alternately peripatetic and hyperspeed) with Glass's reiterative music (from the
meditative to the orgiastic) — as well as its ecology-minded imagery — crept into the
consciousness of popular culture. The influence of Koyaanisqatsi, or "life out of
balance," has by now become unmistakable in television advertisements, music videos,
and, of course, in similar movies such as Fricke's own Chronos and Craig McCourry's
Apogee. Reggio shot a sequel, Powaqqatsi (1988), and is planning to complete the
trilogy with Naqoyqatsi. Koyaanisqatsi provides the uninitiated the chance to see where
it all started — along with an intense audiovisual rush. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

Powaqqatsi - Life in Transformation

Powaqqatsi, or "life in transformation," is the second part of a projected
trilogy of experimental documentaries whose titles derive from Hopi
compound nouns. Reggio reuses techniques familiar from the previous
film (slow motion, time-lapse, superposition) to dramatize the effects of
the so-called First World on the Third: displacement, pollution, alienation. But he
spends as much time beautifully depicting what various cultures have lost--cooperative
living, a sense of joy in labor, and religious values--as he does confronting viewers
with trains, airliners, coal cars, and loneliness. What had been a more or less peaceful,
slow-moving, spiritually fulfilling rural existence for these "silent" people (all we hear
is music and sound effects) becomes a crowded, suffocating, accelerating industrial
urban hell, from Peru to Pakistan. Reggio frames Powaqqatsi with a telling image: the
Serra Pelada gold mines, where thousands of men, their clothes and skin imbued with
the earth they're moving, carry wet bags up steep slopes in a Sisyphean effort to
provide wealth for their employers. While Glass juxtaposes his strangely joyful music,
which includes the voices of South American children, a number of these men carry
one of their exhausted comrades out of the pit, his head back and arms
outstretched--one more sacrifice to Caesar. Nevertheless, Reggio, a former member of
the Christian Brothers, seems to maintain hope for renewal. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark/The

Temple of Doom/The Last Crusade) - Widescreen
As with Star Wars, the George Lucas-produced Indiana Jones
trilogy was not just a plaything for kids but an act of nostalgic

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

affection toward a lost phenomenon: the cliffhanging movie serials

of the past. Episodic in structure and with fate hanging in the
balance about every 10 minutes, the Jones features tapped into Lucas's extremely
profitable Star Wars formula of modernizing the look and feel of an old, but popular,
story model. Steven Spielberg directed all three films, which are set in the late 1930s
and early '40s: the comic book-like Raiders of the Lost Ark, the spooky, Gunga
Din-inspired Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and the cautious but entertaining
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Fans and critics disagree over the order of
preference, some even finding the middle movie nearly repugnant in its violence.
(Pro-Temple of Doom people, on the other hand, believe that film to be the most
disarmingly creative and emotionally effective of the trio.) One thing's for sure:
Harrison Ford's swaggering, two-fisted, self-effacing performance worked like a
charm, and the art of cracking bullwhips was probably never quite the iconic activity it
soon became after Raiders. Supporting players and costars were very much a part of
the series, too--Karen Allen, Sean Connery (as Indie's dad), Kate Capshaw, Ke Huy
Quan, Amrish Puri, Denholm Elliot, River Phoenix, and John Rhys-Davies among
them. Years have passed since the last film (another is supposedly in the works), but
emerging film buffs can have the same fun their predecessors did picking out numerous
references to Hollywood classics and B-movies of the past. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

The Spy Who Loved Me (Special Edition)

The best of the James Bond adventures starring Roger Moore as tuxedoed
Agent 007, this globe-trotting thriller introduced the steel-toothed Jaws
(played by seven-foot-two-inch-tall actor Richard Kiel) as one of the most
memorable and indestructible Bond villains. Jaws is so tenacious, in fact,
that Moore looks genuinely frightened, and that adds to the abundant fun. This time
Bond teams up with yet another lovely Russian agent (Barbara Bach) to track a pair of
nuclear submarines that the nefarious Stromberg (Curt Jürgens) plans to use in his plot
to start World War III. Featuring lavish sets designed by the great Ken Adam (Dr.
Strangelove), The Spy Who Loved Me is a galaxy away from the suave Sean Connery
exploits of the 1960s, but the film works perfectly as grandiose entertainment. From
cavernous undersea lairs to the vast horizons of Egypt, this Bond thriller keeps its
tongue firmly in cheek with a plot tailor-made for daredevil escapism. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

The Boys from Brazil

Gregory Peck delivers a magnificent performance as the Nazi "Angel of
Death" Joseph Mengele, a performance rivaled only by that of Sir
Lawrence Olivier's Nazi hunter Ezra Lieberman, who is drawn out of
retirement just in time — hopefully — to keep Mengele from successfully raising a
clone of Adolph Hitler to maturity. This longitudinal experiment to end all longitudinal
experiments has Mengele raising dozens of Hitler clones in households all around the
world, with a meticulous and lethal precision that is chilling to watch. Forced to shut
down "the experiment" by his Nazi colleagues who had gone into hiding around the
world after the war, Mengele continues on in a psychotic fury right to the end,
sacrificing his own life to ensure that at least one of the clones makes it safely to
maturity. A chilling account of a frightening tale, worth watching just for the
extraordinary performances of Peck and Olivier. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this DVD.

DeVito and Schwarzenegger as fraternal twin brothers? Hey, why not?
This delightful 1988 comedy by Ivan Reitman — about genetically
designed twin siblings who discover each other at the age of 35 — works
out just fine, thanks largely to great chemistry between the two stars.
Despite a certain amount of rough action and tension, the film really gets a lift from the
palpable innocence Reitman develops, and the female costars (Chloe Webb and Kelly
Preston) bring some interesting texture of their own. This is a film that walked the
tightrope of a high concept and completely succeeded. To see how easy it is to stumble
in a similar situation, check out DeVito and Schwarzenegger in Reitman's Junior. The
DVD release has a full-screen presentation, optional French and Spanish soundtracks,
optional Spanish subtitles. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Black Sun: The Mythological Background of National Socialism

A documentary look at the occult religion and beliefs of the Nazis, using
film footage, photographs, and other resources to give a thorough review
of the historical-cultural, racial, and occult motivations of the Nazis.
Includes stark imagery of the Nazi occult ceremonies, and behind-
the-scenes information not generally available to the general public.
Only available on, in German. NOTE: May not be compatible with
American DVD players. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this DVD.

The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers

(Platinum Series Special Extended Edition)
Not seen in theaters, this unique version of the epic adventure
features over 40 minutes of new and extended scenes integrated into
the film by the director. DVD set consists of four discs with hours of
original content including multiple documentaries, commentaries and
design/photo galleries with thousands of images to give viewers an
in-depth behind-the-scenes look at the film. Frodo Baggins and the Fellowship
continue their quest to destroy the One Ring and stand against the evil of the dark lord
Sauron. The Fellowship has divided and now find themselves taking different paths to
defeating Sauron and his allies. Their destinies now lie at two towers — Orthanc Tower
in Isengard, where the corrupted wizard Saruman waits and Sauron's fortress at
Baraddur, deep within the dark lands of Mordor. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

Conan the Barbarian - Collector's Edition

Conan the Barbarian, the movie that turned Arnold Schwarzenegger into
a global superstar, is a prime example of a match made in heaven. It's the
movie that macho maverick writer-director John Milius was born to
make, and Arnold was genetically engineered for his role as the muscle-bound, angst-
ridden hero created in Robert E. Howard's pulp novels. Oliver Stone contributed to
Milius's screenplay, and the production design by comic artist Ron Cobb represents a
perfect cinematic realization of Howard's fantasy world. To avenge the murder of his
parents, Conan tracks down the evil Thulsa Doom (James Earl Jones) with the help of
Queen Valeria (played by buff B-movie vixen Sandahl Bergman) and Subotai the
Mongol (Gerry Lopez). Aptly described by critic Roger Ebert as "the perfect fantasy
for the alienated pre-adolescent," this blockbuster is just as enjoyable for adults who
haven't lost their youthful imagination. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

Highlander (The Immortal Edition)

This 1986 fantasy/action thriller has since spawned two sequels, a popular
syndicated TV series, numerous comic-book spinoffs, and a loyal (if
somewhat oddly obsessive) following of fans. Directed by music video
veteran Russell Mulcahy (which explains the dizzying camera work), the original
theatrical release made hash of an intriguing story about an "Immortal" from
16th-century Scotland (Christopher Lambert) who time-leaps to modern-day America
with his archenemy (Clancy Brown) in hot pursuit. It becomes a battle to the death
(yes, Immortals can die), and Lambert seeks survival training from an Immortal mentor
played by Sean Connery. Dazzling, energetic, and altogether confusing in its original
form, the film has since been released on video, laserdisc, and DVD in this revised
widescreen "director's cut," with additional footage, director and producers'
commentary, a photo and artwork archive, the original trailer, and an official time line
of the film's evolution from script to screen. A must for Highlander fans. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

Pretty Woman (10th Anniversary Edition)

Like a pumpkin that transforms into a carriage, some very shrewd casting

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Summer 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

(and the charisma of Julia Roberts, in particular) morphed this story of a

Hollywood whore into a Disneyfied Cinderella story--and a mainstream
megahit. This is the movie that made Roberts a star; the charm of her personality
helping tremendously to carry viewers over the rough spots in the script (which was
originally a cynical tale about prostitution called 3000--after the amount of money
Richard Gere's character pays the prostitute to stay with him for the week). Gere is the
silver-haired Wall Street knight who sweeps streetwalker Roberts into a fantasy world
of room service at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel and fashion boutique shopping
on Rodeo Drive. The supporting cast is also appealing, including Laura San Giacomo
as Roberts's hooker pal, Hector Elizondo as the hotel manager, Jason Alexander, Ralph
Bellamy, and Hank Azaria. Now, is this something you want your sons and daughters
to see? That's entirely up to you. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

- The

Size: 13 in x 38 in
The world-famous Giant's Causeway, located on the northern coast of Ireland. The
causeway, a mass of hexagonal columns created by rapidly cooling volcanic basalt, the
causeway has been a prominent part of Irish myth and legend for thousands of years.
(Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this poster.

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Part I: Giants of the ANE | Part II: Giants of the Americas | Part IV: Giants of
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The Table of Nations | The Wars of Gog and Magog | Magog, Prince of the East
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fter the drowning of Atlantis and the antediluvian world, there was a dark and
unknown period in our ancient history, during which time the sons of Noah had
spread across and repopulated the face of the Earth. The giants of the
antediluvian world had been defeated but not destroyed forever as their fathers,
the fallen angels, are spirits that cannot be destroyed. Thus, near the end of this
ancient dark age, which lasted from approximately 10,000-4000 b.c., the
mystery of iniquity began its horrid work upon the Earth once more as the

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fallen angels began once again to recreate the antediluvian race of giants. Just as they
had done in the world before the Flood, the fallen angels were attempting once again
to undermine God's will for mankind by destroying homo sapiens man, replacing him
with a "superior" form of man — the giant homo artificialis.

As we saw in Part II, after the Flood had destroyed the

original brood of giants, the giants had been resurrected Long
from the Indo-Aryan Kurgans, a race of blond-haired, Walk
blue-eyed, Caucasian peoples who lived in the southern Home
steppes of Russia from approximately 5000-2000 b.c. The
Kurgans, considered to be the prototypical Indo-European Peter
or "Aryan" race, were most likely the descendants of Gabriel
Japheth, the son of Noah. The sons of Japheth had migrated Primeval rhythms
north from Mt. Ararat — the most likely landing place of from the era of the
the ark — which is located just south of the Caucasus giants. (Courtesy
Mountains. Japheth's progeny, as described in The Table of
Nations, included Gomer (the father of the Gomarians, or Jigalong
"Cimmerians"), Magog (the father of the Scythians and Stealing the
other Central Asian peoples), Madai (the father of the Children
Medes), Javan (the father of the Greeks and the Ionians), Unlocking the Door
Tubal, Meschech and Tiras (the fathers of the Russian and Tracker
Slavic peoples). All together, the descendants of Japheth Running to the
make up that group of ancient (and modern) peoples that are Rain
known in modern parlance as the "Indo-Aryans".

Genesis chapter 10 contains a very interesting and controversial list of the descendants
of Noah called "The Table of Nations". In this listing, all of the early descendants of
Noah through his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth are listed, with little commentary on
the fate of the nations that they had sired. Thus, it has been the duty of scholarship to
piece together and maintain the puzzle of our ancient past — of who migrated where,
when, and why. Of special interest to our present study is an understanding of the
lineage of Japheth. Japheth had seven sons — two of which, Gomer and Javan, were
deemed important enough to have their sons listed as well. Though many have debated
the identity of the many nations that sprang forth from Japheth (and still do), here is a
comprehensive listing of all of Japheth's listed progeny and the nations that they are
most likely to have sired:

One possible arrangement of the descendants of Japheth as they initially dispersed after the Flood, according
to Genesis 10:1-5. Some researchers believe that Meshech and Tubal, two of the sons of Japheth, migrated
north over thousands of years into modern Russia and Siberia, their names remembered in the names of the
cities of "Moscow", capitol of Russia, and "Tobolsk", a major city of the Siberian region east of Moscow.
The classic reference in Ezekiel 38-39 to the war of Gog and Magog in the end times refers to another son
of Japheth, "Magog", as well as a mysterious character, "Gog", who originates from "the land of Magog".
Most scholars believe is southeastern Russia, the descendants of Magog being renamed the "Scythians" by
the Greeks. Ezekiel prophesied that a confederation of the descendants of Japheth, primarily the descendants
of Magog, Meshech and Tubal, would band together to attack the nation of Israel at a future date when a
remnant of Israel had been called back from the nations to reinhabit the land of Canaan. Though the
prophecy that a remnant of Judah would someday be called back from the nations has been fulfilled, the
attack of Gog, Magog, Meshech, Tubal and several other descendants of Japheth upon the restored land of
Israel is yet future.

Gomer: Gomer as a nation is mentioned in Ezek. 38:6, and may be

identified with the Akkadian Gi-mir-ra-a (the Cimmerians). They are a
migratory people who made their first historical appearance in western Asia at
the end of the 8th century b.c.

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Ashkenaz: Ashkenaz represents a people and a country on the

upper Euphrates in Armenia. The same name occurs in a passage
calling on the kingdoms of Ararat and Minni to rise up against
Babylon (Jer. 51:27). Again the land of Armenia is pinpointed.
Scholars have connected Ashkenaz with the Ashkuza (or
Ashkuza/Ishguza) who fought the Assyrians in the reign of
Esarhaddon (680-669 b.c.) as allies of the Minni.

Riphath: Riphath is an enigma. In the light of his brothers that are

identifiable, he is probably Anatolian. In 1 Chr. 1:6 "Diphath"
occurs, but manuscript evidence fully supports an initial R rather than
D here.

Togarmah: Togarmah exports horses to Tyre (Ezek. 27:14) and is

in Gog's army (Ezek. 38:6). Is he to be connected with Tegarama of
Hittite texts and Til garimmu of Assyrian texts? This area is also
located near the upper Euphrates in Asia Minor (formerly Togarmah
was though to be in Armenia).
Magog: The most reasonable identification put forward, in view of of the
coupling of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39, is Gyges, king of Lydia. Lydia
was the ancient designation for western Asia Minor, an ancient kingdom
opposite the Aegean Sea from Greece. In Ezekiel Gog and Magog are
distinctly belligerent, and the difference between them is not clear.

Madai: Madai is the word used by the OT to designate the Medes, a people
who inhabited the territory between the upper Tigris River and the Caspian
Sea ( 2 Ki. 17:6; 18:11; Isa. 13:17; 21:2). They were formidable opponents
for the Assyrians in the 9th and 8th centuries b.c. Subsequently (late 6th
century b.c.) they became partners with the Persians.

Javan: Javan is to be connected with the Hellenic tribal name Ionia, which
refers to the western coast of Asia Minor and the Aegean area. Later on (by
the Hellenistic period) Javan refers to all Greece. Javanites are merchants
trading with the Phoenicians of Tyre (Ezek. 27:13) and with Philistines (Joel

Elishah: Elishah is Alashiya, the cuneiform name for the island of


Tarshish: In the OT Tarshish is identified as a distant port from

which silver, iron, tin, lead, ivory, monkeys, and peacocks were
exported (1 Kings 10:22; Jer. 10:9; Ezek. 27:12;). In this table of
nations Tarshish could be a Mediterranean port since he is said to be
a son of Javan (Greece). Wherever Tarshish is, it was Jonah's
destination in the west (Jonah 1:3). Yet 1 Kings 10:22 refers to
Solomon's fleet of Tarshish (i.e., larger, seagoing vessels) whose
home port was Ezion-Geber, pointing to a route along the Red Sea
and the Indian Ocean (cf. 2 Chr. 9:21 and 1 Kings 22:49, the latter
being a reference to Jehoshaphat's ships of Tarshish sailing for Ophir
from Ezion-Geber). Tarshish, then may be reached either by the
Mediterranean or by the Indian Ocean, and in either case it is a place
reachable only by ship. Most scholars have identified Tarshish with
Tartessus, a mining village in southwestern Spain. The name is
connected with Akkadian rasasau, "to be smelted", which suggests
that Tarshish means "refinery". C.H. Gordon has taken the position
that Tarshish was located on the shores of the Atlantic, and could
even be Mexico. In a more general way Tarshish may refer to the
open sea, to any far-off lands that are reached by oceangoing ships.
Furthermore, maintains Gordon, Heb. tarshish may alternatively
come from tirosh, "wine", and means "wine-red, wine-dark".

Kittim: Kittim is to be equated with Kition, a Phoenician city on

the southeast coast of the island of Cyprus near the present city of
Larnaka. Kition was a prominent Phoenician base on Cyprus as early
as the 9th century b.c. In the Bible Kittim may refer to a land (Isa.
23:1) and to islands (Ezek. 27:6). Jeremiah (2:10) uses the coasts of
Kittim as a western geographical pole when he assails the sins of his
fellow Judeans. The prophecies of Balaam (see Num 24:24)
demonstrate that Kittim is a land associated with ships.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Dodanim: Dodanim On the basis of the LXX and 1 Chr. 1:7,

many commentators have emended Dodanim to Rodanim, perhaps a
reference to the island of Rhodes, one of the largest islands of the
Aegean, lying off the southwest coast of Turkey. The MT of Gen.
10:3 can be retained only by the suggestion that both Rodanim and
Dodanim came from an original dananim, Gk. danaoi, a people of
the Peloponnesus during the Mycenean period. The name may also
be the basis for the "Dardanelles", the name of a narrow strait in
northwestern Turkey connecting the Aegean Sea with the Marmara

Tubal: Tubal may be connected with the Tabali, who were located in eastern

Meshech: Approximately the same territory covers the descendants of

Meshech, the Mushki of the upper Euphrates River.

Tiras: Tiras is to be linked with the Turasha of Egyptian texts, that is, the
Tyrrhennians, or later, the Etruscans of Italy.

That the names given throughout chapter 10 are not exhaustive is borne out by
verse 5, which refers to the islands of the nations, unidentifiable but perhaps
transoceanic areas.1

Though the descendants of Japheth had laid claim to

Asia Minor, Syria, Persia, the Caucasus and regions
as far east as India and as far west as Spain,
famines, changing weather conditions, overhunting,
population growth and conflicts with neighboring
tribes had forced many of the sons of Japheth to
migrate hither and yon in search of greener pastures.
Moving from the lands that they had claimed as
their own after the Flood, the Japhethites, in contrast
to their southern neighbors who were more settled
and agrarian, for the most part became nomadic and
semi-nomadic shepherds, expanding towards the
four winds, primarily north into the vast plains of
what is now the Russian steppe in search of grazing
fields for their cattle. Though they originally had
many kinds of cattle, over time they began to rely
more and more on the horse, which could provide
Conan the Cimmerian, as invisaged by them with both transportation and sustenance. Its
legendary sci-fi/fantasy artist Frank meat they used to eat, its milk they used to drink, its
Frazetta. Robert E. Howard's "Conan"
hide they used to wear, its bones they used for
character was set in the semi-mythical
"Hyborian" age, that took place artifice and its sinew they used to string the bow.
"between the years when the oceans From this the cult of the horse was born which,
drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, along with the chariot, allowed them to conquer
and in the years of the rise of the sons of their neighbors at will. The usage of these tools of
Aryas". In the movie, Conan's kinfolk conquest — the horse, the chariot, the bow and the
were massacred by the Hyperboreans, sword — would dominate the destiny of the
probably the ancient Russians, who were
led by a Stygian (proto-Egyptian)
Japhethite people forever after, even until the time
sorcerer. In the books, however, Conan of the end.
left on his own accord, pillaging and
Therefore, our map of the Table of Nations is
plundering across the ancient world.
somewhat outdated, as many of the descendants of
Though clearly overglorified, Conan's
Japheth had converted from a sedentary existence to
pillaging predilections were an accurate
account of his namesake, the a nomadic lifestyle of pillage and plunder, leaving
Cimmerians, or "Gomarians" the behind their ancestral homelands in the process.
descendants of Gomer, son of Japheth.
However, though many if not most of the ancient
ancestors of Japheth had spread to the four winds in search of new lands to conquer,
some remained behind to intermarry with the descendants of Shem and Ham in the
region, resulting in the existing populations of Turkey, Syria, Armenia, Iran,
Afghanistan and other nearby nation-states. And though these nomadic peoples left
little in the way of architecture and written documentation, enough historical and
ethnographic evidence exists for us to trace where the sons of Japheth eventually
settled, evidence which may lead us to some disturbing answers about the histories and
final fate of these nations:

Gomer: The sons of Gomer became known as the "Gomarians", also known
as the "Cimmerians". The Gomarians had headed north and west in ancient

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times, fighting with the descendants of Magog, who had forced them
westward, starting a blood feud that continues to this day. The Gomarians
entered and settled Europe through what is now Germany and Austria, some
of the vowels in their tribal name shortened to become the "Germans".

Ashkenaz: ("Spreading Fire") Ashkenaz is also a Germanic

people, possibly the Scandinavians, as some believe that they were
known in Europe as the "Scandia". Or, they might be the Slavic
peoples. Smith's Bible Dictionary links their name to the term
"spreading fire", which reflects well their tendency towards pillage
and conquest.2
Riphath: ("Crusher") Little is known about Riphath, except
perhaps that they were the ancestors of the Paphlagonians, who
lived in northern Asia Minor. A river, the "Rhebas", may reflect their
original name. Some texts have "Riphath" as "Diphath".3 Another
possibility is that Riphath may be the same as "Rapha", father of the
Rephaim giants of the Old Testament, who were believed to have
descended from Rapha.

Togarmah: Togarmah is likely also an Indo-European people,

typically identified with "Germania" due to its similarity to the
pronunciation of the word "Togarma". "Tueton" is also somewhat
similar, though the evidence is not strong enough to take a decisive
stance on either. Others see the root of the word "Armenia" in
Togarmah, though Armenia may have just been the starting point for
these wandering peoples. They may also be the Turks.4

Magog: Magog's territory in the north

and east of the Caucasus places him in
southern Russia and the Central Asian
republics to the east. In ancient times, the
region had been fought over by the
Gomarians (q.v.) and the descendants of
Magog, who in historic times were referred
to by the Greeks as the "Scythians". The
later Scythians were a race of superb
horsemen and archers, who had forced the
Gomarians to emigrate into Europe around
700 b.c., and remained in the region to
become the southern Russians and related
Central Asian peoples. The Parthians were
also likely of or closely related to the A Parthian horse-archer taking a
descendants of Magog.5 "Parthian shot" — the trademark
military manuever of the descendants of
Madai: Madai, unlike many of his Magog. The descendants of Magog, the
Scythians, as well as the Parthians and
brethren, led a more settled lifestyle south other descendants of Japheth who
and west of the Caspian Sea. The sons of migrated east developed worldviews and
Madai formed the ethnic basis, along with techniques of warfare that involved
Parthian and later Semitic immigrants, of indirect, "harrying" tactics designed to
the Persian Empire, which was to be one of wear down the enemy. This was in
the greatest empires of the ancient world. diametric opposition to the technique of
directly crushing the enemy with
The descendants of Madai still live in and
overwhelming force, as was the
around eastern Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, worldview and military method of the
and possibly as far east as India or farther.6 western branch of the descendants of
Japheth, as best exemplified by the
Javan: Javan also took on a more settled Gomerians (the Cimmerians). In practice,
the western Japhethites preferred a
lifestyle, though his descendants may have straight charge towards the enemy on
slaked their wanderlust via the sea instead horseback with a mounted lance or
of by horseback. In the process they sword, whereas the eastern Japhethites
became first-class sailors and sea traders preferred to circle around their enemies
with trading networks, some believe, that with mounted archers and pepper them
stretched all over the world. Descendants with bowfire until they retreated or were
of Javan, the "Ionans", or "Greeks", settled destroyed. This was most effective on the
steppes, where there were vast areas in
Greece and the numerous islands in the which to encircle and wear down the
northern Mediterranean, as well as Italy, enemy, but was much less effective in
Spain, and possibly even further west.7 hilly or heavily forested areas. As a
result, the Scythians were able to drive
the Cimmerians from the steppes of
Elishah: The descendants of southern Russia and Central Asia, but
Elishah on Cyprus have likely changed were not able to drive them further than
little since their foundation. They may hilly and heavily forested Europe, where
also have been the progenitors of the the Cimmerians had the advantage. Image

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"Elysians", an ancient Greek-speaking from Iran Chamber Society.


Tarshish: Tarshish is likely "Tartessos", a port on the southwest

coast of Spain, which would likely correspond with Portugal. Some
believe, based upon its remote location, that it may have actually
been a stopover on the way to the British Isles, Ireland or even the

Kittim: Kittim's descendants, like those of Elishah, likely have not

changed since their foundation on the isle of Cyprus. There has been
some speculation that the Kittim may have been related to the
"Hittim", or Hittites, which had founded a powerful empire in Asia
Minor during the second millennium b.c., powerful enough to rival
even Egypt.

Dodanim: These ancient peoples still also reside on Rhodes and

probably Crete, Santorini and nearby islands. Some think they may
have settled even as far as Malta, and even Sicily. As they were a
maritime nation, it is not impossible that they may have sailed as far
west as Ireland to become the Tuatha de danaan. They may also
have been the "Denen", part of the mysterious "sea peoples" that
came forth from the eastern Mediterranean around 1200 b.c. to
terrorize the Hittites, Canaanites and especially the Egyptians. The
Denen are believed to be the same as the Danaean Greeks.

Tubal: Though Tubal appears to have started out in Asia Minor, like Gomer
and Magog's descendants, the descendants of Tubal appear to have had a
wanderlust that led them far to the north. Ezekiel describes Meschech and
Tubal as being far to the north of Israel, and hostile to it, which would place
them in modern Russia. Tubal's name is likely remembered in the city of
Tobolsk, a major city in Siberia, in eastern Russia.

Meshech: Paired with Tubal in Ezekiel 38-39, Meshech also appears to

have migrated from Asia Minor along with Tubal to populate the far nothern
regions. Known as the "Moschi", they are believed to have intermarried with
the Scythians, and settled in what is now western Russia. Meshech is believed
by most to be remembered in the name "Moscow", the capitol of Russia.9

Tiras: The World Book Encyclopedia explains that "The people of Thrace
were savage Indo-Europeans, who liked warfare and looting. Tiras was
worshipped by his descendants as Thuras, or Thor, the god of thunder."10 As
such, the sons of Tiras may have later migrated north to become part of the
Scandinavian peoples. They are otherwise alternately associated with the
Tyrrenians, Etruscans and Thracians, so at least some of the descendants of
Tiras likely became the Italians.

Thus set, the fortunes of the sons of Japheth played out over thousands of years.
Though most were relatively sedentary and civilized, their natural aggressions
channeled through productive work and trade, two of the elder sons of Japheth, Gomer
and Magog, would start a civil war within the Japhethite family that would drive the
destiny of both Europe and Asia for thousands of years.

As we have seen previously

but have yet to fully analyze,
there is an interesting theme
in biblical prophecy regarding
two mysterious characters,
"Gog and Magog", who will
have a prominent role in the
time of decision at the end of
this present age. The first and
most prominent mention of
Gog and Magog occurs in
Ezekiel 38-39, where Ezekiel
prophesies that, in the
end-times, a mysterious
"Gog, of the land of Magog,

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the chief prince of Meshech

The Austrian Double Eagle was traditionally used to represent the
and Tubal" would be "turned
Habsburg royal family. The Austrian Double Eagle also shows
Teutonic crosses and other emblems used to represent the different
around" and set to attack the
ethnic groups and regions under Hapsburg dominion. The sword, orb,
land of Israel, which would at
and crown are endemic symbols of royal power as decreed by God.
that time be resettled by a
The image of the two-headed eagle represents the geographic location
remnant of Israelites who had
of Austria as the center of Europe, indicating that the Habsburg
returned from the nations to
Empire was believed to be sovereign over the whole world, both east
which they had been
and west. The double-headed eagle also stands for aggressive
scattered. This reference, as
conquest in general, and may be an ancient fragment of history
symbolizing the division of the ancient Japhethites that divided into
we have seen, is clearly a
eastern and western divisions — the Gomarians who moved west into
reference to the various
Europe, and the Magogians (Scythians) who moved east, with the
descendants of Japheth who
intention of eventually conquering and dominating the entire world.
had migrated to the four
Text adapted from The History of Austria: The Hapsburgs.
winds to settle Europe,
Russia, Central Asia and the ancient Near East, including North Africa. However,
though Magog, Meshech, Tubal, and other descendants of Japheth have thus far been
identified with some certainty, the character of "Gog" has not.

The only other mention of Gog and Magog in the Bible occurs in Revelation 20:7-10,
where Gog and Magog are described less as distinct people groups than as points on
the compass: "When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison
and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth — Gog and
Magog — to gather them for battle." Here, Gog and Magog are clearly identified with
all the nations on Earth and, more important to our study, to the four directions.

A third extrabiblical but very intriguing reference comes from an ancient legend of Gog
and Magog which has circulated widely throughout the ancient Near East and central
Asia, which goes as such:

Alexander the Great, while conquering the world, came eventually to the
Caucasus Mountains where Prometheus the Titan had been chained long
before. Here, the Macedonians discovered the evil hordes of Gog and Magog
laying waste to the peaceable tribes around them. The country of these wicked
raiders lay beyond two great mountains named Ubera Aquilonias, the Breasts
of the North. Alexander, calling upon the power of God, moved the mountains
together and forged gates of iron and brass to seal the narrow way. These
Caspian Gates were further strengthened with a magic metal called asiceton,
which was proof against fire and steel; steel shattered upon asiceton, and
whatever fires which touched it were instantaneously quenched. And further,
Alexander built a mighty wall spanning the entire Caucasus range, closing off
the civilized south from the forces of darkness. This wall became known as
the Caucasus Wall. But at the end of time, the gates will open and the wall
break down, and Gog and Magog will burst forth to destroy the world.11

Gog and Magog have for millennia been considered the ultimate source of evil, the
enemies of religion and civilization, and have been particularly closely associated with
the battle of Armageddon. But why? They are only mentioned twice in the Bible, the
first time only vaguely associated with the battle of Armageddon, and the second time
only in passing, as if a footnote, in a time long after the battle of Armageddon has
taken place. Yet, "for some reason, 'Gog and Magog' became a nation or nations, with a
life of their own, separate from their Biblical source. They passed into the romantic
legends of Alexander the Great, which have been rife in Asia since the time of
Alexander himself. They appear in the Koran, which has its own version of the Gog
and Magog story; from these sources, they spread into common currency and become
part of the Old World's travel myths — fables which spread among educated men,
during those centuries when most of the earth was still terra incognita."12 These ancient
legends consistently identified Gog and Magog as the agents of ultimate evil, whose
final appearance heralded the end of this age and the beginning of the Messianic age.

As we have seen, the symbol of the ancient Kurgans and later Japhethite peoples was
the swastika, or "sun wheel", which is basically a representation of the four directions,
or "the four winds" — the four corners of the Earth. Thus, it is possible that the writer
of Revelation, when he paralleled the "four corners of the Earth" with Gog and Magog,
was making a clever allusion to the ancient symbol of the swastika, symbolically
linking it to Gog and Magog in order to impart to the reader the idea that the
descendants of Gog and Magog will spread to the four corners of the Earth again, just
as they had done in ancient times. However, though we can begin to see that Gog and
Magog are clearly associated with world conquest, and with the cardinal directions, we
still need some more information to determine how the equation of world conquest, the
four directions, and the destiny of the sons of Japheth will lead us to the identity of the
mysterious "Gog".

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Migrating to the north of their

ancient homelands, the
ancient Gomarians and
Magogians and related tribes
reached the vast, open steppe
of southern Russia and
Central Asia. Here, around
the Caucasus region,
according to DeLoach, the
Gomerians once again came
into contact with the
Nephilim. At that time,
probably around 3000 b.c., A representation of one possible route of the "Aryan Invasion". The
the fallen angels began to Aryan Invasion Theory posits that a mass migration of peoples took
start breeding giants once place during the third millennium b.c. and afterwards. One or more
more, and had chosen the waves of Aryan peoples migrated out of the Caucasus region in
Gomerians as one of the Central Asia, one half parting from the main body and moving east
peoples through whom they into Persia, India, and parts unknown to the east, whereas the
would reproduce the giants of remaining half continued westward to settle Europe. A third migration
likely took place through the Levant, down through Mesopotamia and
the antediluvian world. No into Canaan, then west into Asia Minor and from there into southern
doubt the highly aggressive Europe. This theory is very strongly supported by historical, cultural,
Gomarians were tempted into linguistic, and genetic evidence, and closely corresponds with our
this abhorrent act through analysis of the re-emergence of the giants in the post-Flood world,
promises of advanced whom we believe came forth from the Gomerians and Magogians,
weaponry that would make who were the prototypical Indo-Aryans. Image from Armenian
them invincible against their Highland.
enemies, as the Gomarians
were later known for their
technical expertise,
particularly in the area of
developing weapons and

As we saw in Part II, it was

theorized that the two fallen
angels who had brought ruin
to the antediluvian world,
Azazel and Semjaza, had
been imprisoned in or near
the Caucasus, and that they
were still active in that
region. The memory of their
imprisonment there was
remembered in the Greek
legend of the chaining of the
titan Prometheus to the
Caucasus Mountains, beyond
which lay the hordes of Gog
and Magog. Prometheus had
been chained there by Zeus as
punishment for giving man
the gift of technology, a gift
that would eventually do
more harm than good.
Similarly, Azazel and
Semjaza also had been
imprisoned in chains of
darkness for giving mankind
the gifts of technology, as
mentioned in the Book of
Enoch and alluded to in 2
Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6. In
retrospect, it appears that the
Gomerians and the
Magogians, passing through
that region, had been tempted
into a Faustian deal with
these demons, allowing
themselves to be used by
them in return for earthly
power. As a result, we
theorize, the Gomerians and
Magogians decided to
abandon God and instead

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worship Azazel and Semjaza respectively, Gomer following Azazel and Magog
following Semjaza. In return, Gomer and Magog's descendants began to be specially
bred and equipped by these demons into giant warriors with advanced weapons
including swords, armor, shields, chariots, and other tools. These weapons, along with
the understanding of how to use them, allowed the Gomerians and Magogians to
conquer all before them. DeLoach explains,

In these lands, watered by large rivers and described by Strabo as the most
agreeable and fruitful parts of all Asia, Gomer's descendants apparently came
in contact with the surviving Nephilim and began intermarrying with them.
For certain, it was here that the exceptionally tall Gomerians developed into a
fierce, warlike people and even fought among themselves over the land.
Although these civil wars occurred in the most obscure times, ancient
historians have been able to piece together some of what happened. Pezron
summarizes what they found, in these words: "This people in process of time
increasing to a vast multitude could not always live in repose and tranquility;
the seeds of dissentions and jealousies began to spring up amongst
themselves: Amid these factions and difficult commmotions, those who
proved the weakest either in number or strength, were expelled by the other,
and forced to seek for a retreat in the neighboring countries; so that passing
over those vast mountains, which are to the south of Margiana, they entered
into a country then in possession of the Medes, who were known by the name
of Arii. Those fugitives fixed themselves either by force or consent in this
country they had made their way to, which was surrounded by high
mountains: And as they were a people that had been driven out of their native
country, they were called Parthians; the same signifying as much as persons
separated from others, exiles or banished people; and it was from this name,
which is very ancient, and sticks to them this day, that that province was
called Parthia, where these fugitives fixed their habitation.... As for the name
Parthians, which the Gomarians gave to those they drove away from among
them, it comes, Pezron tells us, from the word Parthu, "which to this very day
in the Celtic signifies to divide or separate." These exiled Parthians, out of
spite, also stuck a derisive name on their victorious Gomarian cousins. Seeing
that they could not otherwise take revenge on them except by abusive
language [the original "Parting Shot"], they called those giants who drove
them off their own land Sacae. In the Celtic, Sacae denotes a thief, robber, or
the like.13
Though the descendants of Gog and Magog were being carefully bred and trained by
Azazel and Semjaza, it appears that Azazel and Semjaza may not always see eye to eye
on how to go about doing things. In fact, it is highly likely that the two are in conflict
with each other on who will rule the world, and how it will be ruled. Assuming that the
activities of these demons can be measured by observing patterns in history, it may be
that Azazel prefers a more direct, linear approach, whereas Semjaza prefers a more
indirect, circular approach, both in their general worldviews and in their approaches to
warfare and weapons design in particular. This is true because, for as long as records
have been kept, the western approach to life and war has been based upon logic,
reason, rationalism and linear thought, as typified by Greek philosophy. By contrast,
the eastern approach to life and war has been based more upon intuition, introspection
and circular "logic", as typified by Eastern philosophy.

Since time immemorial, a great divide has existed between the eastern and western
worldviews, with no apparent reason as to why. Our new theoretical "Gog and
Magog" paradigm suggests that the differences between eastern and western
worldviews are spiritual in nature, where each hemisphere of Earth is ruled over by a
spiritual "prince" whose activities are made manifest in the patterns of thought and
living to be found in each hemisphere. According to this theory, the "Prince of the
West" employs logic and reason, as typified by the Greek philosophers Plato and

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Aristotle, where the individual is emphasized over the group. Conversely, the
"Prince of the East" employs intuitive and non-linear methods, as typified by
Buddhism and Hinduism, religions which tend to denigrate the individual in favor
of the group. This theory, though at odds with our modern, scientific worldview,
would have been completely acceptable in the minds of the ancients, who believed
that the Earth was indeed ruled over by a hierarchy of fallen angels. Paul himself
even wrote this very thing in Ephesians 6:4, and their struggles are clearly
elucidated in the Daniel 10, where a "Prince of Greece" (western prince) and a
Prince of Persia (eastern prince) are clearly identified. It is our theory that these are
the same demon princes, called Azazel and Semjaza in the Book of Enoch, that were
placed in chains in darkness just before the Flood, as described in 2 Peter 2:4 and
Jude 1:6. Also, these two demons, like Gog and Magog, will be released at the end
of days to wreak havoc upon the world one last time.

The difference in the philosophies of these two demons, according to our theory,
caused a division between the two descendants of Japheth, a division that resulted in
one group, the Gomerians, migrating west, whereas the other group, the Magogians,
remained in the east to become the Parthians — "ones who were divided off" and
related peoples. The Gomerians, who forever after were at war with the Magogian
Parthians were eventually driven out of the east by the Parthians and their descendants
to populate eastern and central Europe, becoming the Germans, Austrians, and related
peoples. Their descendants, the Celts, continued to conquer westward throughout
Europe, the British Isles, Ireland, Scandinavia and, as we saw in Part II, all the way to
the Americas.

Gog and Magog — the paradigm of history. According to our theoretical West/East
paradigm, the descendants of Japheth divided up into two main groups: those who
migrated west and followed philosophies of rationalism and logical reasoning, and
those who traveled east and followed philosophies of intuition and circular
reasoning. These two diametrically opposed philosophies led to diametrically
opposed lifestyles and methods of warfare, as typified by the Gomerian (Kurgan)
horseman who attacks directly with a sword on horseback, and the Magogian
(Parthian) horseman who uses an evasive, passive/aggressive, circular form of
attack/defense with the bow. It is interesting to note that, though the Book of
Revelation does not specifically mention Gog and Magog in relation to the battle of
Armageddon, the first horseman is described as riding on a white horse with a bow,
like the archetypal Magogian warrior, whereas the second horseman is depicted as
riding on a red horse with a sword, like the archetypal Gogian (Gomerian) warrior.

Meanwhile, the sons of Magog continued to

conquer eastward, moving into Iran, Afghanistan,
Pakistan, India, and all across Central Asia. From
there they moved up through China, leaving behind
the Caucasian "Takla Makan" mummies, and
eventually met up and fought with the Gomerian
giants over control of the Americas. Eventually, the
descendants of Gomer became the rulers of the
western hemisphere, "the West", whereas the sons
of Magog became the rulers of the eastern
hemisphere, "the East". Together, as Gomer and
Magog, apparently shortened for poetic license to
"Gog and Magog", they eventually spread across
" Khan Noonian Singh", a painting done the entire earth, conquering and ruling over native
of Khan as he would have appeared on peoples all over the world — Gog ruling the West,
20th century Earth. In the Star Trek and Magog ruling the East. And through them,
mythos, from 1992-1996, Khan was the Azazel extends his influence as "Gog", the spiritual
absolute ruler of one-quarter of Earth, ruler of the western hemisphere, and Semjaza
from Asia to the Middle East. Khan is
basically an idealized representation of
extends his influence as "Magog", the spiritual ruler
Magog, the spiritual ruler of the East. of the eastern hemisphere, to this day.
Image from Star Trek: "Space Seed".
Thus, the close connection between the four
directions and Gog and Magog in Revelation 21 becomes understandable. The ancient

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world was not only conceptually divided into four directions, but also into two
hemispheres: the West and the East, as it is today. The only difference between now
and then is the terminology.

Estimated area of control of Magog, son of Japheth. Magog apparently controlled the area now known as
Central Asia, comprised of the current countries of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and
Tadjikistan. Magog did not stay within his divinely mandated boundary, however, his descendants known
throughout the ancient world as pillagers and plunderers. It is likely that the modern "Indo-Aryans" of
northern Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India are the descendants of Magogian invaders or their allies.
Magog also spread into China and northwards, being in control of the Silk Road for thousands of years, and
leaving behind numerous tall, Caucasian mummies clad in tartans very similar to that worn by the Celts of
Europe. Eventually, the descendants of Magog, the Scythians, gradually wore down and drove Gog (the
Gomerians) out of the Caucasus and the steppelands of southern Russia and the Ukraine, forcing them into
Europe to become the Celts of Europe.

Magog, Prince of the East, after gradually wearing

down and forcing the Gomarians to emigrate west,
began to expand his philosophy all the way to the
islands of Japan through military conquest, leaving
the seeds of what would become Buddhism,
Hinduism, Shintoism — what are known today as the
Eastern philosophies — in his wake. Magog's hordes,
after driving Gomer's hordes to the west, began to
rapidly expand towards the southeast into Iran,
Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, east into China, and
to the Americas via the ancient land bridge, leaving
giant religious, architectural and cultural footprints in
their wake. Remnants of giant peoples and artifacts
can even be found as far afield as Australia and New

But perhaps the most powerful evidence of

Indo-European influence in Asia, over and above the Sharbat Gula, the famous "Afghan Girl"
linguistic, cultural and religious evidence, can be whose glimmering green eyes captured
found by simply looking at the people. Blonde or red the world's imagination in the summer of
1985. Recently rediscovered, Gula is a
hair, blue or green eyes, great size and strength do missing link in our understanding of the
occasionally appear in the populations of Iran, influence of Indo-Europeans on the
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, China and south-central Asian countries of
especially India, where the "upper caste" has Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Image
Caucasian features that are quite distinctive. Let us from National Geographic.
now review the evidence for the penetration of the giants of Magog into the Near,
Central and Far East to try to discover what became of the giants of Asia.

As we saw in Part II, there is definitive historical,

cultural, genetic and linguistic evidence proving that
the Indo-Aryan Kurgans had conquered the
Americas thousands of years before it was
previously believed Europeans had "discovered" the
Americas. Even stronger evidence proves that the

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Indo-Aryans had invaded India, Persia, China, and

perhaps even Australia and New Zealand. For
example, Indo-European languages are still alive
and well all over Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
Just as we discovered in Part II that genetic
evidence proves that two different branches of the
Indo-Europeans, "X1" and "X2", went west and
east, two different branches of the Indo-European
root language also prove the existence of an
east/west division between the ancient sons of
Japheth. Though the European branch of
Indo-European languages is referred to as "Centum
languages" and the Asian branch of Indo-European
languages is called "Satem languages", we will
simplify them and refer to them Gomarian and
Magogian branches, respectively.
This Mongolian giant was photographed
in Ulaanbaatar, the capitol city of After the sons of Magog had forced the Gomarians
Mongolia, in 1922. Assuming even an off of the steppelands of southern Russia, they
average height of 5'4" for his
companions, this giant must have towered
turned their mounts eastward and surveyed the vast,
close to 8 feet tall — truly a giant among rich lands of Asia. Their route was not a direct one,
the diminutive Mongolians. This man is however, as their march of conquest first headed
clearly one of the original giant southeast into the vast territories that are known
descendants of Magog. Image from The today as Iran, but have been classically known as
World of Steve Quayle: Giants and ancient Persia.
Ancient History.

As we saw in The Table of Nations, the descendants of

Japheth controlled vast areas, including the area southeast of
the Caucasus that would later become generally known as
"Persia". In more modern times this region has come to be
known as Iran, a name derived from the term "Aryan",
Persian for "lordly" or "noble". It was a term that the ancient
Persians used to distinguish themselves from other tribes,
whom they considered to be inferior. Madai had been ceded
the Persian region after the Flood, and his descendants, the
Medes, would come to form the first great empire in that
region. They, along with the descendants of Magog, formed
the largest group of Indo-European peoples on Earth for
many centuries, if not millennia. Basirov explains,

As late as the closing decades of the 4th century B.C.,

the Iranian peoples were still the largest and the most
widespread group within the great Indo-European
family; this position must have been held for thousands
of years by their nomadic ancestors, and was not
relinquished until well into the Roman period; during
those distant millennia, they roamed the vast, limitless
Eurasian steppes as pastoralist riders and charioteers;
towards the end of the second millennium B.C., some of
them, lured by the great civilisations of the Indus vally, Elam, Mesopotamia,
and Asia Minor, moved southwards and made permanent settlements; it didn't
take very long for one group of these settled people, the Medes, to form the
first of the four Iranian empires, and less than 500 years for the Persians, to
become the absolute masters of the known world; their nomadic ancestors,
however, continued to roam the steppes, unopposed, for a very long time.14

Though the sons of Madai were relatively sedentary and civilized, the sons of Magog
were not. And the most famous of these sons of Magog were the Scythians, who
continued to roam the steppe unchallenged even during the time of the mighty Persian
empire. The Scythians were unlike the Asiatic Mongols who would dominate the
region centuries later, however, being instead a giant, Caucasian race of horse archers,
whose average height may have been well over 7 feet. They and their descendants, the
Parthians, would militarily dominate the region for centuries.

The Scythians were known by the

Achaemenians, as SAKA and SKUDRA, by the
Greeks, SKYTHIA, by the Romans,
SCYTHIAE (pron. SKITYAI), which has given
us the English word SCYTHIAN; they lived in
a wide area stretching from the south and west
of the River Danube to the eastern and
northeastern edges of the Taklamakan Desert in

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China; this vast territory includes now parts of

Central Europe, the eastern half of the Balkans,
the Ukraine, northern Caucasus, southern
Russia, southern Siberia, Central Asia and
western China. We know a great deal about
their physical appearance; they were
long-headed giants with blond hair and blue
eyes; this well-known fact is attested by various
classical sources, and by their skeletal and other
remains in numerous archaeological
excavations, which give a fairly detailed
description of these ancient Iranians; recently, a
large number of their mummified corpses were
discovered in western China; these mummies,
which are extremely well-preserved in the arid Though the "Scythian Period" in the
history of Eastern Europe lasted little
conditions of the Taklamakan desert, are now more than 400 years, the impression these
on display at the museums of Khotan, Urumchi, horsemen made upon the history of their
and Turfan in Sinkiang; they are dressed in times was such that a thousand years after
Scythian costume, i.e., leather tunic and they had ceased to exist as a sovereign
trousers, and are usually displayed in the sitting people, their heartland and the territories
position, exactly as described by Herodotus; which they dominated far beyond it
continued to be known as "Greater
what is extraordinary apart from their northern
Scythia". From the very beginnings of
European features, however, is their gigantic their emergence on the world scene the
heights, well over two metres as they are now, Scythians took part in the greatest
in spite of the natural shrinkage expected campaigns of their times, defeating such
during the past thousands of years.15 mighty contemporaries as Assyria,
Urartu, Babylonia, Media and Persia.
Image from Scythians 700-300 B.C.
The Scythians were followed in the region by the
(Men at Arms Series, 137)
Parthians who, as we have seen, derived their name
from having been split off from the main body of the Gomerian/Magogian horde that
had spread northwards over the Caucasus after the Flood. Despite their initial defeat,
the Parthians recovered and maintained one of the longest-lasting empires of the
ancient world, being able to hold their own even against the Romans. "The Parthians in
whose hands the empire of the east now is, having divided the world, as it were, with
the Romans, were originally exiles from Scythia. This is apparent from their very
name; for in the Scythian language exiles are called Parthi."16 The Parthians were later
conquered and assimilated by the Achaemenid Persians. The Persian Empire
continued on for several centuries, and came to be the largest empire the ancient world
had ever seen. However, though the Persian Empire was defeated by Alexander (the
eastern prince conquered by the western prince - cf. Daniel 10) the Parthians continued
on as a coherent people well after the end of the Persian Empire, thoroughly defeating
the Greeks and Romans on more than one occasion and maintaining their life of
freedom on the steppes of Central Asia.

Of all of the countries whose ancient

histories were affected by the Aryan
Invasions, India's history was by far the
most impacted by the imperialistic
ambitions of the sons of Magog. Not
only India's history, but also its language,
social structure and even religion had
been mightily impacted by the Aryan
Invasions, of which apparently there
have been many. To this day, modern
Indians still hold to lifeways that had
been introduced by foreigners from
"Vishnu's Chariot". The Rig Veda and other ancient Central Asia who had invaded their
texts tell the story of how a giant, Caucasian, chariot- country over 4,000 years ago. Riding on
riding race had invaded India thousands of years ago, their mighty bronze chariots, the
conquering and destroying most of the aboriginal
invading Indo-Aryans must have seemed
peoples who had once lived in northern India. These
invading peoples were referred to as the "Aryas" as
like gods to India's aboriginal
opposed to the native "Dravidians" and other inhabitants. Accordingly, the Indo-Aryan
aboriginal peoples. Though the Aryas initially freely invasions were immortalized in the
intermarried with the Dravidians and other native Vedas and Suras, the central religious
peoples, later movements in religion and society texts of ancient India. In these ancient
imposed a rigid caste system upon Indian society, where texts, the giant Caucasian invaders were
the descendants of the Indo-Aryans formed a heredity
depicted as "gods" who had founded
royalty class which still exists today.
dynasties of royalty that still, to this day,
dominate the rigid caste system of India.
However, as we have seen, though the Indo-Europeans were not gods, they were not
merely men either, being instead demigods — both human and divine. Bred for war

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and for rulership, these blonde titans carved a bloody path through the ancient world in
a vain attempt to slake the interminable thirst of their fallen masters chained in the
Caucasus. Giant in size and in thirst for conquest, the giants of Asia invaded and
conquered all that their eyes beheld, wreaking great slaughter and exterminating entire
cultures in their vain quest to conquer the world. Theertha explains,
More than 4,000 years ago, the Aryas are believed to have come and settled
down in the region of the Punjab from their original home in middle Asia.
Historians get their information about these ancient settlers, or rather invaders,
from the Rig-Veda which proves beyond doubt that the people who composed
those songs had developed a comparatively high civilization. But adventurers
who leave their homes for distant countries are not generally the best men of
the community, but the lower classes with more physical stamina and animal
courage than cultural attainments. The earliest Aryan invaders were no
exception to this rule. They were bold, hardy, unscrupulous, superstitious, and
even cruel adventurers who were ready to use their powerful right arm against
all those who opposed them and to take by force whatever they wanted in the
new land to which they came. It is quite certain that they did not come with a
mission, with a sense of their superior culture and a holy desire to civilize the
barbarians. Even when they found that many inhabitants of India were less
advanced in civilization than themselves, they hardly ever showed any desire
to raise them to their own level or to impart to them their refinements. On the
contrary their attitude was characterized by haughty exclusiveness and, cruel
contempt for the aborigines until they came into contact with a people as
civilized as themselves in the Gangetic valley and began to mingle freely with
them. The Aryas were essentially a race of warriors. They were lured by the
natural wealth and beauty of the country from one place to another and
steadily extended their migrations overcoming and sometimes mercilessly
extirpating the aborigines who opposed their march, until they were able to
settle down in peace and develop powerful kingdoms in the Gangetic valley.17

The Aryan invaders attacked and

destroyed everything and everyone in
their path, exterminating entire cultures,
and forcing the survivors to flee to
southern India, where a distinctly
separate culture still exists to this day. In
the north, however, particularly in the
Indus Valley region near the border in
Pakistan, this ancient Aryan-influenced
culture is still clearly evident among the
people, including light skin, blue or
green eyes, and distinctly Caucasian
Many northern Indians show distinctly Caucasian
features. Naidu provides a very thorough features. In this image, the woman's features are
listing of all of the Aryan invasions that particularly Caucasian, indicating some Indo-Aryan
have taken place over the thousands of ancestry.
years of Indian history in his impressive
work, The Bible of Aryan Invasions:
Rigvedic Aryan Invasion (1500 BC):
The First Aryan Invasion involved the annihilation of the Semito-Negroid
(Sudra-Panian) Indus Valley civilization by the hordes of Indra, and the
slaughter of 5 million of its inhabitants. The Indus irrigation system was
shattered to permanently destroy agriculture in the region. Sudroid blacks
were displaced from all of North India, the survivors retreating to the hill
tracts of Bundelkhand-Gondwana.

Second Aryan Invasion (1400 BC):

Bharata launched the second Aryan invasion from Afghanistan, and
conquered much of the upper Ganges valley, defeating the descendants of the
first wave of invasions under Indra.

The Krishnaite (Third) Aryan Invasion (1200 BC):

Krishna launched the third Aryan invasion, invading Western India (Gujarat,
Rajastan etc.) from Mathura in Aryavarta. He finally established his capital
there, naming it Dwarka. He destroyed the surviving traces of the Indus Valley
civilization, abducting and raping 16,000 women (low-caste "gopis") of the
races he exterminated. Survivals of these acts are found in the much
toned-down Krishna-gopi songs.

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Mahabharatan Aryan
Invasion (900-800 BC):
The Fourth Aryan Invasion
occurred in 2 parts: First, the
Digvijay Aryan invasions that
led to the subjugation of all of
India to the Aryan yoke. The
revolt by the non-Aryans and
mixed races led to the terrible
Mahabharatan War between
the Aryan Pandavas on one
side and the mixed race
Indo-Aryan Migration into India, c. 1750 B.C. This Kauravas and black aboriginals
map shows the general route taken by the Indo-Aryans on the other. The Aryan victory
who migrated into India beginning around 1750 B.C. enabled them to invade & settle
They were nomadic warriors who came from the in the Ganges valley and
Plateau of Iran and moved through the Hindu Kush confirmed Aryan dominance.
Mountains into the Indus Valley and beyond to the The genocides of this war
Ganges Valley. With them they brought bronze
weapons, horses, and chariots.
permanently changed the racial
composition of India. These
conflicts were some of the most terrible recorded.

Fifth (Solar) Aryan Invasion (800 BC):

The Fifth Aryan invasion is named Solar, since the Aryans who invaded India
during this epoch were of the Solar race (Suryavamsi), while the earlier
Aryans were of Lunar race (Chandravamsi). Kashyap (ie. from the Caspian)
is the progenitor of the Solar race of kings. From the Caspian they swept
down into India, driving the preceding peoples before them. Ikshvaku
established his chiefdom at Ayodhya, while his grandson Mithi conquered
Mithila (named after him). Parasurama continued the 5th Aryan invasion,
exterminating various aboriginal races.

Ramaite Aryan Invasion & Dravidian Holocaust (600 BC):

The 6th Aryan invasion of the deep South (Dravidia) by the armies of "Lord"
Ram led to the fall of the Rakshasa (Dravidian) empire & the destruction of
the splendid city of Ravana. The apartheid varna system was imposed, with
those black Dravidian Sudras who accepted Aryan enslavement being
relegated to the `Clean Sudra' caste , while those who fought the Aryans were
relegated to the `Untouchable Sudra' castes ("panchama") of Dalits and
Adivasis. The worship of the Aryan religion of Vaishnavism was introduced,
and most Dravidians in Lanka exterminated.

Buddhist Aryan Invasion (260 BC):

This Seventh Aryan invasion was launched by Askoka, King of Aryan
Magadha. His attack on Kolarian Kalinga led to the horrible Kalinga War, in
which 200,000 black aboriginals were killed & countless more enslaved.
Several wars with the aboriginal races were waged. The Aryanised religions
of Jainism and Buddhism entered South India. Although these religions were
liberal with Aryan castes, and Buddha was in fact a Mongoloid, these faiths
kept the fundamental Aryan-Sudroid apartheid varna system. The Aryan
Sinhalese Buddhists, invading from East India, meanwhile, exterminated the
entire population of native black Dravidoids. Staunch Buddhist fanatics, they
destroyed scores of Shaiva shrines, erecting Buddhist temples on the ruins and
eventually eradicating Shaivism from Lanka.

Eighth Aryan Invasion (100 BC):

The Eighth Aryan Invasion occurred under the Maharashtrian Satavahanas.
They invaded Dravidia, sacking several cities and annexing Dravidian lands.
This was the first of the Maharasthrian Aryan Invasions.

Nineth (Guptan) Aryan Invasion (250 AD):

Samudra Gupta of the Gupta dynasty in Aryavarta invaded south India and
conquered several non-Aryan nations. The famous invasion of Daskhinapatha
led to the subjugation of many native Indian races, incl. Tamil Nadu. This led
to a hardening of the varna system even in remote areas. Several wars with the
Scythians were also waged.

Rajput (Scythic) Aryan Invasion (300 AD - 1400 AD):

The Rajputs are descendants of Scyths, Greeks, Kushans, Romans, etc. who
entered India mostly after the fall of Guptan Koshala. Finding Aryavarta
(Braj-Koshala) dominated by Aryans, they entered Rajastan and over several
centuries, annihilated the Black Abroginal population of Bhils & Minas.

Eleventh Aryan Invasion (600 - 1000 AD):

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This occurred under the Maharashtrian Chalukyas, and is also known as the
Second Maharasthrian Aryan Invasion. During these wars, Pulkesin II (610 -
642) conquered several Dravidian peoples, and invaded Tamil Nadu. Finally,
after severe persecution of Dravidians, a wave of revolt by the Dravidian
Shaivite Lingayats destroyed Aryan Chalukya rule.

Vijayanagaran Aryan Invasion (1336-1646):

The semi-Aryanized Andhras embarked on one of the most systematic
subjugations of the Dravidian races on record. The entire epoch of the dark
Vijayanagar empire was one of conquest, oppression, and mass murder of
Dravidians. In the Apartheid Andhrite Vijayanagar varna system, a
semi-Aryan Mulatto Nair warrior would shoot a Dravidian Sudra Negro at

Oriya Aryan Invasion (1450-60 AD):

Kapilendradeva of Indo-Aryan Orissa invaded the Dravidian nations in the
1450s-60s, conquering the Reddi kingdom of Vengi and pillaging his way
deep into Tamil Nadu.

Mughal Caliphate of Islam:

The Mughal Caliphate of Delhi in Hindustan (North India) meant the end of
the apartheid varna system in the north. Sudra Blacks could re-enter
civilization, and contributed much to Mughalstani (Indo-Islamic) civilization
as warriors, miners, agricultural labour, police, etc. The varna apartheid
system remained in force in Dravida Nadu (South India), however. Here the
Aryan Brahmins collaborated with the Aryan Islamic invaders from Central
Asia and maintained this inhuman institution.

Marathan (Thirteenth) Aryan Invasion (18th century):

The barbaric Marathas launched the fourteenth Aryan invasion. All Dravidian
nations were subjugated to the Aryan yoke once again. Blacks were subject to
severe oppression, eg. the Peshwa rulers forced the Dalits in Maharashtra to
carry pots to hold their own spittle and brooms to wipe away their footsteps as
they walked.

European Aryan Invasions (1500s-1947):

With the help of the Aryan Brahmans, the Portuguese
Aryan invaders managed to conquer Malabar. The
Portuguese allowed their white cousins to maintain the
apartheid varna system of Manu in most of Malabar,
and even adopted some of its features in Goa. The
Aryan Anglo-Saxon invaders were also supported by
the Indo-Aryans, especially the Brahmans (cf. RSS
never opposed the English, Congress supported the
English in World War I, etc.). The kindred Aryan
civilizations adopted much from each other, eg. the
Theosophical Society, etc., but combined in their
suppression of Black Sudra civilization.

Republic of India (1947 ->):

The Republic of India officially perpetrated the
pro-Aryan government of the English. Thus, Sudra Naseer Ahmaad Soomro,
Religion (Saivism) is not recognised as a separate born in Pakistan in 1970.
religion, but they are classed, along with all Sudra Naseer's exceptional height
Blacks, as (Aryan) Hindus. It has been shown that — apparently over 8 feet
they are not the Hindus. This was mainly due to the tall — and Pakistani origin
racist anti-Sudra M.K.Gandhi, who prevented the makes him a clear
candidate to be a
British, and later the Indian Government from
descendant of the ancient
enacting such legislation. `Khari Boli' Hindi, heavily Indo-Aryan giants. Image
Sanskritised, is, along with English, the co-official from The World of Steve
language of India, and is expanding rapidly at the Quayle: Giants in Recent
expense of Dravidian tongues.18 Times.

India's history, then, was basically a litany of invasions by a people who, though
civilized, behaved like barbarians. It is interesting to note that the invading
Indo-Europeans, though they considered the natives to be inferior, for a time still took
wives of whomever they wished, much like the giants of the antediluvian world had
done. And though the blonde giant invaders of millennia past are no longer to be found
in India, their legacy still lives on in the occasional exceptionally tall Indian boy, and
the shimmering blue-green eyes of Bollywood starlets.

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This mummy was Secreted away in the sands of the Takla

one of many found Makan desert in northwest China are the
in the Takla Makan remnants of an ancient civilization
desert in central previously unknown to mankind. This
Asia, in the far civilization was not distinguished by its
northwestern corner
of China. Though
riches, power or military prowess, but by
many mummies its incongruity.
have had typical
Asian features, this Surrounded on the north by the Tien Shan
and many more mountains — beyond which lies vast
displayed distinctly Khazakhstan — on the west by Kyrgyzstan
European features. and Tajikistan, on the south by Pakistan,
This ancient beauty and on the east by central China (see map),
forms a link to a
the Takla Makan mummies should be
part of humanity's
ancient past that ethnically either Asiatic, Arabic or, more
had previously been likely, a combination of the two. These
forgotten. Image mummies, however, are neither ethnically
from NOVA Asiatic nor Arabic, but distinctly European,
Online. both in dress and in appearance.
When Sir Aurel Stein found the first group
of mummies near the city of Loulan in
1906, they were dressed in woolen
garments, and wore hats made of felt that
were festooned with jaunty feathers. Upon
further examination, it was also discovered
that these mummies had facial and body
characteristics that were clearly European,
including high cheekbones, blond or red
hair, facial hair on the men, and a height
and stature typical of northern Europeans.

Theorists believe that these were Celtic

European settlers who, in the ancient past,
had once presided over the central Asian
silk trade — specifically, the famous "Silk
Road", through which vast amounts of silk
and other exotic goods from China were
once carried to Europe. This road, which
has long since fallen into disuse in favor of
overseas trade, once spanned the vast
deserts and steppelands of central Asia, and
has been the setting for many stories,
legends and international intrigues, both in
Asia and in Europe, for many centuries.
Though it is not known why they
disappeared, some of the mummies suggest
evidence of violence, perhaps due to
conquest by another people or, some
speculate, ritual sacrifice.
Though these mummies have been found
scattered around the valley of the Tarim
river that bisects this vast desert, the oldest
groups of mummies have come from the
cities of Cherchen, where mummies date as
far back as 1000 b.c., and Loulan, where
they date as far back as 2000 b.c. The best
preserved mummies were those that were
buried in the sandy desert in the
wintertime, in open-bottomed coffins that
allowed the cold, salty sand of the Takla
Makan desert to quickly freeze dry their
bodies. Some of the mummies wore
beautiful silk wraps that, in appearance,
look almost fresh from the loom, whereas
others, particularly the Celtic types, were
buried in colorful tartan fabrics that closely
resemble European fabrics of the same
These fabrics, as well as the clearly
European features of many of the
mummies, have led many scientists to the
inescapable conclusion that a previously

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unknown civilization once thrived in along the Tarim river in the midst of the vast
Takla Makan. This civilization once may have been vast, spanning the central Asian
region, but only that part of it that spanned the Takla Makan is now remembered, due
to the incredible preservative properties of its salty sands that preserved enough of this
ancient civilization to bring it to remembrance. The Takla Makan mummies, also
known as the "Urumchi Mummies", are currently on display in the Provincial Museum
of Ürümchi.

Not surprisingly, China too has a tradition of giants.

Numerous invasions from the west into China had
had an effect just as dramatic on Chinese history
and culture as they had had on that of India.
Moreover, intermarriage between the Chinese
people and the invading giants no doubt had an
effect on the Chinese genome, which tales of
Chinese giants in times past prove. DeLoach
The Chinese, in whose land archaeologists
have found some of the earliest skeletal
remains of giants, insist they once had among
them some men as much as fifteen feet tall. We
could dismiss this as just another tall tale,
except that Melchior Nunnez, in his letters
from India, vouches for the fact that China
grew some giants to that tremendous size. He
"speaks of porters who guarded the gates of
Peking who were of that immense height; and
in a letter dated in 1555, he avers that the Chang, the Chinese Giant
emperor of that country entertained and fed (Chang Woo Gow, c.1845-1893)
‘Chang, the "Chinese Giant," first came
five hundred such men for archers of his guard. to England in 1864, being at that time
They were still there to be seen seventy years nineteen years old and 7ft. 9in. high.
later, for George Hakewill, in his Apologie., Chang returned to his native Pekin until
1627, issues a similar report.19 1878, when he went to Paris for the
Exhibition. By this time he had grown
This ancient civilization that presided over trade both taller and stouter, and his height was
a trifle over 8ft., while he weighed 26st.
between the west and the east for thousands of (365 pounds). After his retirement into
years fits perfectly into our emerging understanding private life Chang resided at
of the Caucasian conquerers who had emanated Bournemouth, England where he died at
from the Caucasus. Wave after wave of gigantic the age of forty-eight. Text and image
Caucasian barbarians rode forth on their horses and from Footlight Notes
chariots conquering, and to conquer in all four directions, primarily east and west, only
to be assimilated into the smaller but more numerous homo sapiens that dominated the
east. Now, the Takla Makan mummies rise as a reminder to the true history of Central
Asia, of the ancient conquerors, traders and world explorers that once dominated all

As the sons of Magog spread all over Asia, it may be that,

when they had reached the shores of the Pacific, they
lusted to conquer its far-flung, exotic isles. And the
greatest of these faraway isles was the mysterious
continent of Australia. Recently, supporting this possibility,
giant artifacts have been uncovered that reveal an unknown
past when giants once stalked the Outback. The leader in
this field of research is one Rex Gilroy, well known in
Australia as a leader in the field of Yowie research. Rex's
belief that the aborigines were not the first peoples to live
in Australia caused him to set out in the 1960s to begin a
more thorough research the very earliest ages of man on
this long-forgotten continent.

As an open-minded field researcher of Australia's

Giant fossilized footprint found
ancient past and 'unexplained' mysteries generally, I
in Australia's Blue Mountains.
have never been able to accept the 'traditional' view
Note the photographer's feet for
size comparison. Image from that the first stone-age inhabitants of Australia were
Mysterious Australia. the Aborigines. Spurred on by this belief, in the
mid-1960's I began an extensive field investigation in
search of supportive evidence for my theory. After a three year search I
stumbled upon an extinct Pleistocene [ice age] course of the Macquarie river
near Bathurst, in central western New South Wales. Projecting from a former
bank of this river at one site, I discovered numbers of massive stone
implements; hand-axes, clubs, adzes, knives, hammer-stones and other tools,

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ranging in weights of from 5.5 to 16.5 kg. Such huge 'megatools' could only
have been made and used by hominids of immense stature and strength. I
afterwards learnt of local Aboriginal traditions of a race of giant men and
women, the 'Jogungs', who stood twice the height of a normal human, and
who once roamed central western New South Wales. In the years ahead I
recovered further 'megatools' at other locations around Bathurst, while other
have also been recovered at sites in northern New south Wales and central
Queensland. The most recent megatool is a monstrous 'chopper' made of
basalt, it weighs 20 kg, having been found by me near Nundle, south-east of
Tamworth, in the New England district of northern New South Wales. It is the
largest and heaviest megatool I
have so far discovered. The
former tribespeople of this region
believed in a race of giant
man-like beings called
"Wolumbin", that roamed the
earth in the long-ago 'dreamtime'.
But who were these giant
toolmakers? Massive fossilised
jaws and teeth, dating back
500,000 years have been
excavated by archaeologists in
Java and China, which
anthropologists have named
Meganthropus palaeojavanicus, Giant stone adze made of basalt, found in New South
the "Giant Java Man", a race of Wales, Australia. As the head alone weighs over 20
hominids of around three metres pounds, his tool is far to large to be of any practical use
to anyone less than twice the size (and several times
height, and of immense strength, stronger) than the typical homo sapiens. Image from
weighing around several hundred Mysterious Australia.

Interestingly, Gilroy points out that fossilized jawbones found in New South Wales,
Australia match closely fossils of Meganthropus palaeojavanicus, the so called "Java
Man" believed to have lived in Java and China over half a million years ago. In fact,
according to Gilroy, aboriginal traditions state that a race of light-skinned people,
among whom were mingled giants, actually lived in Australia before the ancestors of
the aboriginals had arrived.
Aboriginal traditions include references to a white-skinned race which
inhabited Australia before them. They also know of a race of giants. During
the 1960's I uncovered a culture of giant-sized stone implements in the New
South Wales central west. They included hand-axes, clubs, knives, adzes and
other tools ranging in weights of from 5 and a half kilograms to 16 and a half
kilograms. Such huge "Megatools" could only have been made and used by
beings of immense stature and strength. These implements are reminiscent of
others found in Java, where Meganthropus, the "giant Java Man", lived during
the last ice-age at least 500,000 years ago, whose huge fossil jaws and teeth
suggest creatures of immense weight, who stood up to three times the height
of modern man. Did Meganthropus or a close relative of him once roam
Australia? Giant-sized man-like fossil footprints, preserved in mudstone, have
turned up all over Australia. They include examples found near Kempsey in
northern New South Wales up to 50 cm in length by 37 cm width across the
toes; and as much as 60 cm length by 25 cm or more in width.21
Interestingly, just as it was in ancient Canaan, there may have been in Australia's very
ancient past a race of tall, light-skinned people among whom roamed giants anywhere
from twelve to eighteen feet tall. Moreover, the linkage between Chinese and
Australian giant skeletal remains may indeed mean that the sons of Magog mave have
reached even unto the shores of Australia in ancient times.

Finally, we reach New Zealand, which

some believe may have once been
inhabited by a people much like the Celts
of Europe. Like the aboriginal
Australians, the Maori of New Zealand
describe various immigrant peoples with
light complexions, hooked noses, and
even red hair. Some researchers have
theorized that these descriptions refer to
various northern European and
Mediterranean maritime peoples such as

19 of 29 11/10/10 1:13 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

the Milesians, Celts, and even the fabled

Tuatha de Danaan of Irish legend. As
Martin Doutre explains in his seminal
work, Ancient Celtic New Zealand,

The ordinary stature Turehu could

well have been the "Tuatha de
Danaan", "Milesians" or later
"Celts", as these people ranged from
average to very impressive physical
stature and all shared a common
ancestry. Celtic folklore, referring to
Martin Doutre believes that New Zealand may have
the Tuatha de Danaan, describes
been first inhabited by a people related to the Celts, them as virtual demigods, of
who have left Celtic-type artifacts all over the island. magnificent physique and towering
Moreover, the native Maori inhabitants speak of an height. Similar descriptions are
ancient race of tall, light-skinned people with European given of skeletal remains in New
features and even red hair, some of whom were of Zealand burial caves, with some
gigantic stature. Image from Ancient Celtic New
skeletons, reportedly, laid out in
body armour. Other burial caves, in
the Hokianga district, contain mummified remains..... As stated, a range of
other Maori names are also used to describe those light complexioned people,
some with strongly hooked noses, from whom integrating, pre-warrior
immigrant Polynesians learned weaving, fishnet making carving, astronomy,
agricultural techniques, canoe building and a myriad of other advanced
cultural expressions. Another distinct group of pre-Maori people are described
as being tall, with red hair, some with quite rounded faces and "hooded

Based upon the ethnographic descriptions, it appears that New Zealand had been
visited by a number of different peoples in ancient times. Mineral rich New Zealand,
like Australia, would have been a desirable trade destination, and some believe that it
may actually have been visited by such seafaring peoples as the Phoenicians the
Egyptians, or even the Israelites during the time of Solomon. Perhaps most interesting
to our present study is the description of a tall, red-haired, round-faced people with
"hooded eyes". That is a good description of how the offspring of Caucasian giants and
Asiatics would look. The giants had intermarried with the mainland Chinese whom
they had conquered, and their offspring had apparently continued their forefathers'
conquests on into the South Pacific.

Not surprisingly, based upon our analysis in Giants of the Americas, both Australia
and New Zealand are busy covering up their giant past, even destroying precious truth
in order to "protect" us from it. Doutre explains,

The eradication of archaeological sites &

artifacts is most certainly going on in the
Australia/ New Zealand region, where
"concealment teams" are being employed to
both destroy or seal away from sight any traces
of anomalous discoveries. In the last few years
the New Zealand teams have removed/buried
/concealed: A trilithon/obelisk arrangement,
composed of about 5 component sets, from the
Wairaki area of New Zealand's central North
Island. The "Artiamuri Stones", registered by The mummified head of a red-headed
Captain Mair in the 1800's and described by Maori. Such a head was likely used for
him as the 2nd most significant site he'd seen in barter for goods, and is proof of
New Zealand...these were, seemingly, pushed Caucasian influence in New Zealand in
ancient times. Image from Ancient Celtic
into a river by a "Forestry Department"
New Zealand.
bulldozer. A number of burial caves containing
large stature skeletons with red, brown & blond hair. These skeletal remains
are a most unwelcome find, as the ancient individuals were very definitely of
Indo-European ethnic origin. Platted samples of their red or brown hair used
to be on display at the Auckland Museum...but have long since been removed
from public scrutiny. An ancient stone jetty on a northern river estuary. A
beautifully hollowed out and fashioned communal dwelling/ assembly area in
a limestone cliff. This was at Castlehill in New Zealand's South Island. A
friend who revisited it in recent weeks found that the entranceway had been
collapsed...undoubtedly by explosives. These few examples represent some of
the skullduggery going on, officially, to throw a spanner in the works of
normal scholastic pursuit within the confines of New Zealand. A gentleman
named Tristan Rankin, who runs the Australian web site: complains about similar clandestine,
insidious "concealment team" interference in Australian archaeological

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Giants in the Earth ...


Once again, it becomes clear that there is an ongoing, purposeful attempt to cover up
the "mistakes" of the past, to protect us from a truth that some believe that we cannot
handle. The facts are clear, however, that an ancient race of Caucasian giants had
emanated from the Caucasus in ancient times and had conquered all of Asia, island
hopped through the South Pacific, and eventually ended up in the Americas. These
giant, blond sons of Magog and related peoples had spread out from Central Asia in
ancient times in several waves of conquest, leaving giant religious, cultural, and
archaeological footprints all over Asia. And though the rage of these demigods crashed
like tsunami upon the shores of mankind, wreaking great death and destruction
wherever their massive feet tread, they wore down but never destroyed meek homo
sapiens who, in the end, inherited the Earth.

The search for the giants of Asia must

begin in the homeland of the giants, the
Caucasus. Mt. Ararat, the most likely
landing place of Noah's ark, from which
spread the sons of Japheth, is located in
Armenia, a former Soviet republic.
Armenia currently does not have an
American consulate, and tourism to
Armenia is not advised at this time.
Moreover, the former Soviet republic of
Mt. Ararat, located in Armenia, between Turkey and
Georgia and the Caucasus Mountains
Iran, and the most likely landing place of Noah's Ark. are only recommended for experienced
Image from travelers, as they too have hot spots and
areas of instability. Iran is obviously out
of the question at this time. Better to visit the homelands of Magog directly, the
Central Asian republics and travel the old Silk Road, though this destination is also
best for the hardy traveler. More accessible destinations include China, India, and of
course Australia and New Zealand, all of which are probable stomping grounds for
the giant sons of Magog. If you come across evidence for giants of Asia while
exploring the exotic East, take pictures and careful documentation and do not disturb
the find or try to take home souvenirs — in some countries that could result in heavy
fines or worse. Report the find with your documentation, and we will publish your
findings and give you credit in future issues of Mysterious World.

Travel In Russia
Travel In Russia: The Caucasus
Russia Travel Guide
Go To Russia
Lonely Planet: Russia
Rajasthan Unlimited
National Museum of India, New Delhi
Madhya Pradesh State Tourism
The Silkroad Foundation
Following Ancient Footprints: Exploring the Northern Silk Road
Travel Concepts International, Inc.: China Silk Road Expedition Urumchi-Turpan-Kashi 8-day tour
Travel China Guide: Tianchi Lake
China National Tourism Association
Travel China Guide
China Travel Service
Imperial Tours
Silkroad Foundation: Urumchi
Golden Bridge International Tours: Across the Takla Makan

21 of 29 11/10/10 1:13 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Australian Tourism Commission

Australian Travel Emporium
Walkabout - The Australian Travel Guide

100% Pure New Zealand

Jason's: New Zealand
New South Wales, Australia

Part I: Giants of the ANE | Part II: Giants of the Americas | Part IV: Giants of
The Table of Nations | The Wars of Gog and Magog | Magog, Prince of the East
Giants of Asia | Giant Links | Giant Books | Audio | Video | Posters

Editorial | Press Releases | Book Reviews | Fragments

Grand Canyon I | Giants III | Osiria III
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Adapted from Victor P. Hamilton, The New International Commentary on the Old
Testament: The Book of Genesis Chapters 1-17 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990),

Smith's Bible Dictionary, "Ashkenaz" (Search Works: http://www.reference-

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, "Riphath" (Bible Tools:

Marcus Jastrow, "Ashkenaz" (

Silkroad Foundation, "The Scythians" (Silkroad Foundation:

Richard Gottheil, "Media" (

Richard Gottheil, "Javan" (

Harold Hunt and Russell Grigg , "The sixteen Grandsons of Noah" (Answers in

WebBible Encyclopedia, "Meshech" (

Harold Hunt and Russell Grigg , "The sixteen Grandsons of Noah" (Answers in

Sylvia Volk, ed., "The Legend of Gog and Magog" (Page of Myths:

22 of 29 11/10/10 1:13 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Volk, "The Legend of Gog and Magog".

Charles DeLoach, Giants: A Reference Guide from History, the Bible and
Recorded Legend (Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, 1995), 131-132.

Dr. Oric Basirov, "The Origin of the Pre-Iranian Peoples" (Circle of Ancient
Iranian Studies at the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), University of

Basirov, "The Origin of the Pre-Iranian Peoples".

"A Roman Description of the Parthians or Later Persians from Justin's History
of the World" (Sam Houston State University:

Swami Dharma Theertha, "The Aryas, the Aborigines and the Indians" (Dalitstan

Prof. Uthaya Naidu, "The Bible of Aryan Invasions" (Dalitstan Organization:

DeLoach, Giants, 63-64.

Rex Gilroy, "Giants of the Dreamtime" (Mysterious Australia:

Rex Gilroy, "Australia The Cradle Of Civilisation" (Mysterious Australia:

Martin Doutre, Ancient Celtic New Zealand (Auckland, New Zealand: De Danaan
Publishers, 1999), 55.

Martin Doutre, "Forbidden History - Covered Up Again!" (ViewZone Magazine: Silk Road Chronology

The Cimmerians
Livius: Cimmerians
Livius: Scythians/Sacae The Scythians The White Huns - The Hephthalites
Livius: Arians
Tobolsk, CIS And Baltic Political Geography
Wikipedia: Kurgan
Proto-Indo-European and Indo-Europeans
Indo-European Language Tree: Centum Languages (Western/X1 Branch)
Indo-European Language Tree: Satem Languages (Eastern/X2 Branch)
A. Richard Diebold Center for Indo-European Language and Culture
A. Richard Diebold Center for Indo-European Language and Culture: The
Indo-European Language Family
The Early History of Indo-European Languages
The Rosetta Project: Indo-European Languages

Gog and Magog

The Legend of Gog and Magog
Gog and Magog
Chuck Missler: "The Magog Identity"
AC Russia Invades Israel

23 of 29 11/10/10 1:13 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

A Roman description of the Parthians or later Persians from Justin's History of

the World
Livius: Parthia
Livius: Parthian Empire
Livius: Parthian Kings
Livius: Arians
Livius: Achaemenids
Livius: Cyrus
Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies at the School of Oriental & African Studies
(SOAS), University of London
The Assyrian King List
Mesopotamian King List 2800–500 b.c.
Crystal Links: Sumerian Timeline
The Legend of Sargon
Sargon of Akkad
Sumer and Akkad - The Sargonid Age and The Third Dynasty of Ur to the Time
of Hammurabi The Amorite Kingdoms
Wikipedia: Amorite
The International History Project: The Amorites
WSU World Civilizations: The Amorites
The 1911 Edition Encyclopedia: Amorites
History of the Bronze Age in Mesopotamia
Cylinder seals, references
Estimated Empire of Sargon
Sargon II of Assyria
Historical evolution (from 4th millennium BC) of the 'ratha' or chariot in Indian

The Bible of Aryan Invasions

Journey in Understanding: Who Were the Aryans and Where Did They Come
From? "Who Were Aryas?"
Dalitstan Organisation: "The Aryas, the Aborigines and the Indians"
Dalitstan Organisation: "Indo-Aryan Kingdoms: 1400-900 b.c.)"
The Myth of the Aryan Invasion "Demise of Aryan Invasion/ Race Theory"
Sacred Texts: The Sacred Laws of the Aryas
Dalsabzi: "History of Hindus in Sindh"
A Goan Apologia
Indology Archives
Hinduism as a European Ideology (Abstract)
Washington and Lee University: "Arya identity and Brahmanical knowledge in
early South Asia" "India History - Aryans and Dravidians - A controversial issue"
Internet Indian History Sourcebook
The Myth of the Aryan Invasion of India
Arya: Its Significance
Indian History Sourcebook: The Laws of Manu
Letter: On Revising the History of Vedic Civilization
Indo-Aryan Migration into India, c. 1750 B.C. Proto-Indoaryans, Mitanni, Hurrians The Indus Valley Civilization
Asia Society: Great Cities, Small Treasures: The Ancient World of the Indus
Wikipedia: Indus Valley Civilization
Wikipedia: Indo-European
Wikipedia: Indra
Wikipedia: Dyaus Pita (Jupiter)
Wikipedia: Chariots
The Bhagavad-Gita
National Museum of India, New Delhi
Madhya Pradesh State Tourism "Should it be called Sarasvati civilisation?"

24 of 29 11/10/10 1:13 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Discovery Online: Riddle of the Desert Mummies

NOVA Online: The Takla Makan Mummies
Mummy Tombs: Urumchi Mummies
The Information Center: Asian Mummies
Science Frontiers: Blondes in Ancient China
The Daily Republican: 2,000 Year Old Mummies
1911 Encyclopedia: Takla Makan Desert
Uyghur Music Dance and Songs Online
Following Ancient Footprints: Exploring the Northern Silk Road
Travel Concepts International, Inc.: China Silk Road Expedition Urumchi-Turpan-Kashi 8-day tour
Silkroad Foundation: Urumchi
Golden Bridge International Tours: Across the Takla Makan
China Xinjiang Silk Road Trek Adventure International Travel Guide
The Takla Makan Mummies
Cloudband: The Forgotten Town of Niya
Livius: Margiana
Melitour: Mongolia, China, Kirgyzystan Tour Handbook
CIA World Factbook: Turkmenistan
Chang, the Chinese Giant
Steve Quayle: "Standing Tall in the Land of Genghis Khan"

Mysterious Australia: "And There Were Giants"

Mysterious Australia: "Giants of the Dreamtime"
Mysterious Australia: "Australia the Cradle of Civilization"
The Australian Yowie Research Center
Steve Quayle: "Giants in Australia"
Awareness Quest: Australian Archaeological Anomalies Research Paradigm
Indegenous Australia: Stories of the Dreaming

Ancient Celtic New Zealand

Viewzone: Forbidden History - Covered up Again!

David Larkin, Julek Heller (Illustrator)
Giants is a classic popular reference work on the subject of giants in
myth and history, and is also an enjoyable read on its own. Filled
with lavish, cleverly rendered illustrations, it makes an excellent
general reference book and even a good coffee table book. (Review
by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Genesis 6 Giants
Stephen Quayle
Genesis 6 Giants provides a good, solid overview of giants in
religion, myth and history, and also serves as a good reference for
other sources on giants. Quayle also adds his own insights into the
mix, providing some interesting and thought-provoking reading. He
also offers several other books on related topics on his website, (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Giants: A Reference Guide from History, the Bible, and Recorded

Charles DeLoach
A standard reference book for giants throughout history, DeLoach's
classic work is the result of years of painstaking research. Books of this
type are becoming increasingly rare, but fortunately, DeLoach's Giants is

25 of 29 11/10/10 1:13 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

still in print, or else much important information on this subject would be lost, or very
difficult to find. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Germanic Warrior: Ad 236-568 (Warrior Series, 17)

Simon MacDowall, Angus McBride (Illustrator)
70 b/w, 14 color 7 x 9 Trade edition of Warrior 17 The Germanic warrior
was perhaps the most important player in the process of evolution from
classical to feudal society. By no means a united people, a tenuous, shared
language root was perhaps all that these diverse tribes had in common.
This volume is offers an overview of the motivations, lifestyles and evolution of these
fascinating peoples, looking at how individual soldiers lived and fought. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Scythians 700-300 B.C. (Men at Arms Series, 137)

M. V. Gorelik
Though the "Scythian Period" in the history of Eastern Europe lasted little
more than 400 years, the impression these horsemen made upon the
history of their times was such that a thousand years after they had ceased
to exist as a sovereign people, their heartland and the territories which
they dominated far beyond it continued to be known as "Greater Scythia". From the
very beginnings of their emergence on the world scene the Scythians took part in the
greatest campaigns of their times, defeating such mighty contemporaries as Assyria,
Urartu, Babylonia, Media and Persia. This highly illustrated book details their costume,
weapons and the way they waged war. (From the back cover)
Click here to buy this book.

Archaeology and Language : The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins

Colin Renfrew
In this book Colin Renfrew directs remarkable new light on the links
between archaeology and language, looking specifically at the puzzling
similarities that are apparent across the Indo-European family of ancient
languages, from Anatolia and Ancient Persia, across Europe and the
Indian subcontinent, to regions as remote as Sinkiang in China. Professor Renfrew
initiates an original synthesis between modern historical linguistics and the new
archaeology of cultural process, boldly proclaiming that it is time to reconsider
questions of language origins and what they imply about ethnic affiliation--issues
seriously discredited by the racial theorists of the 1920s and 1930s and, as a result,
largely neglected since. Challenging many familiar beliefs, he comes to a new and
persuasive conclusion: that primitive forms of the Indo-European language were
spoken across Europe some thousands of years earlier than has previously been
assumed. There was, in particular, no "coming of the Celts", but rather a parallel
development of Celtic-speaking peoples in much the same areas in which they are
found today. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology, and Myth

J. P. Mallory
What image do the Indo-Europeans conjure up? For many, it is one of
horse-riding warriors sweeping out of Asia, spreading their languages and
culture with each clash of the sword. Certainly, linguistic history shows
that most of the peoples of Europe, Iran and India share a common ancient language
known as Proto-Indo-European. Celts, Germans, Italians, Greeks, Albanians, Slavs,
Indians and many peoples long extinct can all have their linguistic ancestry traced back
to this mother tongue. But how far does the story told by languages match the historical
and archaeological record? What do we know about the lives and beliefs of these early
Indo-Europeans? And where was their original homeland? With the skill of a forensic
scientist Dr. Mallory traces the immediate origins of each of the Indo-European peoples
of Europe and Asia. By comparing their languages he demonstrates their common
cultural heritage, and through the technique of comparative mythology he examines
their earliest beliefs. Then he puts the case for their most likely homeland and presents
the archaeological and linguistic evidence for their expansion across Europe and Asia,
a process that has in recent times carried Indo-European speakers to every corner of the
world. Accompanied by extensive quotations from translated texts and fully illustrated
with maps, diagrams and photographs, In Search of the Indo-Europeans is recognized
as the standard work in its field. (Review from the back cover)
Click here to buy this book.

26 of 29 11/10/10 1:13 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Update on the Aryan Invasion Debate

Koenraad Elst
The author shows profound knowledge of the highly political debate on
the Aryan Invasion theory. Though the Aryan Invasion Theory is
untenable based on current data he urges the revisionist scholars to
answer some of the valid concerns about the Indian Urheimat Theory
(IUT). He laments on the deafness and over confidance of the scholars in each camp.
There is a good discussion of the linguistic issues for the uninitiated. The book draws
the reader in right from the first page and is hard to put down. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Genes, Peoples, and Languages

Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Mark Seielstad
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza was among the first to ask whether the genes of
modern populations contain a historical record of the human species.
Cavalli-Sforza and others have answered this question-anticipated by
Darwin-with a decisive yes. Genes, Peoples, and Languages comprises
five lectures that serve as a summation of the author's work over several decades, the
goal of which has been nothing less than tracking the past hundred thousand years of
human evolution. Cavalli-Sforza raises questions that have serious political, social, and
scientific import: When and where did we evolve? How have human societies spread
across the continents? How have cultural innovations affected the growth and spread of
populations? What is the connection between genes and languages? Always
provocative and often astonishing, Cavalli-Sforza explains why there is no genetic
basis for racial classification. (Review by
Click here

Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives

Alan Bullock
This is a huge and masterful dual biography of two of the most monstrous
personalities of this century. Bullock, whose Hitler: A Study in Tyranny (
LJ 2/15/64) truly deserves its designation as a classic, has produced a
smoothly written study of how these two lives ran parallel and how they
intertwined to affect the lives of millions in the first half of this century. One would
expect Bullock to know Hitler, but his grasp of Stalin and his times is also impressive.
In chapters alternately dealing with Hitler and then Stalin, Bullock analyzes how each
man achieved and then used power for his own twisted goals. It is chilling to realize
that both men rose within legitimate institutions, each "playing the game" by the
established rules. Hitler's evil empire collapsed with his death, Stalin's would live on to
haunt the Soviet Union for decades. Essential for anyone seeking to understand the
history of the West in this century. (Review by Library Journal)
Click here to buy this book.

Long Walk Home: Music from the Rabbit-Proof Fence

Peter Gabriel
Though originally written for the film "Rabbit-Proof Fence", set in
aboriginal Australia, the primeval and mysterious passions of this aborigine-inspired
music brings to mind the idea of a ancient race whose time has passed. While the
booming electro-tribal rhythms of previous Gabriel work come instantly into play,
there's a sense of spacious mystery that's perfectly emblematic of the story's Australian
outback setting. Gabriel's penchant for dense aural construction gives way to an
ambient soundscape punctuated by Aboriginal percussion, didgeridoo, and bird song,
and occasionally washed over by lolling tides of synth and samples. It's an atmosphere
that, like the Aboriginal world it evokes, is nearly devoid of traditional melody, but one
infused with a gripping, almost subliminal power. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this CD.

27 of 29 11/10/10 1:13 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

Conan The Barbarian: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Basil Poledouris
From the time between when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the
sons of Aryas, came a soundtrack undreamt of. This Varese Sarebande
version of the CD differs from the import in that it contains several more songs — well
worth the price if you are as much a fan of Conan as are we. What is best in life?
Listening to this CD while weaving tales of gods, warriors, witches ... and giants!
(Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this CD.

Mysterious Origins of Man: Rewriting Man's History

On February 25, 1996 NBC aired a one-hour prime-time special, The
Mysterious Origins of Man, hosted by Charlton Heston. Controversy
exploded in the academic community following this telecast. Much of the
material for the program was taken from Forbidden Archeology, featuring
interviews with co-authors Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson on the
show. This DVD provides explosive evidence of man's true history, a
history that academics don't want you to know about. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this DVD.

Conan the Barbarian - Collector's Edition

Conan the Barbarian, the movie that turned Arnold Schwarzenegger into
a global superstar, is a prime example of a match made in heaven. It's the
movie that macho maverick writer-director John Milius was born to
make, and Arnold was genetically engineered for his role as the muscle-bound, angst-
ridden hero created in Robert E. Howard's pulp novels. Oliver Stone contributed to
Milius's screenplay, and the production design by comic artist Ron Cobb represents a
perfect cinematic realization of Howard's fantasy world. To avenge the murder of his
parents, Conan tracks down the evil Thulsa Doom (James Earl Jones) with the help of
Queen Valeria (played by buff B-movie vixen Sandahl Bergman) and Subotai the
Mongol (Gerry Lopez). Aptly described by critic Roger Ebert as "the perfect fantasy
for the alienated pre-adolescent," this blockbuster is just as enjoyable for adults who
haven't lost their youthful imagination. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

- The

Size: 13 in x 38 in
The world-famous Giant's Causeway, located on the northern coast of Ireland. The
causeway, a mass of hexagonal columns created by rapidly cooling volcanic basalt, the

28 of 29 11/10/10 1:13 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: Giants in the Earth ...

causeway has been a prominent part of Irish myth and legend for thousands of years.
(Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this poster.

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Hunting for Giants | Giant Links | Books | Audio | Video | Posters

pproaching the end of our study of

Giants in the Earth, we have
discovered so far that our ancient
history is not quite what he have been
taught in school — or even in Sunday
School. From very ancient times,
giants have played a dominant role in

1 of 29 11/10/10 1:15 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

Earth's history, determining the fate of nations,

and even of mankind itself. Yet, our schools
have reduced the critical role of the giants to
that of a fairytale, lumping them in with
religion, folklore, mythology, and everything
else that does not fit their sterile secular
worldview. And even the church, once the
champion of the supernatural, is increasingly
selling out to the siren song of secularism,
choosing Mammon over God in order to avoid causing offense and losing profitability.
Yet even now the giants of old are threatening to break their ancient bonds and burst
back out of obscurity into history, to wage war against heaven one last time in the
twilight of their power, before judgment is set and the meek finally inherit the earth. It
is that time in human history, the time of the final battle — of the twilight of the gods
— that we have now reached. The time is now for the secrets of the ages to be
So we may more fully understand what is about to happen at this pivotal point of
human history, let us now review what we have learned thus far in our hunt to unlock
the mystery of the Giants in the Earth:

In Part I, we saw that the giants

described in Genesis 6 (and Twilight of
afterwards) were the result of the Gods
genetic experimentation on the Richard
part of a group of heavenly Wagner
beings — generally known as A
"fallen angels" — who had come collection of triumphs
down from heaven to Earth to from one of Europe's
found kingdoms of their own finest composers:
outside of God's direct control. Ride Of The
When this group of 200 Valkyries
powerful demons led by two Siegfried's Funeral
arch demons named Azazel and Semjaza came down from March
heaven to Earth, they proceeded to modify the well-ordered Lohengrin
Earth that God had created to suit their own whims and Das Rheingold
desires, despite God's warning them about the consequences Der Meistersinger
of altering His Creation. They then sought to create suitable
vessels for themselves that they could use to directly
interact with God's Creation, as the animals that God had
created were not suitable vessels for higher beings such as themselves. They then
decided to create a superior form of animal by manipulating and "improving" the
existing animal species, creating the first primitive forms of mankind that preceded our
own. We called this early, artificially created, primitive form of mankind homo
artificialis — genetically manufactured mankind. These primitive forms — that are
known to us today as Neanderthal man, homo erectus, Cro-Magnon man and numerous
other forms — were moderately successful, but they were not in balance with nature.
Many of them were also very large, even giants, and required a great deal of food just
to survive. As a result, these early, primitive forms of mankind overhunted, overfished,
and warred upon and even ate each other, causing a great deal of destruction to God's
Creation in the process, and ultimately failing as a species.

God was displeased with the meddling of the fallen angels and the wicked and violent
behaviors of their giant offspring, so He created His own form of mankind to replace
them that was designed specifically to be in balance with His Creation. This new form
of mankind, homo sapiens, was not meant to be either warlike or sexually promiscuous
like the giants that the fallen angels had created. Homo sapiens, Adam and Eve, were
intended to live simply off of the fruit of the land, relying solely on God for their daily
needs. In this way, the more efficient homo sapiens would outlast the wicked giants,
and inherit the Earth after the self-destructive giants eventually destroyed themselves.
However, the giants successfully tempted Adam and Eve to
interbreed with them in order to become "great" like they
were, abandoning God's mandate to rely on Him alone and
instead following the wicked and warlike ways of the giants
that were out of balance with God's Creation. As a result of
eating the "fruit" of the Tree of Knowledge — a metaphor for
interbreeding with the wicked giants — the pure genetic seed
of homo sapiens was compromised, and Eve gave birth to Cain
— a human/giant hybrid. In this way, the symbolic meaning of
the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge mentioned in
Genesis 3 becomes clear: both "trees" were symbolic of two

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different types of DNA, where the "Tree of Knowledge"

symbolizes homo artificialis, and the "Tree of Life"
symbolizes homo sapiens. It is these two "seeds", as
prophesied in Genesis 3:15, that continue to battle for DNA - The Tree of Life?
dominion over Earth, and will continue to do so until the end
of human history and the beginning of the Messianic Age.

Fortunately Adam and Eve were still genetically pure themselves, so they were able to
give birth to other sons, including Abel whom Cain slew, and later Seth, through whom
the pure line of homo sapiens would manifest. The seed of Seth and the seed of Cain
then battled for dominion over Earth until the seed of Cain, which had systematically
assimilated or destroyed the seed of Seth, was itself destroyed by the Great Flood, the
remnant of the seed of Seth being saved by God from destruction in the ark.

After the Flood had destroyed the first generation of wicked giants, mankind was given
a second chance. For a time, mankind followed God's mandate, but eventually the sons
of Japheth, the son of Noah, were tempted by the fallen angels once again. The fallen
angels used the sons of Japheth as breeding vessels to start breeding a race of giants
once again as they had in the world before the Flood, and these giants soon began to
make war on both their neighbors and each other. As a result, the wickedness of the
giants was once again growing even more rapidly than it had in the world before the
Flood, so God slowed their progress by sending the Elamites and their allies to
slaughter the giants. This occurred around the time of Abraham, ca. 2000 b.c.
Though their wholesale slaughter had slowed down the progress of the giant
infestation, the giants of the ancient Near East had not been completely driven out until
the Israelites conquered the land of Canaan and exterminated most of the remnant of
the wicked giants, the rest finally being destroyed by King David and his mighty men.
Israel finally had driven the giants out of the land of Canaan, but the next generation of
giants had not yet been totally defeated, as the original generation of Caucasian giants
had conquered not only south into the land of Canaan, but in all four directions: north,
south, east, and west.

In Part II, we traced in more detail the resurrection of the

giants in the world after the Flood. We discovered that the
giant breeding program had been reinitiated by the fallen
angels in Central Asia, specifically in the region of the
Caucasus, from whence their giant offspring had gone forth
and conquered towards the four winds. It was there, in the
Caucasus, that we theorized that one or both of the leaders
of the angelic rebellion, Azazel and Semjaza, had been
imprisoned by God. They had been imprisoned there as
punishment not only for genetically altering mankind (and
other parts of God's Creation), but for showing man how to
create weapons and other forms of technology that would
have caused mankind to destroy itself, had God not intervened and saved a few in the
ark. However, though their power was limited by their imprisonment in the Caucasus,
Azazel and Semjaza were still powerful enough to influence events — and people.

As Noah's sons spread out and multiplied over the face of the
Earth, as described in Genesis 10, the sons of Japheth migrated
north from Mt. Ararat (where the ark had landed), and up
through the Caucasus, where Azazel and Semjaza had been
imprisoned. It is believed that Azazel, Semjaza and possibly
some other wicked angels that had brought destruction to the
world before the Flood then began to tempt the sons of Japheth
into abandoning God and instead following their false
teachings. The sons of Japheth, particularly the sons of Gomer
and Magog (Gog and Magog) agreed, and as their "reward" for
selling their souls their descendants were genetically
manipulated to be much larger and stronger, and were given
the secrets of forging metal and developing technologies of
war that would help them defeat their enemies. In short, the Prometheus stealing "fire"
corruption of the human race by the fallen angels had started from heaven and giving it
once again, this time in the Caucasus. to mankind. Fire here is
used as a metaphor for
This next generation of giants was from the line of Japheth, technology. Prometheus, a
specifically from the descendants of Gomer and Magog, the titan in the Greek myths,
two eldest sons of Japheth, whom the fallen angels had used as was chained to the
the genetic basis for their giant breeding program. Gomer's Caucasus mountains as
punishment for giving
descendants, the Gomerians (aka the "Cimmerians") later came
mankind gifts of
into conflict with the descendants of Magog, who later became technology. Prometheus is

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known as the "Scythians". The Scythians eventually drove the likely the Greek equivalent
Cimmerians west into Central and Eastern Europe, where they of Azazel, the "Satan" of
became the "Germans", as they are known to this day. Some of the ancient Hebrews.
the descendants of Gomer and that of his brethren then continued migrating westward,
eventually populating all of Europe. Some of the descendants of Magog, meanwhile,
continued migrating eastward, populating Central Asia, China, and India, later
migrating across the sea to conquer Australia and New Zealand. Both the descendants
of Gomer (Gog) and Magog continued migrating westward and eastward respectively
until they finally met up in the Americas, and control of the Americas has regularly
changed hands between Gog and Magog ever since.

In Part III, we studied the giant sons of Magog in depth.

Magog's descendants had driven the sons of Gomer west
into Europe, thus becoming the masters of southern Russia
and Central Asia, and starting a blood feud that exists
between their descendants, the Germans and the Russians,
to this day. The descendants of Magog, who later became
famous as the "Scythians" and related Central Asian peoples
such as the Parthians, later extended their rule south and
east into Persia, India and China, eventually conquering as
far as Australia, New Zealand and even as far as the
In Part III we also theorized that the mysterious characters "Gog and Magog" that show
up in apocalyptic literature are probably the same as "Gomer and Magog", the name
"Gomer" shortened to "Gog" for poetic effect. Also, the name "Gog" may be related to
the Greek word gigan, "giant", the use of the word "gog" in both names perhaps
underlying the fact that both peoples were gigantic in stature. We also examined how
the descendants of both Gog and Magog were given superior size and strength, as well
as superior technological warmaking capabilities by the same group of fallen angels,
yet the Gomerians and Magogians ended up fighting against each other. To explain this
we theorized that this conflict between the Gomerians and Magogians was due to the
fact that the two leaders of the angelic rebellion against God, Azazel and Semjaza,
were not only fighting against God for control of the Earth, but also against each other.
As such, we further theorized that Azazel and Semjaza had each taken control of one of
the tribes of Gomer and Magog, Azazel taking control of the Gomerians and Semjaza
taking control of the Magogians. The result of this division was that the two sides of
this schizophrenic alliance ended up fighting not only against God, but against each
other, using the Gomerians and Magogians as puppets in their global game of conquest.
Left unchecked, the Gomerians and Magogians could, and probably would enventually
destroy each other, perhaps destroying the Earth in the process. This may have been
exactly what happened in the world before the Flood, and why God has gone out of His
way to keep the giants from rising again.

The Indo-European descendants of Magog are well attested

in the literature of the ancient Persians and Indians as being
tall, blonde, bloodthirsty conquerors known for their use of
the chariot in battle. Indian history is particularly rife with
genocidal invasions by blonde giants. The ancient Persians
also record the great height of these people and their great
skill in battle, as well as the high degree of sophistication of
their weapons and armor. These "Aryan" descendants of
Magog invaded throughout Asia and set themselves up as
ruling classes over the aboriginal populations, whom they
considered to be inferior. And though they eventually died
out and/or were assimilated into the native populations, proof The famous "Afghan Girl", is
clear proof of Indo-European
exists even today of their presence and influence in Asia by influence on the countries of
the occasional appearance of blonde hair, blue or green eyes, south Asia.
and Caucasian features amongst the native populations of

Whereas Semjaza had used the

descendants of Magog to conquer the
East, Azazel, the more powerful of the
two arch demons, had used the
Gomerians to conquer the West. Azazel
had genetically altered the descendants
of Gomer, and that of Gomer's sons,

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Ashkenaz, Riphath (Rapha) and

Togarmah, to be tall, powerful, and
highly aggressive giants, and then
equipped them with advanced
knowledge, weaponry, and martial skills,
including the use of the horse, the chariot
and, most importantly, the riddle of steel
— both the secrets of its manufacture
and its proper usage in weapons in
armor. Thus equipped, the Gomerians
were able to run roughshod over and
drive out the smaller, weaker, and
ill-equipped descendants of Shem and
Ham out of the northern latitudes, and
"The Barbarian", by Frank Frazetta, depicting Conan Gomer and all the descendants of
the Barbarian. Robert E. Howard created his mythical Japheth quickly took control of all of
"Conan" character as one of the mysterious Cimmerian Asia and Europe. Using the Gomerians
people, the descendants of Gomer, the eldest son of as proxies, Azazel, or "Gog", then
Japheth. Like Conan, the Cimmerians were robbers and
plunderers, living by the sword (and axe) rather than by
became the master of Europe and the
work or trade. As such, they eventually wore out their West.
welcome, and were eventually defeated by the Romans
and other peoples. Though they have long since gone
extinct as a coherent people, the genetic remnants of the
Cimmerians can still be found all over Europe. Conan
Chief among the sons of Japheth in the
the Barbarian is a good example of the archetypal
West were the descendants of Gomer, the
warlike, "lone wolf" character of Western myth, much
"Gomerians", who later became known
like the arrogant, warlike "Gog" of apocalyptic
literature. as the "Cimmerians" by the Greek
writers who recorded their histories. The
Gomerians had invaded Europe in two different branches, one from the north and east
through what is now Eastern Europe, and one from the southeast, through Asia Minor
(modern Turkey). DeLoach explains in his classic, Giants: A Reference Guide from
History, the Bible, and Recorded Legend,

Pezron, who traced the Gomarian giants' early entrance into the European
provinces, discovered that they came by two routes. The Cimbrians entered
from the north. These people ... were better known unto the Greeks by the
name of Cimmerians.... I have clearly enough proved that these last were
called Sacae, while they continued in the Upper Asia, and I have shewn there
were two sorts of them, viz. the more civilized Sacae, who coalesced into
societies in Bactriana and the adjacent countries, and the vagrant and wild
Sacae, who were known by the name "Nomades".... While the Cimbri
followed this northern route into Europe, their gigantic cousins, the Gomarian
Sacae, advanced along the southern route. Having filled Hircania, Margiana,
and Bactriana, these giants soon irrupted into greater Armenia. They
afterwards invaded Syria, settled colonies as far as Arabia, and became
neighbors of the Chaldeans. Yet, for all these expansions, many Gomerians
remained unsatisfied. "This nation", explains Pezron, "besides that it was
naturally inclined
to war, was
moreover, as it
hath always been,
of a roving, uneasy
and ambitious
nature. And
therefore the
people resolved to
make their way yet
farther, and to enter
into the provinces
of western Asia,
called "Asia the A representation of the route of the "Aryan Invasion", ca. 2000 b.c.
Lesser." In the first The Aryan Invasion Theory posits that a mass migration of peoples
wave of this took place during the third millennium b.c. and afterwards, moving out
from the Caucasus and conquering towards the four winds. One or
expansion, they more waves of Aryan peoples migrated out of the Caucasus region in
overran Central Asia, one half parting from the main body and moving east
Cappadocia and into Persia, India, and parts unknown to the east (the Magogians),
Pontus. Strabo, a whereas the remaining half (the Gomerians) continued northward and
native of that westward to settle Europe. A different group of Gomerians, the
country, reports "Gomerian Sacae", had proceeded due west through Asia minor
instead to conquer southern Europe. Other Gomerians likely invaded
that many of these
south into Canaan, where they were known as the "Amorites", the
Sacae afterward giants that the Israelites drove out and destroyed by the time of King
settled around the David, ca. 1000 b.c. Image from Armenian Highland.
southern shores of

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the Black Sea.1

The "southern" Cimmerians, the "Gomerian

Sacae" who had settled in Asia Minor on the
southern shores of the Black Sea, were a more
"civilized" type of barbarian who tended to
found ruling dynasties over the subject peoples
that they had conquered, rather than simply
plunder them and then leave them in ruins.
However, the derisive term "Sacae" applied to
the Gomerians indeed refers to the "sacks" that
they used to store the booty that they had
plundered from those whom they had
conquered, so they were by no means
completely civilized.

Contrary to our original assertion in Part I

where we had theorized that the Amorites
were exclusively the descendants of Ham, it is
possible that the Amorites were actually a
"melting pot" of peoples like the United
States, made up of Semitic, Hamitic, and Japhethitic elements ruled over by Cimmerian
giants. The Amorite dynasty of Babylon was likely Cimmerian in origin, as the
southern Cimmerians also controlled extensive areas of the ancient Near East,
including parts of Persia, northern Iraq, the Arabian peninsula and Canaan. Babylon
was also much like America in that it had an extremely heterogenous population, and
very loose moral standards to say the least. The Amorites, or at least their rulers, also
were known for having distinctly Caucasian and even Celtic characteristics (the Celts
being the later descendants of the Cimmerians), such as being very tall, having blond
hair, wearing gold necklaces, or "torques", and riding chariots. So, it is highly probable
that at least the ruling class of the Amorites were Cimmerian in ancestry.

Starting during the late third millennium and continuing on and off throughout the
second millennium b.c., the southern Cimmerians, as well as having penetrated and
conquered deep into Canaan, may have conquered possibly as far as Egypt, where they
were known as the Hyksos ("Shepherd Kings"). The Gomerians and related peoples
may also have been the "Sea Peoples" that had invaded Canaan, Egypt and North
Africa some time later, during the 12th century BC. Or, perhaps, the sea peoples had
been conquered and displaced by the Cimmerians, the invasions of the sea peoples
being motivated by their need to seek out new lands in which to live.

In either case, the primary conquering thrust of the Cimmerians was to the west,
through Asia Minor and into southern Europe. This "southern front", according to
DeLoach, was led by a
powerful giant named
"Acmon", who was
worshiped by his subjects as
a god. "The first historians
also left evidence that the
Gomerian giants who
followed Acmon into Asia
Minor worshipped him and
probably his brother Doeas
as gods. Both in Cappadocia
and Phrygia, woods and
groves were consecrated to
this prince, as to a god or
hero."2 DeLoach further The "Aryan Invasion" theory illustrated. The western thrust of the
argues that these giants were southern Cimmerians also included incursions south into Canaan, and
possibly as far south as Egypt. Their primary western thrust, however,
probably worshiped as gods penetrated as far as Spain and across to western Africa in the
by the early Greeks, just as southwest, and eventually all of southern Europe. Meanwhile, their
the Magogians who had northern cousins penetrate Europe from the northeast and conquered
conquered the Indians were Russia, Central Europe, Scandinavia, and the British Isles. Image from
also worshiped as gods by Archaeology and Language : The Puzzle of Indo-European
the native populace whom Origins.
they had conquered:

After the Sacae entered into Upper Phrygia, they began calling themselves
"Titans" and gave Acmon the title of Most High. The Phoenician historian
Sanchoniathon confirms that this prince was addressed as the Most High, or
Elion in the Phoenician tongue, and Altissimus in the Greek.... After his death,
however, Acmon's people still reckoned him "among the Number of the

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Gods", and his children continued to offer sacrifices and oblations to him. He
was succeeded in all his dominions by his giant son Uranus, who by the Titans
was also worshiped as a god. And so it happened that when the Greeks of
ancient times came under the dominance of the Titans, they enthusiastically
embraced the giants' religious beliefs and also bowed themselves down to
Uranus, worshiping him as a Man of Heaven.... From this single family of
giant Gomarian princes came "those who have passed for the greatest and
ancientest gods of the heathen world".3

It is interesting to note that the worship

of trees and idols in groves of trees are
specifically forbidden in the Bible as
one of the abominations of the Amorites
(Exodus 24:12-14, Deut. 7:5). The
Cimmerians were likely the ones who
left behind all of the megalithic
structures in Canaan, such as the stone
circle of Rujim Hiri and the numerous
dolmens that were also typical of the
Celts. However, perhaps the most
important link between the Cimmerians
and the Amorites of the Bible is how
Acmon referred to himself as Elion,
literally, "the Most High God". Acmon The character "Lucifer" described in Isaiah 14 is
was not only calling himself a god, he generally believed to refer both to an earthly king, and
was calling himself "God", making him as "Satan", a fallen angel that had been cast down from
a type of the Antichrist. Acmon or one heaven for his disobedience. This reference may well
refer to the giant Cimmerian King Acmon, or one of his
of his descendants may be the wicked descendants.
king/fallen angel described by Isaiah in Image adapted from "Fall of Day", by William Rimmer
his classic diatribe against the from the Museum of Fine Arts: Boston.
mysterious "Lucifer, Son of the

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.
Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
( Isaiah 14:12-15 )

Acmon actually believed himself to be God, the "Most High". Acmon's son Uranus,
("Man of Heaven"), was remembered forever after in Greek myth as one of the elder
gods of the Greek race, as was Uranus' son Saturn. Saturn's son Zeus then defeated his
father and took over the kingship, forming the Greek pantheon which was kept sacred
from then on by both the Greeks and later the Romans, who merely renamed the Greek
gods, giving them Romanized names. This "war of the gods", Zeus, Ares, Athena, and
so forth against the original group of "titans" including Zeus' father Saturn, later
became mythologized so that both the titans and their rebellious offsping, the followers
of Zeus, were elevated to the status of godhood. However, though these characters were
no doubt extraordinarily tall, powerful, intelligent, and sophisticated, they were never
gods, only mortal giants that had been elevated by the superstitious Greeks and
Romans to the level of deity. DeLoach explains,
When the Titans of some other provinces learned that Jupiter had dethroned
Saturn, and was determined to take over the empire, they formed a
confederacy against him. In the ensuing battle, however, Jupiter "ruined the
forces of his enemies". Defeated, the Titans retired into Spain and were joined
there by Saturn, who came over from Italy. [Jupiter] fought his enemies all in
a body, and obtained a complete victory.... The war that Jupiter made against
his father occurred some years before the death of Abraham [ca. 1900 BC].
According to the poets and historians, it lasted ten years.... This was the end
and fortune of him whom profane historians looked upon to be the origin of
the gods, and, as it were, the source of their heathen deities ... they had no
knowledge of any god before Saturn.4
So, not only did the giants believe themselves to be superior, they actually believed
themselves to be gods, as or even more powerful than God Himself. Thus they set
themselves up as god-kings over the populations they had conquered, just as the
Nephilim and Gibborim had done in the world before the Flood. And with this next
generation of Rephaim giants after the Flood came many of the evils that have beset
the world ever since.

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The "Northern" Cimmerians, those who

invaded Europe from the northeast, were also
known as "Nomades", having a nomadic,
warlike lifestyle based strictly on conquest and
plunder. Unlike their southern cousins, they
were not at all civilized, living purely by the
edge of the sword, though both groups appear
to have also been cattle herders and to have
had a particular love for horses. The northern
group of Cimmerians originally set out for the
east, and settled largely in the areas of
Bactriana and Margiania, east and southeast of
the Caspian Sea. However, in their wanderings
they were diverted north by conflicts with the
Magogians, heading north into what is now
modern Russia, later being driven west by the
Scythians into Central Europe. Karloukovski
Among the early western peoples, the first
human group to emerge at the dawn of
history that is identifiable by name rather
than by their artifacts are the Cimmerians.
The Cimmerians, whose name appears in
the Odyssey of Homer, occupied the
southern Russian steppe from about 1200
BC. Their civilization, which belongs to
the Late Bronze Age, is barely
distinguishable from that of other peoples
with whom they mingled. From the
second half of the 8th century BC, the
Cimmerians were replaced by the
Scythians. [The Cimmerians lived] in the
area north of the Black Sea, but attempts
to define their original homeland more
precisely by archaeological means, or
even to fix the date of their expulsion
from their country by the Scythians, have
not so far been completely successful.
Some authorities identify them with
"Thraco-Cimmerian" remains of the
8th-7th century BC found in the
southwestern Ukraine and in central
Europe; these may perhaps be looked
upon as traces of the western branch of
the Cimmerians, who, under fresh
Scythian pressure, eventually invaded the
Hungarian plain and survived there until
about 500 BC.5

These "Northern Cimmerians", then, lived out

most of their time sacking and plundering the
more civilized areas to the south in what
would later be known as Media and Persia.
However, by the 8th century BC they are seen
as migrating north and west, having been
driven out by the Scythians all the way to
Central Europe, where they remained. And it
was from these early Cimmerians, and other
descendants of Gomer that had likely
intermarried and traveled with them, that the
famous Celtic and Gaelic peoples eventually
arose. DeLoach explains, "While tracing their
origins for his geography, Ptolemy found that
some Sacae also continued to refer to
themselves as Gomarians. Those who settled
near the Jaxartes in the vast plains that lie
between that river and Mount Imaus he
identified as the Nomadan Sacae [Northern
Cimmerians]. 'These people ... always led a
vagrant and savage life, and that was the
reason why they were called Nomadan

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Sacae.... It is very likely the Cimbrians, Cimmerians or Celtic people came from

Though the rather obscure and poorly

documented Cimmerians are typically
relegated to the vaults of academe,
occasionally trotted out as the fodder for
swords & sorcery epics such as Conan the
Barbarian, the Celts are a very widely known
and celebrated people whose roots and
antecedents in our present culture have been
very carefully researched and documented by
both academic and lay scholar alike. Very few,
however, have understood the Cimmerian
roots of the Celts, which we are about to

The Cimbri or Cimmerians, after making

their way overland by the northern route,
occupied for a time the country above the
Euxine or Black Sea, around the Palus
Maeotidis. When they again felt the
irresistable urge to roam, they continued
westward, eventually settling east of the Rhine, in Germany. They afterward
established themselves as far north as Denmark and also colonized Belgium.
Acmon's hordes, meanwhile, having advanced by the southern route, first
settled in Cappadocia and Galatia, then later on the southern shores of the
Black Sea. From there they spread into Gaul, which today we call France, and
also across Spain, where they assimilated with the Iberians. Being as prolific
in Europe as they had been in Asia, Gomer's oversized children soon
overspread a vast territory — from the lands east of the Rhine to the Atlantic
and from the Baltic Sea to the coasts of Spain. They also inhabited
Switzerland and some northern parts of Italy, especially around the Adriatic.7

The northern Cimmerians conquered and settled the best lands of central, northern, and
northwestern Europe, and probably up into Scandinavia and possibly as far as the
British Isles and Ireland. There, they supplanted the native, normal-sized, typical homo
sapiens peoples, and set up ruling dynasties over them. Meanwhile the southern
Cimmerians led by Acmon conquered Asia Minor, some staying behind to become the
Galatians, the rest continuing on into southern Europe, through Greece where they
were worshiped as gods, to northern Italy, west into southern France and down into
Spain where they settled and integrated with the native populations as did their cousins
to the north. Also like their northern cousins, they probably made it as far as Britain
and Ireland, which would explain some of the numerous invasions and conflicts to be
found in Irish history. It was here then, in central and western Europe, that the giant
descendants of Gog, the Celts, had made their stand.

A map of the Celtic world. The Cimmerians invaded Europe both from the northeast and the southeast, the
northern Cimmerians becoming the Germani (Germans) and the Belgae (Belgians), whereas the southern
Cimmerians became the Galatians in Turkey, the Helvetii and Boii in northern Italy and Switzerland, and
the Gauls (French) in France. Later movements of the Cimmerians, and possibly some Scythian immigrants

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accounted for the Catuvellani of England and the Gaels of Ireland and later Scotland. Click here for a
larger map.
Map adapted from The Celts by John Davies.

Modern historians often fail to mention this, but the Celts were indeed giants, adult
males typically ranging in height from 6-8 feet tall, with "supergiant" Og-type giants
among them as tall as 12 feet or more. Because of their great size and strength, they
easily conquered and formed ruling dynasties over the existing peoples that they had
found living in Europe. Just as in the world before the Flood, these resurrected
Nephilim giants, the Rephaim of the Bible, conquered, enslaved, and sometimes even
ate the aboriginal inhabitants that they met in Europe. People forget (sometimes on
purpose), but there have indeed been giants in the Earth in relatively recent times, the
greatest of which were the Celts.
Many historians confirm the great height of these wandering Celts. The
ancient Greek historian Pausanias, for example, called them the world's tallest
people. Gerhard Herm, his modern counterpart, agrees. He describes them as
"blond giants" who struck terror into the hearts of every foe, even in the
mightiest of the mighty Rome, which they fought several ferocious wars with
and which they once captured, sacked, and burned to the ground. Of course,
not all Celts were giants. The average-sized ones probably towered no more
than a foot above ordinary men. But their ranks also contained substantial
numbers who rose to a gigantic stature. At the utmost divergence from the
mean, some Celts even stood to a colossal height, perhaps as tall or taller than
the nine-foot-nine Goliath, or even Og, who required a bed over thirteen feet
long. Such behemoths, when they first put their ships ashore on Europe's
seacoasts, no doubt startled the aborigines. Doing as they did in Asia and Asia
Minor, the invading Celts first robbed these lesser mortals, then chased them
off the best lands. As they multiplied and required even more territory, they
crowded still others out. This fast-expanding nation, according to Strabo,
eventually grew to some sixty different tribes — each with its own name. In
Upper Asia, Mesopotamia, and Asia Minor, these plunderers were known as
the Gomarian Sacae. But once they settled in Europe, the decided to shed their
derisive name, which means "robbers", and began calling themselves the
Celtae (pronounced "Kelti"), which denotes "potent and valiant men". The
Greeks, however, understood them to say Galatai, while their Roman
neighbors heard their name as Galli. The aborigines of France, meanwhile
called them Gauls. These slightly different pronunciations of course caused
different spellings, as the Celtic scholar Henri Hubert explains: "The word
which was written down as Keltos in Spain and the neighborhood of
Marseilles sounded differently in the ears of the Greeks of the Balkan
Peninsula, who wrote it down Galates. But it was the same name.8

The Cimmerians were almost certainly the ancestors of or related to the giants
mentioned in the Bible, even calling themselves "mighty men", which in the Hebrew
translates to Gibborim. The Cimmerians were of the same type of wicked and corrupt
"mighty men" that had descended from the Nephilim in the world before the Flood,
who had returned to spread chaos and destruction across the face of the Earth once
more. Sihon and Og and their Gibborim cohorts were probably related to the
Cimmerians who later invaded Europe. It's not impossible that the Cimmerians who
invaded Europe were the same giants that had been defeated by the Israelites in
Canaan and driven out of the ancient Near East. One of the primary evidences for this
is the numerous similarities between the Celts and the giants of the Bible, both in size,
ethnicity, and cultural customs:

Diodorus, [the Roman historian]

says: "The Gauls are terrifying in
aspect and their voices are deep and
altogether harsh; when they meet
together they converse with few
words and in riddles, hinting darkly
at things for the most part and using
one word when they mean another;
and they like to talk in superlatives,
to the end that they may extol
themselves and depreciate all other
men." They are also "tall in stature,
with rippling muscles, and white of
"The Great Torc of Snettisham", ca. 75 BC, this skin, and their hair is blond, and not
classic Celtic torque was found in Ken Hill, Snettisham, naturally so, but they also make it
Norfolk, England, and is considered to be the most their practice by artificial means to
famous object from Iron Age Britain. The torque solves increase the distinguishing color
the biblical mystery of the "Anakim", literally, "the
people of the necklace", clearly identifying them as the
which nature has given it. For they
Celts or related peoples who had made an incursion into are always washing their hair in
lime-water, and they pull it back

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from the forehead to the top of the

Canaan in ancient times. Image from
head and back to the nape of the
neck, with the result that their appearance is like that of Satyrs and Pans, since
the treatment of their hair makes it so heavy and coarse that it differs in no
respect from the mane of horses. Diodorus' account of the way the Celts wore
their hair agrees with those representations of the Anakim giants found in the
great temple of Abu Simbel. This design depicts "the king contending with
two men of large stature, light complexion, scanty beard, and having a
remarkable load of hair pendant from the side of the head." Besides the
similarity in strange hair styles, the Celts and the Anakim both wore torque
necklaces. Proof that the Anakim wore them as distinguishing emblems
appears in their name. For from 'anaq, the Hebrew word for necklace or
neckpiece, came the name Anakim, which means "People of the Necklace".
That the tow-headed Celts also adorned their necks with a twisted strip of
metal, usually gold or silver, is not only shown by the ancient historians but
verified by many archaeological finds. The enemy of course always took note
of the Celts' attention-getting neckpieces. And so did the Roman poet Virgil,
in these memorable verses: "Golden is their hair, and golden their garb. They
are resplendent in their striped cloaks, and their milk-white necks are circled
with gold."9
Both the Celts and Anakim were also madly fond of horses and of chariots, practically
living on horseback and using chariots constantly, whether for transportation or mere
ostentation. The Celtic giants were exactly like their southern brethren who had
invaded the land of Canaan in every way. Invading, conquering and destroying, living
off the land like parasites and adding no value whatsoever, these giant homo artificialis
strains recreated by the fallen angels in the world after the Flood soon came into
conflict with God's own creation, homo sapiens. Just as their cousins in the south had
come into conflict with the Israelites, the next generation of giants that had invaded
Europe came into conflict with the Romans.

The plundering Celts and Gauls, who initially met only token opposition moving
northwest through Greece, soon came into conflict with the powerful Roman Empire.
One subgroup of the Celts, the Senones, actually attacked and managed to sack Rome
around 387 b.c. Facing off for the first time against 30,000 screaming Goliaths, enraged
by grave insults done them by Roman envoys, the Romans were terrified and ran as
soon as their lines broke at the Battle of Allia:

That terrifying July day the Latins

would never forget. The great size of
the Celts unnerved them. Some of the
giants they saw wore chain-wrought
iron cuirasses, and some wore only
shirts gathered up with belts plated
with gold or silver. But many wore no
armor nor clothes, preferring instead
to go into battle naked. Most,
however, wore overlong broadswords
slung around the right flanks on
chains of iron or bronze. The spears
and javelins they brandished give us
some idea of their strength. on the
spears were affixed iron heads a cubit
in length and even more [18-20
inches], and a little under two palms
in breadth. [Their swords were] about
"Valaris Issues a Challenge to Personal Combat", by
96 inches [8 feet] long.... But the
Angus McBride. The Celtic giants were rugged
terror the Romans felt at the Allia individualists who valued individual accomplishment
sprang not from the Celt's height and above all, often calling out champions to fight in
armaments alone. These supermen single combat before the armies clashed. Image from
also assaulted their eyes and ears with Germanic Warrior.
fierce looks, deep voices and
pre-battle antics. One of these antics called for some of the huge Celtic
champions, when they were formed for battle, to step out in front of their
lines, brandish their large weapons menacingly at their smaller adversaries and
challenge the most valiant among them to single combat. We do not know
whether any Romans accepted such a challenge at the Allia, but if they did,
according to Celtic custom, each challenger would have then broken forth into
a song praising the valiant deeds of his ancestors and boasting of his own high
achievements, while at the same time reviling and belittling his opponent, and
trying by such talk to strip him of his bold spirit before the combat. Not just
the champion warriors, but the whole Celtic army took part in this
psychological warfare. Beating their swords rhythmically against their shields,
they assailed the enemy's ears with a tumult of almost intolerable sound. The

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whole country round seemed filled with their exceedingly loud war cries,
accompanied by the unceasing blare of innumerable giant boar-headed war
trumpeters and horn blowers.10

Unnerved by the great size and boldness of their opponents, and thwarted by a superior
tactical move on the battlefield, the Romans fled in terror and Rome itself was nearly
defeated. Only by bribing the giants with a "bushel" of gold (approx. 1,000 pounds)
were the Romans able to save the city against the Senones and live to fight another day.
And that day did come, at the Battle of Telamon, where two legions defeated an army
of 70,000 giants. After that day, the giants would forever be on the defense against the
mighty Roman legions.

Though the Romans had defeated the

Senone Celts, they had yet to bring to
heel the Germani, "the most Celtic of
the Celts". The Germani were made up
of several subgroups, including the
Cimbri, the Tuetones and the Senones,
all of whom the Roman historian Strabo
described as living east of the Rhine.
"'They differed from Celts of the left
bank, he wrote, only by being 'wilder,
taller and having yellower hair.' The
Romans who lived in Gaul, he goes on
"The Battle of Telamon, 225 BC", by Angus McBride. to say, called them 'Germani' because
The Celtic giants were often berzerkers in battle and they wanted to indicate that they were
frequently wore little or no clothing — not a good
combination against Roman arrows, javelins and shield
the 'authentic', the real Celts. Germani
walls bristling with spears. means in their language 'genuine' in the
Image from Celtic Warrior. sense of the original."11 This makes
perfect sense in our paradigm, where we
argue that all the Celtic peoples were the descendants of Gomer, from which the name
"German" was later derived. In this paradigm, since the Gomerian giants originally
emanated from the Caucasus, the closer to the Caucasus you go, the taller the giants
will be, as the giants of central and western Europe had been shortened in stature
through intermarriage with the local populations they had conquered. As such, the
Germanic Cimbri, Teutones and Senones were much closer to the "genuine article", the
original Gomerian giants that had migrated north and west from the Caucasus, around
the Caspian and Black Seas, to finally end up in Central Europe.

It was against the Germanic giants that the Romans had the most difficulty. The
Romans thought that after having dealt with the Gauls, things couldn't possibly get
worse. However, "there was, of course, something worse: the Cimbri and the Tuetones,
of the Germani, the most Celtic of the Celts. During Caesar's later campaign againt
Arovistus, some of his men asked some Gauls at Besancon — who were themselves of
great stature — about the Germans. 'They described the Germans', Caesar writes,
'mentioning their enormous physique, their unbelievable valor, and extraordinary
military training. The Gauls said that often when they had encountered the Germans
they had not been able to endure even the expression on their faces or the glare of their
eyes.' Plutarch also portrays them as possessing 'invincible strength and courage: in
battle they attack with the force and speed of five and no one can withstand them.'"12

Rome's first real challenge against the Germani came when some 300,000 Cimbri had
crossed the Danube and had started migrating southward looking for new lands to
possess. Even the giant Gauls were afraid of these Germani, and asked for Roman
protection from their hyperaggressive cousins. The first few armies the Romans sent to
check their advance were annihilated, and Rome itself was saved only when the
Germani decided to head west to find greener pastures in Spain. The desperate Romans
then sent for one of their greatest generals, Gaius Marius, who whipped the legions into
shape and successfully defeated the Tuetone and Ambrone tribes, even capturing their
giant King Tuetobokh, who towered above even the Roman spears. The terrible Cimbri
still remained however, but Marius had a plan.

On the appointed day, one hundred

and eighty thousand Cimbri took
up a position in the plain. There
they formed a square whose sides
measured nearly four miles.
Behind them waited their wives
and children and the other
noncombatants, with their wagons.
From the throats of the vast
multitude of warriors and even
their families now came horrible
war cries and shouted singing.

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Meanwhile, the horn blowers and

trumpeters rent the air with their A carnyx war horn, a noisemaker used by the Celtic
stirring calls to battle. The peoples before going to battle to generate fear and terror in
charioteers began lining up in their their opponents. This type of horn is vertically oriented
and very tall so that it was visible over the oncoming
appointed places. Some of their
troops, and the tongue was designed to wag and create a
splendidly adorned cavalry, which razzing sound. Look here for an example of how it was
numbered 15,000, pranced about, played, and here for a closeup of the tongue, and click
eager for battle. They wore here to here it played. Image from Dexford Community
helmets made to resemble the Association.
heads of wild beasts with gaping Music from The Voice of the Carnyx.
jaws, and above those rose plumes
of feathers. This adornment, as calculated, caused them to appear even more
frightful, even more invincible, and even more enormous than they already
were. As the savage hosts worked themselves into a frenzy, Marius and his
legionnaires approached from the east, with the sun and wind at their backs.
As the Roman legionnaires entered the field, the great Cimbri army set itself
into a motion that Plutarch likened to the billowing of a furious ocean at high
tide. As was their custom, the bravest of the Cimbri, with blood-curdling yells,
led the attack. so that their ranks might not be broken, those in the forefront
bound themselves together with iron chains attached to their belts. This
surging tide of blond barbarian giants the Roman foot soldiers attacked first
with their javelins. The breech this created allowed the Romans to get inside
the Cimbri lines with their swords. As the battle progressed, a big cloud of
dust arose from beneath the combatants' trampling feet. The light wind at the
Romans' backs blew this dust mostly into the faces of the Cimbri. The hot
August sun also began to hinder their sight. To shut out the harsh glare, the
heavy-sweating Cimbri warriors now and then lifted their shields at the sun,
thus exposing more of their large bodies to the Romans, who slew them
almost at will. After great numbers had been killed and it became evident to
those still alive that there was no chance to turn the tide of battle, many brave
German giants bound themselves together with chains to fight to the last man.
But some sought refuge among their wagons. Then before the Roman's eyes
occurred a most unusual scene. The female giants, reports Plutarch, "slew all
that fled, some their husbands, some their brethren, others their fathers." With
their hands they then throttled their little children and threw them under the
racing wheels of retreating chariots or before the pounding hoofs of horses or
draft animals. Then they killed themselves.13

Thus, yet another attempt by the fallen angels to

destroy God's own homo sapiens and rule the world
had failed. The Gomerian giants, having failed in
their mission to eradicate the lesser forms of
humanity and conquer the world, then turned on and
destroyed themselves, unable to bear the
consequences of their failure. As we discussed in
Part II, the giants had been bred in such a way to be
natural bipolar schizophrenics, so that in order to
maintain their sanity it was necessary for them to
direct their inner anger outward, in the form of
warfare. Thus bred, along with superior speed, size
and strength, and given superior technology, the
giants would have multiplied and spread like a
virus, covering the entire Earth, attacking and
killing everyone and who was not like them until, in
the end, with everyone else dead, they would kill
themselves. Fortunately, it was not to be. Having
defeated the most powerful of the Gomerian Celtic giants, the Romans then began to
perfect the fine art of giant killing, which they then applied aggressively in their
campaigns against the giants throughout Europe. One by one the tribes of giants fell to
the javelins, arrows, spears and stabbing swords of the relentless Roman legions, until
the remnant was forced to flee into the dark forests of Europe, or to the fringes of
civilization in Scandinavia, the British Isles, Ireland and even the Americas, where
they integrated with the native populations and waited for their time to rise again.

But the seed of the giants was not destroyed completely. Deep in the depths of the
heavily forested strongholds of Europe, the giants began to regroup, and form secretive
alliances bound by blood and marriage. Over time, slowly and subtly, the old ways of
the giants returned, as they used stealth, secrecy and subversion to slowly take control
of the thrones of Europe. And one of the first and boldest of these giants was the
infamous Roman emperor, Maximinus Thrax.

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Born in AD 173 into a humble family of Thracian

(Bulgarian) shepherds, Maximinus proved his giant
heritage by growing to the enormous height of eight
feet six inches tall. And Maximinus was no victim
of pituitary disorder — he proved to be an
exceptional athlete, as well as being incredibly
strong and swift — and power hungry.

Maximinus was first noticed by Emperor

Alexander Severus in AD 202, during a layover in
Thrace on his way back from a tour of Asia. As his
son's birthday had come around during his time in
Thrace, the emperor sponsored some games for the
occasion, matching the local Thracians against his
Roman retinue. Maximinus then proceeded to defeat
sixteen of the emperor's best in wrestling matches
and other feats of strength, which so impressed the
Romans that they immediately conscripted him for
the army. Maximinus even took the bold step of
racing against the emperor's horse, keeping pace
with the horse even at full gallop. For this and his
exceptional wrestling ability, Maximinus was
immediately made part of the emperor's personal

Herodian says Alexander's new commander not

only stood to a huge height but possessed a
frightening look. Statues of Maximinus and
coins minted with his image bear this out.
Another Roman historian, Julius Capitolinus,
described his hands as so large that he used the
bracelet of his wife, Caecilia Pauline, for a
thumb-ring. The shoes he wore also measured a
foot longer than the footwear of other men.
Besides the feats of strength already mentioned
above, Maximinus reportedly could, with one
blow of his fist, knock out a horse's teeth. On
occasion he also demonstrated he could outpull
a chariot team. Capitolinus says that he daily
ate forty pounds of meat and usually drank six
gallons of wine.14

Besides Maximinus' exceptional physical abilities,

he also had exceptional intellectual abilities, proving
to be a superior leader, strategist and tactician. As a
result, he rose rapidly up through the ranks, the
emperor soon promoting him to the rank of tribune,
senator, and even supreme commander of all the
armies of Rome. The soldiers were in awe of him
due to his extreme competence, diligence and
discipline, and they rarely if ever failed under his
leadership. As a result, they soon came to prefer him
over their own emperor and, in a sudden coup,
assassinated Alexander and placed the purple
mantle on Maximinus, effectively crowning him

However, his sudden ascension to emperor brought

out Maximinus' limitations, and his dark side.
Although grateful to his men for giving him such a
great honor, promising them lavish gifts and double
pay, he made a critical mistake in not first checking
if Rome could in fact afford to pay such an
exhorbitant amount. He made another critical
mistake by ransacking the treasury, stealing from
the wealthy of Rome, and even pillaging the temples
of the gods in order to raise the necessary revenues.
Maximinus had essentially made the decision to turn
Rome's entire economy towards funding the army,
in effect turning Rome into a military state, to the
exclusion of all else, even going against the gods.

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In reaction to rumors of an assassination plot, Maximinus then turned extremely

paranoid, killing not only everyone who involved in the plot, but anyone who opposed
or offended him in any way. He even killed off those who had been his early
supporters, as they knew him before his ascension to emperor and thus knew "too
much". As a result, he began to receive the unflattering informal titles of "the Cyclops",
"the Busiris", and even "the wild beast". A song was even composed by his own men
that spoke of his death. Aware of this and his extreme unpopularity in Rome, and since
they had never completely accepted him, the Senate used the excuse of a tax revolt in a
distant African province to replace the increasingly unpopular Maximinus with one of
their own, Gordian. Enraged by their betrayal and his now certain doom, Maximinus
"behaved like a huge, tormented bear. Convulsed with rage, he dashed himself against
walls, threw himself on the ground, bellowed, lashed out at his servants, tried to claw
his son's eyes out, and finally drank himself into a stupor."15 He then martialed his
forces to put down the tax revolt, but his mutinous army refused and he was finally
dispatched by a unit of the Praetorian Guard as he slept.

Maximinus, like all giants, believed himself to be superior to all, including the gods.
However, when things had turned against him, his true, beastly nature emerged.
Magnifying himself above even the gods of Rome, he attempted to turn the entire
economy of Rome towards war, turning Rome itself into a war machine, to the
exclusion of all else. Magnifying himself in his own heart, Maximinus attempted to
make war against all mankind, and even the gods themselves, but in the end he was
cast down and destroyed by his own arrogance — the fate of all giants past, present and

"Charlemagne (Charles the Great) was born on

April 2, 742 in Northern Europe. 'By the sword and
the cross,' he became master of Western Europe."16
Charlemagne had inherited the kingdom of the
Franks, modern France, from his father in AD 768
and then proceeded over the next thirty years
building what would remembered by history as "the
Holy Roman Empire", which ecompassed at its peak
France, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, half
of Italy and Germany, and even parts of Austria and
Spain. Unlike his giant cousins, who were pagan
through and through, Charlemagne promoted
Christianity aggressively throughout his empire, and
was even crowned by the Pope himself. His
systematic evangelization of the continent of
Europe, his enforcement of standard weights and
measures throughout the region, and fair treatment
of all those in his empire earned him the admiration
of all, including those he had conquered. His work
to unite Europe formed the basis of the modern
European culture.

Charlemagne was a powerful, imposing figure, his

height in legend being close to eight feet tall, or "seven times the length of his foot". He
was also a great warrior and athlete, and had a strength like that of Maximinus. "In
ballads that contemporaries sang in his praise he was so hardy 'that he would hunt the
wild bull single-handed, so strong that he felled and horse and rider with the blow of
his fist. He could straighten four horseshoes joined together, and lift with his right hand
a fully equipped fighting-man to the level of his head."17 Charlemagne was also of the
Merovingian family, of which we will learn more later.

Though Charlemagne represented a brief retreat of

the anti-Christian beliefs of the ancient Aryan pagan
giants, the old Aryan "master race" philosophy soon
returned, in the form of Emperor Maximilian.
Maximilian took the rule over the old Holy Roman
Empire in 1493, taking the rule by right of descent
rather than election, as had been the custom up to
that time. Maximilian appears to have been a
throwback to the ancient giant Gomerian Cimbri
who had proved to be such a challenge for the
Romans, a badge that he wore with great pride.
Standing at over eight feet tall, and having the

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extraordinary strength and physical attributes that

have been the trademark of the giants, Maximilian
indeed had reason to be proud.

He was tall, finely formed, with remarkably

handsome features, clear blue eyes, and blond
hair falling in ringlets upon his shoulders; he
possessed great muscular strength, his body
was developed by constant exercise and he was
one of the boldest, bravest and most skillful
knights of his day. But the giant's daring
sometimes bordered on rashness — some described it as almost a madness —
as when, for some examples, he 'followed a bear to his den, and fought him
there; when he entered the lion's cage, and cowed him down; and, above all,
when he chased the chamois and the wild-goat up to the highest peaks of the
Tyrolese Alps.' In battle, Maximilian fought courageously. On many
occasions, he proved himself to be a resourceful commander too, with a mind
'fertile in new devices and cunning modes of attack.' He also asked nothing of
his men he himself would not do. Historians say that he even forged his own
armor and tempered his own sword. Perhaps to give his horse a rest, the giant
emperor often marched at the head of his men on foot, carrying an oversized
lance on his shoulder. He further won the admiration of his soldiers for his
ability 'not to be overcome by exertion and privation.'"18
Maximilian, like Maximinus, was a typical giant — superior size, strength, intelligence
and skill, as well as natural leadership ability and a mind well-suited to warfare.
However, there was an innate madness to the giant homo artificialis breed which often
manifested itself in a suicidal fury, as shown by Maximilian's barehanded defeat of
both a bear and a lion, as well as his hunting down of mountain goats unaided on the
slippery slopes of the Tyrolese Alps. Like Og of old, Maximilian was a true giant — a
being of great power and beauty, who was also possessed of a dark side. Beautiful yet
cruel, the giants considered themselves to be a master race, superior to all other forms
of mankind. And inherent to this sense of superiority was a need to prove this
superiority, a test that they had been well equipped to fulfill. As such Maximilian, like
his giant predecessors from ancient times, held to the racialist theory that they were
superior to all other races. DeLoach explains,

Those who profess the Aryan theory hold that the Celtic race, particularly its
Germanic branch, is vastly superior to all others. 'Only white peoples,
especially the Celtic, possess true courage, love of liberty and the other
passions and virtues which distinguish great souls,' proclaimed the German
historian Christoph Meiners (1745-1810). Meiners is generally regarded as a
founder of this racial theory. Julien-Joseph Virey (1775-1846), a disciple of
Meiners, asks: "What would our world be without the Europeans? Powerful
nations, a proud and and indomitable race, immortal geniuses in the arts and
the sciences, a happy civilization. The European, called by his high destiny to
rule the world, which he knows how to illumine with his intelligence and
subdue with his courage, is the highest expression of man and at the head of
the human race. The others, wretched horde of barbarians, are, so to say, no
more than its embryo." In other words, the true Aryans see themselves as
"supermen", and they regard "all the other species of men (for there are four
or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites." All these peoples
who are not light of skin and blond they classify as "subhumans". Where did
such an idea come from? In its earliest written form, the Aryan concept
predates both Meiners and Virey. The historian S.H. Steinberg traced it back
to the humanistic historiographers who lived during the reign of the Holy
Roman Emperor Maximilian I (1493-1519). "It was these forefathers of our
contemporary journalists who supplied the copy for Maximilian's anti-French
propaganda," he writes. "The French and, in fact, every other nation were, so
they argued, inferior to the Germans because of the latter's pride of place in
the pedigree of the Western nations: had they not for ancestors the Cimbri who
made Rome tremble?... Were the Germans of Maximilian not the sons and
heirs of the Lombards who gave their name to Upper Italy, the Franks who
established their rule over Gaul, the Angles and Saxons who made themselves
masters of Britain? 19

With Emperor Maximilian came the beginning of the revival of the old Aryan race
myth that had been propagated by the Gomerian giants in ancient times. Despite the
fact that the Gomerian Celts, Gauls, Germani, and numerous other tribes of the giant
descendants of Gomer had been soundly defeated by the homo sapiens Romans, they
still held doggedly to the belief that they were superior to all other forms of mankind.
This belief has survived even into modern times until it came to fruition again in the
20th century, in Hitler's Germany, where Hitler once again attempted to revive the
ancient herrenvolk, or "master race" of the Germani.

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Adolph Hitler, though a puny man of little

consequence, rose to power over the most powerful
war machine the world had ever seen to that point
(in known history). But how did this failed artist and
vagrant achieve this lofty goal? In fact, few know
(or want to know) that Hitler was a committed
occultist, who believed that he had been chosen by
the gods of the ancient Aryans to resurrect the
ancient Germani giants, and use them to conquer the
world. Thus, though socially at the bottom rung of
the ladder, spiritually speaking Hitler's situation
was quite different.

Though on the face of it this concept seems

ludicrous, as we have seen in Parts I II and III of
our series on giants, this same story, where the
fallen angels had created the giants in ancient times
in order to destroy God's own homo sapiens and
conquer the world, has been repeating itself
throughout human history. Hitler's Gemany, it
seems, was only the latest in a series of attempts to
revive the ancient Nephilim giants who had been
destroyed by the Great Flood. The next generation
of giants, the Rephaim, "those who were reborn",
were an attempt to recapture the "glories" of the
world before the Flood, of which Hitler's attempt
was the most recent (However, it is not impossible
that new attempts are ongoing as we speak). Thus,
Hitler not only wanted to resurrect the ancient
Germani giants, he wanted to resurrect the entire
world as it had been before the Flood.

Hitler's aim was neither the founding of a race

of supermen, nor the conquest of the world;
these were only means towards the realization
of the great work he dreamed of. His real aim
was to perform an act of creation, a divine
operation, the goal of a biological mutation
which would result in an unprecedented
exaltation of the human race and the "apparition
of a new race of heroes and demigods and
god-men." Perhaps these same neo-Nephilim
Nazi "ubermen" are today clothed in the time
and culture-appropriate sci-fi regalia of
"alien"/human "hybrids" a la Whit Strieber,
Harvard's Dr. John Mack, and a veritable
cornucopia of other associated — often
Rockefeller-financed — socio-cultural
Though most would scoff at this, those same people
are unaware that Hitler was a member of the
occultic group "The Thule Society", which
believed in the existence of an all-powerful being
called "the Ubermensch", a powerful spiritual being
that was in actuality a fallen angel. Some also
believe that Hitler had willingly allowed himself to
be possessed by this powerful fallen angel, which
explains the enormous amount of charisma and
personal magnetism this otherwise inconsequential
man was able generate in order to bend the masses
of Germany to his will. Hitler actually saw the
Ubermensch, and even he was terrified by the cruel
splendor of this being:

Hitler was talking one day to Rauschning, the

Governor of Danzig, about the problem of a
mutation of the human race. Rauschning, not
possessing the key to such strange
preoccupations, interpreted Hitler's remarks in
terms of a stock-breeder interested in the
amelioration of German blood. "But all you can

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do," he replied, "is to assist Nature and shorten the road to be followed! It is
Nature herself who must create for you a new species. Up till now the breeder
has only rarely succeeded in developing mutations in animals — that is to say,
creating himself new characteristics." "The new man is living amongst us
now! He is here!" exclaimed Hitler, triumphantly. "Isn't that enough for you? I
will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was
afraid of him." "In uttering these words," added Rauschning, "Hitler was
trembling in a kind of ecstasy." It was Rauschning, too, who related the
following strange episode, about which Dr. Achille Delmas, a specialist in
applied psychology, questioned him in vain: It is true that in a case like this
psychology does not apply: "A person close to Hitler told me that he wakes up
in the night screaming and in convulsions. He calls for help, and appears to be
half paralysed. He is seized with a panic that makes him tremble until the bed
shakes. He utters confused and unintelligible sounds, gasping, as if on the
point of suffocation. The same person described to me one of these fits, with
details that I would refuse to believe had I not complete confidence in my
informant. Hitler was standing up in his
room, swaying and looking all round him
as if he were lost. 'It's he, it's he,' he
groaned, 'he's come for me!' His lips were
white; he was sweating profusely.
Suddenly he uttered a string of
meaningless figures, then words and scraps
of sentences. It was terrifying. He used
strange expressions strung together in
bizarre disorder. Then he relapsed again
into silence, but his lips still continued to
move. He was then given a friction and
something to drink. Then suddenly he
screamed: 'There! there! Over in the
Azazel, the "Ubermensch", current
comer! He is there!' — all the time spiritual ruler of the West, and nominally
stamping with his feet and shouting. To of the entire world. Not someone you
quieten him he was assured that nothing want to wake up to.
extraordinary had happened, and finally he
gradually calmed down. After that he slept for a long time and became normal
This strange episode clearly shows that Hitler was obsessed if not actually possessed
by a powerful demon, which was most likely Azazel, the powerful kosmokrator demon
that rules over the entire Earth. As we saw in Part II of our series on legendary
Atlantis (which Hitler also believed in, by the way), Azazel is one of the two most
powerful of the fallen angels who ruled the world before the Flood. These two had led
the world into rebellion against God, and had created the giants to destroy the
descendants of Adam. As a result, the God destroyed the giants with a Flood, and
Azazel and Semjaza were punished by being imprisoned in the deep parts of the Earth,
which we have theorized to be somewhere in the region of the Caucasus. These two
powerful fallen angels, Azazel and Semjaza, though now their power is limited, still try
to recreate the world before the Flood, and the giants they had created to conquer it. We
further believe that Semjaza had taken control of the ancient Magogians and had used
them to conquer the East, whereas Azazel had taken control of the Gomerians and had
used them to conquer the West — repeating the pattern that they had originally initiated
in the world before the Flood, a pattern of gross mismanagement that had led to the
eventual destruction of the antediluvian world.
Though these two powerful fallen angels are united in their opposition to God, it is
important to note that these two demons only cooperate with each other out of
necessity. It is most likely that they in fact struggle with God, but also with each for
dominion over the Earth. Though they are united in their rebellion against God, as the
ultimate self-centered individuals that they are, they also want to control each other,
and the entire world, alone. It is this struggle between these two powerful arch demons,
as well as struggles between the lesser demons under their sway, that has led to almost
all the wars throughout our history. As such, we can see the patterns of the activities of
these demons by tracking their "footsteps" throughout history, bloody footprints that
have manifested themselved in the wars and conflicts of the human race. And the larger
the war, the higher the level of conflict in the chain of demonic command, "world
wars" being waged by the demon princes Azazel and Semjaza themselves.

As such, the leaders of the nations that wage world wars are most likely controlled by
the kosmacrator (lit., "world ruling") demons that have initiated the wars in the first
place. As we saw in Part II, both Hitler and Stalin led very much parallel lives, where
both were involved in the secret societies and the occult, and both had invited demonic
powers to control them in order to gain worldly power for themselves. And they were
not disappointed, as it is likely that Hitler and Stalin were possessed by the most
powerful demons of all, who used these men to fight out the greatest world war the

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world has ever seen (in known history). Since Hitler was effectively in charge of the
West, he must, therefore, have been possessed by Azazel, the demon prince of the
West. Conversely Stalin, who effectively ruled over the East, must have been possessed
by Semjaza, the demon prince of the East.22 Thus, World War II was essentially only
the latest installment in the struggle between these two powerful demons over rulership
of the Earth.

However, though Azazel's enmity with Semjaza has been terrible

and unending, Azazel's greatest enemy is the people of God, most
particularly, the Jews. Many have indeed wondered why it was that
Hitler attempted to exterminate the Jews, instead of merely
deporting them, if he was so intent on maintaining the "purity" of
the Germanic race. Indeed, his hatred for the Jews was far beyond
The "Jude" Star of
mere anti-Semitism — there was definitely an evil spiritual power
David. The Nazis
forced Jews in motivating him to go out of his way to try to destroy them. The
conquered countries to answer, in the context that we have developed, is simple. The Jews
wear this "mark" and other Semitic peoples, who are basically mankind as God had
during World War II. intended, pure descendants of Adam, had intermarried with the
Azazel will have remnants of the giants and other Japhethite peoples, effectively
another "mark" ready "normalizing" and greatly reducing the occurrence of the giant
for those whom he has
genes that remained from the Gomerian and other Celtic giants that
conquered in the
aftermath of World had escaped slaughter by the Romans. As such, the Germanic and
War III. Celtic peoples had become smaller in stature, but much more
civilized and amiable, to the point where they were able to settle
down and create a great civilization. No longer wandering
barbarians, seeking to conquer and destroy to fill the emptiness they felt inside, the
interbreeding with the Jews and other Semites, along with the spiritual teachings that
the Semites had retained from Noah and later prophets of God, had apparently given
them the ability to love and show concern for the welfare of others, rather than only
looking out for themselves. Charlemagne was a prime example of this type of
"transformed man", who was able to rise above his own needs and instead put the
needs of his neighbor ahead of his own. Without this philosophy, civilizations cannot
be created, let alone maintained. Love, forgiveness, and putting the needs of others
ahead of your own are the basis of all civilization, and as soon as these principles are
removed, that civilization will crumble back into barbarism.

So it was that, as with all the giant invasions, the Gomerians were eventually worn
down and bred out of existence, defeated in the relentless genetic arms race by sheer
numbers. Now a combination of Japhethite and Semitic peoples (as well as some
Hamitic), the European race as it is known today lived for thousands of years in a
well-balanced and civil society, whose cultural achievements rival any that the world
has ever seen. Even today, in post-Christian Europe, the old institutions and
worldviews that were founded in the Christian era still keep European society from
descending back into barbarism, despite their best attempts to remove Christendom and
its institutions and replace it with sterile, futile socialism. However, whether their
socialism is the aggressive national socialism of Hitler, or the passive, "democratic"
socialism of 21st-century Europe, both will fail equally badly, and leave the Europeans
wondering why they had enjoyed so many years of success, only to fail in the end.
Having rejected God, all but exterminated His people in the past, and persecuting them
in the present, Europe will once again fail to learn from history and look for a
scapegoat for their failure. And once again, the Jews and their allies will be blamed for
the failure of their fallen ideologies, and once again Azazel will move the peoples of
Europe to exterminate his ancient enemy.

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The next great war of Gog and Magog, as described in Ezekiel 38-39, where Gog and Magog and the Arab
peoples band together in order to create a "final solution" for the Jews. The "white horseman" (let the reader
understand) represents the forces of the Western Alliance, which will be made up of the U.S., Great Britain,
Israel, Italy, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and a number of other countries. "Gog" represents the forces of
Europe, including France, Germany and other far left-wing socialist European countries. Europe may or not
participate militarily, but they will almost certainly participate economically. "Magog" represents the forces
of Russia and the Central Asian republics. From the south and west will come the remnant of the Arab and
Islamic nations who are capable of competently waging war, including Egypt, Libya and the Sudan in the
south, and Syria and possibly Turkey from the west. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the lesser emirates
will not get involved militarily. These forces of "Gog and Magog", or "the Eastern Axis", will be utterly
destroyed, most likely by theater nuclear weapons, as conventional warfare against such a massive force
would be impractical. This destruction will be condoned by God himself, described in Ezekiel as "fire from

This time, however, the persecution of the Jews will be instigated not only by Azazel,
but also by Semjaza, who will also agitate his people to attempt to exterminate the Jews
in concert with Azazel. Semjaza hates the people of God as much as does Azazel, as
proven by the many pogroms Russian and Central Asian Jews and even some
Christians have had to endure at the hands of the Russians and their allies. Once again,
probably very soon Azazel, who rules over Gog, will join forces with Semjaza, who
rules over Magog in a final attempt to destroy the Jews, as it is written in the Book of

1 The word of the LORD came to me:

2 "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief
prince of Meshech and Tubal; prophesy against him
3 and say: 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am against you, O Gog,
chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.
4 I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your
whole army-your horses, your horsemen fully armed, and a great horde with
large and small shields, all of them brandishing their swords.
5 Persia, Cush and Put will be with them, all with shields and helmets,
6 also Gomer with all its troops, and Beth Togarmah from the far north with
all its troops-the many nations with you.
7 " 'Get ready; be prepared, you and all the hordes gathered about you, and
take command of them.
8 After many days you will be called to arms. In future years you will invade
a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many
nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had
been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety.
9 You and all your troops and the many nations with you will go up,
advancing like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land.
10 " 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: On that day thoughts will come
into your mind and you will devise an evil scheme.
11 You will say, "I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a
peaceful and unsuspecting people-all of them living without walls and without
gates and bars.
12 I will plunder and loot and turn my hand against the resettled ruins and the
people gathered from the nations, rich in livestock and goods, living at the
center of the land."
13 Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all her villages will
say to you, "Have you come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to
loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize
much plunder?" '
14 "Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say to Gog: 'This is what the
Sovereign LORD says: In that day, when my people Israel are living in safety,
will you not take notice of it?
15 You will come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with
you, all of them riding on horses, a great horde, a mighty army.
16 You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land.
In days to come, O Gog, I will bring you against my land, so that the nations
may know me when I show myself holy through you before their eyes.
17 " 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Are you not the one I spoke of in
former days by my servants the prophets of Israel? At that time they

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prophesied for years that I would bring you against them.

18 This is what will happen in that day: When Gog attacks the land of Israel,
my hot anger will be aroused, declares the Sovereign LORD.
19 In my zeal and fiery wrath I declare that at that time there shall be a great
earthquake in the land of Israel.
20 The fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, every
creature that moves along the ground, and all the people on the face of the
earth will tremble at my presence. The mountains will be overturned, the cliffs
will crumble and every wall will fall to the ground.
21 I will summon a sword against Gog on all my mountains, declares the
Sovereign LORD . Every man's sword will be against his brother.
22 I will execute judgment upon him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour
down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops
and on the many nations with him.
23 And so I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself
known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the
LORD.' ( Ezekiel 38)

The phrase, "Gog of the land of Magog" is interesting, as it implies that Gog and
Magog, hereditary enemies, will be as one in a huge war that will involve most of
Europe and Asia. Current trends in geopolitics appear to support this likelihood, as the
socialist Germans and the unmitigated Gauls invoke more and more anti-Western
rhetoric, and continue to align themselves with a resurgent Communist Russia. This
may be what Ezekiel meant by "Gog of the land of Magog" — the leaders of Europe,
though located in the hereditary lands of Gog, are politically Communist, and in this
way they are "of the land of Magog". God will take this group of Communist and
Socialist nations and "turn them around", pointing them back at their point of origin in
the Middle East, from where Gomer and Magog had originally emigrated over 10,000
years ago. But this return will not be for peace, but for war, as the warlike tendencies of
these people once again come to the fore, and they ally themselves with Iran, Syria,
Turkey, Egypt, Libya, and the Sudan in one last attempt to destroy Israel.

This vast mongrel horde will have but one objective — to destroy the Jews once and
for all, and anyone who is allied with them. It is important to note that this prophecy
can only take place after AD 1948, as the land of Israel, "a land that has been recovered
from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel"
had ceased to exist after the Romans had sacked Jerusalem in AD 70. Scattered among
the nations for close to 1,900 years, only in the last 50 years or so has the prophecy of
Ezekiel been able to be fulfilled. Moreover, interestingly, a "wall" or "fence" has just
recently been created by the Israelis in order to keep out Palestinian terrorists. In fact, it
is a major point of contention that has been holding up the Middle East peace process.
However, with Arafat dead, and with the Middle East peace process in the balance, the
Israelis will trade that fence for peace, and Ezekiel's prophecy that Israel will become
"a land of unwalled villages" will be fulfilled.
In summary, this "Eastern Axis" will seek to despoil and destroy Israel, with the intent
of ridding themselves of their ancient enemies and enriching themselves in the process.
Unfortunately for them, Israel is not only quite capable of defending itself, but as part
of the Western Alliance, it will be part of a military force that is far superior to that of
Gog and Magog. Seeking to overwhelm the Western Alliance with sheer numbers, the
Eastern Axis will be met with nuclear counterforce, "torrents of rain, hailstones and
burning sulfur", and almost all of the invading force will be annihilated. In this way
will the giants Gog and Magog, the ancient enemies of God, meet their doom.

Though Gog and Magog will meet their

doom in the Middle East, not all of the
giants in the Earth live in Europe and
Asia. As we have seen, many of the
giants of Europe and Asia had left their
ancestral homelands and emigrated
across the seas to conquer America. It
could well be that the most powerful,
aggressive, intelligent, and dangerous of
the giants had emigrated to America in
times past, and recently, taking with
them the fiery torch of technology that
Prometheus/Azazel had stolen from

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heaven and given to mankind. And though the giants are now diminished in stature,
their intelligence and ambition are still limitless, and their hunger for power,
unquenchable. It may be here, in America, that the giants in the Earth will make their
last stand, and from here, conquer the entire world.

Though Europe and Russia have had warlike pasts, by far the most militarily powerful
country the post-diluvian world has ever seen is the United States. With our wonder
weapons, the likes of which have not been seen since the drowning of the antediluvian
world, America is quite capable of taking on the entire world right now. Such super-
advanced technology could only have come from Azazel, the fallen angel who
instructed mankind in how to make advanced weapons of war in the world before the
Flood, weapons that led to wars that polluted Earth so badly that the Flood was
necessary simply to keep it habitable. It may well be that Azazel has abandoned Europe
and instead chosen America as the means through which he will attempt to conquer the
world. This may be the true meaning of the phrase, "Gog of the land of Magog" — all
of Europe and Central Asia are currently under the control of Semjaza. However, it is
becoming increasingly clear that Azazel intends to use the United States to finally
defeat Semjaza and his associates, and conquer not only Europe and Russia, but also
the Middle East, Asia and, for a time, even the entire world.
As we saw in The Grand Canyon Part II, there is a Hopi prophecy that, at the end of
the Fourth Age, Masaw, the caretaker of the Earth will be given control of the Earth.
This will be necessary as mankind will have once again abandoned the laws of the
Creator, and will have fallen into anarchy, requiring a firm hand in order to restore the
balance. Masaw's throne in the Hopi myth was, of course, in the Desert Southwest
region of America, the Hopi "center of the universe", from whence he will rise again
near the end of the Fourth Age. It may well be that Masaw is the same kosmokrator
demon known in the Bible and the Book of Enoch as "Azazel", the prince of this world.
If so, the Desert Southwest, or the American West in general, may be the seat of the
next great world empire, an empire unlike all the rest that have come before.

There were giants in the Earth in those days ... and also afterwards.

Part I: Giants of the Ancient Near East | Part II: Giants of the Americas
Part III: Giants of Asia
Gog, Prince of the West | Giants of Europe | The Coming War of Gog and Magog
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Charles DeLoach, "Giants Who Became Gods", in Giants: A Reference Guide from
History, the Bible, and Recorded Legend (Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, Inc.,
1995), 110-112.

22 of 29 11/10/10 1:15 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

DeLoach, "Giants Who Became Gods", 112.

DeLoach, "Giants Who Became Gods", 113-114.

DeLoach, "Giants Who Became Gods", 118-119.

Vassil Karloukovski, "The Cimmerians" (Great Bulgaria:

DeLoach, "Gomarian Giants", 133.

DeLoach, "Celtic Giants", 53.

DeLoach, "Celtic Giants", 54-55.

DeLoach, "Celtic Giants", 56-57.

DeLoach, "Rome vs. Senone Giants", 249-251.

DeLoach, "German Giants' Annihilation", 96.

DeLoach, "German Giants' Annihilation", 96-97.

DeLoach, "German Giants' Annihilation", 101-102.

DeLoach, "Maximinus", 186.

DeLoach, "Maximinus", 190.

Robin Chew, "Charlemagne: King of the Franks and Emperor of the Holy
Roman Empire" (Lucidcafe:

DeLoach, "Charlemagne", 62.

DeLoach, "Maximilian", 183.

DeLoach, "Maximilian", 180-181.

"Adolf Hitler und die Ubermensch von der Golden Dawn" (Forumer:

"Adolf Hitler und die Ubermensch von der Golden Dawn".

cf. Mysterious World, "Giants of the Americas" (Mysterious World: This ancient conflict between Semjaza and Azazel is
also alluded to in Daniel 10:12-20. Silk Road Chronology

The Cimmerians
Livius: Cimmerians
Livius: Scythians/Sacae The Scythians The White Huns - The Hephthalites
Livius: Arians
Tobolsk, CIS And Baltic Political Geography
Wikipedia: Kurgan
Proto-Indo-European and Indo-Europeans
Indo-European Language Tree: Centum Languages (Western/X1 Branch)
Indo-European Language Tree: Satem Languages (Eastern/X2 Branch)
A. Richard Diebold Center for Indo-European Language and Culture

23 of 29 11/10/10 1:15 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

A. Richard Diebold Center for Indo-European Language and Culture: The

Indo-European Language Family
The Early History of Indo-European Languages
The Rosetta Project: Indo-European Languages
Gog and Magog
The Legend of Gog and Magog
Gog and Magog
Chuck Missler: "The Magog Identity"
AC Russia Invades Israel

David Larkin, Julek Heller (Illustrator)
Giants is a classic popular reference work on the subject of giants in
myth and history, and is also an enjoyable read on its own. Filled
with lavish, cleverly rendered illustrations, it makes an excellent
general reference book and even a good coffee table book. (Review
by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Genesis 6 Giants
Stephen Quayle
Genesis 6 Giants provides a good, solid overview of giants in
religion, myth and history, and also serves as a good reference for
other sources on giants. Quayle also adds his own insights into the
mix, providing some interesting and thought-provoking reading. He
also offers several other books on related topics on his website, (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Giants: A Reference Guide from History, the Bible, and Recorded

Charles DeLoach
A standard reference book for giants throughout history, DeLoach's
classic work is the result of years of painstaking research. Books of this
type are becoming increasingly rare, but fortunately, DeLoach's Giants is
still in print, or else much important information on this subject would be lost, or very
difficult to find. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

The World of the Celts

Simon James
"The whole race... is madly fond of war, high-spirited and quick to
battle... and on whatever pretext you stir them up, you will have
them ready to face danger, even if they have nothing on their own
side but their own strength and courage" - Strabo, first century BC.
Warlike, flamboyant, courageous - the ancient Celts had a fearsome
reputation, even among the bellicose Romans. For 500 years they dominated the
barbarian lands north of the Alps, before being largely absorbed into the Roman
Empire. But Celtic culture survived and achieved a glorious flowering in the
post-Roman, early Christian era. Today Celtic influence can be found everywhere, in
arts and crafts, in legends, in placenames and even in the languages we speak. In this
new introduction to the world of the Celts, Simon James looks at all aspects of their
history. Individual sections chart their rise, their way of life from farming to feasting,
their wars, their gods, and their superb craftsmanship. Also highlighted are the hitherto
neglected subject of Celtic life under Roman rule and persistent traditions that led to
the Celtic renaissance in Ireland after AD 400. Original features include the latest
discoveries; extracts from classical authors; illustrated retellings of the most famous
myths and legends; tables of comparative information; diagrams, maps and site plans.
The Celts once held sway over much of Europe, from Caledonia to Asia Minor. Here is
the whole story of this immensely inventive and influential people. (Review by

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Click here to buy this book.

The Celts
John Davies
This is an account of the Celtic peoples exploring the cultural,
archaeological and historical evidence for their origins,
development and heritage. From their heyday to their defeat by
the Romans, from their adoption of Christianity to the
flourishing of the Celtic church. The span of this exploration
extends from prehistoric Europe to near-obliteration to a new
self-assertion as we enter a new millennium.
(Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Germanic Warrior: Ad 236-568 (Warrior Series, 17)

Simon MacDowall, Angus McBride (Illustrator)
70 b/w, 14 color 7 x 9 Trade edition of Warrior 17 The Germanic warrior
was perhaps the most important player in the process of evolution from
classical to feudal society. By no means a united people, a tenuous, shared
language root was perhaps all that these diverse tribes had in common. This volume is
offers an overview of the motivations, lifestyles and evolution of these fascinating
peoples, looking at how individual soldiers lived and fought. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Celtic Warrior (Men at Arms Series, 30)

Stephen Allen
In the 1st Century BC, Strabo wrote of the Celts: 'The whole
madly fond of war, high -spirited and quick to battle...and on whatever
pretext you stir them up, you will have them ready to face danger, even if
they have nothing on their side but their own strength and courage'. This book gives an
insight into the life of the Celtic warrior, and his experience of battle - on fact, on
horseback, and as a charioteer. It also details Celtic society and studies the vital ritual
nature of Celtic warfare, from the naked gaesatae to the woad-painted warriors.
(Review by
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The Vikings (Men at Arms Series, 3)

Ian Heath
From the late 8th century, the Vikings were to play a major role in the
history of every nation from Ireland to Russia. These raiders from the sea
were called al-Madjus "heathen wizards" in Spain, they established the
dukedom of Normandy, provided the Byzantine Emperors bodyguard and landed on the
shores of America 500 years before Columbus. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Anglo-Saxon Thegn: 449-1066 AD (Men at Arms Series, 5)

Mark Harrison, Gerry Embleton
This volume reveals the development of the Saxon warrior, his weapons,
armour, tactics and training and his domination of the British Isles until
the Norman conquest of 1066. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Archaeology and Language : The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins

Colin Renfrew
In this book Colin Renfrew directs remarkable new light on the links
between archaeology and language, looking specifically at the puzzling
similarities that are apparent across the Indo-European family of ancient
languages, from Anatolia and Ancient Persia, across Europe and the
Indian subcontinent, to regions as remote as Sinkiang in China. Professor Renfrew
initiates an original synthesis between modern historical linguistics and the new
archaeology of cultural process, boldly proclaiming that it is time to reconsider

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

questions of language origins and what they imply about ethnic affiliation--issues
seriously discredited by the racial theorists of the 1920s and 1930s and, as a result,
largely neglected since. Challenging many familiar beliefs, he comes to a new and
persuasive conclusion: that primitive forms of the Indo-European language were
spoken across Europe some thousands of years earlier than has previously been
assumed. There was, in particular, no "coming of the Celts", but rather a parallel
development of Celtic-speaking peoples in much the same areas in which they are
found today. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

In Search of the Indo-Europeans: Language, Archaeology, and Myth

J. P. Mallory
What image do the Indo-Europeans conjure up? For many, it is one of
horse-riding warriors sweeping out of Asia, spreading their languages and
culture with each clash of the sword. Certainly, linguistic history shows
that most of the peoples of Europe, Iran and India share a common ancient language
known as Proto-Indo-European. Celts, Germans, Italians, Greeks, Albanians, Slavs,
Indians and many peoples long extinct can all have their linguistic ancestry traced back
to this mother tongue. But how far does the story told by languages match the historical
and archaeological record? What do we know about the lives and beliefs of these early
Indo-Europeans? And where was their original homeland? With the skill of a forensic
scientist Dr. Mallory traces the immediate origins of each of the Indo-European peoples
of Europe and Asia. By comparing their languages he demonstrates their common
cultural heritage, and through the technique of comparative mythology he examines
their earliest beliefs. Then he puts the case for their most likely homeland and presents
the archaeological and linguistic evidence for their expansion across Europe and Asia,
a process that has in recent times carried Indo-European speakers to every corner of the
world. Accompanied by extensive quotations from translated texts and fully illustrated
with maps, diagrams and photographs, In Search of the Indo-Europeans is recognized
as the standard work in its field. (Review from the back cover)
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Update on the Aryan Invasion Debate

Koenraad Elst
The author shows profound knowledge of the highly political debate on
the Aryan Invasion theory. Though the Aryan Invasion Theory is
untenable based on current data he urges the revisionist scholars to
answer some of the valid concerns about the Indian Urheimat Theory
(IUT). He laments on the deafness and over confidance of the scholars in each camp.
There is a good discussion of the linguistic issues for the uninitiated. The book draws
the reader in right from the first page and is hard to put down. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Genes, Peoples, and Languages

Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Mark Seielstad
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza was among the first to ask whether the genes of
modern populations contain a historical record of the human species.
Cavalli-Sforza and others have answered this question-anticipated by
Darwin-with a decisive yes. Genes, Peoples, and Languages comprises
five lectures that serve as a summation of the author's work over several decades, the
goal of which has been nothing less than tracking the past hundred thousand years of
human evolution. Cavalli-Sforza raises questions that have serious political, social, and
scientific import: When and where did we evolve? How have human societies spread
across the continents? How have cultural innovations affected the growth and spread of
populations? What is the connection between genes and languages? Always
provocative and often astonishing, Cavalli-Sforza explains why there is no genetic
basis for racial classification. (Review by
Click here

Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives

Alan Bullock
This is a huge and masterful dual biography of two of the most monstrous
personalities of this century. Bullock, whose Hitler: A Study in Tyranny (
LJ 2/15/64) truly deserves its designation as a classic, has produced a
smoothly written study of how these two lives ran parallel and how they

26 of 29 11/10/10 1:15 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

intertwined to affect the lives of millions in the first half of this century. One would
expect Bullock to know Hitler, but his grasp of Stalin and his times is also impressive.
In chapters alternately dealing with Hitler and then Stalin, Bullock analyzes how each
man achieved and then used power for his own twisted goals. It is chilling to realize
that both men rose within legitimate institutions, each "playing the game" by the
established rules. Hitler's evil empire collapsed with his death, Stalin's would live on to
haunt the Soviet Union for decades. Essential for anyone seeking to understand the
history of the West in this century. (Review by Library Journal)
Click here to buy this book.

Twilight of the Gods

Richard Wagner
If you like your Wagner served up in bleeding chunks or if you're simply
in a hurry to hear the tunes, then this compilation is for you. The
performances, drawn from the Polygram (mainly Deutsche Grammophon) back
catalog, are for the most part authoritative. They feature the likes of Herbert von
Karajan, with the Berlin Philharmonic, and Karl Böhm, with the Bayreuth Festival
Orchestra (and chorus), in extracts from recordings of complete operas, and conductors
Giuseppe Sinopoli, Otto Gerdes, and Antal Doráti in some of the more familiar
overtures and preludes. Singing, without which it is impossible to get the full flavor of
Wagner's work, is skirted whenever possible: this is an unapologetic tribute to Wagner
the orchestral genius. At times the salesmanship is a little overblown — the glitzy
packaging includes a cover shot of the helicopters from Apocalypse Now — and the
sound, some of it from very good originals, seems to have been juiced with a little
added digital reverb, resulting in an overall glassiness. The gaps between tracks are
minimized, disco style, so there's no dead air, and the whole thing has an Entertainment
Tonight feel to it. Were he around, Wagner would have screamed bloody murder, then
happily taken his cut of the action. For today's on-the-go listener, this may well be the
most practical way to enjoy Wagner's music, but we won't be happy until it motivates at
least one newcomer to seek out a recording of a complete opera. Anyone who does that
will find out what "apocalypse" really means. (Review by
Click here to buy this CD.

Conan The Barbarian: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Basil Poledouris
From the time between when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the
sons of Aryas, came a soundtrack undreamt of. This Varese Sarebande
version of the CD differs from the import in that it contains several more songs — well
worth the price if you are as much a fan of Conan as are we. What is best in life?
Listening to this CD while weaving tales of gods, warriors, witches ... and giants!
(Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this CD.

Dances With Wolves: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

John Barry
John Barry's Academy Award-winning score for actor/director Kevin
Costner's nouveau western, Dances with Wolves, is nothing short of a
modern classic by a film scoring master. Utilizing Wagnerian structure, Barry's three
main themes recur in magisterial symphonic form. The memorable "John Dunbar"
theme alone has become an almost subconscious part of modern life, utilized as Muzak
and underscore for public events great and small. Barry's skills as an arranger color his
themes in subtly shifting orchestral hues, giving even the most repeated melodic
passages new emotional weight. Barry's rich music is living proof that the art of
orchestral film scoring is still alive and surprisingly vital in the '90s. (Review by
Click here to buy this CD.

Long Walk Home: Music from the Rabbit-Proof Fence

Peter Gabriel

27 of 29 11/10/10 1:15 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

Though originally written for the film "Rabbit-Proof Fence", set in aboriginal
Australia, the primeval and mysterious passions of this aborigine-inspired music brings
to mind the idea of a ancient race whose time has passed. While the booming electro-
tribal rhythms of previous Gabriel work come instantly into play, there's a sense of
spacious mystery that's perfectly emblematic of the story's Australian outback setting.
Gabriel's penchant for dense aural construction gives way to an ambient soundscape
punctuated by Aboriginal percussion, didgeridoo, and bird song, and occasionally
washed over by lolling tides of synth and samples. It's an atmosphere that, like the
Aboriginal world it evokes, is nearly devoid of traditional melody, but one infused with
a gripping, almost subliminal power. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this CD.

Mysterious Origins of Man: Rewriting Man's History

On February 25, 1996 NBC aired a one-hour prime-time special, The
Mysterious Origins of Man, hosted by Charlton Heston. Controversy
exploded in the academic community following this telecast. Much of the
material for the program was taken from Forbidden Archeology, featuring
interviews with co-authors Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson on the
show. This DVD provides explosive evidence of man's true history, a
history that academics don't want you to know about. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this DVD.

Conan the Barbarian - Collector's Edition

Conan the Barbarian, the movie that turned Arnold Schwarzenegger into
a global superstar, is a prime example of a match made in heaven. It's the
movie that macho maverick writer-director John Milius was born to
make, and Arnold was genetically engineered for his role as the muscle-bound, angst-
ridden hero created in Robert E. Howard's pulp novels. Oliver Stone contributed to
Milius's screenplay, and the production design by comic artist Ron Cobb represents a
perfect cinematic realization of Howard's fantasy world. To avenge the murder of his
parents, Conan tracks down the evil Thulsa Doom (James Earl Jones) with the help of
Queen Valeria (played by buff B-movie vixen Sandahl Bergman) and Subotai the
Mongol (Gerry Lopez). Aptly described by critic Roger Ebert as "the perfect fantasy
for the alienated pre-adolescent," this blockbuster is just as enjoyable for adults who
haven't lost their youthful imagination. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

The Celts - Rich Traditions & Ancient Myths

The Celts gave Enya her first popular showcase, but there's far more to
this epic documentary series than lushly ethereal music. Produced by
BBC Scotland in 1987, the six-part, six-hour series shows its age with
simple graphics and visual design, but writer-narrator Frank Delaney compensates with
thorough scholarship and engaging presentation. "The Man with the Golden Shoes"
begins with the Celts' earliest origins in Austria, studying burial remains to reveal a
fiercely independent people, driven to expansion and exploration but failing to unite
against the dominant forces of Rome. Subsequent episodes follow a categorical
approach to Celtic history: "The Rise of Nations" in the British Isles leads to Celtic
strongholds in Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Brittany; "A Pagan Trinity" surveys Celtic
mythology and the transition (through cultural cross-pollination) from Druid
priesthoods to Celtic-influenced Christian missionaries; "The Open-Ended Curve"
illuminates the development of Celtic art, music, and literature; "The Final Conflict"
explores the fading, and subsequent revival, of Celtic languages, and how this history is
reflected in present-day (and often erroneous) definitions of "Celtic"; and "The
Legacy" examines the tenacious efforts to preserve Celtic language and culture in
modern society. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

Apocalypse Now

28 of 29 11/10/10 1:15 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: Giants in the Earth Pa...

In the tradition of such obsessively driven directors as Erich von Stroheim
and Werner Herzog, Francis Ford Coppola approached the production of
Apocalypse Now as if it were his own epic mission into the heart of darkness. On
location in the storm-ravaged Philippines, he quite literally went mad as the project
threatened to devour him in a vortex of creative despair, but from this insanity came
one of the greatest films ever made. It began as a John Milius screenplay, transposing
Joseph Conrad's classic story "Heart of Darkness" into the horrors of the Vietnam War,
following a battle-weary Captain Willard (Martin Sheen) on a secret upriver mission to
find and execute the renegade Colonel Kurtz (Marlon Brando), who has reverted to a
state of murderous and mystical insanity. The journey is fraught with danger involving
wartime action on epic and intimate scales. One measure of the film's awesome visceral
impact is the number of sequences, images, and lines of dialogue that have literally
burned themselves into our cinematic consciousness, from the Wagnerian strike of
helicopter gunships on a Vietnamese village to the brutal murder of stowaways on a
peasant sampan and the unflinching fearlessness of the surfing warrior Lieutenant
Colonel Kilgore (Robert Duvall), who speaks lovingly of "the smell of napalm in the
morning." Like Herzog's Aguirre: The Wrath of God, this film is the product of genius
cast into a pit of hell and emerging, phoenix-like, in triumph. Coppola's obsession
(effectively detailed in the riveting documentary Hearts of Darkness, directed by
Coppola's wife, Eleanor) informs every scene and every frame, and the result is a film
for the ages. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.


"MYSTERIOUS WORLD" name and logo © & ® 1998 Doug Elwell. All rights
Mysterious World is owned and operated by Doug Elwell, Inc. Wheaton, Illinois.
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Size: 13 in x 38 in
The world-famous Giant's Causeway, located on the northern coast of Ireland. The
causeway, a mass of hexagonal columns created by rapidly cooling volcanic basalt, the
causeway has been a prominent part of Irish myth and legend for thousands of years.
(Review by Mysterious World)
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he Grand
Canyon is
renowned as
being the
great American outdoor
tourism destination. Even
today, its remote location in
the heart of America's desert
southwest keeps it relatively
isolated from the creeping
scrum of packed cities and
choking smog. And even
after a century of tourism, the Morning rises on the "Isis Temple", one of many prominent buttes in
pristine beauty of this the central region of the Grand Canyon created by millions of years of
uncorrupted desert oasis yet wind and water erosion. Isis Temple is but one of numerous buttes in
the Grand Canyon named after ancient Egyptian, Greek, Hindu,
remains to entice the Chinese and Nordic gods and goddesses. The origin of the rather
world-weary traveler to seek esoteric naming system for buttes throughout the canyon is nearly as
contemplation away from the mysterious as the canyon itself, and has given rise to more than a little
madding crowd. speculation as to what early explorers may have found there.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: The Grand Canyon ...

The canyon is a vast

wilderness of living desert interspersed with verdant green oases created by the
Colorado River, and by natural springs fed by the rains that easily soak through the
porous limestone of the plateaus surrounding the canyon. Walls both sheer and gentle
soar hundreds, even thousands of feet north and south of the desert valley through
which the once mighty Colorado now meanders — tamed, but not broken. Bands of
red, orange and yellow limestone predominate, their colors tuned by the moods of sun
and cloud, and punctuated by vertical seams of dull rose quartz, created by magma that
had seeped through cracks in the rock in times long forgotten. Exotic relics of geologic
ages past with names such as Vishnu schist await the hardy traveler, along with
gorgeous waterfalls, hidden canyons, and forgotten caves — some of which have
remained hidden since the time of the explorers.

The Grand Canyon has played host to numerous groups of Suite
various peoples over thousands of years. Native Americans, Ferde
Spanish Conquistadores, monks, friars, fur trappers, Grofe
mountain men and traders. Then, western civilization began Perfect listening
to creep into the region during the 19th century as wave after while reading our
wave of expeditions motivated by greed, high adventure or articles on the Grand
simply the pioneer spirit each began to unlock the mystery of Canyon! (Courtesy
the mighty canyon. During the twentieth century, the canyon
became a national monument, and with that national seal of Sunrise
approval, it became the crown jewel of American tourism, a Painted Desert
title it holds to this day. But even with the missionary zeal On The Trail
that the early explorers exhibited, the Grand Canyon still had Sunset
not been completely mapped until 19711
The canyon was first occupied by bands
of wandering hunter-gatherers, early Native Americans who left
little in the way of material remains save small votive animal figurines made of bent
twigs. These forerunners of modern Native Americans hunted and fished the canyon
and surrounding region as early as 2000 b.c. or earlier. Not much is known of this
mysterious people, or even if they truly were the progenitors of the modern Native
American peoples of the southwest.
The first coherent culture to occupy the valley were the Anasazi, who
entered the region around 500 a.d., hunting small game as well as
raising such crops as corn and squash for their livelihood. By around 1000 a.d., their
culture had advanced to the point where they had begun to develop their own
distinctive pottery style, advanced agricultural methods, and a unique form of dwelling
known as the "pueblo". Though the Anasazi have
long since passed into history, they continue to be a
source of reverent fear for other Native American
peoples of the four corners area, many of whom to
this day fear to touch the old Anasazi dwellings or
anything that belonged to the Anasazi, as tradition
holds that anyone who disturbs their artifacts will be
terribly cursed.

A typical southwestern pueblo-style Whereas the Anasazi dominated

dwelling in Taos, New Mexico. Image © the canyon for hundreds of years, a
new people known as the Cohonina had migrated to
Anne T. Converse. All rights reserved.
the canyon from what is now west-central Arizona around 700 a.d. and settled on the
South Rim of the canyon. Though their material culture was very similar to that of the
Anasazi, their religious beliefs and lifeways were distinctly different. Despite these
differences, the Cohonina intrusion appears to have taken place peacefully, and the
Anasazi and the Cohonina apparently coexisted peacefully for centuries afterward.

The Cohonina shared the South Rim area with the Kayenta Anasazi,
living in and around the Kaibab National Forest just south of the
canyon, leading a semi-agrarian lifestyle in pit-style and stone houses, traces of which
still remain today.2 Both peoples dominated the area until around 1150, when a
prolonged drought necessitated a mass exodus from the area. The Hopi Indians, who
live east of the Kaibab forest, are likely the descendants of those Anasazi and Cohonina
who remained in the region.

Around 1300 a.d. the Cerbat peoples began to repopulate the region,
migrating to the South Rim area from the deserts of the lower
Colorado River. They lived primarily in rock shelters and brush wickiups on the
Coconino Plateau and the tributary canyons. The Cerbat were the ancestors of the later
Hualapai and Havasupai peoples, who still inhabit the western end of the canyon
today.3 Around this same time, the ancestors of the modern-day southern Paiute,

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: The Grand Canyon ...

apparently unafraid of ancient curses, moved into the old Anasazi ruins in the Grand
Canyon's north rim and tributary canyons.

The first Caucasians to see the

Grand Canyon in known history
were Spanish soldiers. Fired up after their fabulously
profitable conquests of the Aztecs and Inca, the
conquistadores now set their sights on the American
southwest, and the fabled "Seven Cities of Cibola",
the wealth of which was rumored to eclipse all their
previous conquests. Wallace explains,

The first white men to see the Grand Canyon

were Spanish soldiers, fortune hunters who
reached the brink in the year 1540. In those days
the Spaniards had become accustomed to
Francisco Vázquez de Coronado
enchantment and miracle. The Aztec treasure
(1510-1554), the first Caucasian to
that Hernan Cortes had sent home from Mexico discover the Grand Canyon.
two decades earlier had been followed by an Image from PBS - The West.
even larger Inca treasure that Francisco Pizarro
dispatched from Peru. With the treasures came
tales, some true, of tawny, coppery Indians who wore bright feathers and knew
astronomy, of strange animals and 30-foot constrictor snakes, of pyramids and
rich mines of silver and gold. Thus, when the Spaniards in Mexico heard
rumors of golden cities somewhere far to the north, they believed them. With
a Vivat Hispania! and a Domino Gloria! Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, a
30-year-old caballero, marched north into the great American desert.4

When Coronado reached the Southern Rim of the Grand Canyon however, he was
disappointed to find not cities of gold, but the simple clay huts of the Cerbat and the
scattered descendants of the Anasazi and Coconino. After some fruitless skirmishes
with the local natives, and intimidated by the enormous canyon, Coronado crossed the
Grand Canyon off his list of areas worthy of further exploration.
Two hundred years after Coronado and the conquistadores had
come and gone, Franciscan friars began to penetrate the area, this
time to spread the Gospel of Christianity. The first to visit the Grand Canyon region
was Father Francisco Tomas Garces, who visited the Havasupai Indians. The name
"Havasu" means "blue water", and "pai" means "people", so the Havasupai are "the
people of the blue water". The blue water refers to the striking blue color of the water
in the Havasu Canyon, which branches south from the western end of the Grand
Canyon into the Coconino Plateau (see map). The water is such a striking blue because
the bottom of the creek is covered in very light-colored carbonate and sulfate materials
that reflect the color of the sky back up through the water, making it a brilliant
turquoise blue. A glass of water taken from Havasu Creek is otherwise colorless.5
Father Garces took the Gospel to the
Hopi, but was coldly rebuffed and sent
away. The Havasupai, however,
welcomed him with open arms, and even
though they were not converted, they
still treated Father Garces to a
six-day-long feast. Garces was the first
man to name the Colorado River, calling
it colorado, "red water", after the
bricklike hue of the silt-laden water.
Later that year, two more Franciscan
The Havasu Falls in Havasu Valley, as seen from the fathers, Francisco Atanasia Dominquez
Havasu Falls Overlook. The turquoise blue color of the and Sylvestre Velez de Escalante, set out
water is due to the floor of the creek being covered by to find a route between New Mexico and
chemical compounds that are white in color and reflect California, preaching and proselytizing
the blue sky back up through the water. Image from
along the way.
Creation Safaris.
The first Americans, primarily trappers, traders, and seekers of
fortune, began to trickle into the Grand Canyon region in the early
part of the 19th century. They brought back with them rumors and tall tales of the
mysterious canyon, which began to seep into the American popular consciousness.
After the American victory in the Mexican-American War in 1848, in which America
won the territories now known as Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California from the
Mexicans, the American government sent out surveying parties to map out their newly
won territories. Murfin explains,

By the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848, following the

Mexican War, the future states of New Mexico, Arizona and California
became United States territories. During the 1850s, the federal government

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: The Grand Canyon ...

sent surveying parties led by military officers to map the new terrain,
specifically to locate routes for future railroads. The most interesting of these
expeditions, as far as the Grand Canyon is concerned, was led by Lieutenant
Joseph Ives. In 1857, Ives and his party chugged up the Colorado River in a
sternwheeler called Explorer. At Black Canyon, near the spot where the
Hoover Dam now stands, the Explorer struck a surface rock, and Ives had to
abandon the damaged steamer. The party continued overland, into the depths
of the "Big Cañon". While Ives admired the beauty of the place, he was
pessimistic about its usefulness. "The region is, of course, altogether
valueless", he said in his report. "Ours has been the first, and will doubtless be
the last, party of whites to visit this profitless locality."6
The same year Ives was exploring the canyon by
water, one Lieutenant Edward Beale came to survey
the region by land. Beale had been chosen by the War
Department to survey an east-west route just south of
the canyon. Interestingly, Beale had managed to
convince Jefferson Davis, the Secretary of War (and
later, briefly, President of the Confederacy), to
purchase 80 camels from North Africa to help them
travel the rugged desert lands. Unfortunately for
Beale, the Arab drivers, unused to the rugged land,
quit to a man save one named Hadji Ali. Under Ali's
guidance, the camels proved to be quite effective on
just about any terrain, including snow-covered
mountains and jagged lava rock, and carried much
more weight than other pack animals. Unfortunately
the drawbacks of camels — grouchiness, unruliness,
bad smell, and the fact that their smell sent other Hadji Ali, the Arab camel driver recruited
by Lieutenant Beale in 1857 and locally
animals into a panic — made them unsuitable for
remembered as "Hi Jolly", had a
large-scale use, and they were eventually set free, memorial erected in his honor in
later to be hunted down and destroyed before they Quartzsite, Arizona. Image from Out
became a problem. A monument to Hadji Ali, locally West: The Newspaper that Roams.
known as "Hi Jolly", exists to this day in Quartzite,

The last and greatest of the adventures into the Grand Canyon was
the voyage of John Wesley Powell (of Smithsonian fame, op cit.).
Powell's voyage was one purely of adventure. Poorly prepared, this one-armed Civil
War veteran, along with nine men, started their voyage through the Grand Canyon on
the Green River from Green River, Wyoming. Powell's journal is an exciting tale of
swamped boats, raging rapids, dangerous whirlpools, perilous cataracts and even a
raging fire started by their own carelessness that nearly destroyed all of their equipment
— all before their expedition even reached the Colorado River. Of course, the
Colorado, which has the most raging rapids in North America, proved to be the greatest
challenge of all. Yet through all the danger, the men pushed on just to see the wonders
of the canyon, charting as much as possible and naming as much as they could name:

When Powell and his men made

their voyage of exploration they
gave names to many previously
anonymous things and places. In
Utah, making their way in three
boats down the Colorado toward the
Grand Canyon, they were distressed
by the muddiness of the water — it
was, in the old vernacular, too thin
to plow and too thick to drink. Their
hopes were briefly raised when they
came to a new stream that flowed
into the Colorado from the west.
Perhaps it was clear. One of the men
"The Start From Green River Station" Line drawing in the third boat called out to a man
from Canyons of the Colorado by John Wesley Powell,
1875. Image from John Wesley Powell Memorial
in the first, "How is she?" and got
Museum. the gloomy reply, "She's a dirty
devil". Accordingly Powell dubbed
the new river the Dirty Devil, a name it retains despite the efforts of some
people to call it the Fremont. The three streams that unit to form the Dirty
Devil were called the Starvation, the Muddy and the Stinking. After Powell
explored the Grand Canyon his conscience as a coiner of names may have
been pricking him a little. Then, too, he was a literate man and knew the
reference in Milton's Paradise Lost to "the Angel bright". Thus, after Powell
came to a clear creek in the Grand Canyon he compensated for the Dirty Devil
by christening the Canyon stream the Bright Angel, and it is from the creek's

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: The Grand Canyon ...

name that all the other Bright Angels in the neighborhood derive.7
Powell followed up his initial expedition with another expedition in 1871 which was
much more fruitful in terms of scientific analysis, producing a map and scientific
publications. However, though the second voyage was much more productive, the first
voyage has gone down in Grand Canyon history as one of the great adventures of the
American experience. Powell's landmark journey down the Colorado, in the minds of
many, marked the end of the age of the explorers, and the beginning of the age of

"Chasm of the Colorado" by Thomas Moran. From the Department of the Interior Museum, Washington,
D.C. Image from National Gallery of Art.

As was the pattern in the Old West, the explorers were followed by the prospectors,
those who were willing to risk death in order to obtain vast fortunes in the still largely
unexplored areas of the Old West. In the 1870s and 1880s, substantial deposits of lead,
zinc, copper and asbestos were discovered in the canyon, and the region was quickly
divvied up amongst the prospectors eager to find their fortunes. Unfortunately for them
— and fortunately for tourism — mining the canyon proved to be economically
unfeasible, as the cost of getting the raw ores out of the canyon was prohibitively
expensive, and as a result, most mining in the canyon was abandoned. However, the
canyon's pristine beauty proved to be its greatest asset, as the tourism industry began to
flourish around the turn of the century.
Around the turn of the century, the sensibility of many Americans toward their
natural heritage began to change. They began to realize that there was a
dimension to the land other than the economic one. Artists like Thomas
Moran and writers like Clarence Dutton and John Van Dyke depicted the
Grand Canyon in terms that had far more to do with aesthetics than with
utility. In response with this shift in attitude, a whole new industry evolved. In
the 1890s, the Bright Angel Trail was completed, enabling tourists to walk or
ride down to the spacious mantle of the Tonto Plateau. J.W. Thurber's
stagecoach route between Flagstaff and the South Rim was made obsolete
when the Santa Fe Railroad constructed a spur from Williams in 1901. Old
miners soon came to see great potential in this new source of gold, and they
built accomodations like Bass Camp and the Grand View Hotel. The Age of
Tourism had begun.8

The first and greatest official PR for the Grand Canyon as the great American tourist
destination came in 1903, when President Theodore Roosevelt, having returned from a
tour of the canyon, described it as "the most impressive piece of scenery I have ever
looked at". Roosevelt was known for his policies of natural conservation and officially
designated the Grand Canyon as a national monument in 1908. After Arizona became a
state in 1912, the process of turning the Grand Canyon into a national park accelerated,
and in 1919 President Woodrow Wilson officially created the Grand Canyon National
Park. President Ford doubled the size of the park, making the entire interior of the
canyon, except for the Indian Reservations, protected national park lands.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: The Grand Canyon ...

National Park Service map of the Grand Canyon. Click here for a larger version.

The first major step towards making the Grand Canyon accessible to tourists came in
1882 with the completion of the Santa Fe Railroad's cross continental train line that ran
from Flagstaff, Arizona. The elimination of the unpleasant journey by stagecoach and
its replacement by comfortably appointed train cars was to be the most important first
step in the development of Grand Canyon tourism. The first scheduled passenger train
ran from Williams, Arizona on September 17, 1901. The first car, a ten-horsepower
steam-powered machine that ran on gasoline, made it to the South Rim in 1902, but
cars were not routinely used to travel to the canyon until the 1930s, when the car
overtook the train as the preferred mode of transportation. The Grand Canyon railway
suspended operation in 1968, the last run only carrying 3 people. However, in 1990 the
Grand Canyon Railway was put back into service, once again offering a luxurious,
3-hour ride to the canyon to over 75,000 passengers per year.

The first hotel catering to Grand Canyon visitors opened up in 1884. Called the Farlee,
it closed in 1889, to be replaced by the Dripping Springs hotel. In 1890, a tourist camp
was opened called Bass Camp, which was essentially large hotel building with
additional tent houses for those who wished to "rough it" (though the whole setting was
entirely civilized). In 1892 the Grand Canyon Hotel opened up, and in 1896, the Bright
Angel Hotel, named after the Bright Angel stream of the Colorado so named by
Powell. More and more hotels and train rest stops opened up in the years between 1880
and 1910, attracting more and more customers and commanding higher and higher
premiums. One of the more luxurious hotels was named the El Tovar. Rena Zurovsky
in The Grand Canyon describes the El Tovar as a bastion of New York-style luxury in
the middle of the wilderness:
The El Tovar is a rambling structure
built with native boulders and pine
logs from Oregon and decorated with
the rustic elegance of the arts and
crafts movement. The hotel was
designed by Mary Elizabeth Jane
Colter, who gave her unifying vision
to all of the Fred Harvey facilities
built at the canyon. El Tovar opened
up to accomodate two hundred The El Tovar historic hotel, built in 1905, located right
guests. It had a Rendezvous room, on the rim in the historic section of Grand Canyon
decorated with animal heads and Village. El Tovar was named after the Spanish explorer
Indian crafts, and Art Rooms, where Don Pedro de Tovar, who had heard of the canyon from
some paintings and photographs the Hopis and had passed the information on to
Coronado. Image from Grand Canyon Explorer.
commissioned by the Santa Fe
Railroad were offered for sale. The
Norway Dining Room, 89 feet long by 38 feet wide, was served by
well-trained Harvey Girl waitresses and an Italian chef. The hotel boasted a
music room, two roof gardens, a sun parlor, an amusement room, a club room,
and a barber shop. Stables accomodated 125 animals in addition to coaches
and wagons.9
The El Tovar had been opened in 1905 between the end of the Santa Fe railroad and the
rim of the canyon near the Bright Angel Trail, the centerpiece of the tourist facilities
that the Santa Fe Railroad had built to attract more customers. The "Harvey Girls" were
so called due to the fact that the El Tovar — and all of Santa Fe's facilities — was run
by one Fred Harvey, who was known as "The Civilizer of the West", as he had opened
up restaurants, hotels, newsstands and railroad dining cars all over the Southwest. The
Fred Harvey Company would later purchase Bass Camp, and turn Teddy Roosevelt's
camp into Phantom Ranch. Though the Phantom Ranch and El Tovar Hotel are both on
the south side of the canyon, Grand Canyon Lodge and other tourism facilities are also
available on the North Rim of the canyon. Fewer people go to the North Rim, however,
as it is more difficult to access and is closed several months of the year due to wintry

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: The Grand Canyon ...

conditions. As such, the North Rim might be a better destination for some, as more
solitary views and experiences of the canyon might be more accessible.

Today, over five million

tourists visit the Grand
Canyon each year. However,
most tourists only spend
around 3 hours of time at the
canyon, usually visiting the
legendary South Rim view
around mile 89, where most
of the best and oldest tourist
facilities are located. One
can't blame them, as that is
where some of the best views
of the canyon can be
accessed, though one might
have to do a bit of
rubbernecking in order to
A mule with a view — of the Grand Canyon. Mule rides are actually see the complete
extremely popular, as indicated by the waiting lists, which are
extremely long. Expect to plan ahead at least a year in advance if you
panorama of the canyon due
wish to ride the mules to the floor of the canyon (and back again). A to the perennial crowds. Out
mule ride would be the preferred method of transport for those who of those five million annual
are not in good physical condition. Image copyright Beverly A. Pettit. visitors, less than one quarter
of them will go beyond the
view, and enter the canyon proper. Most of these will enter the canyon on foot, but over
20,000 will make the trip on top of one of the canyon's famous mules. Other popular
methods for seeing the canyon include by horseback, and via helicopter or airplane, an
increasingly popular form of travel which draws over 700,000 visitors a year. There are
also numerous other diversions, including museums and visitors centers and even an
IMAX Theater that shows specially made, canyon-specific IMAX movies to round out
your evening.

One can't beat the "boots on the ground" approach to really experience the canyon.
Some hardy adventurers have successfully hiked the entire length of the Grand
Canyon, but most by far stick close to the rim on the main trails, particularly the Bright
Angel and Kaibab trails, as even in this relatively civilized area danger is always the
adventurer's companion. As Zurofsky explains,

Hiking is the ideal option for those

craving a quieter communion with
nature, but extreme temperatures and
the general lack of water demand
careful planning for both hiking and
camping. Even the well-used bright
angel trail consists of sharp dirt
switchbacks that are tricky to
negotiate, particularly once the sun
begins to flatten out all of the
surrounding surfaces towards the
middle of the day. Unfortunately, Hiking the canyon provides a more personal experience
many enter the canyon unprepared. of some of the most spectacular views in the world,
On any summer day you might see though hikers must remember to bring plenty of water
people straggle back up the trail (at least a gallon) and to not overexert themselves.
stripped to their underwear, or Image courtesy Western River Expeditions.
barefoot because their feet blistered. More than four hundred search-
and-rescues were executed during the 1991 season. By far the two most
prevalent conditions were dehydration and heat exhaustion. Plain old
exhaustion hovers near the third spot right behind a fractured ankle. Forty-six
of the rescues were considered to have saved a life; and nearly half of all
attempts were done by helicopter, though wind currents, tight spaces, and the
swift fall of darkness into the canyon make this form of rescue dangerous.10
Experts on the canyon recommend that hikers keep themselves well hydrated before
their hike, and to bring at least a gallon of water and some food along with them in case
of emergency. The dry heat of the canyon can mislead even experienced hikers, and
serious injuries and even death does occur on occasion. Consult one of the numerous
hiking websites for more information before embarking.

7 of 13 11/10/10 1:18 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: The Grand Canyon ...

Last but not least is the exploration of the Grand

Canyon via the Colorado River. Running the rapids
has come a long way since Powell's first journey
down the then-untamed Colorado. Since the creation
of the Glen Canyon Dam (and the subsequent
creation of the Glen Canyon National Recreation
Area), the Colorado River is much smaller and more
manageable than it once was. Moreover, with the
creation of inflatable rubber rafts specifically
designed to manage the rocky, treacherous rapids,
rafting the Colorado is much easier than it once was.
The trip is still dangerous, however, and the
Colorado still has rapids that are rated as the most
dangerous in the world, with a rating system
specially designed to accomodate such Grand-
Canyon specific threats such as the 37-foot drop at
Lava Falls.
Rafting the Colorado rapids. Image
Rafting the Colorado for many is perhaps the
courtesy Western River Expeditions.
greatest, most thrilling way to experience the
canyon, as it is not only dangerous, but also recalls the adventurous spirit of John
Wesley Powell and many other since who dared challenge nature in its rawest form in
order to unlock the secret depths of its beauty. This, in the end, might be the most
powerful part of the Grand Canyon experience — the feeling that, despite the
proliferation of tourist accomodations and creature comforts over the past century, the
Grand Canyon still has not been, and never will be, completely tamed.

The river at dusk. Image courtesy Western River Expeditions.

Visiting the Grand Canyon can be a bit of an ordeal if one is not properly prepared.
During the latter half of the twentieth century, and especially during the 80s and 90s,
the Grand Canyon had become increasingly traffic ridden, with long lines and traffic
jams being the norm rather than the exception. Plans that had originally been laid early
in the twentieth century to allow for 1,000,000 visitors per year had been foiled by over
5,000,000 visitors per year by the end of the last millennium. Tourists during the 80s
and 90s may well have spent more time waiting in line to see the canyon than they did
actually seeing it. As a result of this increased traffic congestion, noise, and air
pollution, the Grand Canyon had begun to take on many of the negative characteristics
of the big city tourist destinations that it competed with for the coveted rank of
America's #1 tourist destination.

Recent innovations in the parking and transit systems, however, have greatly improved
the traffic congestion problems. Moreover, with the conversion of the bus fleet to
alternative fuels such as electricity and natural gas, the "fresh air" aspect of the Grand
Canyon experience has been recovered. Efforts to help improve the Grand Canyon
experience are ongoing, and reflect a genuine interest by both local, state and national
government to keep the Grand Canyon experience worthy of its status as a World
Heritage site. Perhaps the best option for those seeking the complete Grand Canyon
experience is to forego the traffic and take the Grand Canyon Railway from nearby

8 of 13 11/10/10 1:18 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: The Grand Canyon ...

Williams, Arizona. That, combined with a stay at the Phantom Ranch or the El Tovar,
would be the best bet for recreating the original Grand Canyon experience. For more
information or for a Grand Canyon Trip Planner Package, check out the official Grand
Canyon information website, or consult the links below.

The Grand Canyon Part II: Sacred Space

The Explorers | Grand Canyon National Monument | Exploring the Canyon
Visiting the Grand Canyon | Grand Canyon Links | Grand Canyon Books
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Robert Wallace, The Grand Canyon (The American Wilderness/Time-Life Books)
(New York: Little Brown & Company, 1972), 25-26.

USDA Forest Service, "Williams History" (USDA Forest Service:

James V. Murfin, ed., The Sierra Clubs Guides to the National Parks: Desert
Southwest (New York: Random House, 1984), 191.

Wallace, The Grand Canyon, 20.

Wallace, The Grand Canyon, 107.

Murfin, The Sierra Clubs Guides to the National Parks: Desert Southwest, 192.

Wallace, The Grand Canyon, 26-27.

Murfin, The Sierra Clubs Guides to the National Parks: Desert Southwest, 193-194.

Rena Zurofsky, "Tourism at the Grand Canyon", in Letitia Burns O'Connor, ed., The
Grand Canyon (Los Angeles: Perpetua Press, 1992), 31.

O'Connor, The Grand Canyon, 32.

Grand Canyon Information

Grand Canyon Trip Planner Package
The Online Guide: Grand Canyon National Park
National Park Service: Grand Canyon
National Park Service: Welcome to Grand Canyon National Park
National Park Service: South Rim Transit
National Park Service: Museum Collection Grand Canyon National Park
National Park Service: Grand Canyon Photos
Grand Canyon Webcam
World Heritage Sites: Grand Canyon National Park
Grand Canyon National Park Hiking Page

9 of 13 11/10/10 1:18 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: The Grand Canyon ...

Grand Canyon Treks!

Grand Canyon IMAX Theater
Grand Canyon Railway
Phantom Ranch & The Colorado River
Grand Canyon Explorer: El Tovar Hotel
Grand Canyon Explorer
Desert USA: Grand Canyon National Park
The Grand Canyon Tour Company
Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association
Western River Expeditions
Heli USA: Grand Canyon flights
PBS - The West: Francisco Vázquez de Coronado
Peggy's Grandest Canyons Home Page
Uncle Scrooge: The Seven Cities of Cibola
Creation Safaris: Havasupai, Paradise of the Grand Canyon
Lone Star Internet: The Mexican-American War
PBS Online: U.S.-Mexican War "Hi Jolly"

The Grand Canyon (The American Wilderness/Time-Life Books)

Robert Wallace
Part of Time-Life's classic "American Wilderness" series, Grand Canyon provides a
very thorough and detailed overview of all aspects of the canyon. From it's geologic
origins and its role in Native American life and culture to its current status as a national
monument and favorite tourist destination, Grand Canyon is an excellent starting point
and general reference tool for those who wish to study the Grand Canyon in detail.
(Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

The Sierra Club Guides to the National Parks of the Desert Southwest
The Sierra Club
Newly revised and updated, this guide offers practical travel information
to the desert Southwest's national parks. Outstanding color photographs,
maps, park facility charts, geological and historical information about each
park, and identification of animals and plants commonly found within the
parks. Our month-long tour of the Desert Southwest was greatly enhanced by this
book. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

The Grand Canyon

Letitia Burns O'Connor
Stunning color photos are the main feature of this large-format
book. Tom Bean, Michael Collier, David Muench, and Greg
Probst are among the nine notable outdoor photographers
whose works are included. The large format is successful in capturing some essence of
the grandeur and scope of this unique geological area. The limited text by O'Connor
and Zurofsky focuses on history, exploration, and tourism. Photos range from
wide-angle landscapes shot at varying times of day and seasons of the year, to closeups
of geological features such as erosion, slickrock, and fossils, to "portraits" of
indigenous wildlife. Limited bibliographies accompany the text. This book is
recommended for comprehensive collections on the Southwest. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

10 of 13 11/10/10 1:18 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: The Grand Canyon ...

Over the Edge: Death in Grand Canyon

Michael P. Ghiglieri, Thomas M. Myers
Gripping accounts of all known fatal mishaps in the most famous of the
World's Seven Natural Wonders. Two veterans of decades of adventuring
in Grand Canyon chronicle the first complete and comprehensive history
of Canyon misadventures. These episodes span the entire era of visitation
from the time of the first river exploration by John Wesley Powell and his crew of 1869
to that of tourists falling off its rims in Y2K. These accounts of the 550 people who
have met untimely deaths in the Canyon set a new high water mark for offering the
most astounding array of adventures, misadventures, and life saving lessons published
between any two covers. Over the Edge promises to be the most intense yet
informative book on Grand Canyon ever written. (From the book description)
Click here to buy this book.

First Through Grand Canyon: The Secret Journals & Letters of the 1869
Crew Who Explored the Green & Colorado Rivers
Michael P. Ghiglieri
In May of 1869, eleven men embarked on a journey of exploration and
discovery. 98 days later six of them arrived 1000 miles away after
navigating the Green and Colorado Rivers to the end of Grand Canyon.
The journals and writings of the expedition leader, John Wesley Powell have been
extensively published but here, for the first time, are the newly transcribed, unabridged
journals and letters of some of the other members of the group. Author Ghiglieri has
used his extensive river running experience to introduce the whole group and their
exploits of courage and endurance. (From the book description)
Click here to buy this book.

Canyons of the Colorado

Joseph Holmes, John Wesley Powell, David Ross Brower
In Canyons of the Colorado, the exquisite talent of photographer
Joseph Holmes is matched with one of the most thrilling adventures
ever chronicled: John Wesley Powell's epic exploration of the
Colorado River. Sixty-two stunning images comprise a vivid tribute
to the compelling landscape that has enchanted and inspired Holmes
for over twenty years — from grand vistas and exquisitely colorful canyon walls to the
sublime details of the river's ebb and flow. Holmes' original essays highlight his own
adventures in pursuit of his own comparable images and reflect on the magic and
serenity of the Colorado basin. (From the book description)
Click here to buy this book.

Grand Canyon Country

National Geographic
From near and far they come, nearly five million each year, to see the
Grand Canyon, long cherished as one of the nation's treasures. Grand
Canyon Country explores more than the spectacular 277-mile-long gash in
Arizona's red-rock country. Author Seymour L. Fishbein takes you to the
remote forests of the Kaibab Plateau, the lonely reaches of the Arizona
strip, and the multihued landscapes of the Painted Desert. Fishbein probes the
intriguing history of canyon country, meets its people, and talks with those who ponder
environmental issues and see threats to this magnificent region. The book — like the
canyon itself — is something to treasure. (From the book description)
Click here to buy this book.

Grand Canyon: A Different View

Tom Vail (Compiler)
This gift book is also a creationist's delight. Filled with stunning
photos of the Grand Canyon from the rim to the waterfalls and river
in the bottom. This beautiful book describes the canyon in terms of
only a few thousand years old, instead of the evolutionary-biased
millions of years. Includes essays from 20 top creationists such as Ken Ham and Henry
Morris. (From the book description)
Click here to buy this book.

11 of 13 11/10/10 1:18 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: The Grand Canyon ...

Grofé: Grand Canyon Suite/Gershwin: Porgy and Bess —

A Symphonic Picture
Ferde Grofe, George Gershwin
This CD combines two of the twentieth century's greatest composers: the
oft-overlooked Ferde Grofe, and the more popular George Gershwin. Grofe shines
most brightly on this album, however, his stirring composition of the beauty and danger
of the Grand Canyon boldly painted in this masterpiece of twentieth century classical
music: The Grand Canyon Suite. From the beginning to the end it is clear that Grofe
not only visited the canyon, but was profoundly moved by it, as one can clearly hear in
this gem of a recording done by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra under Antal Dorati.
(Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this CD.

Dances With Wolves: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

John Barry
John Barry's Academy Award-winning score for actor/director Kevin
Costner's nouveau western, Dances with Wolves, is nothing short of a
modern classic by a film scoring master. Utilizing Wagnerian structure, Barry's three
main themes recur in magisterial symphonic form. The memorable "John Dunbar"
theme alone has become an almost subconscious part of modern life, utilized as Muzak
and underscore for public events great and small. Barry's skills as an arranger color his
themes in subtly shifting orchestral hues, giving even the most repeated melodic
passages new emotional weight. Barry's rich music is living proof that the art of
orchestral film scoring is still alive and surprisingly vital in the '90s. (Review by
Click here to buy this CD.

Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out Of Balance

Philip Glass
Fifteen years after its initial release, Philip Glass's score to Godfrey
Reggio's film Koyaanisqatsi is still as timeless as it was meant to be.
Glass's epic score, virtually the only sound in this non-narrative movie, accompanied
an exhilarating, wordless meditation of images ranging from expansive, slow-motion
landscapes to whirling-dervish city scenes shot using time-lapse techniques. Glass's
music was a perfect match. The opening chant is still unlike anything Glass has
composed, a Tibetan monk operatic growl that set up the foreboding sense of loss the
film engenders. Most of the score, however, casts Glass's minimalist themes in
orchestral expanses. Bass strings troll the bottom while flutes draw circles in the air. On
"The Grid," manic keyboards drive into the night, pounding out the cyclical refrains
that are a Glass trademark. When Koyaanisqatsi came out, it seemed opulent with its
orchestral forces, but always at the center were the keyboards, reeds, and voice that are
Glass's characteristic sound. Koyaanisqatsi means "life out of balance," but Glass's
remarkably austere score remains perfectly poised. This newly re-recorded edition adds
nearly 30 minutes to the previous CD release with two previously unissued tracks and
extended versions of "The Grid" and "Prophecies," the two signpost works of the film.
(Review by about the 1998 re-recording of this album)
Click here to buy this CD, or here to buy the 1998 re-recording.

Grand Canyon National Park (1993)

This DVD is by far the best depiction of the Canyon's beauty that I've ever
seen. However, you have to experience the Grand Canyon yourself to put
all this beauty seen on the DVD in perspective. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

National Lampoon's Vacation (20th Anniversary Special Edition)

The Griswolds have planned all year for a great summer vacation. From
their suburban Chicago home, across America, to the wonders of Wally
World fun park in California, every step of the way has been carefully
plotted. Except a few hundred hysterical exceptions. National Lampoon's

12 of 13 11/10/10 1:18 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Autumn 2003: The Grand Canyon ...

Vacation is a sublimely goofy comedy, thanks largely to Chevy Chase in his signature
role of Clark Griswold. The inept but sincere Clark takes misfortune in stride. So what
if they lose all their money when their new car gets wrecked. And it's not too bad when
Cousin Eddie (Randy Quaid) deposits sour Aunt Edna (Imogene Coca) in their back
seat for a lift to Phoenix. But what really keeps Clark's eyes on the road is a flirtation
with a mysterious blonde (Christie Brinkley) in a red Ferrari. For those along on the
ride, National Lampoon's Vacation, called "fast, funny satire" by The New York Times'
Janet Maslin, is a jolly jaunt. (From the DVD description)
Click here to buy this CD.

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hough most
people think of
the Grand Canyon
as a fairly
pedestrian tourist
destination, most do not know of
the many mysteries associated with
the Canyon and its environs. As
sacred as the Canyon is to the
American tourism industry, the
place that the canyon holds in the
hearts and minds of the native
peoples of the region is far greater.

Jack Andrews' digital interpretation of G. E. Kinkaid's

infamous 1908 expedition down the Colorado River, wherein
he claimed to have found a cave filled with fabulous treasures
from a forgotten period of North America's ancient history.
The Hopi and their ancestors, the Anasazi, believed that their
1 of 29 ancestors had hidden in a cave from the Great Flood, emerging 11/10/10 1:17 AM
afterwards to repopulate the world. Image © 2001, Jack
Andrews, from Lost City of the Dead in the Grand Canyon.
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: The Grand Canyon Pa...

In the worldview of the native Americans of the Desert Southwest, the Canyon is a
great and important sacred space that occupies a central place in native cosmologies
throughout the region. Wallace explains,

Long before geologists arrived in the Grand Canyon to examine its rocks and
deduce its origins, the Indians who lived around the Canyon had created their
own explanations for the formation of the spectacular chasm. These ideas,
passed down from generation to generation by tribal medicine men and
storytellers, were expressed as poetic myths.... The Canyon myths are part of
broad cosmologies that enabled the Indians to cope with a harsh and
unpredictable environment making comprehensible the forces that surrounded
their unique world. To the Ute and the Southern Paiute, the Hualapai and
Havasupai, the Hopi and the Navajo, that world and those forces were
inextricably joined. Rocks were not simply rocks; they were supernatural
beings, watching over the tribesmen and guarding
their collective destiny. Water, in this water-starved Closer to
land, had a life of its own. The great river that Far Away
formed the Canyon gorge led to the Indians' Douglas
promised land, and springs had souls, to be placated Spotted
by offerings of peaches, corn and tobacco. The Eagle -
animals that the Indian hunted, the spiders that Evocative Native
inhabited his dwelling, the snakes that slithered American
across his trail, all were his equals — sometimes his contemporary music.
heroes and sometimes his spiritual mentors.1
Closer to Far Away
The same awe that fills visitors today was the inspiration Brother, Father,
for native Americans to make the Grand Canyon the Warrior, Son
focal point of their myths and legends. Some native House Made of
tribes believe that the Canyon was the result of the Great Dawn Light
Flood that had drowned the previous, wicked world that Dieshu
had forgotten the gods, having turned their minds away
from natural things and towards metal and wheels —
means through which they could conquer and enslave their fellow men. And of all of
the local cosmologies the most famous and oft-quoted is that of the Anasazi, and their
modern-day descendants, the Hopi.

The Hopi cosmology is particularly clear on this

point, that the ancient world was destroyed not once,
but three times, most recently by a flood. The Hopi
also believe that the Grand Canyon was the Sipapu,
the "place of emergence" from whence the Hopi had
emerged after the Great Flood had destroyed the
third "world" of mankind that had preceded the
current, or "fourth" world.
The Hopi believed that they had been chosen by the
gods to survive the flood and repopulate the world.
In fact, their religious text, The Book of the Hopi, is
The Hopi "sun symbol", a symbol that strikingly similar to the Hebrew Bible in its
was common throughout the ancient understanding not only of the Great Flood, but of the
Americas. Each of the four rays also Creation itself. Like the Hebrew cosmology, the
symbolizes each of the four "worlds" of Hopi cosmology includes a Father God who is
the Hopi, ages of the world that have infinite and perfect. And like the Christian
been punctuated by global disasters that cosmology, the Father God manifested a "son" — or,
had destroyed the civilizations of the
in this case, a "nephew" — whom he used to create
previous ages. The most recent disaster,
according to the Hopi cosmology, was the universe.
that of a global flood, which the Hopi had
The first world was Tokpela [Endless Space].
escaped by following a "star" to an
But first, they say, there was only the Creator,
underground cave where they waited for
Taiowa. All else was endless space. There was
the Flood to subside, emerging afterwards
no beginning and no end, no time, no shape, no
to repopulate the world. The sun symbol
was a variation of the swastika which, as
life. Just an immeasurable void that had its
we have seen, originated from Central
beginning and end, time, shape, and life in the
Asia somewhere between 5000-2000 b.c.
mind of Taiowa the Creator. Then he, the
The Hopi believe that we are now living
infinite, conceived the finite. First he created
at the end of the fourth and final age.
Image from Book of the Hopi. Sotuknang to make it manifest, saying to him, "I
have created you, the first power and instrument
as a person, to carry out my plan for life in endless space. I am your Uncle.
You are my Nephew. Go now and lay out these universes in proper order so
they may work harmoniously with one another according to my plan."
Sotuknang did as he was commanded. From endless space he gathered that
which was to manifested as solid substance, molded it into forms, and

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arranged them into nine universal kingdoms [planets?]: one for Taiowa, the
Creator, one for himself, and seven universes for the life to come. Finishing
this, Sotuknang went to Taiowa and asked, "Is this according to your plan?"
"It is very good," said Taiowa. "Now I want you to do the same thing with the
waters. Place them on the surfaces of these universes so they will be divided
equally among all and each." So Sotuknang gathered from endless space that
which was to be manifest as the waters and placed them on the universes so
that each would be half solid and half water. Going now to Taiowa, he said, "I
want you to see the work I have done and if it pleases you." "It is very good",
said Taiowa. "The next thing now is to put the forces of air into peaceful
movement about all." This Sotuknang did. From endless space he gathered
that which was to be manifest as the airs, made them into great forces, and
arranged them into gentle ordered movements around each universe. Taiowa
was pleased. "You have done a great work according to my plan, Nephew.
You have created the universes and made them manifest in solids, waters, and
winds, and put them in their proper places. But your work is not yet finished.
Now you must create life and its movement to complete the four parts,
Tuwaqachi, of my universal plan.2

Father Taiowa had created and ordered the universe through his son, Sotuknang,
creating Earth's atmosphere, dividing the waters above from the waters below, all
strikingly similar to the Hebrew creation story in Genesis 1. This was "Tokpela", the
First World.

In order to help him carry out Taiowa's orders to "create life and its movement to
complete the four parts of Taiowa's universal plan" — the four "Worlds", or ages of
mankind — Sotuknang decided to create a helper whom he named Kokyangwuti, or
"Spider Woman".
Sotuknang went to the universe wherein was
that to be Tokpela, the First World, and out of
it he created here who was to remain on that
earth and be his helper. Her name was
Kokyangwuti, Spider Woman. When she
awoke to life and received her name, she
asked, "Why am I here?" "Look about you,"
answered Sotuknang. "Here is this earth we
have created. It has shape and substance,
direction and time, a beginning and an end.
But there is no life upon it. We see no joyful
movement. We hear no joyful sound. What is
life without sound and movement? So you
have been given the power to help us create
this life. You have been given the knowledge,
wisdom, and love to bless all the beings you
create. That is why you are here." Following
his instructions, Spider Woman took some
earth, mixed with it some tuchvala (liquid
"Spider Grandmother". The Spider from mouth; saliva), and molded it into two
Woman myth is common through the
beings. Then she covered them with a cape
beliefs of the Native Americans of the
American Southwest. It is believed that made of white substance which was the
all life on earth, including plant, animal, creative wisdom itself, and sang the Creation
and human life, was created by Spider Song over them. When she uncovered them
Woman, who had been delegated that task the two beings, twins, sat up and asked, "Who
by the gods at the very beginning of are we? Why are we here?" To the one on the
Earth's history. Even today, they believe, right Spider Woman said, "You are
she sits at the center of the universe,
acting as the great female force of the
Poqanghoya and you are to help keep this
primeval creation that binds together all world in order when life is put upon it. Go
nations, tribes and families in her web of now around all the world and put your hands
influence, keeping the forces of nature in upon the earth so that it will become fully
balance. Image: "Ancestral Shield" by solidified. This is your duty." Spider Woman
Lauren Raine, MFA. then said to the twin on the left, "You are Palongawhoya and you are to help keep this
world in order when life is put upon it. This is your duty now: go about all the
world and send out sound so that it may be heard throughout all the land.
When this is heard you will also be known as 'Echo', for all sound echoes the
Creator".... When they had accomplished their duties, Poqanghoya was sent to
the north pole of the world axis and Palongawhoya to the south pole, where
they were jointly commanded to keep the world properly rotating.... "These
will be your duties in time to come", said Spider Woman. She then created
from the earth trees, bushes, plants, flowers, all kinds of seed-bearers and
nut-bearers to clothe the earth, giving to each a life and name. In the same
manner she created all kinds of birds and animals — molding them out of
earth, covering them with her white-substance cape, and singing over them.

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Some she placed to her right, some to her left, others before and behind her,
indicating how they should spread to all four corners of the earth to live.3

After having directed Spider Woman to create

plants and animals, Sotuknang then directed her to
create mankind as the crowning glory of the
Creation. Much like the Lilith of the Hebrew
legends, the Spider Woman is believed to have
been actively involved in the creation of living
things, including mankind, God apparently having
delegated the specifics of that work to lesser spirits
such as Spider Woman/Lilith to carry out. This
may explain the usage of the plural name of God
elohim in Genesis — the writer wanted to
emphasize that God had delegated the detail work
to lesser spirits in the divine assembly: "So Spider
Woman gathered earth, this time of four colors,
yellow, red, white, and black; mixed with tuchvala,
the liquid of her mouth; molded them; and covered
them with her white-substance cape which was the
The demoness Lilith of ancient Hebrew
creative wisdom itself. As before, she sang over legend. This image, called "The Burney
them the Creation Song, and when she uncovered Relief", shows a winged woman with owl
them these forms were human beings in the image feet, flanked by owls, and standing on
of Sotuknang. Then she created four other beings two lions. Lilith is the "She Demon" of
after her own form. They were wuti, female ancient Babylonian, Sumerian, Hebrew,
and rabbinical myth. She is written of in
partners, for the first four male beings."4 Isaiah 34:14 as a "screech owl," and is a
form of apocalyptic harbinger. Lilith may
Just as in the Bible, Adam was created in the image have a ready cognate in the "Spider
of God, so in the Hopi myths man was created in Woman" of Hopi mythology, as she is
the image of Sotuknang. Interestingly, in the Hopi also believed to have had a role in the
account, women were not created in the image of creation of mankind.
God, but of Spider Woman. Moroever, in the Hopi
account, four great races were created at the beginning, instead of just one, which
would have provided a greater genetic variation that would have been necessary for
humanity to allow for long term genetic health. The Hopi version of the creation of
man also sounds much like the Mesopotamian myth of the creation of man, where a
goddess named "Nintu" broke off 14 pieces of primordial clay, using them to create
seven male and seven female embryos which then grew to become the first men and
women that formed the beginnings of mankind. Seven pairs of males and females
would provide an even better genetic selection which would further guard against
inbreeding, though at least 40-50 male-female pairs would be much more advisable,
unless there are some other natural (or supernatural) mechanisms at work that we are
not aware of.

Though Nintu was able to create the men and women, she was not able to give them
life. Instead, one of the gods had to be sacrificed and his blood used to give them life.5
Similarly, the one thing that Spider Woman was not able to give mankind was
intelligence — the ability to speak, move, and act intelligently. She then called upon
Sotuknang, who came and gave each of the four races of mankind their own language,
the power to reproduce and multiply, and the wisdom to respect the differences
between them. And for this, all Sotuknang asked is that they respect the Creator at all
times. "Wisdom, harmony, and respect for the love of the Creator who made you. May
it grow and never be forgotten among you as long as you live."6

Tokpela ("Endless Space") the First World, was as

pure and perfect as a finite world can be, and the
hearts of the people were as one. Their bodies were
perfectly in tune with both Taiowa the Creator and
the Earth, from which their bodies had been
formed. They formed a perfect union between
heaven and Earth, which is the purpose for which
they had been created.

Thus the First People understood themselves.

And this was the First World they lived upon.
Its name was Tokpela, Endless Space. Its
direction was west; its color sikyangpu,
yellow; its mineral sikyasvu, gold. Significant
upon it were katoya, the snake with the big
head; wisoko, the fat-eating bird; and muha,
the little four-leaved plant. On it the First

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Morning at Nankoweap, a passage along People were pure and happy. So, the First
the Little Colorado River. The Hopi still People kept multiplying and spreading over
visit this area for pilgrimages and to the face of the land and were happy. Although
search for salt to use in religious they were of different colors and spoke
ceremonies. Though rafters and kayakers
different languages, they felt as one and
frequent the area, the ritual areas are
strictly off limits.
understood one another without talking. It was
Tokpela, the "First World", was likely the same with the birds and animals. They all
open and wild like the canyon, which is suckled at the breast of their Mother Earth,
likely part of the attraction and who gave them her milk of grass, seeds, fruit,
fascination it holds for the Hopi. Image and corn, and they all felt as one, people and
from Kayak Place.
However, the paradise of Tokpela was not to last forever. As in the Hebrew account, so
in the Hopi account there was a serpent that entered paradise and began to confuse the
people with words and turn them away from Taiowa, the Creator:
But gradually there were those who forgot the commands of Sotuknang and
the Spider Woman to respect their Creator. More and more they used the
vibratory centers of their bodies solely for earthly purposes, forgetting that
their primary purpose was to carry out the plan of Creation. There then came
along Lavaihoya, the Talker. He came in the form of a bird called Mochni
[bird like a mocking bird], and the more he kept talking the more he
convinced them of the differences between them: the difference between
people and animals, and the differences between the people themselves by
reason of the colors of their skins, their speech, and belief in the plan of the
Creator. It was then that animals began to draw away from people.... In the
same way, people began to divide and draw away from one another — those
of different races and languages, then those who remembered the plan of
Creation and those who did not. There came among them a handsome one,
Kato'ya, in the form of a snake with a big head. He led the people still farther
away from one another and their pristine wisdom. They became suspicious of
one another and accused one another wrongfully until they became fierce and
warlike and began to fight one another. All the time Mochni kept talking and
Kato'ya became more beguiling. There was no rest, no peace.8

Just as it was in the world before the Flood

according to the biblical account, so it was in
the First World of the Hopi that a serpent (and
other creatures) came among them and
beguiled mankind into following after their
own selfish desires. As a result, instead of
leading the simple, spiritual, unselfish lifestyle
that Taiowa the Creator, Sotuknang and Spider
Woman had ordained for them, they became
divisive and fractious, dividing up into
factions based upon the color of their skin,
their languages, and other superficial
differences. Even the ones who had remained
loyal to Taiowa the Creator had divided up
along theological lines, straining at the letter of
the Law and forgetting the Spirit. Before the
serpent came, it had been all about "we", but
afterwards, and ever since, it has been all
about "me".
Both the Hopi traditions and the Genesis account
state the the world before the Flood was in the
As a result of this degeneration, the whole middle of a war so total that mankind was nearly
world was at war, exactly the opposite of what destroyed because of it. Moreover, in both
Taiowa the Creator had intended. So, Taiowa accounts, man was saved from destruction by the
decided that it was necessary to destroy the Creator God, so that he could repopulate the
world in order to save it. Fortunately for Earth after the warlike humans who were no
mankind, there had been some that still sang longer listening to Him had been wiped out.
the song of Creation, and had not lost their Image from Dore's Illustrations for "Paradise
spiritual connection with the Creator. For this
reason, Taiowa, like the Hebrew Creator God, decided to save a remnant of humanity
from the coming destruction.
But among all the people of different races and languages there were a few in
every group who still lived by the laws of Creation. To them came Sotuknang.
He came with the sound as of a mighty wind and suddenly appeared before
them. He said, "I have observed this state of affairs. It is not good. It is so bad
I talked with my Uncle, Taiowa, about it. We have decided this world must be
destroyed and another one created so you people can start over again. You are
the ones we have chosen." They listened carefully to their instructions. Said
Sotuknang, "You will go to a certain place. Your kopavi [vibratory center on

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the top of the head] will lead you. This inner wisdom will give you the sight to
see a certain cloud, which you will follow by day, and a certain star, which
you will follow by night. Take nothing with you. Your journey will not end
until the cloud stops and the star stops". So all over the world these chosen
people suddenly disappeared from their homes and people and began
following the cloud by day and the star by night. Many other people asked
them where they were going and, when they were told, laughed at them. "We
don't see any cloud or star either!" they said. This was because they had lost
the inner vision of the kopavi on the crown of their head; the door was closed
to them. Still there were a very few who went along anyway because they
believed the people who did see the cloud and the star. This was all right.9
Just like the Star of Bethlehem event in Matthew 2 and the "cloudy pillar" that led the
Israelites out of Egypt, so too the chosen people of Taiowa followed a cloud and a star,
that appear to be one and the same. These were to be the people that were saved from
the destruction of Tokpela, the First World.

When the last ones arrived Sotuknang appeared. "Well, you are all here, you
people I have chosen to save from the destruction of this world. Now come
with me." He led them to a big mound where the Ant People lived, stamped
on the roof, and commanded the Ant People to open up their home. When an
opening was made on top of the anthill, Sotuknang said to the people, "Now
you will enter this Ant kiva, where you will be safe when I destroy the world.
While you are here I want you to learn a lesson from these Ant People. They
are industrious. They gather food in the summer for the winter. They keep
cool when it is hot and warm when it is cool. They live peacefully with one
another. They obey the plan of Creation." So the people went down to live
with the Ant People. When they were all safe and settled Taiowa commanded
Sotuknang to destroy the world. Sotuknang destroyed it by fire because the
Fire Clan had been its leaders He rained fire upon it. He opened up the
volcanoes. Fire came from above and below and all around until the Earth, the
waters, the air, all was one element, fire, and there was nothing left except the
people safe inside the womb of the Earth. This was the end of Tokpela, the
First World.10

Tokpa ("Dark
Midnight"), the
Second World,
had been created
from a world
purified by fire,
so it was
effectively as
good as new. The
chosen people
had lived with the
"Everywhere there are people carrying burdens; cultivating gardens; preparing Ant People,
meals; striking a bargain for some goods from far away; conducting ceremonial
dances; playing games with either sacred or gambling intent, or both; and, in short,
eating their stored
living their daily lives in the metropolis." The Cahokian level of civilization might be food and learning
a good example of the level of sophistication that the people of Topka, the Second their industrious,
World, attained. efficient ways
Image from Cahokia: City of the Sun until the Earth
had cooled sufficiently to reinhabit. Interestingly, Sotuknang instructed the chosen
people to use ants as an example of industriousness and efficient living, instructing
them to "consider the ant", and study its efficient lifeways, just as King Solomon would
do much later in his proverbs (Prov. 6:6-8). During this time, while the people were
living with the ants and learning their ways, Sotuknang purified Earth and changed its
form completely, putting land where the water had been and water where the land had
been, so the wicked world that was would not be remembered in any way. After he had
completed his task, Sotuknang stamped on the roof of the Ant kiva again, and let the
people know that is was safe to come out.

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Sotuknang spoke first to the Ant

People. "I am thanking you for
doing your part in helping to save
these people. It will always be
remembered, this you have done.
The time will come when another
world will be destroyed; and when
wicked people know their last day
on Earth has come, they will sit by
an anthill and cry for the ants to
save them. Now, having fulfilled
your duty, you may go forth to this
Second World I have created and A "fire ant" native to the Grand Canyon. According to
take your place as ants." Then Hopi myths, the "Ant People" were allowed by
Sotuknang said to the people, Sotuknang to live on the surface of the Earth as ants,
"Make your Emergence now to this but retreated underground when floods came, just as
Second World I have created. It is ants do today. Image © Rhett A. Butler.
not quite so beautiful as the First World, but it is beautiful just the same. You
will like it. So multiply and be happy. But remember your Creator and the
laws he gave you. When I hear you singing joyful praises to him I will know
you are my children, and you will be close to me in your hearts." So the
people emerged to the Second World. Its name was Tokpa (Dark Midnight).
Its direction was south, its color blue, its mineral qochasiva, silver. Chiefs
upon it were salavi, the spruce; kwahu, the eagle; and kolichiyaw, the skunk.

The people emerged from the Ant kiva and then spread out across the face of the Earth,
in all four directions, all the way to the other side of the world. However, though they
were able to still communicate with each other telepathically, as they had been able to
do in the First World, they still were separated from the animals. Their original close
communion with nature had been shattered forever by their "original sin", never to
return. Thus, instead of living off the land and being at one with nature like the
animals, the people of the Second World built homes, and villages with trails between
them. They created objects of both beauty and utility, and traded them with one
another, all the while singing praises to the Creator, Taiowa. However, once again, all
was not perfect in paradise:
Everything they needed was on this
Second World, but they began to want
more. More and more they traded for
things they didn't need, and the more goods
they got, the more they wanted. This was
very serious. For they did not realize they
were drawing away, step by step, from the
good life given them. They just forgot to
sing joyful praises to the Creator and soon
began to sing praises for the goods they
bartered and stored. Before long it
happened as it had to happen. The people
began to quarrel and fight, and then wars
between villages began. Still there were a
few people in every village who sang the
song of their Creation. But the wicked
people laughed at them until they could
The world axis, the two poles, and the sing it only in their hearts. Even so,
precessional path in which the poles travel over Sotuknang heard it through their centers
time. The Hopi believed that the twin guardians and the centers of the Earth. Suddenly one
of the world who kept the poles from moving, day he appeared before them. "Spider
Poqanghoya and Palongawhoya, had actually
Woman tells me your thread is running out
stepped aside from their duties temporarily at
Spider Woman's command, allowing the Earth to
on this world", he said. "That is too bad.
roll over twice at the end of the Second Age, The Spider Clan was your leader, and you
causing the entire world to be flooded, and then were making good progress until this state
frozen for many generations, possibly centuries. of affairs began. Now my Uncle, Taiowa,
Image from W.B. Yeats and a Vision: Astronomy.and I have decided we must do something
about it. We are going to destroy this
Second World just as soon as we put you people who still have the song in
your hearts in a safe place." So again, as on the First World, Sotuknang called
on the Ant People to open up their underground world for the chosen people.
When they were safely underground, Sotuknang commanded the twins,
Poqanghoya and Palongawhoya, to leave their posts at the north and south
ends of the world's axis, where they were stationed to keep the earth properly
rotating. The twins had hardly abandoned their stations when the world, with
no one to control it, teetered off balance, spun around crazily, then rolled over
twice. Mountains plunged into seas with a great splash, seas and lakes sloshed

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over the land; and as the world spun through cold and lifeless space it froze
into solid ice. This was the end of Tokpa, the Second World.12

Kuskurza (meaning unknown), the Third World, unlike the

Second World, had been born not out of fire, but out of ice.
After it had been knocked off of its axis, the entire Earth had
apparently become completely frozen. After a time, however,
Sotuknang ordered the twins, Poqanghoya and
Palongawhoya, back to their positions at the north and south
poles, and the Earth began to thaw out again as its axis
returned to its former station. As with the Second World,
Sotuknang again set about rearranging the land and the oceans
so that the previous world would not be remembered at all.
He also created new mountains and rivers, and restored the
plant and animal life. Once everything was complete and
ready for the chosen people to inhabit, Sotuknang once again
stamped on the door of the Ant kiva and called the people out.
He then made it clear to them that if they wished to avoid
another such catastrophe, they would have to perenially sing
praises to the Creator from the tops of the hills — and if they
ever did stop singing, he would know that they had returned
once again to wickedness and the world would once again be
"Turquoise Is a Girl's Best
Friend". The "Wicked Woman" So the people climbed up the ladder from the Ant kiva,
of Kuskurza almost single- making their Emergence to the Third World. Its name
handedly brought down the was Kuskurza, its direction east, its color red. Chiefs
Third Age through her
wickedness, leading men into
upon it were the mineral palasiva (copper); the plant
wasting their lives and fortunes piva, tobacco; the bird angwusi, crow; and the animal
by throwing them after an choovio, antelope. Upon it once more the people spread
unattainable ideal, which led out, multiplied in their progress on the Road of Life. In
inevitably to wars of the First World they had lived simply with the animals. In
annihilation. This character has the Second World they had developed handicrafts,
clear parallels in today's
homes, and villages. Now in the Third World they
society, and study of this motif
may lend insight into the
multiplied in such numbers and advanced so rapidly that
"Whore of Babylon" they created big cities, countries, a whole civilization.
mentioned in Revelation This made it difficult for them to conform to the plan of
17-18. Creation and to sing praises to Taiowa and Sotuknang.
More and more of them became wholly occupied with their own earthly plans.
Some of them, of course, retained the wisdom granted them upon their
Emergence. With this wisdom they understood that the farther they proceeded
on the Road of Life and the more they developed, the harder it was. That was
why their world was destroyed every so often to give them a fresh start. They
were especially concerned because so many people were using their
reproductive power in wicked ways. There was one woman who was
becoming known throughout the world for her wickedness in corrupting so
many people. She even boasted that so many men were giving her turquoise
necklaces for her favors she could wind them around a ladder that reached to
the end of the world's axis. 13
Though the Second World became corrupt much more quickly than the First World
had, the Third World accelerated towards decline even more rapidly than the second
had. Not content with simple villages, the peoples of the Third World had built vast,
glittering cities of light that were highly centralized. This was not in conformity with
the plans of Taiowa the Creator, who had intended man from the beginning to spread
out and live close to the land, which man had indeed originally done in the First World,
and had done to a limited extent in the second. In addition, the peoples of the Third
World used their sexual powers not for reproduction, but for recreation, making sexual
sport with each other to the point where a great prostitute was able to boast about how
many men she was able to wrap around her finger. This material girl of the ancient
world led mankind down the path of destruction, towards a terrific imbalance that led
to a terrible world war.

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So the people with wisdom sang

louder and longer their praises to
the Creator from the tops of their
hills. The other people hardly
heard them. Under the leadership
of the Bow Clan they began to
use their creative power in
another evil and destructive way.
Perhaps this was caused by that
wicked woman. But some of
This small gold "airplane" was found in a tomb in Colombia
them made a patuwvota [shield and dismissed as "zoomorphic" — i.e., "animal-shaped".
made of hide] and with their However, even a cursory examination will reveal that this is
creative power made it fly clearly a depiction of an airplane, complete with delta
through the air. On this many of wings, tail fins, and a rudder, none of which are found in the
the people flew to a big city, animal kingdom. Early airplanes were essentially fabric
attacked it, and returned so fast stretched over wooden "shields" (wings). The fact that the
Book of the Hopi comes from a tradition dating back
no one knew where they came
thousands of years before the modern invention of the
from. Soon the people of many airplane makes it clear that, once again, there is nothing new
cities and countries were making under the sun. Image from Anomalies & Enigmas.
patuwvotas and flying on them to
attack one another. So corruption and war came to the Third World as it had to
the others.14

This time the Earth had become corrupt much more quickly, and mankind had become
cleanly divided between those who still remembered the song of Creation, and those
who had forgotten it. During the First and Second Worlds, the corruption had
apparently come more slowly, and the chosen people had time to be evacuated before
their thread had run out. During the Third World, however, the corruption had
happened so quickly and had become so intense that there was a danger that the chosen
people could become corrupted before they could be evacuated to the Ant kivas again.
So, this time Sotuknang told Spider Woman to not wait until their thread ran out, but to
immediately create for the chosen people a means of escaping the Great Flood that
Sotuknang planned to use to destroy the wicked Third World. Spider Woman then
quickly cut down huge, hollow reeds and sealed the people in with white cornmeal
dough to eat. Immediately afterwards, waves higher than mountains rolled in upon the
land, continents broke apart and sank beneath the waves, and great rains fell, working
together to drown the entire wicked Third World, Kuskurza.

Tuwaqachi ("World Complete"), the

Fourth World, was born out of water,
and is the same world we live in today.
After having endured the buffeting of
the waves, the chosen people found
their reeds had washed upon onto the
top of one of the highest mountains.
From there, they could see no land —
the entire world had been drowned.
Like Noah, they sent different kinds of
birds to see if they could find any land,
but all returned without having found
any. Sotuknang then came to Spider
Woman and said that they must stop
thinking with human knowledge, but
instead open their minds to the inner
wisdom that hears the words of the
Creator that constantly speak
The Hopi belief of the transition from the Third World throughout the Earth. Trusting
to the Fourth World, like that described in Genesis,
themselves to the inner wisdom and the
involved a global flood, where boat(s) were specially
fashioned in order to save a remnant in order to
will of the Creator, they created rafts
repopulate the New World. This adds the Hopi myths to and allowed the wind and the water to
the long list of world mythologies that support the carry them where they were meant to
biblical account of the Flood. go.

They found several islands, many of them beautiful and full of good food to eat, but
none of those islands was the Fourth World they had been promised. Spider Woman
reminded them that if they stayed on one of these pleasant islands, they would become
decadent and fight among themselves again, as had the people of the previous three
worlds. The Fourth World was meant to be harder to live on than the previous three
worlds, so as to help mitigate against that tendency. Instead of relying on human skill,
they were to rely on the inner wisdom to which the needs of the body must take second
place, so that they would not fall again into sin as had the previous three worlds. This

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was part of the Walk of Life, of Taiowa's plan, which the material world had a tendency
to obscure. People who forgot about the Plan got too involved in earthly cares, and this
is what brought about the previous three destructions. So, following the inner wisdom,
they finally stopped trying to find their Place of Emergence, and instead let the inner
wisdom guide them to it.
Not knowing what to do, the people stopped paddling, opened the doors on
top of their heads, and let themselves be guided. Almost immediately the
water smoothed out, and they felt their rafts caught up in a gentle current.
Before long they landed and joyfully jumped out upon a sandy shore. "The
Fourth World!" they cried. "We have reached our Place of Emergence at last!"
Soon all the others arrived and when they were gathered together Sotuknang
appeared before them. "Well, I see you are all here. That is good. This is the
place I have prepared for you. Look now at the way you have come." Looking
to the west and the south, the people could see sticking out of the water the
islands upon which they had rested. "They are the footprints of your journey",
continued Sotuknang, "the tops of the high mountains of the Third World,
which I destroyed. Now watch." As the people watched them, the closest one
sank under the water, then the next, until all were gone, and they could see
only water. "See, I have washed away even the footprints of your Emergence;
the stepping-stones which I left for you. Down on the bottom of the sea lie all
the proud cities, the flying patuwvotas, and the worldly treasures corrupted
with evil, and those people who found no time to sing praises to the Creator
from the tops of their hills. But the day will come, if you preserve the memory
and the meaning of your Emergence, when these stepping-stones will emerge
again to prove the truth you speak." This at last was the end of the Third
World, Kuskurza [an ancient name for which there is no modern meaning].15

When they had arrived, the chosen people were met by the deity of the land, Masaw,
who is the caretaker and guardian of the Americas. Masaw had been appointed the
head caretaker of the Third World, but he had become arrogant and had failed in his
duties to properly manage it. And though it is not specifically stated, this
mismanagement was probably what led to its destruction. As punishment, Taiowa had
made Masaw the deity of death and the Underworld, but Taiowa later relented and
made him the caretaker of the Fourth World. And now, Masaw had been tasked to
instruct the chosen people on how they were to settle in this new Fourth World:

"When the previous parts of the world were pushed underneath the water, this
new land was pushed up in the middle to become the backbone of the Earth.
You are now standing on its atvila [west side slope]. But you have not made
your migrations. You have not yet followed your stars to the place where you
will meet and settle. This you must do before I can become your leader. But if
you go back to evil ways again I will take over the Earth from you, for I am its
caretaker, guardian and protector. To the north you will find cold and ice. That
is the Back Door to this land, and those who may come through this Back
Door will enter without my consent. So go now and claim the land with my
permission." When Masaw disappeared, the people divided into groups and
clans to begin their migrations. "May we meet again!" they all called back to
one another. This is how it all began on this, our present Fourth World. As we
know, its name is Tuwaqachi, "World Complete", its direction north, it color
sikyangpu, yellowish white. Chiefs upon it are the tree kneumapee, juniper;
the bird mongwau, the owl; the animal tohopko, the mountain lion; and the
mixed mineral sikyapala.16

And so, the chosen people were free to populate the Fourth World, once again warned
not to transgress the laws of the Creator, or suffer His wrath. Interestingly, the
punishment for failure to comply with God's laws this time will not be fire, ice, or
flood, but a takeover of Earth by Masaw, who is what we would understand to be an
angel — a fallen angel.17 If life on Earth goes out of balance again, Masaw will appear
and attempt to rebalance it using whatever means he deems necessary, causing great
destruction to all of those who are living outside the Creator's laws at that time.

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And so, the chosen people fanned out

towards the four winds — north, south,
east and west — from their "Place of
Emergence" in the Desert Southwest.
However, the exact location of this
"Place of Emergence", or Sipapu, is not
clear. Tradition places it in or near the
Grand Canyon region, or perhaps
farther north, near Denver which, oddly
enough, appears to contain some
interesting symbolism in its
construction which may be relevant
here. Perhaps the most likely place
Though not to scale, this is the approximate path that might be the "Four Corners" area where
Masaw, Prince of the Fourth World, gave to the chosen the states of Colorado, New Mexico,
people to inhabit the newly configured world. Each of Arizona and Utah meet, forming a
the four tribes was to travel in one of the principle
grand cross in the middle of the Desert
directions — north, south, east or west — and then turn
right, forming a swastika pattern. from there they were Southwest, though why that area was
to continue turning right in every-increasing inward chosen for such a configuration is also a
spirals until the reached their final destination, which bit of a mystery.
was indicated on special sets of stone tablets that
At any rate, in order to help them find
Masaw gave to them. This swastika path is essentially
their proper places in this new world,
the same taken by the sons of Japheth after the Flood,
except their "Place of Emergence" was in the Caucasus,
Masaw gave the chosen people clear
on the other side of the world. directions, even writing instructions on
tablets so that they would always have a reference and a remembrance to guide them.
Interestingly, their journey was not merely to the four corners of the Earth, but in a
swastika pattern. Each of the four tribes was to follow their stars towards the four
cardinal directions, then turn right, their paths forming a giant swastika across the

This is particularly interesting because, as we saw in our study of Giants in the

Americas, the sons of Japheth, the son of Noah also spread out across the Earth in a
swastika pattern. In fact, their very symbol was the swastika, which symbolizes the
four directions, or the four winds. However, they spread out across the world starting
from the Caucasus range, almost on the opposite side of the world. Another interesting
little factoid is that the Caucasus and Denver are on almost exactly the same longitude.
One wonders if that has some sort of higher meaning, something very important that
we have forgotten — or was purposely hidden from us.

Though it is not specific, the text does offer some clues as to where this giant swastika
pattern was centered:

And now before Masaw turned his face from

them and became invisible, he explained that
every clan must make four directional
migrations before they all arrived at their
common, permanent home. They must go to
the ends of the land — west, south, east and
north — to the farthest paso (where the land
meets the sea) in each direction. Only when
A Mission Indian basket decorated with the clans had completed these four
swastikas. The swastika was originally a movements, rounds, or steps of their
peaceful motif intended to symbolize the
migration could they come together again,
sun and the four winds until Hitler
misappropriated it and turned its power to forming the pattern of the Creator's universal
diabolical ends. This symbol originated plan. That is the way it was. Some clans
from the region of the Caucasus, started to the south, others to the north,
indicating that perhaps the Hopi had retraced their routes to turn east and west, and
emigrated east from Central Asia in then back again. All their routes formed a
ancient times. Their culture and language great cross whose center, Tuwanasavi [Center
both indicate a possible Central Asian
point of origin. Image from
of the Universe], lay in what is now the Hopi country in the southwestern part of the United
States, and whose arms reached to the four
directional pasos. As they turned at each of these extremities they formed of
this great cross a swastika, either clockwise or counter-clockwise,
corresponding to the movement of the earth or of the sun. And then when their
migration slowed as they reached their permanent home, they formed spirals
and circles, ever growing smaller. All these patterns formed by their four
migrations are the basic motifs of the symbols still found today in their pottery
and basketware, on their kachina rattles and altar boards.18

So, the Hopi "Center of the Universe" was indeed in the southwestern United States,
around which the four tribes circled in search of their final destination. First, however,
according to the myth, all the tribes needed to travel from pole to pole, and from coast
to coast, before they could walk the swastika path to their final destination. So, they

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first headed north, following the direction of the Spider Woman. However, instead of
turning back south to find the southern pole and the two coasts, they attempted to travel
through the "back door" of the world, the North Pole, to the other side of the world
where Masaw had specifically forbidden them to go.

In an interesting twist to the story, the tribes were also accompanied in their migration
by two "insect people" that looked like katydids or locusts. On the way, climbing up a
high mountain, they were challenged by an eagle, who had been living on the mountain
since the beginning of the Fourth World. The eagle then challenged their right to live in
the land which he oversees, and tested the two mahus who were leading the people by
first threatening them and then shooting them with arrows. However, the mahus used
their magic flutes to create such sublime
music that their bodies were healed of
their wounds. The eagle, impressed by
their bravery and abilities, gave them
permission to occupy the land, and one
of his feathers which they could use to
communicate with the Creator. And
ever since, the Hopi have used eagle
feathers and flutes to heal the sick. And
to commemorate the locust mahu, when
From left to right: Pictographs indicating Blue Flute,
the people moved in their migrations Gray Flute, and Spirit/kachina. The flute-playing,
they carved pictographs of him playing insect-like mahus who led the clans northward are
his flute all the way from Canada to the favorite characters in Native American folklore,
southern tip of South America. providing warmth, music and entertainment. Image
from The Book of the Hopi,
The tribes then continued on all the way
to the North Pole, which was the "back door" that Masaw had specifically forbidden
them to cross. Spider Woman, however, was the one to disobey this time, and urged the
people to use their powers to clear the way past the snow and ice. However, they were
unable to, and Sotuknang himself appeared and admonished them for their attempt,
saying that had they succeeded in melting their way through the snow and ice, the
Fourth World would have been flooded and wrecked. As a punishment, Sotuknang then
ordained that Spider Woman's thread would run out, and she would not die, but grow
old and ugly. Moreover, her clan, the Spider clan, would from thenceforth bring forth
nothing but evil.

After that, the tribes, now chastened, went back south to continue their journey. They
reached the Colorado River, probably in the region of the Grand Canyon, which forms
a nearly impassible barrier. There, according to the myth, the Spider clan continued
south to their point of origin. This means that the center of the swastika was therefore
south of the Colorado River, and not Denver or even the Four Corners area, both of
which are north of the Colorado. The remaining four clans, the Fire, Blue Flute, Snake
and Sun Clans, then headed east as far as the Atlantic Ocean. Finding the coast, they
then headed west again in obedience to the divine mandate, but tarried on the prairie
for a time. There, the Snake Clan decided they wanted to leave a marker indicating that
they had been there, a mark that modern Hopi believe is what is now known today as
Serpent Mound.
Some contemporary
Hopis believe that the
great Serpent Mound
near [Peebles], Ohio,
may have been
constructed by their
ancestors. The largest
serpent effigy in the
world, it is an earth
embankment nearly
one-fourth of a mile
long, twenty feet wide,
and five feet high,
grown over with grass
Serpent Mound, located in Adams County, Ohio, near the small town of that has prevented it
Peebles. The Serpent Mound has been the subject of a great deal of from erosion....
speculation as to its origins, though the Hopi believe it was simply a
Whatever its origin
trail marker/magical "glyph" intended to both mark the trail they took
and act as a ward against evil in the east. Thus, its Hopi name Tokchi'i may be, a member of
"Guardian of the East". the snake clan
interpreted the meaning
of the Serpent Mound,
according to Hopi tradition, from a photograph and drawing of it. As there
was no rock in the area, the village where the people lived, the burial mounds
nearby, and the Serpent Mound itself were made of plastered mud — chochmo
[mud mound]. The oval mound represents the village. It was placed within the
jaws of the snake to show that it was protected by the snake's power. It's

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extension, sticking out in front, shows that the snake has the power to draw
light. The two small mounds on each side of his head represent his eyes as
well as the circular markings on his body. The great length of his body
indicates that he is the longest snake known to the people. He faces west
because the people were traveling west when they built this mound, although
he is the guardian snake of the east and would continue to protect them until
they reached the wall of mountains separating east from west. His name is
Tokchi'i [Guardian of the East].19

After leaving their mark, the people then passed over the Rocky Mountains, which they
consider to be the "spine" of the continent, along which the twins Poqanghoya and
Palongawhoya send their vibrations. Interestingly, after they passed over the
mountains, they entered the domain of Katoya which, as we have seen, was the serpent
who had beguiled the people of the First World and led them into sin. After reaching
the west coast, they then returned east, led by their star, which then led them in a great
circle over what is now the Four Corners area, stopping in the region now known as
Chaco Canyon. After heading towards the four cardinal directions, they had turned
right, and then right again, again and again in increasingly tight spirals until they had
reached their final destination.
After having walked the great swastika, the history of each of the tribes has had its ups
and downs, searching for their final destination, only a few of the original tribes
actually finding it, one of those being the people generally known as the Anasazi, who
would eventually become known as the Hopi.

Many of the mysteries of the Anasazi have been solved in the last 20 years.
Archaeologists are fascinated by what they've been discovering about what
has been the biggest puzzle of all: How did an entire civilization and culture
just suddenly vanish from the face of the planet about 650 years ago? Before
serious study was given to the disappearance of the Anasazi, this central
mystery had fueled a whole raft of theories, especially among New Age and
UFO groups: The Anasazi had been lifted off in space ships; they had
discovered portals into other dimensions of space and time; or they had
mastered nodal energy centers that are scattered around the whole region. (A
few hundred miles away, in Sedona, Arizona, you can help the local economy
by taking a Jeep tour to conveniently located nodal points just outside of
town!) However, piece by careful piece, a more sobering explanation and
history of the Anasazi has emerged over the years as follows, according to
most experts: The ancestors of the Anasazi came to Angel Canyon at least
10,000 years ago. A thousand years ago, they had become a peaceful farming
society that could turn its attention to studying the stars, building
observatories, creating beautiful art, and spreading their culture across the
Southwest. The Anasazi culture built its capital city at Chaco Canyon in New
Mexico. Society soon became centralized as political/religious leaders
asserted themselves and took control, building roads to outlying colonies and
trade routes to other civilizations, in particular the Toltecs of Mexico. Then,
about 800 years ago, the economy began to collapse. The land had been
overworked and when a drought set in, the leaders at Chaco Canyon became
more tyrannical. The small, still-peaceful communities like those at Angel
Canyon found themselves suddenly victims of the ruling classes. They moved
their homes into caves high in the cliff walls and prepared to defend
themselves. To add to the woes of the Anasazi, there is evidence of bands of
roaming Toltec outlaws invading their small communities, terrorizing the
people, then murdering them and - one of the most shocking recent
discoveries - eating them. Rather than fighting back, the Anasazi people
responded with a mass exodus. Over a period of just a few years, around
1350, they just walked away from the troubles that had beset them. They
abandoned their ancestral lands and migrated south, eventually building a new
culture and religion that we know as the Hopi. (The Hopi reject the name
Anasazi which is a Navajo word meaning "enemy of my ancestors," and
prefer to call them the Hisatsinom, or Old Ones.)20

So, the wandering tribes eventually settled down, after many thousands of years of
wandering and strife, into the places we see them today. Yet, they have not forgotten
their past, as so many people have, and regularly return to their Sipapu, or Place of
Emergence, from where they believe they had emerged from within the Hollow Earth
after having escaped the destructions of the three previous worlds. But where is this
Sipapu? Some place at least one of the entrances into the Hollow Earth in the Grand
Canyon. And, it is rumored, that entrance leads to an ancient "Lost City of the Dead"
wherein can be found mummified giants and ancient technologies from before the

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The "Hollow Earth" theory is basically

this: the Earth's crust is criss-crossed
with a series of subterranean tunnels,
some of which are natural, but many of
which are man made, either completely
artificial or extensions of naturally
occurring tunnels. In congruence with
many ancient legends, it is believed that
ancient races escaped the Great Flood
and other cataclysms by hiding
underground, just as the ancestors of the
Hopi had done. While waiting for the
"Stanton's Cave"?. This cave is one of a warren of
Earth to become habitable again, so the
caves to be found throughout the Grand Canyon region.
Though probably not the Sipapu of Hopi belief, the
legends go, these peoples became very
Place of Emergence into the first three worlds was accustomed to living underground, and
likely a cave opening much like this one, possibly some of them decided to stay. The "Ant
somewhere in the Grand Canyon, though the escape people" of the Hopi myths are likely
from the Third World appears to have involved island one of these, an ancient race that has
hopping across the Pacific from Asia to the Desert lived underground since possibly before
Southwest. The curious are warned not to explore caves
the human race was even created.
without proper precautions, however. And as always,
bring plenty of water. Most caves in the region are
The Hopi of course, as we have seen,
dangerous, and this particular cave is of archaeological
have much experience with living in the
interest and has been sealed off with bars to prevent the
Underworld, their chosen ancestors
public from further contaminating it. Image from Lost
City of the Dead in the Grand Canyon having fled underground twice to
escape global cataclysms that wiped out
all or nearly all life on Earth. The Hopi still visit underground kivas and leave offerings
for the spirits as part of their rituals, though it is unlikely that these kivas are connected
to the kind of elaborate underground tunnel systems that many have speculated exist
throughout the Southwest. Nevertheless, legends and rumors still abound about lost
cities and elaborate tunnel systems full of ancient treasures to be found criss-crossing
the Desert Southwest: "The Hopi Indians have legends telling how and where to enter
the Hollow Earth. They are said to believe that ours is the Fourth World and three
others are inside the earth. Bruce A. Walton, in A Guide to the Inner Earth (1983),
writes of a hole called Sipapu which is
the entrance to the Hopi underground.
'It is a sacred place of pilgrimage for the
Hopi, at the bottom of the Canyon of
the Little Colorado above it’s junction
with the Colorado River.'"21
The Sipapu, as we have seen, is the
"Place of Emergence" through which
the ancestors of the Hopi passed from This spot is thought by some to be Sipapu, entrance to
earlier ages to later ages, the most the Hopi Underworld. It is a sacred place of pilgrimage
for the Hopi, at the bottom of the Canyon of the Little
recent being our present, fourth age:
Colorado above its junction with the Colorado River. It
Tuwaqachi, the Fourth World. John is off-limits to all but the Hopi people. Image from
Kantner explains in his excellent Sipapu Pages From Hopi History

Pueblo histories and religion recognize two kinds of sipapus: The first is the
original sipapu, through which First People entered the current world from the
Third or Lower World (with the flute-playing Locust leading the way).
Different Pueblo groups have different views as to where the original sipapu is
located. Pueblos believe that the dead pass into the spirit world through the
sipapu. Once upon a time, the dead would have been able to reemerge after a
few days and their bodies revived, but Pueblo history says that Coyote
covered the sipapu with a stone, and now only spirits, such as the kachinas,
can pass through sipapu. The second kind of sipapu is a current passage to the
Third World, which can be found as small holes or even more elaborate
structures in kivas. Special bodies of water or even special places in the
landscape are also often considered to be sipapus. These sipapus are the
means of communication with the spirits.22

These sipapu are scattered throughout the Desert Southwest, kept and revered not only
by the Hopi, but also by the Navajo, Havasupai, and other Native American peoples
throughout the Desert Southwest. They are not always physical openings either —
some are believed to be through spiritual "power centers" to be found in lakes, rivers,
and in the rocks and the trees. However, some of these sipapu are quite real. Some have
even been the subject of great speculation as to whether they might lead the way to
spectacular subterranean treasure troves, and ancient tombs and catacombs from the
world before the Flood.

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Rumors of a "Lost City of the Dead" in

the Grand Canyon have been circulating
for nearly a century, ever since the
publication on April 5, 1909 of a
mysterious article in the Phoenix
Gazette of an article entitled,
"Explorations in Grand Canyon:
Mysteries of Immense Rich Cavern
Brought to Light". This story has made
its way through several books since
then, most notably in popular author
and world explorer David Hatcher
"Canyon Goddess", digital artist and world explorer Childress' classic, Lost Cities of North
Jack Andrew's interpretation of the spirit of the Grand
Canyon. Jack has also extensively researched the
& Central America.
legend of the Lost City of the Dead in the Grand
Canyon in depth. Image courtesy Jack Andrews, ©The storyline basically runs like this: in
2001 1909, two men by the name of G. E.
Kinkaid and Prof. S. A. Jordan, both
allegedly of the Smithsonian Institute, had set out on a journey to look for a mysterious
underground citadel found somewhere in the Grand Canyon, probably near its
beginnings in Marble Canyon, in or around the Navajo Indian reservation. Passing
through a small cave opening, they discovered a vast, sprawling underground complex
filled with amazing artifacts from a world long forgotten. Here is the story in its
entirety from Jack Andrews' Lost City of the Dead in the Grand Canyon website:


Mysteries of Immense Rich Cavern Being Brought to Light

Remarkable finds indicate ancient people migrated from Orient

The latest news of the progress of the

explorations of what is now regarded by
scientists as not only the oldest
archaeological discovery in the United States,
but one of the most valuable in the world,
which was mentioned some time ago in the
Gazette, was brought to the city yesterday by
G. E. Kinkaid, the explorer who found the
great underground citadel of the Grand
Canyon during a trip from Green River,
Wyoming, down the Colorado, in a wooden
boat, to Yuma, several months ago.
According to the story related to the Gazette
by Mr. Kinkaid, the archaeologists of the
Smithsonian Institute, which is financing the
expeditions, have made discoveries which
almost conclusively prove that the race which
inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in
solid rock by human hands, was of oriental
origin, possibly from Egypt, tracing back to
Ramses. If their theories are borne out by the
translation of the tablets engraved with
hieroglyphics, the mystery of the prehistoric
peoples of North America, their ancient arts,
who they were and whence they came, will A reproduction of the infamous Phoenix
be solved. Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona Gazette article which has been the source
and the Colorado will be linked by a of ongoing controversy as to its
authenticity for nearly a century. Image
historical chain running back to ages which
from Lost City of the Dead in the Grand
staggers the wildest fancy of the fictionist. Canyon courtesy Jack Andrews, © 2001

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Under the direction of Prof. S.

A. Jordan, the Smithsonian
Institute is now prosecuting the
most thorough explorations,
which will be continued until
the last link in the chain is
forged. Nearly a mile long
tunnel underground, about
1480 feet below the surface,
the long main passage has been
delved into, to find another
mammoth chamber from
which radiates scores of
A graphical interpretation of the underground citadel passageways, like the spokes
described by Kinkaid. Passing through the narrow cave of a wheel.
opening, Kinkaid followed the narrow passage over a
mile until it split into three passages, the center of
Several hundred rooms have
which led to a vast amphitheater with numerous been discovered, reached by
passageways leading in numerous different directions to
passageways running from the
hundreds of different rooms with with ancient artifacts
main passage, one of them
of every description. Click the image to see a larger
having been explored for 854
version. Image from Lost City of the Dead in the Grand
Canyon courtesy Jack Andrews, © 2001 feet and another 634 feet. The
recent finds include articles
which have never been known as native to this country, and doubtless they
had their origin in the orient. War weapons, copper instruments, sharp-edged
and hard as steel, indicate the high state of civilization reached by these
strange people. So interested have the scientists become that preparations are
being made to equip the camp for extensive studies, and the force will be
increased to thirty or forty persons.

Before going further into the cavern, better facilities for lighting will have to
be installed, for the darkness is dense and quite impenetrable for the average

In order to avoid being lost, wires are being strung from the entrance to all
passageways leading directly to large chambers. How far this cavern extends
no one can guess, but it is now the belief of many that what has already been
explored is merely the "barracks", to use an American term, for the soldiers,
and that far into the under-world will be found the main communal dwellings
of the families.

The perfect ventilation of the cavern, the steady draught that blows through,
indicates that it has another outlet to the surface.

Mr. Kinkaid was the first white child born

in Idaho and has been an explorer and
hunter all his life, thirty years having been
in the service of the Smithsonian Institute.
Even briefly recounted, his history sounds
fabulous, almost grotesque.

First, I would impress that the cavern is

nearly inaccessible. The entrance is 1,486
feet down the sheer canyon wall. It is
located on government land and no visitor
will be allowed there under penalty of
trespass. The scientists wish to work
unmolested, without fear of
archaeological discoveries being disturbed
by curio or relic hunters.

A trip there would be fruitless, and the

visitor would be sent on his way. The
story of how I found the cavern has been
The cliff face in marble canyon purported
to be the location of the cave entrance to related, but in a paragraph: I was
the mysterious underground citadel. journeying down the Colorado river in a
According to Kincaid, "The entrance is boat, alone, looking for mineral.
1,486 feet down the sheer canyon wall" -
i.e., inaccessible to all but professional Some forty-two miles up the river from
climbers. In other words, do not attempt the El Tovar Crystal canyon, I saw on the
to find the cave yourself. Leave it to the east wall, stains in the sedimentary
professionals. It is believed that the river formation about 2,000 feet above the river
once ran much higher during the time
bed. There was no trail to this point, but I

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: The Grand Canyon Pa...

finally reached it with great difficulty.

when the alleged cave was in use, making
access relatively easy. Image from Lost
City of the Dead in the Grand CanyonAbove a shelf which hid it from view from the
courtesy Jack Andrews, © 2001. river, was the mouth of the cave. There are
(Original Photo Courtesy Steve Wingatesteps leading from this entrance some thirty
copyright 2000) yards to what was, at the time the cavern was
inhabited, the level of the river. When I saw the chisel marks on the wall
inside the entrance, I became interested, securing my gun and went in. During
that trip I went back several hundred feet along the main passage till I came to
the crypt in which I discovered the mummies. One of these I stood up and
photographed by flashlight. I gathered a number of relics, which I carried
down the Colorado to Yuma, from whence I shipped them to Washington with
details of the discovery. Following this, the explorations were undertaken.

The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, narrowing to nine feet toward the
farther end. About 57 feet from the entrance, the first side-passages branch off
to the right and left, along which, on both sides, are a number of rooms about
the size of ordinary living rooms of today, though some are 30 by 40 feet
square. These are entered by oval-shaped doors and are ventilated by round air
spaces through the walls into the passages. The walls are about three feet six
inches in thickness.
The passages are chiseled or hewn as straight as could be laid out by an
engineer. The ceilings of many of the rooms converge to a center. The
side-passages near the entrance run at a sharp angle from the main hall, but
toward the rear they gradually reach a right angle in direction.

Over a hundred feet from the

entrance is the cross-hall,
several hundred feet long, in
which are found the idol, or
image, of the people's god,
sitting cross-legged, with a
lotus flower or lily in each
hand. The cast of the face is
oriental, and the carving shows
a skillful hand, and the entire is
remarkably well preserved, as
is everything in this cavern.
The idol almost resembles
"The Shrine". Kincaid described a Buddha-like figure Buddha, though the scientists
sitting in the lotus position, surrounded by various
figurines indicating the powers of good and evil, as well
are not certain as to what
as cactus and similar appurtenences appropriate for the religious worship it represents.
shrine of a southwestern deity. Lost City of the Dead in Taking into consideration
the Grand Canyon in depth. Image courtesy Jack everything found thus far, it is
Andrews, © 2001 possible that this worship most
resembles the ancient people
of Tibet.
Surrounding this idol are smaller images, some very beautiful in form - others
crooked-necked and distorted shapes, symbolical, probably, of good and evil.
There are two large cactus with protruding arms, one on each side of the dais
on which the god squats. All this is carved out of hard rock resembling
marble. In the opposite corner of this cross-hall were found tools of all
descriptions, made of copper. These people undoubtedly knew the lost art of
hardening this metal, which has been sought by chemists for centuries without
result. On a bench running around the workroom was some charcoal and other
material probably used in the process. There is also slag and stuff similar to
matte, showing that these ancients smelted ores, but so far no trace of where
or how this was done has been discovered, nor the origin of the ore. Among
the other finds are vases or urns and cups of copper and gold, made very
artistic in design. The pottery work includes enameled ware and glazed
vessels. Another passageway leads to granaries such as are found in the
oriental temples. They contain seeds of various kinds. One very large
storehouse has not yet been entered, as it is twelve feet high and can be
reached only from above. Two copper hooks extend on the edge, which
indicates that some sort of ladder was attached. These granaries are rounded,
as the materials of which they are constructed, I think, is a very hard cement.
A gray metal is also found in this cavern, which puzzles the scientists, for its

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: The Grand Canyon Pa...

identity has not been established. It resembles platinum. Strewn

promiscuously over the floor everywhere are what people call - cats eyes', a
yellow stone of no great value. Each one is engraved with the head of the
Malay type.

On all the urns, or walls over doorways, and tablets of stone which were found
by the image are the mysterious hieroglyphics t the key to which the
Smithsonian Institute hopes yet to discover. These writings resemble those on
the rocks about this valley. The engraving on the tables probably has
something to do with the religion of the people. Similar hieroglyphics have
been found in the peninsula of Yucatan, but these are not the same as those
found in the Orient Some believe these cave dwellers built the old canals in
the Salt River Valley. Among the pictorial writings, only two animals are
found. One is of prehistoric type.

The tomb or crypt in which the

mummies were found is one of
the largest of the chambers, the
walls slanting back at an angle
of about 35 degrees. On these
are tiers of mummies, each one
occupying a separate hewn
shelf. At the head of each is a
small bench, on which is found
copper cups and pieces of
broken swords. Some of the
mummies are covered with
"The Crypt", wherein ancient, giant mummies were clay, and all are wrapped in a
found wrapped in bark fabric and smeared with clay. dark fabric. The urns or cups
These mummies, all of which were male, were reported on the lower tiers are crude,
by Kincaid as being well-preserved and surrounded by while as the higher shelves are
copper implements that they had used during their lives. reached, the urns are finer in
Image from Lost City of the Dead in the Grand Canyon
design, showing a later stage
courtesy Jack Andrews, © 2001
of civilization. It is worthy of
note that all the mummies examined so far have proved to be male, no
children or females being buried here.
This leads to the belief that this exterior section was the warrior' barracks.

Among the discoveries no bones of animals have been found, no skins, no

clothing, no bedding. Many of the rooms are bare but for water vessels. One
room, about 40 by 700 feet, was probably the main dining hall, for cooking
utensils are found here. What these people lived on is a problem, though it is
presumed that they came south in the winter and farmed in the valleys, going
back north in the summer.

Upwards of 50,000 people could have lived in the caverns comfortably. One
theory is that the present Indian tribes found in Arizona are descendants of the
serfs or slaves of the people which inhabited the cave. Undoubtedly a good
many thousands of years before the Christian era, a people lived here which
reached a high stage of civilization. The chronology of human history is full
of gaps. Professor Jordan is much enthused over the discoveries and believes
that the find will prove of incalculable value in archaeological work.

One thing I have not spoken of, may be of interest. There is one chamber of
the passageway to which is not ventilated, and when we approached it a
deadly, snaky smell struck us. Our light would not penetrate the gloom, and
until stronger ones are available we will not know what the chamber contains.
Some say snakes, but other boo-hoo this idea and think it may contain a
deadly gas or chemicals used by the ancients. No sounds are heard, but it
smells snaky just the same. The whole underground installation gives one of
shaky nerves the creeps. The gloom is like a weight on one's shoulders, and
our flashlights and candles only make the darkness blacker. Imagination can
revel in conjectures and ungodly daydreams back through the ages that have
elapsed till the mind reels dizzily in space.

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In connection with this story, it

is notable that among the Hopi
Indians the tradition is told that
their ancestors once lived in an
underworld in the Grand
Canyon till dissension arose
between the good and the bad,
the people of one heart and the
people of two hearts.
Machetto, who was their chief,
counseled them to leave the
underworld, but there was no
"The Barracks" - a wider view of the mummies of the way out. The chief then caused
male warriors that had been found in a large crypt just a tree to grow up and pierce
off the central area in the underground citadel. These the roof of the underworld, and
males may have formed a giant, warrior elite, similar to then the people of one heart
that found in central Asia, as we discovered in the climbed out. They tarried by
Giants in the Earth series. Image from Lost City of the
Paisisvai (Red River), which is
Dead in the Grand Canyon courtesy Jack Andrews, ©
2001 the Colorado, and grew grain
and corn.

They sent out a message to the Temple of the Sun, asking the blessing of
peace, good will and rain for people of one heart. That messenger never
returned, but today at the Hopi villages at sundown can be seen the old men of
the tribe out on the housetops gazing toward the sun, looking for the
messenger. When he returns, their lands and ancient dwelling place will be
restored to them. That is the tradition.

Among the engravings of animals in the cave is seen the image of a heart over
the spot where it is located. The legend was learned by W.E. Rollins, the artist,
during a year spent with the Hopi Indians. There are two theories of the origin
of the Egyptians. One is that they came from Asia another that the racial
cradle was in the upper Nile region. Heeren, an Egyptologist, believed in the
Indian origin of the Egyptians. The discoveries in the Grand Canyon may
throw further light on human evolution and prehistoric ages.23

Though the story of "The Lost City of the Dead" is most likely apocryphal, there is no
doubt — as we have seen — that it does indeed fit conceptually into the ancient history
of America's Desert Southwest. A vast, underground city intended to house thousands
of people would indeed fit the requirements for the type of massive facilities that would
have been necessary for the ancient ancestors of the Hopi to survive through the
cataclyms that had destroyed the previous three worlds. Moreover, though it is not
specifically stated, it may be that the mummies that were found in the crypt were
indeed gigantic in stature, which would fit in well with the numerous reports of giant
mummies, skeletons, and other artifacts of Americas ancient giant past.

It is interesting to note the Kincaid story ends with the recitation of an old Hopi myth
— apparently a variation of the myth elucidated in The Book of the Hopi — wherein
the Hopi had originated from an underground cavern system in the Grand Canyon,
instead of having migrated from the west. One could speculate that perhaps the the
Hopi, "the people of the one heart", had been specially bred as a slave race by and for
"the people of the two hearts", and later rebelled and escaped to become the Native
American peoples we know today. And what exactly was meant by "people of the one
heart" and "people of the two hearts"? The people of the one heart are people who are
honest, whereas the people of the two hearts are people who say one thing, but are
thinking another — i.e., liars — those who speak with "forked tongue".
Whereas the ancient race of the two hearts apparently has long since died out, the
people of the one heart remain even today — proving that those who live out of
balance with nature and with each other eventually die out, whereas those who strive to
maintain balance with nature and each other, though it may mean making personal
sacrifices, survive for the long term. Modern man could take a lesson from the Hopi, to
study the lifeways of this ancient people, and perhaps see why their simple society
remains intact, while our modern society, though technologically advanced, is out of
balance and rapidly falling apart.

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: The Grand Canyon Pa...

Koyaanisqatsi, or "life out of balance",

is the term that the Hopi elders use to
describe our society today. They in their
wisdom, from the perspective of
thousands of years of unchanged
traditions, see that though we have
become wealthy and technologically
advanced, living in luxury and seeming
invincibility, we have achieved these
things at the expense of our own souls.
As it was in Tokpela, the First World, so
we now are increasingly engaging in
larger and larger wars, using violence as
a means to uncertain ends. As it was in
the Topka, the Second World, we are
overly concerned with acquiring more
A still image from the classic moon sequence in the and more goods and luxury items. As it
critically acclaimed film, Koyaanisqatsi, a was in Kuskurza, the Third World, we
semi-documentary, stop-motion photographic essay of are overly concerned with sex, using
how modern society is out of balance with nature and is
in danger of self-destruction as a result. Image from
sex as a means of recreation rather than
Koyaanisqatsi - The Official Site. procreation. It appears that we of
Tuwaqachi, the Fourth World, are guilty
of all of the sins of the first three worlds combined. Sex, violence and greed have all
characterized the civilizations of this fourth age, perhaps more than in any previous
age, and now more than ever before. Out of balance with nature, with our fellow man,
and even with our own selves, we have fallen away from the Creator's plan.
The Hopi prophesies speak of a time when our technological obsessions will be a sign
that the end is indeed near:

"If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster."

"Near the Day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in
the sky."

"A container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky which could
burn the land and boil the oceans."25

If we continue to invite disaster through our failure to follow the Creator's plan by
abandoning our self-destructive lifestyle and returning to the ways that the Creator has
ordained for mankind since the beginning of time, according to the Hopi myths Masaw,
Prince of the Fourth World, will rise up to judge us: "But if you go back to evil ways
again I will take over the Earth from you, for I am its caretaker, guardian and
protector."24 From the Desert Southwest he will arise, even from the gates of hell,
leaving the ancient, twisted cross in his wake to retake the world that we had failed to
balance, with weapons of war that the world has not seen since the end of the Third
Age. But he will too will fail to restore the balance through violence, and he will be
destroyed without hand when the day star arises in our hearts.

The Grand Canyon Part I: Postcards from the Edge

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Robert Wallace, The Grand Canyon (The American Wilderness/Time-Life Books)
(New York: Little Brown & Company, 1972), 96.

Frank Waters, Oswald White Bear Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi (New York:
Penguin Books, 1963), 3-4. The term "universes" here might be better translated as
"planets", to correspond with the nine known planets in our solar system. The
allocation of one of these planets to Taiowa is intriguing, particularly since Pluto is
now known to be not a planet, but an escaped satellite of Neptune.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 4-5. Compare this description of the
creation and duties of Spider Woman to "Lady Wisdom" described in Proverbs 8: "The
LORD brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old; I was
appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began. When there were
no oceans, I was given birth, when there were no springs abounding with water; before
the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth, before he made
the earth or its fields or any of the dust of the world. I was there when he set the
heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep, when he
established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep, when he
gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he
marked out the foundations of the earth. Then I was the craftsman at his side. I was
filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, rejoicing in his whole
world and delighting in mankind." ( Proverbs 8:22-31, emphasis mine). Apparently the
Hebrew conception of the Creation also included a feminine spirit whom God also had
created in order to delegate the task of creating life on Earth, including mankind. The
feminine aspect is likely symbolic, as spirits do not have gender. Note also the very
close similarity to the Hopi version of the creation the universe by Sotuknang.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 5.

5 "Nintu" ( One version of the
creation of mankind, the Babylonian Creation Epic, has Marduk, the newly-crowned
king of the gods, slaying the god Kingu and using his blood to create mankind.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 7.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 11-12.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 12-13.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 13.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 13-14.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 14-15. Note the close similarity to
Revelation 6: "I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The
sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,
and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a
strong wind. The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island
was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the
rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks
of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us
from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the

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MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: The Grand Canyon Pa...

great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?'" (Rev. 6:12-17). Though the
"ant people" aren't explicitly mentioned, mankind will seek to go underground once
again to save themselves in the End Times. However, some feel that the Hopi reference
to the "ant people" refers to the so-called "grey aliens", typically referred to as "the
greys" an insectlike alien race that some believe live underground, and have done so
since the beginning. Others go so far as to claim that the military has been working
hand-in-hand with the greys and other "alien races" for decades to prepare for an
"invasion" from outer space, digging massive amounts of tunnels in preparation. For
more on this subject, look here or search here.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 15-16.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 16-17.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 17-18.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 20. Traveling from the west to arrive in
the Desert Southwest, the ancestors of the Hopi must therefore have been island-
hopping across the Pacific Ocean. Other ancient traditions tell of a mysterious
continent known as Lemuria that had once dominated the Pacific before it had been
destroyed by the gods for its wickedness. Could this perhaps have been a memory of
some ancient, cataclysmic event which these two traditions held in common?

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 22.

For more information on the origin and role of fallen angels on the Earth, read The
Legend of Atlantis Part II: The Antediluvian World, The Legend of Atlantis Part III:
Edgar Cayce's Atlantis, and Giants in the Earth Part I: Giants of the Ancient Near East.
The implication from this passage is that Masaw will be given power over the Earth
and the authority to punish mankind for their sins against the Creator at the end of this
Fourth Age. Masaw is likely cognate to Azazel, the fallen angel described in the Book
of Enoch, and may also be the power behind the Antichrist described in the books of
Daniel and Revelation. This "Antichrist" will be given authority only because of the
greatness of the sins that mankind will commit against the Creator and His Creation at
the end of the Fourth Age, and he will use violence to make the people fulfill God's
laws when they refuse to do it willingly. But he will go too far and incur God's
judgment against himself as well as those on Earth who disobeyed the laws, and will be
destroyed by Sotuknang himself without hand, after the chosen are removed from the

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 35.

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 40-41.

Mary Sutherland, "Hopi Legend of Shambhala and the Sacred Mountain Mount
Meru" (Living in the Light:

Xenophilia, "The Hollow Earth - Strange Beliefs: The Pole Holes & the
Underworld" (Xenophilia:

John Kantner, "What is a "Sipapu"?" (Sipapu: The Anasazi Emergence into the
Cyber World:

Jack Andrews, "Lost City of the Dead in the Grand Canyon" (Lost Civilizations and
Hidden Mysteries:

Waters, Fredericks, The Book of the Hopi, 22.

John Kantner, "Koyaanisqatsi: Definitions" (Koyaanisqatsi - The Official Site:

Kayak Place: Nankoweap, The Little Colorado, Cardenas (Mile 72)

Desert USA: Grand Canyon National Park
Navajo Mythology: Spider Woman
"Spider Woman" Stories of the World

22 of 29 11/10/10 1:17 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: The Grand Canyon Pa...

Crystal Links: Spider Woman

Anansi WebSide Stories
Desert USA: The Anasazi: The People of the Mountains, Mesas and Grasslands
Desert USA: The Anasazi Part 2: Community Planners, Architects and Builders
Sipapu: The Anasazi Emergence into the Cyber World
BUFO Radio: Underground Tunnel Systems in the Superstition Mountains
The Hollow Earth Insider: Secret Underground Tunnels Past & Present: Part II A
Closer Look
Hollow Earth Society The Hollow Earth
Hollow Earth Videos
Lost City of the Dead in the Grand Canyon
Cyber Space Orbit: Ancient Egyptian Treasures in the Grand Canyon
Keelynet: Archaeological Coverups
Unknown History: Archaeological Coverups
Lost Civilization and Hidden Mysteries: Lost City of the Dead in the Grand
- Introduction
- How I Came into Contact with This Story
- Explorations in Grand Canyon
- The Importance of the find in 1909
- G. E. Kincaid Reaches Yuma
- The Story Related to the Arizona Gazette in 1909 was NOT Routine
- Was the Cave a Buddhist Temple?
- Prince Izon
- The Search for Kinnaman's Entrance
- Official Smithsonian Replies to Inquiries
- Diagram showing some of the Underground "Cave" Tunnels and Rooms
- Copper at the Cave Site
- Conspiracy Coverup?
- Racism in the 1909 article
- 1486 Feet and Isis Temple
- Was the Cave "Located on Government Land" in 1909?
- Small Skiffs and Rough Rapids
- The Location of Kincaid's "Cave" Revealed
- Water at 2000 feet?
- History of KODAK Cameras
- Kincaid Traveled through Yuma and Passed through Laguna Dam
- The Shrine
- The Ancient People of the Cave Knew How to Harden Copper
- Strewn All Over the Floor Were Hardened "Cat's Eye" Stones
- Are These Images the Actual Hieroglyphics in the 1909 Cave?
- Why Did Someone Delete References in the Internet Version of the 1909 Story?
- "Canals" Near the Site?
- The Crypt
- The Crypt (Closeup View)
- Is the 1909 "cave" even in Grand Canyon National Park?
- 1909 Grand Canyon Cave Location REVEALED!!
- Kincaid the Prospector and more... on copper at the Grand Canyon site
Grand Canyon Explorer
Xpeditions Magazine: Egyptian Artifacts in the Grand Canyon
Native American Fine Art: About the Hopi Indians
CSAC's Ethnographics Gallery: Society-HOPI
The Official Hopi Cultural Preservation Office Home Page
Carnegie Museums: The Hopi of the Southwest
Indiana University: Hopi Indians
Sacred Texts: The Traditions of the Hopi
University of Arizona Press: Pages From Hopi History (Excerpt)
Living in the Light: The Traditions of the Hopi
Xenophilia: The Hollow Earth
CrystaLinks: Hopi Civilization
Koyaanisqatsi - Official Site
CrystaLinks: Hopi Blue Star Prophecy
CrystaLinks: Hopi Myths
CrystaLinks: Spider Woman Legends
Sacred Land Film Project: The Hopi and the Colorado Plateau
Morgana's Observatory: Hopi Prophecies
ViewZone: The Hopi Prophecy Rock
The Big Trunk Site: Native American Indian Prophecies
Native American Light: Tribal Wisdom, Prophecy, Resources
Hopi Cultural Center: Museum, Restaurant & Motel
Sacred Places Travel: Adult Pilgrimage to the Sacred Land of the Navajo and Hopi
In New Mexico and Arizona

23 of 29 11/10/10 1:17 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: The Grand Canyon Pa...

Sacred Places Travel: Sharing a Spiritual Journey

Joseph Holmes Gallery: The Colorado River at Nankoweap
Grand Canyon Information
Grand Canyon Trip Planner Package
The Online Guide: Grand Canyon National Park
National Park Service: Grand Canyon
National Park Service: Welcome to Grand Canyon National Park
National Park Service: South Rim Transit
National Park Service: Museum Collection Grand Canyon National Park
National Park Service: Grand Canyon Photos
Grand Canyon Webcam
World Heritage Sites: Grand Canyon National Park
Grand Canyon National Park Hiking Page
Grand Canyon Treks!
Grand Canyon IMAX Theater
Grand Canyon Railway
Phantom Ranch & The Colorado River
Grand Canyon Explorer: El Tovar Hotel
Grand Canyon Explorer
Desert USA: Grand Canyon National Park
The Grand Canyon Tour Company
Grand Canyon Private Boaters Association
Western River Expeditions
Heli USA: Grand Canyon flights
American Memory: Maps of Grand Canyon National Park
Sinbad Tours: Navajo and Hopi Land

The Grand Canyon (The American Wilderness/Time-Life Books)

Robert Wallace
Part of Time-Life's classic "American Wilderness" series, Grand
Canyon provides a very thorough and detailed overview of all aspects
of the canyon. From it's geologic origins and its role in Native
American life and culture to its current status as a national monument
and favorite tourist destination, Grand Canyon is an excellent starting
point and general reference tool for those who wish to study the Grand Canyon in
detail. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

Book of the Hopi

Frank Waters, Oswald White Bear Fredericks
In this strange and wonderful book, thirty elders of the ancient Hopi tribe
of Northern Arizona — a people who regard themselves as the first
inhabitants of America — freely reveal the Hopi worldview for the first
time in written form. The Hopi kept this view a secret for countless
centuries, and anthropologists have long struggled to understand it. Now they record
their myths and legends, and the meaning of their religious rituals and ceremonies, as a
gift to future generations. Here is a reassertion of a rhythm of life we have disastrously
tried to ignore and insticts we have tragically repressed; and a reminder that we must
attune ourselves to the need for inner change if we are to avert a cataclysmic rupture
between our minds and our hearts. (From the back cover)
Click here to buy this book.

Lost Cities of North & Central America (The Lost City Series)

24 of 29 11/10/10 1:17 AM
MYSTERIOUS WORLD: Winter 2003: The Grand Canyon Pa...

David Hatcher Childress

One of the popular "Lost Cities" series, this book is a must-have
guidebook for mysterious places in North and Central America. I enjoy
Childress' books mainly because he comes across as very honest, although
he engages in too much speculation to be taken at face value. Overall I
find his books a very engaging read, and the speculative aspect, though often
unscientific, is very entertaining. Moreover, the amazing amount of study and travel he
has done brings a certain amount of credibility to his work. I highly recommend the
"Lost Cities" series of books both for their refreshingly informal approach and for their
"infotainment" value. These books are definitely not for the timid, and certainly not for
the closed-minded. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

A Guide to the Inner Earth

Bruce A. Walton
The classic study of the Hollow Earth theory. Recommended only for those with an
open mind, and interested in learning about some of the more esoteric myths and
legends of Earth's ancient history (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this book.

The Sierra Club Guides to the National Parks of the Desert Southwest
The Sierra Club
Newly revised and updated, this guide offers practical travel information
to the desert Southwest's national parks. Outstanding color photographs,
maps, park facility charts, geological and historical information about each
park, and identification of animals and plants commonly found within the
parks. Our month-long tour of the Desert Southwest was greatly enhanced by this
book. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

The Grand Canyon

Letitia Burns O'Connor
Stunning color photos are the main feature of this large-format
book. Tom Bean, Michael Collier, David Muench, and Greg
Probst are among the nine notable outdoor photographers
whose works are included. The large format is successful in capturing some essence of
the grandeur and scope of this unique geological area. The limited text by O'Connor
and Zurofsky focuses on history, exploration, and tourism. Photos range from
wide-angle landscapes shot at varying times of day and seasons of the year, to closeups
of geological features such as erosion, slickrock, and fossils, to "portraits" of
indigenous wildlife. Limited bibliographies accompany the text. This book is
recommended for comprehensive collections on the Southwest. (Review by
Click here to buy this book.

Over the Edge: Death in Grand Canyon

Michael P. Ghiglieri, Thomas M. Myers
Gripping accounts of all known fatal mishaps in the most famous of the
World's Seven Natural Wonders. Two veterans of decades of adventuring
in Grand Canyon chronicle the first complete and comprehensive history
of Canyon misadventures. These episodes span the entire era of visitation
from the time of the first river exploration by John Wesley Powell and his crew of 1869
to that of tourists falling off its rims in Y2K. These accounts of the 550 people who
have met untimely deaths in the Canyon set a new high water mark for offering the
most astounding array of adventures, misadventures, and life saving lessons published
between any two covers. Over the Edge promises to be the most intense yet
informative book on Grand Canyon ever written. (From the book description)
Click here to buy this book.

First Through Grand Canyon: The Secret Journals & Letters of the 1869
Crew Who Explored the Green & Colorado Rivers
Michael P. Ghiglieri
In May of 1869, eleven men embarked on a journey of exploration and
discovery. 98 days later six of them arrived 1000 miles away after
navigating the Green and Colorado Rivers to the end of Grand Canyon.

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The journals and writings of the expedition leader, John Wesley Powell have been
extensively published but here, for the first time, are the newly transcribed, unabridged
journals and letters of some of the other members of the group. Author Ghiglieri has
used his extensive river running experience to introduce the whole group and their
exploits of courage and endurance. (From the book description)
Click here to buy this book.

Canyons of the Colorado

Joseph Holmes, John Wesley Powell, David Ross Brower
In Canyons of the Colorado, the exquisite talent of photographer
Joseph Holmes is matched with one of the most thrilling adventures
ever chronicled: John Wesley Powell's epic exploration of the
Colorado River. Sixty-two stunning images comprise a vivid tribute
to the compelling landscape that has enchanted and inspired Holmes
for over twenty years — from grand vistas and exquisitely colorful canyon walls to the
sublime details of the river's ebb and flow. Holmes' original essays highlight his own
adventures in pursuit of his own comparable images and reflect on the magic and
serenity of the Colorado basin. (From the book description)
Click here to buy this book.

Grand Canyon Country

National Geographic
From near and far they come, nearly five million each year, to see the
Grand Canyon, long cherished as one of the nation's treasures. Grand
Canyon Country explores more than the spectacular 277-mile-long gash in
Arizona's red-rock country. Author Seymour L. Fishbein takes you to the
remote forests of the Kaibab Plateau, the lonely reaches of the Arizona
strip, and the multihued landscapes of the Painted Desert. Fishbein probes the
intriguing history of canyon country, meets its people, and talks with those who ponder
environmental issues and see threats to this magnificent region. The book — like the
canyon itself — is something to treasure. (From the book description)
Click here to buy this book.

Grand Canyon: A Different View

Tom Vail (Compiler)
This gift book is also a creationist's delight. Filled with stunning
photos of the Grand Canyon from the rim to the waterfalls and river
in the bottom. This beautiful book describes the canyon in terms of
only a few thousand years old, instead of the evolutionary-biased
millions of years. Includes essays from 20 top creationists such as Ken Ham and Henry
Morris. (From the book description)
Click here to buy this book.

Closer to Far Away

Douglas Spotted Eagle
This moving offering from Native American artist Douglas Spotted Eagle
combines a jazzy, light pop influence with well-choreographed Native
American vocals and authentic Native American instrumentation. Highly listenable and
alternately mysterious and uplifting. Douglas Spotted Eagle's Closer to Far Away is an
excellent addition to any world music collection, or for anyone who enjoys some very
smooth, enjoyable ambient music. (Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this CD.

Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out Of Balance

Philip Glass
Fifteen years after its initial release, Philip Glass's score to Godfrey
Reggio's film Koyaanisqatsi is still as timeless as it was meant to be.
Glass's epic score, virtually the only sound in this non-narrative movie, accompanied
an exhilarating, wordless meditation of images ranging from expansive, slow-motion
landscapes to whirling-dervish city scenes shot using time-lapse techniques. Glass's
music was a perfect match. The opening chant is still unlike anything Glass has
composed, a Tibetan monk operatic growl that set up the foreboding sense of loss the

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film engenders. Most of the score, however, casts Glass's minimalist themes in
orchestral expanses. Bass strings troll the bottom while flutes draw circles in the air. On
"The Grid," manic keyboards drive into the night, pounding out the cyclical refrains
that are a Glass trademark. When Koyaanisqatsi came out, it seemed opulent with its
orchestral forces, but always at the center were the keyboards, reeds, and voice that are
Glass's characteristic sound. Koyaanisqatsi means "life out of balance," but Glass's
remarkably austere score remains perfectly poised. This newly re-recorded edition adds
nearly 30 minutes to the previous CD release with two previously unissued tracks and
extended versions of "The Grid" and "Prophecies," the two signpost works of the film.
(Review by about the 1998 re-recording of this album)
Click here to buy this CD, or here to buy the 1998 re-recording.

Grofé: Grand Canyon Suite/Gershwin: Porgy and Bess —

A Symphonic Picture
Ferde Grofe, George Gershwin
This CD combines two of the twentieth century's greatest composers: the
oft-overlooked Ferde Grofe, and the more popular George Gershwin. Grofe shines
most brightly on this album, however, his stirring composition of the beauty and danger
of the Grand Canyon boldly painted in this masterpiece of twentieth century classical
music: The Grand Canyon Suite. From the beginning to the end it is clear that Grofe
not only visited the canyon, but was profoundly moved by it, as one can clearly hear in
this gem of a recording done by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra under Antal Dorati.
(Review by Mysterious World)
Click here to buy this CD.

Dances With Wolves: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

John Barry
John Barry's Academy Award-winning score for actor/director Kevin
Costner's nouveau western, Dances with Wolves, is nothing short of a
modern classic by a film scoring master. Utilizing Wagnerian structure, Barry's three
main themes recur in magisterial symphonic form. The memorable "John Dunbar"
theme alone has become an almost subconscious part of modern life, utilized as Muzak
and underscore for public events great and small. Barry's skills as an arranger color his
themes in subtly shifting orchestral hues, giving even the most repeated melodic
passages new emotional weight. Barry's rich music is living proof that the art of
orchestral film scoring is still alive and surprisingly vital in the '90s. (Review by
Click here to buy this CD.

Koyaanisqatsi / Powaqqatsi (2 Pack)

First-time filmmaker Godfrey Reggio's experimental
documentary from 1983--shot mostly in the desert Southwest
and New York City on a tiny budget with no script, then
attracting the support of Francis Ford Coppola and George
Lucas and enlisting the indispensable musical contribution of
Philip Glass--delighted college students on the midnight circuit and fans of minimalism
for many years. Meanwhile, its techniques, merging cinematographer Ron Fricke's
time-lapse shots (alternately peripatetic and hyperspeed) with Glass's reiterative music
(from the meditative to the orgiastic)--as well as its ecology-minded imagery--crept
into the consciousness of popular culture. The influence of Koyaanisqatsi, or "life out
of balance," has by now become unmistakable in television advertisements, music
videos, and, of course, similar movies such as Fricke's own Chronos and Craig
McCourry's Apogee. Reggio shot a sequel, Powaqqatsi (1988), and completed the
trilogy with Naqoyqatsi (2002). Koyaanisqatsi provides the uninitiated the chance to
see where it all started--along with an intense audiovisual rush.
Powaqqatsi (1988), or "life in transformation," is the second part of a trilogy of
experimental documentaries whose titles derive from Hopi compound nouns. The now
legendary Koyaanisqatsi (1983), or "life out of balance," was the first. Naqoyqatsi
(2002), or "life in war," was the third. Powaqqatsi finds director Godfrey Reggio
somewhat more directly polemical than before, and his major collaborator, the
composer Philip Glass, stretching to embrace world music. Reggio reuses techniques
familiar from the previous film (slow motion, time-lapse, superposition) to dramatize
the effects of the so-called First World on the Third: displacement, pollution,

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alienation. But he spends as much time beautifully depicting what various cultures
have lost--cooperative living, a sense of joy in labor, and religious values--as he does
confronting viewers with trains, airliners, coal cars, and loneliness. What had been a
more or less peaceful, slow-moving, spiritually fulfilling rural existence for these
"silent" people (all we hear is music and sound effects) becomes a crowded,
suffocating, accelerating industrial urban hell, from Peru to Pakistan. Reggio frames
Powaqqatsi with a telling image: the Serra Pelada gold mines, where thousands of men,
their clothes and skin imbued with the earth they're moving, carry wet bags up steep
slopes in a Sisyphean effort to provide wealth for their employers. While Glass
juxtaposes his strangely joyful music, which includes the voices of South American
children, a number of these men carry one of their exhausted comrades out of the pit,
his head back and arms outstretched--one more sacrifice to Caesar. Nevertheless,
Reggio, a former member of the Christian Brothers, seems to maintain hope for
renewal. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

In the Light of Reverence (2001)

Across the USA, Native Americans are struggling to protect their sacred
places. Religious freedom, so valued in America, is not guaranteed to
those who practice land-based religion. Every year, more sacred sights --
the land-based equivalent of the world's great cathedrals -- are being
destroyed. Stripmining and development cause much of the destruction.
But rock climbers, tourists, and New Age religious practitioners are part of the
problem, too. The biggest problem is ignorance. In the Light of Reverence tells the
story of three indigenous communities and the lands they struggle to protect: the
Lakota of the Great Plains, the Hope of the Four Corners area and the Wintu of
northern California. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

Grand Canyon National Park (1993)

This DVD is by far the best depiction of the Canyon's beauty that I've ever
seen. However, you have to experience the Grand Canyon yourself to put
all this beauty seen on the DVD in perspective. (Review by
Click here to buy this DVD.

National Lampoon's Vacation (20th Anniversary Special Edition)

The Griswolds have planned all year for a great summer vacation. From
their suburban Chicago home, across America, to the wonders of Wally
World fun park in California, every step of the way has been carefully
plotted. Except a few hundred hysterical exceptions. National Lampoon's
Vacation is a sublimely goofy comedy, thanks largely to Chevy Chase in his signature
role of Clark Griswold. The inept but sincere Clark takes misfortune in stride. So what
if they lose all their money when their new car gets wrecked. And it's not too bad when
Cousin Eddie (Randy Quaid) deposits sour Aunt Edna (Imogene Coca) in their back
seat for a lift to Phoenix. But what really keeps Clark's eyes on the road is a flirtation
with a mysterious blonde (Christie Brinkley) in a red Ferrari. For those along on the
ride, National Lampoon's Vacation, called "fast, funny satire" by The New York Times'
Janet Maslin, is a jolly jaunt. (From the DVD description)
Click here to buy this CD.

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