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SCHOENBERG CONCERTO (Klavierkonzert) op. 42 PHILHARMONIA Arnold Schoenberg composed his one (completed) Pi: i the second half of 1942. it is the last ark it wen he combined the vrei of composition with twelve notes related only to one another with thowe of cl - sicai form, a procedure he had preferred ever since the Serenade Op. 2 “and the Quintet for Wind Instruments Op, 26. In the Piano Concerto, whi . is features in common with both the “Ode to Napoleon” after Lord Byron 0; " and the (unfinished) Organ Sonata (1941), the synthetic character is parti wl th clear: traditional factors are to be found both in the actual Pine plows and in its format fayout. Sound of the piece The Concerto is based on the series (B = Basic set) 2 akin ua eerdance with pe principle of complementing each half of a series } ‘elve-note field from the matching half jes in i form) the inverted form transposed down a fifth is aesigned Ge in inverted al Tagg (econize the principle of compressed movements in the formal layout: crow be clearly indenenasn oz adagio, and rondo — although contrasted t e e of one another, flow into one anath in the gon si is underlined by the return of the first subject as an apotheosis a connate fy the unity of the musical language, which creates a wealth fakes one trek bala aa ae etaits. This kind of formal planning certainly € e firs! amber Symphony Oj - musient P. 9 — a model of abs: en State pecans 3 hoe dev, serap of Paper from that period, a note to win - attention, suggests more programmatic ideas: Life was so easy arama eas: Suddenly hatred broke out (Prestod-= 72) a grave situation was created (Adagio) but life goes on (Rondo). ls this a how” one waamme at was later concealed, or an explanatory afterthought? 3 question, th is J he Paso One, a3 progam mtn @ fact is that one can scarcely regard The compactness of the wo: ships and by the nnn lvoe rk is guaranteed by its wealth of formal relation- The first movement begins with a very extensive part based on the basic set {and the inversion transposed by a fifth which is associated with it), and the finale begins and ends in the same serial region, And at all the crucial formal points, the main theme appears in the same transpositions, e. g. at the beginning of the 3rd section of the Ist movement (B. 133{f.) and at the apotheosis in the finale (B. 444 ff), To clarify the two means by which the form is created, the following survey of the form will take account of both motivic-thematic and dodecaphonic relation- ships. The premiere of the Piano Concerto took place in New York on the 6th February 4944, with the NBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by Leopold Stokowski (and Eduard Steuermann as soloist). The American composer Virgil Thomson, active at the time as critic of the “New York Herald Tribune” wrote in his understanding review: “The expression of the work is romantic, and uncommonly fuil of feeling, as is Schoenberg's way and the best Viennese tradition.” Formal layout 75—85 Resumption of the 3rd part Bars 1-175: 1st_ movement (Waltz); 176—163; in a minos second transposition, 2nd movement (Scherzo); 264—328: 3rd move- ment (“Adagio”); 329~492: 4th movement combination with the musical (Rondo) idea developed since B. 39 }. Andante (d.= 44; = 132), Yemetre, tri- 86-132 Second section (development cha- partite, often in passacaglia style racter) | a 12 1 a i . BR. 148: (bipartite: B. 86—106; 107-1 . 65) section (parties 8. #8; 86-— 88 transitional solo (2nd transi- 4— 39. tripartite opening solo (based tional motive) . ‘on basic set and | 5) 90-“162 Theme of the ist part (major 4—16 1st part (main theme) sixth transposition) combined 17-28 2nd part with both transitional! motives, 29—39 3rd part (climactic variant main theme first in the bass of the Ist part) (double bass — ist horn), then 39 46 transitional tutti (continuing motives from B. $3 4f,, ist transi- tional motive) 45— 85 tripartite tuiti with piano obtigato 46—62 resumption of the 1st part, transposed by a fifth (tutti), com- bination with the contrasting transitional motive {solo piano) 52—74 resumption of the 2nd part, transposed by a major second, combination with the musical idea developed since B. 39, drawn out in passage work in the upper voice (flutes/eboes/ clarinets) 108-106 splitting up of the motive from B. 102 (tutti, without piano} 107—116 theme of the 2nd part, minor seventh transposition, worked out contrapuntally (tutti, without piano) 117121 continuation fourth transposition) 122126 continuation, dense contra- puntal treatment with changing chords (minor sixth transposition) 428-131 cadenza with symmetrical (augmented pitch sequences (juxtaposition .of the notes of the associated set forms) 432 transitional tutti bar 493-175 Third section (continuation of. the development, recapitulation, and tran- sition to the 2nd movement) 193-142 recapitulation of the main theme (1st violin), virtuosically ornamented by the piano, with a rich orchestral accompaniment, and of the 1st transitional motive (B. 140); bipartite (8. 133185, 155-175) 142155. strongly altered, broken-up form of the theme from the 2nd part (B. 17 ff.), with transition to the 1st transitional motive 455—157 transitional bars. (solo) 158175 resolution with elements of development, preparation of the scherzo theme (ab B. 160) I, Molto allegro td = 108) /-metre 176-198 Main section (beginning with fifth transposition of the series) 199-214 Intermediate section with pointed rhythms (based on fourth transposi- tion) 218-234 Middle section related thematically to the main section 215-222 poco tranquillo (de=d), based on the minor sixth trans- position 223-231 climax section _("‘strin- gendo”), based on minor second transposition 231234 transitional bars (climax) with anticipation of the recapi- tulation 235-263 Recapitulation (intensified) and coda 235-242 return of the beginning of the movement with major third transposition 243-263 coda (resolution with ele- ments of development), based on transpositions of minor sixth (8. 253-263) and minor . second {B. 243252) WM. Adagio ( J = 56) *Zemetre. Bipartite form 264—302 1st part 264-276 After two introductory bars, main. section. (tutti), tritone transposition 277-265 after an introductory solo bar, free inversion of the preced- ing bars, based on major second ‘transposition, with added. new principal voice in the solo piano based on 285-302 Piano Solo {piu largo, = 4d) and transition to the and part 303-329 2nd part 303-307 Return to. B. 266 ff. (intensi- fied, but shortened) (tutti) 308-317 Return to B, 218 ff. (tutti) 318-329 Piu largo (# = 44). Return to B. 206 ff. (solo-tutti). B. 325 ff. Piano cadenza as transition to the finale. 1V. Glocoso (moderato) d = 76, ¢ -motre, in the form of a sonata rondo 330-348 Ritornello (bipartite) 330-337 ‘ist part (based on basic set) 338-348 2nd’ part (frequent change of transposition} 349-370. Couptet- (beginning _ with transposition) ST1—-389. Ritornello “(based on basic set). Contrapuntai combination with the couplet theme (in. the solo. piano}, from. B. 379 of the 2nd part 390-418 meno. mosso = 98, development. 8.404. reminiscence. of ‘the adagio theme (in the 1st violin) (cf. B. 266 f.), B. 406 reminiscence of the main theme of the fst movement {in the clarinet), B. 407 of the main theme of the rondo (in the piano) 420-429 Couplet (theme in the flute, then in the clarinet), with transformation of the adagio theme as an. additional principal voice (tst oboe) 490443 Ritornello with developmental ele- ments: 444467 Recapitulation of the main theme ofthe ‘Ist movement (in contrapuntal combination with other themes and motives) (apotheosis) 488—482 Coda (from B. 481 ‘based on the basic set) tritone 2 Fiéten (2. auch kleine Fléte) 2 Oboen 2 Klarinetten 2 Fagotte 4 Homer 2 Trompeten 3 Posaunen BaBtuba Pauken Xylophon Glocken GroBe Trommel Becken Tamtam Kleine Tromme! Soioklavier 1. Geige I. Geige Bratsche Violoncello KontrabaB Alle Instrumente sind in C notiert. All instruments are notated in C. 2 Flutes (2nd changing to Piccolo) 2 Oboes 2 Clarinets 2 Bassoons 4 Horns 2 Trumpets 3 Trombones Bass Tuba Kettledrums Xylophone Bells Bass Drum Cymbals Tamtam Snare Drum Piano solo 1st Violin 2nd Violin Viola Violoncello Double bass W. Ph. V. 462 Klavierkonzert (1942) Arnold Schoenberg, op. 42 Andante (J +44: 2132) ‘ 12 Plate = 3 auch Kleine Pte) 120m 12. Klarivene 12 Racor 13 Horn 14 Horn 22, Trompete 125 Posaune Bapuba Panken Avlephon Gacken Girne Fromme Becken Tatum Keine Trommel Solo Kleier Andante (J. 44; 2 = 132) 1 1. Geige 4 Geige Brutche Violoncello Kntrabu Copyright 1944 by G. Schirmer, Inc., New York Copyright renewed 1972 by Belmont Music Publishers, Los Angeles Published in the Philharmonia edition by permission W. Ph. V. 462 ve par pat S- Klas Ke be ( sales ve | Ge L2KE Ge Br S-Klav vet Khs a a ved okt Ge bs 12.Kt sob S-Klay sR hae Ge 1 Ge a noe vet b ver 12.KE 12 5. Klee 12H 1 Og S-Klay Ge & 16g beat Ge Khe vel an s- Klav S- Klay 108 Ge Lox Be noe vet a Kos vet LK KE 2K 2KI zB Poco a poco eres. S-Klav S- Klay Ge Ge Ge Br Noe a vet vd Kbs poco @ poco crese. LK 2KI 12.06 S-Klav sat 16g 12te 168 ite Br ver S- Klar 1.2.06 KI Loe 2Kr Lar Ge a4 br S- Klar vel 168 168 2Ved a Vel vet Kbs 6 quien 7 siete 1.2.06 L2Kt skier Li 2m 4M AA Lob S- Klar 2.0b 12 Fe Lox 124. Pos Noe Klar br a vet vel Khe Kbs a2Ft 1.08 20» nak 12h im she Le 21 124 Pos S- Kilov br vr Khe iat 1.2.06 12.Kt LHe 13 Pos ‘S-Klav ie vel Kbs 12 12.06 L2Kr 3 Pos S- Klas Lox Noe Be ver Khe aH 1206 12K) 12 12m ah th Lite 1 Pes 2 Pos 4 Pos an | ' Loe Ge Ye Kbs 1A 1.2.06 12KI 12.Fe 3M Ale Lp 1 Pos a vel Xb 42FI 1.2.06 12.Fe Le vet kts no m m na me aA 108 2.06 12.KI 12. Fe 12H Log Gs vat Kos coal ‘1 1.2.06 poco rit... . atempo co 0 nm m 12. Lak 1.2.08 12 LKT 2KI S-Klar 12.Fe Les Lie 16g 2m a 1 Pos vl Kbs Loe Roe Br S- Klar Yet 108 Kor val be 20 LA LA 2Ft 2A 106 1.06 2.08 208 1241 12.K1 Le 12 Fe 2Fe Lie ie om lie um Mr S- Klay S-Klay Log 1G Ge Ge a & ver ver Kbs 22 uA 2A Lob 2.06 42KI 12Fe Lie 2. Bir Log Ng ve Kes 1A 106 20b L2Kt LHe 2H aM S-Klar Lee Ge vel 0 ut a 23 24 2A 20b 12K Fe Fe Dr ate S-Klas hoe Noe a ver kbs 2A £200 ie 2Fe sur 4M Tp 2T~ S-Klaw 108 Gg be vat Kb 26 LA 1206 12K 2 LHe 24H 121 S-Klar 1G og bo Kes poco rit. nF 12.08 n2Kt ie Fe i 2Hr im an 12Tq 2 Pos 168 NG vat kta 28 ad 127 12Pos 3 Pos S- law Loe nee 12k 12H 120 123.Pos S- Klay vet poco pit: mosso (rubato) “0 «1 atempo Py 2H aa ane Tp 2p ek Tam S- Klav Le 1G Ke 31 30 ; wn uA 1206 2A 12x 1.06 12h 20b aM aK ate 2K LT ate ie eck 2a S- Kav Loe Nee . Ne & vet vet te Ks 32 te 0 allegro. (J+ ” w vow mate aegro (J+ 1m) a wae 1206 12K ihe Ltr 2h aM (He 12% 123. Pos ate Beck S-Klay ‘Molto allegro ( 4-108) 1% a 1G 2 2 Nee vat Khe 2A LK 2K 2 1H 2H i st at S-Ktaw 1G NG Kb 33 34 RA 1206 uxt 2K Lie 2Hr 3H 4H 12Po Pos Ta ot ete Mitr S-Kar acd Ge 35 12.06 2K) 2H at 1 Te 2p 3 Pos Te Xt 5-Klav a vet Khe 36 37 Agitato nA IK 1206 2K Lx 12h 2a ae Lake Lp ime aT at 12.Pos Pos 12 Pos 4 Pos $+ Klay T Ne S- Klay nos . & va va kbs Kb 38 12a 1.206 LK 2K 12h Lm 2 Tp 2TH Ge Ge vet ae 106 axe ie 2 2 iT 219 aor 1G Ge te 40 aR 206 aie Me 3 Pas tet Khe 42 128 12.00 12.K0 12.Hr 34H 127% 12.Pos 3 Por S-Klar 16g NGe Be ver Kb 12kt Le LT 20 5-Klar Loe Nog ve Kos 216 an 43 As 45 Js dstringendo poco poco... . 4 20 2 222 223 224 i = sim 2.7 MF we LA is 1.06 ARE 2.06 2KP 1K Beck 2K) S-Ktr S-Klor J+ detringendo poco » poco. B A Ge Ge Loe NG n a ta vt Kes Kobe 46 12 aA 12.06 12.06 12KL L2KI 12Fe 2M Lat 34M 34M 127 12.7 4 2 Fas 12.3.Pos te S-Klar S-Klay Ge Log Ge nee » Be va vet Kbs 48 - = Adagio (rit) meno mosso J) (atempo) 2 Fad Ke 1 1.206 fr 12K 12 Ate S-Klar ++ Adagio (eit) pepo awa 232 br 3 ac Stich vel Kbe 26 S- Klar ‘Tempo I (d- ws) 1G Ge a vet Kbs uA 1206 Le 5- Klay Kbs L2Ft 12.06 AKI Lg tr 5-Klay vel bs 4 ted meno mosso (J=80) 49 aA La Lae 2A lope Ue Lhe Ta 12H me Ade en Beck ‘S-Klay S-Kev a Ne o arco Ge » a a vel > a vat kor - kbs * Um die. Flageoetone” bei @ in Takt 246 hervorsubringen, drOckt man die vier Tastenbei(d)in Takt 245 autos sider: bei @ wird dn Pedal osgelaties, woraufhin die Flageolendne Rorbat werden, 7) Die Horner dren nicht tur sin als ie Flageoietine 2. Ks 3. Kos 52 Le 1205 ve 2 LT 1K her ‘" Fizg. 2 Por .———— mi em Sch 7 gel a oe 7 tr 5-Kley Le 12%» ‘a 106 apes ao vat S-Klar Lg Pee 1Ge S-klar Ge molto rit. ms ™ » Log 169 vet » Khe vet 54 108 wet Le ob 1K Lie Poe Br vet bs 10» ar a8 Eu ae : ig a La Fs Le 2 Por Be vet 10 Poa Pow fe Pe hop & 58 Pit largo (J=44) Mi S-Klav 5 Klay S-Klav S-Rlar ie ite | Pos 16s 105 a LF 1M Poe S-Klaw 168 16% B 60 ui LK Lg S- Klar 1d 12Fe Lai 4M Pos 3.Por S- Klar 1G Ge vet Adagio (156) aA 120 12K 1 2fe Me Lor Por Adagio (J=56) po Aes H, 10 SS set, Noy t et, » f ve Kos 61 62 63 Tap T Poe # Poco pil mosso aA an 1208 106 nex 208 ake nai hae Me ate 2p hl mn tte 2H ‘te 2 sae Lm Lp Lhe Lp Gg t poco » poco pia: mosso no wie > e ' 1Gg A ee » woe UGs = vet » Kbs ve Kb 64 12t 12.06 wet Ltr 2 BMr Ate Lp 12Pos 3 Por Ne Ge kbs Le 108 Le 7 Je tr LT 16¢ MG & vet be 65 66 unl 1208 1 12K 1206 Le 12K Fe Fe in Fe 2H MMe Bde aM At a 123Pe 12 Tp 123, Pos tae Te me 16s Ge » Nog ve m be ver kbs 68 aut LA 1.2.06 12K Le Fe Lie 2M Ate Air 12.7 123, Pow Te xy Tam Ate ve kbs 1 Fe 1 Pos 2 Pos i Pie Gick oT 164 Ge a ve Kb 309 Pitt largo (J. 44) P Piis largo (1.48) 320 69 70 an ALE 12.KE Lar 12H AKI S- Klas | ee tp 16% 1 Poe HGe t Be va Khe S-Xlay L2H Loe 12.0 Neg Lie a S- Klee vat Rb 1s HG a 1a Lie 2m br ir LTp 21 bPos 2 Pos Pos Te S-Ktay Loe nog ae molto rit, 2 colla parte 2 niga FL Te s- Klas SX fe 8 Ray 73 cry wu ae 1.2.06 Lie 2 Fe S+Klay an in 12.06 12 Slav a iy Commodo, grazivso (J. 60) i. 39 Mo aa re Sar Be wet LA 5. Klee 1Ge Ge a ver Me 1.2.06 12 Fe 5S Kav Log Ge vet 1.2.06 LM LT ary 16x noe bo ver ae as animato Pi mosso (J = 76) us Pits mosso (J+ 76) oo 350 be nF 2.06 Lh LT 279 1g 1Ge ar vor Kbs kin An 12.06 uK 2KI 12 Fe Lm BM 4M Lt. 12, Pos 4. Pos Ta 10g NR vet Khe 2H te te Te 1 Pox 4 Pas Ta 1 Ge Ge a ver Abs ime KILL 80 MAL LA 1206 L2Kt 12 Lie 2M sae a 17. 12 Pot J Pos 363 Hospice 1x Hospice Ne a vr Kos an i 12.06 124K) Log 108 ta Kos 81 we uA 1.2.06 12K 12 aM Am 16¢ noe & Ke kbs a tempo 7) yt a is we 2 ir 4h Te 2Tp S-Klav 1G Noe va Khe ay 83 84 rit... . . . = poco meno mosso (4= 60) ce 300 a a 1k LAL 2FL S-Ktav 2KL poco meno mosso (4 ~ 60) 3, x 8 Li we 2Fe kh 2Hr ahr S-Klar om Te aT LKE 2K) Lae S-Klav itr S-Klaw 1Ge ve Kos hr 86 108 208 1K 2KI Le lie S-Klay meno mosso(d +96) 390 16¢ Gg ve 1KI 2KI Le Le 1.2.Pos S-Klae 1G Noe & ve hs 87 88 12 120 aK 2K Le 2H 3M ae Pas Te S- Klay a tempo (J + 96) 1Ge 1G SAK 168 Ge ve 12K) 1h 1g Ge ve koe 90 Lhe he Lhe $-Klar 1G Ge va kh MA He Ate Klay 1s NG vet Ks poco a poco accel. 1 40 an an sortenuto Cj + 96) “a un nine 2. wn A 1A 1206 10 bar 208 2Kr 12 “ 2K Lite We tn oe ibe om the 2h S-Kon hy Klar Gy fe o va va Ke Abe 94 95 Poco rit. molto mmtenato (J « 76) rit, Tempo l (J +76) os w oo ” “0 > a t i i" 106 10m We vk 12 ie ih 5: Klas Ve 2p un i S- Klas ie poco rit, molto nontenute (J 76) an a6 Tai 12% Ne Ge + Klay » ve va 12K 96 rostenuto poco allargando os 1Kt 1h Mic 2he | S- Kes S-Klar | j vet 1Ge | 0 | ws va be IKI tranquillod +60) 43 0 aL an he 1K Le S- Klas we 1G ¥ MGR tranguillo d+ 60) “0 165 ve NG va Kes 1b 206 12K1 LHe 4m LG Noe vat Tempo 1(d + 76) 12R 1208 12K che 2b aM 4h 16x ae vet kbs 100 101 A wan 12.00 12.06 nat aK 12h Lr 2Fe 2H ir a 4h Jr 12-Por am J Pas Paw T. te S- Klar S- Klar Le Gn Nos nce a * ve Kos ver 102 aso 6 “7 128 1A 12.06 12.08 12K 12K) 12h 12 Lite Li 2h 2H SMe JM 4h lam Ate Jos tp Te 27 12.Pos S-Klas Pos Te 166 S-Kiar Nog G4 o » ve ne kor kts 104 105 tA nm WF 2A 12a hob 1.2.06 2.06 12K LK 1 Fe 2K 12-Hr 1H 14Mr Ate LT — 12 Pos 3 Pos S.Klay ts hee S-Klas ne be 1x ver Noe os bo vet 106 107 aos Stretto tJ 1200 19 i 1K Ve met S-Ktar in . 1 on gos Stretto U- 120) fs LAKE noe a o Le ve 2 Fe Kes Mr 2M a 12 Tip Le Te Sklar S-Klor 16 Ge 1x » Ge “ ” Kbr ve 109 108 wer 12.08 an 10 Sher 12K Leg Lae noe » Lae un ihe " LTp 1208 fe 2 4 Lah Seo oe oe oe aM ‘S-Klav t 4 b. om Lt Lor 128 ror Re noe QS SS SS 5K oe . va te Ge a vel mt 110 12 1.2.06 Sie 12K Ate 12.Fs a lm u 29 ai 1 Poe We Tp 2.Pes J Pos 12.Pos J Por 5. Kar S- Klar 1Ge 16e Ge NG & vet & va kbs Kor 12 12 12.0» A2KI 12 1LHe 54 Me A2Tip 12 Pos 3 Pas S-Klay how NGS a va ahs Lento

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