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uctuc ADVERTISING... a Advertisements are becoming more and mare common in everyday life ts ita positive or negative development? (26.22.2026) . 2.Societies would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no Useful purpose, and can even bbe damaging. Do you agree or disagree? (30.03.2017) naa ANIMAL, 233 2: Many animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land andin sea, What are the reasons and solutions to solve this ise? (25.07.2037) ' 233 4 Some people claim that itis acceptable to ure animals in medical research forthe benefit of human beings, hile other people argue that itis wrong. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (28.04.2033) a4 BUSINESS & MONEY. a5 5.As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree? (25/7/2035) .25, 6.Some people say that increasing business and cultural contacts between countries is a positive development, while others think that many countries will ose their national identities asa result, Discuss both views and give ‘your own opinion. (21.10.2017) 16 7-Some people believe that the aging population is gaod for business, the economy and society. Others, however, disagree with this view. Discuss both views and give your opinion (2.13.2037).. 38 cms. 19 8 Living in big cities is bad for people's health. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (02.03.2034) 29 9.\tis important forall towns and cities to have large public spaces such as squares and parks. Do you agree or gree with this statement? (15.03.2034) 20 s0.In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of the cities and into regional areas. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (26.08.2014) wo 12. major cities in the world are growing today, so do their problems. What are problems for young people who are living inthe cities asthe result of continued growth? How these problems might be solved? (06.09.2024)-.~.22 22. Some people think that ti best to live in a vertical city (people work and live in high buildings), while others think a horizontal city is better, Discuss both views and give your own opinion (06.22.2024). 23 23.In many countries, young people leave rural areas to study or workin cities. What do you think are reasons for this? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (24.22.2033) 24, 24.More and more people in the city live in small space & without outdoor space, Do you thinkit isa negative or positive development? (05.10.2037). 225 25; It is ficult for people living in cities today get enough physical exercise, What are the causes? What can be 26 done to solve the problem? (4.22.2037) CRIME .. 46.Some people who have been in prison become good ctizans later, and its often argued that these are the 227 best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (08.08.2025). 127 17.In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this happening? How should they be punished? (02.08.2014) 28 28 People today do not feel safe either at home or when they are out. What are the causes? What are the solutions? (27.06.2025) 29 29, Some people think that al lawbreakers should be put into prison, while others believe that there are better alternatives. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (26.02.2023) 30 EDUCATION en . 20.In schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts, while boys like science. What are the reasons for this, trend and do you think this tendency should be changed? (24.02.2017). 238 2uMany students find it dfficul to concentrate or pay attention at school. What are the reasons? What could be done? (28/03/2034). 32 22.Many young people who leave schoo! hold a negative attitude towards learning. Why does this happen? What are the solutions? (24.05.2024). . 33 23.Some people think painting and drawing are as important as other subjects, they should be compulsory in the 32 high school education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (20.12.2034). 34 24, Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in ordertto travel orto ‘work. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (28.02.2015) 35 25.Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on their teachers. Others, however, think it will ead to loss of respect and discipline inthe classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (16.05.2025)... 36 26.Students today can easily access information online, so libraries are no longer necessary, Do you agree or disagree? (24.22.2015). 2.Some people think that studying from the past teaches Us nothing abovt today’ Ife, Others argue that history is valuable source of information. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (20.09.2016) 28..tis observed that in many countries not enough students are choosing to study science subject. What are causes? And what will be effects on society? (39.05.2036).. 39 2In sore countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. n others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. Which of these two systems is more appropriate in today's world? (08.20.2035). 30. The government should invest more money in teaching science than in other subjects for a country’s development and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree? . nn 31.Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus. Do you think ths is a positive or negative development? (07.02.2027) 32.In developing countries, children in rural communities have less access to education. Some people believe that ‘the problem can be solved by providing more schools and teachers, while athers think that the problem can be solved by providing computers and Internet access. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (22.05 2036)43, 33.In some countries, parents expect their children to spend a long time studying both in and after school and have less free time, What are the positive and negative effects that this could have on children and the society ‘they live in? (32.03) 44 34 Some people think that children should start school at a very early age, but others believe that they should rot go to school until they are older. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. (413.2037). 45 35.Some people believe that studying in a college or university isthe best way for students to prepare for their future career. Others, however, think they should leave school as soon as possible to develop their career through work experience. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (09.03.2033). 46 36.Students learn far more with their teachers than other sources (the internet or television), To what extent do you agree or disagree? (28.10.2017) 47 ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY... a7-The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cast of fuel, De you agree or disagree?(25.03.2017) 37 38 40 48 48 38-The consumption of the world's resources (oil, and water etc) is increasing at a dangerous rate. What are causes and solutions? (a4, 2.2035). 50 39.Due to increasing world demands for ol and gas energy, people need to look for new sources of energy in remote and untouched natural places. Do advantages of locating these sources outweigh the disadvantages? (28.06.2014) 52 40. Fossil fuels (coal, ol, natural gas) are the main sources in many countries, but in some countries the use of alternative sources of energy (wind energy and solar energy) is encouraged. To what extent do you think itis a positive or negative development? (24.09.2036). 52 f:1 Some people think that miclesr energy is better then other sources of power for meting ever increasing global needs. To what extent do you agree? (07.09.2033) .. 53 FAMILY & CHILDREN. st 42.Parents often give children everything they ask for and do what they like. sit good for children? What are the consequences when they grow up? (25.05.2017) 5h 43:tn recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. What types of changes are occuring? Do you think these changes are positive and negative? (05.03.2036). 55 ‘sos Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life, What are the reasons? Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? (21.04.2036) sn 4s.Nowadays, as women and men have to work fulltime, household duties should be equally divided. Do you agree or disagree? (10.05.2024). {6.itis better for college students tolive in schools than lve at home with their parents, Do you agree or disagree? (12.02.2027). «7 Some people think that families have the most powerful influence ona child's development, while others think other factors such as television, friends, music, etc have biggest effects, Discuss both views and give your opinion. (25.06.2013) .. 59 18:People in many counties are spending less tie with their fara, What are the reasons, and effect of this? (a2.23.2027). 60 ‘49-Caring for children is important in any society. Al pacents should be required to take childcare courses. TO 56 $7 58 what extent do you agree or disagree? (29.02.2013) 6 FOOD &oIET.. 63 se-Every day, millions of tons of food are wasted ll over the world. Why do you think this is happening? And Row can we solve this problem? (24.07.2036), 63 51.Research has shown that overeating is as harmful as smoking. Therefore, the advertising of certain food products should be banned in the same way as the advertising of cigarettes in some countries. To what extent do ‘you agree or disagree? (15.09.2036) 6% 52..nmany countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather than food produced locally. ‘Why do people buy imported food? What could be done to encourage people to buy local food? (29.20.2036)... 65 GOVERNMENT SPENDING 66 53.In many countries, the government is spending a large amount of money improving internet access. Why isi happening and do you think tis the most appropriate use of government money? (26.07.2016). 65 '5.Some people think that the government should give financial support to artists such as musicians, painters and poets, Others think that its a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion, (29.08.2035) s55.In the futur, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should be spent. researching other planets, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? (26.04.2026). 67 56.As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that the user should cover the costs. Discuss and give ‘your opinion. (03.06.2037), HEALTH, 70 '57-Some people think that ood health every important to every person, s0 medial services should nat be ran by profit-making companies, Do the advantages of private healthcare outweigh the disadvantages. (06.05.2027) '58.Some people think that the government have the duty to ensure its citizens to have ahealthy diet, while others argue itis the responsibility of each individual, Discuss both views and give your opinion? (39.07.2034) 72 59-Some people think it is more important for the government to spend public money promoting healthy lifestyles in order to prevent liness than to spend it on the treatment of people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (25.06.2036) n SPORTS & EXERCISE, n 60.Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (28.03.2037) n TECHNOLOGY 75 62. The news media have become too much influencial in people's lives today and this is @ negative development -Towhat extent do you agree or disagree? (25.22.2027) “75 662.Many people think modem communication technology is having some negative effects on social relationships. Do you agree or disagree. (26.02.2027)... 76 63.Some people say that young people learn useful sills by playing electronic and computer games. Others, however, say that young people who play electronic and computer games are wasting their time. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (27.12.2036) -78 64,Some people think that children can lean more efciently by watching TV. Therefore, children should watch TV regularly both in school and at home? Do you agree or disagree?. (17.05.2014). -79 65.Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones in communication has negative effects on young people's reading and writing skills To what extent do you agree or disagree? (28.03.2015) «80 66. There have been many inventions in human history, such as wheels. Some people think that the Internet is ‘the most important invention. To what extend do you agree or disagree? (34.20.2037) 82 THE MEDIA ses 82 67-Some people sy that we do not need printed newspapers any more. To what extent do you agree or disagree 82 ‘with this opinion? (29.22.2036)... TOURISM & TRAVELLING... 83 68.Space travel has been possible for sometime and some people believe that space tourism could be developed inthe future. Do you think it isa positive or negative development: (27.06.2037) 83 69.{tis now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remate natural environment, such as South Pole. Do 84, the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? (29.01.2035). ‘70.Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why is this the case and ‘what can be done to attract more local people to visit these places? (07.02.2015) -72.More people than ever before are travelling to other countries now. Why? ls this a positive or negative 8s development? (20.22.2036) 86 TRANSPORT. 88 72.The best way for governments to solve the problem of traffic congestion is providing free public transport in 24 hours per day, and seven days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (09.03.2034) 88 -73-Some people believe the government should spend money building train and subway lines to reduce traffic congestion, Others, however, think that building more and wider roads is a better way to reduce traffic congestion, Discuss bath views and give your opinion. (20.02.2036) 89 ‘7h. More and more people do not ride the bicycle as a mode of transportation even though it has many benefits ‘Why? How to encourage people to use bicycles as a main form of transport? (23.08.2036), 90 -75.Scientists predict in the near future cars will be driven by computers, not people. Why? Do you think it isa positive or negative development? (24.06.2037) on work 2 76.Leaders and directors in organizations are often older people. Some people say that younger leaders would be better. Do you agree or disagree? (10.01.2035) 2 _77-Isit better to be unemployed in obs rather than to be employed in jobs even if they dontt feel happy or enjoy. Do you agree or disagree? (02.13.2024)... “93 78.Some people think that work is the most important thing of people's life. Without a succesful career, fe will become meaningless. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (10.03.2033) vw. “94 79-Some people think that people who choose a job early and keep doing it are more likely to get a satisfying career life than those who frequently change jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (22.04.2027). OTHER TOPICS... 98 f0,Nowadays young people spend too much of ther fee time in shopping malls Some people fear that this may have negative effects on young people and the society they live in, To what extent do you agree or disagree? (23.01.2037) 82.Some people think that developing countries need financial help from international organizations. Others think that itis practical aid and advice that is needed. Discuss these views and give your own opinion. (04.03.2027) . . 62, More and more young peaple from wealthy countries are spending a shor time doing unpaid werk such as teaching and building houses for communities in poorer countries, What are the reasons for this? Who benefits 95 96 -98 ‘more from this, the communities or these young people? (27.02.2016) 00 '83.Some people think that itis good for a country's culture to import foreign movies and TV programmes. Others ‘think that itis better to produce these locally. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (12.03.2036). 02 184, Many people say the gap between rich and poor people is wider, as rich people become richer and poor people grow poorer. What problems could this situation cause and what measures can be done to address those problems? (30.07.2036). 304 85.In many countries, people now wear Western clothes (suits, jeans) rather than traditional clothing. Why? Is this a positive or negative development? (04.08.2036), 205 '86,Some people believe that people who read books can develop more imagination and language skills than ‘those who prefer to watch TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (05.02.2033). 306 87. When designing a building, the function is normally more important than the outward appearance. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? (24.03.2033) 307 88,People nowadays are encouraged to buy more and more consumer products, Some people think that tis {900d for the economy, while others believe that this development will damage the society as a whole. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (06.06.2013) 308 89, Some people tink hatin the modem world we are more dependent on eachother, while others think that people have become more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion, (24:08.2033) wsnn-49 ‘90. Some people think that the supply of fresh water should be strictly controlled by governments as the resources are limited. While others think we can use as much water as we want. Discuss bath views and give your opinion. (28.09.2033). 7 92. Economic progress is often used to measure a country's success. However, some people believe that other factors are more important. What other factors should also be considered when measuring a country's success? Do you think one factor is more important than others? (12.20.2033). aaa 92.Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language. Do you think this is a positive or negative social development? (20.04.2037) 23 93- Scientific research should be cartied out and contrlled by the governments rather than private companies Do you agree or disagree? (3/2/2038). 314 c%-More and more people want to own famous brands of cars, clothers and other items, What are the reasons for this? Is this a negative or postive trend? (33.22.2033), xs 495.Some people think that there should be some strict controls about noise Others think that they could make as much noise as they want. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (37.03.2035).. 336 96.In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that the government should have the responsibility to solve this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this iew?. (26.08.2027). a7 47: Whether or not someone achieves ther aims is mostly by a question of luck To what extent do you agree or disagree? (07.22.2035). : a8 8. There isa general increace in anti-social behaviors and lack of respect for others. What are the causes and solutions? (05.32.2035)... 20 99. People should follow the customs and traditions when people start to live in a new country. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (12.22.2035). . . aa 200. The restoration of old buildings in major cities throughout the world invalves enormous government expenditure. This money would bring more benefits fits used to provide new housing and roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (27.07.2023) an PHAN UPDATE .. 223 101.These days, people in some countries are livin in a “throwaway” society which means people use things in a short time and then throw them away. Why is t happening and what problems could this cause? (20.04.2028) 223, 102. Some people think that it is more beneficial to take partin sports which are played in teams, like football, while other people think that taking partin individual sports, like tennis or swimming, is better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (06/03/2038) 335 1203. Nowadays, some employers think that formal academic qualifications are more important than life experience or personal qualities when they look for new employees. Why is it the case? Ista positive or negative development? (24/2/2038) 327 4104, Some people think that newly built houses should follow the style of old houses in local areas. Others think ‘that people should have freedom to build houses of their own style. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (03/03/2028) 129 205, Some people believe thatt is more important to teach children the iterature oftheir own county than other countries. Do you agree or disagree? (15/03/2028) a32 206. In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we sll great value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot? (24/04/2028). 233 307. Research shows that business meetings, discussions and training are happening online nowadays. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (2o/oa/2028) 235 208. People living in large cities today face many problems in their everyday life. What are these problems? Should governments encourage people to move to smaller regional towns? (33/02/2028) 336 8 109. Many people think that the government should spend money on space exploration, while others think that itis a waste of public money. Discuss both views and give your own opinion 337 110, More and more schools allow fastfood restaurant to sell their products to their students. Ista positive or a negative development? 238

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