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A N o


Aim experiment: To study the dependence of potential difference (V) across resistor on the curent ()
of the
passing through it and determine its resistance. Also plota graph between Vand I.
Apparatus required: An unknown resistance, a dc voltmeter, adc ammeter, a one way key, connecting wires, a
battery eliminator/battery,rheostat. (Device used to regulate the current the circuit)
done in
potential difference between two points with an electric field is defined as the amount
of work
moving a unit positive charge from one
point to another point.
Potential Diffcrence- Work done/Quantity
of charge transferred.
S.Iunit is Volt
Measurement of Voltage and current:
To Measure the current in a ampere we use a device called Ammeter denoted as(A) to be connected in series

The device uscod for measuringVoltage is called Voltmeterto be coanected in parallel

Step 1:
Find the least count ofthe instrument Least count is equal to any value on the scale divided by total po.
ofdivisions on the scale of the instrument. (Magnitude ofone division ofthe scale)
Step 2:Check for zero error in the instrument in offcircuit (i.e) the pointer should stay on the zero mark on the
scale ofthe ammeter. Ifthere is any zero error, adjust the pointer at zero mark with the help ofadjusting screw.

Resistance ofa conductor:

The property of a conductordue to which opposes the flow ofcurent through it is called resistance.

Resistance Potential Diference/Current

Ohm's law: Ohm's law gives the relationship between current and potential difference. It states that at
constant temperature the curent flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to potential difference across
its ends.

V=IR, R-VAohm
Where Ris a constant called resistance ofthe conductor. The valueof thisconstant depends upon the nature of
length, area ofcross section and the temperature ofthe conductor.
Circult diagram

I. Arangethe various components of thecircuit in the same manner as shown in the
he circuit
circuit ddiagram.

2. Rubthe ends ofthe wire with a help ofa sand paper and clean the different terminals.
3. Take out the plug from the one way key and make a neat and tight connections as shown in the cireuis

diagram using connectingwires of shortest possible length.

4. Make sure that making connection positively marked terminals of ammeter and voltmeter are joined to
the positive teminals of the battery.

S. Note the least count oftheammeter as wellas the voltmeter.

6. Comnect the rheostat (variable resistance) such that one ofits lower teminals and the upper terminals are

7. the key.Adjust the sliding contact ofthe rheostat so as to pass small current in the circuit.
Put the plug in
See that both ammeter and voltmeter show full divisions of readings and not in fraction key should be
switched off immediately after taking reading to avoid heating.
8. Notethevalue ofpotential difference () from Voltmeter and current ) from ammeter
9. Shit the rheostat contact, so that the current in the circuit is increased. Note the readings ofvoltmeter and

10. Take at least six sets of such observations.

11. Plota graph taking I on X axis and V on Y axis


Rangeofammeter A, Range ofVoltmeter.

Zero e o r A, Zero emor ofVoltmeter-
ofammeter V
Least count ofammcter= A, Least countof Voltmeter- V

S.No Voltmeter Reading (Volt Ammeter Reading (A) R-VA (Ohm)

.The connections should be neat and clean.
2. The connections should be tight.
3. Wires ofsmall length should be used to make connections.
4. Alowresistance rheostat should be used.
5. Current should be passed only for the time an observation is to be taken.

within experimental error. Hence Current is
R N It is found that the ratio VI is constant

proportional to voltage.

From the gaph, R=

Aim: To determine the equivalent resistance of two resistors when connected in series.

Apparatus required: Two different resistances (R, &R), adc voltmeter, a de ammeter, a one way key, connecting wires
a battery eliminator/battery, rheostat.

Circuit diagram


Theory: Two resistances are said to be in series ifthey are connected end to end. In such a case same curent

lows through the resistors. Equivalent resistance Rs is given by

Where RI ANDR2 are the individual resistances ofthe respectiveresistance used in series combination

Arange the various components ofthe cireunit in the same manner as showa in the cireuit diagram.

2. Rub the ends ofthe wire with ahelp ofa sand paper and clean the difierent terminals.
3. Takceoutthe plug from the one waykey and make aneat and tight connections as shown in the circuitdiagram
using connecting wires of'shortestpossible length
Make sure that making connections positively marked terminals of ammeter and voltmeter are joined to the
positive terminals of the battery.

5. Note the least count ofthe ammeter as well as the voltmeter.

terminals are
6. Connect the rheostat (variable resistance) such that one of its lower terminals and the upper

7. Take tworesistors ofresistancesR,and R,.Connect the two resistors in series one afer the other
so asto
pass small current in the circu
Put the plug in the key. Adjust
the sliding contact
of the rheostat not in fraction.
8. show füll divisions ofreadings
ammeter and voltmeter
that both
Voltmeter and current () from ammeter.
difference (V) from
9. Note the value ofpotential of voltmeter and
so that the current in the circuit is increased. Note the readings
10. Shift the rheostat contact,

1. Take ateast three sets ofsuch


Range ofammeter. _A, Range of Voltmeter=.

Least count ofammeter A, Least count of Voltmeter _

Zeroerrorofammeter= A, Zero eror ofVoltmeter= V

Voltmeter Reading (Volt) Ammeter Reading (A) R-VA (Ohm)



1. The connections should beneat and clean.
2. The connections should be tight.
3. Wires of small length should be used to make connections and insulations at the tips removed
4. Alow resistance rheostat should be used.
5. Current should be passed only for the time an observation is to be taken.
Passing excessive current may cause heating of the resistor and subsequent change in the value of its


a) The value ofeffective resistance R=

( m xennt)
b) By calculation effective resistance is
resistance is verified.
(R1+R2) =_ The law of series combination of
ment No. 3 DATE:


Alm: To determinc the equivalent resistance oftwo

resistors when comnected in Parallel.
Apparatus required: Two different resistances (R, & R,), a de voltmeter, a de ammeter, a one way key,
onnecting wires, a batery ecliminator/battery, theostat.
Circuit diagram


Theery: Two resistances are said to be in parallel ifone cnd ofeach resistor is consested toacommon point Aand
the other end ofthe resistor is connected to another common point B. In such acase potential diference across each
resistance is the same. The Equivalent resistance Rp in parallel connection is given by
1/Rp- 1/R,+1/R,
or RpR,

Where RI AND R2 are the individual resistances of the respective resistance used in parallel combination.

1. Amnge the various componentsof the circuit in the same manneras shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Rubthe ends of the wire with a help ofa sand paper and clean the different terminals.
3. Take out the plug from the one way key and make a neat and tight connections as shown in the circuit
diagram using connecting wiresofshortest possible length.
4. Make sure that making connection positively marked terminals of ammeter and volumeter are joined to
the positive terminals of the battery

5. Note the least count ofthe ammeter as weii u he vcltmeter

6. Connect the rheostat (variable resistance) such that one of its lower terminals and the upper terminals are

. Take two resistors ofresintances R,and R,.Connect the two resistors ia parallel one after the other.

& Put the plug in the key. Adjust the sliding contact of the rheostat so as to pass small curent in the circuit.
See that both ammeter and voltmeter show full divisions of readings and not in fraction.
Voltmeter a n d
t n n

difference (V) from

9. Note the value of potential
circuit is increased.
Note of vo-
the readings of voiumeie
the current in the
Shift the rheostat contact, so that
ofsuch observations
11.Takeatleast three sets

Range ofammeter A, Range ofVoltmeter=

Least count of ammeter= A, Least count of Voltmeter=

Zero error ofammeter=. A, Zero error of Voltmeter-_ V

Voltmeter Reading (Volt)9 Ammeter Reading (A) R=VI (Ohm)


1. The connections should be neat and clean.
2. The connections should be tight.
3. Wires of small length should be used to make connections and the insulation at the tips removd
4. Alowresistance rheostat should be used.
5. Current sbould be passedonly for the time an observation is to be taken.

6. curent through the current. This may cause heating of the resistance and
Do not pass excessive
subsequence change in R value


a) Byexperiment, effectiveresistance R=
b) Bycalculation, efective resistance R=R, R. Qwithin the limits of experimental error, the

cxperiment value and the calculated value of effective resistance are equal. Thus, the law of parallal
ombination is verified.

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