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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in

Grade 8 Health 4th Quarter

Hinaplanon National High
School Date: Feb. 27, 2019
I.   Objectives
At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

a.   Identify cigarettes as gateway drugs.

b.   Analyze the implications of cigarette smoking.

c.   Enumerate strategies in the prevention and control of cigarette smoking. .

II.  Subject Matter:

Topic: Prevention and Substance abuse Use and Abuse ( Cigarettes)

References:  http

Materials: Laptop, Projector.

III. Pr ocedure
A.   Motivation
  Show some picture about the that tells the percentage of

chances by smoking in the Philippines .

  Video that shows nicotine from smoking

cigarette B.  Lesson Proper

  Cigarettes as gateway drugs

  Diseases cause by cigarettes

  Kinds of cigarettes smoke and its chemicals

  Anti-smoking campaigns

IV.   Evaluation
Short Quiz
1. Cigarette smoking primarily affects the RESPIRATORY system.

2. Examples of gateway drugs are CIGARETTES and ALCOHOL


4. NICOTINE is the addictive chemical in smokeless tobacco and cigarettes.

5. NI COTI ANA TABACUM OR COMMON TOBACCO is a plant whose leaves can be rolled in

a cigar or pipe and can be smoked.

6. A kind of smoke emitted by cigarettes which smokers directly inhale is called MAI NSTR E



are drugs non-drug-users might try out and can lead to trying more
dangerous ones.

8. DRUG TOLE RANCE is the abnormal strong craving for and dependence on something that
 psychologically or physically habit-forming like cigarette smoking and alcohol use.

9. The Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 is also known as RE PUBLI C ACT 9211 or R .A. 9211.

10. LUNG CANCER is a malignant growth of cells in the lungs due to cigarette smoking.

V.   Assignment

List down alcoholic beverages and its alcohol contain.

Jeriel B. Seguido
Teacher - II

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