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6. Negrini D and Del Fabbro M. Subatmospheric pressure in the rabbit Valdez L, Sznajder JI, and Selman M.

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pleural lymphatic network. J Physiol (Lond) 520: 761–769, 1999. in rat lungs by subacute hyperoxia: pathogenetic implications. Am J Pathol
7. Negrini D, Gonano C, and Miserocchi G. Microvascular pressure profile 153: 833–844, 1998.
in intact in situ lung. J Appl Physiol 72: 332–339, 1992. 12. Passi A, Negrini D, Albertini R, De Luca G, and Miserocchi G. Involvement
8. Negrini D, Passi A, De Luca G, and Miserocchi G. Proteoglycan involve- of lung interstitial proteoglycans in development of hydraulic- and elastase-
ment during development of lesional pulmonary edema. Am J Physiol induced edema. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 275: L631–L635, 1998.
Lung Cell Mol Physiol 274: L203–L211, 1998. 13. Passi A, Negrini D, Albertini R, Miserocchi G, and De Luca G. The sensi-
9. Negrini D, Passi A, De Luca G, and Miserocchi G. Pulmonary interstitial tivity of versican from rabbit lung to gelatinase A (MMP-2) and B (MMP-9)
pressure and proteoglycans during development of pulmonary edema. Am and its involvement in the development of hydraulic lung edema. FEBS
J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 270: H2000–H2007, 1996. Lett 456: 93–96, 1999.
10. Nettelblandt O, Tengblad A, and Hällgren R. Lung accumulation of 14. Woessner JF. Matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in connective
hyaluronan parallels pulmonary edema in experimental alveolitis. Am J tissue remodeling. FASEB J 5: 2145–2154, 1991.
Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 257: L379–L384, 1989. 15. Zwinkler MP, Iancu D, and Michel RP. Effects of pulmonary fibrosis on the
11. Pardo A, Barrios R, Maldonado V, Melendez J, Perez J, Ruiz V, Segura- distribution of edema. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 149: 1276–1285, 1994.

Brain Glucose Transporters: Relationship to Local

Energy Demand
Roman Duelli and Wolfgang Kuschinsky

Glucose, the major fuel in the brain, is transported across the cell membranes by facilitated diffusion
mediated by glucose transporter proteins. Essentially two types of glucose transporters are localized
in the membranes of brain endothelial cells, astrocytes, and neurons. Their densities are well
adjusted to changes in local energy demand.

T he importance of membrane transport proteins for the ade-

quate supply of the cells with nutrients becomes more and
more evident. In this review, we will focus on the main glucose
vitro results in a reduction of glucose transfer across brain
cell membranes to <5% of control values, indicating that glu-
cose transporters mediate >95% of the glucose transfer to the
transporter proteins in the brain, Glut1 and Glut3. Their expres- brain. Besides pharmacological inhibition, a defective func-
sion and regulation during physiological and pathophysiologi- tion of glucose transporters may also cause a reduced glu-
cal conditions have recently been extensively analyzed. cose transport to the brain. The defective function of glucose
transporter Glut1 has been demonstrated in infants (14).
Either of two genetic mutations, hemizygosity or nonsense
Importance of glucose transporters for glucose transport
mutations, results in severe deteriorations of brain metabo-
across cell membranes
lism and function. These infants suffer from seizures, delayed
Glucose is an essential metabolic substrate of all mam- development, and acquired microcephaly. If the disease is
malian cells. It is taken up into cells by facilitated diffusion, properly diagnosed, the symptoms can be attenuated by a
which is mediated by members of the glucose transporter ketogenic diet that allows, to a certain extent, ketone bodies
family. Therefore, glucose transporters can be found in the to replace glucose as a fuel. These ketone body nutrients are
cell membranes of all mammalian cells. More than any other transported into the cells by specific transport proteins, the
organ, the brain is entirely dependent on a continuous sup- monocarboxylate transporters (MCT).
ply of glucose from the circulation since glucose is almost the
sole substrate for energy metabolism. Ketone bodies can be
Glucose transporter isoforms in the different organs
used as an additional substrate when their plasma concen-
tration is increased. The existence of the blood-brain barrier, Glucose transporter proteins can be divided into two large
which comprises tight junctions between the endothelial classes, the sodium-dependent and the facilitative glucose
cells, necessitates the transcellular transport of glucose from transporters. The sodium-dependent isoforms mediate the
the blood to the brain through the luminal and abluminal transport of glucose against a concentration gradient. The dri-
membranes of the brain endothelial cells (2). This transport is ving force is the flux of sodium along an electrochemical gra-
stereospecific for D-glucose. Pharmacological inhibition of dient that is directed opposite to the transport of glucose.
glucose transporter function by substances like phloretin in Such sodium-dependent glucose transporters can be found in
the kidney and other organs. Their existence in the brain has
not been convincingly demonstrated. In contrast to the
R. Duelli and W. Kuschinsky are in the Department of Physiology and Patho- sodium-dependent isoforms, the facilitative glucose trans-
physiology, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany. porters can only support the flux of glucose along an existing
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TABLE 1. The facilitative glucose transporter family
joint predecessor may even encompass additional transport
proteins, such as MCTs; glucose transporters and MCTs share
Glut Isoform Tissue Location Comments
a common molecular arrangement in the cell membrane. The
Glut1 Most mammalian cells, 45- and 55-kDa isoforms transport proteins contain 12-membrane-spanning domains,
especially blood-tissue Medium Km value (5–10 mM)
and their COOH terminal and NH2 terminal ends are located
barriers, brain
endothelial cells, on the cytoplasmic side of the cell membrane.
glial cells
Glut2 Liver, pancreas High Km (20–40 mM)
Glut3 Neurons Low Km (1–5 mM) Glucose transporter isoforms in the brain
Glut4 Fat, skeletal muscle, Insulin sensitive
Which types of glucose transporters exist in the brain? Fig-
Glut5 Intestine, brain microglia Fructose transporter ure 1 shows the different types. The main glucose transporters
Glut7 Liver Endoplasmic reticulum in the brain are Glut1 and Glut3. Of these, Glut1 exists in two
Km, Michaelis-Menten constant. isoforms of different molecular weights. The 55-kDa isoform is
located at the luminal and the abluminal membranes of the
brain endothelial cells (7), whereas the 45-kDa isoform is
expressed in the perivascular endfeet of the surrounding astro-
concentration gradient for glucose. Among these sodium- cytes (11). The higher molecular weight of the 55-kDa isoform
independent transporters, six functional isoforms have been is due to the existence of a glycosylation site at the first extra-
identified and characterized so far. Their more-or-less organ- cellular loop of the membrane-spanning molecule of Glut1.
specific distribution is outlined in Table 1. Whether this difference in glycosylation between the
The amino acid sequence of each Glut isoform is nearly endothelial and astrocytic isoforms is of functional signifi-
identical when different species are compared. For example, cance is not known. Another feature of Glut1 is its uneven dis-
Glut1 is >95% identical between different mammalian species tribution between the cytoplasm and the luminal and the
(10). In addition to the high conservation of each Glut isoform abluminal membranes of the endothelial cells, as demon-
during evolution, comparing the amino acid sequence of the strated by electron microscopy. The fractional distribution of
six glucose transporter isoforms seems to indicate that all glu- Glut1 to the cytoplasm and to the cell membranes of the
cose transporters originated from a joint predecessor. An iden- endothelial cells is shown schematically in Fig. 2 (1, 7).
tity of 39-65% can be found within a given species. Such a Although the fractional distribution varies between different

FIGURE 1. Location of the different glucose transporter isoforms in the brain. Glut1 is abundant in its 55-kDa isoform in the endothelial cells, whereas the 45-
kDa isoform is expressed in astrocytes. Glut3 is the neuronal glucose transporter. Only traces of other Glut isoforms are found in the brain; of these, Glut4 has
been detected in distinct neuronal populations and Glut5 in microglia.

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FIGURE 2. Cellular distribution of Glut1 in the luminal and abluminal membranes of brain endothelial cells. Although differences exist between species, the small-
est fraction of Glut1 is generally found in the cytoplasm and the largest fraction at the abluminal membrane. The lower Glut1 content at the luminal membrane
may be due to the comparably high glucose concentration at this membrane, which is close to the plasma concentration.

species, the lowest density of Glut1 molecules is preferentially Using antibodies and autoradiography, local heterogeneities
found in the cytoplasm and the highest density in the ablumi- could be found for Glut1 and Glut3. The concentrations var-
nal membrane. Whether this fractional distribution of Glut1 in ied by a factor of two for both Glut1 and Glut3. Thus the
the brain is fixed over longer time periods or whether these autoradiographic techniques have shown a heterogeneous
glucose transporters can be redistributed between the cyto- distribution of Glut1 and Glut3 in the brain.
plasm and the abluminal or luminal membranes is not known.
An acute redistribution of glucose transporters within the cell
Correlation between glucose transporter densities and
has been found for Glut4 in skeletal muscle and fat tissue
capillary density
under the influence of insulin. Besides the two Glut1 iso-
forms, Glut3 is of major importance for the transport of glu- What could be the cause of the heterogeneous distribution
cose within the brain. The low Michaelis-Menten constant of glucose transporters in the brain? Two possibilities should
value of Glut3 facilitates a continuous supply of glucose to the be considered. One possibility is that the density of glucose
neurons even at low interstitial glucose concentrations. Traces transporters reflects the distribution of capillaries. An uneven
of other isoforms of glucose transporters could be detected in distribution of capillary densities was found in the brain dur-
specific brain cells. Of these isoforms, Glut5 fructose trans- ing previous studies by our group. Capillary densities of dif-
porters have been detected in brain microglia and Glut4 glu- ferent brain structures are directly related to their local blood
cose transporters in specific neuronal cell populations. The flow. Brain structures in which resting blood flow is high have
regional distribution pattern of Glut4 in the brain appears to a high capillary density and vice versa. Thus the morpholog-
correspond to that of insulin receptors and of insulin-contain- ical basis of the different flow values in different brain struc-
ing cells, indicating the possibility of Glut4 regulation by tures is the amount of perfused capillaries per volume of
insulin in the brain as well. Recently, a novel glucose trans- brain tissue. This direct relationship between blood flow and
porter has been described and has been named GlutX1 (8). capillary morphology is based on a continuous perfusion of
Glucose transporters of the type GlutX1 have only one-third capillaries under normal conditions. In contrast to previous
homology with Glut1–5. GlutX1 mRNA has been detected in assumptions of nonperfused capillaries and capillary recruit-
several brain structures and some other organs, like testis, ment, it is now generally accepted that all capillaries are per-
adrenal gland, liver, and lung. fused in the brain under normal, nonischemic conditions,
although at different velocities. Therefore, glucose is taken up
from all capillaries by the glucose transporters. Glucose
Heterogeneous distribution of glucose transporters in
transporters are associated with blood vessels since Glut1 is
the brain
located in the capillary wall (55-kDa isoform) and close to
The brain is a heterogeneous organ with respect to cell capillaries (45-kDa isoform). Comparison of Glut1 density
density and functional activation. Does this heterogeneity and capillary density shows a close correlation between local
also apply for the distribution of glucose transporters? A Glut1 density and local capillary density when plotted for the
method was developed that allows us to detect the distribu- different brain structures. Thus capillary density is a major
tion of Glut1 and Glut3 densities in different brain regions. determinant of Glut1 density in the brain.
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apparently have been adjusted to the local metabolic
demand of the different brain structures. The time course of
this long term adjustment was investigated by using several
types of experiments in which either the local metabolic
rate for glucose or the plasma glucose concentration was
changed over several days. To stimulate various brain regions
chronically, rats obtained a continuous infusion of a nicotine
solution for 1 wk. Under these conditions, local glucose uti-
lization is chronically increased in specific brain structures.
Moreover, glucose transporter densities of Glut1 and Glut3
showed a distinct increase only in brain structures with an
elevated local cerebral glucose utilization. Thus the density
of glucose transporters can be chronically raised in specific
brain regions as a response to an enhanced metabolic rate for
glucose. The increase in the local densities of glucose trans-
FIGURE 3. Correlation between glucose transporter densities and local cere- porters (mean +19%) is paralleled by an increase in local
bral glucose utilization. A close correlation (r = 0.78, P < 0.01) between both
cerebral glucose utilization (mean +15%). The close correla-
glucose transporter isoforms and the local cerebral glucose utilization can be
demonstrated. tion between Glut1 or Glut3 densities and local cerebral glu-
cose utilization shown for control conditions was maintained
during nicotine infusion (6).
Correlation between local glucose transporter densities Additional local activation studies confirmed these con-
and local cerebral glucose utilization clusions. In these studies, rats were water deprived for 3 days
to stimulate the osmoregulatory system of the brain. Under
As a second possibility, the heterogeneous distribution of these conditions, the densities of glucose transporters Glut1
glucose transporters in the brain could be related to the local and Glut3 increased in parallel to the increased local cere-
glucose utilization. In this case, the different rates of glucose bral glucose utilization in some of the osmoregulatory struc-
utilization in different brain structures would be reflected in tures. In this case, the increase in the transporter densities in
differing densities of Glut1 and Glut3. This possibility was these structures (mean Glut1 +26%, mean Glut3 +39%) was
tested by using immunoautoradiography to detect Glut1 or lower than the increase in local cerebral glucose utilization
Glut3 and the 2-[14C]deoxyglucose method to determine local (mean +85%). Both types of studies, nicotine infusion and
cerebral glucose utilization. For different brain structures, the water deprivation (3), as well as studies by Vannucci et al.
local values of glucose utilization were related to the local dis- (17), indicate a moderate long term local upregulation of
tribution of the glucose transporter proteins Glut1 and Glut3. glucose transporters as a response to increased local cere-
A positive correlation could be shown between the local bral glucose utilization.
densities of Glut1 and local cerebral glucose utilization as
well as the local densities of Glut3 and local cerebral glucose
Regulation of glucose transporter expression in the
utilization, as shown in Fig. 3 (5). The most likely explanation
brain: chronic inactivation
for these results is that the local cerebral glucose utilization
determines the local densities of both glucose transporters, Whereas these experiments had shown an upregulation of
Glut1 and Glut3. In addition, the local cerebral glucose uti- glucose transporters, it remained to be shown whether a
lization also determines the local capillary densities in the chronic decrease in glucose utilization in specific brain struc-
different brain structures. The stimulus for the varying expres- tures is followed by a selective decrease of glucose trans-
sion of glucose transporters is not known. Besides the local porter densities. The visual system was chosen as an example
glucose utilization, the local oxygen consumption in the dif- of a chronic deprivation of a functional system in the brain.
ferent brain structures may be relevant. Because of the normally Unilateral visual deprivation was induced by monocular enu-
fixed stoichiometric relationship between oxygen consump- cleation in rats. After 1 wk, the contralateral structures of the
tion and glucose utilization (6 mol oxygen/1 mol glucose), it visual system were analyzed for the densities of glucose
is not possible to differentiate between the impact that each transporters Glut1 and Glut3 and for local cerebral glucose
of these two parameters has as a local stimulus of glucose utilization. Since >90% of the afferent fibers from the retina
transporter expression. cross in the chiasma in the rat, the ipsilateral structures of the
visual system served as controls. During chronic visual depri-
vation, Glut1 and Glut3 densities and local cerebral glucose
Regulation of glucose transporter expression in the
utilization were moderately decreased in some structures of
brain: chronic activation
the visual system (mean Glut1 –1%, mean Glut3 –7%, mean
The correlations between the local densities of Glut1 or local cerebral glucose utilization –14%). Primary visual
Glut3 and local cerebral glucose utilization had been deter- structures receiving direct retinal projections (dorsal lateral
mined in rats under normal experimental conditions. The cor- geniculate nucleus, superior colliculus layer I-III) were more
relations indicate that the densities of glucose transporters affected than secondary structures that receive no direct
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retinal input (e.g., visual cortex). Thus glucose transporters increase of Glut3 density occurs between days 14 and 21. At
can be moderately downregulated as a consequence of a day 30, ~90% of adult Glut3 levels are attained (16).
lowered metabolic rate for glucose (4).
Mechanisms of glucose transporter regulation
Regulation of glucose transporter expression in the
The regulation of glucose transporter expression appears to
brain: chronic hypoglycemia
occur at the transcriptional, posttranscriptional, and post-
Another approach to the question of whether glucose trans- translational levels. The genomic sequence of Glut1 consists
porters can be up- and downregulated is to measure the den- of ~35,000 base pairs, of which the promotor region contains
sities of glucose transporters during chronic changes in the several elements for transcription factors. For an example of
plasma glucose concentration. Under these conditions, a more transcriptional control, Glut1 mRNA is increased during
general increase or decrease of glucose transporter densities hypoxia. On the posttranscriptional level, glucose transporter
can be expected, if there is an effect at all. Therefore, chronic density can be modified through regulation of the cellular
hypo- and hyperglycemia were tested. During chronic hypo- content of transporter protein by alteration of transcript stabil-
glycemia, induced by a continuous infusion of insulin into rats ity (13). Regulated Glut1 mRNA decay plays an important role
for 1 wk, the mean density of Glut1 remained unchanged, in control of posttranscriptional gene expression. An essential
whereas the mean density of Glut3 increased slightly, although element in this regulation is the 3-untranslated region of the
significantly (+3%). A previous study of Uehara et al. (15), in message. Alterations of the 3-untranslated region by specific
which the quantitative immunoblot technique was used, had proteins can modify the transcript stability. For an example of
qualitatively but not quantitatively (+76%) the same result. To translational regulation, insulin specifically upregulates Glut1
determine whether the increased density of Glut3 is related to mRNA translation. An additional regulatory mechanism exists
a change in glucose metabolism, cerebral glucose utilization for Glut3; an increase in Glut3 can occur by a mechanism not
was quantified by the 2-deoxyglucose method. Mean glucose affecting transcription or translation of new Glut3 protein but
utilization was decreased by 15%. Local analysis of transporter rather by stabilization of the protein, thus prolonging the half-
densities (Glut1 and Glut3) and glucose utilization showed a life of Glut3 protein during an increased glucose demand (9).
significant correlation between local glucose transporter den- Due to an increased half-life of Glut3 at an unchanged syn-
sities (Glut1 and Glut3) and local cerebral glucose utilization thesis rate, total Glut3 is then elevated.
during hypoglycemia, as previously observed during normo-
glycemia. Therefore, 1 wk of hypoglycemia is a stimulus for the
moderate induction of additional Glut3 in the brain. These
additional neuronal glucose transporters may support the main- The spatial heterogeneity of energy metabolism in the
tenance of glucose utilization even though glucose utilization brain results in spatial heterogeneities of capillary density
remains decreased (5). and glucose transporter density. The long term demand for
glucose in each brain structure determines its glucose trans-
porter density. Chronic changes in the local or global energy
Regulation of glucose transporter expression in the
metabolism of the brain are followed by moderate changes in
brain: chronic hyperglycemia
the glucose transporter densities, resulting in the support of
Chronic hyperglycemia was induced for 3 wk by selective energy metabolism.
pharmacological destruction of pancreatic β-cells with strep-
tozotocin. As a result, a moderate decrease of Glut1 (–8%) Our work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn,
Germany, the Forschungsförderung of the University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg,
was measured, whereas Glut3 remained unchanged. In
Germany, and VERUM, Stiftung für Verhalten und Umwelt, Munich, Germany.
accordance with these findings, Pardridge et al. (12) found a
downregulation of Glut1 after 1 wk of diabetes in a cerebral
microvessel preparation that only contained the vascular References
Glut1. Thus chronic hyperglycemia is a stimulus for a mod- 1. Cornford EM, Hyman S, Cornford ME, Damian RT, and Raleigh MJ. A sin-
erate downregulation of Glut1. gle glucose transporter configuration in normal primate brain endothe-
lium: comparison with resected human brain. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol
57: 699–713, 1998.
Developmental regulation of glucose transporters 2. Drewes LR. Biology of the blood-brain glucose transporter. In: An Introduction
to the Blood-Brain Barrier: Methodology, Biology and Pathology, edited by
In the brain, glucose transporter densities are regulated dur- Pardridge WM. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, p. 165–174.
ing development. Whereas Glut1 already exists at the blood- 3. Duelli R, Maurer MH, Heiland S, Elste V, and Kuschinsky W. Brain water
brain barrier at birth in rats, its density increases rapidly content, glucose transporter densities and glucose utilization after 3 days
between 10 and 20 days after birth, indicating the maturation of water deprivation in the rat. Neurosci Lett 271: 13–16, 1999.
of the blood-brain barrier during that period. Thirty days after 4. Duelli R, Maurer MH, and Kuschinsky W. Decreased glucose transporter
densities, rate constants and glucose utilization in visual structures of rat
birth, adult Glut1 levels are reached (18). Accordingly, the
brain during chronic visual deprivation. Neurosci Lett 250: 49–52, 1998.
maturation of the blood-brain barrier is paralleled by the neu- 5. Duelli R, Staudt R, Duembgen L, and Kuschinsky W. Increase in glucose
ronal maturation, including a developmental increase of the transporter densities of Glut3 and decrease of glucose utilization in rat
neuronal glucose transporter Glut3. The most prominent brain after one week of hypoglycemia. Brain Res 831: 254–262, 1999.

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6. Duelli R, Staudt R, Grunwald F, and Kuschinsky W. Increase of glucose 13. Qi C and Pekala PH. The influence of mRNA stability on glucose trans-
transporter densities (Glut1 and Glut3) during chronic administration of porter (GLUT1) gene expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 263:
nicotine in rat brain. Brain Res 782: 36–42, 1998. 265-269, 1999.
7. Gerhart DZ, LeVasseur RJ, Broderius MA, and Drewes LR. Glucose trans- 14. Seidner G, Alvarez MG, Yeh JI, O’Driscoll KR, Klepper J, Stump TS, Wang
porter localization in brain using light and electron immunocytochemistry. D, Spinner NB, Birnbaum MJ, and De Vivo DC. GLUT-1 deficiency syn-
J Neurosci Res 22: 464–472, 1989. drome caused by haploinsufficiency of the blood-brain barrier hexose car-
8. Ibberson M, Uldry M, and Thorens B. GLUTX1, a novel mammalian glu- rier. Nat Genet 18: 188–191, 1998.
cose transporter expressed in the central nervous system and insulin-sen- 15. Uehara Y, Nipper V, and McCall AL. Chronic insulin hypoglycemia
sitive tissues. J Biol Chem 275: 4607–4612, 2000. induces GLUT-3 protein in rat brain neurons. Am J Physiol Endocrinol
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16. Vannucci SJ. Developmental expression of GLUT1 and GLUT3 glucose
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1040–1044, 1990. 91: 200–208, 1996.

Leukocyte Recruitment in the Microcirculation:

the Rolling Paradigm Revisited
Paul Kubes and Steven M. Kerfoot

Intravital microscopy has done much to elucidate the cascade of events involved in the recruitment
of leukocytes to sites of inflammation. Here we review the physiological relevance of leukocyte
rolling and some of the important subtleties of this process, highlighting limitations in our
knowledge and directions for future investigation.

F ighter planes landing on an aircraft carrier are brought from

a high speed to a stop very quickly by catching onto cables
strung across the flight deck. Similarly, a leukocyte moving at
mainly because of technical limitations. In this brief
overview, we first summarize our current understanding of
the physiological importance of leukocyte rolling and how
very high speeds in the mainstream of blood must also tether this event may impact on inflammatory cell recruitment. We
to and roll along the vessel wall before adhering at a site of also highlight technical limitations and areas that clearly
injury and/or inflammation. Although the phenomenon of require further investigation.
tethering/rolling was certainly described more than 100 years
ago by Cohnheim (3), the molecular mechanisms have only
Leukocyte recruitment cascade
been studied extensively in the last decade. Two key observa-
tions sparked extensive interest in the study of leukocyte Figure 1 is a representative illustration of the type found in
rolling. First, inhibiting leukocyte adhesion did not reduce most immunology textbooks depicting the universal or unify-
leukocyte rolling, raising the possibility that rolling and adhe- ing theme of leukocyte recruitment from the vasculature into
sion were two distinct molecular events (1). Second, inhibit- tissues. The basic premise is that leukocyte recruitment occurs
ing rolling reduced adhesion, suggesting that rolling was a within postcapillary venules and is dependent on a cascade of
prerequisite of leukocyte adhesion/recruitment and ultimately events involving the selectins as the primary molecules that
the inflammatory response (20). induce and support rolling. Chemokines, lipid mediators, and
The ability to visualize the microcirculation has played an other proinflammatory molecules presented on the surface of
essential role in our study of the importance of rolling in the the endothelium then activate a second family of adhesion
recruitment process. Nevertheless, important issues remain molecules, the integrins, and cause cells to firmly adhere. It is
unanswered for physiologists studying the microcirculation, now well appreciated that α4-integrin is an exception to this
rule in that this molecule can mediate both rolling and adhe-
sion. Once adherent, leukocytes can then migrate out of the
P. Kubes and S. M. Kerfoot are in the Immunology Research Group, Depart- vasculature. The fact that this is an interdependent series of
ment of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, events has been nicely illustrated in vitro by Lawrence and
Canada T2N 4N1. Springer (13). Under flow conditions in the absence of
76 News Physiol. Sci. • Volume 16 • April 2001 0886-1714/99 5.00 © 2001 Int. Union Physiol. Sci./Am.Physiol. Soc.

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