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Tell me about yourself

>> I have been working as an Branch Manager for over 2yrs. I started as Account
officer and was promoted after 3yrs to Supervisory level. I am passionate about learning
new skills and completed some training like Managing people. My 8 years in
experienced engaging with diffrent people has taught me a great deal about dealing
with customers that's why i applied in Bpo to contribute this skills.

Why did left your previous job

>> This is due to family sensitive issue

Describe your job description in your prev bpo

>> I'm handling Hotel and Relocation for 2 yrs where we are relocating the guest
specially if the Hotel is already overbooked, After 2yrs and 4mos. I was transferred to
Travel Account for us to assist customers finding new flights.

Why do you want to work for our company/Why did you choose cnx?
>> During my research, I discovered that your company really values training and
ongoing learning for your employees, and as someone who loves to learn new things
and be challenged, this is important to me. I also read some reviews
regarding work-life balance, salary wise, no work place discrimination, the managers,
supervisors, tenured workers are friendly and approachable.

What are your strengths

>> One of my greatest strengths is my ability to learn fast on the job and teach myself
different skillsets.

What are your weakness

>> My greatest weakness is that I have sometimes have a hard time letting go of
something. But I can always find something that needs to me improved or changed. To
help myseld improve in this area, I give myself a deadlines

What’s your idea of a call center?

>> To me, a customer service call center is the frontline of all customer interactions. It’s
the job of call center agents to listen and understand customer concerns while also
providing helpful information. At the end of the day, customer service call centers need
to create satisfied customers with every call.

How would you handle a call from an angry customer?

>> For me, the first step is to stay calm and express to the customer that you
understand them. I think it’s also important to remember that it isn’t personal, and the
best way to de-escalate the situation is to work towards a solution.

How many people have you managed in the past?

>> I managed a team of five in my last position, and I loved being able to offer advice
and train them into better employees. To help motivate my team I frequently placed
goals in front of them. I found this increased their motivation and their performance.
Tell us about a time when a customer call was escalated to your attention. How
did you handle it? What was the outcome?
>> We had a customer call in that was very upset, The key to solving the situation was
in listening to the customer and offering to refund her order or provide compensation. it
is more important to take the time to listen and understand the customer.

How would you address performance issues with your employees?

>> When I have an employee that is struggling, I will first schedule a one-on-one with
the employee to see where the issue may be stemming from. Once I have a better idea
of what’s causing the performance issue, I will give the employee a detailed plan for
them to get back on track. We will then work on the plan together to ensure that they
have a better understanding of the performance expectations and execution.

What is your idea of quality customer service?

>>My idea of quality customer service is being able to provide customers with friendly,
professional service that not only solves their problems or answers their questions, but
also leaves them feeling satisfied with the service they received.

Why do you want to work in a call center?

>>I’m excited to work in a fast-paced environment that will challenge me to use all of my
skills to solve problems and improve the customer experience. I love flexing my
communication skills and interacting with customers.

How long are you willing to stay at cnx?

>> “Since I've been working and gaining experience to get into this company, I'd like to
stay a long time if I'm offered the job, since this is where I want to be. Then I'd be happy
to stay for a long time and of course as long as the company needs me.

Why should we hire you

>>> Should hire me because I possess all the skills, knowledge and experienced that I
have or that you’re looking. I’m pretty confident that I am the best candidate for this job
role. It’s not just my background in the past, but also my people skills which will be
applicable in this position.

What are your skills

>> Communication
>> A problem solver
>> Leadership
>> Loyal.
>> Honest.

Stressful Situation
>>> What if the cs called in asking for coverage and the baby’s crying on the background how
will you approach the situation.
*** First I will ask the cs if the baby’s ok and if they need to attend to the baby and I will offer a
callback since they need to prioritize the baby.

>>> What if the cs called while driving how will you approach the situation.
*** Ask the customer to pull over because its not safe to drive while on the phone and I will
offer a callback if he or she reach out the destination

>>> The old woman called in because she fell in the stair and asking for emergency benefits.
What will you do first.
*** I will ask the cs if she already called 911. If not, I’ll inform her to call 911 first then offer
callback once she’s in the hospital to discuss the benefits.

Pre session MOCK CALL

>>> Greetings
Thank you for calling HRMC My name is wenz how may I help you today?
I can definitely help you with that may I know the reason of this call?
Before I proceed I just need to ask few questions for verification is that ok?
May I have your first and last name
How about your identification number?
May I also get your date of birth
phone number
(is this also your best contact number in case the line got discon)
Thank you for verifiying. Let me pull up your account information
As per checking here your plan stated on July 5 and still active
Your plan started on January 01, 2021 and still active
What specific service are you calling for today?
>>> Check up
When was the service rendered or when was your last doctor visit
Have I resolved your concern today?
Thank you for calling HRMC have a great day
Technical account

Services Tab
Physical assessment 100% will be paid by the insurance
Check up 80% of check up wil be paud by the insurance
Teeth cleaning 100% will be paud by the insurance but limited to TWICE a year
Tooth removal 100% will be paid by the insurance
Medication – Over the counter will not be paid by the insurance
Brand Medication – Insurance will pay 30%

Validation more on idioms

>>> Understanding on idiom like “wait, hold your horses” It means to slow down
Idiom Meaning
Wait, hold slow down
Break a leg goodluck
Call it a day Stop working on something
Easy does it Slow down
Hang in there Don't give up
No pain, no gain You have to work for what you want

Behavioral Interview
S – ituation
T – ask
A – ction
R – esult

Tell me about yourself and why you want this role at Accenture
>>> I am dedicated and self motivated team worker who is looking for a role where I can put my skills
and experience to good use. Over the years, I have been building both my personal and professional
capabilities, and I would like to put these to good use at a company where the standards expected from
everyone are high. “ The specific skills and qualities I have that will benefit me within this roles include a
proactive mindset, a positive attitude to all tasks I undertake, the ability to work well as part of a team,
and also relationship and interpersonal skills. I am also someone who can make effective decisions and
solve problems under pressure. I genuinely want this role with Accenture and I feel strongly if you do hire
me, you will be pleased with my positive work ethics, my high standards and also my ability to
consistently achieve positive outcomes for the company.”

Why do you want to work for Accenture? (Why Accenture)

>>> I carried out some research before applying for this role with Accenture, and it was great to see you
have very strong job satisfaction ratings amongst your staff. This tells me three things about Accenture.
Firstly, you are an organization who values its staff and empowers to be great at what they do. Secondly,
you provide the right levels of support and continues professional training to ensure your staff continually
grow and develop and you do not sit still as an organization. This is because you want to innovate and
provide exceptional levels of service. Apart from feeling I can make a positive contribution to your
already established team, those are the three main reasons why I very much want to work for Accenture.

How you handle stressful situations

>>> I actually view stress as a natural part of my daily work, and I think of stress is managed well, it can
have a positive impact on the work you carry out for your employer. We can reduce stress by making sure
my work is organized. I’m always calm within stressful situation. I also believe that you can only perform
to the best of your abilities if you look at difficult and problematic situations with purpose and clarity.

S- ituation
T Ask
Ac ion

P – point Better benefits (direct answer)

R – eason husband working for sitel (back up your answer)
E – xamle (1 or 2)
P oint (paraphrase main answer/repeat your main answer)


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