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In 2021
Hundreds Of Changes Annually
The problem
➢ Few major changes per year - broad core
Frame the problem for the audience. updates
Quantify the scope ➢
of theHistory
problem from
and connect
2018:it toRelevance+quality vs.
your audience. authority
Abc ➢ Example: Big website with mediocre
content vs. small sites with great content
➢ No need for SEO tricks or hacks because
Google tells us what to do
➢ In 2020: YMYL and especially
20XX 20XX
new health
20XX 20XX
sites got hit and EAT sites got rewarded
2021: Google EAT & Core Vitals
The problem
➢ EAT - expertise, authority, trust in the website
Frame the problem for the
the content creator
Quantify the scope ➢
of theCore
problem and connect
vitals it to
- site speed, mobile, website
your audience. usability including design

20XX 20XX 20XX 20XX

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