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1. It was established that blood both of donor and recipient belonged to group A in ABO system, Rh-positive.

Answer the question A and fulfill the task B:

A) Is it possible to transfuse donor’s blood to the recipient in this case and why?

B) Write the sequence and significance of tests which must be done before blood transfusion.

2. 20 excitatory and 15 inhibitory postsynaptic potentials appear simultaneously on the plasmatic membrane of
motoneuron. Answer the question A and fulfill the task B:

A) Will this neuron generate the efferent nervous impulses if the amplitude of single EPSP and IPSP appeared on
the axonal hillock`s membrane equals 1 mV? Why?

B) Name the state of this neuron and name the type of summation.

3. It was established that the digestive power of gastric juice (determined by Melt's method) made 4 mm (the
normal one is 3.8mm). Answer the question A and fulfill the task B:

A) What does this result testify about?

B) Name enzymes of gastric Juice, which brake down proteins and the products of their hydrolysis

4. After rotation on a marry-go-round from left to right a girl couldn’t go exactly along straight line but deviated
from it. Fulfill the tasks A and B:

A) Name the type of the reflex due to which redistribution of muscles tone appeared during the rotation. Name
the receptors, the irritation of which caused the pointed reflex reaction.

B) Explain the mechanisms of redistribution of muscles tone under such conditions, pointing how and why the
muscles tone was changed on the side of rotation

5. The direct irritation of a muscle is carried out in the experiment with the registration its contraction. Answer the
questions A and B:

A) Will the diameter of anisotropic and isotropic discs of sarcomere be changed? Why?

B) How and why will the amplitude of muscle's contraction be changed with the increasing of the value of voltage
of irritating electrical current?

6. Changes of gastric and pancreatic secretion are observed in the case of drinking fresh milk . Fulfill the tasks A
and B:

A) Explain the mechanisms of the regulation of gastric juice secretion after drinking milk.

B) Explain the mechanisms of the regulation of pancreatic secretion after drinking milk.

7. Conditional instrumental escape reflexes were formed in rats. The conditional irritant was a bell; unconditional
one was electrical current, which was supplied on the metallic flow of a cage. Answer the question B and fulfill the
task A

A) write the conditions, which are necessary for conditional reflex formation.
B) what will has happened with the formed conditional reflex if the conditional irritant stops to act?

8. A tuning fork was put on vertex of a person. A cotton was put into one ear. Answer the questions A and B:

A) With what ear does the person hear a sound better? Why? air conductivity is more effective because the bone
conduction modulate. Because The inner ear is more sensitive to sound via air conduction than bone conduction

B) Where are the auditory receptors localized? Where is the auditory sensory brain cortex localized? Auditory
receptors are found in the inner ear. Sound passes through the auditory canal and stimulates the tympanic
membrane to cause vibrations in the three middle ear bones. The primary auditory cortex lies in the superior
temporal gyrus of the temporal lobe and extends into the lateral sulcus and the transverse temporal gyri. Final
sound processing is then performed by the parietal and frontal lobes of the human cerebral cortex.

9. Adrenaline concentration in blood increased during a stress in a man. Answer the questions A and B:

A) What is the speed of adaptation (slow or fast) with the sympatho-adrenal system participation? Why?

1. It last from few minute ti 24hrs depend on the intensity of the stressors. 2. There are two main chemical
messengers: norepinephrine and epinephrine. These chemicals are created by the adrenal glands after receiving
neuronal signals from the sympathetic nerve system. The different physiological effects of theses chemicals depend
on the particular tissue that it innervate. As part of the sympathoadrenal system, theses chemicals act rapidly and
dispel quickly as opposed to the longer lasting effect of hormones.

B) What is the duration (short or long-time) of adaptation with the sympatho-adrenal system participation? Why?
1. Duration of this phase is last from week to months. 2. short, norepinephrine and epinephrine act as reactive
groups for stress like cortisol, but as cortisol exhibits long term action, they are responds to stress early. The half-
life in the blood is 10 to 15 seconds, and the duration of effect is short after they are secreted.

10. It was stated that the arterial pressure in adult made 120/80 mm Hg. Fulfill the tasks A and B:

A) Estimate the determined value, write the reference ranges for an adult human. 120/80mmHg is an ida blood
pressure. The normal human range is more than 90 over 60 (90/60) and less than 120 over 80 (120/80)

B) Make the conclusion to emphasize the factors, which cause this value of arterial pressure in the examined person.
The adult is healthy and has low risk of heart disease of stroke and the blood pressure is optimum. The 120 refers
the amount of pressure in arteries during the contraction of heart muscle. This is called systolic pressure. The 80
refers to blood pressure when the heart muscle is beteween beats. This is called diastolic pressure is normal and

11. During the examination of the processes of urine formation on the rabbit’s isolated kidney 2ml of 40% glucose
solution were administered into the perfusate. Answer the questions A and B

A) How and why will the amount of final urine be changed?

Glucose at the same time after injection increases the osmotic pressure of blood that why glomerular filtration rate
firstly increases but after 1 min concentration of glucose increases in primary urine and It leads to increasing of
osmotic pressure there, It leads to decreasing reabsorption of water and induce increasing of urine formation.

B) In which part of the nephron and due to which kind of transport is glucose reabsorbed?
Under normal circumstances, glucose is filtered by the renal glomerulus and virtually all of it is subsequently
reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule. This reabsorption is effected by two sodium-dependent glucose
cotransporter (SGLT) proteins.

12. Gastric juice acidity is decreased in a patient. Answer the question A and fulfill the task B:

A) How and why will it influence on digestion in stomach?

Low stomach acid is a trigger for poor digestive activity. Because food and nutrients can't be broken down, they sit
in the stomach and cause bacteria to build up. The main symptoms from this process are gas and bloating.

B) Recommend the diet for the patient and give its physilogical reasoning.

Take protein rich as it will stimulate the g-cells of intestine to produce more gastric. and also activate chief cells,
Avoid caffeine and alcohol, Avoid processed food, Reduce stress, Exercise more, Don't drink a lot of fluids during
or right before a meal, Chew food properly, Eat probiotic rich fermented foods, Reduce acidic foods like tomatoes,
orange juice that can worsen symptoms.

13. During the examination of blood group in ABO system the agglutination was observed with tholyclons anti-B
and wasn’t observed with tholyclons anti-A. Answer the questions A and B:

A) What do the results of the examination tesify about?

It testifies about the blood grouping in the ABO system in the base of agglutination test with the help of the

Group A has only the A antigen on red cells and β antibody in the plasma. Group B has the B antigen on red cells
and the α antibody in the plasma. Group AB has both A and B antigens on red cells but neither α nor β antibodies
in the plasma. Group O has neither A nor B antigens on red cells, but both α and β antibodies in the plasma.

B) What and why should be the reaction between blood plasma of the examined blood and the standard
erythrocytes A and B?

Because the blood group is B. Presence of antigen B on the erythrocytes but there is a absence of antigen A. And
the presence of α antibody in the plasma but there is a absence of antigen β antibody in the plasma.

14. Guinea pig was put its sinciput down. One observed moving reactions to restore its body position. Answer the
question B and fulfill the task A

A) Call the reflex, which provides the restoration of blood position, point the level of its locking.

static righting reflexes. The righting reflex is a reflex that corrects the orientation of the body when it is taken out
of its normal upright position.

B) With the excitation of which receptors and in what sequence does this reflex arise?

vestibuloreceptors, which detects that the body is not erect and causes the head to move back into position as the
rest of the body follows. The reflex uses a combination of visual system inputs, vestibular inputs, and somatosensory
inputs to make postural adjustments when the body becomes displaced from its normal vertical position. The brain
makes comparisons in the cerebellum between expected posture and perceived posture, and corrects for the

15. During summary action potential registration of isolated nerve the force of eletrical irritation was increase.
Answer the questions A and B:

A) Will the amplitude of summary action potential be changed? Why?

Yes. With the increase in the force of electric irritation of a nerve the amplitude of summarized ap of the nerve
increasing to the limit value which is caused by activation of all fibers.

B) What law is summary action potential of nerve submitted to? What does it mean?

the law of forced relationships. ->In the event of an increase in the strength of the nerve or muscle irritation, the
number of its excited fibers increases, and as a consequence, the amplitude of the summarized AP that are diverted
from them increases. ->the more is the force of sub-threshold electric current, the more is the voltage of local

16. Under the action of local anesthetic the quantity of inactivated sodium channels on the cell’s membrane
increased. Answer the questions A and B;

A) How will the parameters of action potential which appears on the cell’s membrane be changed?

Local anesthetic action interferes with excitation and conduction by action potentials in the nervous system and
in the heart by blockade of the voltage-gated Na channel.

B) How and why will the speed of excitation transmission along the nervous fibre be changed after the action of
pharmacological preparation? (Explain the answer)

The nervous impulse is not conducted as anesthetic only kinds with open channels. Local anesthetics block nerve
conduction by preventing the increase in membrane permeability to sodium ions that normally leads to a nerve
impulse. Anesthetics bind within sodium channels which have opened during membrane depolarization, preventing
the normal sodium ion flux.

17. Changes of gastric and pancreatic secretion are abserved in the case of drinking fresh milk. fulfill the task A and

A) Explain the mechanisms of the regulation of gastric juice secretion after drinking milk.

The Calcium in milk promotes acid secretion, so the acidity of gastic juice will be decreased.

B) Explain the mechanisms of the regulation of pancreatic secretion after drinking milk.

Pancreatic juice’s functions 1. along wilth brush border enzymes, complete the digestion of starch (pancreatic
amylase) 2. Carry out about half of protein digestion by protease enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase)
3. Help with fat digestion-pancreas creates lipases 4. Digest nucleic acids (nucleases) so, the milk stimulate pancreatic
enzyme and bicarbonate secretion. Pancreatic response is regulated primarily by the hormones secretin and CCK,
and by neural influences including the enteropancreatic reflex which is mediated by the enteric nervous system and
amplifies the pancreatic secretory response

18. In the experiment the solution of tributyrin was added into two test different concentration of pancreatic juice.
The test-tubes were put into thermostat for 20ml. Then solution of neutralrot was added and the changes in colour
was observed. fulfill the tasks A and B.

A) Explain the reasons of yellow color apperarance in the first test-tube and the red color in the second one.

With the high dilution of enzymatic activity is not enough for hydrolysis, It is the absence of fats in the test tube,
which prove that their hydrolysis has occurred. with a low dilution of enzymatic activity is enough for hydrolysis. It
is the presence of fats in the test tube. so the yellow color that is reacted by acetic acid.

B) Give the examples of pancreatic enzymes. Which provide the hydrolysis of: a) proteins: b) fats: c) carbohydrates
and name products of their hydrolysis.

Pancreatic proteases which help to digest proteins. The pancrease secretes several protease like trypsinogen,
chymotrypsinogen, procarboxy peptidase. trypsin and chymotrypsin will break down protein. carboxy peptidase will
split off individual amino acids of peptides Pancreatic amylase which helps to digest sugars. The chyme empties
from the stomach. chyme mixes with the pancreatic amylase. carbohydrates becomes maltose of glucose Pancreatic
lipase - which helps to digest fat. Most of triglycerides become monoglycerids and fatty acids by pancreatic lipase.
cholesterol esterase and phospholipase hydrolysis phospholipids and cholesterol esters (free fatty acids)

19. After brain transaction lower the red nuclei in experimental animal the decerebrate rigidity appeared. fulfill the
task A and answer the question B:

A) Explain the physiological mechanism of decerabrate rigidity.

Decerebrate rigidity is due to a lesion of the midbrain. Rigidity occurs when the increased activity of motor neurons
that facillitate stretch reflex. The facillitation is due to two factors 1. increased general excitability of the motor
neuron pool. 2. Increase in the rate of discharge in the γ motor neuron.

B) How to state the participation of γ-expressing mechanism in the experiment? What will be the result of this

γ rigidity is results from an increase in excitatory signals or decrease in inhibitory signals that contact gamma
motorneurons that result in contraction of intrafusal fibres. It dependent upon stretch reflex pathways. It is
characterized by shortening and lengthening reactions and can be modified by tonic neck, labyrinthine, and phasic
spinal reflexes.

20. It was stated that tidal volume made 3000mL, the frequency of breathes made 5 respiratory movements per 10
seconds. The proper value of maximal lungs ventilation makes 90090mL/min. fulfill the tasks A and B;

A) Calculate maximum lungs ventilation(MLV) and compare the received value with the proper one (calculations
must be made in writing).

maximum lungs ventilation(MLV)= TV(tidal volume) forced x frequency of breathing forced. So,
MLV=3000mLx30=90000mL/min. It is lesser than the proper value.

B) Make the conclusion what this value of MLV indicates about.

Maximal lungs ventilation is the quantity of air which passes through the lungs at maximum deepness and frequency
of breathing. hence if maximum lung ventilation is more it means that the maximum volume of air breathed in and
out of lungs is increased.

21. The decreased amount of bile acids in the bile was found in a patient. fulfill the tasks A and B:

A) Explain, how and why will the digestive processes be affected under these conditions.

Bile acids role 1. emulgate fats, due to which fats are hydrolyzated by lipase to monoglycerides and fatty acids. 2.
promote to fatty acids and monoglycerids absorption because they form micells 3. resected into bile so, when the
bile acids are decreased, these effects are decreased – decreasing digestion and absoption of fats and fat-soluble
vitamins in the small intestine.

B) Name hormone which provides bile excretion into duodenum. What cells and under which stimulators is this
hormone secreted by?

Cholecystokinin is produced by I-cells of duodenum. Its secretion is stimulated by the introduction of hydrochloric
acid, amino acids, or fatty acids into the stomach or duodenum. Cholecystokinin is the main factor of humoral
regulation of bile releasing and the stimultaion of enzyme’s secretion by acini cells of pancreas.

22. It was extablished that the digestive power of gastric juice (determined by Mett’s method) made 4mm (the
normal one is 3-8mm). Answer the question A and fulfill the task B:

A) What does this result testify about?

It testifies the presence of pepsin’s enzyme in stomach juice and their proteolitic activity. the digestive power of
gastric juice is in the nomal range.

B) Name enzymes of gastric juice, Which brake down proteins and the products of their hydrolysis.

Pepsin is the main gastric enzyme for protein. chief cells produce pepsinogen (inactive form of pepsin). When it is
activated by the stomach acid, It become pepsin. It breaks down the protein in the smaller particles like peptide
fragments and amino acids.

23. In the blood test of a man it was shown that: hematocrit – 35%, hemoglobin – 120g/L, erythrocytes – 3.0*1012/L.
fulfill the tasks A and answer the question B:

A) Calculate the value of color index, write the formula for calculation.

CP(colour parameter)=quantity Hb (g/l)*3/quantity erythrocytes*100, 120g/l*3/3.0x10(12)*100=1.2x10(-12)

B) What does this value of color index indicate about?

The colour parameter is in limits 0.85~1.15 at a normal saturation of erythrocytes with hemoglobin. So A man has
a higher than normal. The decrease or increase it bears to violation of a saturation of erythrocytes by hemoglobin.
normal Hb for men-135~160g/l, this man has lower than normal. normal erythrocytes for men is 4.5~5x10(12)/l,
this man has lower than normal. It indicates the lack of vitamine B12.

24. Rh-negative woman has become pregnant for the first time with an Rh-positive man. Answer the question A
and fulfill the task B:

A) In which case is the Rh-conflict possible and why?

Rh conflict is a condition that occurs during pregnancy if a woman has Rh-negative blood and her baby has Rh-
positive blood. when the mother’s blood and baby's blood mix, mother’s body will start to make anti D antibodies
that can damage next baby's red blood cells. When the antibodies enter baby's bloodstream, they will attack the
red blood cells. This could cause baby to develop anemia and other problems.

B) Explain what is necessary to do for prevention Rh-conflicy in the future.

If mother has Rh-negative but not yet Rh sensitized, She can prevent her body from making Rh antibodies with
an injection of a medication, called Rho(D) immune globulin.

25. When a spinal fog is suspended on a hook of a stand, its back paws are in a bit bent. Answer the questions A
and B:

A) How to prove in the experiment the reflex nature of the bend of the frog’s paws?

:Spinal tonic myotatic reflex 1. Muscle stretches 2. Nuclear chain fibers of muscle spindle increase firing-information
is conducted along the afferent nervous fibers to the small alpha-motorneurons of the spinal cord 3. Alpha
motorneuron of muscle excited, and information transmission along the efferent nervous fibers to skeletal muscles.
4. Muscle contraction occurs

B) What receptors are irritated in this case? Why?

: Muscle spindles due to change in length of muscle.

26. Calculate the value of colour index of the examined blood if the amount of hemoglobin makes 140g/l, the
amount of erythrocytes – 4,2x1012/l. fulfill the tasks A and B

: A) Compare the extimated value with the normal one; write the reference ranges for a healthy adult human.
CP(colour parameter)=quantity Hb (g/l)*3/quantity erythrocytes*100 : 140g/l*3/4.2*100=1

B) Make the conclusion to explain what this value indicates about.

The colour parameter is in limits 0.85~1.15 at a normal saturation of erythrocytes with hemoglobin. So It is normal.
normal Hb for men-135~160g/l, women-120~140g/l so, It is normal. normal erythrocytes for men is 4.5~5x10(12)/l,
for women is 4.0~4.5x10(12)/l. It has lower than normal for men, and It is normal for women. It indicates the lack
of vitamine B12.

27. A preparation blocking the information transition in ganglionic synapses of autonomic nervous system was
injected into animal in an experiment. Answer the questions A and B:

A) How and why will the tone of systemic blood vessels be changed?

In blood vessels, sympathetic activation constricts blood vessels. so, when blocking the autonomic nervous system,
the blood vessels might be dilated.

B) How and why will the bowel motility be changed after having meal?

The enteric nervous system or intrinsic nervous system is one of the main divisions of the autonomic nervous
system. The enteric nervous system is universally acknowledged to be an independent brain in the gut essential for
normal motility of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon, as well as for smooth muscle sphincters. So,
The Bowel movement disorder will occur.

28. During the action potential(AP) development the repeated irritation of above threshold force is applied during
the absolute refractory period. Answer the questions A and B:

A) Will the second AP arise on this stimulation and why? Explain.

During the absolute refractory period, the neuron cannot be excited to generate a second action potential. Thus,
because Na+ channels are inactivated during this time, additional depolarizing stimuli do not lead to new action
potentials. The absolute refractory period takes about 1-2 ms

B) In what refractory period and with what force should the new stimulus act to cause the next action potential?

During the relative refractory period, a new action potential can be elicited under the correct circumstances. because
the membrane potential inside the axon becomes increasingly negative relative to the outside of the membrane, a
stronger stimulus will be required to reach the threshold voltage, and thus, initiate another action potential

29. In a rabbit to which atropine solution was dripped into the eyes, pupil dilation and the absence of
parasympathetic pupil reflex were observed. Answer the questions A and B:

A) Why cannot the pupil reflex occur after the administration of atropine to the rabbit’s eye?

because the atropine block of the m3-receptor

B) What is the physiological significance of pupil reflex?

The pupillary light reflex (PLR) or photopupillary reflex is a reflex that controls the diameter of the pupil, in response
to the intensity (luminance) of light that falls on the retinal ganglion cells of the retina in the back of the eye,
thereby assisting in adaptation of vision to various levels of lightness.

30. A patient suffering from acute pain in the right ear consulted a doctor-otolaryngologist. Doctor dripped a
solution containing local anesthetic into patient’s ear. The pain lessened, but his movements’ coordination has been
disrupted. Taking into consideration the fact that the local anesthetic penetrated into the structures of the internal
ear, answer the questions A and B:

A) What redistribution of muscle tone of flexors and extensors occurs on the right side?

Increase tone of flexors due to stimulation by red neuclei and decrease of extensors tone because on right side
only function of red neuclei is present which stimukate flexors and inhibit extensors

B) In which direction is the deviation of the patient’s body possible when walking in a straight line? Why?

Increased tone of muscle extensors on the right side and he will move towards right.

31. Duration of single contraction of the isolated muscle makes 0,1, including the shortening period – 0,04s. Answer
the question B and fulfill the task A:

A) Calculate, with what minimal frequency of electric current it is necessary to apply irritaion for the appearance of
incomplete tetanus? (All calculations must be written)
Time of contraction=0.1sec, Shortening period=0.04 second, 0.04 x ? = 0.1. So, the Frequency = 25hz, T=0.04s
which is equal to shortening period. Hence complete tetanus repeated stimulus during shortening period.

B) How and why does the amplitude of incomplete tetanus differ frome the amplitude of single contraction?

32. If the acidity of gastric juice increases, it is recommended to consume milk. Answer the question A and fulfill
the task B:

A) How and why will the secretion of gastric juice be changed after drinking milk?

Because Calcium in milk promotes acid secretion, so the acidity of gastic juice will be decreased.

B) Explain the physiological mechanisms of the changes in pancreatic secretion after drinking milk.

Pancreatic juice’s functions 1. along wilth brush border enzymes, complete the digestion of starch (pancreatic
amylase) 2. Carry out about half of protein digestion by protease enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase)
3. Help with fat digestion-pancreas creates lipases 4. Digest nucleic acids (nucleases) so, the milk stimulate pancreatic
enzyme and bicarbonate secretion. Pancreatic response is regulated primarily by the hormones secretin and CCK,
and by neural influences including the enteropancreatic reflex which is mediated by the enteric nervous system and
amplifies the pancreatic secretory response

33. A strike with a neurological hammer was made on the place of the skin projection of Archilles tendon and one
observed the reflex. Answer the questions A and B:

\A) What receptors and why are excited under a strike with neurological hummer?

A monosynaptic ipsilateral segmental stretch reflex from tendon receptors in which a reflex plantar flexion of the
foot is produced by a spasmodic contraction of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of the calf in response to
sudden extension of the leg or the striking of the Achilles' tendon above the heel.

B) What physiological information can a doctor obtain due to this reflex examination?

A decreased or absent reflex may mean that there is compression in the S1 region.

34. A person has drunk the cabbage juice that caused the changes of gastric and pancreatic secretion. fulfill the
tasks A and B:

A) Explain the physiological mechanisms of the changes in the regulation of gastric juice secretion in this case.

1. When the mechanical stretching of stomach under the action of cabbage juice, gastrin is produced by G-cells of
pyloric part of stomach. The gastrin is stimulates secretion of gastrio acid(HCL) by the parietal cells of stomach. 2.
The three stimulants of gastric acid secretion likely to have physiological roles in regulation of secretion are
acetylcholine, gastrin and histamine. Acetylcholine is released by vagal and intramucosal reflec stimulation, acting
directly on the parietal cell. gastrin acts on paretal cells directly and indirectly too, by stimulating the release of
histamine. The release of histamine is the most important positive regulation mechanism of the secretion of gastric
acid in the stomach. its release is stimulates by gastrin and acetylcholine and inhibits by somatostatin.

B) Explain the physiological mechanisms of the changes in the regulation of pancreatic secretion in this case.

1. When the mechanical stretching of stomach under the action of cabbage juice, gastrin is produced by G-cells of
pyloric part of stomach. The gastrin stimulates enzyme secretion by acini cells. 2. Pancreatic juice secretion is
principally regulated by the hormones secretion and cholecystokinin, which are produced by the walls of the
duodenum, and by the action of autonomic innervation. Pancreatic amylase breaks large polysaccharides like
starches and glycogen into smaller sugars such as maltase, maltotriose, and glucose. Maltase secreted by the small
intestine then breaks maltose into the monosaccharide glucose, which the intestines can directly absorb.

35. One needs to calculate the duration of P-Q interval on the base of ECG analysis (the speeds of band movement
of electrocardiograph makes – 50 mm/s). Fulfill the tasks A and B:

A) Explain the method of the calculation.

The speed of band movement of elcetrocardiograph makes – 50mm/s, so the band moves 1mm for 0.02s. To
determine the waves duration one calculates the quantity of mm from the beginning to the end of a wave and
multiplies this number on 0.02s. it is necessary to do the same to determine intervals.

B) Make the conclusion:

what normal duration of P-Q interval indicates about. Normal interval P-Q=0.12~0.20s, This interval reflects whether
impulse conduction from the atria to the ventricles is normal.

36. Conditional winking (blinking) reflex was worked up in an examined person where the conditional irritant was
the bell sound and unconditional one – the air stream put on cornea. The next day this conditional reflex wasn`t
observed. Answer the questions A and B:

A) Why did not this reflex remain as an adaptation reaction?

B) Will this reflex be formed if you change the sequence of stimuli? Why?

37. Extracellular potassium concentration was increased. Answer the questions A and B:

A) How and why will the cell’s excitability be changed?

Increased extracellular potassium levels result in depolarization of the membrane potentials of cells due to the
increase in the equilibrium potential of potassium. This depolarization opens some voltage-gated sodium channels,
but also increases the inactivation at the same time.

B) Can before threshold irritant cause excitation under these conditions? why?

Resting membrane potential is negative because the negative charge inside the cell is greater than the positive
charge outside the cell. Increasing extracellular K+ increases the positive charge outside the cell. This decreases the
difference between the inside and outside of the cell.

38. When examing the ear keenness of a blacksmith it was established that his ear keenness to low frequencies was
lowered on 50%. At the same time as to high frequencies, it is almost normal. fulfill the tasks A and B:

A) Describe the mechanisms of auditory receptors irritaion.

When a sound wave is sent through the external auditory canal, it vibrates the eardrum. The eardrum then sends
the vibrations through the ossicles through the handle of the malleus. The malleus then strikes the incus, which
moves the stapes. The stapes sends the vibrations to the inner ear through the oval window. Vibrations travel up
the fluid-filled interior of the cochlea. Movement of fluid in turn makes the hair cells. The auditory nerve picks up
any neural signals created by the hair cells. Hair cells at one end of the cochlea transfer low pitch sound information
and hair cells at the opposite end transfer high pitch sound information. The auditory nerve moves signals to the
brain where they are then translated into recognizable and meaningful sounds. It is the brain that “hears”.

B) Call the possible damage localization which arose in connection with blacksmith’s professional activities.

Explain the answer. organ of corti near helicotremia is damaged. A low-frequency hearing loss is typically a
sensorineural hearing loss, which is a hearing loss normally caused by damage to the hair cells in the inner ear that
receive the sounds and convert them to signals that are transmitted to the brain by the auditory nerves. High-
frequency sounds are processed at the base of the cochlea, while low-frequency sounds are processed near the
top. Hair cells at the base of the cochlea are more susceptible to damage than hair cells closer to the top, that's
why hearing loss often effects high frequencies before low frequencies organ of corti near helicotremia is damaged.

39. Hematocrit of researched blood makes 50%. fulfull the tasks A and B:

A) Compare the received value with the normal one; write the reference ranges of hematocrit for healthy adult

It’s usually 40%(for men range from 41% to 50% and for women is 36% to 48%. so more number of RBC is

B) Make the coclusion to analyze the factors, which cause this value.

polycythemia is a disease state in which the hematocrit and/or hemoglobin concentration are elevated in peripheral
blood. Causes of polycythemia are primary or secondary. In primary polycythemia, abnormalities in red blood cell
production cause an increase in red cell count. In secondary polycythemia, factors external to red blood cell
production result in polycythemia.

40. Gastric juice acidity is increased in a patient. Answer the questions A and B:

A) How and why will the amount and composiotion of pancreatic juice be changed under these conditions?

it will increase pancreatic secretion by stimulation of acinar cells and when acidic chyme passes in duodenum it
stimulates s cells to produce secretin

B) Which receptors are located on the parietal cells and how can they be blocked with aim of normalization gastric
juice acidity?

M3 receptors for acetylcholine H2 receptors for histamine and CCK receptors for gastroenteritis hormone. Using
atropine as blockers as parietal cells have m-cholinergic receptors

41. As an answer to the action of stressful factors cortisone concetration in blood increases. Answer the questions
A and B:

A) Where is cortisone formed? How does its concentration change during day and night?

Cortisone is produced in human body by the adrnal glands. Blood levles of cortisone vary throughout the day, but
generally are higher in the morning when we wake up, and then fall throught the day. This is called a diurnal rhythm.
In people that work at night, this pattern is reversed, so the timing of cortisone release is clearly linked to daily
activity patterns. In addition, in response to stress, extra cortisone is released to help the body to respond
appropriately. Therefore for a normal man who wakes up in the morning, cortisone concentration is highest in
morning and lowest in night.

B) What is the role of cortisone in the unspecific adaptation of an organism?

Under stress, the body produces cortisone and releases it into the blood stream for various functions. In case of
non specific adaptation, cortisone suppresses the immune system. It inhibits the production of chemicals that causes
inflammation and this prevents the tissue from getting severely damaged.

35. During the examination of blood group in ABO system the absence of agglutination was observed both with
tholyclons anti-A and tholycolons anti-B. Fulfill th tasks A and B:

A) Explain what the absence of agglutination between erythrocytes and corresponding tholyclons indicates about.
If agglutination of standard erythrocytes is not in both drops of the mixture with researched plasma, it will mean,
that the plasma does not contain antibodies alpha and beta. So, the researched blood is AB

B) Make the conclusion to which group the tested blood belongs to by writing blood formula (antigens, andtibodies)

It testifies about the blood grouping in the ABO system in the base of agglutination test with the help of the
tholylclons. Group AB has both A and B antigens on red cells but neither α nor β antibodies in the plasma.

36. Basal metabolic rate was determined by method of indirect calorimetry. Its proper value for the patient makes
2137 KkaL/24 hours. It was stated that the patient used 400 mL of О2 per 1 min, the caloric equivalent of oxygen
is 5.0. Fulfill the tasks A and B:

A) Calculate the value of basal metabolic rate and compare the received value with the proper one (calculations
must be made in writing).

BMR=V02*CE02*1440, Vo2 is 0.4L, CEO2 is 5 so, 400x5x1440=2880kkcal/24hours

B) Make the conclusion what this value of basal metabolic rate indicates about.

As the calculated BMR in higher than norm. So the might be doing physical activity or there may be any disorders
which leads the high metabolic activity or effect from thyroid hormones.

37. A tuning fork is put on papillary outgrowth of a person. The person hears the sound which gradually weakens.
As soon as the sound disappears, the tuning fork is removed to the ear. The sound appears again. Answer the
question A and fulfill the task B:

A) What do the results of the experiment testify about?

It evaluates by comparing air conduction to bone conduction. Nomally, the parameter is whether air conduction
is better than bone conduction. Thus, a positive result indicates the healthy state, in contrast to many other medical

B) Explain how a sound wave is conducted due to air conduction to excite acoustic receptors

Due to vibration of tuning fork it causes vibration of the mellesus incus stapes leading to vibration in the inner
ear. Bone conduction of sound occurs initially it was a high frequency sound hence heard near the base of the
semicircular canal near oval window gradually as It travells along the canal the intensity of sound wave decrease
leading to lose of stimulation of organ of corti. Air conduction occurs in the external air and in our surrounding
but later gets converted to bone conduction in middle ear.

38. One needs to calculate the duration of QRS complex on the base of ECG analysis (the speed of band movement
of electrocardiograph makes – 50 mm/s). Fulfill the tasks A and B:

A) Explain the method of the calculation.

The speed of band movement of elcetrocardiograph makes – 50mm/s, so the band moves 1mm for 0.02s. To
determine the waves duration one calculates the quantity of mm from the beginning to the end of a wave and
multiplies this number on 0.02s. it is necessary to do the same to determine intervals.

B) Make the conclusion: what normal duration of QRS complex indicates about.

Normal duration of QRS interval = 0.06~0.10s, It indicates the electrical impulse as it spreads through the ventricles
and indicates ventricular depolarization.

39. One determines cardiac pacemaker in a patient on the base of ECG. Answer the questions A and B:

A) Which cardiac pacemaker causes the frequency of heart contractions in normal conditions? Why?

The SA node controls the rate of contraction for the entire heart muscle because its cells have the quickest rate
of spontaneous depolarization, thus they initiate action potentials the quickest.

B) What part of ECG does permit one to make such a conclusion

The electrical signal begins in the sinoatrial node which is located in the right atrium and travels to the right and
left atria, causing them to contract and pump blood into the ventricles. This electrical signal is recorded as the P
wave on the ECG.

40. It was determined that the sequence and duration of the electrocardiography waves in the II standard lead were
normal. Answer the questions A and B:

A) What does such a sequence of waves indicate about?

Atrial and ventricular depolarization and repolarization are represented on the ECG as a series of waves The first
deflection is the P wave associated with right and left atrial depolarization. The second wave is the QRS complex.
Typically this complex has a series of 3 deflections that reflect the current associated with right and left ventricular
depolarization. ST segment reflects the current flow associated with phase 2 of ventricular repolarization. The T
wave represents the current of rapid phase 3 ventricular repolarization. The PR interval measures the time from the
initial depolarization of the atria to the initial depolarization of the ventricles and reflects a physiological delay in
AV conduction imposed by the AV node. The QT interval represents the time in which the ventricles depolarize and
repolarize and is a measure of ventricular action potential duration.

B) What does this duration of waves indicate about?

The most commonly used lead is lead II - a bipolar lead with electrodes on the right arm and left leg. This is the
most useful lead for detecting cardiac arrhythmias as it lies close to the cardiac axis (the overall direction of electrical
movement) and allows the best view of P and R waves.

41. In a human the common bile duct is blocked with stone. Answer the questions A and B:

A) How and why will digestion of nutrients be changed in the intestine?

lipid digestion disorder. Because the bile contains bile acids, which are critical for digestion and absorption of fats
and fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine.

B) How and why will intestine`s motility be changed?

It might be reduce motility. Normally, bile acids are removed from the ileum via transporters to the liver as part
of enterohepatic circulation, leading to reduced concentrations of bile acid reaching the colon and decreased colonic
motility. Elobixibat inhibits the uptake of bile acids in the terminal ileum, which increases luminal concentration and
improves colonic motility. Chenodeoxycholic acid is a bile acid analogue that increases the concentration of bile
acid in the gut and promotes colonic motility.

42. It was stated that tidal volume made 500 mL, the frequency of breathes made 12 respiratory movements per
minute. The proper value of minute respiratory volume (MRV) makes 6010 mL/min. Fulfill the tasks A and B:

A) Calculate minute respiratory volume (MRV) and compare the received value with the proper one (calculations
must be made in writing). MRV=TV ×Frequency Therefore MRV= 500×12 =6000PROPER=6010 %DEVIATION
=increase by 0.01 %

B).Make the conclusion what this value of MRV indicates about.

MRV(minute respiratory volume) is higher than norm. It might because of the physical exercise.

44. Duration of single contraction of the isolated muscle makes 50 ms including the shortening period – 20 ms.
Answer the question B and fulfill the tasks A:

A) Calculate, with what minimal frequency of electric current it is necessary to apply irritation for the appearance
of complete tetanus? (All calculations must be written)

Duration of single contraction of the isolated muscle makes 0.05s, the shortening period – 0.02s. 50Hz

B) Why does this frequency of irritation cause complete tetanus?

the stimulus frequency is so high that the relaxation phase disappears completely, contractions become continuous
in a process called complete tetanus

47. Extracellular potassium concentration increased. Answer the questions A and B:

A) How and why will the membrane resting potential be changed?

Membrane resting potential will increase, because if opened k+ channels increase then k+ outflow will increase
which will leave less positive charge inside the cell. First of all, the main acting factor in the formation of membrane
resting potential is the role of potassium due to concentration gradient.

B) How is such a change of membrane resting potential called? How and why will the excitability be changed?
hyper-polarization. Since the membrane potential in the outer membrane changes to positive, the membrane
potential increases. In the hyper-polarization condition, excitability decrease

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