Menghargai Kinerja (Appreciation)

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Menghargai kinerja (appreciation)

Choose the best answer!

Read the dialog and answer questions 2 and 3.

1. Jade : Rose, look at my new dress! My Mom bought it for me yesterday.

Rose : ….
Jade : Thank you.
A. Just so so.
B. It’s beautiful.
C. I don’t like it
D. You are the best

2. Ronald : Look at that painting! What do you think of it?

Amila : What a beautiful painting! The objects on this painting are really alive.
Ronald : It is my best painting for this year.
Amila : Wow, …...
Ronald : Thanks. I’m glad you like it.
A. How lucky you are
B. How talented you are.
C. What an expensive painting.
D. What a strange object.

3. Hana : Hi, listen! Somebody is singing in the school hall.

Gita : Wow,… She is singing nicely that I feel her emotion.
Hana : I believe that she has a good talent to be a great singer someday.
A. How interestingit is!
B. How beautiful she is!
C. What a beautiful voice she has!
D. What touched emotion I have!

4. Teacher : Can you mention some big cities in Italy?

Sarah :Yes, Sir! Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Bologna and so on.
Teacher : Good. What’s the capital city of Italy?
Sarah : It is Rome, Sir.
Teacher : … girl you are, Sarah!
A. What a nice
B. What a clever
C. What a pretty
D. What a beautiful

5. Bobby : I’ve passed my medical examination. Now I can play football again!
Hasan : ......!
Bobby : Yes, right.
A. That makes me shocked
B. It’s very annoying
C. That’s good news
D. What disappointed news it is

Read the dialog and answer questions 6 and 7.

Intan : Wow! What a great place it is! Where is it?

Aldo : It is Gunung Mas Tea Plantation. We will have a tea walk this weekend.
Would you join us to prepare this program?
Intan : Pardon me?
Aldo : Well, would you join us to prepare this program?
Intan : Yes, of course.
Aldo : Good. We gather after school, okay.

6. What will they do after school?

A. Have a tea walk together.
B. Do alot of homework.
C. Go to Gunung Mas.
D. Prepare for the program.
7. Intan said, “What a great place it is!”
What does the sentence mean?
A. Intan appreciates something.
B. Intan gives her certainty
C. Intan asks a question.
D. Intan expresses her happiness

8. Anti : Here we are in Bali. That’s the hotel we are going to stay in.
Vita : Wow! What a beautiful building it is!
Anti : Yes. Hope the service of this hotel is as good as its building.

From the dialog, we can conclude that …

A. They don’t stay in a hotel.
B. The hotel has good service.
C. The hotel’s facilities are good.
D. They just arrived in Bali.

Read the dialog and answer questions 9-10

Mr. Aldy : What chores do you usually do to help your father at home?
Bobby : I clean his motor cycle.
Mr. Aldy : Good boy! What else?
Bobby : I do gardening, lots of flower plants in front of my house.
Mr. Aldy : That’s cool. What other chores do you do?
Bobby : I water them in the afternoon every day.
Mr. Aldy : That’s good. I’m very proud of you.
Bobby : Thank you, Sir.

9. Whydoes Bobby clean motor cycle and water the flowers every day?
A. It’s a man’s job.
B. He lives with his parents.
C. He wants to help his father.
D. His father needs him every day.

10. Why does Mr. Aldy give appreciation to Bobby?

A. Bobby has a good attitude
B. Bobby is very proud ofhis father.
C. Mr. Aldyis very proud of Bobby
D. Mr. Aldyis a good father

For numbers 11 and 12, complete the dialog with appropriate words.

Aria : What are you making,Gugun?

Gugun : A wooden bicycle.
Aria : Wow! Unique! You are really …. (11)
Gugun : Thanks.
Aria : Are you sure that you can ride the bicycle?
Gugun : Yes, I will have a try after finishing it.
Aria : …. (12).You can sell the bicycle then.
Gugun : It can be. Now, I am only thinking about how to make it comfortable to ride on.

11. ….
A. talented
E. homely
F. cool
G. humble
12. ….
A. It’s terrible!
B. It’s awesome!
C. That’s not good!
D. That’s too bad!

Read the dialog and then answer questions 13 to 14.

Mrs. Rianti : Wow! The house is very neat and clean. The floor is also clean and glossy.
Who cleaned it?
Erlin : Edwin and I, mom. It’s a holiday and we had nothingto do. That’s why, we
cleaned the house when you and dad were out.
Mrs. Rianti : Good children! I am very proud of you.
Erlin : Thanks.
Mrs. Rianti : Well, as a reward, what about having lunch at your favorite restaurant?
Erlin : I agree, mom. Thanks.
Mrs. Rianti : Please tell Edwin about that.
Erlin : Sure.

13. Why is Mrs. Ranti proud of her children?

A. The children do housework everyday.
B. Mrs. Rantiloves her children and the house.
C. Her children are very smart.
D. Her children are very diligent.

14. Mrs. Rianti appreciatesher children because they have ....

A. spent their holiday at home
B. cleaned their bedroom
C. made their bedrooms tidy
D. cleaned the house and floor

15. “…what about having lunch at your favorite restaurant?”

The underlined word has similar meaning with ….
A. favor
B. benefit
C. fondness
D. well known

For numbers 16 to 18, complete the dialog with appropriate words.

Fadli : Now, the ....(16) is done. What do you think?

Farah : Wow it’s wonderful.
Fadli : Thanks, Farah. I only did my best and hope you like it.
Farah : You have made this room very beautiful. My party will be more cheerful.
Fadli : Will you ….(17) all your friends?
Farah : Yeah! I want to share my .....(18) with them.

16. ....
A. package
B. food
C. decoration
D. present

17. ....
A. invite
B. announce
C. send
D. call up
A. happiness
B. health
C. sadness
D. comfort

19. Yoko : Would you try this food, please?

Alin : I don’t really like vegetables.
Yoko : But it’s different. It’s salad. Try it.
Alin : Ok, I will. Wow… I don’t think it’s so delicious. I like it.
A. Beautiful!
B. Fantastic!
C. Horrible!
D. Magificent!

20. Mr. John : Have you finished your Math exercise?

Laura : I have, Sir. Can you check it out?
Mr. John : OK. Let me see. Wow….. Laura. No mistake at all.
Laura : Thank you, Sir.
A. It’s embarrassing
B. It’s confusing
C. Not so good
D. Good job

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