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Paragraph on Discipline 100, 150, 200,

250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and

July 2, 2020 by Prasanna

Paragraph on Discipline: While dreams and desires in life give us purpose,

discipline molds and polish our path to attain that purpose. As we scroll down, we will
come across paragraphs guiding us through a better meaning and the ultimate
necessity of discipline in life.

You can read more Paragraph Writing about articles, events, people, sports,

technology many more.

Paragraph on Discipline – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3

Discipline means to follow rules or do things in regular order. It is a very important
part of life. Children should be taught to follow discipline while studying, eating or
playing. Adults should also lead disciplined lives.

Schools and places of work teach us discipline. Teachers, parents and elders also
help us to learn and follow rules. We must try to be disciplined in our Classroom, on
the sports ground, in the school assembly and while visiting places with elders.
Friends can also teach each other ways to follow rules and behave properly.
Discipline helps us to grow up and become happy and successful.

Paragraph on Discipline – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

Discipline is a fundamental part of our everyday life. From writing an essay to
wearing a perfect school uniform to winning a game of chess or badminton –
everything related to our school life is based on discipline. Adults too, owe most of
their success to discipline. Maintaining a good performance at work or taking care of
your health with age – all need a certain amount of discipline.

Acting according to order and a set of rules improves punctuality and planning.
Discipline is a combination of rules, management and order which help to retain the
natural flow of life. In addition to this, the discipline also adds balance. It helps us to
differentiate and manage our actions. It is essential not only in the lives of school-
going students but also people in the army or a sportsperson who wishes to build a
peaceful and successful life and others find it inspiring.
Paragraph on Discipline – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students
Discipline is an attribute that involves a definite set of rules, parameters and
behavioral patterns. When combined and applied together, these help to maintain
the social and personal order of events in life.

Discipline can start developing from a very young age right at home. This in turn
spreads and develops to affect different areas of life. Maintaining a proper sleep
schedule, a healthy diet, exercise, pursuing a passion or a hobby, practicing a sport
regularly all come under personal discipline. Social discipline includes behaving in a
particular manner in gatherings, meetings or events. Whereas professional discipline
mostly involves time management, meeting deadlines, greeting seniors
appropriately, maintaining healthy relations and so on.

Discipline is an inherent part of society and the very beginning of its role starts in our
educational institutes. But nowadays people often lose track of time and have to
make significant efforts to maintain a disciplined lifestyle. Some ways to maintain
discipline in school, workplaces or even at homes include:

 Being aware of the guidelines and rules of an institute

 Being considerate and understanding with co-workers
 Maintaining strictness but being fair
 Setting clear consequences and punishments
 Devising family or personal rules
 Keeping up with a planned schedule

The above measures can be the guiding principles to lead a disciplined life devoid of
commotion and regrets. We must always remember that with the right quality of
discipline all our ventures are certain to succeed!

Paragraph on Discipline – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and
Competitive Exams
Human beings are the larger parts of a social framework and for any framework to
function, rules and regulations are an absolute necessity. When these regulations
guide human behavior and devise a sense of organization, a system or an individual
is said to be disciplined. Discipline finds its importance in every aspect of human as
well as other forms of life. It instills a sense of responsibility, credibility and nurtures a
person to be more accountable for their actions.

From the daily routine of a sportsperson, the regular schedule of a businessperson

to the first steps or achievements of children, discipline is present in all places. But it
is equally important to understand that the same book of rules does not work for
every person. Punishments may work brilliantly for one child in school but make
another child feel miserable about themselves. So discipline anywhere should be
compatible and considerate. Unlike the “terms and conditions” which suit their own
needs, discipline should always be framed to meet individual requirements first.
In our fast-paced lives, we often have to run so fast to be a part of the crowd, that we
forget our own planned schedules. This leads to sleepless nights, anxiety, disorder
and in extreme cases chaos and commotion. We indeed need to keep pushing
ourselves to blend with the competition, but putting ourselves first is indispensable.

While discipline does have several interpretations and perceptions, its ultimate
purpose is to give us a clear idea of life. The history of great personalities is a
witness to the power of discipline in driving accomplishments. Discipline doesn’t
always have to be something dictating every minute of our life, it can be in the form
of small steps which one fine day, bring home a bigger, better version of ourselves.

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