Assessment Tool - SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

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Roster Staff

Assessment Tool
Mode | Classroom Delivery

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 20201
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Assignment Cover Sheet

Student ID 180038
Student Name Nongluck Saelim

Unit SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Task - Title/Number

Trainer/Assessor Hernan Chanique

Date Submitted 30 May 2021

Note: Plagiarism/Cheating is a serious offence. If a student is found plagiarising/cheating, it may result in a penalty of
suspension/cancellation of student’s enrolment. In submitting their work, students must be aware of college’s Plagiarism
and Academic Misconduct Policy available in student handbook, college’s website and student administration.

Declaration of Originality:

By submitting this assignment for assessment, I acknowledge and agree that:

▪ This assessment task/work is submitted in accordance with the college’s Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct
Policy. I also understand the serious nature of academic dishonesty (such as plagiarism) and the penalties
attached to being found guilty of committing such offence
▪ No part of this assessment task/work has been copied from any other source without acknowledgement of the
▪ No part of this assessment task/work has been written by any other person, except to the extent of team and/or
group work as defined in the unit/assessment task
▪ A copy of the original assessment task/work is retained by me and that I may be required to submit the original
assignment to the trainer/assessor upon request
▪ The trainer/assessor may, for the purpose of assessing this assessment task/work:
o Provide a copy of this assignment to another member of the faculty for review and feedback; and/or
o Submit a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism checking service. I acknowledge that a plagiarism
checking service provider may then retain a copy of this assessment task/work on its database for the
purpose of future plagiarism checking
Late submission: Late submission without a prior approval of the trainer/assessor will not be accepted and
may delay the assessment outcome. You may also need to resubmit work as per college’s Reassessment Policy.

I declare that this assessment is my own work.

Student signature: Date:


Admin Use Only

Received | Date

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 20202
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Comments (if any)

Assessment Summary
Read all the instructions below before attempting the assessment task. Assessment tasks are tools used to
determine if you have the knowledge and skills to complete tasks to industry standards within the workplace.
Your trainer/assessor will help you throughout this task and it is your responsibility to provide enough
evidence to justify a competent decision by the trainer/assessor. If you do not understand the questions or
what is required, ask your trainer/assessor for assistance. For group assessments, all students are to contribute
to the assessment tasks. You can work in groups up to a maximum of four people.
You are to complete all tasks by the due date and assessments must have a coversheet attached. If you think
you do not have enough time to complete the tasks by the due date, discuss with the trainer/assessor the
reasons of why you cannot submit on time.

Writing your responses

When answering questions, ensure that your answers are detailed enough to so the assessor can draw a
conclusion that you have the knowledge and/or skills to demonstrate competency. Handwritten answers must
be written in blue or black pen. When producing reports, ensure that your project has a title page, table of
contents, page numbers, reference list, ensuring that your answers thoroughly match the questions asked.
Answer all questions in your own words to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work or
ideas and saying that it your own work. Sources of work must be properly referenced, outlining the source of
your ideas. Penalties may include having to resubmit the assessment task again, repeating the Unit of
competency, or for repeat plagiarism, expulsion from Australian College of Hospitality & Business

Marking of Assessments
On submission of your assessment will be marked for a result of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory
(NYS). If you receive a NYS result, you will be asked to redo the tasks again. To achieve a competent result with
this unit, all tasks need to be completed and marked as satisfactory. Your trainer/assessor will provide
feedback to you on each task, outlining where you must improve to achieve a Satisfactory (S) result. When all
tasks are marked as Satisfactory (S), you will receive a result of Competent (C) for this unit otherwise, you will
be marked Not Yet Competent (NYC). Assessments submitted to the trainer/assessor after the due date may
not be accepted, and you may have to pay a resubmission fee / adjustment may apply.

Students with Special Needs

If leaners/learners have any special needs (e.g. physical disability, learning difficulty) regarding assessment,
they should be directed to discuss these with the Course Coordinator. The college will endeavour to make all
possible and reasonable adjustments to any aspect of assessment in order to address those needs. Some
examples of additional support could include:

▪ Language, literacy and numeracy (LLN)

▪ Assistive technology
▪ Additional materials or tutorials
▪ Assistance in using technology for online delivery components.

Reasonable adjustment

Reasonable adjustment refers to any modification made to the learning environment, certification
requirements, training delivery or assessment method to help learners with a disability access and participate

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 20203
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
in education and training on the same basis as those without disability (IBSA, 2015). The Disability Standards
for Education 2005 were formed under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. They clarify the obligations of
training providers to ensure that learners who have a disability are able to access and participate in education
and training on the same basis as those without disability.

Some examples of reasonable adjustments could include:

▪ Personal support services, e.g. a reader, Auslan interpreter, a scribe

▪ assistive technology or special equipment, e.g. screen readers, magnifiers, alternative keyboards
▪ modifying the presentation method, e.g. visual, oral, print, electronic
▪ adjustments to timeframes, e.g. providing materials prior to class, extended time limits
▪ adjustment of the physical environment, e.g. specific furniture, arrangement of classroom.

The determination of “reasonableness” requires judgement that must take into account the impact on the RTO
and the need to maintain the integrity of the qualification. While reasonable adjustments can be made to the
ways in which evidence of performance is gathered and demonstrated, the criteria for making Competent/Not
Yet Competent decisions (and/or awarding grades) should not be altered in any way. That is to say, the
standards expected should be the same irrespective of the group and/or individual being assessed (Disability
Standards for Education 2005).

Skill Recognition and Credit Transfer

Appropriate credit(s) may be granted to eligible students against each unit of competency on presentation of
evidence of successful completion of the same unit in an equivalent or higher qualification. Under the
Australian Qualifications Framework, this qualification recognises competencies achieved as part of a
Nationally Recognised Qualification from other institutes or universities.

Students may also apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) by providing evidence that they have the
required skills and knowledge in the specific areas of competency through work/industry experience and/or
completed eligible assessments in equivalent or higher qualification.
Please refer to college’s RPL/Credit Transfer Policy for more information and applicable procedures. The policy
is available either through the faculty coordinator or college’s website

Academic Policies and Procedures

Applicable policies and procedure related to this course including plagiarism, assessments, appeals and
complaints, can be found with the course coordinator as well as in the “Policies and Procedures” section of the
college’s website.

Submission of Work

All the written works must be submitted in a hard copy, and an additional soft/electronic copy if required by
the trainer/assessor, with an accompanying “Assessment Cover Sheet”. Each Assessment Cover Sheet should
be signed by the student and must contain student details and date of submission.

Material submitted for assessment—Word processed assignments, reports, essays, projects, etc. must contain
student’s name, ID (if available). Within the context of these assessment tasks, the assessor fulfils the role of
client, manager or supervisor, as applicable. Work submitted for “approval” within this context must
demonstrate care and attention to detail, such that the student inspires confidence that the work is being
undertaken competently.

Where soft copy/electronic files are submitted, students are encouraged to name the files according to
established procedure. This would typically include a course or unit code, assessment or submission code, and
in the case of multiple files an alphanumeric identifier. Multiple files may also be required to be submitted
SITXHRM002 Roster Staff
Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 20204
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
within an enclosing folder (with similar, appropriate naming conventions) or archive format—e.g. zip. Follow
submission guidelines in each assessment task for specific instructions.

Unit Overview

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop, administer and
communicate staff rosters. It requires the ability to plan rosters according to industrial provisions, operational
efficiency requirements, and within wage budgets.

This unit applies to individuals responsible for developing staff rosters for situations involving potentially large
numbers of staff working across a range of different service periods or shifts. It does not apply to small office

It applies to senior personnel who operate independently or with limited guidance from others, including
dedicated specialist staff or operational supervisors and managers.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, the learner/trainee will be able to;

▪ Develop staff rosters.

▪ Present and communicate rosters.
▪ Maintain rostering records.
▪ Evaluate rosters.

As well as demonstrating the performance criteria, to be assessed as competent, the learner must
demonstrate their ability to apply the required knowledge and skills in a range of situations. These are
summarised in the Competency Standards section below.

Prerequisite Requirements

This unit does not have a pre-requisite.

Performance Criteria

The following performance criteria specify the required level of performance for each of the elements of

Element Performance Criteria

1.1. Develop rosters according to relevant industrial agreements
and other considerations and wage budgets.
1.2. Maximise operational and customer service efficiency while
minimising wage costs.
1.3. Combine duties where appropriate to ensure effective use of
1. Develop staff rosters.
1.4. Roster teams with complementary skills mix to meet
operational requirements.
1.5. Take account of social and cultural considerations and broader
organisational policies that affect staff rosters.
1.6. Consult with colleagues to ensure input into rosters.
1.7. Use roster systems and equipment to administer rosters.

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 20205
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
2.1. Present rosters in required formats to ensure clarity of
information according to organisational standards.
2. Present and communicate rosters.
2.2. Communicate rosters to appropriate colleagues within
designated timeframes

3.1. Administer records of shift time completed by employees or

3. Maintain rostering records.
3.2. Maintain staff rostering records according to organisational

4.1. Monitor effectiveness of rosters in consultation with

4. Evaluate rosters.
4.2. Identify ways in which rosters and roster development
processes may be improved and take appropriate action.

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

▪ prepare staff rosters that meet diverse operational requirements across three different roster periods
▪ demonstrate the following when preparing each of the above staff rosters:
▪ sufficient staff to ensure the delivery of required services within wage budget constraints
▪ appropriate skills mix of the team
▪ compliance with industrial provisions and organisational policy
▪ completion of rosters within commercial and staff time constraints.

Knowledge Evidence

The following knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:

Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this
▪ sources of information on awards and other industrial provisions
▪ industrial agreements and other considerations which impact the preparation of staffing rosters:
▪ single or multiple awards and enterprise agreements
▪ award provisions for:
▪ leave
▪ mandated breaks between shifts
▪ maximum allowed shift hours
▪ standard, overtime and penalty pay rates
▪ overall number of hours allocated to different staff members
▪ use of:
▪ contractors and consideration of fees
▪ permanent or casual staff
▪ key elements of applicable awards and enterprise agreements:
▪ leave provisions
▪ mandated breaks between shifts
▪ maximum allowed shift hours
▪ standard, overtime and penalty pay rates
▪ organisational policies which impact the preparation of staffing rosters:
▪ sociocultural-friendly organisational initiatives
▪ family-friendly workplace initiatives
▪ leave for:
SITXHRM002 Roster Staff
Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 20206
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
▪ carers
▪ compassionate reasons
▪ illness or injury
▪ jury service
▪ long service
▪ maternity or paternity
▪ rehabilitation of injured workers
▪ study
▪ recreation
▪ industry sector:
▪ role of rosters and their importance in controlling staff costs
▪ system capabilities and functions of rostering software programs
▪ different formats for and inclusions of staff rosters
▪ different methods used to communicate rosters, both electronic and paper-based
▪ specific organisation:
▪ social, cultural and skills mix of the team to be rostered
▪ full details of human resource policies and procedures that cover leave provisions and socio-cultural
▪ operational requirements of the business activity, department or event subject to rostering
▪ wage budget for the business activity, department or event subject to rostering.

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 20207
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Assessment Task 1:
Assessment Task Knowledge Assessment Question


Knowledge & Performance Evidence

Outcomes Assessed Addresses some elements of required foundation skills and

knowledge as shown in the Assessment Mapping

Instructions for answering written questions:

▪ Student must have to complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions.

▪ It is expected from students to correctly answer all the questions.

▪ Answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of relevant concepts, critical thinking,
and good writing skills.

▪ Student must concise to the point and write answers according to the given word-limit or provide
enough evidences to each question and do not provide irrelevant information.

▪ Student must not use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean,
or exclude individuals or groups based on attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race, religion,
sexual preference or age. Gender inclusive language should be used.

▪ Assessor should not accept answers copied directly from texts without acknowledgement of the text

▪ Trainer/Assessor will provide student further information regarding the location of completing this
assessment task.

Knowledge Assessment
Task 1
Answer the following questions relevant to rostering in the Travel, Toursim
and Hospitality Industry.

1. Answer the following questions relevant to rostering staff in the Travel, Tourism
SITXHRM002 Roster Staff
Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 20208
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
and Hospitality Industry.

a. Identify two sources where staff in the can access information on industrial awards.

i. Fair work    
i.  Employment contact, Organisation policy and procedure.    

b. Access the Restaurant Industry Award 2010. Locate each of the provisions provided
below and specify the section in the award where this can be found.

Provision Where Can This Provision Be Found?

i. Hours of work for a full-time      part 5 section 31 (31,1 to 31,2)


ii. Roster of employees      part 5 section 31.6

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 20209
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
2. Briefly explain when each of the following will apply in a business:
▪ Single Award
▪ Multiple Awards
▪ Enterprise Agreement

· Applies when a business employs staff in the same role or a

i.Single Award
similar role.     

ii.Multiple · A different role.     


iii.Enterprise · An own agreement.     


SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202010
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
3. Read the scenario below.
The View Restaurant and Boutique Hotel is a new restaurant situated on the
Brisbane River with amazing views of the city. They offer lunch and dinner
on weekdays and host special events on weekends. There is an exclusive
boutique hotel section that is part of the special events side of the business.
You are the Human Resource Manager of The View and must develop
rosters for the three main departments. The three departments are: Front of
House, Back of House and the Events Team.
Different industry awards apply to each of these departments: Front of
House and Back of House staff follow the Restaurant Industry Award 2010;
the Events team follow the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010.

Access and review the awards applying to each team, then complete the table
below by answering the following questions:
i. What is the requirement under each area as specified in each award?
▪ Leave for:
o Full-time
o Casual
▪ Mandated breaks between shifts
▪ Maximum allowed shift hours
▪ Standard pay rates
▪ Overtime pay rates for:
o Full-time
o Casual
▪ Penalty pay rates for:
o Full-time
o Casual
▪ Hours allocated to:
o Full-time employee
o Casual employee
ii. Specify the section in the award where each requirement can be found,
SITXHRM002 Roster Staff
Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202011
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
e.g. Section 35 Annual Leave.
ii. Briefly explain how each requirement will impact the roster preparation at
The View.

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202012
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Award: Restaurant Industry Award 2010

Requirement can this Impact of this
Areas within the
under this be found Requirement to the
Award in the Roster Preparation

Annual leave Section 35, Wage budget for the roster

i. Annual Leave don’t apply to Annual stay the same or reduces
for Casual casual leave. when casual employees
employees. request time off.

All employees Clauses 25.1 Wage budget for the roster

(except for stay the same follow by the
Fair work
ACT 2009, legislation.
employees) get
section 87
paid annual When full-time or part-time
leave. Full time Section 35
take leave it will increase
and part-time
i. Annual Leave wage budget     
can get 4 week
for Full Time of annual leave,
base on their
ordinary hours
of work.

Leave loading of
17.5% must be

A minimum Restaurant   an employees should have

amount of times industry break between shift for their
health another benefit if
off between the award Clause
employees take a break is
end of one shift 15.1,16 and
can give a good service to a
and the start of 23.2
customer.You must cover
i. Mandated another. A Section 32 those break. 
Breaks minimum break
Between of 10 hours
Shifts between
finishing work
on one day and
starting work
the next day. 8
hours break
SITXHRM002 Roster Staff
Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202013
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
between main

 An employees Clauses That can be useful to

can work a 9,10,10.7,11 organise a roster staff. An
maximum of 38 ,15.1,24.4 easy way to control wage
i. Maximum hours in a week  budget.
Allowed Shift unless an
weekly hours You can overload staff, they
Hours employer asks
section 62. must have break periods.
them to work
reasonable extra Section 31.

The average Section 20, Must provided training and

hourly rate (pay Maximum develop skill.
per hour) in wages.
Full-time you must pay for
Australia is 44
super, tax
Contractors pay their super,
$19.84 per
tax, insurance.
hour, or
$753.80 per
i. Standard Pay
week for full
Rates and part-time
$24.80 an hour
(this includes a
casual loading
of 25% for

Casual employee            

i. Overtime Pay will be paid
overtime rates as
Rates for
listed in the
Casual penalty pay

i. Overtime Pay       Section 33,      

Rates for Full Overtime


38 hours per       Roster must take normal

i. Hours week. hours of a full-time
allocated to employee into
SITXHRM002 Roster Staff
Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202014
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
full-time consideration.

i. Hours                  

allocated to

Full-time and            

receive the
percentage of the
i. Hours standard pay role
Allocated to at this times.

Full-Time -100%
Employees weekdays.


-150% Sundays.
225% on public

i. Hours             Roster must take overtime

Allocated to rates into consideration to
minimise the cost of wages.

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202015
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Award: Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010

Requirement can this Impact of this
Areas within the
under this be found Requirement to the
Award in the Roster Preparation

            Wages budget for the

roster stay the same or
i. Annual Leave
reduces when Casula
for Casual employee request time

i. Annual Leave                  

for Full Time

i. Mandated 48 hour break            

Breaks after 3 consecutive
days of 10 hour

            Roster employees with

staggered start and
i. Maximum finish times to ensure
Allowed Shift all staff have sufficient
Hours break periods and do not
work more than the
maximum shift time.

Standard pay rates            

are designed from
i. Standard Pay level 1 through to
Rates level 6 and are

            Roster must take

i. Overtime Pay overtime rates into
Rates for consideration to
Casual minimise the cost of

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202016
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
            Roster must take
i. Overtime Pay overtime rates into
Rates for Full consideration to
Time minimise the cost of

The following            

percentages of the
standard pay rate
apply to the
i. Penalty Pay correlated days.
Rates for Full- -100% weekdays.
time -125% Saturdays.

-150% on Sundays.
-225% on public

i. Penalty Pay                  

Rates for

i. Hours 38 hours per week.            

Allocated to

i. Hours             Roster must take casual

Allocated to rates into consideration
to minimise the cost of

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202017
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
4. Refer to the document The View Restaurant and Boutique Hotel Rostering Policy and
Procedures found in your supplementary files.
a. Identify the organizational initiatives related to each of the following areas in the
policy to ensure ‘The View’ is sociocultural-friendly and family-friendly:
i. Two sociocultural-friendly initiatives
ii. Two family-friendly initiatives
iii. One recreation initiative
b. Briefly explain how each initiative will impact the roster preparation in the

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202018
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Areas Initiatives Impact of Initiative on
Roster Preparation

i. Roster team with as  Rotate the shift so that

much diversity as different people get to work
with different team
practicable so that each
a. Sociocultural staff learns from a
Friendly particular culture.     
Initiatives ii.       Ensure that all staff are
rostered on that day or it is a
day that suits those that are
not rostered on.

i. The view has a Roster will need to take this

childminding facility in into consideration base on
b. Family-Friendly the booking in the
the hotel for staff and
Workplace childminding facility.
guest use.     


Allow employees to take      

time out for sporting event
c. Recreation or other recreational activity
if it supports a healthy
workalike balance.

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202019
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
5. Refer to The View Restaurant and Boutique Hotel Rostering Policy and Procedures
document found in your supplementary files to answer the questions that follow.

a. Briefly explain The View’s initiative on staff taking leaves.

The view will take all approved leave into consideration when preparing the roster to
meet staff and legal requirements.

b. In your own words, briefly explain the requirement for staff to take each of the
following leaves.

 You are entitled to three paid carer days for full-time

and part-time staff. You must have more than 6 months
i. Carers Leave
of continuous service before you can apply paid carers

   Full-time and part-time employees will receive unpaid

compassionate leave, casual employees will receive unpaid
compassionate leave. Separate entitlement such as incentive-based
ii. Compassionate Leave payment and bonuses, loadings, monetary allowances, overtime or
penalty rates are not included. Compassionate leave cannot be cashed

 An employees can take as much paid sick leave as they’ve

iii. Illness/Injury Leave accumulated if they aren’t fit for work because they’re sick or injured.

   All employees, including casual employees are allowed these type

of leave and can request the time off why they are engaged in the
iv. Jury Duty Leave activity and include reasonable travel and rest time. There is also no
limit to the amount of community service leave employees can take.  

  Long-service leave is given to an employee after a long period of

time working for the same employer. Most employees’ entitlement to
v. Long Service Leave long service leave comes from long service leave laws in each State or

vi. Maternity/Paternity    Employees are permitted 12 month unpaid parental leave and are
allowed to request an additional 12 month of leave.  

  Worker compensation is a form of insurance payment to employees

vii. Rehabilitation or
if they are injured at work or become sick due to their work. Worker
Injured Workers Leave compensation includes payment to employees    

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202020
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
   These facilities are of use to employees with young children and
viii.Study Leave allow greater flexibility in rostering, by providing care for the
children for the entirety of the rostered shift.       

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202021
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
6. Answer the following questions related to staff rosters in the travel, tourism and
hospitality industry.

i. What is the main A roster is a plan that organises employees – indicating which employees
are to work where, and at what times. It also gives information as to
role of a staff
employee movements, such as who is on annual leave, who is on sick leave.
roster in the
Travel, Tourism
and Hospitality

ii. How does a roster When we set up the roster we can control how many hours will be paid for
each position and it appropriated to complete our best services.   
assist a business to
control staff costs?

iii. Identify at least a.    shifts rosters 

two different
formats for staff b.    staggered rosters

iv. Identify one Rostering software may allow you to distribute individual rosters by electronic
forms – email, through a calendar such as Outlook, SMS, etc. Managers and
electronic method
supervisors would have the rights to modify and update calendars, whereas
that can be used staff will only be able to view the roster.
to communicate
staff rosters.

v. Identify one paper- The hand-written rosters on a piece of paper which may be copied and
handed out or put on a noticeboard to a spreadsheet file being emailed to staff
based method
used to
communicate staff

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202022
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Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
vi. List five pieces of a. Employees’ names     
information that
must be included b. Starting and finishing times
on a roster.
c.  Breaks

d.   Days of the week and dates 

e.   Organisations may elect to include more information, including the

types of leave that employees are on, and where employees will be

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202023
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
7. Complete the table below:
i. Identify two rostering software programs.
ii. Identify one feature for each software program.
iii. Identify one function for each software program.

Rostering Software Program 1      



Rostering Software Program 2      



SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202024
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Access and review The Vegan Chicken Rostering Policies and Procedures found in your
supplementary files to assist you in answering Questions 8, 9 and 10

8. Explain The Vegan Chicken’s policies and procedures regarding the following:
a. Leave provisions
b. Socio-cultural issues

a. Leave provisions


b. Socio-cultural issues


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Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
9. Answer the following questions relating to the operational requirements affecting the
rosters for Vegan Chicken teams.

a. How many staff should be rostered in Back of House during peak times?


b. How many staff should be rostered in Front of House during the booking of a
special event at maximum capacity?


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Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
10. Explain how each of the following affects the wage budget when developing rosters.

a. Peak times of the business operations


b. Department requirements


c. Events occurring in the business


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Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
11. How does an Enterprise Agreement affect the roster preparation in comparison to an

How many staff should be rostered in Back of House during peak times?


12. For the purpose of this assessment, access and review the following enterprise
agreements found within your supplementary files.
▪ Hogs Breath Enterprise Agreement
▪ Oz Mates Travel Enterprise Agreement
Complete table below:
i. Identify the requirement under each area as specified in each agreement for
a full-time staff member.
▪ Annual leave
▪ Mandated breaks between shifts
▪ Maximum allowed shift hours
▪ Standard pay rates
▪ Overtime pay rates
▪ Penalty pay rates
ii. Specify the section in the agreement where each requirement can be found.

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Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Hogs Breath Enterprise Agreement

Where can
Areas within the this be
Requirement under this Agreement
Agreement found in the

i. Annual Leave            

i. Mandated            

Between Shifts

i. Maximum            

Allowed Shift

i. Standard Pay            


i. Overtime Pay            


i. Penalty Pay            


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Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Oz Mates Travel Enterprise Agreement

Where can
Areas within the this be
Requirement under this Agreement
Agreement found in the

i. Annual Leave            

i. Mandated            

Between Shifts

i. Maximum            

Allowed Shift

i. Standard Pay            


i. Overtime Pay            


i. Penalty Pay            


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Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
13. Answer the following questions regarding contractors in the business.

i. Identify at least one benefit to using a contractor instead of a full-time



ii. Describe at least one difference between paying a contractor’s fees and
paying a full-time employee.


SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202031
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Practical Assessment
Project Assessment 1
Assessment Task Project Assessment

Performance Criteria

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

Outcomes Assessed Knowledge & Performance Evidence

Addresses some elements of required foundation skills,

Knowledge skills and Performance Evidence as shown in the
Assessment Mapping documents

Learner Instructions
The Practical Assessment is a set of tasks that must be completed in a workplace, or in an environment with
conditions similar to that of a real workplace.
This assessment will help you demonstrate skill requirements relevant to develop, administer and
communicate staff rosters for situations involving potentially large numbers of staff working across a range of
different service periods or shifts.
▪ Answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of relevant concepts, critical thinking,
and good writing skills.

▪ Student must concise to the point and write answers according to the given word-limit or provide
enough evidences to each question and do not provide irrelevant information.

▪ Student must not use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean,
or exclude individuals or groups based on attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race, religion,
sexual preference or age. Gender inclusive language should be used.

▪ Assessor should not accept answers copied directly from texts without acknowledgement of the text

▪ Trainer/Assessor will provide student further information regarding the location of completing this
assessment task.

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202032
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Task 1 Develop Staff Rosters
Case Study Scenario
You are the Administration officer for a large restaurant in Sydney named ‘The Vegan Chicken’. This restaurant
caters for all dietary requirements. It is open seven days a week from 11am until 12am. The restaurant at full
capacity can cater for 70 patrons at one time. The average time a patron spends at the restaurant is 90
minutes. There are eight back of house staff, four full-time and four casuals, including one Head Chef and eight
front of house staff, four full-time and four casuals including one Front of House Manager.
· One of your tasks is to prepare the weekly roster for the restaurant’s two teams – the Front of
House and the Back of House.
· It’s approaching the beginning of the school holiday season with inter-state holidays occurring
before and after the NSW school holidays, so the restaurant considers the next four weeks as a
peak time of year. There need to be 4-5 waiters and 4-5 cooks rostered on, during the peak times
of year to ensure the business can operate effectively and provide efficient customer service. Your
Manager has asked you to prepare the next three weeks’ worth of rosters to prepare the staff for
the busy period ahead. The weekly wage budget must not exceed $13,000 per week.

1. Access the Weekly Roster template found within this assessment tool.
2. Access and review The Vegan Chicken’s Rostering Policy and Procedures and the Rostering
Requirements found within your supplementary files. Use the information from these documents to
complete this task.
3. Read each scenario on the following pages, then produce one roster for each scenario using the
Weekly Roster Template.

Each Weekly Roster must include the following information:

▪ Dates of Roster
▪ Weekly Budget
▪ Area
▪ Employees Names
▪ Employees Roles
▪ Start time
▪ Break time
▪ Finish time
▪ Total weekly hours per employee
▪ Total wage cost per employee

1. Each of the four rosters must:

▪ Be developed in accordance with the organisation's policy and procedures including
designated timeframe
▪ Ensure each team is rostered with a complimentary skill mix to operate the business
▪ Be developed to maximise customer service efficiency while minimising wage costs
▪ Show effective use of staff by combining duties when necessary
▪ Be developed in accordance with relevant industrial agreements
▪ Be developed in accordance with the wage budget

1. Submit four Weekly Rosters to your assessor.

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Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202033
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Scenario 1

It is Friday, and you are preparing the roster for Monday week in 10 days’ time. This roster will be ‘Weekly
Roster 1’ out of the three weeks’ worth of rosters you must schedule. Some staff reported that Jett and Hazel
often have verbal arguments because of their clashing political and religious opinions. This causes a bit of
distress to some of the staff, especially when it’s peak hours. Your supervisor recommended to roster them in
shifts away from each other.

· Prepare a roster for Week 1 considering Jett and Hazel’s concern.

· Note: You will also have to consider this concern when preparing the rest of the rosters.

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Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202034
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Weekly Roster 1

Completed by      


Wage Budget      


Employ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Total Wage
Hours Cost
and Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish









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Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Scenario 2

This roster will be ‘Weekly Roster 2’ out of the three weeks’ worth of rosters you must schedule. You have
identified the following considerations to be taken into account before finalising this roster:

Prepare a roster with the following considerations in mind:

▪ Kai requested Wednesday off for an appointment this week.

▪ Fred has requested to finish at 5pm on Friday this week.
▪ Isabel has requested 1 week paid annual leave this week.

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202036
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Weekly Roster 2

Completed by      


Wage Budget      


Empl Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Total Wage
Name Hours Cost
and Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish









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Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202037
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Scenario 3
This roster will be ‘Weekly Roster 3’ out of the three weeks’ worth of rosters you must schedule. You have
identified the following considerations to be taken into account before finalising this roster:

Prepare a roster with the following considerations in mind:

▪ Ash has requested 1 week paid annual leave in week 3.
▪ Richard is a father who cares for his children during the day but has said he is happy to fill in for the
full-timers when they take annual leave if he has a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice.

Typically, when the head chef is away, the sous chef covers for them while casual expeditors can take on the
role of any full-time staff.

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Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Weekly Roster 3

Completed by      


Wage Budget      


Employ Total Wage

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
ee Hours Cost
Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish









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Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202039
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Scenario 4
It is Friday in week two, and the roster for week three has been published and due to commence in three days.
You receive a call from Andre to say he has injured himself and has a medical certificate until Monday and
won’t be back at work until Tuesday. You need someone to fill in his shift on Monday. All of the wait staff have
been trained to operate in the bar. Re-work the Weekly Roster 3 to identify an employee who is available to
work Andre’s shift on Monday.

SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202040
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Weekly Roster 3 v2.0

Completed by      


Wage Budget      


Emplo Total Wage

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
yee Hours Cost
Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish Start Meal Finish









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Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202041
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Task 2 Supplementary Questions

Access and review the four Weekly Rosters that you completed in Assignment 1 Task 1 to answer the following

1. What is the industrial agreement/award used by the Vegan Chicken when developing rosters?

2. Provide an example for how you combined duties within each team to ensure you have effective use
of staff so the restaurant can operate effectively.


3. What would be the purpose of rostering Fred and Kai together?


4. Why do you never see Hazel and Jett on the same shift across the four Weekly Rosters?


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Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202042
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
5. Who did you schedule to cover Isabel’s annual leave in Weekly Roster 2?

6. Who did you schedule to cover Ash’s annual leave in Weekly Roster 3?

7. Was the wage budget for Roster 2 sufficient for the roster you developed? Explain your response.


Project Assignment 2
Assessment Task Improve Rosters and Rostering Process


SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202043
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Performance Criteria
4.1, 4.2
Outcomes Assessed Addresses some elements of required foundation skills,
Knowledge skills and Performance Evidence as shown in the
Assessment Mapping documents

Task 1 Improve Rosters and Rostering Process

1. Using the feedback gathered during the consultation with two colleagues in Practical Observation 1 Task 4,
make two suggestions for improvement, one for each of the following:

▪ One to the roster development process

▪ One to improve the roster

2. Access the Simulated Email template in this workbook to send your manager an email with the two
suggestions to improve the rostering process and the roster.

3. Submit your Simulated Email to your assessor.

Simulated Email


Send To:      





SITXHRM002 Roster Staff

Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202044
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Practical Observation
Assessment Task Practical Observation

Performance Criteria
1.1, 1.3, 1.6,1.7, 2.1, 2. 2, 3.1,3.2, 4.1
Outcomes Assessed Addresses some elements of required foundation skills,
Knowledge skills and Performance Evidence as shown in the
Assessment Mapping documents

Task 1 Consult with Colleagues to Discuss Roster

Learner Instructions
You are required to:
▪ Consult with at least two colleagues to discuss a roster.
▪ Use your organisation's rostering system to administer and present rosters in your organisation required
▪ Communicate two rosters with at least eight staff involved in each roster, within the designated timeframe
of the organisation.
▪ Administer timesheets in your organisation’s rostering system
▪ Maintain rostering records
▪ Consult with colleagues to monitor the effectiveness of rosters.

1. Seek permission to access at least one roster with at least 10 staff for a scheduled shift in your organisation.
If this is not available, seek permission from relevant personnel in the organisation to prepare this roster.

2. Organise a time for your assessor to observe you conduct a meeting with two colleagues from your
If direct observation is not possible, you must video record the discussion.
Colleagues may include but not limited to: Team Leaders or Department Supervisors.

3. Access the Meeting Minutes template from the Supplementary Evidence section of this Assessment tool

4. Conduct a meeting with two colleagues from your organisation to discuss the roster for the shift. Record
your notes in the Meeting Minutes for each item. Meeting Minutes must include the following topics:
· If the roster has an effective mix of staff in each team to maximise operational efficiency.
An effective mix of staff means that each day of the roster, has staff rostered on with the skills
necessary to effectively operate the business between them, at any one given time. This is called
having a complementary skill mix and must be in accordance with the organisations rostering
· If the roster has effective use of staff to maximise customer service efficiency.
Roster must include effective use of Staff in the service team, to provide efficient customer service.
· If the roster has considered the social and cultural requirements of staff on the roster.
This may include: Staff requests, organisational requests or other considerations in line with
organisational or legal requirements when rostering staff.

5. Have your assessor accomplish an Assessor Marking Checklist to confirm you demonstrated the skills
SITXHRM002 Roster Staff
Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202045
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
required while completing this task.

6. Submit the Meeting Minutes to your assessor.

You will be assessed on your ability to:

▪ Ask colleagues questions to gather input into the roster
▪ Listen to, understand and interpret messages from colleagues
▪ Consider staff requests and personal commitments when planning rosters

Task 2 Administer and Present Rosters

1. Seek permission and assistance to access your organisation’s rostering system. You will need to administer
and present two rosters to your colleagues.
Have two draft rosters ready in case you are unable to access your organisation's rosters.

2. Organise a time for your assessor to observe you using your organisation's rostering system to administer
and present the two rosters.
If direct observation is not possible, you must video record the demonstration of this task.

3. Enter the data for each roster into your organisation’s rostering system
Data must specifically include:
▪ Staff names and roles
▪ Start times
▪ Meal breaks
▪ Finish times
▪ Leaves, if any
4. Check each roster is in accordance with your organisational standards including:
▪ Rostering requirements.
▪ Rostering policy and procedures.

5. Communicate the two rosters with at least eight staff who are part of the roster. It must be within the
SITXHRM002 Roster Staff
Assessment Tool | V 2.1 | April 2020 I Review: Dec 202046
Australian English Colleges t/a Australian College of Hospitality and Business Management
Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
designated timeframes and your organisation’s policy and procedures.

At least two of these staff must be contractors.

Communication may include:
· Sending the rosters via email
· Printing the rosters and having a meeting with the staff
You will need to have your supervisor/relevant personnel sign the copy of the above evidence of
communication to confirm that these were communicated in the workplace.

6. Have your assessor accomplish the Assessor Marking Checklist to confirm that you demonstrated the skills
required while completing this task.

7. Submit the following to your assessor:

· Your two rosters
· Evidence of communication with staff, e.g. PDF copy of the email correspondence signed by your
supervisor/relevant personnel.
8. Answer the Supplementary Questions on the following pages.

You will be assessed on your ability to:

▪ Use your organisation's rostering system to administer and present rosters
▪ Communicate two rosters with at least eight staff involved in the roster

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Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Task 2
Supplementary Questions 1

1.What is your organisation’s designated timeline for communicating rosters to staff?


2.Explain how you communicated the rosters within this designated timeline.


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Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
Task 3 Administer Timesheets and Maintain Rostering Records

1. Seek permission and assistance to access your organisation's rostering system to administer timesheets for
at least eight staff.
At least two of these staff must be contractors.

2. Organise a time for your assessor to observe you administer and maintain rostering records.
If direct observation is not possible, you must video record the demonstration of this task.

3. Check each timesheet is in accordance with organisational standards, including:

▪ Scheduled hours on the roster are the same on the timesheet.
▪ Each timesheet has been signed and dated by both the staff member and relevant personnel,
i.e. team leader or manager.

4. Enter data from timesheets of the eight staff into the rostering system.

5. Access the Roster Report template found within your Supplementary Evidence section of this workbook.

6. Record details on the Roster Report to maintain rostering records. The Roster Report must include:
▪ Week Ending Date
This will be the date for the last day of the roster.
▪ Numbering system for each Staff member to protect their privacy
Instead of writing the staff members name, write ‘Staff member 1’
▪ The actual time the staff member commenced work
▪ The actual time the staff member completed work
▪ Total hours worked for each staff member

7. Have your assessor accomplish the Assessor Marking Checklist to confirm that you demonstrated the skills
required while completing this task.

8. Submit the Roster Report to your assessor.

You will be assessed on your ability to:

▪ Use your organisation’s rostering system to administer timesheets
▪ Maintain rostering records

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Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
You are required to:
▪ Administer timesheets in your organisation’s rostering system
▪ Maintain rostering records

Roster Report

Learner’s Name:      


Week Ending:      

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Staff Hours









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Task 4 Consult with Colleagues to Monitor Rosters
Case Study Scenario
You are the Administration officer for a large restaurant in Sydney City named ‘The Vegan Chicken’. Access the
three weekly staff rosters that you developed for the Front of House and Back of House teams in Project/
Assignment 1 Task 1. Prior to the first roster commencing, you requested the Head Chef and FOH Manager to
monitor the effectiveness of each roster and provide you with feedback at the end of Week 3. It is now the
beginning of Week 4, and you have asked the Head Chef and FOH Manager to submit their feedback notes.
You have collected the feedback and now need to consult with these two colleagues, to discuss the feedback
that you gathered.

Access the Team Leader’s Feedback found within your supplementary files, to use during this role play.
1. Conduct a role play activity based on the scenario provided. Enlist the assistance of two volunteers to
undertake the roles of the Head Chef and the FOH manager for this activity.
2. You will require two volunteers to play the roles within the scenario.
3. Hand each of your volunteers the character brief named Team Leader’s Feedback to read the role
they will undertake prior to commencing the role play.
4. Organise a time for your assessor to observe you conduct the role play.
If direct observation is not possible, you must video record your role play.
5. Access the Meeting Minutes template from the Supplementary Evidence section of this workbook.
6. Consult with the two colleagues from the scenario to discuss feedback on the following:
▪ Feedback on the three rosters
▪ The rostering processes
7. Record your feedback in the discussion notes of the Meeting Minutes for each item.
7. Have your assessor accomplish the Assessor Marking Checklist to confirm that you demonstrated the
skills required while completing this task.
8. Submit the Meeting Minutes to your assessor.

You will be assessed on your ability to:

▪ Ask colleagues questions to confirm their feedback
▪ Listen to responses

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Provider Code: 45215 | CRICOS Provider Code 03630A
You are required to:
Consult with colleagues to monitor the effectiveness of rosters.

Meeting Minutes
Date:       Time:       Location:      

Meeting called      




Agenda Item 1 Three Weekly Rosters

Discussion Feedback on the three rosters


Agenda Item 2 Rostering Process

Discussion The rostering process


Agenda Item 3 Sociocultural Considerations

Discussion Does the roster consider the social and cultural requirements of staff?


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Student Name: Date

Assessor Name:

Please provide us some feedback on your assessment process. Information provided on this form is used for
evaluation of our assessment systems and processes.
This information is confidential and is not released to any external parties without your written consent. There
is no need to sign your name as your feedback is confidential.

Strongly Agree Strongly

Average Disagree
Agree Disagree

I received information about the assessment

5 4 1
requirements prior to undertaking the tasks 3 2

The assessment instructions were clear and easy to

5 4 1
understand 3 2

I understood the purpose of the assessment 5 4 1

3 2

The assessment meets your expectation 5 4 1

3 2

My Assessor was organised and well prepared 5 4 1

3 2

The assessment was Fair, Valid, Flexible and Reliable 5 4 1

3 2

My Assessor's conduct was professional 5 4 1

3 2

The assessment was an accurate reflection of the unit

5 4 1
requirements 3 2

I was comfortable with the outcome of the

5 4 1
assessment 3 2

I received feedback about assessments I completed 5 4 1

3 2

The pace of this unit was: Too Slow Too Fast


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