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Running head: CASE STUDY 1

Case Study



Case Study

1. Drawing from Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, June’s problems began in the safety needs’

stage. The argument is attributed to that she developed traumatic brain injury and post-

stress disorder while serving in the military. The stage is associated with the need for

protection against elements and other aspects such as employment, stability and health

Zunker, 2015). She is undergoing the problems after sixteen years of military service,

where she intended to serve long before the onset of her mental illness. Therefore, if it

were not for the nature of her employment, June could not develop the post-traumatic

stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.

2. Informed decision-making is centered on the consideration of all relevant information

and its appropriate weighting and combination. In the case of June, I would use the

additive feature model to make decisions Zunker, 2015). The method involves

consideration of all critical features of all possible choices and the systematic evaluation

of each option (Dhami, 2003). It is an appropriate method during the formulation of

complex decisions, as in the case of June who is faced with two critical mental illnesses.

The usefulness of the model, in this case, lay in that it can facilitate the objective

selection of the most viable option to act on June’s case.

3. Assessment tools help the caregiver to understand the client’s problems well and

formulate effective interventions (APA, 2017). In the case of June, I would deploy

various assessment tools in a bid to obtain an in-depth understanding of her problem

Zunker, 2015). The first tool would be a behavioral observation to understand her

behavioral orientation and any disruptive behavior she might exhibit. The other tool

would be problem behavior checklist as an assessment of the problems she is

experiencing. To understand her cognitive problems, I would use screening tools and

neuropsychological evaluations to understand the extent of cognitive disruption caused

by her condition.

4. To evaluate the client’s decision-making skills, I would utilize the Decision-Making

capacity Assessment (DMCA), model. The initial assessment would entail the

identification and validation of the assessment’s reasons, risks, and domains Zunker,

2015). The second step would involve problem-solving through the utilization of

cognitive and functional testing of the client. I would finally conduct a capacity

assessment interview if the prevailing problems are unsolvable through less intrusive

techniques (Brémault-Phillips et al., 2016). Also, the evaluation process would be

centered on the client in a bid to obtain the best outcomes regarding their decision-

making abilities.

5. I would examine several aspects of the client to assess her vocational skills, including her

basic concerns. The step would involve examination of her energy levels, motor skills

and physiology, and outward appearance Zunker, 2015). I would also endeavor to

understand her cognitive concerns, such as her level of concentration, memory, decision-

making, and mistakes in life. The assessment would also evaluate her interpersonal

concerns such as communication skills, response to supervision and peers, and

adaptability levels. An examination of her orientation concerns to the workplace would

also be critical for the assessment. The step would be aimed at establishing her

motivation to work and conscientiousness. The steps would sufficiently enable me to

understand her ability to work and readiness for vocational training.


6. Before developing long-term career goals for the client, I would first seek to know certain

aspects such as her history. The step would involve unearthing her previous experiences

at the workplace and her source of motivation. I would also need to know her education

level in a bid to develop career objectives that match her profile Zunker, 2015). Knowing

her abilities/aptitudes would be a great asset for the development of long-term career

goals since I would be in a good position to place her in a career she can perform

successfully. Knowledge of her psychosocial strengths and development would also be


7. To achieve effectiveness in counseling the client, I would deploy the congruence model

assessment of career development counseling for the client. The usefulness of the

technique, in this case, emanates from its client-centered orientation which seeks to boost

their career success (Zunker, 2015). Precisely, the model aims at honing the student’s

abilities, personality, and work values. The assessment of their abilities in the technique

enables the prediction of their future achievements (Kelly, 1996). The technique would

serve as a problem-solving process through which the client encoded to pursue specific

goals in life.

8. The client would need such resources as motivational reading materials and online self-

help resources to facilitate resilience accumulation and stress management. Follow up

actions would include the maintenance of constant communication with the client to

monitor her adherence to the prescribed intervention and medication (Zunker., 2015). It

would also be prudent to schedule subsequent review sessions at the clinic to monitor her

progress and implement any necessary modifications.


9. To determine her support network, I would ask the client about her family, friends, and

former workmates. For instance, I would seek to know if she lives with her family or

alone, and if alone, who her close contacts at home are (Zunker., 2015). Knowledge of

her spouse would also be critical in this stage. I would also enquire about her social life to

learn the people she spends time with while not at work. I would also seek to establish the

strength of the ties she established with her workmates.

10. To ascertain the impact of life roles, family, work, and mental health issues with the

client, I would interview to gain an understanding of how such issues affect her. For

instance, I would aim at establishing a comparison of her life before getting children and

life after becoming a mother (Zunker., 2015). What changed? Also, I would wish to

understand her life before the onset of the illness and the changes that came with the


11. Information about the labor market would be obtained through different methods. First, I

would conduct online research on relevant websites such as the Department of Labor to

deduce various concepts. I would also consult expert sites and blogs about the labor

market trends. Another method would entail the actual conducting of manual research by

surveying the market through sampled organizations to obtain relevant information

(Zunker., 2015). After gathering the relevant information through the two methods, I

would analyze them comparatively to arrive at solid conclusions.

12. Due to her mental state, her short-term career goals should not be too aggressive

(Zunker., 2015). For instance, her career goals could start with the aim to get a reasonable

job with a modest pay to finance her basic needs. A second goal would be the gradual

progress to reach greater heights in the workplace in the future. A third goal would be to

demonstrate expertise and commitment at work at all times.



APA. (2017). Behavior, Observation, and Functioning. Retrieved from


Brémault-Phillips, S., Parmar, J., Friesen, S., Rogers, L., Pike, A., & Sluggett, B. (2016). An

Evaluation of the Decision-Making Capacity Assessment Model. Canadian Geriatrics

Journal, 19(3). doi: 10.5770/cgj.19.222

Dhami, M. (2003). Psychological Models of Professional Decision Making. American

Psychological Society, 14(2). doi: 10.1111/1467-9280.01438

Kelly, K. (1996). A talent development model of career counseling. Gifted Education

International, 11(1).

Zunker., V. (2015). Career Counseling. Cengage Learning.

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