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Frequency Based DDoS Attack Detection Approach

Using Naive Bayes Classification

Ramin Fadaei Fouladi, Cemil Eren Kayatas, and Emin Anarim
Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey

Abstract—Being available for their legitimate users is one of attacks [9]. Most part of the DDoS attack energy resides in
the main concerns of web service servers. One of the main lower frequencies in comparison with normal traffic in which
threats to availability of servers are DDoS attacks. Flooding the the energy is distributed in different frequencies [9]. Different
server with bogus packets which leads to overuse the sources of
it, a DDoS attack deprives authorized clients of benefits from literatures have employed the capability of the frequency
their services. In order to disguise itself from intrusion detection based methods to analyze traffic patterns, and to discover
systems, sophisticated DDoS attack mechanisms are invented abnormalities [9]–[14]. Using the spectrum energy and simple
whose packets are very similar to those in normal traffics. thresholding method, authors in [10] separate low rate DoS
Frequency domain analysis would be a promising alternative attack(LDoS) from normal traffics. The spectral energy within
for conventional methods of detection. In this paper we provide
a naive Bayes classifier with two frequency based methods of the main lobe is used as the threshold value. Two stage
discrete Fourier transform and discrete wavelet transform in reduction of quality (RoQ) attack detection method is proposed
order to separate between attack and normal traffics. It founds in [11]. At the first stage, wavelet analysis is used to detect
that, frequency analysis of DDoS attack can result in good potential attack and then as the next step, autocorrelation
performance. analysis is employed to extract attack characteristics. The
Keywords—DFT, DDoS, DWT, IDS, Naive Bayes Classification
power of spectrum energy in identifying normal TCP traffic is
discussed in [12]. Wavelet filters are used in different anomaly
scenarios in [13]. These filters are found to be quite effective at
exposing the details of anomaly traffics. Authors use Spectral
Nowadays, Internet and network based applications are analysis as one part of their detection of DoS attack method
inseparable parts of our daily lives. Confidentiality, integrity in [14]. Most of the literatures studying frequency domain
and availability are three important issues of security for analysis in identifying DoS and DDoS attacks are just carried
networks [1]. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack out in simulation environments; moreover, these methods are
is the major threat to availability [2], [3]. In this type of used as a compliment for other traditional payload analyzing
attacks, using spurious packets and hiring a large number of methods.
compromised agents, the attacker tries to prevent legitimate In this paper, we contribute to the previous studies by propos-
traffic between clients and a server [4]. During the attack, ing a stand-alone frequency analysis method for DDoS attack
the source IP address is also spoofed in order to hide the detection. The analysis is done on the traffic flow level of the
identity of the attacker which makes tracing back extremely network. The coefficients of discrete wavelet transform (DWT)
difficult [5]. Most intrusion detection systems (IDS) utilize and Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) are used together as the
one of two methods of detection: signature-based (misuse) features to separate DDoS attack from normal traffic. Wavelet
and anomaly analysis [6]. In a signature-based method, the transform provides us with higher resolution information about
system is trained by a set of known malicious threats. During frequency domain in which increases the accuracy of the
the analysis, IDS compare the pattern of ongoing traffic detection. Naive Bayes classifier which is fast and easy to
with its database and any match reports as intrusion. This implement, is used to classify attack and normal traffic and
method suffers from incapability of detecting new unknown results are compared with a simple thresholding classifier. The
intrusions [7]. In anomaly-based approach, the normal pattern dataset for the DDoS attack is obtained from a real attack of
is determined and any activity out of this model is reported as booter dataset [15]. The normal traffic of Boğaziçi University
anomalous. Although, this method can detect new intrusions, is used as the normal traffic in this experiment. All analyses
the detection probability rate is low [6]. Packet level analysis are implemented in MATLAB R2015a and Weka 3.6 [16],
and payload examination are the dominant methods which are [17]. The rest of this paper is organized as follow: Section II
implemented in most traditional detection systems [8]. The is devoted to methodology. Section III presents the discussion
contents of arrival packets are scrutinized by the IDS to find and results followed by conclusion in Section IV.
any suspicious activity. Most of the new DDoS attacks mimic
the legitimate web service traffic, which leaves the traditional II. M ETHODOLOGY
methods ineffective in detecting intrusions. Frequency domain In this section, we first introduce the fundamentals of dis-
analysis has been found to be promising in detecting DDoS crete Fourier transform (DFT) and discrete wavelet transform

978-1-5090-1288-6/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 104 TSP 2016

(DWT). Then we propose our method of detection. the main router of Boğaziçi University. For attack traffic we
use a real UDP-based attack dataset from booters which is used
A. DFT and DWT in [15]. Booters are web-based services that do DDoS attack
Fourier Transform is a method to reveal the frequency com- as a service for their customers at a very low price [15]. The
ponents of a time series x(t) by mapping from time domain attack is DNS-based which belongs to the class of reflection
to frequency domain [18]. It is accomplished by convolving and amplification. Relatively small size DNS requests whose
the signal with complex exponential function. Signals in real source IP addresses are spoofed to the IP address of the victim
applications are usually discrete ones which are created by (Reflection) are sent to many servers that are used as agents,
sampling a continuous signal in each T interval and with the in return; each server replies back to the victim with a large
limited length of N . Such a discrete signal xk is transformed response (amplification). The average rate (Gbps), the number
to frequency domain by using DFT which is expressed as: of misused systems and the average packet per system are 0.33,
N −1 54 and 245169.2 respectively. Having preprocessed datasets to
1 X
X[fn ] = xk e−j2πfn T (1) generate aforementioned matrices, first 1000 rows of each of
N them are used for training and the rest are left for test part.

DWT is a linear transform operating on a discrete signal III. D ISCUSSION AND R ESULTS
with the length of an integer of power two. It is used to
In naive Bayes classification method which is based on
decompose the signal into different frequency components
Bayes theorem, it is assumed that all features are strong
[19]. Figure 1 displays the process of computing DWT, where
(naive) independent from each other. Because naive Bayes
H and L denote high and low-pass filters respectively, followed
classification can be implemented easily without any compli-
by a factor 2 down sampling. aj are called scale elements
cated iterative parameters, it is useful for very large datasets.
which are used for the next level of the transform and dj
Although this method is simple, but it usually outperforms
are called wavelet coefficients. The process of transform can
other sophisticated methods. Bayes theorem provides a way
be continued for j + 1 levels in which only two aj elements
of calculating the posterior probability, P (c|x) (Posterior
remain. DWT can represent the signal in different resolutions
probability), from P (c), P (x), and P (x|c) (Likelihood). Naive
which is its main feature. The simplest and fastest wavelet
Bayes classifier assumes that the effect of the value of a feature
transform algorithm is Haar transform. The Haar low pass filter
(x) on a given class (c) is totally independent of the values
LHaar simply averages adjacent entries of its input. The Haar
of other features. This assumption is called class conditional
high pass filter HHaar computes half the difference between
successive input samples. P (x|c)P (c)
P (c|x) = (2)
B. Proposed Method P (x)
In order to detect DDoS attacks, passive monitoring is Y
used in this paper in which off-line dataset is used. A time P (c|x) = P (c) P (xi |c) (3)
series x(t) is generated by sampling the number of packets in
every 1ms. The obtained random signal is further divided into Considering
Q the naive Bayes equation, the likelihood proba-
128-length windows with 64-length overlapped values with bility ( i P (xi |c)) could be used as a score of class C. This
consecutive windows. For each window, we obtain one pair score can be used as a threshold to separate attack from normal
of coefficients of the power spectral density and Haar wavelet traffic.
coefficients which are saved in DFT and DWT matrices A. DFT Training
respectively. The absolute value of each row of the acquired
matrices is taken and converted to probability by dividing Most part of Internet traffic consists of TCP protocols.
its elements by total sum of the values in that row. These Traffic/congestion mechanisms and round trip time (RTT)
two matrices are used as the features for our naive classifier induce periodic patterns to the packet arrival on traffic flows,
method. therefore; the energy should be distributed in different bound-
aries of frequency [20]. On the other hand, the energy of
C. Training and Test dataset DDoS attack resides in lower frequencies [9]. Figure 2 displays
In order to train and test the method, two datasets are used the spectrogram of training dataset of DFT matrices for both
for Normal and Attack traffics. Normal Traffic is obtained from normal and DDoS traffics. Blue and Yellow regions represent
low and high energy respectively. In contrast to main energy
of attack traffic which resides in lower frequencies, the normal
one is distributed in three different bounds of energy. Although
all 64 components of DFT can be used to estimate the
score, but by considering the figure 2, using just the first
ten components would be enough to separate attack from
normal traffics. Figure 3 depicts the normalized histogram of
Fig. 1. DWT Cascade logarithm values of the attack and normal scores estimated

Fig. 4. Haar Wavelet Coefficients of Attack and Normal traffic for DWT
Fig. 2. Spectrogram of Attack and Normal traffic for DFT analysis, (a)Attack, analysis, (a)Attack, (b)Normal

frequencies. Because wavelet method analyzes frequency com-

by using first ten components and corresponding receiver
ponents in various scales, the resolution of energy distribution
operating characteristic (ROC) and using these scores in a
using wavelet is more than that of DFT method. Taking figure
simple thresholding classification. Considering both histogram
4 into account, for this method we just use the first 30
and ROC, -17 is chosen as the threshold parameter to separate
coefficients to segregate between attack and normal traffics.
attack from normal traffic.
Figure 5 displays the normalized histogram of logarithm value
B. Wavelet Training of the attack and normal scores evaluated by using first 30
components and corresponding ROC using these scores in a
Wavelet not only gives information about the presence of simple thresholding classification. Considering both histogram
frequencies in the signal, but also provides more knowledge and ROC, -63 is chosen as the threshold parameter to separate
about their locations as well. Figure 4 displays the Haar attack from normal traffic. In training mode, thresholding
wavelet coefficients of first 1000 rows of training matrices for classification in DWT outperforms to that of in DFT.
both normal and attack traffics. Different bounds of energy
are occupied by the wavelet coefficients of normal traffic C. Test Results
except the boundary approximately between the 10th and 30th The training and test datasets are fed to a naive Bayes
coefficients. DDoS attack energy bound again resides in lower classifier to separate between attack and normal traffics. Test

Fig. 3. Thresholding Classification using scores obtained by the first 10 Fig. 5. Thresholding Classification using scores obtained by the first 30
frequency components of DFT in training dataset , (a)Histogram, (b)ROC frequency components of DWT in training dataset , (a)Histogram, (b)ROC

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