# Chapter 4: Process Design and Pre Production: Supplier

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# Chapter 4: Process Design and Pre production Supplier Name Function Date

Open Prepared by Gaurav QMS - Incharge 21.09.2020

Close Approved by Mahesh Kumar C Plant Head 21.09.2020

Question ASES Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date evidence Status

Some key information like PFMEA preparation /

4.1 ASES report Capture the PFMEA preparation / review condition in the procedure To be defined procedure / WI Gaurav 6/23/2021 Close
review condition is not captured in the procedure

Some potential failure mode in Projection

welding process are not captured in the PFMEA. FMEA to be reviewed for all
4.1 ASES report Revisit each process PFMEA to add missing potential failure mode Naveen 15/7/2021 Open
Ex. Failure Mode: Reverse nut weld, Nut missing failure modes
offset etc.,.

No occurrence back up data available or

4.1 29.06.21 Naveen 15/7/2021 Open
evidenced for FMEA.

Past troubles / lesson learnt not applied in the

Nissan project. Ex: Bearing failure from Maruti,
4.1 29.06.21 project. Anil/Rajiv 15/7/2021 Open
Failure mode, Cause & actions to be captured in

Effect of failure @ end user wrongly updated as

Warranty failure.
4.1 29.06.21 06.07.21 Close
Saferty failure sev wrongly updated as 7 in Cust
& end user

4.1 29.06.21 CFT members details not available in PFMEA. 06.07.21 Close

Operating force - PY details & Detection rating

not clearly defined in Nissan PB1D models.
4.1 29.06.21 06.07.21 Close
FMEA found mismatch in Failure cause &
failure mode.

Effect of failure identified is inappropriate. Ex.

Process: Blanking, Defect: Burr, Next Process Discuss with CFT and Customer to revisit and address the appropriate FMEA to be reviewed for failure
4.1 ASES report Naveen 6/23/2021 29.06.21 Close
effect is mentioned as no discernible effect effect of failure. effects
instead of 100% rework.

Severity rating is not assigned inline to AIAG

FMEA to be reviewed for ranking
4.1 ASES report guideline. Ex. Severity is rated as 2 instead of 6 Refer the AIAG guideline and reassign the Severity rating accordingly Naveen 6/23/2021 29.06.21 Close
as per AIAG guidelines
for Burr and 6 instead of 7 for Crack

Define the period to past rejection data. Collect and formalise the data
ASES report No past rejection data is collected and used to Past rejection data to be collected
4.1 according to AIAG guideline to assign occurrence Naveen 6/30/2021 06.07.21 Close
29.06.21 assign Occurrence rating. Ex: Nissan Screw jack for assign occurrence rating

Consolidate the past troubles with root causes / actions and lesson learnt
Review of PTDB and lesson learn
Past troubles / lesson learnt applicability and as data base. Conduct the review during PFMEA
4.1 ASES report for applicability during FMEA Naveen 6/30/2021 06.07.21 Close
deployment status is reviewed preparation to identify the applicability. Follow action plan to deploy the
preparation to be done
applicable past troubles.

# Confidential C
# Chapter 4: Process Design and Pre production Supplier Name Function Date

Open Prepared by Gaurav QMS - Incharge 21.09.2020

Close Approved by Mahesh Kumar C Plant Head 21.09.2020

Question ASES Phenomenon Requirement from RNTBCI (From ASES report) Actions from supplier Pilot Target Date Actual Date evidence Status

Recommended actions are not initiated fas per

Recommende action to be taken as
4.1 ASES report threshold limit. Ex. High RPN - 98 for Crack, Recommended actions to be initiated fas per threshold limit. Naveen 6/30/2021 06.07.21 Close
per defined criteria
Nut missing, Thread damage etc.,

Revision level and revision history details are not Revison level and history to be
4.1 ASES report Revision level and revision history details to be captured in the PFMEA Naveen 6/30/2021 06.07.21 Close
captured in the PFMEA captured in FMEA work sheet

Drawing change level and control plan revision

Drawing change level, control plan
level with change history is not captured in the Capture the latest drawing change level and control plan revision level
4.2 ASES report revision with change history to be Pramod 15/07/2021 Open
control plan. Ex. Drawing revision with change history in the control plan.
capture control sheet
level is 00 / 09.09.18

Control method assigning criteria is not respected

against procedure. Ex. Defect: Crack, Severity - Revisit the control plan to capture
Revisit the control plan to capture the control method according to criteria
4.2 ASES report 7, Control method is defined as the control method according to Pramod 15/07/2021 Open
defined in the procedure
Sampling (3nos / 100 nos) instead of 100% criteria defined in the procedure
visual inspection

Some of the process parameters are not captured

Revisit the control plan to include
4.2 ASES report in the control plan. Ex. Process: Blanking, Revisit the control plan to include the missing process parameter Pramod 15/07/2021 Open
the missing process parameter
Process Parameter: Shut height

Some of the drawing requirements are not

Revisit the control plan to add the
4.2 ASES report addressed in the control plan. Ex. Burr allowed Revisit the control plan to add the missing drawing requirements Pramod 15/07/2021 Open
missing drawing requirements
limit is 0.15 mm maximum

Open 7

Close 10

Total 17

% Action Implemented 59%

# Confidential C

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