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Name Scientific Picture Indication Preparation


Lagundi Vitex negundo Cough and Decoction (

asthma Boil raw fruits
or leaves in 2
glasses of
water for 15
tery, Colds &
Pain –
Decoction (
Boil a handful
of leaves &
flowers in
water to
produce a
glass, three
times a day)

Sambong Blumea Anti-urolithi Boil chopped

balsamifera L. asis leaves in a
(kidney glass of water
stones) for 15 minutes
until one
decoction into
3 parts, drink
one part 3
times a day.

Ampalaya Momordica Lowering Chopped

charantia L. blood sugar leaves then
and boil in a glass
anti-diabete of water for 15
s minutes. Do
not cover. Cool
and strain.
Take 1/3 cup 3
times a day
after meals
Garlic Allium sativum Anti-cholest Maybe fried,
erol roasted,
soaked in
vinegar for 30
minutes, or
blanched in
boiled water
for 15 minutes.
Take 2 pieces
3 times a day
after meals.

Guava Psidium Oral/skin As gargle and

guajava antiseptic for toothache –
decoction is
used for
gargle. Freshly
leaves are
used for
toothache. Boil
leaves for 15
minutes at low
fire. Do not
cover and then
let it cool and

Tsaang-gubat Carmona Diarrhea Boil chopped

cetusa leaves into 2
glasses of
water for 15
decoction into
4 parts. Drink 1
part every 3

Yerba-Buena Mentha Analgesic Boil chopped

arvensis or leaves in 2
anti-pyretic glasses of
water for 15
decoction into
2 parts, drink
one part every
3 hours.

Niyug-niyogan Quisaualis Anti-helmin The seeds are

indica thic taken 2 hours
after supper. If
no worms are
expelled, the
dose may be
repeated after
one week.
(Caution: Not
to be given to
children below
4 years old)

Acapulco Cassia alata Antifungal Fresh, matured

leaves are
Apply soap to
the affected
area 1-2 times
a day

Ulasimang-bato Peperomia Anti-hyperu One a half cup

pellucida risemia leaves are
boiled in two
glass of water
over low fire.
Do not cover
pot. Divide into
3 parts and
drink one part
3 times a day

● Principe, E. and Jose, A. (2002). “Propagation Management Of Herbal and Medicinal
Plants”. Retrieved from:

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