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First Semester A.Y. 2020-2021


Module 1
The Student Organization


We, LPU – Lyceum Group of Multimedia Arts and Creatives also known as LYGMMAC, in order to
ensure the promotion of the Multimedia Arts program, the pursuance of academic excellence leading to
creative self-expression, the participation of its members in competitions, and elevation of talents to the
national level, by the LPU core values: love of God, patriotism, unity, nationalism, justice, perseverance,
leadership, do hereby ordain and promulgate this Constitution and its bylaws.

To become effective partner of the Institution who will lead in promoting the digital and visual arts in the
university and the institution itself by fostering critical and creative thinking, artistic expression, effective
communication, cultural awareness, and community engagement.

to support and promote the visibility and resilience of the digital arts in Lyceum of the Philippines
University Cavite, through our goals and objective.
GOAL/ OBJECTIVE The Student Organization is committed to the 7 C’s of the LYGMMAC

Create from our mind we bring (something) into existence.

Commence Change
Mold, Improve and develop skills by establishing a constant and continuous innovative way of
expressing self-awareness, knowledge, and values in terms of originality through the use of
Consolidate the Community artist
a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common

bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.
: to join (two or more things) together. : to join with or become joined to something else.
: to think of (something or someone) as being related to or involved with another person,
thing, event, or idea.

Center of art
Become the point from all digital and multimedia related activity are process and directed
by the organization that support the institution.

Core Values
As an organization inside the university we follow the core values of the Lyceum of the
Philippines University with a principle that guides the organization's internal conduct as well as
its relationship with the external world.
L - Love of God. J - Justice.
P - Professional Integrity. N - Nationalism. P - Perseverance.
U - Unity. L - Leadership.


For the new/reelected officers and committee must pledge their honor to the organization by reciting the
pledge of commitment.

I (state your whole name) As an Student Artist in the Lyceum of the Philippines University
Cavite. Alone I am weak but with others I am stronger. So I commit my self to be part of this
organization that support and apply the university’s virtues of wisdom, core values and service by
affirming that:

We, pledge to represent the interests of all students; to promote student/faculty understanding; to
participate in community affairs that concern, involve, or affect our students; but, above all, to encourage
students to become involved in the educational and social activities both outside and inside the LPU.

In all we do, we seek to strengthen our community by promising to support, acknowledge, promote and
stand against behaviors and actions that breach this pledge and demean others in the campus community –
students, faculty, staff and visitors.

I pledge to maintain a high level of respect and integrity as a student representing Lyceum of the
Philippines University Cavite and I make this pledge in the spirit of our university motto in "Veritas et
Fortitudo Pro Deo et Patria" (truth and fortitude for God and Country). English translation do not read aloud.

So help me God.


“Pro Hominum Beneficio et Deo Favente”

“Pro Hominum Beneficio” (Act of kindness for the human kind) “ et Deo Favente” (and with the favor of


Section 1. The organization shall be known as the LPU – Lyceum Group of Multimedia Arts and Creatives.

Section 2. The organization is academic in nature, established as non – political, non – sectarian and non
– profit to encourage, support, assists, finance , and dedicated to the pursuit of the
objectives for which it stands.
The fiscal year of the organization shall begin on the first day of the first semester and end a day before
the first day of the first semester of the following year of Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite.

Section 3. LYGMMAC shall adopt an official seal/logo, which will be used in all official transactions of
the organization

Section 4. Must be pronounce properly as [lahyg-Mak] LYGMMAC.

Font color
Hexadecimal color Code:

Color Psychology:

Gold – The Organization uses color gold is the color of extravagance, wealth, riches, excess and
shares several of the same attributes of yellow. Its is a warm color that can be either bright cheerful or
somber and traditional. Its is cousin to the color yellow and the color brown, is also associated with
illumination, love, compassion, courage, magic and wisdom

Font Styles Trajan, Helvetica LT, Goudy Old Style and Bebas. These fonts formats will be used in
every documents to maintain keep the formalty andconsistency of letters, forms and other.

Goudy old style

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
labore et dolore magna aliqua”.

Illustration Description of the logo
unlike any other existing logos of a student organization
in LPU Cavite the organization branding and logo design
is a very unique on its own a leaf shaped eye with a
silhouette of a hand gesture when drawing, and writing
that symbolize that every student artist, organization will
become the Eyes and Hands of God that will administer
Gods grace through sharing his gift and talents to the

The MMA initials is modify and shaped as the inner part

of the eye that personify and emphasize that this
organization members composed solely for the
Multimedia arts Students only, at the center of the Logo
the iris of the eye is a bulb shaped with a human
silhouette that symbolize the Creative thinking of the

Laurel Leaf: a common symbol use by the university the Laurel leaves are above all a symbol of eternal glory, of
special achievement, success and triumph. It has long been a symbol of victory (Laurel wreaths were given to the
winner in the Pythian games).

MMA – initials of (M)ultimedia (M)edia (A)rts a Course offered in the Lyceum of the Philippines University Cavite

EYE – Every artist use eyes to see the beauty in ugly and transforms in into ways. The eye is one of the most
potent and universal symbols on Earth. In ancient Egypt it represented the All-Seeing Horus, the Sun, while in
modern times it is considered a "window to the soul."

HANDS - we transfer our ideas into a medium or equipment that we can use.

BULB - is the symbol of creative thoughts and ideas.

Section 4. The domicile of the organization shall be at the College of Fine Arts and Design


Section 1. LYGMMAC shall contribute to the development of the artistic skills of B-MMA students as
well as contributing to their growth. It shall be the organizational vehicle through which the Multimedia
Arts students of the LPU community can participate in the pursuance of the following:

1. Promotion of multimedia arts as a program and as an art;

2. Pursuance of academic excellence leading to creative self – expression;

3. Participation of its members in local and national arts competition;

4. Elevation of members and multimedia arts talents to the national level; and

5. Promotion of favorable changes of values and attitudes toward arts.


Section 1. The members of the organization shall be all bona fide students of Lyceum of the Philippines
University – Cavite who are currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Multimedia Arts program under the
College of Fine Arts and Design.

Section 2. Members of the organization shall be categorized as follows:

A. Active Members: Members of good standing supports and participates actively with
the activities of the organization and pays his regular dues.

B. Inactive Members: Member of the organization who stops from attending his school
have not completed his degree filed for inactivity and was approved by the officers as
recommended by the officers and as recommended by the Secretary.

C. Alumni: Members of the organization who already graduated in the same University
in which the organization is started.

D. Non Members: An individual person, groups, teams, other organizations non MMA,
Lyceans that is approved by the organization officers, advisers and College granted a temporary status to
be part and participate in the organization events, activities and competition for a certain period of time.
This is by signing the terms of service form that recognize the privacy policy and rights of each

Section 3. Recruitment of members shall commence on the first day of the first semester and shall end
before the prelim examination of the same semester.

Section 4. For those students who will not register as a member of the organization will not gain the
benefits that will be given by the said organization.
Section 5. Any member of this organization shall disavow hazing and initiation activities for neophytes or
new recruits in adherence to the existing laws of the country against such practice.


Section 1. There shall be a membership fee of Php.250 for all the members of the organization, which
shall be valid for the whole academic year.
Section 2. All members before the prelim examination of the first semester shall make payments of the
membership dues. However, for new students who will be coming on the second semester (transferees or
shifters) payments will still be accepted.
Section 3. The treasurer of the organization in coordination with class treasurers shall make collection of
membership dues.
Section 4. If failed to comply to the given due date the student is no longer be accepted and the organization
allow them to participate in any form of activities conducted by the organization. However if the student
filled a letter of reconsideration and with recommendation signed by the adviser of the organization and
noted by the Program Chair and Dean of the College.


Section 1. Members of the organization shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

A. Abide by the provisions stipulated in the constitution and by – laws of the organization;
B. Uphold the principles of the organization;
C. Attend and participate in all regular and special meetings and activities of the organization; D.
Actively participate in all the meetings that the Student Affairs Office will conduct
E. To discuss and try to find a solution to the student problems that may arise.
F. To contribute for students to be active and improve their organizing and managing skills.
G. To create such structures that will serve for keeping students informed and take care of their
H. To cooperates with the Student Clubs and other student organizations.
I. To cooperate with the university administration in order to improve the academic teaching quality
and develop scientific research programs.
J. To create and maintain relationships between students of our university and students of other
universities in the country and abroad.
K. To develop various student services that will help their campus life.
L. To urge students in improving their academic and cultural skills.


Section 1. The organization shall be under the supervision of the Academic Coordinator of the department
as the Supervising Head.

Section 2. The student, Academic/Program Coordinator assigns one member of the Department Faculty as
the LYGMMAC Advisor who will have the right and the duty to:

1. Participate to the Student Council meeting.

2. Propose and recommend initiatives.

Section 3. The organization shall have a board of advisers composed of full-time faculty and part-time
faculty members from its mother college who will serve as the organization’s cluster advisers for the whole
academic year. At the end of their term, they may either be re- appointed or replaced by others depending
on the preference of the officers of the organization. In case of separation from the university, the officers
by a majority vote may appoint a new cluster adviser.

Section 4. It shall be the board advisers’ duty to give pieces of advice on the affairs of the organization.
The organization, however, reserves the right to accept, reject or modify these suggestions. Also, the
advisers have the duty to affix their signatures on all official documents of the organization.

Section 3. The student, Academic/Program Coordinator assigns one member of the Department Faculty as
the LYGMMAC MANUAL – Multimedia Arts Network of University Alumni in Lyceum Advisor who
will have the right and the duty to:

1. Participate to the Student Council meeting.

2. Propose and recommend initiatives.

Section 3. The student, Academic/Program Coordinator assigns one member of the Department Faculty
as the LYGMMAC - CROMA – Classification and Review Council for Multimedia Arts
Advisor who will have the right and the duty to:

1. Regulates, Review and Classify all the content of the project of the organization
2. Must issue a rating in movies and film produce by the organization .
3. Propose and recommend initiatives.


Section 1. The organization shall follow the hierarchy presented below:


President Fundamentals of Art
& 2D Animation
Vice President for
Internal Video & Sound
Vice President for
External Digital Photography

Secretary Film Production

Layout and Motion

Finance Director Graphic Design

Visual Effects and

Marketing Director Digital Composition

Video, Photo &

Activity Documentary Team



Council Adviser
Social Media Manager
Officer and
Publication Manager Classification Board



Officer and
Alumni Members

Section 2. The leadership of the organization shall be composed of the following positions:

Organization Officers

-LYGMMAC Organization Adviser

- President
- Vice President for Internal Affairs
Vice Chairman for Internal
- Vice President for External Affairs
Vice Chairman for External
- Secretary
Assistant Secretary
- Finance Director
Class Treasurer
- Marketing Director
Marketing Manager
- Activity Coordinator
- Social Media Manager
Layout and Motion Graphic Design
- Publication Manager
- Documentary Team
- Video
- Photo
- Editor
- Art Director
- Cluster Head/ Special Committees
- Film Production - Video & Sound - Digital Photography
- Layout and Motion Graphics - Fundamentals of Art & 2D Animation
- (VFX & 3D) Visual Effects and Digital Compositing
LYGMMAC Organization Board Advisor (Faculty)

CROMA Council Adviser

Classification Board (Program Chair and Faculty)
Organization Officer and Committee

MANUAL Chairman
Organization Officer and Committee
Alumni Member


A. The President. The president shall act as the chief of the organization and has the duties to:

a. Represents the organization in all its official transactions, or designate his representative for such
transaction; call and preside over all the organization’s meetings;

b. Affixes his/her signature on all communications and official documents necessary for the
functioning of the organization; coordinate and supervise all standing officers in his capacity as
an authoritative member;

c. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the General Assembly and/
or officers.

B. The Vice – President. It shall be the obligation and duty of the vice – president to:

Internal and external

a. Assume the office and duties of the president in the event of resignation, impeachment or
inability to perform his duties until the holding of the next regular election;

b. Maintain coordination with all committees as to the activities of these internal committees in his
capacity as an authoritative member;

c. Takes on duties concerning matters within and outside the organization;

d. Maintain coordination with all the members of the organization; take the duties
concerning the programs of the events;

e. Shall keep a directory of the names and addresses of all members, and keep a file of all the
bylaws of the organization at all times;

f. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President.

C. The Secretary. It shall be duty and obligation of the secretary to:

a. Record, type and report the minutes of all General Assembly and meetings;

b. Handles all official correspondence and communication of the organization;

c. See to it that notices are duly given in accordance with the constitution of the organization;

d. Act as custodian of the stamp of the organization, which shall be affix to such instruments as
may require it, and thereupon be attested to his/her signature, or that of the treasurer;

e. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President.

D. The Finance Director.

a. Primary in-charge in handling all the financial transaction and concerns of the

b. Collects and receives all dues from members and from other accounts receivable by the

c. Pays out the funds in his/her charge to all property approved accounts under the
supervision of the officers;

d. Acts as property custodian;

e. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the General Assembly.

E. Marketing Director

a. Audit the accounts and be prepared to represent a financial report to the organization to
be given out every last Friday of the month;

b. Acts as the fundraiser of the organization;

c. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President;

d. Marketing Managers research, determine, examine, and assess product demand in order to
increase it by developing promotional campaigns and strategies that take into consideration the
predetermined target audience;

e. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the General Assembly.

F. Activity Coordinator / PRO

a. Acts as the spokesperson or the public information of the organization;

b. Takes charge of the press releases, announcements and promotions of the organizational

c. Manages the social media accounts and online platforms of the organization;

d. Acts as liaison officer between the organization and other organizations and make regular
reports to General Assembly;

e. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President.

G. Art Director
a. Set the artistic tone of a project in the organization.

b. Takes charge of the design approval, promotional material and Design ideas of the
organizational affairs. Review and approve designs, artwork, photography, and graphics
developed by staff members;

c. Determine how best to represent a concept visually and which photographs, art, or other
design elements to use. Develop the overall look or style of a publication, advertising

d. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President.

H. Social Media Manager

a. An individual in an organization trusted with monitoring, contributing to, filtering,

measuring and otherwise guiding the social media presence of a brand, product,
individual or corporation.;

b. The role is similar to that of a community manager on a website forum or public relations
representative. Social media managers are often found in the marketing and public
relations departments of large organizations;

d. Must be highly motivated, creative individual with experience and a passion for
connecting with current and future customers. That passion comes through as she/he
engages with customers on a daily basis, with the ultimate goal of:
Turning fans into customers.
Turning customers into advocates.

d. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President.

I. Publication Manager

a. Manage an office of Publications and develop, coordinate and supervise the writing, editing,
designing, illustrating, conceptualizing and production of publications;

b. Ensure that the publications program conforms with University publishing policies, control
expenditures, provide editorial and production services to other departments, plan and
coordinate production schedules; expedite jobs to ensure prompt delivery.
c. Supervise improvements and extensions of editorial and publication services;

d. Supervise the planning and production of publications designed for special functions or
activities; and perform other related duties as required;

e. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President.

Committee/Cluster Head

J. Film Production Cluster Head

a. Represents the organization Film Production Cluster and the person who oversees the
production of a film. Works as a coordinator of all the different aspects of film

b. Supervises the pre-production, production and post-production stages of filmmaking;

c. The Head plans and coordinate in various aspects of film production, such as selecting
the script; coordinating writing, directing, and editing;

d. Record and edit video and sound projects for the film, including selecting program format
for final output, capturing/importing media, organizing raw media, editing footage and
sound files, inserting static and motion graphics, titling, adding music/voice-over/sfx, m
edia management and archiving project media;

e. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President.

K. Video & SFx Production Cluster Head

a. Represents the organization Video and Sound Production Cluster and works as a coordinator of
all the different aspects of a video’s production;

b. Supervises the progress of the project from pre-production, production and post-
production stages and act as a sounding board;

c. Create and develop multimedia (audio/video) content for the school and organization
stories, internal organization announcement videos, external promotional social videos,
product marketing videos, recruiting videos, corporate training and other organization -
wide projects;

d. Record and edit video and sound projects, including selecting program format for final
output, capturing/importing media, organizing raw media, editing footage and sound

files, inserting static and motion graphics, titling, adding music/voice-over/sfx, media
management and archiving project media;

e. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President.

L. Photography Cluster Head

a. Represents the organization photography Cluster and give clear instructions to the
members and subject and ensuring the shoot runs smooth;

b. Supervises the pre-production, production and post-production stages of filmmaking and

works as a coordinator of all the different aspects of photography;

c. Produce and preserve images that paint a picture, tell a story, or record. Create and
develop Image content for the school and organization stories, internal organization
announcement videos, external promotional social videos, product marketing videos,
recruiting videos, corporate training and other organization -wide projects;

e. Record and edit photos, including selecting program format for final output,
capturing/importing media, organizing raw media, editing media management and
archiving project files;

c. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President.

M. Layout and Motion Graphics Design Cluster Head(s)

a. Represents the organization Layout and Graphic Design Cluster and give clear instructions to
the members and client/school;

b. Manage a creative team that creates visuals for product branding, advertising campaigns.
Coordinate between production artists and illustrators to make sure projects are complete
d on time and to the client’s satisfaction;

c. Create and design packaging for marketing and/or products in terms of both design and
physical construction develop brand identities create informational graphics for

d. Create and develop graphic design content for the school and organization stories,
internal organization announcement, external promotional social layout and graphic
design, product marketing design, recruiting, corporate training and other organization
wide projects;

e. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President

N. Fundamentals of Art and 2D Animation Cluster Head(s)

a. Represents the organization Fundamentals or Traditional and 2D animation Cluster and give clear
instructions to the members and client/school;

b. Manage a creative team that creates visuals in traditional method for product branding,
advertising campaigns. Coordinate between production artists and illustrators to make sure
projects are completed on time and to the client’s satisfaction;

c. Create and develop in traditional medium for content for the school and organization
stories, internal organization announcement, external promotional social layout and
design, product marketing design, recruiting, corporate training and other organization
wide projects;

d. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President.

e. Develop new concept design in two dimension for the school and organization stories,
internal organization announcement, external promotional social layout and design,
product marketing design, recruiting, corporate training and other organization wide

f. Create and Export 2 dimensional animation , including selecting program format for final
output, capturing/importing media, organizing raw media, editing footage and sound
files, creating static and animation, titling, adding music/voice-over/sfx, media
management and archiving project media;

O. VFX and digital compositing Cluster Head

a. Represents the organization VFX and CGI Cluster and give aid for the other cluster tea and

b. . Coordinate between Film and video production artists and illustrators to make sure projects are
completed on time and to the client’s satisfaction;

c. Manage a creative team that create and develop VFX and CGI content for the school and
organization stories, internal organization announcement, external promotion products
marketing video, recruiting, corporate training and other organization wide projects;

d. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President.

Q. 3D Design and Arts Cluster Head

a. Represents the organization 3D design, Animation and Art and give aid for the other
cluster tea and member

b. .Coordinate between Film and video production artists and illustrators to make sure projects are
completed on time and to the client’s satisfaction.

c. Manage a creative team that create and develop 3D design, Animation and Art content
for the school and organization stories, internal organization announcement, external
promotion products marketing video, recruiting, corporate training and other
organization wide projects.

d. Performs all other functions as may be entrusted to him/her by the Adviser or President.


Section 1. Special committees shall be created to address the special concerns of the organization. The
committees are as follows:

A. Executive Committee: The committee shall be the main governing body of the organization and
shall compose of the elected officers from the President to the PRO. The Executive is charged with
preparing and executing a plan of activities presented at the first semester meeting. The Executives
shall also act and decide upon recommendations presented by the other committees.

B. Membership Committee: The committee shall take charge of matters concerning its performance
of the members and applicants of the organization. It must keep a directory of all the names and
post office addresses of all members, and it must also set the guidelines for the causes for expulsion,
required participation, and other matters concerning the performance of the members (e.g. checking
of attendance). The Membership is to take charge in the deliberation and evaluation of the
performance of each applicant and member in the organization and recommend a suitable course
of action to the Executive.

C. Logistics Committee: The Logistics shall maintain sources of information, keep the records of the
organization, and initiate information dissemination activities such as symposia, for a, discussion
groups and lectures. Preparations of written statements (i.e. primers, organizational statements,
etc.) shall be done by the Logistics.

D. Publicity Committee: The Publicity shall take charge of disseminating information such as
invitations, notices, cancellations to the organizations and the academe in general; informing the
University of the organization’s activities through posters/teasers, class-to-class invitations, and
other publicity methods. The Publicity shall also take charge in preparation and release of
organization’s newsletter.

E. Finance Committee: The Finance shall assist the treasurer in the collection of membership dues
and other fees, maintain the accounts of the organization, and assists in preparing the financial
report to be given out every last Friday of the month.

F. Production Committee: The Production committee shall be in charge of technical related stuff
such as Initiation of fundraising, canvass, reservations and external appointments. (i.e. mobile,
sponsors, t-shirts, printed materials, etc.)


A. The officers of the organization shall conduct a regular monthly meeting to discuss matters pertaining to
the projects and activities and other concerns related to the organization. The date and place of the
meeting shall be agreed upon by the majority of the officers.

B. Special or emergency meetings may be called by the President of the organization whenever deemed
necessary provided that proper notice shall be given to the members at least a day before the said

C. A quorum (50% + 1 of all officers present at the meeting) shall be declared before the start of every
meeting to make it official. Any decision made during the meeting shall be considered null and void in
the absence of the quorum.

D. The organization shall also conduct at least one (1) general assembly of its members per semester which
shall be held within the first month of every semester. The general assembly shall provide a venue for
the organizations to have a dialogue/consultation between its officers and its members.


Section 1. The organization shall have founding officers who shall take office in the first year of

The founding officers shall have the responsibility of launching the organization and molding its future as
an organization of students.

Section 2. Election Process

A. Nominations
• Any member except the honorary member(s), for the Executive Committee, a minimum of one
(1) year from the organization residency is required for a member to be nominated. For the
Committee Heads, a minimum of one (1) semester from the organization residency is required for
a member to be nominated.

• Any member can be nominated in several positions.

• Other requirements: Is enrolled in the same course in the current academic year. Has a good
moral character.

• Member/s who will be nominated for a specific position must make sure that he/she can commit
and fulfill their possible roles.

B. Election
• Election should take place before the second semester ends. This shall be held at least a week
after the nominations.

• In case there is only one nominee for a specific position, he/she should accumulate at least fifty
percent plus one (50% + 1) of the voting population. In case this is not obtained, the outgoing
officer shall extend his/her term for another fiscal year. However, if the officer is graduating, the
acting president has the right to appoint any member for the position.

• Members who have the right to vote are resident members and members who filed for special
case or inactivity.

• Appeal letter for declination or reaffirmation should be presented day before the Election Day
until 6:00 p.m.

• For those who will file for an absentee voting, letter should be passed before the Election proper
until 6:00 p.m., this will include the reason(s) for absence and his/her lists of candidates in certain
positions. **The only valid reason that will be accepted is having an exam, except for those who
filed for special case or inactivity.

• Members who do not complied in any of the rules set by the Electoral Committee will not be
allowed to vote on the Election proper. Moreover, do not have the right to be elected in any
position if he/she is one of the candidates.

• Any loopholes encountered during and after the Election of the Executive Committee will be
solved under the power of the newly elected President. All the actions to be done will be
dependent on his/her decision.

C. Term of positions
• Officers can be re-elected at the same position for a maximum of two (2) consecutive academic
• Cluster heads can stay as a head of their respective clusters on the next academic year if there is no
available committee who can assume their position.

D. Appointments
• If a certain position is vacated, the president has the authority to appoint any member with due
consultation with the Executive Committee.

E. Special Committee
• A special committee may be formed by the Executive Committee in cases where a special or
regular activity will be conducted. The said committee shall be in-charge for the planning,
preparation and conduct of the activity.

F. Selection of Committee Members

• Each member shall enlist his/her name and the desired committee (first and second choice) in the
Committee Master’s List at the start of the semester.
• The Executive Committee and the Committee Heads shall determine the members of each

G. Application
• Each member can apply his/her name for any desired position, a minimum of one (1) year from
the organization residency is required for a member to be nominated. For the Committee Heads, a
minimum of one (1) semester from the organization residency is required for a member to be

• They mast present a activity platform and reforms attached to the resume, Creative Vitae and
Application form;

Committee membership is good for one (1) year. Transfer to another committee will be allowed after
agreement with the Committee Heads involved


Section 1. The Lyceum group of multimedia arts and creative follows the regulation of the Student Affair
Office in conducting organization activities. The Student Handbook is the basis of this article which
stated that LPU encourages students to participate in school activities and join recognized organizations
that will supplement their formal education, provide for substantial experiences, greater productivity and
creative endeavors. LPU reserves the right to exclude any student from participating in such activities that
may interfere with his studies.
A. Co-curricular activities are pursued to enrich the learning experiences of the students. They
are meant to complement, and not to interfere with their studies. All co–curricular activities

must be approved by the respective Deans within thirty (30) days from the opening of the
B. Extra-curricular activities are meant to supplement classroom instruction and co-curricular
activities. All extra-curricular activities shall be subject to review and approval by the College
Dean and the Head of Student Affairs. Supervision of these activities is the responsibility of
the faculty adviser.


Section 1 Program title - This activity organization shall be known as PEARLS Training (Projects
Executed at Real Life Situation Training)

Section 2 - Purpose aims to enhance and develop students’ attitude and different ways to handle and to
cope up with different kinds of clients train students based on experience to be more flexible in supplying
the client’s expectations on the projects proposed

Section 3 - The pearls program:

A. Focuses on teaching each student the skills necessary to move to action .

B. Is designed to be delivered in the industry through workshop, Training seminars,

partnership and collaboration with other unversity-based organizations and departments.

C. Takes a team-based approach, involving the Organization Board of Adviser, Officer and
Committee head.

D. Aims to improve the skill and gain new knowledge.

E. Prepared students in real life situation.

Section 4- Organizer – this program no goal is to aid the intuition in digital and multi media solution
second is to train an elite team of student that will help the institution to market, advertise and promote
the university, college department and the course by being part of this organization.
The student offers its service and talent to the whole university in different form of activity the
organization can organize and handle.
1. Workshop & Training
2. Seminar
3. Talk
4. Forum
5. Conference
6. Convention & Expo
7. Art Exhibit
8. Video Exhibition or Audio Visual Presentation
9. Film Showing
10. Video reels

11. Design & Layout Promotions & Advertisement for digital and print
12. Animation and Motion Graphics
13. Documentation & Coverage
14. Awarding & Recognition
15. Competition, Contest & Pageant

Section 5 – Terms of Service in order to maintain a organize management as Organization we

categorize all activities, Project and Event in two category Collaboration & Partnership.
In house Activities
- Collaboration is effective for 1 event only
- Partnership is effective for 1 Academic year

Section 6 – Requirement the organization strictly requires to fill up, sign and produce the Following:
1. LYGMMAC Service Request Form.
2. LYGMMAC Service Agreement Checklist .
3. Signature over LYGMMAC Terms And Conditions.
4. Letter to the Dean (provide by the collaborator).

Section 1 Short title - This board of council a special committee of organization shall be known as
MANUAL – Multimedia Arts Network of University Alumni in Lyceum

Section 2 Purpose – The purpose of this special committee to foster a spirit of loyalty and to promote the
general welfare of your organization. Alumni associations exist to support the parent organization's goals,
and to strengthen the ties between alumni, the community, and the parent organization.

Section 3 Networking opportunities - the main purposes of alumni associations is to support a network
of former graduates and current student who will, in turn, help to raise the profile of the university.

Section 4 Consultation - Alumni Association shall be there for guidance and consultation whenever the
current officers and members needs help in terms of organizing events and settling other matters about the

Section 5 Intervention – Any decisions that will be made by the current officers and heads must be
respected by the alumni association as long as the said decision will not harm or endanger the
organization’s name and members.

Early Career Networking

The organization Aims to set a student a jump-start on job-hunting by contacting alumni
around the country. Alumni can also help students find internships or part-time jobs
during school or after graduation.

Keeping in Touch
Alumni associations are great for helping alumni stay tuned in to the happenings back at
school and with other alumni.


Section 1 Short title - This board of council a special committee of organization shall be known as
CROMA – Classification and Review Council for Multimedia Arts.

Section 2 Declaration of the policy – Its hereby affirmed that the prime duty of the committee I serve as
and board of council for content regulation, classification and review that protects the name the
organization and university. All creative content that will be issued, published, under the organization
name and the institution must be reviewed, classified and regulated before releasing to the public

Section 3 Definition of terms – for purposes of this council the following is hereby follow
A. CROMA – Classification and Review Council for Multimedia Arts. Is aboard of
council aim
1.Classified, determine and approve the contents for the organization
2. Regulates all content under the organization and university name if
the particular content follow the policy of the regulation
3. Review all the contents with theme with sensitive and appropriate for the
ages and type
4. The Quality of Audio, Video, Images, Sound effects Visual effects,
Illustration Painting, Graphics, Logo, Fonts and Prints must be checked and
review by this special committee.

Section 4 - CROMA – Classification and Review Council for Multimedia Arts will judge and critic
Video Film, Digital and Traditional medium or any Art related output using a set criteria set and approved
by the board Based on the artwork submitted to our competitions, they will be judged based on the
following basic elements of artistic expression: for criteria

1. Interpretation and the clarity of the theme to the viewer.

2. Creativity and originality of the depicted theme.

3. Quality of artistic composition and overall design based on the theme.

4. Overall impression of the art.

Jury Composition
Judges will be assigned. Students should expect that their entries are likely to be reviewed by judges from
fields of study other than their own.

Points system
The art and artist will be graded with points 100pts is the highest grade and 0pts is the lowest .

Percentage system
The art and artist will be graded with percentage 100% is the highest grade and 0% is the lowest.

Ranking system
The art and artist will be rank with point or points the highest of all will receive The title
Champion or Winner only for 1 team or person and the following participant will be entitle as placer.


Section 1. Termination of Service – Every Officer and cluster head must do their duty and follow the
university rules and regulations indicated at the student handbook; failure to comply without any valid reasons
will be penalized depending at the number of offenses indicated below:
A. First offense – The said officer shall be given warning by the organization adviser.
B. Second Offense - Suspension from joining at any activities and agendas by the organization shall be
given at the said officer until further notice by the Organization Adviser.
C. Third Offense – The said officer is subject to termination from its service and position
Section 2. Span of Terms – The organization Officers has only a maximum of two (2) academic years for
their term.
Section 3 . Cluster heads - Cluster Heads must be capable of leading and mentoring their specific cluster. No
term limit shall be given for cluster heads as long as they are capable to do their duty.


Section 1. The constitution and by – laws may be amended or re- appealed by new provisions not
inconsistent with the existing regulations of the University. A new set of by – laws shall be adopted in a
meeting among organization officers assembled as a whole at which quorum shall be present, by the
affirmative vote of 50% + 1 of all officers present at the meeting.

Date of first revision October 26, 2018

Date of last revision Setptember 10, 2020

Ms. Harrisha Yvon Ruelos

Faculty/Instructor of Multimedia Arts


Section 1. The amendments made shall take effect in the next academic year preceding the ratification of
this constitution.
Signed by:

Christian Matthew C. Sison Anne Keithlyn P. Guingab

Signature over printed name Signature over printed name

President/Cluster Director Secretary

Danielle Francheska M. Roco Yara M. Hatem Jasser

Signature over printed name Signature over printed name

Vice President for Internal Vice – President for External

Fatima Gayle A. Maritana Dann Paulo E. Sacdalan

Signature over printed name Signature over printed name

Finance Director Marketing Director

Ira Leeann Pagas Alcedo Hershey Riego Cenizal

Signature over printed name Signature over printed name
Publication Manager Activity Coordinator / PRO

Jerome Gonzales Musashi C. Hyoddo

Signature over printed name Signature over printed name

Social Media Manager Art Director

Noted by:
Ms. Harrisha Yvon Ruelos
Faculty/Instructor of Multimedia Arts

Mr. Javier Antonio G. Laurel, MFA
Dean, College Of Fine Arts And Design


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