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Refrigeration & Air Conditioning UNIT I & II ANS

What is the term C.O.P. referred in terms of refrigeration?

a) Capacity of Performance
1) b) Co-efficient of Plant C
c) Co-efficient of Performance
d) Cooling for Performance
C.O.P. can be expressed by which equation?
a) WorkDoneRefrigerationeffect
2) b) RefrigerationeffectWorkDone B
c) WorkDoneHeatTransfer
d) HeatTransferWorkDone
What is the term relative C.O.P. referred in terms of refrigeration?
a) ActualC.O.P.TheoreticalC.O.P.
3) b) TheoreticalC.O.P.ActualC.O.P. A
c) ActualC.O.P.AverageC.O.P.
d) AverageC.O.P.TheoreticalC.O.P.
Find the C.O.P. of a refrigeration system if the work input is 40 KJ/kg and
refrigeration effect produced is 130 KJ/kg of refrigerant flowing.
a) 3.00 D
b) 2.25
c) 3.75
d) 3.25
Find the Relative C.O.P. of a refrigeration system if the work input is 60 KJ/kg
and refrigeration effect produced is 130 KJ/kg of refrigerant flowing. Also
Theoretical C.O.P. is 3.
5) a) 0.65 C
b) 0.79
c) 0.72
d) 0.89
Find the C.O.P. of a refrigeration system if the work input is 30 KJ/kg and
refrigeration effect produced is 120 KJ/kg of refrigerant flowing.
a) 3.00 B
b) 4.00
c) 0.75
d) 0.25
Which equation represents efficiency in general?
a) WorkDoneRefrigerationeffect
7) b) HeatTrasferWorkDone C
c) WorkDoneHeatTransfer
d) RefrigerationeffectWorkDone
The Co-efficient of Performance is always __________
a) greater than 1
8) b) less than 1 A
c) equal to 1
d) zero
In a refrigerating machine, if the lower temperature is fixed, then the C.O.P. of
machine can be increased by?
a) Increasing the higher temperature B
b) Decreasing the higher temperature
c) Operating the machine at lower speed
d) Operating the machine at higher speed
If a condenser and evaporator temperatures are 120 K and 60 K respectively,
then reverse Carnot C.O.P is _________
a) 0.5 B
b) 1
c) 3
d) 2
The C.O.P. of reverse Carnot cycle is most strongly dependent on which of the
a) Evaporator temperature A
b) Condenser temperature
c) Specific heat
d) Refrigerant
If a condenser and evaporator temperatures are 312 K and 273 K respectively,
then reverse Carnot C.O.P is _________
a) 5 C
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
The C.O.P for reverse Carnot refrigerator is 2. The ratio of lowest temperature
to highest temperature will be _____
a) twice D
b) half
c) four times
d) three times
. If a condenser and evaporator temperatures are 250 K and 100 K respectively,
then reverse Carnot C.O.P is _________
a) 5.5 C
b) 1.5
c) 2.5
d) 3.0
Bell-Coleman cycle is also known as _____________
a) Carnot cycle
15) b) Reversed Brayton or Joule’s cycle B
c) Rankine cycle
d) Otto cycle
For a refrigerating system that works on Bell-Coleman cycle, which one of the
following is not a process of the cycle in p-v diagram?

16) C

a) Isentropic compression process

b) Constant pressure cooling process
c) Isothermal expansion process
d) Constant pressure expansion process
In transport aviation, the air conditioning systems are based on ______ cycle.
a) Reversed Carnot cycle
17) b) Reversed Brayton cycle B
c) Reversed Joule’s cycle
d) Otto cycle
Dense air Bell-Coleman refrigerator is preferred than open cycle air
refrigerator. A
a) True
b) False
Which one of the following is not a true disadvantage of the Bell-Coleman
a) High running cost D
b) Low COP
c) The danger of frosting at the expander valve is more
d) The size of the system is small
Which one of the following is not a true advantage of the Bell-Coleman cycle?
a) Air is used a refrigerant which is easily available
b) It is safe as air is non-inflammable D
c) Air is nontoxic, non-corrosive and stable
d) Weight of air refrigeration equipment per ton of refrigeration is much more
in aircraft than other refrigeration systems
The Bell-Coleman refrigeration cycle uses _____ as refrigerant.
a) Coolant
21) b) CO2 C
c) Air
d) H2O
Which one of the following is not a component of a simple air cooling system?
a) Main compressor
22) b) Cooling fan D
c) Heat exchanger
d) Generator
For a simple air cooling system which one of the following is not a process of
the cycle in T-S diagram?

23) C

a) Ramming process
b) Compression process
c) Heating process
d) Refrigeration process
The COP of simple air cooling system is given by?
T6 = Inside temperature of cabin
T5′ = Exit temperature of cooling turbine
T3′ = Temperature at the exit of compressor
24) T2′ = Stagnation temperature A
a) COP = (T6–T5')(T3'–T2')
b) COP = (T6+T5')(T3'–T2')
c) COP = (T6+T5')(T3'+T2')
d) COP = (T6–T5')(T3'+T2')
The simple air cooling system is good for _____ flight speed.
a) low
25) b) high A
c) moderate
d) any
What is the main difference between simple air cooling system and simple air
evaporative cooling system?
a) Simple air evaporative cooling system has an evaporator A
b) Simple air evaporative cooling system has two evaporators
c) Simple air evaporative cooling system has an extra compressor
d) Simple air evaporative cooling system has three evaporators
If cooling of 45 minutes or less is required, it may be advantageous to use
evaporative cooling system. A
a) True
b) False
A simple evaporative air refrigeration system is used for an airplane to take 20
TR of refrigeration load (Q). The power required for the refrigerating system P
is 746 KW. What is its COP?
28) a) 0.086 B
b) 0.094
c) 0.079
d) 0.099
In Boot-strap air cooling system how many heat exchangers are there?
a) 1
29) b) 2 B
c) 3
d) 0
Which of the following is not a process in the T-s diagram of the Boot-strap air
cooling system?

30) D

a) Isentropic ramming
b) Isentropic compression
c) Cooling of ram air
d) Isothermal expansion
What is the difference between Boot-strap air cooling system and Boot-strap
evaporative cooling system?
a) Boot strap evaporative system has an evaporator A
b) Boot strap evaporative system has two evaporators
c) Boot-strap evaporator eliminates the need for evaporator
d) Boot-strap evaporator system has three evaporators
Mass of air per tonne of refrigeration will be _____ in Boot-strap air cooling
system than Boot-strap evaporative system.
a) less B
b) more
c) equal to
d) can’t say
The air cooling system that is used mostly in transport type aircraft is?
a) Boot-strap air cooling system
33) b) Simple air cooling system A
c) Simple evaporative cooling system
d) Regenerative air cooling system
A Boot-strap air cooling system is used for a transport aircraft to take 10TR of
refrigeration load (Q). The power required for the refrigerating system P is 800
KW. What is its COP?
34) a) 0.06426 B
b) 0.04375
c) 0.05435
d) 0.04367
Regeneration cooling system is a modification of _________
a) simple air cooling system
35) b) simple evaporative cooling system A
c) boot-strap cooling system
d) boot-strap evaporative cooling system
Cooling system used for supersonic aircrafts and rockets is?
a) Simple air cooling system
36) b) Simple evaporative cooling system C
c) Boot-strap cooling system
d) Regeneration cooling system
Which of the following is not a process in the T-s diagram of the regeneration
cooling system?

37) D

a) Isentropic ramming
b) Isentropic compression
c) Cooling of air by ram air in the heat exchanger and then cooling of air in
regenerative heat exchanger
d) Isothermal expansion
Simple air cooling system gives maximum cooling effect on ground surface
whereas regeneration cooling system has more effect during high speeds. A
a) True
b) False
Calculate the power required (P) for maintaining the cabin temperature, when
the COP of the regenerative cooling system is given to be 0.25 and the
refrigeration load (Q) is 25.
39) a) 305 B
b) 350
c) 530
d) 503
A refrigerating machine working on Carnot cycle operates between 300K and
250K. Determine the COP.
a) 5 A
b) 6
c) 4
d) 10
Which one is not a limitation of the Carnot cycle with air or gas as refrigerant?
a) It has low efficiency when working between two fixed temperature limits
b) Machine has to run at high and low speeds during adiabatic and isothermal A
process. Such variation of speed is not possible
c) Extreme pressure and large volume are developed
d) It is not possible to carry out isothermal heat transfer process in practice
What is the COP of a refrigerator when it’s refrigerating effect R is 6.2755 KW
and work consumed is 0.82 KW?
a) 8.8 C
b) 6.77
c) 7.65
d) 8.56
Out of the following reasons which one is responsible for Carnot cycle not
being used in practice?
a) It gives low COP C
b) It gives high refrigeration effect
c) It gives low refrigeration effect
d) It has low theoretical efficiency
In vapour refrigeration cycle, which of the following is used for expansion?
a) expansion engine
44) b) throttling valve or capillary tube B
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Which of the following operations occur in a vapour refrigeration cycle?
a) compression
45) b) cooling and condensing D
c) expansion and evaporation
d) all of the mentioned
Compression can be
a) dry compression
46) b) wet compression C
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Wet compression is preferred over dry compression.
47) a) true B
b) false
Why is wet compression not preferred?
a) the liquid refrigerant can be trapped in the head of cylinder
48) b) this may damage the valves or cylinder head D
c) liquid refrigerant can wash away the lubricating oil thus accelerating wear
d) all of the mentioned
In the cooling and condensing, correct sequence of processes is
a) desuperheated->condensed->saturated liquid
49) b) desuperheated->saturated liquid->condensed A
c) condensed->desuperheated->saturated liquid
d) saturated liquid->condensed->desuperheated
The expansion process is
a) isentropic
50) b) reversible C
c) adiabatic
d) all of the mentioned
The evaporation process is a
a) constant volume reversible process
51) b) constant pressure reversible process B
c) adiabatic throttling process
d) reversible adiabatic process
The evaporator produces the cooling or refrigerating effect.
52) a) true A
b) false
n the expansion process, which of the following remains constant?
a) work done
53) b) heat supplied D
c) internal energy
d) enthalpy
The COP of cycle is given by(Q2=heat absorbed by evaporator and Wc=work
done by compressor)
a) 1- (Q2/Wc) C
b) 1- (Wc/Q2)
c) Q2/Wc
d) Wc/Q2
One tonne of refrigeration is given as the rate of heat removal from
surroundings equivalent to heat required for melting one tonne of ice in a day. A
a) true
b) false
Which of the following is recommended in a refrigeration cycle?
a) superheating of vapour
56) b) subcooling of liquid C
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Superheating of vapour and subcooling of liquid ____ the refrigerating effect.
a) decreases
57) b) increases B
c) no change
d) none of the mentioned
A condenser must ____ and then ____ the compressed refrigerant.
a) superheat, evaporate
58) b) desuperheat, evaporate D
c) superheat, condense
d) desuperheat, condense
Which of the following statement is true for a condenser?
a) it can be air-cooled or water-cooled
59) b) small self-contained units use water-cooled condenser A
c) large installations use air-cooled condenser
d) all of the mentioned
For an expansion device, which of the following is true?
a) it increases the pressure of refrigerant
60) b) it regulates the flow of refrigerant to evaporator B
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Which of the following is a type of expansion device?
a) capillary tubes
61) b) throttle valves C
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Throttle valves are used in ____
a) small units
62) b) larger units B
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Capillary tubes are used in ____
a) small units
63) b) larger units A
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
Types of compressor include
a) reciprocating
64) b) centrifugal D
c) rotary
d) all of the mentioned
When volume flow rate of refrigerant is large, which compressor is used?
a) reciprocating
65) b) centrifugal B
c) rotary
d) all of the mentioned
Which of the following statement is true?
a) rotary compressors are mostly used for small units
b) reciprocating compressors are employed in plants with capacity up to 100 C
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
In reciprocating compressors, actual volume of gas drawn in cylinder is ____
the volume displaced by piston.
a) less than A
b) more than
c) equal to
d) none of the mentioned
The clearance volumetric efficiency is equal to
a) 1 + C + C(p2/p1)^(1/n)
68) b) 1 – C – C(p2/p1)^(1/n) D
c) 1 – C + C(p2/p1)^(1/n)
d) 1 + C – C(p2/p1)^(1/n)
Plate evaporator is a common type of evaporator.
69) a) true A
b) false
Why is multistage compression with intercooling adopted?
a) using a single stage with high pressure ratio decreases volumetric efficiency
b) high pressure ratio with dry compression gives high compressor discharge D
c) the refrigerant is damaged
d) all of the mentioned
The intercooler pressure is given by
a) p1*p2
71) b) sqrt(p1*p2) B
c) (p1*p2)/(p1+p2)
d) (p1+p2)/2
The most widely used refrigerants are
a) freon
72) b) genetron D
c) arcton
d) all of the mentioned
Why is ammonia used in food refrigeration?
a) high COP
73) b) low cost D
c) lower energy cost
d) all of the mentioned
Multiple evaporator system is used to maintain different temperatures at
different points. B
a) False
b) True
Vegetables, Fruits, Frozen products can be maintained at the same temperatures
and humidity. A
a) False
b) True
Which of the following system is used for maintaining at the same temperatures
when food products kept in different compartments?
a) Evaporator at the same temperature with a single compressor A
b) Evaporator at the same temperature with multiple compressors
c) Evaporator at different temperature with a single compressor
d) Evaporator at different temperature with multiple compressors
What do PC and PE represent?

77) C

a) Evaporator and expansion pressure

b) Compression and expansion pressure
c) Condenser and evaporator pressure
d) Intercooling pressure
What does process 1-2 represent?

78) B

a) Evaporation
b) Compression
c) Condensation
d) Expansion
What does process 2-3 represent?

79) C

a) Evaporation
b) Compression
c) Condensation
d) Expansion
What does process 4-1 represent?

80) A

a) Evaporation
b) Compression
c) Condensation
d) Expansion
What is the value of mass flowing through the compressor in the following

81) D

If the values of enthalpy at point 1, 2 and 3 are 184, 210 and 84 kJ/kg and
refrigeration capacities are 10, 15 and 20 TR respectively.
a) 94.5 kg/min
b) 32.6 kg/min
c) 49.5 kg/s
d) 94.5 kg/s
What is the value of Refrigeration effect in the following arrangement?

82) D

If the values of enthalpy at point 1, 2 and 3 are 170, 240 and 107 kJ/kg and
masses are m1 = 13 kg/min, m2 = 15 kg/min and m3 = 19 kg/min
a) 3000 kJ/min
b) 2961 kW
c) 2861 kW
d) 2961 kJ/min
What is the effect of using a flash chamber in VCR system?
a) C.O.P. increases
83) b) C.O.P. decreases C
c) C.O.P. remains the same
d) Mass of refrigerant flowing through evaporator increases
From the following line diagram and p-h chart, what is the refrigeration effect in
terms of the mass of mixture i.e., m2 ?

84) A

a) m2 (h1 − hf3)
b) m2 (h2 − h1)
c) m2 (h1 − h2)
d) m2 (h4 − h1)
What is the value of C.O.P. in the VCR with flash chamber?

85) B

a) h1 – h2 / h1 – h4
b) h1 – hf3 / h2 – h1
c) h2 – h1 / h4 – h1
d) h1 – hf4’ / h1 – h4
What is the effect of using accumulator in the VCR system?
a) C.O.P. increases
86) b) C.O.P. decreases C
c) Total dry compression of refrigerant occurs
d) Sub-cooling happens
Which of the following factor of the actual VCR affects severely the coefficient
of performance?
a) Increase in suction pressure C
b) Decrease in discharge pressure
c) Decrease in suction pressure
d) Increase in discharge pressure
What is the effect of an increase in discharge pressure on C.O.P.?
a) C.O.P. decreases
88) b) C.O.P. increases A
c) C.O.P. remains the same
d) C.O.P. becomes zero
What is the effect of a decrease in suction pressure on C.O.P.?
a) C.O.P. increases
89) b) C.O.P. decreases B
c) C.O.P. remains the same
d) C.O.P. becomes zero
The COP of vapor compression having vapor as dry saturated after compression
having refrigeration effect (Re) of 58.84 and work done (W) of 17.95 is
90) a) 3.278 A
b) 4.39
c) 4.234
d) 3.865
Entropy of dry-saturated vapor when Sf is 0.2513 and Sfg is 4.7878, is _______
Sf – Entropy of saturated liquid at pressure p
Sfg – Entropy change during vaporization
91) a) 6.987 C
b) 5.987
c) 5.0391
d) 4.776
One of the assumptions of the vapor compression cycle is that all of the
processes are reversible. A
a) True
b) False
In which case does the compression process remains in superheated state?
a) Wet state
93) b) Dry state B
c) Semi-dry state
d) Always
The ratio of COP of vapor compression cycle and COP of Carnot cycle is
known as?
a) Relative COP C
b) Ideal COP
c) Performance index
d) Theoretical COP
Refrigerating effect corresponds to which of the following processes?
a) Condensing process
95) b) Vaporizing process B
c) Compression process
d) Expansion process
Find out the value of C.O.P. for the given values of enthalpies.
h1 = 1126.25 kJ/kg
h4 = 250.25 kJ/kg
W = 120 kJ/kg C
a) 5.3
b) 6.3
c) 7.3
d) 8.3
In a vapor compression refrigeration system, the coefficient of performance is
observed as 10. If the enthalpy after compression is 1368.28 kJ/kg and after
condensation is 598.58 kJ/kg. If the system works on 50% of the C.O.P., then
what is the value of enthalpy after evaporation? C
a) 1220
b) 1210
c) 1240
d) 1280
The COP of vapor compression when vapor is wet after compression having
refrigeration effect (Re) of 60 and work done (W) of 20 is?
a) 3 A
b) 4
c) 4.2
d) 5
Which case is when the refrigerant compression process is carried while it’s
a) Wet state A
b) Dry state
c) Semi-dry state
d) Always
Which one of the following is not an assumption in theoretical vapour
compression cycle?
a) There are no pressure losses in the condenser, evaporator, compressor, valves
and the connecting part lines C
b) All processes are reversible
c) There are mechanical and fluid friction losses
d) There is no heat transfer between the system and surroundings except in the
evaporator and condenser

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