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A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School kkwan2000/F7/mock


Section A : Mechanics Year

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
1 Force. Work (as a measure of a. Revision and consilidation of Essay (1a) Essay Essay (1a) Essay (1a) L.Qn (2a) L.Qn L.Qn (2)
energy transfer). Power. lower form work Derviation of K.E. (1a)meaning Newton 's 3rd law, elastic energy (1a-c) error Newton's 2nd
= 1/2 mv2 law : pulley
Newtonian Mechanics. of 2nd and 3rd laws : rain drop, estimation
law collision on wall, Essay (1b) with mass.
Conservation of linear momentum. satellite. Stopping
transformations between potential distance

energy and kinetic energy.

Resolution of co-planar vector.

2 Projectile motion a. Independence of horizontal and L.Qn (2) L.Qn(1) Essay (1a) L.Qn (1)
vertical motions. Simple linked with E-
field between
table Energy of a Car taking off a
calculations. tennis ball which is
two parallel

b. Terminal velocity (e.g. of a Essay (1a)

parachutist). raindrop

3 Circular Motion a. Angular velocity w in rad/s. Essay (1a) Essay (1a-

Linear velocity v = r ω. c)
b. Centripetal acceleration a = v2/r. Essay (6) passenger in a car
over a hamp feels
glass tube &
Derivation of F rubber bung.
Examples to include vehicles = mv2 / r, conical
lighter centrifuge
rounding bends (with or without pendulum,
banking), aircraft turning in centrifuge

flight, looping the loop, the

centrifuge (qualitatively).

4 Simple harmonic motion a. Isochronous oscillation. Essay (1) Essay (6a) Essay (6) L.Qn (1) Essay(1a) L. Qn (7a)
definition Ball Bearing
on the cancave
side of a
cylindrical lens
b. Acceleration a = -ω2x, simple pendulum,
x(t), v(t), and
Definition of a
mass-spring mass-spring
system(one box system(one trolley
L.Qn L.Qn L.Qn (2b)
displacement x = a sin ωt (or a a(t), & one spring), with two spring), (1 a - c) (1a,c) Essay(1b)
kinematics, Essay (b)
cos ωt) Period. Dynamics,
Dynamics of

c. Simple harmonic motion

developed through analysis of
uniform motion in a circle
(rotating vector model).
d. Applications to include the measurement of graph of T vs m L.Qn (1) L.Qn (1) Essay(1c)
gravity (g) by T=
simple pendulum and loaded 2π (l / g)1/2
load spring mass-spring pendulum
spring. experiment

e. Quantitative treatment of kinetic graph of P.E. (t)

and K.E. (t)
P.E. (x) and
K.E. (x), the
L.Qn (1b) L.Qn(1b)
and potential energy. effect on period
if spring has

f. Phase lead and phase lag Essay(1b)

through rotating vector model.

5 Resonance. Force vibration and Qualitative treatment only. Essay (3) * Essay damping damping L. Qn (7b)
damping Mechanical, acoustic and resonance in a.c. (6b) Forced
circuit and atom.
electrical examples. Link with mathematics Oscillation
for damping
experiments in other parts of the
6 Application of the principle of a. Distinction between elastic and
conservation of linear momentum inelastic collision.
in one and two dimensions
b. Principle of measuring inertial
mass, e.g. using mx/my=∆Vy/∆Vx
for explosive separation of two
masses initially at rest.
c. Equivalence of inertial and
gravitational mass.
d. Examples of linear conservation Essay (1b) Essay (1)
to include recoil of rifles, Derivation of
collision of a particles with linear
momentum &
helium atoms. (analysis of cloud conservation of
chamber photographs). K.E. in collision

7 Condition of equilibrium of a rigid Derivation of the formula for I in Essay (1b) L.Qn (7) Essay (1b- L.Qn (10)
body. Rotational motion of a rigid specific cases is not required, but Definition of meaning of I = d)Factors of
moment of inertia mr2, torsional
body about a fixed axis. Moment the factors determining I should moment of inertia
from K.E. oscillation
of inertia and its physical be understood.
significance. Angular momentum
and its conservation. Torque.

Essay (1c) Iw= constant for a

The equation T = d (Iω) / d t and rotating body,
Hollow and solid
L = I ω. Illustrations to include cylinders along an
hollow & solid
cylinders along an
the motion of ice-skaters, ballet inclined plane
inclined plane
(greater speed?)
dancers, acrobats, and the high
divers (quanlitively).

Mechanics 第 1頁
A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School kkwan2000/F7/mock

8 Energy stored in a rotating rigid Derivation of K.E. = I ω2 / 2. Essay (1b, L.Qn(6)

body. Energy storage in flywheels. 1d)moment of flywheel :
inertia of a flywheel expt
Use in motor vehicle engines.

Mechanics 第 2頁
A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School Wkk99/F.7/mock


Section B : Wave Year

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
1 Wave Propagation. Nature of a. Questions will not be set on the Essay (3a, Essay (2a) L.Qn (3) + L. Qn (2a)
motions in longitudinal and equation y = a sin (ωt + kx), but an 3c) polarization Longitudnal
traverse progressive waves. wave
understanding of the variation of motion
Relation between v, λ and f. displacement with time (x constant)
Velocity of propagation of and with distance (t constant) in a
mechanical waves along progressive wave is expected.
stretched strings or spring and in
b. Factor affecting the speed of III (4) L.Qn (3bi)
propagation. The expression
v = (T/m)1/2 and (E / ρ)1/2 (Proof
not required).

2 Wave phenonmena Familiarity with ripple tank

experiments is assumed from lower
level work.

Huygen 's principle Explanation of laws of reflection and Essay (2a) Essay (2a)

Reflection a. Examples to include brief discussion L. Qn (9) L.Qn (2b) L.Qn (2b)
of radar, sonar and long distance Reflection
propagation of radio waves by on a fixed
reflection from the ionosphere. (longitudnal)

b. Phase change on reflection,

illustrated from example, using a
slinky spring.

Refraction Refraction as a result of change in L.Qn (3)

wave speeds. Refractive index in light through
a glass sphere
terms of speeds.

Polarization a. Polarisation by selective absorption, L.Qn (3) L.Qn (6a)

reflection and scattering. selective
with antennas
scattering and

b. Practical applications to include Essay 2(b)

polaroid spectacles, VHF and UHF Spectacles
antennas (briefly).

Superposition Mathematical treatment not required.

(graphical treatment only)

Beats Qualitative treatment. Use in tuning. Essay(2b) Essay 2(b)

Diffraction Diffraction of light at apertures Essay (3a)

(simple qualitative treatment only).

Interference a. Two-source interference with Essay (3a) L. Qn(6a) L.Qn (2b) Essay (2b)
quantitive treatment for maxima and Eassy(2b, P36Interfer Young's
slit expt.

minima. c) ence

b Condition for observable Essay (3b)

c. Practical applications of interference
to include the blooming of lenses and
the testing of the flatness of a surface
(very briefly).

d. Quantitive treatment of interference L. Qn (9) L. Qn (8

effects at normal incidence in a- c)
parallel-sided and wedge-shaped thin

waves 第 3頁
A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School Wkk99/F.7/mock

e. Everyday examples to include the

colours of oil film and soap bubbles.

f. Newton 's ring (qualitatively) L. Qn (8


g. Plane transmission grating as an Essay (3c) III (1, 2, L. Qn (6b) Essay (2a) Essay 2(b) L.Qn
interference system. Use of the 5) (9ab) Graph
formula d sin θ = n λ. Plotting

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

h. Proportionality between intensity and

square of the amplitude (by analogy
with harmonic oscillator and energy
delivered by an alternating current).
Energy distribution in interference

3 The electromagnetic spectrum Knowledge of approximate L. Qn (7b) L.Qn (2a)

frequency and wavelength of all
members of the spectrum and their
common properties.

4 Stationary wave. Modes of Graphical treatment only Essay (3) III (5 - 7) L.Qn (7) L.Qn Essay (2a)
vibrations of strings and air Measurement of (3bii, iii)
sound speed in
columns. Harmonics and the air by stationary
quality of sound. wave methode
with a

5 Acoustic. Intensity and loudness. a. Pressure and displacement in sound Essay (2a)
The decibel. wave.
b. Frequency response of the ear.
c. Relationship between intensity and
d. Thresholds of hearing and pain.
e. Noise pollution (very briefly).
Typical noise levels in everyday life.
Absorption of sound and sound

Velocity of sound Order of magnitude of speed of Essay (3b) Essay (2c) L.Qn (2b)
sound in solids, liquids and gases. Kundt's tube Speed of
Knowledge of (γ/P)1/2 not required.

Doppler effect a. Quantitative treatment for a L. Qn (9) L.Qn (2c) L. Qn (6)

stationary medium and movement tracking
station on the
along the source-observer line. earth's surface

b. Real life examples (police cars, Essay (2c) L.Qn (3) L.Qn (2c)
ambulances, and radar speed traps, moving car radar speed
and lorry & trap
galaxy red shift indicating expanding red shift
universe, all treatment qualitatively).

6 Optical instrument Quantitative understanding of how L. Qn (2)

optical instruments work (using
simple ray diagrams only).

Magnifying glass Magnifying power of magnifying

glass, microscoope and refracting
telescope considered as ratio of
visual angles subtended by the image
and the object (as obtained for simple
ray diagram).

Microscope Two-lens type only. Formation of

image at least distance of distinct

Refracting telescope Two-lens type only. Formation of Essay(2)

image at infinty.

Grating spectrometer Qualitative explanation of the III (4) l.Qn (6) Essay (5a)
functions of the collimator and the spectral
analysis with
telescope using ray diagrams. Use in collimator and
simple spectral analysis. telescope,

waves 第 4頁
A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School kkwan2000/F.7/mock


Section C : Field, Electricity and Electromagnetism

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
1 Gravitational fields
Inverse square law Newton 's law of gravitation for point L. Qn (7) L. Qn (7) L. Qn (3) L.Qn (1)
mass and its extension to spherically
symmetrical bodies (proof not
required). Method of measuring the
gravitational constant G is not

Field strength g g taken as force per unit mass. g of Essay (1b)

the Earth 's field, its relation with G, g-field with
earth's rotation
its variation with height above the
Earth 's latitude (assuming the Earth
to be a sphere of uniform density).

Gravitational potential V Derivation of V = - GM / r L. Qn (9)

considering the potential at infinity to potential on
be zero. earth's
Field strength g = - dV / dr. Velocity surface,
of escape and launching of satellites. speed of
Circular orbits (including ' parking L. Qn (7a) Essay (1d) kepler's 3rd L.Qn (8ai)
orbit'). Orbital speed
law (graph)

Weightlessness. Essay (1c)

Kepler 's law Derivation of r3/T2 = constant from Essay (1c)

inverse square law. Mean orbit radii Derivation of
kelper 's third law,
and revolution periods for the M dependent of
planets, and comparison with r3/T2. the proportional

2 Electric Fields
Electric field E Analogy with gravitational field. Essay (4a) L.Qn (4a), L.Qn L.Qn (4b) L.Qn (6a) E-
Coulomb 's law. E considered as (7) (7bii) field drawing

force per unit charge. Essay(3b)

Electric potential V Derivation of V = Q / 4πεοr, L.Qn (7bi) L.Qn (4a)

E = - dV / dr. Distribution of variation across
potential and equi-potential surfaces C
for charged conductors.
lame probe

3 Storage of charge by capacitors Introduction through a series of Essay (4b- L. Qn (4b)

experiments with capacitors. c)

Capacitance a. Q = CV. The farad F (and the sub- L. Qn (4a) L.Qn (6) Essay(4ai)
Q=CV, dielectric Meaning of
unit µF and pF). sheet inserted capacitor label

b. C = εoA/d for a parallel plate L.Qn

capacitor. Series and parallel (7biii)
combinations of capacitors.

c. Use of reed switch for measuring III (1, 2) Essay (4a)

capacitance. Measurement of εo reed switch, I=Qf,
Q = k A, Q = k'
notrequired. Stray capacitance. 1/d

Charging and discharge of Exponential rise and decay of charge Essay (6) L.Qn (7a) Essay (3a) L.Qn (3)
capacitors with time. Time constant RC. *(6d) Experiment of RC
Derivation of expressions Q = Qoe-
and Q = Qo(1 - e-t/RC) required.

Energy of a charge capacitor Proof of E = 1/2 CV2 required.

4 Current electricity The general flow equation I = nAvQ Essay (5) Essay (3a- Essay (3b)
and its applications as a simple b)
model for electron conduction in a electron
model :
metal. Estimation of electron drift heating effect
velocity in a metal. Distinction
between drift velocity and speed of
electrical signals.

EM 第 5頁
A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School kkwan2000/F.7/mock

Electromotive force a. e.m.f. of a source as the enrgy Essay (3a)

imparted by the source per unit
charge passing through it. P.d.
between two points as the energy
converted from electrical energy to
other forms per unit charge passing
between the points outside the

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Resistance, Ohm 's law. The variation of current with applied
Resistivity. Variation of p.d. in various conductors and circuit
resistance with temperature. elements (metals, electrolytes,
thermistors, diodes).
Ohm 's law as a special case of L.Qn (8a)
resistance behaviour. Measure
resistance with
real voltmeter and

Complete circuit and simple

networks. Kirchhoff's law
(Kirchhoff 's second law not

Potentiometer and applications Rotary or slide-wire types may be

used for practical work. The use of
the rotart-type to provide a variable
p.d. is essential.

Shunts and multipliers for Principle of design and use of a L.Qn (4)
electrical meters. mulitmeter for d.c. current, d.c. voltage
voltage and resistance measurement. with voltmeter
Importance of movement sensitivity and CRO,
(i.e. current for full scale deflection.)

5 Electromagnetism.
Force on a current carrying Relative direction of force, field and L.Qn (8)
conductor in a magnetic field. current. current

Mangetic field B. B = F / IL introduced using a simpe L.Qn (7a)

current balance. The tesla (T) as Magnetic field of
two current
1 NA-1m-1. The generalized carrying wires
expression F = BIL sin θ.

Force on a moving charge in a F = BQv sin θ L.Qn (8) L.Qn 3

magnetic field. circular

Hall effect Derivation of the Hall effect Essay (5a- Essay (4b-
VH = BI / nQt. b) c)

Measurement of magnetic fields. Hall probe, current balance, search current L.Qn (7b)
coil and CRO. balance Search coils

Essay (3b)
current balance

Magnetic fields around a long B = µoI / 2πr and B = µοΝΙ / l should Essay (4)
striaght line, and inside a long be understood but derivation are not
solenoid, carrying current. required. These relationships can be
investigated experimentally.

Definition of the ampere Quantitative treatment of the force Essay (4)

between currents in long straight
parallel conductors.

Torque on a rectanglar current T = BANI sin φ L. Qn (10) Essay (3c)

carrying coil in a uniform
magnetic field.

Moving coil galvanometer. Principle of design and operation. Essay (3c)

Sensitivity. Ballistic form
Electromagnetic induction a. Induced e.m.f. resulting from (i) a L. Qn (10) Essay (4a) L. Qn L.Qn L.Qn(7) Essay(4a) Essay(3a) L.Qn (8)
moving conductor in a stationary (10) (4+K26) a metal loop
moving in field
Moving conductor
in a B-field
mangetic field, and (ii) a stationary coil drops across
stationary B-field
conductor in a charging field.

b. Magnetic flux φ. E = - dφ / dt. Essay (4a) L.Qn (7) Essay (5) Essay (5ai)
Lenz's law
Interpretation of B as magnetic flux

EM 第 6頁
A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School kkwan2000/F.7/mock

Simple a.c. and d.c. generators. Derivation of the alternating current Essay (4) Essay (4) Essay(4b) Essay(4)
d.c. motor and back e.m.f. e.m.f. induced in a rectangular coil Practical qn d.c. generator d.c. motor,
on electricity back e.m.f.
rotating in a uniform mangetic field. supply

in HK

Eddy currents Brief discussion of occurrence and Essay (5b)

practical uses.

Transformer Derivation of Vs / Vp ~ Ns /Np. III (1-2, 5- Essay (3a)

Energy losses. 6)

Self-Induction e = - L dI/dt. Derivation of energy L.Qn (6) Self-

stored in an inductor and analogy induction of a
conaxial cable
with charged capacitor. Implications Essay (4aii)
for switch design. meaning of self-


1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
6 Alternating current
r.m.s. and peak values. Relationship for sinusoidal a.c. III (3-6) L. Qn L. Qn L.Qn (5) L. Qn (8a)
derived from mean heating effect in a (11b) (8b) LR-circuit O99
pure resistance.

Sinusodial a.c. in pure R, C and L Rotating vector (phasor) model. Essay (4c) Essay (5a) L. Qn (8a)
taken separately. Phase lead and Physical origin of phase difference. III (3-4,
phase lag. 5-6)

Reactance. Series combination of Derivation of XC = 1 / ωC and X L = *Essay Essay (4b) L. Qn (8a, Essay (4c)
L, R and C. Impedance. (6c) L. K62 8b) Z(f) of LRC
ωL. Rotating vector model only. circuit
Qn (11)

Power factor Power absorbed in resistive L. Qn

component only and hence P = IV (11)
cos θ from vector diagram.
Instantaneous power and related
derivation or calculations not

Resonance in parallel LC circuit. Practical demonstration only (no Essay (5b) L.Qn (6b) Essay (4b)
theory required). Application in tuning circuit EM oscillation

radio tuning circuit.

7 Electronics
Diode The diode as a uni-directional circuit Essay (4c)
element (internal mechanism not rectifying of a.c.
to d.c.
required). Half-wave and full-wave
rectification. Brige rectifier and
applications in a.c. measuring

Power supplies Full-wave rectifier with storage III (3)

capacitor and inductor-capacitor
smoothing. Qualitative treatment
The NPN silicon bipolar junction The transistor as a three terminal L. Qn L.Qn (5) L.Qn (9)
transitor device, the properties of which can (11)
be deduced from measurements at its
terminals. Knowledge of internal
structure not required.

Input, current transfer, collector, Knowledge of internal mechanism Input/output

and input/output characteristics in notrequired.
the common emitter
Determination from current transfer Simple
Current amplification factor β calculations of IO
characteristic. Simple calculations current and base
involving base and collector currents, resistor

input and output voltages.

Linear voltage amplification a. Single NPN trasistor in the common a.c. transfer and
emitter configuration. Simple
biasing techniques.
b. Derivation of voltage gain as ~ - β R
/ RB.

Analogy systems, amplification a. Essential characteristics of a common L. Qn L. Qn L. Qn L.Qn (9) L. Qn (4) L.Qn (10)
and feedback using a common operational amplifier with inverting (10) (11) (10) open-loop, Inverting Inverting amp.
operational amplifier. and non-inverting inputs. Voltage follower
amp. &
gain. Negative feedback, summing

b. Simple applications; e.g. high

impedance voltmeter, comparator as
a switch.

EM 第 7頁
A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School kkwan2000/F.7/mock


Section D : Matter Year

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
1 Gases * Essay
Ideal gases Macroscopic definition of an ideal Essay (2c) L. Qn L. Qn (9) L.Qn (4a)
gas a one which obeys Boyle 's law constant (9) PV-
volume gas modified gas Kinetic theory graph,PV=nR
( PV= constant) and for which PVα thermometer, law, ideal gas model, T
T where T defines temperature on the leads to concept law calculation differences
of absolute between gas
ideal gas scale. The equation of state zero. model and ideal
PV = nRT when n = number of gas.

A model for a gas: the kinetic theory. Microscopic definition of an ideal Essay (2a) PV= nmc2/3 Essay (2a) Essay (3a) Essay (1d) L.Qn (4)
Use of model to provide a micro- gas. Assumptions of the kinetic assumption for Microscopic Inflating non-
r.m.s. speed
ideal gas in elastic balloon
scopic interpretation of macroscopic model and derivation of PV = nmc2/ from P against definition of an
kinetic theory
1/v graph ideal gas. meaning
phenomena. 3. Order of magnitude of c2. of pressure.

Distribution of molecular speeds

Avogadro 's law and the Avogadro
Interpretation of temperature for an Essay (2a) L.Qn (4)
ideal gas using mc2/2 = 3 RT / 2NA. K.E. of a
molecule and
temperature T.

Real gases Brief discussion of the departure of Essay (2b) L.Qn (4b) L.Qn (8)
real gases from ideal behaviour at Departure of real inter. force
gases at high
high pressure and low temperature. pressure and low Essay
Brief qualitative treatment of critical (3a)
points. Experimental detail not

2 Solid
Structures Crystalline or amorphous structure
(very briefly. Details of packing or
of the theory and experimental
details of x-ray diffraction not

Physical properties a. Stress-strain behaviour for metal and Essay (2c) Essay (3b) L.Qn (9b)
non-metals : brief qualitative stress-strain stress-strain breaking stress,
graph of copper, strength and
descriptions of strength, stiffness, graph for glass
rubber and stiffness.
brittleness and ductility. glass .strength,
ductility and

b. Young modulus defined as stress III (1-3) L.Qn (2)

over strain. Typical orders of Measurement of suspended
Young modulus rod with two
magnitude. with reference diff. wires : Y
and B.S.

c. Energy stored in stretching (1/2 force

x extension) and energy per unit
volume (1/2 stress x strain).

A model for a solid Derivation of model from observed Essay (2b) Essay (3a) L.Qn (9a)
resistance of solids to deformation sketch F-r and resistance of F-r graph,
V-r graphs with solids to F = - dV/dr,
(compression and extension). observed deformation binding energy
Representation as curves of force and resistance of leads to E = kr
solid to
potential energy against interatomic deformation
separation. F = - dV / dr.

Brief mention of diverse origins of Essay (2a)

binding (bonding) energy types of
attractive force
(electrostatic, metallic, covalent). between atoms
of materials

Use of the model to provide Equilibrium spacing. Elasticity and L. Qn (9b)

microscopic interpretations of Hooke 's law. Microscopic E= -k/r

macroscopic phenomena interpretation of Young modulus as E

= k / r where r is the equilibrium
spacing and k the force constant.
Thermal expansion.

3 Fluids * L. Qn * Essay (1)

Fluids in motion, Bernoulli 's Derivation of P + 1/2ρv + ρgh =
2 L.Qn (8) Essay (3c) L.Qn (6)
principle. Bernoulli 's horizontal tube,
constant. principle with
Bernoulli 's
power input by a

Applications to include jets and yacht and L.Qn(1)

spinning ball,
nozzles (bunsen burner, filter pump, spinnig
sprays, motor vehicle carburetors), ball
spinning tennis or golf ball, aerosols
(aircraft, yachts sailing into the

The Pitot-tube for measurement of

fluid speed (quantitatively).

Matter 第4頁
A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School kkwan2000/F.7/mock

4 Heat and energy a. Distinction between heat and internal Essay (2) Essay (4a)
energy. Consideration of all forms of heat, internal
energy and
energy on microscopic scale as temperature.
kinetic or potential. Heat and work
as measures of energy transferred
from one form to another.

b. The first law of thermodynamics ∆Q L. Qn (8) L. Qn (8) Essay (2c) L.Qn (4c) L.Qn (8) L.Qn(4bd)
PV=nRT, P-V specific heat PV-graph T-V graph Essay (5ai)
= ∆U + ∆W as an extension of the graph of heat capacity, heat
meaning of 1st
law 1st law
processes| 1st transfer and 1st P-V graph, 1st
principle of conservation of energy to law calculation. law calculations law of
include heat. thermodynamic

Conservation of energy. Its Illustrative examples from other parts Essay

transformation from one form to of the syllabus. Coal and oil (3bc)degrada
another. Degradation of other forms to resources (e.g. nuclear, solar, tidal tion, coal-fired
power station
thermal energy. and wind-based). Principles of
methods and relative conversion
efficiencies (briefly).

5 Electrons
Electron beams : production and Thermionic emission. Deflection of Essay (5) Essay(5a) L. Qn (3)
properties. The electron-volt. electrons in electric and magnetic use of electron thermionic Deflection of
beam in CRO. emissiobn proton in a
fields. magnetic field

Determination of e / m. Thomson 's method using v = E / B Essay (5c)

for zero deflection, or any other Experiment of
measuring e/m
method. ratio

The cathode ray oscilloscope Functional description of the main Essay (5) III (1-2) Essay (5)
units. Circuit details not required. d.c. deflection measurement of structure &
a.c. voltage and use as
Use as (i) an a.c. and d.c. voltmeter, frequency voltmeter
(ii) for time and frequency
measurement (iii) as a display device
(including use of external X-input).

6 Extra-nuclear structure of the atom

Evidence for energy level a. Ionization and excitation energies. L. Qn (11) Essay (5b)
Elastic and inelastic collisions of concept of energy
electrons with atoms. level and photon in
H atom

b. Principle of Franck-Hertz type comments on Essay (1b) L.Qn (10)

graph, concept
experiments. conservation of
of discrete
energy in
energy level

Evidence for light quanta. Photon. The photoelectric effect. Einstein 's L. Qn (12) Essay (4) L.Qn (9) Essay(5a)p Essay (2c)
photoelectric equation. Uses of Photoelectric photoelectric P.effect hotoelectric Photoelectric
effect and effect effect & particle-
photoelectric cells. effect and
equation, effect Essay(5b) like properties
equation, graph
of higher
of V-f. evidence for
intensity and
light quanta,
frequency of
input photons

Emission and absorption spectra a. Line spectra of monatomic gases and III (3, 6) Essay (5b) Essay L.Qn (9cd)
explanation in terms of light quanta emission Emission vs (2bc)
spectrum from
and energy levels. Absorption iodine
discharge tube
spectrum, absorption
& energy level
formation of spectrum, sun
absorption spectrum

b. The hydrogen spectrum and Essay(5c)

interpretation in terms of energy
level equation En = - 13.6 eV / n2.
Bohr theory of the atom not required.

X-rays a. Production and properties. L. Qn (5)

b. Maximum frequency for given tube max. f from

spectral curve,
potential. some

c. X-ray spectra. Energy level compare the Essay (5c) Essay(5c)

interpretation of line spectra. X-rays spectrum
mechanism in
and explanations
the continuous
and line

d. Uses in medicine, industry and

crystallography (all briefly - no
quantitative work is required).

Continuous spectra Sun 's spectrum and Fraunhofer lines.

Band spectra not required.

Matter 第4頁
A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School kkwan2000/F.7/mock

Stimulated emission of radiation Brief qualitative discussion of laser Essay (3c)

action. The uses of lasers. Properties of
laser, mechanism

7 Radioactivity
Properties of α, β, γ radiation a. Mass, charge, energy, relative ranges Essay (5a) Essay (1c) L.Qn L. Qn (5a,
in air and other materials, relative distinguish conservation of (10a) 5b(i))
between the energy with
ionizing power. penerating Smoke
three radiation energy spectrum
with GM tube of beta decay detector

b. Familiarity with cloud chamber Essay(5b)

tracks assumed from lower level He & apha

Detectors Structure and use of (a) an ionization Essay(5a) L.Qn (5)
chamber (b) one type of cloud working Ionization
principle of Chamber
chamber (c) the Geiger-muller cloud chamber
counter (count-voltage characteristic
and details of scaler not required).
Suitability of these detectors for α, β,
and γ emissions.

Random nature of decay a. dN/dt = -kN derived from analogy Essay(5b)

with dice decay.
b. Interpretation of decay constant k as L.Qn (10)
the constant chance of an atom
decaying per unit time.

Natural nuclear transformations Change of N and Z in radioactive Essay (5b) L. Qn (12a)

decay (detail of radioactive series not Changes in series and
nuclei during
required). half-life
these decays

Exponential law of decay. Half-life. N = No e-kt. Relationship between k L.Qn (10) L.Qn L. Qn
The Becquerel. k = ln 2 / t1/2, decay (10bii) ln N (5b(ii))
and t1/2. Relevance of long half-lives equation - d graph
to the disposal of radioactive waste plotting
and to radioactive fallout. Carbon-14 Essay (4b)

Radiation hazards a. Sources of background radiation and L. Qn (10) L.Qn

typical radiation doses. difficulty in (10bi)
because of

b. Hazards due to open and sealed

c. Handling precautions.

Isotopes The uses of radioisotopes Essay (5c) Essay 4(b)

Choice of
radiation in

8 The nucleus
The Rutherford model of the atom. a. Interpretation of equations L. Qn L. Qn (12) Essay (5) L. Qn (10) Essay (3c) L.Qn (5) L.Qn (5ci)
The mass-energy relationship. The representing nuclear reaction. (12) mass meaning of Binding energy Rutherford's Mass Defect
binding energy, change between
unified atomic mass unit (carbon Graph of defect in fission, model Essay
graph parent and
binding energy, energy released.
scale). Binding energy. Energy of binding daughter nuclide (5bii) Binding
possibility of
energy per after radioactive
release in fission and fusion. fission and energy per
nucleon , decay
fusion, energy nucleon against
explanation of
released in nucleon no.
stability and the
fission, graph.
possibility of
between decay
Advantage of
and fission
fusion over
fission in
Reasons for
fusion not used

b. Nuclear power : advantages and Essay (5bi)

disadvantages. Different
between fission
and radioactive

c. The principle of the fission reactor. chain reaction, production of

electricity from
process in
Essay (5ci)
Qualitative treatment of fission and chain reaction,
fission reactor reactor, uses
function of
the chain reaction, and the role of of moderator
controlled rod
and control rod
fuel, moderator, coolant and control, and moderater.

is expected.

Matter 第4頁
A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School kkwan2000/F.7/mock


Two containers
of gas with a tap
in between

Matter 第4頁
A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School kkwan2000/F.7/mock

L.Qn (10b)

Essay (5c)
Condition for
emission and the
max. K.E. of

Essay (5a)

Essay (5c)
Condition of
effect and the
max. K.E. of

Essay (5a)
Evidence of
Energy level

Essay (5b)
Concept opf
ground state,
excitation by
electron and
photon, and

Matter 第4頁
A-level Physics Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School kkwan2000/F.7/mock

Essay (5c)
emission in
radiactive decay
and energy

Matter 第4頁
Past M.C. distributions (1990 - 1995) Wkk/F.7/mock
Form 7 A-level Physics

M.C. Distribution in A-level Physics YEAR

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 2001

Section A : Mechanics (1 - 7) (1 - 9) *Q4 (1 - 4), (6 - (1 - 9), (50) (1 - 10) (1, 4-10),

7), (50) (45)
1. General question (error estimation, unit, etc.) *** *** **** **** ****** **** **** ***** ****
2. Projectile motion * * * * *
3. Linear momentum * * *
4. Circular motion * * * * ** *
5. Simple harmonic motions * *** * ** ** ** ** ** ***
6. Rotational motion * * ** ** * * * * *
7 8 7 10 10 9 10 10 10
Section B : Wave ( 15 - 26), *Q21 (20 - 30) (16 - 26) * Q19 (21 - 27) * Qn21 (14 - 21), (23) (11-15),
1. Wave propagation, EM spectrum and others. ** * * * ** * *** *
2. Wave phenonmena (reflection & refraction) ** * * * *** *
3. Polarization * * ** * * * *
4. Beats * * *
5. Interference and diffraction ** **** ** ** *** **
6. Acoustic *** ** * ** ** * * **
7. Stationary wave ** * * **
8. Optical instrument * ** *** * * ** * *
11 11 10 6 9 9 9 6 8
Section C : Field, EM and Electronics (27 - 40), *Q41 (31 - 41), (43) (27 - 42) (10 - 12), (28 - (11), (24 - 25), (2-3),
37), (39 - 42) (27 - 36), (39), (16),
(43) (21-35)
1. Gravitational field & potential * * *** * ** * * *
2. Electric field & potential *** * ** *** ** * *
3. Capacitor * * ** * ** ** **** *** ***
4. Current electricity ***** ** * *** * ** **** **** **
5. Electromagnetism **** *** *** *** ** **** **** **** ****
6. A.C. current **** * *** *** ** ** ** *
7. Electronics (e.g. diode, transistor and op-amp) * * **** ** *** **** ** * *
14 12 13 17 16 18 17 16 13
Section D : Matter ( 8 - 14) * Q9, (10 - 19), * Q13, (8 - 15), * Q9, (13 - 20), * Q13, (12 - 13), (22), (36-44)
Q10, Q12 (41 - Q16, Q19 (42), Q10, Q11 (43 - Q14, Q20, (38), (26), (37 - 38),
50) (44 - 50) 49) * Q49 (43 - 49) (40 - 42), (44 -
1. Gases * * *** ** * ** ** **
2. Solids * **** ** * * ** * ** **
3. Fluid motion * * * * *
4. Heat and energy * ** ** * ** * *
5. Electrons (e.g. CRO) *** * * * * * *
6. Extra-nuclear structure of atoms **** ***** * *** ** ** ** * ***
7. Radioactivity * * ** ** *** *** * **** ***
8. The nucleus * * ** * * * ** *
13 15 11 13 10 9 9 13 14

45 46 41 46 45 0 45 45 45 45

M.C. Questions 第 14 頁

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