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Jay Bianco Sembiring Meliala


Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

in Petroleum Engineering study program




Jay Bianco Sembiring Meliala


Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

in Petroleum Engineering study program

Approved by:

Thesis Adviser,

Ardhi Hakim Lumban Gaol, ST., M.Si., Ph.D.


Jay Bianco Sembiring Meliala* and Ardhi Hakim Lumban Gaol, ST., M.Si., Ph.D.**

Copyright 2020, Institut Teknologi Bandung

This study discusses methods to develop low resistivity, low contrast (LRLC) formation in Indonesia. LRLC
formations were found throughout Talang Akar formation but were initially interpreted as non-productive
formations. This study focuses on the development of LRLC zones, through the use of horizontal well, 5-spot
well patern and water injection, these zones could be developed economically.

Reservoir simulation is conducted on field X within 20 years of production period to forecast how effective
horizontal well and water injection to improve the oil recovery factor in a low permeability reservoir. Thus,
sensitivity studies were created to find the optimum recovery factor by varying operational parameter (i.e., water
injection rates). The author varies the water injection rate from 500 bbl/d to 3000 bbl/d. Those numbers are chosen
because the initial total production oil rate is 2000 bbl/d.

After the reservoir simulation has been done in CMG, the base case without water injection results cumulative
oil production for 20 years is 993.67 MSTB (Recovery Factor = 46%) for one pattern. For the best technical is
with 2000 bbl/d water injection rate which produces 1322.07 MSTB (Recovery Factor = 61.24%). The most
profitable scenario is also acquired when the water injection rate is 2000 bbl/d. This scenario could give the Net
Present Value at a 10 percent discount rate of $ 18,309,909.71 and IRR of 54%.

Keywords: Low Resistivity , Low Contrast, Horizontal Well, 5-Spot Well Patern and Water Injection

Penelitian ini membahas metode untuk mengembangkan formasi yang berkarakteristik low resistivity, low
contrast (LRLC) di Indonesia. Formasi LRLC ditemukan di seluruh formasi Talang Akar tetapi awalnya
ditafsirkan sebagai formasi non-produktif. Studi ini berfokus pada pengembangan zona LRLC, melalui
penggunaan sumur horizontal, pola sumur 5 titik dan injeksi air, agar zona ini dapat dikembangkan secara

Simulasi reservoir dilakukan pada lapangan X selama 20 tahun, untuk memperkirakan seberapa efektif injeksi air
pada sumur horizontal untuk meningkatkan faktor perolehan minyak dalam reservoir dengan permeabilitas
rendah. Dengan demikian, studi sensitivitas diciptakan untuk menemukan Recovery Factor yang optimal dengan
memvariasikan parameter operasional (yaitu, laju injeksi air). Penulis memvariasikan laju injeksi air dari 500bbl/d
hingga 3000bbl/d. Angka-angka itu dipilih karena laju total produksi minyak awal adalah 2000bbl/d.

Setelah simulasi reservoir dilakukan dalam CMG, skenario dasar denagn laju injeksi air 0 bbl/d menghasilkan
produksi minyak kumulatif selama 20 tahun adalah 993,67 MSTB (RF = 46%) untuk satu pola. Untuk skenario
teknis terbaik adalah dengan laju injeksi air 2000 bbl/d yang menghasilkan 1322,07 MSTB (RF = 61.24%) untuk
satu pola. Skenario yang paling menguntungkan juga diperoleh ketika laju injeksi air sebesar 2000 bbl/d. Skenario
ini dapat memberikan $ 18.309.909,71 Net Present Value pada discount rate 10 persen dan IRR 53.66%.

Kata kunci: …..

*) Student of Petroleum Engineering Study Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2016 batch
**) Thesis Adviser in Petroleum Engineering Study Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung

1.4 Description of Talang Akar Formation
1.4.1 Petroleum System of Talang Akar Formation
The Talang Akar Formation is believed to be the main
1.1 Regional Geology source of commercial hydrocarbons in the South
Sumatra Basin. The Talang Akar Formation which was
The South Sumatra Basin is part of the lower arc basin drilled at the edge of the graben structure only became
of Sumatra's regional tectonics, which covers 117,000 a poor quality gas-prone source rock, while shale and
km2, mainly onshore. In this South Sumatra basin, the paralis coal layers were of good quality and thicker
Tertiary sediments were deposited in the transgression host rock such as those found in the Central and South
cycle, Middle Eocene-Middle Miocene age in the form Palembang Sub-Basin. The upper TOC value of Talang
of land / continental sediment, river / fluviatile and Akar varies from 3.0 to 50.0 with a Hydrogen Index
shallow sea. The Tertiary sediments are out of tune (HI) between 150-310 mgHC / g, in the Palembang
above the Pre-Tertiary basement (Adiwidjaja and Sub-Basin there are shales with 5% TOC and HI 110-
Coster, 1973). This basin is one of the tertiary back-arc 400 mgHC / g, while coal has a HI 400- 470 mgHC / g.
basins which produce oil and natural gas Figure 1.
1.4.2 Reservoir Rocks of Talang Akar Formation
1.2 Tectonic Framework
The lower part of the Talang Akar Formation consists
The South Sumatra Basin is bounded by the Tinggi or of channel fill sandstones, crevasse splay and point bars
arc of Lampung and Palembang which separates the from the fluvio-deltaic formation environment in the
South Sumatra Basin from the Sunda Basin in the north and plain delta, delta front, river mouth bar, and
West-Java Sea. The Central and South Sumatra basins marine barrier bar in the south. Non-marine succession
are separated by the Tigapuluh mountains. The western shows proximal to distal vertical progressions that
boundary is Bukit Barisan which is Plio-Plistocene. cause marine transgressions in the southern part of Raja
The general direction of the structure in this basin is (Hutapea, 1981). Sandstone reservoirs are concentrated
West-Northwest, East-Southeast and North-South in plaited plains and meander channels.
Figure 2. According to Bishop et al. (2001) The South
There is a spatial relationship between fluvial facies
Sumatra Basin can be divided into 4 (four) Sub-basins
that occur in the rift topography and the distance from
namely: Jambi Sub-basin, North Palembang Sub-
the sediment source. The reservoir quality is poor in
Basin, Central Palembang Sub-Basin and South
alluvial sediments and proximal-distal deltas, with 10-
Palembang Sub-Basin Figure 3.
15% porosity and 1-50 mD permeability. Conversely,
The South Sumatra Basin is formed by three main reservoir quality is very good in sediments located far
tectonic phases: from the source but deposited in high-energy
1. Extension during Late Paleocene to Early Miocene, environments. Its porosity reaches 15-29% and
forming a north-pointing graben filled with Eocene to permeability is 100-300 mD.
Early Miocene deposits
2. Normal fault from Early Miocene to Early Pliocene. 1.5 Objectives
3. Compression involving bedrock, basin inversion, The objectives of this study are :
and reversal of normal faults in the Pliocene that forms
anticline, is the main trap in this area Figure 2. 1. To understand the mechanism of Water Drive
with horizontal well on increasing oil
West-Northwest and East-Southeast and North-South recovery in Low Resistivity, Low Contrast
faults activate deposition in the South Sumatra basin, Reservoir for the X field case in Talang Akar
some of which have experienced reversals from the Formation.
Miocene to the Plio-Pleistocene, as well as the
inversion basin (Pulunggono et. Al., 1992). Subduction 2. To find the best technical scenario through
systems off the coast of Sumatra to South Java, starting sensitivity study in reservoir simulation for
with the Late Oligocene, form the current tectonic the X field case.
elements. Graben and the major faults in the North 3. To analyze the most profitable scenario
Sumatra Basin are oriented North-Northwest to South- between Production Sharing Contract Cost
Southeast. Recovery and Gross Split for the X field case
1.3 Regional Stratigraphy
The lithostratigraphy of this area consists of, Pre-
Tertiary Basement, Kikim Tufs, Lemat Formation with
Anggota Benakat at the bottom, Talang Akar 2.1 Horizontal Well
Formation, Pendopo Formation, Baturaja Formation,
Gumai Formation, Air Benakat Formation, Muara Production/injection well pattern and well spacing and
Enim Formation, Palembang Formation, and alignment with regards to inherent stresses in the
Quaternary Sedimentation Figure 4. reservoir are important optimization parameters. It has
been observed that smaller well spacing provides better

development results when using horizontal well can delay the water break through time and increase the
patterns (Zhao et al., 2011) Figure 5. sweep (Zhao et al., 2011).

Because for injectors, wellbore orientation with respect 2.2 Waterflood

to the rock stress direction has more significant impact
on a field development than producer wells, if a A method of secondary recovery in which water is
horizontal production well will be considered for injected into the reservoir formation to displace
conversion into a horizontal injection well, it is residual oil. The water from injection wells physically
recommended to check the rock stress direction for the sweeps the displaced oil to adjacent production wells.
reservoir (Bodnar et at., 1997). In the presence of Potential problems associated with waterflood
natural fractures, the horizontal wells should be lined techniques include inefficient recovery due to
parallel to the fracture locations to mobilize more oil variable permeability, or similar conditions affecting
(Westermark et al., 2005). fluid transport within the reservoir, and early
water breakthrough that may cause production and
Well pattern is another criteria determines surface processing problems.
waterflooding performance with horizontal wells
(Popa and Turta, 2002; Zakirov et al., 2012). Some After a waterflood development plan has been decided,
numerically tested well patterns given in Figure 6 optimized, and implemented, the next step is to
showed that line drive well pattern provides good evaluate the performance of the water injection
results for waterflooding through horizontal wells. program. Several methods are available for evaluating
the success of an implemented horizontal waterflood
The orientation of high-permeability layers will also scheme, including reservoir surveillance techniques,
impact the performance of horizontal injectors. software or equipment that has actually has been used
Because in large-scale waterflooding and pressure in fields to monitor and evaluate success, and
maintenance projects these high permeable layers comparison of pre-development/implementation
result early water breakthrough due to channeling simulation predictions with actual field results.
which consequently causes poor sweep efficiency. The
barriers placed in fractures and the implementation of The main surveillance methods can be listed as (1)
inflow control devices within the horizontal well can static pressure testing from vertical observation wells
be created good solutions for those cases (Sierra et al., to evaluate the injection performance and predict
2011; Banerjee and Hascakir, 2015). geological constraints like faults; (2) Production
Logging Test (PLT) of horizontal producers and
Depending on the reservoir properties as well as the injectors, which are used to identify high permeability
complexity and intelligence of the completion, water zones and productivity along the production wells; (3)
may not be uniformly injected along the entire wellbore tracer tracking, which allows for mapping of the
and, hence; pressure support may not be provided as injected water pattern; (4) well logging (spontaneous
desired. The friction will cause pressure loss along the potential and resistivity) of the waterflooded zone to
horizontal section of a well and loss will be amplified study water bank movement and water breakthrough
with longer wells and can lead to a non-uniform time which reduce water injection rate or increase oil
pressure distribution along the wellbore, which them production rate; (5) production logging; (6) drilling
results in an uneven flow of fluids injected into the monitor wells; (7) cement evaluation; (8) monitoring
surrounding reservoir and potentially, poor sweep injection wells; and (9) reservoir simulation to
efficiency. To address this non-ideal distribution, an diagnose water breakthrough mechanisms to determine
inverted production-injection well pattern where fluid the cause of breakthroughs which can then steer
from both wells is flowing in the same direction is towards remediation methods (Zhang et al., 2007; Zhao
proposed (Popa and Clipea, 1998) Figure 7. et al., 2011; Sierra et al., 2011; Bodnar et al., 1997).
Two main configurations are available with regards to After water injection is started, several parameters
parallel horizontal production and injection well should be monitored to track the performance of
pairing: toe to toe and toe to heel. The pressure losses waterflooding process. Oil and water production rates
in the heel of the producers are less than the pressure at should continuously be recorded, injection profile tests
the toe, however, vice versa for injectors (Banerjee and should be conducted in the horizontal injection wells,
Hascakir, 2017). When a producer/injector pair is fracture orientations should be monitored by logs, and
arranged in a toe to toe pattern, early water water injection rates should be optimized based on the
breakthrough may happen due to higher value of the parameters mentioned above (Westerrmark et al.,
pressure differential from the heel to heel area than toe 2005).
to toe area. However, toe to heel pattern creates steadier
the differential pressure for the same locations which

To make an economic evaluation of a waterflood direction). The reservoir quality is poor in alluvial
design, it is necessary to estimate fluid injection and sediments and proximal-distal deltas, with 10-15%
production rates and to make a projection of oil porosity and 1-50 mD permeability hence we can call
production or recovery (Willhite, 1986). this field as a low permeability reservoir.

4.2 Reservoir Model Construction and

3. METHODOLOGY Initialization

The aim of this study is to determine the best water A reservoir model is constructed with certain field
injection scenario, not only operational design is adapted data to be simulated for 20 years with CMG.
required, but also the economic aspect. A series of The reservoir model is a single porosity model with 26
sensitivity studies are conducted to know the optimum x 26 x 11 cartesian grid dimension with a reverse 5-
scenario. The highest net revenue scenario is stated as spot injection pattern. Where the single injection well
the most optimum condition for water injection in X (INJ-WELL) is located in the middle and the 4
field. producing wells (Well-1, Well-2, Well-3 and Well-4)
are located at each corner of the reservoir, respectively.
First thing to do is literature study, which conducted to The static reservoir model can be seen in Figure 8 and
understand theories of water injection methods, Figure 9.
horizontal well and low contrast reservoir, what data
are essential, and how to simulate it using a reservoir The reservoir model area is 40 acres with 50 ft
model simulation, also how to analyze it using a simple thickness, 2500 psia reservoir pressure, kv/kh = 0.1 and
economic method. 10% of porosity. The top of the reservoir takes place at
depth 6000ft. The rock-fluid properties are constructed
The reservoir model is constructed in CMG. This is directly using CMG simulator. The reservoir model is
expected to illustrate the reservoir conditions in the X homogeneous with unified rock and fluids properties.
field. The reservoir model is constructed with The relative permeability curves can be seen in Figure
synthesized geometry, grid sizes, and injection pattern 10 and Figure 11.
to compromise the purpose of this study. The reservoir
fluid and rock properties are characterized and 5. Result and Discussion
generated to the calculation provided by the simulator.
Next, sensitivity studies are done for each technical 5.1 Technical Evaluation
parameter for water injection to identify the impact of
an operational injection scenario on oil recovery and
production performance of the reservoir model. Since water injection can increase the efficiency of
Sensitivity analysis in this study focuses on the water macroscopic sweeping, a sensitivity study is made on
injection rate. the water injection rate of 0, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000
bbl/d which aim to analyze the increase of Recovery
After reviewing the operational aspects, an economic Factor and the reservoir pressure maintenance. The
analysis will be conducted, it starts with defining the water injection is started from the first year of
economic scenario for each case. Afterward, the production, the injection and production well
construction of the cost estimation for each scenario is perforated in depth of 6025ft. The results are shown in
done. Figure 12, Figure 13 and Figure 14. The oil recovery
factors for water injection rates of 0, 500, 1000, 2000,
4. CASE STUDY 3000 bbl/d are 46.03%, 52.76%, 54.88%, 61.12%,
58.01% respectively.

4.1 General Field Description The simulation result shows water injection can
The 40 acres pattern in X field is located in South increase the recovery factor of oil. This happens
Sumatra. Beneath this field there is a primary because water give pressure support or act as a pressure
producing zone called Talang Akar formation. Talang maintenance to the reservoir. The highest recovery
Akar Formation oil accumulates mainly in the North factor is made by the 2000 bbl/d of water injection.
and in line on the East side of the basin, with a potential However the 3000 bbl/d of water injection doesn’t
gas content in the center of the basin. Critical factors of result a higher recovery factor than the 2000 bbl/d
this play are the presence or effectiveness of the because the water breakthrough time of the 3000 bbl/d
reservoir (high-quality sandstones are concentrated of water injection rate is faster than the 2000 bbl/d. The
along the eastern boundary of the basin near sediment results are shown in Figure 15.
input, with poor reservoirs containing high volcanic
plastic to the west, and thin sandstones in the middle of
the basin) and sources (lack of parent rock in the the
5.2 Economical Evaluation
southwest part limits the spread of play in this

In this case the author uses Product Sharing Contract Sembiring Meliala for the never ending prayer,
Cost Recovery and Gross Split for the economical affection, and support.
evaluation. PSC Cost Recovery was going to be
3. Ardhi Hakim Lumban Gaol, ST., M.Si., Ph.D., as
compared to Gross Split to see the most profitable
the author’s supervisor who have given never
scenario. Cost Recovery and Gross Split scheme and
ending support, patience, encouragement, and
assumptions are shown in Figure 16 and Table 1,
valuable guidance to the author.
Table 2 and Table 3. The capital and operational
expenditure assumption for this economic calculation 4. Bereans Prayer Group, for always giving me
is listed in Table 4. Economic aspects are being prayer, support, and encouraging me to finish this
reviewed are Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate Bachelor Thesis.
of Return (IRR) and Pay Out Time (POT). The result
5. The author’s friends in HMTM
is shown in Table 5 and Table 6.
“PATRA” ITB, for always showing some love,
bringing joy and happiness during author’s study
Based on Table 5 and Table 6, the most profitable process in Petroleum Engineering Department
result is shown by gross split calculation, because all of ITB.
the economic aspects in gross split that the author
wants to compare are better than cost recovery. Hence, 9. REFERENCES
scenario case 3 with gross split calculation will be Bodnar, D. A., Clifford, P. J., Isby, J. S., Lane, A. C.,
chosen to be executed in this project since it gives the Loveland, R., Seymour, L. I., Walz, G. S. 1997. First
best NPV and IRR. The tabulation from the most Horizontal Water Injectors in Prudhoe Bay Field,
profitable scenario will be attached in Appendix A. Alaska. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi :
6. Conclusion
Cordero, F.J., Corpoven, S.A. 1992. Modelling
1. Water flooding significantly improves oil recovery
Horizontal Wells in a Water Drive Reservoir :
by using water to maintain the reservoir pressure Guafita Norte Field, South Western Venezuela.
and provides macroscopic sweeping. Second Latin American Petroleum Engineering
2. Horizontal well is very suitable for low Conference, II LAPEC, Available at:
permeability reservoir where the permeability
anisotropy index (Iani = (kv/kh)0.5) is less than or 23662-MS
equal to 1.. This is shown by the base case D. Zhou, T. Jiang, J. Feng, W. Bian, Y. Liu. 2009.
recovery factor reach a high recovery factor of Research of Water Flooded Performance and
46.03%. Pattern in Horizontal Well With Bottom-Water Drive
3. From case 3 result it can be concluded that the use Reservoir. Petroleum Society’s 5th Canadian
of optimum operational parameters with 2000 International Petroleum Conference (55 th Annual
Technical Meeting). Available at:
bbl/d water injection will generate the most
economic and profitable case. paper/PETSOC-2004-093
Hascakir, B., Pettengell, K., 2017. Horizontal Water
Injection to Sustain Production in a Low Oil Price
To improve this study, some recommendations should
Environment. SPE Annual Technical Conference
be considered:
Exhibition. Available at:
1. Attempt a full-field scale pattern on X field with
whole active layer and injection pattern to grasp 187197-MS
the effect of waterflooding on a real scale.
Holis, Z., Prayogi, A., Purawaman, I., Damayanti, S.,
2. This study will be more accurate if the given data
Nugroho, D., Kamaluddin, M.K. 2016. The
are more detailed. Such as SCAL and RCAL data,
Petrophysic Role of Low Resistivity Pay Zone of
petrophysics data, and recent horizontal well and
Talang Akar Formation, South Sumatra Basin,
waterflooding operational and capital cost data.
Indonesia. SPE Conference Paper. doi:
The author would like to show his acknowledgement Popa, C. G., & Turta, A. T. 2002. Waterflooding by
to: Horizontal Injectors and Producers. Society of
Petroleum Engineers. doi : 10.2118/78989-MS
1. The Almighty God, for always giving me
healthiness and guidance during this process. Raghavan, R., Ozkan, E. 1990. Performance of
Horizontal Wells Subject to Bottomwater Drive. SPE
2. The author’s beloved parents, Israil Sembiring Journal Paper. Available at:
Meliala and Noffy Meliala, Sister, Jisha Bianca
Sembiring Meliala, and Brother, Jadrien Biancliff

Suta, I. N., Xiaoguang, Lu. 2005. Complex
Stratigraphic and Structural Evolution of Jabung
Sub-basin and its Hydrocarbon Accumulation; Case
Study from Talang Akar Reservoir South Sumatra
Basing, Indonesia. IPTC Conference Paper. doi:
Taber, J. J., & Seright, R. S. 1992. Horizontal Injection
and Production Wells for EOR or Waterflooding.
Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:
Westermark, R. V., Dauben, D., Robinowitz, S., &
Weyland, H. V. 2004. Enhanced Oil Recovery with
Horizontal Waterflooding, Osage County,
Oklahoma. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:
Willhite, G. Paul. Waterflooding. Society of Petroleum
Engineers, 1986.

List of Figures

Figure 1. the location and regional tectonic arrangement of the South Sumatra Basin

Figure 2. Regional Geological Structure of the South Sumatra Basin (Artono and Tamtomo, 2000 AAPG Bali)

Figure 3. Division of South Sumatra Sub-Basin (Bishop et al., 2001)

Figure 4. Regional Stratigraphy of South Sumatera Basin (Argakoesoemah & Kamal, 2004)

Figure 5. Daily oil production prediction for different well spacing cases (Zhao et al., 2011)

Figure 6. Eight water injection pattern schemes investigated for the Russkoye field (Zakirov et al., 2012)

Figure 7. The fluid flow direction in horizontal wells (a) opposite flow direction with direct pattern and (b) same
flow directoin with inverted (Popa and Clipea, 1998)

Figure 8. 2-D view of the reservoir model

Figure 9. 3-D view of the reservoir model

Figure 10. Oil-water relative permeability curve

Figure 11. Gas-water relative permeability curve

Figure 12. Comparison of oil recovery factor on different water injection rate

Figure 13. Comparison of Cummulative oil production on different water injection rate

Reservoir Pressure vs Time

Reservoir Pressure (Psia)

2700 0bbl/day
2600 500bbl/day
2500 1000bbl/day
2200 3000bblday
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Time (days)

Figure 14. Comparison of reservoir pressure on different water injection rate

Figure 15. Comparison of water production rate on different water injection rate

Figure 16. Cost Recovery and Gross Split scheme (Peraturan Menteri ESDM No.8/2017 & No.52/2017)

List of Tables

Table 1. Gross Split Percentage

Gross Split
Component Parameter Contractor Split
Field Status: POD I 5.00%
Field Location: Onshore 0.00%
Reservoir Depth (Meter): 2000 0.00%
Infrastructure: New Frontier Onshore 4.00%
Reservoir Type: Sandstone 0.00%
CO2 Content: 0.29% 0.00%
H2S (ppm): 0 0.00%
SG (API): 40.5 0.00%
TKDN: 0.6 3.00%
Production Stage: sekunder 6.00%
Oil Price (USD/bbl): 40 11.25%
Gas Price (USD/bbl): - 17.50%
Cumulative Production (MMBOE): 0 10.00%
Oil Gas
Base Split Contractor 43.00% 48.00%
Base Split Government 57.00% 52.00%
Final Split Contractor 72.25% 83.50%
Final Split Government 27.75% 16.50%

Table 2. Cost Recovery Split Percentage

Cost Recovery Oil Gas

FTP 20% 20%
Government Split Before Tax 73.2% 46.4%
Contractor Split Before Tax 26.8% 53.6%

Table 3. PSC Cost Recovery and Gross Split Assumption

General Oil Gas

Price 40 USD/bbl - USD/MMBTU
*Gas Price = 0 because Gas is not being Sold
Operating Cost 10 USD/bbl - USD/MMBTU
Depreciation Declining Balance
DMO Vol 25% 0%
DMO Fee 15% 0%
Tax 44%
Discount Rate 10%

Table 4. Capital and Operational Expenditure Assumptions

Horizontal Well Cost $ 1,000.00 /ft depth

Injected Water Price $ 0.50 /bbl/d
Pipeline $ 500,000.00
Pump $ 20,000.00
Water Injection Treatment Plant $ 100,000.00 /1000bbld injection
Surface Facilities $ 1,640,000.00

Table 5. Cost Recovery Calculation Result

Total Investment Contractor NPV @0% Contractor NPV @10% IRR Pay Out Time
(MUSD) (USD) (USD) (%) (years)
Base Case 29,825 5,364 - 233 9.49 2.76
Case 1 : 500bbl/d of water injection 29,965 8,430 1,866 14.02 1.79
Case 2 : 1000bbl/d of water injection 30,065 8,181 2,327 15.43 1.81
Case 3 : 2000bbl/d of water injection 30,265 6,413 1,819 15.62 1.45
Case 4 : 3000bbl/d of water injection 30,465 4,944 785 12.18 1.48

Table 6. Gross Split Calculation Result

Total Investment Contractor NPV @0% Contractor NPV @10% IRR Pay Out Time
(MUSD) (USD) (USD) (%) (years)
Base Case 29,825 17,474 6,104 18.63 2.59
Case 1 : 500bbl/d of water injection 29,965 28,927 12,930 27.32 1.93
Case 2 : 1000bbl/d of water injection 30,065 29,280 16,128 36.14 1.54
Case 3 : 2000bbl/d of water injection 30,265 26,937 18,310 53.66 0.91
Case 4 : 3000bbl/d of water injection 30,465 20,939 14,796 48.14 0.86

Oil Cum. Contractor Government DMO Taxable Cumulative Cum. Cont. Cum. Govt. Payout
Year Produced Oil Oil Revenue DMO Fee Opex Intangible Cost Tangible Cost Total Cost Tax Cont. NCF Govt. NCF
Production Take Take Volume Income Compensation NCF NCF Time
2020 - - - - - - - - 23,348,000 6,917,000 25,554,523 (30,265,000) (13,316,600) - (30,265,000) - (30,265,000) - 0.9
2021 2,150,226 86,009,049 2.15 70,742,443 15,266,606 442,140 2,652,842 21,867,262 - - 23,369,904 33,842,412 - 1,574,061 32,268,350 31,873,436 2,003,350 31,873,436 -
2022 1,820,561 72,822,440 3.97 59,896,457 12,925,983 374,353 2,246,117 18,570,610 - - 19,593,909 28,597,850 - 12,583,054 16,014,796 38,237,034 18,018,146 70,110,471 -
2023 382,025 15,280,991 4.35 12,568,615 2,712,376 78,554 471,323 4,185,248 - - 4,882,114 5,712,536 - 2,513,516 3,199,020 7,896,722 21,217,167 78,007,193 -
2024 175,653 7,026,120 4.53 5,778,984 1,247,136 36,119 216,712 2,121,530 - - 2,596,096 2,429,420 - 1,068,945 1,360,475 3,544,115 22,577,642 81,551,308 -
2025 119,215 4,768,580 4.65 3,922,157 846,423 24,513 147,081 1,557,145 1,880,325 1,531,554 - 673,884 857,670 2,353,765 23,435,312 83,905,073 -
2026 94,322 3,772,860 4.74 3,103,177 669,683 19,395 116,369 1,308,215 1,998,138 1,135,537 - 499,636 635,901 1,828,744 24,071,213 85,733,817 -
2027 77,666 3,106,660 4.82 2,555,228 551,432 15,970 95,821 1,141,665 1,141,665 870,577 - 383,054 487,523 1,477,472 24,558,736 87,211,289 -
2028 65,587 2,623,460 4.89 2,157,796 465,664 13,486 80,917 1,020,865 1,020,865 678,399 - 298,496 379,904 1,222,691 24,938,639 88,433,981 -

2029 56,698 2,267,920 4.94 1,865,364 402,556 11,659 69,951 931,980 931,980 536,994 - 236,277 300,717 1,035,223 25,239,356 89,469,204 -
2030 49,548 1,981,920 4.99 1,630,129 351,791 10,188 61,130 860,480 860,480 423,247 - 186,229 237,018 884,422 25,476,374 90,353,626 -
2031 43,987 1,759,480 5.04 1,447,172 312,308 9,045 54,269 804,870 804,870 334,778 - 147,302 187,476 767,134 25,663,850 91,120,760 -
2032 39,401 1,576,020 5.07 1,296,276 279,744 8,102 48,610 759,005 759,005 261,813 - 115,198 146,615 670,400 25,810,465 91,791,160 -
2033 35,626 1,425,020 5.11 1,172,079 252,941 7,325 43,953 721,255 721,255 201,757 - 88,773 112,984 590,781 25,923,449 92,381,941 -
2034 32,243 1,289,700 5.14 1,060,778 228,922 6,630 39,779 687,425 687,425 147,938 - 65,093 82,845 519,430 26,006,295 92,901,371 -
2035 29,428 1,177,120 5.17 968,181 208,939 6,051 36,307 659,280 659,280 103,163 - 45,392 57,771 460,069 26,064,066 93,361,439 -
Appendix A. Gross Split Calculation Tabulation for Case 3

2036 26,800 1,072,000 5.20 881,720 190,280 5,511 33,065 633,000 633,000 61,355 - 26,996 34,359 404,641 26,098,424 93,766,081 -
2037 23,365 934,600 5.22 768,709 165,892 4,804 28,827 598,650 598,650 6,708 - 2,951 3,756 332,194 26,102,181 94,098,275 -
2038 20,671 826,820 5.24 680,059 146,761 4,250 25,502 571,705 571,705 (36,158) (15,910) - (36,158) 291,273 26,066,022 94,389,548 -
2039 22,496 899,840 5.27 740,118 159,722 4,626 27,754 589,960 589,960 (7,117) (19,041) - (7,117) 316,997 26,058,906 94,706,544 -
2040 22,768 910,740 5.29 749,084 161,656 4,682 28,091 592,685 592,685 (2,782) (20,265) - (2,782) 320,837 26,056,124 95,027,381 -

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