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Posting of the Pending Application
1. A notice to the public on the pending application for delayed registration shall be posted on the bulletin board
not less than ten (10) days. (47a) 

2. If after ten (10) days, no one opposes the registration, the civil registrar shall evaluate the veracity of the doc

3. If after proper evaluation of all documents presented and investigation of the allegations contained therein, a
event really occurred within the jurisdiction of the civil registry office and that said event has not been registe
thereof. (48:2a) 

4. The civil registrar, in all cases of delayed registration of birth, death, and marriage, shall conduct an investiga
against a registration. He shall take the testimonies of the parties concerned and of the witnesses in the form
investigation, the civil registrar shall forward his findings and recommendations to the Office of the Civil Regi

5. The Civil Registrar-General may, after review and proper evaluation, deny or authorize the registration. (57:2

Recording of Delayed Registration

In every case of delayed registration of birth, death, marriage, and other registrable documents, the entry in the civil regis
transcribed on the certificate of vital event shall be in red ink. The remarks "Delayed Registration" shall be written on the u
and the "Remarks" portion of the registry book. (56a) 

Duty to File a Complaint with the Prosecutor's Office

In every case of delayed registration, the civil registrar shall file a complaint with the city or provincial prosecutorï¿
Section 17, Act No. 3753. The action filed in court by the prosecutor against the party for failure to register shall not suspe
it be a ground for refusal by the civil registrar to register the delayed report of birth, death, marriage, or any registrable doc

Delayed Registration of Birth

1. The requirements are:

    a) if the person is less than eighteen (18) years old, the following shall be required:

        i) four (4) copies of the Certificate of Live Birth duly accomplished and signed by the proper parties;

       ii) accomplished Affidavit for Delayed Registration at the back of Certificate of Live Birth by the father,             mother
other things, the following:

 name of child;

 date and place of birth;

 name of the father if the child is illegitimate and has been acknowledged by him;

 if legitimate, the date and place of marriage of parents; and

 reason for not registering the birth within thirty (30) days after the date of birth

In case the party seeking late registration of the birth of an illegitimate child is not the mother, the party shall, in addition to
statement the recent whereabouts of the mother.

        iii) any two of the following documentary evidences which may show the name of the child, date and              place o
father, if the child has been acknowledged): 

 baptismal certificate;

 school records (nursery, kinder-garten, or preparatory);

 income tax return of parent/s;

 insurance policy;

 medical records; and

 others, such as barangay captain's certification.

        iv) affidavit of two disinterested persons who might have witnessed or known the birth of the child.             (46:1aa)

    b) If the person is eighteen (18) years old or above.

         i) all the requirements for the person who is less than eighteen (18) years old; and

         ii) Certificate of Marriage, if married. (46:1ba)

2. Delayed registration of birth, like ordinary registration made at the time of birth, shall be filed at the     Office of the Civil
occurred. (46:3)

3. Upon receipt of the application for delayed registration of birth, the civil registrar shall examine the     Certificate of Live
completely and correctly filled in and all     requirements have been complied with. (47a)

4. In the delayed registration of the birth of an alien, travel documents showing the origin and nationality of     the parents
requirements mentioned in Rule 25 (1). (49:2a) 


______________________________________, ___________________ citizen, of legal age, and with
residence at ___________________________________________________________________ and
_________________________________________, ______________________ citizen, of legal age, and
with residence at ___________________________________________________________________,
after having been duly sworn in accordance with law, hereby depose and say: 1. That we personally
know __________________________________ and ________________________________________ as
the parents of: NAME DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH ____________________________
_______________________________ ____________________________
_______________________________ 2. That we also know their child/children
________________________________________________________________ and have known
him/her/them since _________________________. 3. That we are not related by consanguinity or
affinity to the child’s parents; 4. That we are executing this Affidavit not for any remuneration
whatsoever but to attest to the truth and veracity of the foregoing statements in connection with the
registration of the birth of the above-mentioned child/children with the Philippine authorities. FURTHER
AFFIANTS SAYETH NAUGHT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereby affix our signatures this _____ day of
__________________________ in ____________________, Saudi Arabia.
____________________________ ____________________________ Affiant Affiant Passport no.:
_________________ Passport no.: _________________ Contact no.: ___________________ Contact
no.: ___________________

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