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Lets assume that you have created a fabulous Report …PPT…Proposal… What
would its key features be? Here are some clues ….
1. C_ _ p_ _ _ e [8letters] …having all the necessary appropriate relevant
parts and content..
2. C_ m_ _ _ h_ _ _ _ _e [13] …including ,dealing with all or nearly all
elements of a given subject
3. C_ _ p_ _ _ e_ _ _ _ _ …e .[14]…… to be understood intelligible.
4. C_ _ s_ _ t_ _ t … [ 10]….the ideas are in agreement and not self
contradictory not contain irrelevant material
5. C_ h_ r_ _ t…[ 8]….Logical and consistent
6. C_ _ c_ _ e…[ 7] giving the relevant information clearly in a few words..brief
but comprehensive
7. P_ _ c_ _ e..[ 7] ..marked by exactness and accuracy of detail and
8. C_ _ _ r [5]…...easy to perceive understand and interpret
9. S_ _ _ l_ [ 6] ..easily understood presenting no difficulty
10. L_ _ _ _ _ l..[7]…according to the rules of formal argument..clear sound
reasoning expected or sensible under the circumstances
11. A_ _ _ _ t_ _ _ l…[10] ..using analysis …logical reasoning ..collecting
information facts trend data etc to present in support of argument .
12. O_ _ e_ _ i _ _ [9] ……not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in
considering and representing facts.
13. R_ _ i _ _ _ l…[8] ..based on or in accordance with reason and logical
14. R_ _ e_ _ _ t..[8] ..closely connected or appropriate to what is being
15. P_ _ p_ _ _ f_ _ [10] …meaningful,.determined a definite aim and the
resolve to achieve the said aim.
16. E _ _ _t_ _ _ _ c..[10] …showing the ability to understand and share the
feelings of another
17. A_ _ i _ _ _ e [8] Oriented…keeping the needs of the audience in mind
their interests and not deviating from this at any point of time .
18. R_ _ _a_ _h_ d …[ 10] investigate systematically, study in detail discover
new facts data information on the subject..
19. C _ _ c _ _ t _ [8] call for A_ _ _ _ _ [6]..have a clear intention and purpose
for the report, communication or presentation and make sure at the
conclusion you have a definite conclusion in mind as to what you want from
the people whom you are addressing and make sure you have clearly
expressed that. .
20. A _ c_ __t_ [ 8] .correct in all details ..exact…especially of information,
measurement, valuation , calculations…etc
21. C_ _ro _ _ _at_ _ [12] .. confirm or give support to a statement, theory,
22. C_ e _ _ _ _ e [8] relating to or involving the use of the imagination or
original ideas to create something.


C_ _ _ _T ….
C_ _ _r L_ _ _ _ _ _ C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G

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