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Home care is a free home for the elderly who were have no longer to take care for themselves
and other are neglected by their family because they are burden on the family. Referring the
patient to go through the home of the elderly have undergo through process by informing the
document needed in referring the client and discussing about what are the beneficial for the
client. Haven for the elderly have a total population of 258 (Male-102; Female-151) in last
January 30, 2020. There are some clients have their own talents and skills in doing pot holders,
key chain, and making rugs. Other clients don’t have talents but they are willing to learn that
skills. The facility sells their products and 50% price of the product will be given to the one who
made the product. Haven for the elderly have 14 cottages and each cottage have 1 houseparent
for 25 clients. It should be 3-4 houseparent to completely address the needs of 25 clients each
cottage. The facility has a free foods, clinic for check-ups and free medicines, and other needs of
the elderly in Haven. In 2019, 35 Million pesos was the total cost of Maintenance and other
operating expenditures in OMOOE of Haven for elderly and DSWD allocated 41.8 Million
funds. The Golden Reception and Action Center for the Elderly and other Special Cases
(GRACES) in Quezon City, Home for the elderly in Zamboanga, and home for the aged in
Davao Del Norte was under the DSWD. 13 Billion pesos was the total funds for all centers and
institution of DSWD that will allocate in all centers which is directly managed by the
department. Aside from the 4 facilities, DSWD also have 33 home for the aged and 29 accredited
non-governmental home care institution. These sectors needs funds, base from the data of the
Philippine System Authority, the population increased from 4.57 Million in year 2000 to 7.55
Million in year 2015. From 7.55 Million, it is possible to increase into 14 Million in 2030 (PSA,
2015). The government should be the first responsible in giving social welfare development
program in our country. Home care was for the elderly client that no one wants to take care of
them anymore. Some of them was in good health but they want to be visited by their family.

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