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Technology is improving our ability to learn, travel, work, and

socialize. Smartphones, tablets, mp3 players, and other devices,
thanks to technological advancements, are now not only fantastic
sources of amusement but also useful information search engines.
In today's world, it's impossible to fathom living without them.
People believe that young people can only enjoy themselves in
front of a screen. I disagree about it because young people can be
entertained in different ways.

When it comes to entertainment, young people will think more than

a computer or a smartphone. No matter what your preference is,
you'll always have plenty of options with those two. They often find
fun on the computer by trying out new video games, talking online
with friends, learning new knowledge, exploring computers,
watching funny movies, or even creating and sharing their own
content. screen entertainment has become very popular with
young people.

In addition to entertainment through screens, there are also young

people who choose reading as their entertainment. Reading books
not only entertains young people but also helps them improve their
knowledge. Reading books helps them improve their life skills

In conclusion, while screen entertainment is beneficial to young

people, they may also pick from a variety of other ways to enjoy
and relax, such as reading books…

Hi Tom,

I am very happy to receive your mail. and I also understand your

problem. In my opinion, You can promise to do so until you land
your first full-time journalism or reporting job. If you have the
opportunity, you should try to secure a job before graduating. Is
there a job center on your campus? Check it out. Look up
journalists in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.

Volunteer at your school's newspaper or bulletin in the interim.

Whatever it takes to get experience. Have you told your parents
that you want to be a journalist as often as possible? I hope you
succeed soon. I hope all is well with you. Look forward to seeing
you in the future

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