Wat Short Note

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Word Association Test or WAT is one of the crucial tests

conducted by SSB interview board psychologists on the
second day of SSB interview. This test is responsible to
judge the mentality or personality of candidates. So let us
see how personality of persons giving WAT test is evaluated.

Seating plan in Word Association Test (WAT)

All candidates who are appearing for WAT test will be seated
as per their chest numbers allotted by the SSB board in a
room. There will be a projector on which candidates will be
showed sequence of words of Word Association Test. All
candidates will be given answer sheet on which they need to
write the answers. Officer of SSB board will be there who will
tell you do's and don'ts of WAT examination. So just listen
carefully what the officer briefs in the instructions.

Qualities tested in WAT exam of SSB interview

Mainly five personality qualities of candidates are tested in

WAT by SSB psychology officers. All these personalty traits
tested are linked with Officer Like Qualities i.e., OLQs. So
based on the answers given by candidates, trained and
experienced psychologists will judge whether a candidate
has OLQs in him or not.

Following qualities are checked in WAT test.


In order to test whether the above mentioned OLQs are there

in the aspirant, SSB follows olden approach where
psychologists were deciding whether a person does have
leader like qualities or not by conducting word association
tests. The psychologists used to show or tell persons few
words and were asked to write down the first thought that
came in their mind when they heard / listened the said word.
And based on the answers given by the candidates, they
used to form an opinion about the respondents.

In the same fashion, Services Selection Board too depend on

Word Association Test to decide whether candidates have
OLQs in them or not. To test the genuineness of the answers,
specially trained psychologists are appointed for evaluation.
Also reaction time is reduced to the minimum possible time
so that the candidates will not have time to recollect the
practiced or mugged up sentences. So automatically all
personality traits will come out according to the person.

Present approach of WAT followed by SSB interview boards

At present, SSB interview boards follow a crisp approach for

conducting WAT. Total sixty (60) words will be displayed on
the screen using a projector. Each word is displayed for
fifteen seconds. Candidates have to see the word and have
to write down a sentence which flashed first in their mind.
Fifteen seconds is very less time to react. So there is little
chance to mug up the sentences or reactions.

Candidates who have mugged up response sentences for

few of the expected WAT words, will be tired and confused
after five to ten words shown on the screen. Afterwards, they
will not be able to answer remaining words and thus loose
scoring in WAT exam of SSB interview. So best way to top in
WAT exam is to give real answers or thoughts that come
across your mind when you see a particular word.

Last but not least, all sentences written by the candidate will
not fetch marks. Instead, few answers will fetch positive
marks and some will fetch negative marks and others will
fetch nil marks. So candidates needs to know few tips of
answering WAT exam to score high marking in the SSB
interview .


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