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Theoretical model of interfacial polymerization

Article  in  The Journal of Chemical Physics · January 2005

DOI: 10.1063/1.1814354 · Source: PubMed

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2 authors:

Victor V. Yashin Anna Balazs

University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh


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Theoretical model of interfacial polymerization

Victor V. Yashina) and Anna C. Balazs
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261
共Received 28 June 2004; accepted 16 September 2004兲
We present a theoretical description for the creation of a thin polymeric layer through the interfacial
polymerization of two immiscible, low molecular weight liquids. The theory specifically takes into
account the effects of polydispersity on the formation of the polymer film at the liquid-liquid
interface. Consequently, we can describe the structure of the growing film and the molecular weight
distribution of the resultant polymer chains. We focus on a model system where alternating AB
copolymers are formed at the interface between phase-separated, low molecular weight species A
and B. It is assumed that any A(B) unit can reversibly attach to any available B(A) unit or
B(A)-ended chain. The formation of the copolymer layer is described by a system of
reaction-diffusion equations, which detail the chemical evolution and diffusive dynamics of the
polydisperse mixture of AB copolymers around the interface, and the evolution of the interface
itself. Using this model, we determine the effects of the chemical reaction rates and the initial
conditions on the kinetics of forming the AB copolymer layer and the structure of this film.
© 2004 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1814354兴

I. INTRODUCTION tion of nonequilibrium processes in polydisperse mixtures is

a challenging theoretical problem.
Interfacial copolymerization takes place at an interface Recent developments in the theory of interfacial poly-
of two immiscible, low molecular weight fluids, each con- merization have mainly been inspired by the needs of tech-
taining one of the reactants. The dissolved monomers diffuse nological applications in the areas of encapsulation5,6 and
to the interface, where they undergo the copolymerization membrane fabrication.4,7–9 The main goal of these studies
reaction. The resulting copolymer is usually incompatible was to predict the kinetics of polymer film growth. A number
with either of the liquid phases. As a result, a polymer film of assumptions were employed to formulate a mathematical
grows at the interface 共see Refs. 1 and 2 and references model. In particular, the growing polymer film was usually
within兲. This technique is used to synthesize polyamides, described as a uniform layer and the reacting monomers
polyesters, polycarbonates, polyurethanes, and many other were assumed to diffuse towards a specific reaction zone.
macromolecules.1,2 The thickness of the polymer layer was obtained through the
Polymerization at liquid-liquid interfaces is also used to material balance equations. Furthermore, the mobility of the
form cell-like capsules that control the release of the encap- polymer chains was neglected, and evolution of the degree of
sulated compound.2,3 In particular, interfacial polymerization polymerization was not taken into account 共except in the
in oil/water emulsions is exploited to create drug-loaded cap- case of Ref. 7兲.
sules of submicron size. These capsules form highly effective The uniformity of ultrathin membranes that are fabri-
cated through interfacial polymerization has been recently
carriers for drug delivery applications.3 Membrane technol-
questioned,9,10 and a theoretical model has been formulated
ogy is another important application of interfacial polymer-
to describe the profile of the volume fraction of polymer
ization. The copolymerization reactions at the interface be-
across the membrane. The neglect of the polymers’ mobility
tween an organic liquid and a porous support membrane,
is rationalized in this model by the fact that the monomers
which is impregnated with an aqueous solution, are widely
form branched macromolecules.9
used for fabrication of thin-film composite membranes for The main goal of the present study is to develop a theory
reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration.2,4 of interfacial polymerization that takes into account the ef-
Besides their importance for technological applications, fects of polydispersity on the formation of the polymer film
studies of interfacial polymerization provide a greater under- at the liquid-liquid interface. This model would allow us to
standing of structure formation in nonequilibrium systems describe the structure of the growing film and the molecular
that involve both chemical reaction and phase separation. A weight distribution 共MWD兲 of the resultant polymer chains.
distinct feature of the systems that involve interfacial poly- In order to facilitate the development of a suitable theo-
merization is polydispersity, i.e., the presence of components retical approach, we considered a simplistic model of inter-
with a broad distribution of size and mobility. The descrip- facial copolymerization. We consider the formation of a
strictly alternating AB copolymer at the interface of incom-
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: patible low molecular weight fluids A and B. It is assumed that all monomers and all chain ends are reactive, and that

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 Theoretical model of interfacial polymerization 11441

共 AB 兲 k A⫹B↔ 共 AB 兲 k⫹1 , 共1d兲

FIG. 1. Schematic of the model of alternating copolymerization.

B 共 AB 兲 k ⫹A↔ 共 AB 兲 k⫹1 , 共1e兲
the growth of a polymer chain proceeds solely through the
addition of the monomers to the chain ends. The polymeriza-
tion reaction is assumed to be reversible; the irreversible re-
where k⭓1 in Eqs. 共1b兲–共1e兲. The reacting system consists
action is considered as a particular case. In Sec. II, the model
of the monomers A and B, and of the chains of alternating
is described in detail; the equilibrium MWD is studied in the
AB copolymers, which differ in their degree of polymeriza-
case of a reversible polymerization reaction in a uniform
tion and in the type of end units. With respect to the two ends
system and the choice of relevant variables is discussed. The
of the chains, there are three populations of macromolecules
reaction-diffusion equations that describe the interfacial po-
in the reacting system. In 关Eq. 共1兲兴, they are denoted as
lymerization in a phase-separating system are formulated in
(AB) k A, (AB) k , and B(AB) k , where k⭓1 is the number of
Sec. III. In formulating the equations, the approach we de-
the AB pairs in a chain. The (AB) k A chains have the A units
veloped in an earlier study11 is utilized to take into account
at both of their ends, the (AB) k chains have one end unit of
the effects of polydispersity. In Sec. IV, the derived reaction-
the A type and another one of the B type, and, finally, the
diffusion equations are applied to study interfacial polymer-
B(AB) k chains have two B ends. We will refer to these three
ization in a one-dimensional case, which corresponds to the
types of the alternating copolymer as to the AA-, AB-, and
growth of a copolymer film at a planar interface. Our find-
BB-ended chains, respectively. It is convenient to character-
ings are summarized in Sec. V.
ize the degree of polymerization of a polymer of type i
⫽AA, AB, or BB by the number k⭓1 of the AB pairs
within the chain.
We first consider the kinetics of the polymerization re-
We consider the low molecular weight fluids A and B action in a spatially homogeneous system. The results from
that undergo phase separation. Simultaneous with the phase these calculations will provide a basis of comparison for the
separation, the A and B units react reversibly to form the more challenging case of polymerization in a spatially inho-
strictly alternating AB copolymer, which assumed to be in- mogeneous system 共described in the following section兲. For
compatible with both A and B fluids. All the A and B mono- the case of the spatially homogeneous melt, the reaction ki-
mers and all the chain ends are assumed to be reactive. The netics is described by a set of rate equations for the concen-
polymerization reaction is illustrated in Fig. 1. The rate con- trations of all species that may be present in the system in the
stants ␥ ⫹ and ␥ ⫺ of the forward and backward reactions, course of reaction. As is obvious from Eq. 共1兲, the complete
respectively, are taken to be independent of the degree of set of variables includes the concentrations C A and C B of the
polymerization. The rate constant ␥ ⫹ of the forward reaction monomers A and B, and the concentrations C AA AB
k , C k , and
is assumed to be sufficiently small to ensure that the reaction C k of the AA-, AB-, and BB-ended alternating copolymers,
is in the kinetically controlled regime. Although the polymer- respectively, which have k⭓1 AB pairs in chain. These con-
ization reaction studied here is reversible, the case of irre- centrations depend on time t, however, for the convenience,
versible reaction can also be studied by taking the value for we do not explicitly write ‘‘C k (t)’’ in the ensuing equations.
the backward reaction rate constant to be zero. To simplify It is convenient to make the concentration variables dimen-
the theoretical treatment, the reactive system is considered to sionless by means of multiplying them by the volume of a
be incompressible. We consider a situation with no externally monomeric unit v 0 , which is assumed to be equal for the A
imposed flows, and neglect hydrodynamic interactions. Thus, and B units. Upon carrying out this procedure, the rate con-
reaction and diffusion are the only processes taken into ac- stant of the forward reaction appears in the combination
count in the model. ␥ ⫹ v ⫺1
0 , for which the former notation ␥ ⫹ will be utilized for
brevity. Due to the incompressibility, the dimensionless con-
A. Polymerization reaction centrations C A and C B are the volume fractions of monomers
The model of polymerization shown schematically in A and B, respectively, so the notations ␾ A and ␾ B will be
Fig. 1 is described by the following equations: used instead. The rate equations describing the polymeriza-
␥⫹ tion reaction can readily be formulated in the following
A⫹B↔ AB, 共1a兲 form:

共 AB 兲 k ⫹A↔ 共 AB 兲 k A, 共1b兲 d␾A
␥⫺ dt
⫽⫺ ␥ ⫹ ␾ A ␾ B ⫺ ␥ ⫹ ␾ A 兺
k ⫹2C k 兲

共 AB 兲 k ⫹B↔ B 共 AB 兲 k ,
共1c兲 ⫹␥⫺ 兺
k ⫹2C k 兲 ,

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11442 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 V. V. Yashin and A. C. Balazs

⫽⫺ ␥ ⫹ ␾ A ␾ B ⫺ ␥ ⫹ ␾ B
兺 k ⫹2C k 兲

⫹␥⫺ 兺
k ⫹2C k 兲 ,

⫽⫺ 关 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ 共 ␾ A ⫹ ␾ B 兲兴 C AB
1 ⫹ ␥ ⫹␾ A␾ B
⫹2 ␥ ⫺ 共 C AA
1 ⫹C 1 兲 ,
⫽⫺ 关 2 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ 共 ␾ A ⫹ ␾ B 兲兴 C AB
k ⫹2 ␥ ⫹ 共 ␾ A C k⫺1
⫹ ␾ B C k⫺1
兲 ⫹2 ␥ ⫺ 共 C AA
k ⫹C k 兲 ,
FIG. 2. The equilibrium weight MWD of the alternating AB copolymer
k⭓1: formed in the course of the polymerization reaction illustrated in Fig. 1 at
the ratio of the reaction rate constants of ␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ ⫽100 under the equal and
k unequal total contents of the A and B units in a spatially homogeneous
⫽⫺ 共 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ B 兲 C AA
k ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ A C k ⫹ ␥ ⫺ C k⫹1 ,
reacting system. A disparity in the A and B contents ( ␸ A ⫽0.5) leads to a
共2e兲 formation of two distinct MWD curves corresponding to the chains with the
even and odd degrees of polymerization j.
⫽⫺ 共 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ A 兲 C BB
k ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ B C k ⫹ ␥ ⫺ C k⫹1 .
共2f兲 ␥⫺ k
k ⫽
C AB p , 共5b兲
It is seen that the rate equations 关Eqs. 共2a兲 and 共2b兲兴 for the
volume fractions of the A and B monomers are the same ␾B k
except for an interchange of A and B in the indices. A similar k ⫽
C BB p , 共5c兲
symmetry is observed for the rate equations 关Eqs. 共2e兲 and
共2f兲兴 for the concentrations of the AA- and BB-ended chains. where k⭓1 corresponds to the number of AB pairs in a
It is easy to check that Eq. 共2兲 conserves the total volume chain, and the parameter p is as follows:
fractions of A and B units ␸ A and ␸ B , respectively: p⫽ 共 ␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ 兲 2 ␾ A ␾ B . 共6兲
d␸A d␸B The equilibrium values of the monomer volume fractions ␾ A
⫽ ⫽0. and ␾ B are determined from the system of two equations that
dt dt
include Eq. 共3兲 for the total volume fraction of A units ␸ A
The total volume fraction of A units is defined as and a similar equation for ␸ B ⫽1⫺ ␸ A . Then the polymer
volume fraction ␾ P is found as ␾ P ⫽1⫺ ␾ A ⫺ ␾ B . The
␸ A⫽ ␾ A⫹ 兺
k ⫹
共 k⫹1 兲 C AA 兺
k ⫹
kC AB 兺
k . 共3兲 number-based and weight-based MWD of the polymer can
be found from Eq. 共5兲 using the standard definitions.1 It is
The value of ␸ B can be obtained through Eq. 共3兲 by inter- clear that the equilibrium polymer MWD is related to the
changing the A and B indices and the incompressibility con- Flory distribution since according to Eq. 共5兲
straint ␸ A ⫹ ␸ B ⫽1. The condition of incompressibility can
C ik ⫽C i 共 1⫺ p 兲 p k⫺1 , i⫽AA,AB,BB, 共7兲
also be represented as ␾ A ⫹ ␾ B ⫹ ␾ AA ⫹ ␾ AB ⫹ ␾ BB ⫽1,
where ␾ AA , ␾ AB , and ␾ BB are the volume fractions of the where C i is the concentration of all the chains of type i
AA-, AB-, and BB-ended macromolecules, respectively, de-
fined as shown below: C i⫽ 兺
C ik . 共8兲

␾ AA ⫽ 兺 共 2k⫹1 兲 C AA
k , ␾ AB ⫽2 兺 kC AB
k ,
The Flory number distribution is defined as n k ⫽(1
k⫽1 k⫽1 ⫺p)p k⫺1 , where n k is the number fraction of linear polymer
共4兲 chains with k⭓1 repeating units and p is the distribution
␾ BB ⫽ 兺 共 2k⫹1 兲 C BB
k . parameter.1
The polymerization equilibrium in a spatially homoge-
If the polymerization reaction is reversible ( ␥ ⫺ ⫽0) then neous system with the reaction described by Eq. 共1兲 is con-
an equilibrium state exists in the system. It is easy to show trolled by two parameters. These are the A/B composition of
that Eqs. 共2c兲–共2f兲 yield the following stationary solution: the system, which is characterized by the total volume frac-
tion of A units ␸ A and the ratio of the rate constants ␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ .
␾A k Figure 2 shows the equilibrium weight MWD of the AB
k ⫽
C AA p , 共5a兲
2 copolymer at ␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ ⫽100 for equal and slightly unequal

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 Theoretical model of interfacial polymerization 11443

FIG. 3. Dependency of the equilibrium monomer content ␸ M ⫽ ␾ A ⫹ ␾ B on

the ratio of the reaction rate constants ␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ at the total content of the A
units of ␸ A ⫽0.5 共solid curve兲 and 0.55 共dashed curve兲. At ␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ ⬎100,
more than 95% of monomers are consumed by the polymerization reaction.

total A and B contents ( ␸ A ⫽0.5 and 0.55兲. The weight

MWD w j , where j⭓2 is the number of monomeric units in
a macromolecule, is calculated as

w j⫽ 再 AB
j C j/2 , even j
␾ P C 共AA
j⫺1 兲 /2⫹C 共 j⫺1 兲 /2 ,
odd j.
FIG. 4. Equilibrium number-averaged degree of polymerization 共a兲 and
polydispersity 共b兲 as functions of the ratio of the reaction rate constants
␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ at the total content of the A units of ␸ A ⫽0.5 共solid curves兲 and 0.55
As seen in Fig. 2, the equilibrium MWD points fall on a 共dashed curves兲. The considered model of alternating copolymerization de-
single curve for all degrees of polymerization j if the total scribes formation of short polymer chains.
content of the A and B units is equal ( ␸ A ⫽0.5). If, however,
there is a disparity in the total A and B content ( ␸ A ⫽0.55 in
Fig. 2兲, the equilibrium MWD is a combination of two dis-
tinct distributions, corresponding to the chains with even and molecular weights and narrower MWD, as illustrated in Fig.
odd values of j. Obviously, an enrichment of the reacting 3 by the results of calculations at ␸ A ⫽0.55 shown by the
system with one type of the monomers, say with monomer A dashed lines.
as in Fig. 2, results in the preferential formation of polymers The low values for the equilibrium degree of polymer-
with the chain-end units of that type (AA-ended chains in ization is a characteristic of this model and is a consequence
this example兲. of the assumption that a polymer chain only grows due to the
At a given value of ␸ A , an increase in the ratio of the reaction between the chain ends and monomers. Incorporat-
reaction rate constants ( ␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ ) leads to an increase in the ing the reaction between chain ends into the model would
monomer-to-polymer conversion, and to the formation of result in higher values of the degree of polymerization cal-
longer polymer chains, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The solid culated at equilibrium. It also is important to notice that the
lines in these figures correspond to ␸ A ⫽0.5 and the dashed system of rate equations 关Eq. 共2兲兴 implicitly assumes that the
lines correspond to ␸ A ⫽0.55. Figure 3 shows the depen- reaction rate constants do not change in the course of reac-
dence of the equilibrium monomer content ␸ M ⫽ ␾ A ⫹ ␾ B on tion. The latter might not be correct at high values of the
the value of ␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ . Figure 4 presents the equilibrium ratio ␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ and low monomer contents because the forward
reaction steps might be controlled by the diffusive transport
number-averaged degree of polymerization N̄ n 关Fig. 4共a兲兴
of the reacting species at those conditions. The effects of this
and the equilibrium polydispersity N̄ w /N̄ n 关Fig. 4共b兲兴 as
diffusion-controlled behavior are systematically neglected in
functions of ␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ . In the latter case, N̄ w is the weight- this study.
averaged degree of polymerization. As can be seen in Fig. 3,
the monomer content ␸ M in the reacting system drops B. Relevant variables
sharply with the increase in ␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ from 0 to 100, at which Having examined the polymerization reaction for our
value more than 95% of the monomers are consumed by the system in a spatially homogeneous system, we now consider
polymerization reaction. Figure 4共a兲 reveals that the polymer the more complex scenario of a spatially inhomogeneous
chains formed in the course of the reaction defined by Eq. 共1兲 chemically reacting system. In this case, the concentration
exhibit low equilibrium values of the degree of polymeriza- variables depend on both time t and the spatial position x,
tion; the equilibrium degree of polymerization N̄ n is just and the diffusion processes should be taken into account. It is
about 24 at ␥ ⫹ / ␥ ⫺ ⫽500 and ␸ A ⫽0.5. As can be seen in unrealistic to describe the behavior of the reaction-diffusion
Fig. 4共b兲, the polydispersity N̄ w /N̄ n is about 1.9 at the latter system in terms of the concentrations of all the possible spe-
conditions. This value of the polydispersity is slightly lower cies. An enumeration of all these species would yield an
than that of a polymer with Flory’s molecular weight distri- enormously high number because of the length polydisper-
bution, for which N̄ w /N̄ n ⬇1.958 at N̄ n ⫽24. At ␸ A ⫽0.5, the sity exhibited by the product of the polymerization reaction.
model predicts the formation of polymers with even lower In order to make a theoretical description feasible, some

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11444 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 V. V. Yashin and A. C. Balazs

small set of variables 兵 ␺ ␣ (x,t) 其 should be chosen to capture Then, the reaction and interdiffusion processes are described
the most important features of the system. 共We will refer to by the general equations of linear nonequilibrium thermody-
these chosen variables as the relevant variables.兲 It is worth namics:
noting that there is no general prescription for such a choice,
which is dictated merely by the physical and chemical nature
of the system under consideration, and by the desired level of
⳵␺␣ ជ
⫽ⵜ 冉兺 ␤ ␦␺␤ 冊
ជ ␦ F ⫹R .
⌳ ␣␤ ⵜ ␣ 共11兲

detail. Every choice of relevant variables is equivalent to a The first term in the right-hand side 共rhs兲 of the above equa-
certain approximation. tion describes the interdiffusion of the system’s components
The strictly alternating structure of the macromolecules caused by the spatial nonhomogeneity of the chemical poten-
and the incompatibility of the reacting components are the tials ␮ ␣ ⫽ ␦ F/ ␦ ␺ ␣ . According to the Onsager theorem, the
main features of the model of interfacial polymerization un- matrix of kinetic coefficients 储 ⌳ ␣␤ 储 共the Onsager kinetic co-
der consideration. We will use the following set of relevant efficients兲 is symmetric: ⌳ ␣␤ ⫽⌳ ␤␣ . The second term in the
variables for the theoretical description of interfacial poly- rhs of Eq. 共11兲 R ␣ describes the polymerization reaction.
merization: Thus, we are to determine the free energy density f, the in-
兵 ␺ ␣ 其 ⫽ 兵 ␾ A , ␾ AA ,C AA , ␾ AB ,C AB , ␾ BB ,C BB 其 . 共9兲 terdiffusion kinetic coefficients ⌳ ␣␤ , and the reaction con-
tribution R ␣ as functions of the relevant variables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 . For
The variables ␾ i and C i 共where i⫽AA, AB, or BB) are the these purposes, we will utilize the approach we recently de-
local concentrations and volume fractions of the polymer veloped to study inderdiffusion in polydisperse polymer
chains of type i and are defined as in Eq. 共4兲 and Eq. 共8兲, blends.11
respectively, and ␾ A is the local volume fraction of the A
monomers. The concentration of polymer chains in a spa-
A. Free energy
tially nonuniform system is defined as the concentration of
chain ends, with only one end of the polymer chain being The free energy density f of a polymer/monomer mixture
counted. When possible, the dependence of the variables can be represented as a sum of three terms:
兵 ␺ ␣ 其 关Eq. 共9兲兴 on x and t is not displayed for the sake of
f ⫽ f mix ⫹ f con f ⫹ f int . 共12兲
brevity. The use of the chain concentration variables C i al-
lows us to describe the formation of macromolecules with The terms f mix and f con f are related to the mixing and con-
strictly alternating sequences of A and B comonomers 关see formational entropy, respectively, and f int is the contribution
Eq. 共2兲兴. In turn, the morphology in the phase-separated, re- from the energy of interaction between the components of
acting system is described through the local volume fractions the mixture.
of the reacting monomer and polymer species ␾ A and ␾ i , The term f mix in Eq. 共12兲 is the contribution from the
where i⫽AA, AB, or BB. Due to the incompressibility con- translational entropy, which describes the mixing of the vari-
dition, the volume fraction of the B monomers can be calcu- ous species present in the mixture. The latter include the A
lated as ␾ B ⫽1⫺ ␾ A ⫺ ␾ AA ⫺ ␾ AB ⫺ ␾ BB . and B monomers and the polymers of type i, where i⫽AA,
The choice of the relevant variables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 关Eq. 共9兲兴 im- AB, and BB, with k⭓1 AB pairs in a chain. Therefore, the
plies an approximation to the local MWD of the polymeric mixing entropy contribution to the free energy density is
products of the polymerization reaction. Namely, the charac- given by the following equation:
terization of polymer chains solely through their concentra- ⬁
tion and volume fraction is equivalent to the assumption that
the polymer MWD is described by the Flory distribution.11
f mix ⫽ ␾ A ln ␾ A ⫹ ␾ B ln ␾ B ⫹ 兺i k⫽1
兺 C ik ln C ik , 共13兲

The latter is discussed below in more detail. provided that the MWD of each polymer component i, C ik , is
represented as a function solely of the relevant variables 关Eq.
共9兲兴. In order to construct such distributions 共relevant distri-
III. THE REACTION-DIFFUSION EQUATIONS butions兲 in a thermodynamically consistent way, the proce-
dure of the maximization of the information entropy is
In this section, we will formulate the equations to de-
employed.11,12 The information entropy is defined as s in f
scribe the simultaneous processes of the polymerization re-
⫽⫺ f mix . According to this method,12 the information en-
action and diffusion 共phase separation proceeds through dif-
tropy is to be maximized under the condition that for each
fusion兲 in terms of the chosen set of variables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 关Eq. 共9兲兴.
i⫽AA, AB, and BB, the desired MWD C ik provides the
Although as a whole, the mixture is a nonequilibrium sys-
values of the relevant variables ␾ i and C i defined by Eq. 共4兲
tem, we assume that locally this system can be considered to
and Eq. 共8兲, respectively. By maximizing the entropy,
be at quasiequilibrium. The state of local equilibrium at the
through the use of Lagrange multipliers, it becomes clear
position x and time t is specified by the relevant variables
that it is the Flory MWD that provides the relevant distribu-
兵 ␺ ␣ (x,t) 其 and characterized by a free energy density
tion for each component i⫽AA, AB, and BB,
f ( 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 ). The free energies of the local equilibrium regions
add up to the total free energy of the nonequilibrium system C ik ⫽C i 共 1⫺ p i 兲 p k⫺1
i . 共14兲
The distribution parameter p i is defined in such a way that
F⫽ 冕 dxf 共 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 兲 . 共10兲
(1⫺ p i ) ⫺1 is the number-averaged mean number of the AB
pairs in the polymer of type i; this mean number is deter-

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 Theoretical model of interfacial polymerization 11445

mined through the relevant variables ␾ i and C i . The param-

eter p i , the variables ␾ i and C i , and the number-averaged F con f ⫽
2 兺i 冕␾ i 共 ⫺q 兲 ␾ i 共 q 兲
g i 共 q兲
dq. 共17兲
degree of polymerization N̄ i are related to each other as fol-
lows: In Eq. 共17兲, g i (q) is the equilibrium intrachain monomer-
monomer pair correlation function averaged with respect to
␾ i /C i ⫽N̄ i ⫽1⫹2 共 1⫺ p i 兲 ⫺1 , i⫽AA,BB, 共15a兲 the relevant MWD 关Eq. 共14兲兴:
⬁ 2k 共 ⫹1 兲
␾ AB /C AB ⫽N̄ AB ⫽2 共 1⫺ p AB 兲 ⫺1
. 共15b兲 g i共 q 兲 ⫽ 兺
C ik 兺
m,m ⬘ ⫽1
具 exp关 ⫺iq共 R̂m ⫺R̂m ⬘ 兲兴 典 0 .
As a result, the free energy of mixing f mix as a function of
Here R̂m is the radius vector of the mth monomer in a chain;
兵 ␺ ␣ 其 can be found from Eqs. 共13兲–共15兲: the ‘‘hat’’ sign over a symbol denotes a nonaveraged 共micro-
scopic兲 value. We assume that the chains are described by the
f mix ⫽ ␾ A ln ␾ A ⫹ ␾ B ln ␾ B ⫹ 兺i C i ln C i Gaussian model, in which case13,14
具 exp关 ⫺iq共 R̂m ⫺R̂m ⬘ 兲兴 典 0 ⫽exp共 ⫺a 2 q 2 兩 m⫺m ⬘ 兩 /6兲
⫹ 兺i 关 p ln p i ⫹ 共 1⫺ p i 兲 ln共 1⫺ p i 兲兴 .
1⫺p i i
共16兲 and a is a monomer size. Then, the correlation functions
g i (q) for i⫽AA, AB, and BB can easily be found as
The first three terms in the right-hand side of the above equa- 关 1⫹g 0 共 q 兲兴 2
tion describe intermixing of monomers A and B, and the g i 共 q 兲 ⫽C i ⫹2C i , i⫽AA,BB,
different types of polymers i⫽AA, AB, and BB. The last 共 1⫺ p i 兲关 1⫺ p i g 20 共 q 兲兴
term in the rhs of Eq. 共16兲 originates from polydispersity, and
关 1⫹g 0 共 q 兲兴关 1⫹ p AB g 0 共 q 兲兴
describes the intermixing of polymer chains of different g AB 共 q 兲 ⫽2C AB ,
length within the fractions of the AA-, AB-, and BB-ended 共 1⫺ p AB 兲关 1⫺ p AB g 20 共 q 兲兴
macromolecules. where g 0 (q)⫽exp(⫺a2q2/6). Finally, the q 2 terms, obtained
The term f con f in Eq. 共12兲 describes the loss of the con- from expanding g ⫺1
i (q) in Eq. 共17兲, provide the desired con-
formational entropy of polymer chains due to nonuniformi- formational entropy contribution to the density of free en-
ties over a length scale that is less than the radius of a poly- ergy:
mer coil. This contribution to the free energy density is
兺i K i共 ⵜជ ␾ i 兲 2 .
essential in incompatible mixtures containing polymers since
f con f ⫽ 共18兲
f con f affects the interfacial tension in the phase-separated 6
system. The conformational entropy contribution can be ob-
tained through the random phase approximation 共RPA兲 ap- In the above equation, the coefficient functions K i , with i
ជ ␺ . 13,14 We ⫽AA, AB, and BB, have the following form:
proach as a gradient expansion in terms of ⵜ ␣
assume that the nonuniformities are rather smooth. There- 8 共 1⫹ p i 兲共 3⫺ p i 兲
fore, only the first terms of the expansion, which are qua- K i⫽ , i⫽AA,BB, 共19a兲
dratic with respect to ⵜ ជ ␺ , will be taken into account. ␾ i 关 8⫹ 共 1⫺ p i 兲 2 兴 2

As noted above, polymers of type i, where i⫽AA, AB, 1⫹6p AB ⫹ p AB
or BB, are described by the local volume fraction ␾ i and K AB ⫽ . 共19b兲
concentration of chain ends C i . It might be anticipated that 4 ␾ AB 共 1⫹ p AB 兲 2
the conformational entropy term includes both ⵜ ជ ␾ and
i The limiting case of long polymer chains corresponds to p i

ⵜ C i . However, it has been shown that the chain ends follow →1 in Eq. 共19兲, which gives K i ⫽(2 ␾ i ) ⫺1 . It is worth not-
the local variations of the composition ␾ i in such a way that ing that this value of the coefficient K i is three times greater
their contribution can be neglected from f con f . 11 Thus, the than that of the coefficient obtained in the case of long mono-
gradient corrections proportional to (ⵜ ជ ␾ ) 2 can be obtained disperse polymers; that is, K i ⫽(6 ␾ i ) ⫺1 . 13
using the customary RPA formulation, which deals only with The last term in Eq. 共12兲 describes interactions between
the chain volume fractions.13 dissimilar species, i.e., the A and B monomers, and the mo-
Let us consider a locally equilibrated part 共cell兲 of the nomeric units belonging to the polymer chains. The custom-
system in which the volume fraction of polymers of type i ary approach to describe interactions in polymer systems em-
experiences certain variation ␦ ␾ i (x) around the local aver- ploys the mean-field approximation through the introduction
age value ␾ i ; that is, ␾ i (x)⫽ ␾ i ⫹ ␦ ␾ i (x). We assume that of the binary Flory-Huggins terms:13,14
兰 ␦ ␾ i (x)dx⫽0 where the integration is performed over of
f int ⫽ ␹ AB ␾ A ␾ B ⫹ ␹ A P ␾ A ␾ P ⫹ ␹ B P ␾ B ␾ P . 共20兲
the cell volume. Instead of the variation ␦ ␾ i (x), it is conve-
nient to operate with its Fourier amplitude ␾ i (q), which van- As before, ␾ P ⫽1⫺ ␾ A ⫺ ␾ B is the volume fraction of the
ishes in the limit of zero wave vector q→0. If the variations polymers in the system. If the system undergoes a phase
of ␾ i (q) can be regarded as small, then their effect can be separation, the rhs of Eq. 共20兲 should be expanded to include
described by a quadratic correction to free energy. The RPA the gradient corrections that originate from the nonunifor-
approach provides the following equation for this mity of the mixture’s composition on the length scale of the
correction:13 radius of particle-particle interactions.15–17 These gradient

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11446 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 V. V. Yashin and A. C. Balazs

terms are essential for the theory of phase separation in sys- time correlation function of the microscopic diffusion fluxes
tems of low molecular weight species as they provide the is obtained by statistical averaging over a local-equilibrium
means to describe the finite width of the interfaces. In poly- distribution function, whose parameters depend on x and t.
mer blends, the gradient corrections to the Flory-Huggins The angular brackets 具 ¯ 典 (x,t)
0 in Eq. 共22兲 denote this aver-
terms 关Eq. 共20兲兴 are usually not of significant importance aging procedure with the subscript ‘‘0’’ standing for the local
relative to the conformational entropy f con f 关Eq. 共18兲兴 be- equilibrium. A rigorous statistical mechanical calculation of
cause of the low values of the ␹ parameters that are charac- the flux correlation function in Eq. 共22兲 is a very difficult
teristic to phase separation in polymers.13,16 However, this task. It has been demonstrated, however, that under certain
might not be the case in the system with interfacial polymer- approximations, the Green-Kubo equations can be used to
ization, in which the A and B monomers and the polymer are determine the dependence of the kinetic coefficient ⌳ ␣␤ on
mutually immiscible. Therefore, we add the corresponding the relevant variables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 and on the mobility of the species
gradient corrections to the Flory-Huggins interaction energy present in the mixture.11 In this section, we follow the ap-
关Eq. 共20兲兴: proach of Ref. 11 to obtain the kinetic coefficients.

冋 册
We consider the idealized case where the monomeric
l 20
f int ⫽ ␹ AB ␾ A ␾ B ⫺ ជ ␾ 兲共 ⵜ
共ⵜ ជ␾ 兲 units A and B have equal volume and equal mass. Then, the
6 definition of the diffusion flux can be written as follows:11,12

⫹ ␹ A P ␾ A␾ P⫺
l 20
ជ ␾ 兲共 ⵜ
共ⵜ A
ជ␾ 兲
P 册 ĵ共␣d 兲 ⫽ĵ␣ ⫺ ␺ ␣ Ĵ. 共23兲

冋 册
In the above equation, ĵ␣ is the microscopic flux of all spe-
l 20 cies that contribute to the variable ␺ ␣ and Ĵ is the total
⫹ ␹ B P ␾ B␾ P⫺ ជ ␾ 兲共 ⵜ
共ⵜ ជ␾ 兲 . 共21兲
B P microscopic flux. The flux ĵ␣ is determined through the ve-
locities v̂i ␣ of the contributing species:
Here, l 0 is the characteristic interaction range, which is as-
sumed to be equal for all of the interactions. The interaction
contribution to the free energy density in the form of Eq. 共21兲 ĵ␣ ⫽V ⫺1 兺
v̂i .

allows us to capture the finite interfacial width at any stage
of the reaction. The set of microscopic fluxes 兵 ĵ␣ 其 ⫽ 兵 ĴA ,ĴAA ,ĵAA ,ĴAB ,
Thus, Eqs. 共16兲, 共18兲, and 共21兲 define the free energy ĵAB ,ĴBB ,ĵBB 其 is defined in accordance with the set of
density f 关Eq. 共12兲兴 in terms of the relevant variables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 . relevant variables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 ⫽ 兵 ␾ A , ␾ AA ,C AA , ␾ AB ,C AB , ␾ BB ,
The thermodynamic forces driving the diffusion processes C BB 其 . Thus, ĴA is the flux of A monomers, whereas Ĵi and ĵi
can now be found as ⫺ⵜ ជ ( ␦ F/ ␦ ␺ ). In following section, 共with i⫽AA, AB, and BB) are the respective fluxes of all

we will calculate the kinetic coefficients ⌳ ␣␤ , which multi- units of chains of type i and of their ends only; one end of
ply the ⫺ⵜ ជ ( ␦ F/ ␦ ␺ ) term 关Eq. 共11兲兴. each chain is counted in ĵi . Correspondingly, the total flux Ĵ

B. The Onsager kinetic coefficients is the sum of the all monomer and all polymer fluxes:

The kinetic coefficients ⌳ ␣␤ in Eq. 共11兲 are the coeffi-

cients in the linear relationship between the diffusion fluxes
Ĵ⫽ 兺i Ĵi , i⫽A,B,AA,AB,BB.
and the thermodynamic forces driving the diffusion. The ki-
netic coefficients describe the contribution of the individual The above diffusion fluxes 关Eq. 共23兲兴 are substituted into
monomers and chains to the collective diffusive motions in the Green-Kubo equation 关Eq. 共22兲兴. The crucial approxima-
the mixture. Consequently, the kinetic coefficients depend on tion in calculating the flux correlation function is to neglect
the mobility of every component in the mixture and the mix- the correlations in velocities of different moving objects in
ture composition. To determine the matrix of kinetic coeffi- the course of interdiffusion. Next, we restrict our consider-
cients ⌳⫽ 储 ⌳ ␣␤ 储 we will use the Green-Kubo equations.12 ation to the rather large space and time scales where the
These equations establish a general connection between the diffusive motions of a single polymer chain can be described
kinetic coefficient ⌳ ␣␤ and the equilibrium two-time corre- by the diffusion of its center of mass. Hence, the flux corre-
lation functions of the properly defined microscopic diffu- lation function 具 ĵ␣ ( ␶ )•ĵ␤ (0) 典 0 is represented by a sum of the
sion fluxes associated with the relevant variables ␺ ␣ and ␺ ␤ . velocity correlation functions associated with the diffusive
The Green-Kubo equations can be written as shown below, motions of the individual monomers and polymer chains.
Each of the velocity autocorrelation functions contributes to
⌳ ␣␤ 共 x,t 兲 ⫽


d ␶ 具 ĵ共␣d 兲 共 ␶ 兲 •ĵ共␤d 兲 共 0 兲 典 共0x,t 兲 . 共22兲
⌳ ␣␤ through the corresponding self-diffusion coefficient D
in accordance with the well-know equation D⫽1/3兰 ⬁0 具 v̂( ␶ )
•v̂(0) 典 0 d ␶ . 18 We assume that the self-diffusion coefficient D
In Eq. 共22兲, ĵ␣(d) ( ␶ ) is the microscopic diffusion flux associ- is inversely proportional to the number of monomeric units
ated with the variable ␺ ␣ . The diffusion flux is averaged N⭓1 in a diffusing object, and that the coefficient of pro-
over the volume V; the subscript d stands for ‘‘diffusion,’’ portionality is equal for the monomers and polymers of all
and the ‘‘hat’’ sign over a symbol denotes a microscopic types i⫽A, B, AA, AB, and BB. That is, D i (N)⫽D 0 N ⫺1 .
value. The evolution of the flux ĵ␣(d) ( ␶ ) with time ␶ is gov- The latter equation implies that the polymer chains are un-
erned by the microscopic dynamics of the system. The two- entangled, and that the effect of hydrodynamic interactions

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 Theoretical model of interfacial polymerization 11447

on the diffusion of polymer chains can be neglected. As By definition 关Eq. 共26c兲兴, the matrix ⌳A,i is a 1⫻2 row ma-
stated at the outset, it is assumed that the polymer chains trix.
phase separate from the monomeric A and B liquids. The The matrix of kinetic coefficients ⌳ accounts for the
hydrodynamic interactions are insignificant in the concen- polydispersity of the polymeric components of the mixture
trated polymer phase.14 through the presence of the factor N ⫺1 i in Eq. 共26b兲. At
The flux correlation functions 具 ĵ␣ ( ␶ )•ĵ␤ (0) 典 0 with ␣, ⫺1 ⫺1
N i ⫽N̄ i , this factor leads to a contribution to the matrix
␤⫽1,2,...,7 generate the following contributions to ⌳ ␣␤ 关Eq. ⌳ originating from the relative diffusion of polymers of the
共22兲兴: same type i but with different numbers of monomers in the

冕 ⬁
chains, as discussed in Ref. 11.
d ␶ 具 Ĵi 共 ␶ 兲 •Ĵi 共 0 兲 典 0 ⫽D 0 ␾ i , i⫽A,B,AA,AB,BB, The free energy density f 关Eq. 共12兲兴 and the matrix of the
3 0 kinetic coefficients ⌳ 关Eq. 共25兲兴 provide the description of
共24a兲 the diffusion processes in the reaction-diffusion system that


d ␶ 具 ĵi 共 ␶ 兲 •Ĵi 共 0 兲 典 0 ⫽D 0 C i , i⫽AA,AB,BB,
is characterized by the relevant variables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 . We now go
on to specify the reaction term R ␣ in Eq. 共11兲.


d ␶ 具 ĵi 共 ␶ 兲 •ĵi 共 0 兲 典 0 ⫽D 0 C i N ⫺1
i , i⫽AA,AB,BB.
C. Reaction terms
The reaction terms R ␣ in the rhs of Eq. 共11兲 are obtained
共24c兲 from the rate equations 关Eq. 共2兲兴 through the use of the defi-
nitions of the polymer volume fraction ␾ i and concentration
The average inverse degree of polymerization N ⫺1 present in
i C i given by Eq. 共4兲 and Eq. 共8兲, respectively. The relevant
Eq. 共24c兲 is calculated using the Flory MWD given by Eq.
MWD 关Eq. 共14兲兴 is utilized to obtain a closed system of
equations. The resulting reaction rate terms for the set of
1⫺p i relevant variables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 are shown below:

冉 冊
N ⫺1
i ⫽ i 兲 ⫺p i 兴 ,
关 arctanh共 p 1/2 1/2
p 3/2 ⳵␾A
⫽⫺ ␥ ⫹ ␾ A 共 ␾ B ⫹C AB ⫹2C BB 兲
⳵t react
1⫺p AB
N AB ⫽ ln关共 1⫺ p AB 兲 ⫺1 兴 .
2p AB ⫹ ␥ ⫺ 共 C AB ⫹2C AA 兲 , 共27a兲
Finally, the resulting matrix of the kinetic coefficients
⌳⫽ 储 ⌳ ␣␤ 储 is obtained by combining the terms given by Eq. 冉 冊
⳵ ␾ AA
⳵t react
⫽⫺ 共 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ B 兲 ␾ AA
共24兲 as prescribed by the Green-Kubo equations 关Eq. 共22兲兴
and the definition of the diffusion flux 关Eq. 共23兲兴. The sym- ⫹ 共 ␥ ⫹ ␾ A ⫹ ␥ ⫺ p AB 兲共 C AB ⫹ ␾ AB 兲 , 共27b兲

冉 冊
metric 7⫻7 matrix ⌳ can be represented in the following
⳵ C AA

冉 冊
block form: ⫽⫺ 共 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ B 兲 C AA
⳵t react
⌳ A,A ⌳A,AA ⌳A,AB ⌳A,BB
⌳AA,AA ⌳AA,AB ⌳AA,BB ⫹ 共 ␥ ⫹ ␾ A ⫹ ␥ ⫺ p AB 兲 C AB , 共27c兲


. 共25兲
冉 冊
⳵ ␾ AB
⳵t react
⫽2 ␥ ⫹ ␾ A ␾ B ⫹2 ␥ ⫺ 共 1⫺ p AB 兲 C AB

In the above equation, the superscript ‘‘T’’ denotes the ma- ⫺ ␾ AB 关 2 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ 共 ␾ A ⫹ ␾ B 兲兴

trix transposition operation. The diagonal block elements of ⫹2 共 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ B 兲 ␾ AA ⫹2 共 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ A 兲 ␾ BB
the matrix of kinetic coefficients are found as shown below:
⫹2 共 ␥ ⫹ ␾ B ⫺ ␥ ⫺ 兲 C AA ⫹2 共 ␥ ⫹ ␾ A ⫺ ␥ ⫺ 兲 C BB ,
⌳ A,A ⫽D 0 ␾ A 共 1⫺ ␾ A 兲 , 共26a兲

冉 冊
␾ i 共 1⫺ ␾ i 兲 C i 共 1⫺ ␾ i 兲
⌳i,i ⫽D 0
C i 共 1⫺ ␾ i 兲 C i 共 N ⫺1
i ⫺C i 兲
冉 冊
⳵ C AB
⳵t react
⫽ ␥ ⫹ ␾ A ␾ B ⫹ ␥ ⫺ 共 1⫺ p AB 兲 C AB

i⫽AA,AB,BB. 共26b兲
⫺C AB 关 2 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ 共 ␾ A ⫹ ␾ B 兲兴
The off-diagonal elements of the matrix ⌳ 关Eq. 共25兲兴 are as
⫹2 共 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ B 兲 C AA ⫹2 共 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ A 兲 C BB ,
⌳A,i ⫽⫺D 0 共 ␾ A ␾ i ␾ A C i 兲 , i⫽AA,AB,BB, 共26c兲

⌳i, j ⫽⫺D 0 冉 ␾ i␾ j ␾ iC j
冊 , i, j⫽AA,AB,BB, i⫽ j.
冉 冊
⳵ ␾ BB
⳵t react
⫽⫺ 共 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ A 兲 ␾ BB
C i␾ j C iC j
共26d兲 ⫹ 共 ␥ ⫹ ␾ B ⫹ ␥ ⫺ p AB 兲共 C AB ⫹ ␾ AB 兲 , 共27f兲

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11448 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 V. V. Yashin and A. C. Balazs

冉 冊
⳵ C BB
⳵t react
⫽⫺ 共 ␥ ⫺ ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ A 兲 C BB ⫹ 共 ␥ ⫹ ␾ B ⫹ ␥ ⫺ p AB 兲 C AB .
on the location in space. The copolymer structure evolves
due to the simultaneous processes of interdiffusion and
chemical reaction.20,21 The chemical polydispersity was de-
scribed by including such characteristics of the random co-
The parameter p AB is defined by Eq. 共15b兲, and appears in polymer as the mean composition and the mean diadic con-
the above equations due to the closure procedure. It is worth tent into the set of relevant variables. The resulting reaction-
noting that Eqs. 共27兲 are exact in the case of nonreversible diffusion equations were then derived following the same
reactions; the parameter p AB is absent from Eqs. 共27兲 at ␥ ⫺ steps as discussed in the above paragraph.20
⫽0. If the reaction is reversible ( ␥ ⫺ ⫽0), then Eqs. 共27兲 It is worth noting that the reaction-diffusion equations
yield the exact stationary solution 关Eq. 共5兲兴 in the case of 关Eq. 共11兲兴 allow a description of the morphology develop-
spatial homogeneity. ment in a reacting polymer system with a macroscopically
The reaction rate at a point x is determined by Eq. 共27兲 nonuniform MWD. However, this is achieved at the cost of
through only the local values of the variables 兵 ␺ ␣ (x) 其 . How- loosing details of the MWD that are not captured by the set
ever, the local description of the polymerization reaction of relative variables chosen. An alternative approach to de-
might be insufficient in a system with rather sharp nonuni- scribe the reacting polydisperse polymer system employs the
formities when the nonlocal character of the polymer chains equations for the structure factors, as has been done in Ref.
becomes apparent. We neglect such nonlocal effects in this 22. Applicability of this approach is usually limited to de-
study. scribe slightly nonhomogeneous systems, in which the
Before proceeding to the application of the above model, MWD is macroscopically uniform. A spatially uniform
we make a few summarizing comments. It is clear from the MWD can be determined in detail. The diffusion part of the
preceding sections that formulating the theoretical descrip- equations for the structure factors can be obtained by extend-
tion of the length polydispersity is the main challenge in ing approaches that were developed to describe interdiffu-
deriving the reaction-diffusion equations for the interfacial sion in monodisperse binary blends to the case of a multi-
polymerization process. To solve this problem, we have component system.22,23
made an assumption that the set of variables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 关Eq. 共9兲兴 Although the present paper concerns the nonequilibrium
provides an adequate, though approximate, description of the behavior of the reacting polydisperse system, it is important
reaction-diffusion processes in the system. The general to note that significant progress has been made in studying
reaction-diffusion equations 关Eq. 共11兲兴 have been formulated polydisperse systems at equilibrium using the so-called pro-
in terms of the relevant variables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 utilizing the approach jection method.24 This method is used to calculate the static
presented in Ref. 11. According to this approach, the MWD coexistence curves for various polydisperse systems with an
of each type of copolymer chain is approximated by the cor- a priori known distribution function characterizing the poly-
responding relevant distribution. These relevant distributions dipersity 共‘‘parent’’ distribution兲. Technically, the projection
are fully determined by the chosen set of the relevant vari- method is almost identical to the derivation of the free en-
ables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 , and are obtained through the method of maximi- ergy density f in terms of the relevant variables as is done in
zation of the information entropy known in statistical Refs. 11 and 20, and in the present paper. Namely, the chosen
mechanics.12 For the set of relevant variables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 defined moments of a distribution function serve as the relevant vari-
by Eq. 共9兲, the relevant MWD is provided by the Flory dis- ables, and the entropy maximization procedure is utilized to
tribution 关Eq. 共14兲兴. The distribution 关Eq. 共14兲兴 was then used determine the ‘‘family’’ distribution—the analog of the rel-
to determine the entropic contributions to the free energy evant distribution—which then is used to obtain the ‘‘pro-
density f 关Eqs. 共16兲 and 共18兲兴, to calculate the Onsager ki- jected’’ free energy as a function of the chosen moments.
netic coefficients ⌳ ␣␤ 关Eqs. 共24兲–共26兲兴, and to decouple the However, the family distribution is scaled in such a way that
equations of chemical kinetics 关Eq. 共2兲兴 in order to obtain the it is proportional to the parent distribution, and the family to
reaction terms R ␣ 关Eq. 共27兲兴. As a result, the model of inter- parent ratio depends only on the chosen moments 共see Ref.
facial polymerization 关Eq. 共1兲兴 is described by the closed 24 for the further details兲. The projection method has been
system of reaction-diffusion equations for the relevant vari- used to demonstrate that the phase diagram of a polydisperse
ables 兵 ␺ ␣ 其 关Eq. 共9兲兴. The obtained Onsager kinetic coeffi- system is very rich, and that a rather high number of the
cients ⌳ ␣␤ 关Eqs. 共25兲 and 共26兲兴 correspond to the so-called moments have to be taken into account in order to obtain
‘‘fast-mode’’ interdiffusion theory.11,19 accurate phase diagram.24 The projection method has limited
The theoretical approach, which is employed in the applicability in describing reacting systems because the poly-
present paper to study a reacting polymer system with length dispersity evolves in time so the usefulness of the parent
polydispersity, has been employed previously to model a re- distribution in formulating the reaction-diffusion equations is
acting polymer blend that exhibits chemical polydispersity.20 questionable.
Namely, a blend of two polymers has been considered, where
the pendant groups of one of the components undergo a
chemical reaction. The reaction depends on the type of the POLYMERIZATION AT A PLANAR INTERFACE
neighboring units and results in the formation of a random
copolymer. In a nonhomogeneous blend, both the chemical In this section, we apply the approach developed above
composition of a copolymer chain and the distribution of the to study interfacial polymerization in one dimension 共along
reacted and nonreacted units along the chain length depend the x axis兲 for our system, which involves the formation of a

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 Theoretical model of interfacial polymerization 11449

layer AB copolymer at a planar interface between two im-

miscible, low molecular weight fluids A and B. The system is
described in terms of the set of chosen relevant variables
兵 ␺ ␣ 其 关Eq. 共9兲兴. As discussed in Secs. II B and III A, this
choice of variables is equivalent to approximating the MWD
of each type of copolymer chain by the Flory distribution
关Eq. 共14兲兴.
The evolution of the system is described by the reaction-
diffusion equations 关Eq. 共11兲兴. These equations are fully
specified by the free energy density f 关Eq. 共12兲兴, the matrix of
the kinetic coefficients ⌳ 关Eq. 共25兲兴, and the reaction rate
FIG. 5. The initial conditions used for the numerical calculations. Solid line:
terms R ␣ 关Eq. 共27兲兴. The reaction-diffusion equations are Eq. 共30兲 with ␾ 0 ⫽0.999 and ␦ 0 ⫽50. Dashed line: the equilibrium profile of
solved in the interval 0⭐x⭐L subject to the no-flux bound- ␾ A at ␹ AB ⫽3.
ary conditions at x⫽0, L:
冏 x⫽0,L
⫽0. 共28兲
over the entire interval L. The dimensionless combination
( ␥ ⫹ ␶ 0 ) provides a measure of how slow 共or fast兲 the forward
polymerization reaction is relative to the diffusive mixing. If
We assume that the initial system 共at t⫽0) does not contain the reaction is fast, ␥ ⫹ ␶ 0 ⬎1, then the polymerization reac-
polymer chains tion is controlled by diffusion, and the rate equations 关Eqs.
␾ i 共 x,0兲 ⫽C i 共 x,0兲 ⫽0, i⫽AA,AB,BB. 共29兲 共2兲 and 共27兲兴 should be modified. The value of ␥ ⫹ ␶ 0 ⫽0.2
was used in the numerical calculations in order to ensure that
The initial distribution of the monomers is taken to be of the reaction is in the kinetically controlled regime. Both the re-
form of a sharp interface between the uniform A- and B-rich versible and irreversible polymerization reactions were con-
phases: sidered. The rate constants of the backward reaction used in
␾ A 共 x,0兲 ⫽ 21 兵 1⫹ ␾ 0 tanh关 ␦ 0 共 x/L⫺1/2兲兴 其 , the calculations were ␥ ⫺ ⫽10⫺2 ␥ ⫹ and ␥ ⫺ ⫽0, respectively.
␾ B 共 x,0兲 ⫽1⫺ ␾ A 共 x,0兲 . B. Structure of the polymer layer

The interface is located at x⫽L/2, and the parameter ␦ ⫺1

The theoretical approach developed here allows us to
⬍1 gives the interfacial thickness. study the structure of the forming polymer layer in greater
detail than possible with other previous formulations.3–9 In
A. Model parameters addition to the polymer volume fraction profile, it provides
The reaction-diffusion equations 关Eq. 共11兲兴 have been information on such characteristics as the spatial distribu-
solved numerically in the interval of length L⫽128a, where tions of copolymers of different types and the distribution of
a is the monomer size contributing to the conformational their degrees of polymerization inside the layer.
entropy f con f 关Eq. 共18兲兴. The grid consisted of 256 points; Let us discuss the structure of a polymer layer obtained
the spacing between the grid points is h⫽a/2. The charac- via the numerical simulations at time t⫽5⫻103 ␶ 0 . The solid
teristic interaction length l 0 关Eq. 共21兲兴 is another parameter line in Fig. 5 shows the initial conditions used. Figures 6 and
that determines the internal length scale of the system. For 7 reveal the structure of the polymer layer formed due to a
flexible polymer chains, it is reasonable to assume that the reversible interfacial polymerization reaction and Figs. 8 and
interaction length l 0 is comparable to the monomer size a. 9 correspond to the case of an irreversible reaction.
Hence, for simplicity, we take l 0 ⫽a. Figure 6共a兲 shows the monomer/polymer composition of
The values of the monomer-monomer and monomer- the system with the reversible reactions. The dashed and dot-
polymer Flory-Huggins parameters 关Eq. 共21兲兴 used in the ted lines correspond to the profiles of the volume fractions of
numerical simulations were ␹ AB ⫽3 and ␹ A P ⫽ ␹ B P ⫽1.25, the A and B monomers, ␾ A and ␾ B , respectively, and the
respectively. The A and B monomers and the AB copolymer, solid line shows the distribution of the volume fraction of the
which forms in the course of reaction, are mutually incom- polymer ␾ P ⫽ ␾ AA ⫹ ␾ AB ⫹ ␾ BB . As can be seen in Fig. 6共a兲,
patible at these values of the ␹ parameters. the polymer forms a well-defined layer between the two mo-
The solid line in Fig. 5 shows the initial profile of the A nomeric liquids. The layer consists of two thin ‘‘skin’’ areas
monomers used in the numerical calculations. This curve at the polymer-monomer interfaces, which are characterized
corresponds to Eq. 共30兲 with ␾ 0 ⫽0.999 and ␦ 0 ⫽50. For by a sharp change in the monomer and polymer volume frac-
comparison, the dashed line in Fig. 5 shows the equilibrium tions, and the core area, in which the volume fractions vary
profile of ␾ A at ␹ AB ⫽3. It is worth noting that the equilib- smoothly. The monomer content vanishes in the central area
rium profile is also described by Eq. 共30兲 for certain values of the layer. Outside the layer (x⬍0.15 and x⬎0.85), the
of ␾ 0 and ␦ 0 . polymer fraction is seen to be nonzero but small.
It is convenient to measure the time t in the units of ␶ 0 Figure 6共b兲 shows the position-dependent overall
⫽a 2 /(2D 0 ), which is a period of time necessary for a mono- number-averaged degree of polymerization, N̄⫽ ␾ P (C AA
mer to diffuse over a distance equal to the monomer size a. ⫹C AB ⫹C BB ) ⫺1 , which characterizes the polymer as a
Correspondingly, it takes 1282 ␶ 0 for a monomer to diffuse whole. It is seen that the layer confines longer polymer

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11450 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 V. V. Yashin and A. C. Balazs

FIG. 6. The reversible interfacial polymerization: the structure of the react-

ing system at t⫽5⫻103 ␶ 0 . 共a兲 The polymer/monomer composition: ␾ P
共solid line兲, ␾ A 共dashed line兲, and ␾ B 共dotted line兲. 共b兲 The number-
averaged degree of polymerization.

chains than are present in the monomer phases. Inside the

layer, the average degree of polymerization N̄ is also non-
uniform. It is maximal at the center of the layer, and de-
creases gradually towards the skin areas, where it drops
abruptly. FIG. 7. The reversible interfacial polymerization: the structure of the poly-
The structure of the polymer layer formed in the course mer layer at t⫽5⫻103 ␶ 0 . 共a兲 Volume fractions of the copolymers: ␾ AA
of the reversible reaction is presented in greater detail in 共dashed line兲, ␾ AB 共solid line兲, and ␾ BB 共dotted line兲. 共b兲 Number-averaged
Figs. 7共a兲 and 7共b兲. Namely, the plots show the spatial dis- degrees of polymerization of the copolymers: N̄ AA 共dashed line兲, N̄ AB 共solid
tributions of the volume fractions ␾ i of each type of the line兲, and N̄ BB 共dotted line兲. 共c兲 The normalized rate of polymerization:
R P␥ ⫹ ⫻103 .
copolymer i⫽AA, AB, BB 关Fig. 7共a兲兴, and the correspon-
dent profiles of the number-averaged degrees of polymeriza-
tion, N̄ i ⫽ ␾ i /C i 关Fig. 7共b兲兴. In these figures, the dashed and
dotted lines describe the AA- and BB-ended chains, respec- the interdiffusion of all of the species present in the system.
tively, and the solid lines correspond to the AB-ended ones. Unlike the interdiffusion, the reaction process in the polymer
Figure 7共a兲 demonstrates that the AB copolymers with layer can easily be visualized by plotting the position-
the different types of the end units are distributed nonuni- dependent total polymerization rate R P calculated as
formly in the polymer layer. In addition, the profiles of ␾ i R P ⫽ ␥ ⫹ ␾ A 共 ␾ B ⫹C AB ⫹2C BB 兲 ⫹ ␥ ⫹ ␾ B 共 ␾ A ⫹C AB ⫹2C AA 兲
shown in Fig. 7共a兲 are quite different from the profile of the
total polymer volume fraction ␾ P shown in Fig. 6共a兲 共solid ⫺2 ␥ ⫺ 共 C AA ⫹C AB ⫹C BB 兲 . 共31兲
line兲. The central area of the layer is occupied preferentially Figure 7共c兲 shows the distribution of the total polymerization
by the AB-ended copolymers, while the AA- and BB-ended rate in the polymer layer that is formed in the course of the
chains are concentrated to the right and to the left of the reversible polymerization reaction. The maximal polymeriza-
centerline, i.e., towards the A and B monomeric phases, re- tion rate is observed at the center of the layer, i.e., where the
spectively. Unlike the volume fractions ␾ i the distributions overlap of the monomer concentrations, ␾ A and ␾ B , is maxi-
of the degrees of polymerization N̄ i across the system 关Fig. mal. The polymerization rate decreases gradually towards the
7共b兲兴 resemble the general features of the average degree of polymer-monomer interfaces. Away from the centerline, the
polymerization shown in Fig. 6共b兲, although a certain asym- major contribution to the polymerization rate comes from the
metry in the profiles of N̄ AA and N̄ BB is noticeable in Fig. monomer addition to ends of the growing chains. The dis-
7共b兲. tinct behavior of the polymerization rate in the skin areas of
It is worth noting that both the spatial distributions of the the polymer layer 关Fig. 7共c兲兴 is attributed to reversibility of
copolymer volume fractions and their average degrees of po- the reaction, as is clear from Eq. 共31兲.
lymerization are the result of the concerted action of the Let us now discuss the effect of the reversibility of the
simultaneous processes of the polymerization reaction and polymerization reaction on the structure of the polymer layer.

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 Theoretical model of interfacial polymerization 11451

FIG. 8. The irreversible interfacial polymerization: the structure of the re-

acting system at t⫽5⫻103 ␶ 0 . The notations are same as in Fig. 6.

The structure of the layer formed in the course of the irre-

versible reaction is presented in Figs. 8 and 9. The notations
used in Figs. 8 and 9 are the same as in Figs. 6 and 7,
Comparison of Figs. 6共a兲 and 8共a兲 shows that the revers-
FIG. 9. The irreversible interfacial polymerization: the structure of the poly-
ibility of the reaction does not significantly affect the mer layer at t⫽5⫻103 ␶ 0 . The notations are same as in Fig. 7.
polymer/monomer composition profiles of the layer. Never-
theless, the irreversible polymerization reaction results in the
formation of longer polymer chains, as can be seen from
Figs. 6共b兲 and 8共b兲. same type varies more significantly across the polymer layer
Figures 7 and 9, however, reveal that the most dramatic in the case of irreversible polymerization reaction.
effect of reversibility is observed in the detailed structure of
C. Kinetics of the layer growth
the polymer layer. The total amount of the AB-ended copoly-
mers formed in the course of the irreversible reaction is sig- It is seen in Figs. 6共a兲 and 8共a兲 that the volume fractions
nificantly lower in comparison with the case of the reversible of the A and B monomers demonstrate an almost linear de-
reaction 关see Figs. 7共a兲 and 9共a兲兴. Besides, the AB copoly- crease inside the polymer layer and vanish in a narrow area
mers are located preferably in a rather narrow area around around the layer centerline. Furthermore, the polymerization
the center of the layer, as can be seen in Fig. 9共a兲. It is rate is maximal at the center of the layer according to Figs.
evident from Figs. 7共b兲 and 9共b兲 that the degrees of polymer- 7共c兲 and 9共c兲. These two observations suggest that the
ization of all the types of the copolymers are greater in the growth of the polymer layer might be controlled by the dif-
case of the irreversible reaction. In addition, the shapes of the fusive transport of the monomers to the zone of the maximal
distributions of the degree of polymerization across the poly- reaction rate.
mer layer are remarkably different in Figs. 7共b兲 and 9共b兲. Figure 10 confirms that this suggestion is qualitatively
Finally, the reaction zone of the irreversible reaction is lo- correct. In Fig. 10, the thickness of the polymer layer ⌬
cated well inside the polymer layer 关Fig. 9共c兲兴, and the rate obtained via the numerical simulations is plotted against the
of polymerization vanishes away from the centerline faster time t in double-logarithmic coordinates. The layer thickness
than observed in Fig. 7共c兲. ⌬ was determined as the area where ␾ P ⭓0.5. In Fig. 10, the
It is worth noting that the effects related to the inherent thin line corresponds to the power law t 1/2 and is drawn as a
polydispersity of the system are more important in the case guide to the eye. It is seen that the slope of the thick solid
of irreversible reaction. As shown in Fig. 9共b兲, the spatial line, which corresponds to the reversible reaction, is very
profiles of the degrees of polymerization of the different close to 0.5 at longer times. Note that the t 1/2 behavior is the
types of the copolymers are more nonuniform inside the characteristic feature of diffusion controlled growth. How-
polymer layer than in the similar profiles in Fig. 7共b兲. As a ever, the growth of the polymer layer in the course of the
result, the diffusive mobility of the copolymer chains of the irreversible reaction, which is shown by the thick dashed line

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11452 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 V. V. Yashin and A. C. Balazs

FIG. 10. The kinetics of growth of the polymer layer. Reversible reaction:
thick solid line. Irreversible reaction: thick dashed line. The thin line repre-
sents the purely diffusive power law.

in Fig. 10, is seen to take place slightly slower than pre-

scribed by the purely diffusive t 1/2 power law.
The reason for the difference in the kinetics of the layer
growth in the cases of the reversible and irreversible reaction
observed in Fig. 10 is clarified in Fig. 11. Figure 11 presents
the kinetics of accumulation of the different types of copoly-
mer chains inside the polymer layers, which grow due to the FIG. 12. The number-averaged degree of polymerization as a function of the
reaction time for the 共a兲 reversible and 共b兲 irreversible reactions of interfa-
reversible 关Fig. 11共a兲兴 and the irreversible 关Fig. 11共b兲兴 poly- cial polymerization. The type of line corresponds to type of the initial con-
merization reactions. The solid thick lines in Figs. 11共a兲 and ditions shown in Fig. 5.
11共b兲 correspond to the volume fractions of the AA- and
BB-ended chains taken together and integrated over the layer
thickness. The dashed thick lines correspond to that of the power-law exponent ␣ has been found to be 0.52 for the AA-
AB-ended chains. The thin lines in Fig. 11 demonstrate the and BB-ended chains 关thick solid line in Fig. 11共a兲兴, and 0.48
power-law growth kinetics with the exponents indicated. for the AB-ended ones 关dashed thick line in Fig. 11共a兲兴.
As is evident from Fig. 11共a兲, the formation of all types However, as can be seen in Fig. 11共b兲, accumulation of the
of the copolymer chains is controlled by diffusion if the po- different types of copolymers follows different scaling laws
lymerization reaction is reversible. To determine the expo- if the polymerization reaction is irreversible. Namely, forma-
nent in the power law t ␣ more precisely, a curve fitting pro- tion of the AA- and BB-ended chains 关thick solid line in Fig.
cedure has been applied at t⬎5⫻103 ␶ 0 . The value of the 11共b兲兴 is controlled by diffusion since the exponent was
found to be 0.51. In contrast, accumulation of the AB-ended
copolymers goes on significantly slower 关dashed thick line in
Fig. 11共b兲兴 with the value of the exponent found to be 0.11.

D. Degree of polymerization and polydispersity

of the reaction product
The product of a polymerization reaction is usually char-
acterized by the values of the number-averaged N̄ n and the
weight-averaged N̄ w degrees of polymerization. The ratio
N̄ w /N̄ n provides a measure of the polydispersity of the reac-
tion product. In order to characterize the polymers obtained
through the interfacial polymerization reaction, we take into
account only those polymer chains that are confined inside
the polymer layer, which is defined as described above. The
values of N̄ n and N̄ w are determined through the average
concentrations C̄ i and the average volume fractions ␾ ¯ of the
copolymers of type i⫽AA, AB, BB; the ‘‘bar’’ sign over a
symbol denotes the result of averaging across the layer:
¯ 共 ⌺ C̄ 兲 ⫺1 ,
N̄ n ⫽ ␾ P i i

¯ ⫺1 ⌺ ␾
N̄ w ⫽ ␾ ¯
FIG. 11. The kinetics of accumulation of the copolymers of different struc- P i i N̄ wi .
ture in the polymer layer: 共a兲 reversible reaction, 共b兲 irreversible reaction. ¯ ⫽⌺ ␾¯
Thick solid lines: ␾ AA ⫹ ␾ BB . Thick dashed lines: ␾ AB . The thin lines rep- In the equations above, ␾ P i i is the total volume frac-
resent the power laws with the exponents indicated. tion of the polymer in the layer and N̄ wi is the weight-

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J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 22, 8 December 2004 Theoretical model of interfacial polymerization 11453

the AA-, AB-, and BB-ended chains. This choice of relevant

variables is equivalent to approximating the local MWD of
each type of the copolymer by a distribution similar to the
Flory distribution. The reaction-diffusion equations have
been derived in terms of the chosen variables. Besides
chemical kinetics, the obtained system of equations provides
a description of diffusive intermixing of the following: 共i兲 the
monomer and polymer fractions, 共ii兲 the fractions of different
types of copolymer chains, and 共iii兲 the chains of the same
type with different lengths. As a result, the evolution of the
copolymer MWD due to reaction and diffusion can be deter-
mined, although approximately, together with the monomer/
polymer composition of the system.
The derived equations have been applied to studing in-
terfacial copolymerization in a one-dimensional case, which
corresponds to growth of a copolymer film at a planar inter-
face. The reaction-diffusion equations have been solved nu-
merically for reversible and irreversible copolymerization re-
actions at various initial conditions. Transport of monomers
to the reaction zone has been found to control the growth of
the polymer film in either case. The monomer/polymer com-
FIG. 13. Polydispersity as a function of the reaction time for the 共a兲 revers-
ible and 共b兲 irreversible reactions of interfacial polymerization. The type of
position profiles have been found to be similar for the films
line corresponds to type of the initial conditions shown in Fig. 5. forming in the course of the reversible and irreversible reac-
tions. However, these reaction processes result in copolymers
with quite different MWDs and the relative contents of AA-,
averaged degree of polymerization of the copolymer chains AB-, and BB-ended chains. As compared with the reversible
of type i; N̄ wi is determined through Eqs. 共14兲 and 共15兲 using reaction, the structure and MWD of the product of irrevers-
the obtained values of C̄ i and ␾ ¯ . ible copolymerization exhibit a stronger dependence on the
Figures 12 and 13 present the evolution of the number- initial conditions, and higher molecular weights can be
averaged degree of polymerization N̄ n and the polydispersity achieved.
In future studies, more realistic reaction schemes will be
N̄ w /N̄ n , respectively, in the course of the reversible 关Figs.
considered. The approach developed here will be extended to
12共a兲 and 13共a兲兴 and irreversible 关Figs. 12共b兲 and 13共b兲兴 in-
studying the interfacial polymerization with the effect of hy-
terfacial polymerization reactions. In Figs. 12 and 13, the
drodynamic interactions, and in the presence of externally
solid lines denote the results of calculations obtained with
imposed flows.
the initial conditions shown in Fig. 5 by the solid line, and
the dashed lines correspond to the equilibrium initial condi-
tions shown in Fig. 5 by the dashed line. As can be seen in ACKNOWLEDGMENT
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dispersity are always greater for the polymer sample ob- and the Dow Chemical Company is gratefully acknowl-
tained through the irreversible reaction. It is also evident that edged.
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