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Topic # 01 : Scope of Marketing Management

1. Setting Marketing Goals:

The prime task of marketing manager is to set marketing goals and objectives.

Clearly and precisely defined objective can help marketing manager to direct

marketing efforts effectively. The goals and objective (whether strategic and

operating, or short-term and long-term) must be suitably communicated with

the employees concern. As far as possible, objectives should be expressed in

the quantifiable terms.

2. Selecting Target Market:

Segmenting the total market and selecting the target market is a fundamental

task of marketing management. Modern marketing practice is based on the

target market, and not on the total market. Marketing manager cannot satisfy

the needs and wants of entire market. He must concentrate his efforts only on

well-defined specific groups of customers, known as the target market. All the

marketing functions are directed to cater needs and wants of the target market

only. Based on company’s overall capacity, the target market should be


3. Formulating Suitable Marketing Organization:

To implement marketing plan, a suitable organization structure is essential.

On the basis of analysis of type of products, type of market, geographical

concentration of market, and many other relevant factors, appropriate

organization must be designed. Various alternative structures are available,

such as product organization, geographic organisation, functional organization,

matrix organization, etc. Based upon requirements, the appropriate structure

should be prepared and modified as per needs.

4. Maintaining Healthy Relations with other Departments:

Marketing department needs cooperation from other departments of

organisation, including financial department, personnel department, and

production department, to satisfy customers effectively. Their support is

considered to be important to satisfy consumers. Thus, for integrated efforts,

marketing manager should try to establish good relations with them. Likewise,

within marketing department, he must establish coordination among various


5. Establishing and Maintaining Profitable Relations with Outside


Alike internal support, the external relations are also extremely necessary.

Marketer, in order to carry out marketing activities effectively, must establish

and maintain healthy relations with various parties, such as suppliers, service

providers, government agencies, dealers, consultants, and so forth. Without

their support, marketing manager cannot carry out functions successfully. Due

to important role of external relations, contemporary marketing practices can

be said as relationship marketing.

6. Marketing Research Activities:

Marketing research is one of the important functions of modern marketing.

Marketing research involves systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation

of data on any problem related to marketing. It provides the manager with

valuable information on which marketing decisions can be taken. Marketing

research is essential to know adequately about consumers and market

situation. It is a basic function to satisfy consumers. Marketing efforts are

based on the marketing research information.

7. Sales Management:

Sales management is one of the important functions of marketing

management. Sales management concerns with planning, implementation, and

controlling selling efforts. It performs all the activities directly related to

execution of sales.

Sales department carry out selling functions. Sales department formulates

sales policies, ensures adequate quantity of products, maintains sales records,

formulates structures for sales department, manages sales force (salesmen),

and controls selling efforts.

8. Exercising Effective Control on Marketing Activities:

Control is essential to ensure that activities are performed as per plan. Control

involves establishing standards, measuring actual performance, comparing

actual performance with standards, and taking corrective actions, if needed.

Control keeps the entire marketing department alert, active, and regular.

Marketing manager should set up an effective controlling system to monitor

marketing efforts.
Topic # 02: Marketing Managers Decision

The basic principles of marketing management are analysis, planning, implementation

and control. Planning is the most important part of marketing management and
marketing managers need to make the right plan for a durable success. Good plans
denote decision making. Here I am discussing about the major marketing decisions
what requires for a successful campaign and what marketing managers need to know
for making the decision-

1. Marketing objectives: Setting up the objective is the first task done by the

marketing managers. For running a successful marketing campaign it is very
essential that what the team is going to do. Here making the right decision is
the key to achieve the goal. Managers should do SWOT analysis and then
what requires to develop the present market or how to increase the present
value of the company. Then everything should go through in a proper way by
the analysis and make the objectives from the requirements or opportunities
from the above analysis.

2. Marketing strategies: Strategies is the means of the process that objectives

are achieved. Objectives means what is to be done and strategies means how
is to be done. Marketing strategies of the company is the important thing by
which the operational decisions are made and the marketing and corporate
objectives achieved within the time periods specified for the plan.

3. Product & market scope, segments, targets etc.: Actual condition of the

company’s marketing program is come from the actual research of marketing
mix including product, price, place and promotion. The product and the market
scope come from the incisive SWOT analysis. An incisive SWOT analysis is
very much important for a successful marketing campaign. Finding out the
scope of the products and the market is such a way by which the marketing
manager makes the decision. Segmenting the market helps for decision
making because it shows what is needed and what is not needed. Target
market helps to find out the existing and potential customers who are more
specific and more dynamic.

4. Company targets: Every company have some target that what things they
are going to do and what things they are not going to do. There have specific
goals for every country that they must need something for that planning year.
In these cases setting up the target in every sector of the company is very
essential like sales target, market target, organizational target, corporate
target etc. This will help to make the right decision.
5. Marketing mix decisions- 4Ps (product, price, place and promotion):
Marketing mix decisions are considered as the most important decision
making for marketing managers. It is an important part of planning. Marketing
manager should have vast knowledge about the product because marketing
manager needs to represent it to the customers through in many ways. Pricing
is very crucial element as it is the only element in marketing mix that produces
revenue. Implementing products on the right place is very important because
targeted customers come from this element of marketing mix. It has been said
that the more you promote the product, the more you produce revenue.

Topic # 03: Core Marketing Concept

1. Need
2. Want
3. Demand
4. Service
5. Product
6. Costumer value
7. Customer satisfaction
8. Product quality

9. Core Marketing Concepts

10. Needs, Wants and Demands • Needs Basic human requirements • Wants Specific
objects that might satisfy the need. • Demands Wants backed by paying capabilities
11. Stated needs Real needs Unstated needs Delight needs Secret needs Type of
12. Offerings and Brands • Offerings A set of benefits that satisfy needs • Brands
Offerings from a known source
13. Value and satisfaction
14.  Marketing Channels
15. Supply Chain
16. Competition
17.  Marketing Environmen
Topic #04: 10 Commands of Marketing Management (Kotler)
1. “The company segments the market, chooses the best segments, and develops a strong
position in each chosen segment.

2. The company maps its customers’ needs, perceptions, preferences, and behavior and
motivates its stakeholders to obsess about servicing and satisfying the customers.

3. The company knows its major competitors and their strengths and weaknesses.

4. The company builds partners out of its stakeholders and generously rewards them.

5. The company develops systems for identifying opportunities, ranking them, and choosing
the best ones.

6. The company manages a marketing planning system that leads to insightful long-term and
short-term plans.

7. The company exercises strong control over its product and service mix.

8. The company builds strong brands by using the most cost-effective communication and
promotion tools.

9. The company builds marketing leadership and a team spirit among its various

10. The company constantly adds technology that gives it a competitive advantage in the
Topic # 05: Marketing planning
Though it's not clear, behind the corporate objectives, which in themselves offer the
main context for the marketing plan, will lie the "corporate mission," in turn provides the
context for these corporate objectives. In a sales-oriented organization, the marketing
planning function designs incentive pay plans to not only motivate and reward frontline
staff fairly but also to align marketing activities with corporate mission. The marketing
plan basically aims to make the business provide the solution with the awareness with
the expected customers

Too often, a marketing function is misunderstood, because many people do not understand what is meant

By ‘Marketing’. 

“Meeting the needs and wants and providing benefits for customers.” 

But before being able to meet the needs and wants of customers as well as providing them with benefits.

We need to work out: 

• who our customers are 
• which customer to target 
• how to reach and win new customers 
• how to keep existing customers happy.

And most importantly we need to keep reviewing and improving everything we do to stay ahead of the

competition. Marketing should be a long-term investment in your business, and not just something

that is switched on and off as required. 


Having an effective marketing plan is invaluable to all businesses. Even so it is amazing the number of

companies that think they can operate and succeed without formal plans! 

A marketing plan helps to focus your company on the vital activity of growing the business. It provides

the framework on which to build new 

“What is a marketing plan? 

The written document that describes your advertising and marketing efforts for the coming year;

it includes

a statement of the marketing situation, a discussion of target markets and company positioning and a

description of the marketing mix you intend to use to reach your marketing goals.”

relationships and cement old ones. But the most important part of the marketing plan is not the document itself,

but the process of putting it together. By taking the time to think deeply about your company's commitment

to marketing, by the process of self-examination that is necessary, and by uncovering the true feelings of your

customers, you will have a much clearer vision of the future. 

Where do we start? 
There are many different approaches to the marketing planning process. The one most widely recognized

is the SOSTAC model developed in the 1990’s by PR Smith. The model is straightforward and goes

through the process of building a marketing plan, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered,

without excessive and expensive detail. Finally looking at the practical issues of putting the plan into practice

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