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Chapter 6 

DATE : 13/10/2020
Genetic code and mutation
Q.1 : What  do you understand by the term genetic
ANS. 1 : The sequence of nucleotides on DNA which determines
the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain is termed as
Q. 2 : Write the salient features of genetic code.
1. The sequence of nucleotides on DNA which determines the
sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain is termed as
2. Each codon is a triplet of bases. There are 64 codons in total, of
which 61 code for amino acids while 3 act as stop codons during
3. One codon codes for only one amino acid. Therefore, it is
specific and unambiguous. UUU- PHE AUG- MET 1CODON- 1
4. Some amino acids are coded for by more than one codon. For
example, GUU, GUC, GUA, and GUG – all code for valine (Val).
Therefore, the code is degenerate.
5. The codons on the mRNA are read in a continuous manner,
without any punctuations. UUUUCUAUGGUC
6. The genetic code is universal i.e. from bacteria to humans, the
code UUU refers to phenylalanine (Phe). However, there are
some exceptions to this rule, such as mitochondrial codons.
7. The codon AUG has dual functions. It codes for the amino acid
methionine (Met) and is also the start/initiator codon.

Q.3 : ‘AUG has dual function’, how?

ANS : Codon AUG has dual function:
(i) It codes for methionine amino acid into the internal protein
(ii) It also act as initiation codon during the translation process.

Q.4 : What is the difference between point mutation and a

frameshift mutation?

Comparison :



Meaning When there is a replacement of When there is an

one base or a single nucleotide insertion or deletion of
from another in the nucleotide the numbers of base pairs
sequence and ultimately brings from the DNA it results in
changes in the complementary the frameshift mutations.
base also, it results in point

Occurs due to Alterations in the single Alterations in numerous

nucleotide. nucleotides.

It brings changes Structure of a gene because of It changes the number of

in the the substitutions with another nucleotides due to either
base pair. insertions or deletions of
the nucleotides.

Types Transitions and Transversions. Insertions and Deletions.

Disease caused by It causes Sickle Cell Anemia. It causes Tay-Sachs

changes disease.

Q.5 : How did Neirenberg help find out the clue to the
puzzle of genetic code?
 The Nirenberg experiment was a scientific experiment
performed in May 1961 by Marshall W. Nirenberg .
 The experiment deciphered the first of the 64 triplet
codons in the genetic code by using nucleic acid
homopolymers to translate specific amino acids.
 In the experiment, an extract from bacterial cells that could
make protein even when no intact living cells were present
was prepared.
 Adding to this extract an artificial form of RNA consisting
entirely of uracil-containing nucleotides (polyuridylic
acid or poly-U), caused it to make a protein composed
entirely of the amino acid phenylalanine.
 This experiment cracked the first codon of the genetic
code and showed that RNA controlled the production of
specific types of protein.

CONCLUSION : Thus they concluded that the genetic code

is a triplet code because it did not cause a frameshift in the
reading frame. They correctly concluded that the code is
degenerate (multiple triplets can correspond to a single
amino acid) and that each nucleotide sequence is read from
a specific starting point.
Q.6 : What is- translation ?
ANS : Translation is the process of converting mRNA codon
sequences into an amino acid polypeptide chain. mRNA
synthesised in the nucleus of an eukaryote cell migrates
through the nuclear pore into the cytoplasm. Later, tRNA,
amino acids and ribosomes in the cytoplasm complete the
process of translation.
Q.7 : What is the contribution of Dr Hargobind Khorana
• Never to forget the contribution of an Indian born
American Biochemist Dr. Har Gobind Khorana
• He synthesized artificial mRNA with more complex
• He developed a chemical method to synthesise RNA
molecule in Template independent manner.
• He generated Homopolymer & Copolymers of all possible
64 combination polynucleotides.

 For instance, in one experiment, Khorana generated a

poly-UC (UCUCUCUCUC…) mRNA and added it to a cell-
free system similar to Nirenberg's.
 The poly-UC mRNA that it was translated into polypeptides
with an alternating pattern of serine and leucine amino

 These and other results unambiguously confirmed that the

genetic code was based on triplets, or codons. 

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