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1. Describe any of your two weaknesses?

● Weaknesses, whether they are good or bad, everybody will have any of these
because nobody's perfect. In my opinion my weaknesses don't come into picture
when I am living lonely but once I come into society, there are a lot of qualities
that make me different from others and I also started to learn and think about
where I am lagging from the rest and also improvising myself to meet the need of
the present society and also learning how to sustain in an organisation.
● By the way,One of my considerable weaknesses is that If I get an idea about the
solution and want to share my thoughts about the solution not even listening and
without respecting others' attention. I would be better to follow all other
colleagues and co-workers for their logic also. So,I need to master to respect
one's thoughts and not always going with my own thinking.
● And the other one is that I cannot feel free and mingle with new people quickly
but to sustain my life in any organisation I have to meet a huge number of
unknown persons and even have to work with them. Truly saying,I take some
time to evaluate one's personality. I expect this not as my weakness because
sometimes it would be better to keep calm and steady till my turn comes.
Anyways,I am improving myself to go with the flow of work and always work hard
to develop my personality.
2. What differentiates you from the rest?
● Every person differs from the rest. If all are equal,then there is no necessity with
the crowd and a unified person will be enough to do all. So,I feel,I also differed
from the rest in some aspects.
● My unique skill that I can bring to your notice is my ability to grasp and learn
anything quickly and effectively. Everybody knows that it is not easy to pick
things up fastly.
● Creative mindedness,this helps me to see the things from a different perspective.
So that I can think of various solutions to a given problem and probably accept
the short and easiest one which will end me up in success.
● In any of the projects or experimentation success and failures are like two sides
of a coin anything can turn up. Everyone hopes for success only and sometimes
don't know the way to move if they get failure. Being an optimistic person I also
hope everything I do is to be successful. I am not afraid of failures and ready to
accept success and failure equally. In my opinion it is necessary to accept some
failures in the way to success. So,this feature makes me different.
● Staying cool and handling a lot of work is my utmost different quality which
makes me uncommon.
● Feels more comfortable with my work no matter how hard it is.
● My health is one of my strengths. I am not a disease prone personality.
I am blessed with a healthy body fit for varying climatic conditions. It helps me to
work under diversified circumstances.
3. How do you use your strengths differently than rest?
● I believe myself and try to complete the assigned work in time without taking help
from others is my greatest strength. Always strive to work hard.
● My ability to learn things quickly and creative mindedness helps me to solve the
problems that I face effectively and never feel afraid of a problem.
● My cool and calmness helps me to think rigorously in challenging situations and
allows me to choose the correct and the best possible and easiest way to
● Hardworking nature allows me to do a lot of work without others' cooperation. As
I always feel comfortable with my work,I enjoy and like to explore new stuff to
make my work easier.
● Helping my team members and giving them clarification helps in completing the
work fastly. While working with a team in an organisation,helping one another is
the most required quality for the completion of work and also it helps in the
growth of the organisation.
● I always come forward to take on difficult clients or to do a typical project that
nobody else accepts because there will be something different to learn in such
clients or projects.
4. Why should we hire you?
● The reason why you should hire me is my creativeness and hard working nature
with a good academic background and technical skills which I am going to utilise
in future for the growth of your organisation.
● Another reason why I should be hired is,As I am not afraid of difficult clients or
typical projects that nobody else wants to do,I think I can be very well suitable for
marketing. So that your organisation will be benefitted.
● Though,I am a fresher without any working experience,I promise you that I can
deliver my potential so that I can contribute as much as I can towards the growth
of your organisation.
● Having graduated from JNTU ANANTAPUR,one of the best colleges,I have been
there with a lot of students with high knowledge and different cultures which may
be useful to the organisation.
● Apart from all these I am an honest person, everybody in my college believed me
as honest. Every year we have a sports day in our college, at least one sport will
be umpired by me. This gives me confidence and makes me a better person.
5. Explain an instance where you had to use your presence of mind?
● When one is driving one needs to be completely focused. Suppose a person
realizes that their breaks have failed then owing to the general human tendency,
he/she would panic and make a wrong decision. In these cases your presence of
mind is tested. One should look out for an alternative solution instead of
panicking. I am sure you all have a solution to it. So please keep your mind away
from anxiety and be focused and read about alternative solutions because you
never know when you might land up in such a situation.
● When one plays any kind of sports, be it outdoor or indoors one has to have
his/her presence of mind at its peak because one can never be aware of the
opponents move. In a sport like cricket, where the batsman is completely
unaware of the bowl that would be thrown towards him and in the same way the
fielder’s would be unaware of the shot made by the batsman, both the parties
need to have their presence of mind in place because every action in this sport
can be a game changing act.
● We generally prepare well for an interview on the technical aspects but during
some rounds, we are bombarded with weird questions that we hardly prepared.
In such cases, instead of panicking one should be smart enough to calm the flow
of energy in the brain, have a sip of water, think with a peaceful mind and crack
the question. These are some effective ways how your mind responds to
6. Explain an instance where you had to convince higher ups of your idea and succeeded?
● Once I along with my class students planned to go for an industrial visit.I along
with my friends planned everything about it including route map,a vehicle for
journey, permission from our HOD sir and Principal sir.Our Principal sir said to
take two of our teaching faculty with us. Here the problem arises because the
tour we planned is actually for 3 days but we applied for two industries only so
that, third day we can go to some tourist place. But we are surprised to hear
those words from our principal to take teaching-faculty with us.Finally we asked
our teachers and they said ok but we haven't leaked any point about tourist place
they also said ok to come with us.Finally, we started journey from our college on
evening by our pre-booked vehicle along with two of our faculty.Next day morning
we visited one of the permitted industry and on the next day morning also we
visited the other industry.Now the real story began,one of our teachers came and
asked me is all the industries are over.I said yes sir,then he replied ok,are you
ready to go back to college I don't know what to say and become silent. Within a
fraction of time I got an idea and asked,sir why don't we go to a tourist place.He
also asked me the same and said it would be better if we go to waterfalls nearby.I
said sir we actually planned to go to waterfalls only but feel afraid to say to take
into your notice then he said it's ok pack your bags quickly we are going to
● As I said I first feared to say to my teacher but convinced him according to our
7. What do you think is your greatest achievement and how did you attain it?
● For my intermediate, I went far away from my home. For me, it was the first time
to live away from my parents. On the joining day itself, I decided to make this
worthy. For that, I studied hard for the Joint Entrance Exam. Even before starting
the exam, I believed that I would get a better rank in the exam, but nothing went
in my way. I just qualified with minimum marks. All my sacrifices for the exam
went meaningless. Then I was at my last hope, Engineering Agricultural and
Medical Common Entrance test exam. To make my sacrifices meaningful, that
exam was my last hope. For that, I did much hard work and spent late nights to
cover this syllabus. After all the hard work I did, I got a better rank in the exam. It
makes my parents happy and proud. To date, I feel it was my biggest
8. Tell us an instance where what you planned failed in the last moment and how you
handled it?
● As I didn't reach my expectations in tenth class board exams. I decided to put
more focus on the Joint Entrance Exam. For about two years, I prepared very
hard. Our lecturers taught us a unique strategy. I saw an improvement in marks. I
was at the top 300 students around 2000 students. Even up to the day before the
exam, I revised my strong areas. But during the exam, mostly all of our college
students felt our strategy went wrong. I saw that feeling among all students in my
examination hall. At that point, I couldn't understand how time is travelling that
much velocity. All felt helpless and some students stopped writing their exams. At
that time, I decided to give my best in the exam and let's hope for great things to
go on. I felt that I had given my best in the exam. After completion of the exam, I
reached my campus. All students felt the same way I felt during the exam. But in
results, I was qualified with minimum marks. I am the only one among my friends
who got qualified in the exam. This exam also improved my confidence.
9. Tell me about yourself?
● My name is Aluru Bhargav Krishna. My father's name is A.Sree Hari. My mother's
name is A.Radha. My father is a self employee. He is very much dedicated and It
makes me inspired all the time. My mother is a house maker. I have been very
thankful to my mother for all the sacrifices she made. I am an elder child for my
parents. I have one younger brother and his name is A.Lakshmi Prasanna
Kumar. He is now in 7th standard. My family is my first priority. So I started with
my family. We live in Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh. Our native place is
Kovur.Regarding my studies, I did my schooling in Priyadarshini English Medium
High School. I scored 9.7 CGPA in the Secondary School Certificate board
exam. I am joined KrishnaChaitanya junior college in Nellore for my intermediate.
I scored 987 marks in intermediate board exams. I qualified for the joint entrance
exam mains with 87 marks. I scored 1500th rank in the Engineering Agricultural
and Medical Common entrance exam. With that rank, I am able to get a seat at
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in Anantapur. Now I am studying my
3rd-year syllabus. Up to now, my CGPA is 8.8. I am expecting it to get improved
in upcoming semesters. These are a brief regarding my studies. Now about my
hobbies. My hobbies are sports, traveling, cooking, playing cricket.
10. Where do you see yourself after 5 years?
● I am like a person who gives more importance to the hard work we paid than the
success we obtain after doing all the hard work. I believe that a perfect journey
will give great results and that journey never ends. I don't think about my position
after 5 years. I want to work hard in these years and give my best and whatever
may be the result I don't want to stop.
11. Tell me about your hobbies and explain two in detail. (2 hobbies-
250 words each as minimum limit)
● My hobbies are playing games, watching movies, listening to music, and cooking
different dishes. I like playing sports which keeps me in good physical health.
● Playing games is my favorite hobby. Since my childhood,when I had some
leisure time I went to the playground and liked to play my favorite games like
cricket and Badminton. After playing I feel more comfortable with my body. I love
playing cricket and I am always ready to play cricket irrespective of the climate. I
like to play in any of the college tournaments but unfortunately I never had a
chance. I love playing gully cricket which I usually play in front of my house.
Cricket is one of the games which is loved by everyone in the country. In cricket, I
love batting,bowling,wicket keeping. I wanted to hit the ball out of the park in
every ball I faced in a match. In my lifetime, I shamshed so many sixes but my
favorite six is my first six and it is always remembering my eyes when I am
hearing the name cricket. When I was hitting the first six the bowler was four
years older than me. It was a close match,we needed 21 runs in the deciding
over to win the match. The first ball I hit a six and the second ball I hit a six and
third ball I went to hit the ball hard but I caught on the edge of the boundary. And
the rest of my team also failed to give a victory in the remaining balls and we lost
the match.
● The second favorite hobby of mine is cooking. In this lockdown, I learnt so many
delicious dishes. I learned from my mom how to make so many dishes. Now I am
also very good at cooking. My dad told me that you cooked well And he also
compares me with my grandmother's cooking style. I am feeling so happy. One
memorable experience I want to share with you is while I was preparing food for
my sister and brother in law. They are coming to our house for a birthday party
and I decided to prepare mushroom biryani for my sister because I love my sister
more than myself.They are coming and I started preparing delicious mushroom
biryani .I am successfully completed preparing mushroom biryani. Firstly I took
the biryani to my sister and she said it was so tasty and she liked it so much and
she praised me a lot. My mother has also praised me and the whole family like
the biryani so much. My first success in cooking is coming that day and I am very
12. Explain an instance where you failed and what you learned from it?
● These instance is regarding my tenth class results
● In my schooling, I really studied hard. Especially for my SSC exams, I spent more
on studying than my friends. I went through many previous years' papers. I
revised it many times. Seeing my preparation, my parent's expectations also
went high. During my main exam also, I expressed neatly and clearly. After
completion of exams, I thought I would get top marks. But on the day of the result
announcement, I literally got shocked after seeing the score. I didn't get my
expectation marks. My parents felt depressed. That made me feel more
depressed. But my parent's encouragement lifted me up. With their
encouragement, I cleared Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test and Andhra
Pradesh Polytechnic Common Entrance Test with better ranks. With that
confidence, I moved to the next level of my education. In this way, I learned from
my failure.

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