Two Week Integrated Teaching and Learning Program Assessment 3

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24th of May 2021

538 Words

Part 1: A rationale for the model of literacy learning used in the planning:

As literacy educators, it is extremely vital to incorporate relevant, real world

contexts throughout literacy learning opportunities provided to students. The Early

Years Learning Framework states that “as children participate in everyday life, they

develop interests and construct their own identities and understanding of the world”

(Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations [DEEWR], 2009,

p. 7). Therefore, as English educators it is important to provide students with an

abundance of real-world, socially interactive literacy learning experiences to

informatively shape their knowledge and skills. To ensure that this occurs within the

literacy environment, the curriculum taught must be differentiated to cater for culture,

age and learning difficulties present within the classroom.

The literacy environment should be supportive and equitable, ensuring that

assessment on each student’s literacy learning is fair, explicit and diverse. Effective

educators must strongly support the use of children’s literature and engaging play

experiences within early childhood literacy learning as “the play that is inspired and

stimulated by books and their fictional worlds, is enriched by children’s own

subsequent inventions and preoccupations” (Winch et al., 2016, p. 527).

It is important to understand that throughout an English teaching and learning

program students must be exposed to an abundance of texts for “enjoyment and to

extend their experiences of the world around them” (School Curriculum and

Standards Authority [SCSA], 2014). Educators must provide opportunities within

each literacy learning lesson to ensure that students feel that they are connected to

and can contribute to their world with the knowledge that they are gaining through

each of the modes of English; this ultimately relates to outcome two within the Early

Years Learning Framework (DEEWR, 2009). This becomes evident when teachers

“balance and integrate all strands” and by exposing students to an abundance of

“spoken, written and multimodal texts” designed to entertain and inform (SCSA,


An overarching teaching approach that is best practice for literacy learning in

Early Childhood is the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model. This approach to

literacy learning proceeds firstly by educators modelling new literacy skills, then

moving towards students engaging in shared and guided literacy activities in

preparation for these new skills to finally be practised independently by the student

(Brace et al., 2006, p. 11). This model is continuously utilised by educators in both

reading and writing programmes and is “equally important when planning oral

language opportunities across the curriculum” (Cameron & Dempsey, 2016, p. 22).

Therefore, the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model is extremely purposeful as it

gradually scaffolds students to independence when incorporated effectively

throughout an integrated English program.

When implemented alongside the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model and

linked to classroom practices, both the Skills Based Bottom-up Theory and the

Halliday + Critical Theory encourage a balanced view of literacy learning. When

learning to read, the Skills Based Bottom-up Theory focuses on building knowledge

by “starting from the smallest piece of language and working up towards meaning”

(Flint et al, 2013, p. 102). The Halliday + Critical Theory is a framework comprising of

“learning language, learning about language and learning through language” which

has been extended by including “learning to use language to critique” (Flint et al.,

2013, p. 118).

Classroom practices that complement the integration of the three strands of

English, the models of literacy and the Gradual Release of Responsibility approach

in English classrooms have been outlined throughout. Additionally, the

implementation of indoor and outdoor learning experiences, ICT, non-verbal cues,

visual aids, an abundance of children’s literature, group work and family involvement

in the English learning environment positively assists literacy flourishment.

Part 2: An overview of the curriculum content: Cross Curriculum Priorities General
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s Sustainability
Islander Histories and Cultures Engagement with Asia Literacy



Critical and


Personal and


1.Children have a
strong sense of

2.Children are
connected with
and contribute to
their world.
3.Children have a
strong sense of

4.Children are
confident and
involved learners.

5.Children are
5 effective

Term 3 Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Curriculum Links: ACELA1432, ACELA1439, ACELA1820, ACELA1432, ACELA1439, ACELA1820, ACELA1432, ACELA1439, ACELA1820, ACELY1784, ACELA1432, ACELA1439, ACELA1820, ACELA1432, ACELA1439, ACELA1820,
ACELY1784, ACELY1653, ACELT1578. ACELY1784, ACELY1653, ACELT1578. ACELY1653, ACELT1578. ACELY1784, ACELY1653, ACELT1578. ACELY1784, ACELY1653, ACELT1578.
Morning Meeting: News: Students split into groups of three or four Word Circle: In groups of four students will be given Weather Report: In groups of four to five students will Vocabulary Hot Seat: Four students will be seated Word Jar: The teacher chooses a particular word for
15 minutes and share an event from the weekend using the a different object for which they must each devise devise a weather report to tell the class and use the with backs to the whiteboard and the teacher will the class and students state various rhyming words
resource as a prompt. (Resource: Talking Strip – one word to rhyme with or describe the object weather chart as a prompt. (Resource: Weather Chart, put up an image. The other students must describe to match it. (Resource: Word Jar, OLB PM54).
news [juniors], OLB PM41). (OLB, p. 97). OLB PM52). the picture or use rhyming words that rhyme with
the picture (OLB, p. 69).
Spelling Stations: Circles: EAD: CVC spelling list Picture Bingo. Circles: CVC spelling list Roll and Spell. Circles: CVC spelling list Pyramids. Circles: TD: CVC spelling list Peg the Missing Circles: CVC spelling list Snap Game.
Focus: 20 minutes Triangles: CVC spelling list Snap Game. Triangles: EAD: CVC spelling list Picture Bingo. Triangles: CVC spelling list Roll and Spell. Sound Game. Triangles: TD: CVC spelling list Peg the Missing
CIRCLES: ‘a’ vowel sound Stars: TD: CVC spelling list Peg the Missing Sound Stars: CVC spelling list Snap Game. Stars: EAD: CVC spelling list Picture Bingo. Triangles: CVC spelling list Pyramids. Sound Game.
TRIANGLES: ‘i’ vowel sound Game. Squares: TD: CVCC spelling list Peg the Missing Squares: CVCC spelling list Snap Game. Stars: CVC spelling list Roll and Spell. Stars: CVC spelling list Pyramids.
STARS: ‘u’ vowel sound Squares: CVCC spelling list Pyramids. Sound Game. Rectangles: TD: CVCC spelling list Peg the Missing Squares: EAD: CVCC spelling list Picture Bingo. Squares: CVCC spelling list Roll and Spell.
SQUARES: ‘ch’ diagraph Rectangles: CVCC spelling list Roll and Spell. Rectangles: CVCC spelling list Pyramids. Sound Game. Rectangles: CVCC spelling list Snap Game. Rectangles: EAD: CVCC spelling list Picture Bingo.
RECTANGLES: ‘sh’ diagraph
Reading: Modelled Reading: Modelled Reading: Shared Reading: Shared Reading: Shared Reading:
10-15 minutes Book: Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas Book: Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas Book: Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas Book: Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas Book: Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas
Strategy: Predicting -Introduce book and model the predicting strategy -Re-read the story and model the predicting -Re-read the story with the students asking them to -Re-read the story covering up some of the rhyming -Complete a class puzzle of different pages from
by using think aloud statements to predict what the strategy again. Explore the grammar focus in the predict what will happen in the story and throughout words and grammar focus punctuation for the the story which students must use the predicting
book is about and the features that we can story by identifying where the full stops and capital the story (see Possible Predictions, FSRMOD, p. 66). students to predict what it could be. Ask the strategy to predict the order of events in the story.
see/predict in the narrative. Predict throughout and letter are and why we use them. -Throughout the story, ask the students if they can students when they see a full stop or capital letter in -Re-read the story asking the students to hold up
at the end of the story. identify rhyming words and predict what rhyming word the story, they must make the Kung Fu punctuation their word alert paddle when they hear or see sight
Stations: 20 minutes has been used for each word later in the story. movement. words or their spelling list words (adapted from the
Word alert strategy, OLB, p. 70).
Enabling Prompts at TD: Circles: CVC word playdough modelling. Circles: CVC word search cut and paste poster Circles: EAD: Memory matching and naming CVC Circles: TD: CVC sound cover to predict/identify the Circles: CVC word writing in shaving cream.
-What letters can you see? Triangles: CVC word writing in shaving cream. looking through a variety of different mediums game. missing sound. Triangles: TD: CVC sound cover to predict/identify
-Can you predict what the
Stars: Teacher Directed (TD): CVC sound cover to (magazines, posters and letters). Triangles: CVC word search cut and paste poster Triangles: EAD: Memory matching and naming the missing sound.
missing sound could be?
predict/identify the missing sound. Triangles: CVC word playdough modelling. looking through a variety of different mediums CVC game. Stars: EAD: Memory matching and naming CVC
Extending Prompts at TD: Squares: Education Assistant Directed (EAD): Stars: CVC word writing in shaving cream. (magazines, posters and letters). Stars: CVC word search cut and paste poster game.
-What other sounds can you Memory matching and naming CVCC game. Squares: TD: CVCC sound cover to predict/identify Stars: CVC word playdough modelling. looking through a variety of different mediums Squares: CVCC word search cut and paste poster
hear in this word? Rectangles: CVCC word search cut and paste the missing sound. Squares: CVCC word writing in shaving cream. (magazines, posters and letters). looking through a variety of different mediums
-Can you sound each letter poster looking through a variety of different Rectangles: EAD: Memory matching and naming Rectangles: TD: CVCC sound cover to predict/identify Squares: CVCC word playdough modelling. (magazines, posters and letters).
out? mediums (magazines, posters and letters). CVCC game. the missing sound. Rectangles: CVCC word writing in shaving cream. Rectangles: CVCC word playdough modelling.
Movement Activity: Nature walk outside the classroom to collect as Cosmic Yoga: Letter/Sound ‘s’ focus (Resource: 6 Kung Fu Punctation: Show the students capital letter Peggy Lego Letter Formations: Students will hold Go Noodle: Fine and gross motor exercises to
5-10 minutes many natural materials and encouraging students Kids Yoga Poses that Begin with the letter S by and full stop Kung Fu. Teacher writes sentences on their pencil in the air and draw the letter formations stretch the body (Resource: Brainercise with Mr.
to state what materials they have found and what Cosmic Kids Yoga, the board with missing full stop or capital letter and the teacher reads out. Catman by Go Noodle,
sounds they hear in the words of each material they students must Kung Fu what punctuation is missing. .com/watch?v=sPtY0SS2kug&t=2s).
have collected.
Writing/Speaking Circles: TD: The teacher will model to the students Circles: Free Play choice below. Circles: Peggy Lego letter formation paintings with the Circles: Grammar Focus ICT games for iPad: Circles: EAD: Viewing sentences and identifying full
how to make a rhyming word tree that focuses on Triangles: TD: The teacher will model to the parent helper (focus letter Ss). Full Stops: stops and capital letters.
and Listening their sound or diagraph of the week. The students students how to make a rhyming word tree that Triangles: Free Play choice below. /reading-games/full-stop-beginner-1.html Triangles: Grammar Focus ICT games for iPad:
Stations: will then create their own rhyming word tree guided focuses on their sound or diagraph of the week. Stars: TD: The teacher will model to the students how Capital Letters: Full Stops:
20 minutes by the teacher and write their own rhyming words. The students will then create their own rhyming to make a rhyming word tree that focuses on their /reading-games/capital-letter-1.html /reading-games/full-stop-beginner-1.html
Enabling Prompts at TD: Students will use the resources they collected on word tree guided by the teacher and write their own sound or diagraph of the week. The students will then Triangles: Peggy Lego letter formation paintings Capital Letters:
-What is a rhyming word? their nature walk. rhyming words. Students will use the resources create their own rhyming word tree guided by the with the parent helper (focus letter Ss). /reading-games/capital-letter-1.html
-What sounds can you hear in Triangles: EAD: Viewing sentences and identifying they collected on their nature walk. teacher and write their own rhyming words. Students Stars: Free Play choice below. Stars: Peggy Lego letter formation paintings with
each of these words?
full stops and capital letters. Stars: EAD: Viewing sentences and identifying full will use the resources they collected on their nature Squares: TD: The teacher will model to the the parent helper (focus letter Ss).
-Are there any sounds that
are the same and do they Stars: Grammar Focus ICT games for iPad: stops and capital letters. walk. students how to make a rhyming word tree that Squares: Free Play choice below.
rhyme? Full Stops: Squares: Grammar Focus ICT games for iPad: Squares: EAD: Viewing sentences and identifying full focuses on their sound or diagraph of the week. Rectangles: TD: The teacher will model to the
/reading-games/full-stop-beginner-1.html Full Stops: stops and capital letters. The students will then create their own rhyming students how to make a rhyming word tree that
Extending Prompts at TD: Capital Letters: /reading-games/full-stop-beginner-1.html Rectangles: Grammar Focus ICT games for iPad: word tree guided by the teacher and write their own focuses on their sound or diagraph of the week. The
-Can you think of a different /reading-games/capital-letter-1.html Capital Letters: Full Stops: rhyming words. Students will use the resources students will then create their own rhyming word
sound we have learnt about? Squares: Peggy Lego letter formation paintings with /reading-games/capital-letter-1.html /reading-games/full-stop-beginner-1.html they collected on their nature walk. tree guided by the teacher and write their own
-What rhyming words go the parent helper (focus letter Ss). Rectangles: Peggy Lego letter formation paintings Capital Letters: Rectangles: EAD: Viewing sentences and rhyming words. Students will use the resources they
together with that sound? Rectangles: Free Play choice below. with the parent helper (focus letter Ss). /reading-games/capital-letter-1.html identifying full stops and capital letters. collected on their nature walk.
Free Play  Dramatic Play Centre: Using their iPads to record themselves, as a group act out the story using props and dress ups provided (ACADRM028, ACADRM029, ACTDIK001; connection to oral text focus: storytelling).
Integration Stations:  Book Corner: A variety of picture books will be present containing rhyming words and sounds of the week the students are focusing on [Book Examples: Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss, There’s a Bear on my Chair by Ross Collins] (ACELA1430, ACELA1439, ACELT1579).

Differentiation:  Literacy groups have been organised according to overall literacy ability which are monitored closely and altered when required.
 Enabling and extending prompts will be provided for students in each literacy group at the teacher directed tables.
 A variety of learning materials are provided for all types of learners and has helped to create a play-based literacy learning environment: ICT incorporation, hands on fine motor and gross motor tasks, multicultural children’s literature, visual aids and multimodal texts have
been incorporated.
 When students are finished completing their activities at their station, they may move into the free play stations and interact with peers of mixed abilities.
 For CALD and EALD students, the teacher must continually repeat vocabulary used and the expectations of the activity, check for understanding and visually model what is asked of the student. These students will be catered for throughout each station activity they
complete by asking them to present their knowledge in different ways (E.G. Draw pictures, verbally state and explain or attempt to write what is required of them in the activity).
 Students with learning difficulties still engage at their designated learning stations, although, the materials or requirements of the student to complete the task are altered to assist their learning at an appropriate pace (E.G. Vision Impairment: seating student closer to the
front and large texts; Dyslexia: repetition and visual cue cards of the steps in each activity; Dysgraphia: class hand stretching activities prior to writing and pencil grip/controlling fingers and hands fine motor activities).

Term 3 Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Curriculum Links: ACELA1432, ACELA1439, ACELA1820, ACELA1432, ACELA1439, ACELA1820, ACELY1784, ACELA1432, ACELA1439, ACELA1820, ACELA1432, ACELA1439, ACELA1820, ACELA1432, ACELA1439, ACELA1820,
ACELY1784, ACELY1653, ACELT1578. ACELY1653, ACELT1578. ACELY1784, ACELY1653, ACELT1578. ACELY1784, ACELY1653, ACELT1578. ACELY1784, ACELY1653, ACELT1578.
Morning Meeting: News: Students split into groups of three or four Sorting and Classifying: Teacher has a mystery bag My Grandma went Shopping: Split the class into Personality Phones: In pairs students will scatter Charades: Split the class into two groups with an
15 minutes and share an event from the weekend using the filled with objects that may or may not rhyme with the two or more groups and the educators must watch around the room and the teacher will tell student educator at each group. Each student will be given
resource as a prompt. (Resource: Talking Strip – wow word of the week. As a class, students must over to guide and facilitate students. Whoever has one and student two which personality they must a small picture which they must act out to the group
news [juniors], OLB PM41). describe the objects and sort then into rhyming or not the shopping basket is only allowed to talk in the improvise to their partner over the phone as they guess until they get it correct. (OLB, p. 83).
rhyming with the wow word (FSSALMOD, p. 76). group and it must be shared (FSSALMOD, p. 78). (FSSALMOD, p. 69).
Spelling Stations: Circles: CVC spelling list Unifix Cube Spelling. Circles: CVC spelling list Puzzle Cards. Circles: TD: CVC spelling list Ball Pit Spelling. Circles: EAD: CVC spelling list Word Hop. Circles: CVC spelling list Cup Word Building.
Focus: 20 minutes Triangles: CVC spelling list Cup Word Building. Triangles: CVC spelling list Unifix Cube Spelling. Triangles: CVC spelling list Puzzle Cards. Triangles: TD: CVC spelling list Ball Pit Spelling. Triangles: EAD: CVC spelling list Word Hop.
CIRCLES: ‘e’ vowel sound Stars: EAD: CVC spelling list Word Hop. Stars: CVC spelling list Cup Word Building. Stars: CVC spelling list Unifix Cube Spelling. Stars: CVC spelling list Puzzle Cards. Stars: TD: CVC spelling list Ball Pit Spelling.
TRIANGLES: ‘o’ vowel sound Squares: TD: CVCC spelling list Ball Pit Spelling. Squares: EAD: CVCC spelling list Word Hop. Squares: CVCC spelling list Cup Word Building. Squares: CVCC spelling list Unifix Cube Spelling. Squares: CVCC spelling list Puzzle Cards.
STARS: ‘i’ vowel sound Rectangles: CVCC spelling list Puzzle Cards. Rectangles: TD: CVCC spelling list Ball Pit Spelling. Rectangles: EAD: CVCC spelling list Word Hop. Rectangles: CVCC spelling list Cup Word Building. Rectangles: CVCC spelling list Unifix Cube
SQUARES: ‘sh’ diagraph Spelling.
RECTANGLES: ‘th’ diagraph
Reading: Modelled Reading: Modelled Reading: Shared Reading: Shared Reading: Shared Reading:
10-15 minutes Book: Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss Book: Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss Book: Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss Book: Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss Book: Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss
Strategy: Stretchy Snake -Introduce the strategy with CVC or CVCC visual -Re-read the story modelling the stretchy snake -Re-read the book with the students and have some -Re-read the book identifying words that rhyme with -The teacher draws Elkonin Boxes on the
cue cards on the whiteboard. Then read the story reading strategy again to the students. Then explore of the student’s literacy group weekly spelling words each other throughout and ask the students to help whiteboard. Re-read the story with the students
pausing on specific words and model how to use the frequency and placement of full stops and capital covered by their groups symbol. Upon arrival of you stretch some words to see if they rhyme. When using the stretchy snake reading strategy to stretch
the stretchy snake reading strategy. letters and reiterate why we use them. these words the allocated literacy group will help reading specific pages in the book, ask particular specific words and indicate the number of sounds
the teacher use the stretchy snake reading strategy students to identify a full stop or capital letter by and how they are broken up in the Elkonin boxes
Stations: 20 minutes to read the word in the book (adapted from Magic demonstrating the Kung Fu movement. (see Elkonin Boxes, FSRMOD, p. 79).
Words, FSRMOD, p. 77).
Enabling Prompts at TD:
-How do we stretch this word? Circles: TD: CVC Read and Reveal Cards (using Circles: CVC Kinetic Sand Print. Circles: CVC Rhyming Words Card Game (see Circles: CVC Lego Block Building. Circles: EAD: CVC Sentence Constructor (focus on
-What sounds can you hear?
stretchy snake strategy). Triangles: TD: CVC Read and Reveal Cards (using from FSRMOD, p. 81). Triangles: CVC Rhyming Words Card Game (see placement of capital letters and full stops).
Triangles: EAD: CVC Sentence Constructor (focus stretchy snake strategy). Triangles: CVC Kinetic Sand Print. from FSRMOD, p. 81). Triangles: CVC Lego Block Building.
Extending Prompts at TD:
-Can you count how many on placement of capital letters and full stops). Stars: EAD: CVC Sentence Constructor (focus on Stars: TD: CVC Read and Reveal Cards (using Stars: CVC Kinetic Sand Print. Stars: CVC Rhyming Words Card Game (see from
sounds there are in this word? Stars: CVC Lego Block Building. placement of capital letters and full stops). stretchy snake strategy). Squares: TD: CVCC Read and Reveal Cards (using FSRMOD, p. 81).
-What word do you think Squares: CVCC Rhyming Words Card Game (see Squares: CVCC Lego Block Building. Squares: EAD: CVCC Sentence Constructor (focus stretchy snake strategy). Squares: CVCC Kinetic Sand Print.
rhymes with this word? from FSRMOD, p. 81). Rectangles: CVCC Rhyming Words Card Game (see on placement of capital letters and full stops). Rectangles: EAD: CVCC Sentence Constructor Rectangles: TD: CVCC Read and Reveal Cards
Rectangles: CVCC Kinetic Sand Print. from FSRMOD, p. 81). Rectangles: CVCC Lego Block Building. (focus on placement of capital letters and full stops) (using stretchy snake strategy).
Movement Activity: Cosmic Yoga: Letter/Sound ‘t’ focus (Resource: Kung Fu Punctuation: Teacher holds up visual cue Go Noodle: Fine and gross motor exercises to Body Letter Formations: In small groups, students Nursery Rhyme Sing and Dance cards:
5-10 minutes Tommy the Bedtime Turtle by Cosmic Kids Yoga, cards of each punctuation type and the students must stretch the body (Resource: Brainercise with Mr. must make the letter the teacher calls out using The teacher has a number of nursery rhyme song do the Kung Fu punctuation move. Teacher can have Catman by Go Noodle, https://www. their bodies altogether. cards which the students will sing along to and
sentence cards with some punctuation missing. dance or complete the actions required for each.
Writing/Speaking Circles: TD: Say it, Build it, Write it: Each student Circles: CVC Peg Rhyming Word Disks and/or Free Circles: Peggy Lego letter formation paintings with Circles: CVC Chalk Word Writing (outside Circles: EAD: CVC Making Playdough Words then
will be given a pop stick with one of their spelling Play choices below. the parent helper (focus letter Tt). classroom). Write the Words on Whiteboards.
and Listening list words on them. Students must say it out loud, Triangles: TD: Say it, Build it, Write it: Each student Triangles: CVC Peg Rhyming Word Disks and/or Triangles: Peggy Lego letter formation paintings Triangles: CVC Chalk Word Writing (outside
Stations: build it using magnetic letters and then write it using will be given a pop stick with one of their spelling list Free Play choices below. with the parent helper (focus letter Tt). classroom).
20 minutes a whiteboard marker below; students swap words. words on them. Students must say it out loud, build it Stars: TD: Say it, Build it, Write it: Each student will Stars: CVC Peg Rhyming Word Disks and/or Free Stars: Peggy Lego letter formation paintings with
Triangles: EAD: CVC Making Playdough Words using magnetic letters and then write it using a be given a pop stick with one of their spelling list Play choices below. the parent helper (focus letter Tt).
Enabling Prompts at TD: then Write the Words on Whiteboards. whiteboard marker below; students swap words. words on them. Students must say it out loud, build Squares: TD: Say it, Build it, Write it: Each student Squares: CVCC Peg Rhyming Word Disks and/or
-Can you stretch your word? Stars: CVC Chalk Word Writing (outside Stars: EAD: CVC Making Playdough Words then Write it using magnetic letters and then write it using a will be given a pop stick with one of their spelling list Free Play choices below.
-Which sounds can you hear? classroom). the Words on Whiteboards. whiteboard marker below; students swap words. words on them. Students must say it out loud, build Rectangles: TD: Say it, Build it, Write it: Each
Squares: Peggy Lego letter formation paintings with Squares: CVCC Chalk Word Writing (outside Squares: EAD: CVCC Making Playdough Words it using magnetic letters and then write it using a student will be given a pop stick with one of their
Extending Prompts at TD:
the parent helper (focus letter Tt). classroom). then Write the Words on Whiteboards. whiteboard marker below; students swap words. spelling list words on them. Students must say it out
-Can you think of a word that
rhymes with it? Rectangles: CVCC Peg Rhyming Word Disks Rectangles: Peggy Lego letter formation paintings with Rectangles: CVCC Chalk Word Writing (outside Rectangles: EAD: CVCC Making Playdough Words loud, build it using magnetic letters and then write it
-Can you write the rhyming and/or Free Play choices below. the parent helper (focus letter Tt). classroom). then Write the Words on Whiteboards. using a whiteboard marker below; students swap
word as well? words.
Free Play  Investigation Table: Students can use the Indigenous story stones at the investigation table to tell a story to their peers (ACHASSK013, WAHASS0, WAHASS11; connection to oral text focus: storytelling).
Integration Stations:  Dramatic Play Corner: Students can retell the story using props and puppets and record their retell on their iPads using iMovie [adapted from Retell, FSSALMOD, p. 64] (ACADRM028, ACADRM029, ACTDIK001; connection to oral text focus: storytelling).

Differentiation  Literacy groups have been organised according to overall literacy ability which are monitored closely and altered when required.
 Enabling and extending prompts will be provided for students in each literacy group at the teacher directed tables.
 A variety of learning materials are provided for all types of learners and has helped to create a play-based literacy learning environment: ICT incorporation, hands on fine motor and gross motor tasks, multicultural children’s literature, visual aids and multimodal texts have
been incorporated.
 When students are finished completing their activities at their station, they may move into the free play stations and interact with peers of mixed abilities.
 For CALD and EALD students, the teacher must continually repeat vocabulary used and the expectations of the activity, check for understanding and visually model what is asked of the student. These students will be catered for throughout each station activity they
complete by asking them to present their knowledge in different ways (E.G. Draw pictures, verbally state and explain or attempt to write what is required of them in the activity).
 Students with learning difficulties still engage at their designated learning stations, although, the materials or requirements of the student to complete the task are altered to assist their learning at an appropriate pace (E.G. Vision Impairment: seating student closer to the
front and large texts; Dyslexia: repetition and visual cue cards of the steps in each activity; Dysgraphia: class hand stretching activities prior to writing and pencil grip/controlling fingers and hands fine motor activities).


Brace, J., Brockhoff, V., Sparkes, N., & Tuckey, J. (2006). Speaking and listening

map of development. Rigby Harcourt Education.

Cameron, S., & Dempsey, L. (2016). The oral language book: Embedding talk

across the curriculum. S&L Publishing.

Collins, R. (2016). There’s a bear on my chair. Candlewick Press.

Cosmic Kids Yoga. (2019, October 8). 6 Kids yoga poses that begin with the letter S

[Video]. YouTube.

Cosmic Kids Yoga. (2014, June 1). Tommy the bedtime turtle [Video]. YouTube.

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). (2009).

Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework.

Commonwealth of Australia.

Department of Education. (2013). Reading map of development. Rigby Harcourt




Dr. Seuss. (2003). Green eggs and ham. Harper Collins Children’s Books.

Dr. Seuss. (2017). Hop on pop. Harper Collins Children’s Books.

Flint, A., Kitson, L., Lowe, K., & Shaw, K. (2013). Literacy in Australia. Wiley.

Go Noodle. (2015, July 28). I to the L: Brainercise with mr.catman [Video]. YouTube.

Go Noodle. (2015, July 28). Pat and rub: Brainercise with mr.catman [Video].


Roy the Zebra. (2017). The full stops game [beginner]. Roy.

Roy the Zebra. (2017). Zed’s capital letters game [advanced]. Roy.

School Curriculum and Standards Authority (2014). Western Australian curriculum:



Thomas, J. (2009). Rhyming dust bunnies. Simon and Schuster.

Winch, G., Johnston, R., March, P., Ljungdahl, L. & Holliday, M. (2016). Literacy:

Reading, writing and children’s literature. (5th ed.). Oxford University Press.


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