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Moraleda, Luke L.

CIV 0322-2 May 19, 2021

BSCE 3-2 CE laws, Ethics, and Contracts Engr. Leonardo C. Sawal


1. Why you want to pursue your career as a Civil Engineer?
The reason why I want to pursue Civil Engineering is because of how I
deemed the career to provide financial security for my family. When we were still
planning and building our home, I was able to gave inputs and experience to
manage the construction and budget for the project. Our house is very simple yet
I put a lot of work to aid its construction, from the negotiation and finding of
materials to finding the managing the set of laborers to put the house to stand
and habitable. I made my decision to take this course because I see myself in the
future to be a well-known contractor/engineer that provides reliable and
sustainable design which I can make into a reality. My goal is to help and assist
people to fulfill their dream home without experiencing what I had experienced
before. Also, one of the reasons I had to pursue civil engineering is to fulfill my
ambition to have a contribution to our nation in terms of civil structure which will
help the society and may uplift the economy of the country.

2. What is the job market potential in Civil Engineering?

Civil Engineering is well known to have many branches or specialization in
terms of knowledge that are required in the field. This type of engineering creates
many job and business opportunities in the society which is why it is considered to
be the most flexible profession. Example of civil engineering fields are Structural
engineering, geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering,
transportation engineering, water resource engineering, construction
engineering, and etc. these fields have a specific job in the society and all of
them are needed for the design, build, and supervision of infrastructure projects
and systems. As infrastructure continues to age, civil engineers will be needed to
manage projects to rebuild, repair, and upgrade bridges, roads, levees, dams,
airports, buildings, and structures of all types. Which is why the job market in this
field is huge and constant since they are among those roles who provide growth
and sustainability in life.
3. What kind of person makes a good Civil Engineer?
It is important for civil engineers to possess certain qualities and skills
because their role has an impact to the lives of most people in the world. To be a
good civil engineer, one must have technical skills that allows for identification
and solving engineering problems. Management skills is also an important quality
because the work or responsibility of a civil engineers are many where in all of
them are important to be addressed in a timely manner. Engineers also need to
be able to clearly communicate ideas and give direction leaving no ambiguity.
They must also be able to listen and benefit from the ideas of others in the team.
Critical thingking is also one of the most important skill which makes a person a
good civil engineer because they often face complex problems and need to find
efficient solutions for them. They need to be able to assess the pros and cons of
all possible solutions, and they need to be decisive in order to choose the best
one. and last but not the least is Integrity. In this field, many temptations arises
especially when money and fame are involved. One of the most important
quality of a person to be a good civil engineer is integrity which is to do what is
right even no one is looking.

4. What advice do you have for someone considering a career in Civil

If I were to advice someone, I would tell them first a brief introduction about
civil engineering and that they should get to know more about this field before
entering the commitment. This field has a lot of opportunities however you must
get to know yourself of what you really like, your goals and how you want to see
yourself in the future in this career. Don’t fix on a specific discipline and keep
developing your skills. As you develop your skills, get some exposure or gain further
experience and lastly push yourself to be strong technically because this course
for me is one of the hardest where in you will need to devote most of your time
studying and learning the important details or concepts that will apply in the field.

5. What is the difference between a Civil Engineer and an Engineering

The difference between a civil engineer and an engineering technician in
terms of education is that engineering Technician requires 2 year associate
degree whereas civil engineering requires 4 year graduation course from a
reputed college or university to qualify. In the field of work, engineering
technicians provide support for civil engineers as they plan, develop, and
execute construction projects. Hence, the two jobs involve different resources
and require different skills. Civil engineers focus more on the big picture, while civil
engineering technicians use technology to help civil engineers with the details
that are needed to execute each project. Most of what both of these
professionals do is the same; however, a civil engineer is licensed and must sign
off on all projects, which technicians cannot do.

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