Tensorflow Tutorial: Benedict Diederich

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TensorFlow Tutorial

Benedict Diederich
What is TensorFlow?

- Python based (..as well as C++, Haskell, Java and Go APIs)

- Open Source library: machine learning
- by Google
- used for research and production at Google products (Translation, Image
Recognition, etc.)
- License Apache 2.0 open source license
- multiple CPUs and GPUs
- Huge Community (https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow)
- Codes available (Github)
- „Model-ZOO“ pretrained networks available 2
What is TensorFlow?

1. provides primitives for defining functions on tensors

2. automatically computing their derivatives
Computes math on tensors (like numpy but with GPU-support!)

What is a „Tensor“?
- multilinear maps from vector spaces to the real numbers
- examples: Scalar, Vector, Matrix
TensorFlow vs. Numpy

Numpy Tensorflow
TensorFlow requires explicit evaluation!
Tensorflow Computation Graph

• Express a numeric computation as a graph.

• Graph nodes are operations which have any number of inputs and outputs
• Graph edges are tensors which flow between nodes
Tensorflow Computation Graph - Session
• “A Session object encapsulates the environment in which Tensor objects are evaluated”

• “TensorFlow programs are usually structured into a construction phase, that assembles a graph,
and an execution phase that uses a session to execute ops in the graph.” - TensorFlow docs
never changes its value(s)

Graph creation
- builds graph sequentially
- adds nodes

Graph computation
Graph evaluation (gives result)
Tensorflow Computation Graph
input 1 = tf.constant(3.0)
input 2 = tf.constant(2.0)
input 3 = tf.constant(5.0)
intermed = tf.add(input2, input 3)
mul = tf.multiply(intermed, input1)

result = mul.eval()

Mathematical operations:
computations that will act on tensors
• MatMul: Multiply two matrix values
• Add: Add elementwise (with broadcasting)
• ReLU: Activate with elementwise rectified linear function
• etc.
TensorFlow Variables

“When you train a model you use variables to hold and update
parameters. Variables are in-memory buffers containing tensors” -
Was previously a constant

TensorFlow variables
must be initialized
- nodes which output their current value before they have
- State is retained across multiple executions values!
of a graph
- e.g. parameters, gradient stores, eligibility
traces, …
- value(s) can be updated
Tensorflow Placeholders and FeedDictionairies

tf.placeholder variables
- dummy nodes that provide entry points for data to
computational graph
- value is fed in at execution time
- inputs, variable learning rates, …

- python dictionary mapping from tf.placeholder vars to
data (numpy arrays, lists, etc.)
Tensorflow Placeholders and FeedDictionairies
Google Example: Graph Creation
Google Example: Graph Evalution
Example: Linear Regression in TensorFlow
Example: Linear Regression in TensorFlow
Example: Linear Regression in TensorFlow
Example: Linear Regression in TensorFlow
Example: Linear Regression in TensorFlow
Example: Linear Regression in TensorFlow
Concept: Auto-Differentiation

• Linear regression example computed L2 loss for a linear regression

• tf.train.Optimizer creates an optimizer:
• tf.train.AdagradOptimizer, tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer, tf.train.MomentumOptimizer,
tf.train.FtrlOptimizer, etc.
• tf.train.Optimizer.minimize(loss, var_list) adds optimization
operation to computation graph.
• Automatic differentiation computes gradients without user input
• TensorFlow nodes in computation graph have attached gradient operations

• Use backpropagation (using node-specific gradient ops) to

compute required gradients for all variables in graph.
Workflow for TensorFlow

1. Build a graph
§ Graph contains:
- parameter specifications
- model architecture
- optimization process, …
2. Initialize a session
3. Fetch and feed data with Session.run
 Compilation
 Optimization
 Auto-Differentiation etc.

• Lecture Slides CS224d: TensorFlow Tutorial Bharath Ramsundar

• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TensorFlow
• Talk: Introduction to TensorFlow -
• tensorflow.org
• Tensorflow Short intro presentation: bit.ly/stanford-tf-tutorial
• Great Cours: http://cs231n.github.io/
• Great Cours: https://de.udacity.com/course/deep-learning--ud730/

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