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Embedded Developer Gmail ID: yalaanitha72@gmail.

Anitha Yala Contact No: +91 6309881933
● 3+ years of experience in Embedded firmware development.
● Proficient in programming C Embedded C, C++, and Python. Experience on ARM Cortex M4
(STM32) and ATMEGA328.
● Energetic and self-motivated team player with good communication, problem-solving skills.
Quick learner with the ability to grasp new technologies.

Academic Qualification:
B.Tech. (ECE) from IIIT (RGUKT) Nuzvid, AP (2018) - CGPA 8.20

3+ years as an Embedded Developer at Sevya Multimedia Pvt. Ltd. (May 2018 –Till now)

Technical Skills:

Programming Languages : C, C++, Python

IDE/Tools : Eclipse, Keil, Atollic TrueStudio, IAR, Pycharm, Visual

Studio, Code, Qt designer

Productivity Tools : Git

Operating Systems : Windows, Linux

Protocols : I2C, SPI, UART


Project Title: Non-Dispersive Infrared Gas sensor firmware development and testing

Client: Analog Devices Inc.

The NDIR Gas sensor by Analog devices is to detect refrigerant gases and concentration of carbon
oxide (CO and CO2). A firmware should process the data coming out of the analog front end and
bridge the communication between the sensor and the microcontroller. A GUI based test
framework will configure the sensor settings, read/write registers, receive, save, plot the sensor
data and also send different commands as input to the sensor.
Environment: Windows,Visual Studio Code, Qt Designer, IAR Embedded Workbench, STM32 Cube
Programmer, STM32CubeMX

Language and Technologies Used: Python, C, PyQt5, Threading, CSV, Serial host interface,

Roles & Responsibilities:

● Added new feature commands to gas sensor firmware.

● Integrated the STMicroelectronics STL(self test library) package and the associated FW (HAL
drivers) in the gas sensor firmware and verified the functionality.
● Calculated noise in the captured data using linear regression.
● Designed the alarm block by going through IEC standards.
● Created GUI using python to configure and test the firmware

Project Title: Validation of Radar Based chip

Client : Analog Devices Inc.

Validated the functionality of a radar based chip across PVT(process corners, Voltage,
Temperature) using python in which Validated the MIPI, LVDS, AuxADC, temperature sensor, LDO.
During validation automated the few functions of the oscilloscope, power supplies. Also used the
thermostream, sourcemeter, Oscilloscope and FPGA.

Environment: Pycharm, Windows,

Language and Technologies involved: Python

Roles & Responsibilities:

● Wrote the python script for validating all LVDS test cases across PVT.
● Validated the all MIPI test cases across PVT in a script
● Checked the pass or fail of test cases of MIPI and LVDS in the code and Stored the collected
data and status in csv files
● Electrical validation across PVT
● Wrote the python script for all blocks validation of chip across PVT.

Project Title: Driver Development for STM32

Developed SPI, I2C, UART communication protocol drivers for ARM Cortex-M4 STM32
microcontroller. Transferred the data between two microcontrollers using drivers.

Environment: Keil, Windows

Language and Technologies involved: C

● Provides easily configurable high-level API for user application development.
● Created APIs to integrate off the shelf sensors such as Temperature, Humidity etc.
● Created LED notification service in case the sensor values cross the user-defined threshold.

Roles & Responsibilities:

● Developed the communication protocol drivers for STM32.

● Transfer the data between two Microcontrollers using drivers.

Project Title: Data Logger using STM32

Logs the sensor data from different sensors such as Accelerometer, Gyro-meter, Temperature,
Humidity, Magnetometer sensors and sends it to the Windows desktop application for analysis.

Language and Technologies involved: C

Environment: Atollic True studio, Windows


● Acquires the data from the environmental, motion sensors and sends it to the application.
● Configures the sensors parameters such as output data rate and the full scale of the
respective sensors according to the user convenience.
● Help the user to visualize the data with a graphical interface.

Roles & Responsibilities:

● Designed and developed the firmware of the application.

Project Title: Board Test Automation using Python

Description: Designed a Graphical User interface using Python and Tkinter(Python Library) to
diagnose the sensors. It lets the user control the sensor parameters and also to let the user
visualize the data, store the data in and data graphs on the GUI.

Language and Technologies involved: Python, Tkinter, Serial, CSV, matplotlib

Environment: Linux

● Diagnose the sensors before deployment.
● Help the user to visualize the data with a graphical interface.
● Let the user control the sensor parameters.
● Let the user store the data in CSV format for further analysis.
Roles & Responsibilities:
● Designed entire backend and front end functionalities for Greensys GUI.

Project Title: SmartPole Embedded System Design

Remote Monitoring, and Control of a Smart (Street light)Pole.

Language and Technologies involved: C

Environment: Atollic True studio, IAR, windows

● Setting off Buzzer alarm in case of Movement detection, Power failures, Light Failures
● Alert the public(present within a specific range) in case of hazards with the help of buzzer.
● Automatic dimming control using the PIR sensor.
● Control the lighting intensity of the single/multiple street lights and their
ON/OFF/Dimming states.
● Power saving features and power switching capabilities between AC and DC (battery).
● Ability to detect system faults such as power failure, operational failures.
● Posting the data such as the power source by which it is powered, the power consumed
by the Street light and the power saved to the Cloud.
● Graphical visualization of all the logged data for user analysis.
● Ability to detect the objects, faces, and decision making to control the lights

Roles & Responsibilities:

● Interfaced PIR sensor and buzzer in the Smart Pole street light system.
● Controlled the street light dimming levels with the PIR sensor.
● Implemented the buzzer related operations in the system.
● Developed the script for face & object detection with OpenCV library in Python

Project Title: Silicon Analog Chip (SAC) validation

Silicon Analog Chip validation project is about the test characterization of the memory chip, which
is compatible with SPI/I2C. It has a Bandgap reference circuit and temperature sensor internally.
The silicon Chip is a slave device, controlled by ATMEGA-328P.

Design Tool: Altium

IDE: Arduino

Environment: Windows

Language and Technologies involved: Arduino

● Able to read and write the data from the chip
Roles & Responsibilities:
● Read and write data from Silicon Analog Chip (SAC) using SPI via Bit-banging
● Read and write data from Silicon Analog Chip (SAC) using I2C
● Read the Bandgap voltage and Temperature of the Chip using ADC
● Displayed those Read/write, voltage, Temperature, Current data on the OLED
● Data Transmission from MCU to OLED with SPI.

Project Title: GreenSys Home Automation Platform

GreenSys Home Automation project involved various nodes like Motion Detectors, OpenClose
Detectors, Node with dimmer switch, Node with ON/OFF switch to control the lights. All the
nodes are interconnected with Bluetooth Mesh along with a gateway. The gateway is responsible
for the data collection from the nodes with Bluetooth(BlueNRG-2) and transmits the data with
WiFi module (ESP8266) to GreenSys cloud and also control and monitor lights remotely using App.

Environment: IAR, Windows,

Language and Technologies involved: C

● Control the home lights with touch switch manually.
● Control the home lights with locally and remotely using App.
● Can monitor the sensor data.
● Can control individual and all light at a time using App.
● Can send data to the particular group of nodes.

Roles & Responsibilities:

● Designed the schematics for the BlueNRG-2 and Motion detectors node.
● By taking ST BlueNRG-2 package as a reference and developed the application as per
requirement for Touch-Based Switch
● Wrote the Application layer for Motion Detectors.

Project Title: Tetrominoes Game

Tetriminos are game pieces shaped like tetrominoes, the shapes composed of four square blocks
each. A random sequence of Tetriminos (L, Square, T, I, N shapes) fall down in the playing field. The
main objective of the game is to manipulate these Tetriminos, by moving each one sideways and/or
rotating by quarter-turns, so that they form a solid horizontal line with no gaps. When such a line is
formed, it disappears and any blocks above it fall down to fill the space.

Language and Technologies involved: C++

Environment: Eclipse, Linux

Features :
● Improves problem-solving skills.
● Increases the processing speed of the mind.
● Improves the ability to do multitasking.

Roles & Responsibilities:

Designed and developed the Tetrominoes game.

Project Title: Swarm Robotics: Honey bee chasing a single target

Based on the biological behavior of Honeybees while tracking a single target various experiments
were performed and designed an algorithm by observation of their attacking technique.
Aggressive Honey Bees follow different strategies while chasing a target and the analogy has been
done on the trajectories followed by bees when they are aggressive. With the help of videos that
are captured in an artificial environment, designed an algorithm. The same is now being extended
by the research team to address the behavior of bees as a swarm.

Environment: Matlab, Windows

Language and Technologies involved: Optimization algorithm, Matlab

● Can be used where the fast attack is needed.
○ Example. Missile guidance

Roles & Responsibilities:

● Analyzed the captured data.
● Designed the algorithm based on the analysis.
● Implemented the algorithm with the help of Matlab.

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