Degrees of Comparison

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Degrees of Comparison


➢ There are three different kinds of degrees namely positive, comparative

and superlative. So, they are known as degrees of comparison.

Positive Degree:

➢ An adjective which indicates a certain degree of quality.

➢ It is used without comparison. This is called Positive degree.

➢ When we talk about quality-quantity of a single item, only positive

degree is used-possible.

➢ Ex: Anil is a clever boy. America is a rich country.

Comparative Degree:

➢ C D is used to compare two persons, places, or things.

➢ The words indicate a high degree of quality.

➢ Generally ‘than’ follows the Comparative Adjective or Adverb.

➢ So, if the comparison is between only two people- Comparative

Degree is used and superlative degree is not possible or used.

➢ Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object).

➢ Ex: Anil is cleverer than Sunil. A cheetah runs faster than a tiger.
Superlative Degree:

➢ S D indicates the highest degree of quality.

➢ It is used to compare more than two persons, places or things.

➢ Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object).

➢ Ex: Sunil is the cleverest boy in the class. America is the richest country

in the world.

Formations of Comparatives and Superlatives:

One syllable adjectives:

A1) In general, if the adjective has one syllable, then the letters -er or –est is

added or adjectives which do not end in e add –er/est.

Positive Comparative Superlative

warm warmer warmest

quick quicker quickest

Adjective/Positive Comparative Superlative

soft softer the softest

cheap cheaper the cheapest

sweet sweeter the sweetest

A 2) If the adjective ending in a single consonant the final consonant must be
doubled before adding er/est. In other words if a one-syllable adjective ends in a
single vowel letter followed by a single consonant letter, the consonant letter is
doubled, e.g. thin - thinner/thinnest, big - bigger/biggest.

Consonant: A consonant is a speech sound that is not a vowel. It also refers to letters of the alphabet that represent
those sounds: Z, B, T, G, and H are all consonants. Consonants are all the non-vowel sounds, or their
corresponding letters: A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y are not consonants. In hat, H and T are consonants. In
English, these letters are B, C, D, F, G, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, S, T, V, X, Z and often H, R, W, Y. Consonants are
pronounced by stopping the air from flowing easily through the mouth, especially by closing the lips or touching the
teeth with the tongue. There are 21 consonant letters in English, for 24 consonant sounds in most English accents.
A vowel paired with a consonant makes a syllable.

1) How do you syllabicate?

a) Count the number of vowels (A, E, I, O, U) in the word.
b) Subtract 1 for each diphthong or triphthong in the word.
c) Does the word end with "le" or "les?" Add 1 only if the letter before the "le" is a consonant.
d) The number you get is the number of syllables in your word.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

tall taller tallest

fat fat+t+er Fat+t+est

big Big+g+er Big+g+est

sad Sad+d+er Sad+d+est

➢ A 3) Suppose you have adjectives ending in e, then add only r/st . Ex

large larger largest; fine finer finest; noble nobler noblest

➢ Two syllables: For most two syllable and more than two syllable

adjectives, more/most is put in front.


Honest more honest the most honest

➢ For adjectives ending in y, change the y to an i before adding er/est. In other

words, if an adjective ends in a consonant followed by -y, -y is replaced by –

I when adding -er/-est, e.g. dry - drier/driest.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

happy Happ +i+er The Happ+ i+ est

holy holier The holiest

busy busier The busiest

easy easier The easiest

Lucky Luckier The luckiest

Pretty Prettier The Prettiest

➢ Two-syllable adjectives ending in -ed, -ing, -ful, or -less always form the

comparative with more and the superlative with most.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

worried more worried the most worried

boring more boring the most boring

careful more careful the most careful

useless more useless the most useless

➢ As a general rule, most other two-syllable adjectives also form comparatives

and superlatives with more and most, apart from those ending in -y.

However, a few two-syllable adjectives can take either -er/-est or more/most.

Here are three examples.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

narrow narrower/more narrow the narrowest/most narrow

simple simpler/more simple the simplest/most simple

quiet quieter/more quiet the quietest/most quiet

Three or more syllables:

Adjectives with three or more syllables form the comparative by putting more in
front of the adjective, and the superlative by putting most in front.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

important more important The most important

expensive more expensive The most expensive

A few more examples:

Adjective Comparative Superlative

dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous

difficult more difficult the most difficult

exciting more exciting the most exciting

ridiculous more ridiculous the most ridiculous

➢ The only exceptions are some three-syllable adjectives which have been
formed by adding the prefix un- to another adjective, especially those
formed from an adjective ending in-y. These adjectives can form
comparatives and superlatives by using more/most or adding -er/-est.
Adjective Comparative Superlative

unhappy Unhappier/more unhappy the unhappiest/most unhappy

unfriendly Unfriendlier/more unfriendly the unfriendliest/most unfriendly

2) Irregular comparatives and superlatives

These very common adjectives have completely irregular comparative and

superlative forms.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

good better best

bad worse worst

little less least

much more most

far further / farther furthest / farthest


• Today is the worst day I've had in a long time.

• You play tennis better than I do.

• This is the least expensive sweater in the store.

• This sweater is less expensive than that one.

• I ran pretty far yesterday, but I ran even farther today.

Comparatives and superlatives of compound adjectives are generally formed by

using more and most, e.g However, some compound adjectives have a first
element consisting of an adjective which would normally form a comparative or
superlative in one word, either by adding -er/-est, or by an irregular form. Such
compound adjectives can, therefore form a comparative/superlative by using these
changes to the first adjective, rather than by using more/most.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

good-looking better-looking the best-looking

long-lasting longer-lasting the longest-lasting

low-paid lower-paid the lowest-paid

➢ Some adverbs like fast, hard, high, near, long, late, early have the same

form as an adjective, so er/est is added to these adverbs to form

comparative and superlative. Ex: fast faster fastest; hard harder

hardest; high higher highest.

To summarize important points:

1. If the adjective has one syllable= -er or –est is added. Ex: sweet sweeter

2. Suppose you have adjectives ending in e, then add only r/st . Ex large
larger largest; fine finer finest; noble nobler noblest

3. If the adjective ending in a single consonant the final consonant must be

doubled before adding er/est. thin - thinner/thinnest, big - bigger/biggest.

4. For most two syllable and more than two syllable adjectives, more/most is put
in front. Ex: Honest

5. Two-syllable adjectives ending in -ed, -ing, -ful, or -less always form the
comparative with more and the superlative with most.
6. However, a few two-syllable adjectives can take either -er/-est or more/most.
Here are three examples. Narrow, simple and quiet.

7. Adjectives with three or more syllables= more/most. Ex: Beautiful, difficult,


8. Irregular comparatives and superlatives: Ex: good, bad, little, much and far.

9) Compound adjectives: er/-est add. Ex: good-looking better looking best

looking, long- lasting longer-lasting longest- lasting and low-paid lower-paid

10) Sample Adjectives that do not have Comparative and Superlative Forms.
Here are just a few: American, marriage, pregnant, round, circular, square,
singular, left, right, blind, fatal, final, dead, indoor, unique and universal.
❖ D of C: Degree of the quality of the adjective-certain-higher-highest
❖ One syllable-er/est
❖ Two or three syllables-more/most
❖ If adj ends in e-r/st. if it ends in y-remove y and place i+er/est. 1
❖ Irregular comp/superl
❖ Adj-no comparatives+superlatives.

Keep in mind the following table while changing the Degree of

comparison in a sentence.

Positive Comparative Superlative

No other… good as Better than any other The best

Some… least as good Not better than some Not the best

as others

Very few…so good as Better than most others One of the best of

Not so good as some Some others better than Not one of the best

Positive Comparative Superlative
No other dramatist of Shakespeare is greater Shakespeare is the
England is so great as than any other dramatist greatest dramatist of
Shakespeare of England England
No other mountain in the Himalayas is higher than Himalayas is the highest
world is so high as the any other mountain in mountain in the world
Himalayas the world

Some men of the village Mohan is not richer than Mohan is not the richest
are at least as rich as some other men in the man in the village
Mohan village

Some girls in the class Radha is not more Radha is not the most
are at least as intelligent intelligent than some intelligent of all the girls
as Radha other girls in the class in the class

Very few seaports in Calcutta is larger than Calcutta is one of the

India are so large as most other seaports in largest seaports in India
Calcutta India

Very few Indian rulers Ashoka is greater than Ashoka is one of the
are so great as Ashoka most other Indian rulers greatest Indian rulers
He is not so clever as Some other boys of the He is not one of the
some other boys of the class are cleverer than cleverest boys of the class
class him or he is

Delhi is not so big as some Some other cities of India are Delhi is not one of the biggest
other cities of India bigger than Delhi cities of India
Change the following into comparative degree.

1) The stars are not so bright as the moon. (1 syl=er/est)

The moon is brighter than stars.

2) Very few places are as sacred as Tirupathi. (3) (2 syl-more/most)

Tirupathi is more sacred than most other places.

3) The tiger is the most ferocious of all animals. (1) (3 syl=more/most)

The tiger is more ferocious than any other animals.

4) Kishan is not so tall as kiran. (1 syl+cons=dobble the letter=er/est)

Kiran is taller than kishan

5) Akbhar is one of the greatest kings. (3) (1 syl-er/est)

Akbhar is greater than most other kings.

6) Hyderbad is not so big as Mumbai. (1 syl=cons-double+er/est)

Mumbai is bigger than hyderbad.

7) No other state in India is so thickly populated as kerala. (1) (3


Kerala is more populated than other states in India.

Change the following into Superlative degree:

1) No other man is so honest as Karthik. (1) (2 syl=more/most)

Kathick is the most honest man.

2) The rose is more beautiful than any other flower. (1) (3


The rose is the most beautiful flower.

3) Very few boys in the class are so industrious as Rama. (3) (3 stl-


Rama is one of the most industrious boys in the class.

4) No other exercise is so healthy as swimming. (1) (adj y=I +er/est)

Swimmig is the healthiest exercise/ of all exercises.

5) The ganges is longer than any other river in India. (One syllable-


The ganges is the longest river in India.

6) Vijayawada is hotter than most/many other towns in AP. (1

syl+con=doubble letter=er/est)

Vijayawada is one of the hottest towns in AP.

7) Sunil is more courageous than any other man. (2 syl=more/most)

Sunil is the most courageous man.

Change the following in to positive degree:

1) Sakunthala is the best drama in sanskrit. (1) (irregular


No other drama in sanskrit is as good as Sakunthala.

2) The pen is mightier than sword. (4) (1 syl-er/est)

The sword is not so might as the pen.

3) A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend. (4)

A foolish friend is not so good as a wise enemy.

4) Gold is more precious than silver. (4) (2 syl=more/most)

Silver is not so precious as Gold.

5) Prevention is better than cure. (4)

Cure is not so good as prevension.

6) The Japanese are the most courteous people in the world. (1) (3 syl-


No other people in the world are as courteous as Japanese.

7) President Kennady is abler than most other American presidents. (3) (2

syl=no more/most. Why? Adjective e ending r/st)

Very few presidents of America are so able as president Kennady.

Comparison Exercise

Change the following set – degree of comparison exercise with answers into a

positive degree.

1. Ram is the most talented boy in the class.

2. Mr. Verma is the wisest man in the company.

3. Ram is stronger than Majid.

4. Lucknow is one of the most beautiful cities in India.

5. You are weaker than me.

Check Your Answers

Check the answers for the above degree of comparison exercise with answers.

1. No other boy in the class is as talented as Ram.

2. No other man in the company is as wise as Mr. Verma.

3. Majid is not so strong as Ram.

4. Very few cities in India are as beautiful as Lucknow.

5. I am not so weak as you.


Now it’s time to explain the degree of comparison exercise with answers. See the

following explanations.
1. Here, Ram is compared with the whole group i.e. class. Ram is the all-alone

boy who is talented in the class. All the other people are not as talented as

Ram. It means no other boy in the class is as talented as Ram.

2. Here, Mr. Verma is compared with the men of the company. The other man

in the company is not so wise as Mr. Verma. So, the positive sentence is no

other man in the company is as wise as Mr. Verma.

3. In this sentence, Ram is compared with Majid. Majid is weak and Ram is

strong. So we can say, Majid is not so strong as Ram.

4. In this sentence, Lucknow is compared with some cities. There are some

cities which are as beautiful as Lucknow. It means Lucknow is not all alone

in beauty. So, the positive degree is Very few cities in India are as beautiful

as Lucknow.

5. I am compared to you. You are not strong. You are weak. So we can say I

am not so weak as you.


Change the following set – degree of comparison exercise with answers into a

positive degree.

1. You are fatter than I.

2. Amman is larger than Europe.

3. I am wiser than Mahi.

4. Open rebuke is better than secret love.

5. Mohan is the fattest boy in the family.

Check Your Answers

Check the answers for the above degree of comparison exercise with answers.

1. I am not so fat as you.

2. Europe is not so large as Amman.

3. Mahi is not so wise as I.

4. Secret love is not so good as an open rebuke.

5. No other boy in the family is as fat as Mohan.


Now it’s time to explain the degree of comparison exercise with answers. See the

following explanations.

1. Here in the sentence, you are compared with me. You are fat. I am not so fat.

So we can say, I am not so fat as you.

2. In this sentence, Amman is compared with Europe. Amman is large. Europe

is not so large. So the sentence is, Europe is not so large as Amman.

3. Mahi is compared with me. I am wise. Mahi is not so wise. So, Mahi is not

so wise as I.
4. Open rebuke is compared with secret love. Secret love is not so good. Open

rebuke is good. So when compared the sentence is Secret love is not so good

as an open rebuke.

5. Here in this sentence, Mohan is compared with other boys in the family.

Other boys in the family are not so fat. Mohan is fat. In comparison, we can

say No other boy in the family is as fat as Mohan.


Change the following set – degree of comparison exercise with answers into a

positive degree.

1. Very few boys are as industrious as Ram.

2. I know him as well as you.

3. No man was as strong as Rajesh

4. Vikramaditya was one of the greatest kings of India.

5. Very few countries are as rich as Japan.

Check Your Answers

Check the answers for the above degree of comparison exercise with answers.

1. Ram is more industrious than many / most other boys.

2. You do not know him better than I.

3. Rajesh was stronger than all other men.

4. Vikramaditya was greater than many/most other kings of India.

5. Japan is richer than many / most other countries.


Now it’s time to explain the degree of comparison exercise with answers. See the

following explanations.

1. Here in this sentence, Ram is compared to other boys. Ram is not the only

boy who is industrious. It means there are some other boys too. So, while

making a comparative degree, we need to use …than many/most other.

Therefore, the sentence is – Ram is more industrious than many other / most

other boys.

2. Here, I am compared to you. The sentence says that I know him well. You

do not know him so well. So the sentence is- You do not know him better

than I.

3. This sentence is in the positive degree. It says only Rajesh is strong. Other

men are not so strong. So the comparative degree is- Rajesh was stronger

than all/any other men.

4. Vikramaditya is compared to other kings of India. Vikramaditya was a great

king. Some other kings of India were also so great. So we can say that

Vikramaditya was greater than many/most other kings of India.

5. Here in this sentence, some countries are so rich as Japan. Japan is not the

only country that is rich. So we can say that Japan is richer than many/ most

other countries.


Change the following set – degree of comparison exercise with answers into a

positive degree.

1. America is the richest country in the world.

2. England had the largest fleet in the world in 1918.

3. Mussoorie is as healthy as any hill station in U.P.

4. The man is one of the most dangerous animals.

5. Australia is the largest island in the world.

Check Your Answers

Check the answers for the above degree of comparison exercise with answers.

1. America is richer than all /any other country in the world.

2. England had a larger fleet than that of all /any other country in the world in


3. Mussoorie is not healthier than all /any other hill station in UP.

4. Man is more dangerous than many / most other animals.

5. Australia is larger than all / any other island in the world.


Now it’s time to explain the degree of comparison exercise with answers. See the

following explanations.

1. America is the only country that is rich. All other countries are not so rich.

Therefore, the sentence is America is richer than all/any other country in the


2. Here in this sentence, the fleet of England is compared to the fleet of the

world. It has the largest fleet. Other countries do not have so large a fleet.

Therefore the sentence is, England had a larger fleet than those of all / any

other country in the world in 1918.

3. Mussoorie is compared to other hill stations in U.P. Mussoorie is healthy.

So are the other hill stations. Therefore, we can say Mussoorie is not

healthier than all/any other hill station in U.P. or we can also say that all

other hill stations are not healthier than Mussoorie.

4. The man is compared with animals. Man is very dangerous. Some other

animals are also so dangerous. It means the comparative degree of the

sentence is – Man is more dangerous than many/most other animals.

5. Australia is a large Island. All the other islands are not so large. It stands

alone in largeness. Therefore, we can say that Australia is larger than all/ any

other island in the world.


Change the following set – degree of comparison exercise with answers into a

positive degree.

1. Nur Jehan was more beautiful than any other woman.

2. Very few cities in U.P.are as big as Ghaziabad.

3. Dainik Jagran has a bigger circulation than any other paper.

4. No other bowler in our team is so good as Deepak.

5. No other storybook is so interesting as The Arabian Nights.

Check Your Answers

Check the answers for the above degree of comparison exercise with answers.

1. Nur Jehan was the most beautiful woman.

2. Ghaziabad is one of the biggest cities in the U.P.

3. Dainik Jagran paper has the biggest circulation.

4. Deepak is the best bowler in our team.

5. Arabian Night is the most interesting storybook.


Now it’s time to explain the degree of comparison exercise with answers. See the

following explanations.
1. Here, Nur Jehan is compared to other women. She was very beautiful. Other

women were not so beautiful. So the superlative degree of the sentence is –

Nur Jehan was the most beautiful woman.

2. Ghaziabad is a very big city. Some other cities are also so big. Therefore, we

can say that Ghaziabad is one of the biggest cities in the U.P.

3. Here in this sentence, Dainik Jagran is compared to other papers. Dainik

Jagran has a big circulation. Other papers do not have so big circulation.

Therefore, the sentence is – Dainik Jagran paper has the biggest circulation.

4. Here, Deepak is compared to other bowlers. It tells us that he is a very good

bowler. Other bowlers are not so good. Therefore, the superlative degree of

this sentence is – Deepak is the best bowler in our team.

5. As the above sentence, in this sentence, Arabian Night is a very interesting

storybook. Other storybooks are not so interesting. Therefore, the sentence is

– Arabian Night is the most interesting storybook.


Change the following set – degree of comparison exercise with answers into a

positive degree.

1. Some girls in the class are cleverer than Rani.

2. Some poets are at least as great as Bihari.

3. Few countries are as great as India.

4. No other planet of the solar system is so large as Jupiter.

5. This is colder than in all other places.

Check the answers for the above degree of comparison exercise with answers.

1. Rani is one of the cleverest girls in the class.

2. Bihari is one of the greatest poets.

3. India is one of the greatest countries.

4. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.

5. This is the coldest place.


Now it’s time to explain the degree of comparison exercise with answers. See the

following explanations.

1. Rani is a very clever girl. Some other girls are also so clever. Therefore, we

can say that Rani is one of the cleverest girls in the class.

2. .Bihari is compared with other poets. Bihari was a very great poet. But some

other poets are also so great. So our sentence is – Bihari is one of the

greatest poets.

3. India is a very great country. Some other countries are also so great. So the

superlative degree of the sentence is – India is one of the greatest countries.

4. Jupiter is a very large planet. Other planets are not so large. Therefore the

sentence is – Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.

5. This place is compared with other places. This place is very cold. Other

places are not so cold. So the superlative degree is – This is the coldest



Change the following set – degree of comparison exercise with answers into a

positive degree.

1. The elder sister is not so smart as the younger one. (Comparative Degree)

2. Sardar Patel was greater than any other Indian leader. (Superlative Degree)

3. The trains run faster than cars. (Positive Degree)

4. This is the biggest temple in Ujjain. (Comparative Degree)

5. A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend. (Positive Degree)

6. You do not know him better than I. (positive Degree)

Check Your Answers

Check the answers for the above degree of comparison exercise with answers.

1. The younger sister is smarter than the elder one.

2. Sardar Patel was the greatest leader.

3. The cars do not run so fast as the trains.

4. This is bigger than all / any other temple in Ujjain.

5. A foolish friend is not so good as a wise enemy.

6. I know him as well as you.


Now it’s time to explain the degree of comparison exercise with answers. See the

following explanations.

1. The younger sister is compared with the elder one. The younger sister is

very smart. But the elder sister is not so smart. So the comparative degree is

– The younger sister is smarter than the elder one.

2. Sardar Patel was a very great leader. All the other leaders were not so great.

Therefore the superlative degree of the sentence is – Sardar Patel was the

greatest leader.

3. Cars are compared with trains. Trains run very fast. Cars do run so fast. So

the sentence is – The cars do not run so fast as the trains.

4. This temple is very big. All the other temples in Ujjain are not so big.

Therefore, the comparative degree of the sentence is – this is bigger than

all/any other temple in Ujjain.

5. A wise enemy and a foolish friend are compared together. A wise enemy is

very good. A foolish friend is not so good. So the sentence is – a foolish

friend is not so good as a wise enemy.

6. I know him very well. You also know him so well. Therefore the

comparison is – I know him as good as you.


Change the following set – degree of comparison exercise with answers into a

positive degree.

1. You are as good as Abdul. (Comparative Degree)

2. His story is not so interesting as yours, (Comparative Degree)

3. It is better to starve than beg. (Positive Degree)

4. There are few districts in India so hot as Jhansi. (Superlative Degree)

5. I love all my sons equally well. (Comparative Degree)

6. No other metal is so useful as Iron. (Superlative Degree)

Check Your Answers

Check the answers for the above degree of comparison exercise with answers.

1. Abdul is not better than you.

2. Your story is more interesting than his.

3. It is not so good to beg than to starve.

4. Jhansi is one of the hottest districts in India.

5. I do not love any of my sons better.

6. Iron is the most useful metal.


Now it’s time to explain the degree of comparison exercise with answers. See the

following explanations.

1. You are very good. Abdul is also so good. Therefore we can say – Abdul is

not better than you.

2. Your story is very interesting. His story is not so interesting. Therefore the

sentence is – Your story is more interesting than his.

3. Starving is very good. But begging is not so good. So the sentence is – It is

not so good to bet than to starve.

4. Jhansi is a very hot district in India. Other districts are not so hot. The

superlative degree is – Jhansi is one of the hottest districts in India.

5. I love all the sons equally. I do not love any of them more. So, I do not love

any of my sons better.

6. Iron is a very useful metal. Other metals are not so useful. Therefore, the

superlative degree is – Iron is the most useful metal.

Thank you and all the best for your preparation- Dr K Sreekanth.

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