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Stakeholder Analysis Matrix -

Stakeholder Analysis Matrix

Stakeholder Contact Person Impact Influence What is How could the How could Strategy for
Name important to stakeholder the engaging the
Phone, Email, How much does How much
the contribute to stakeholder stakeholder
Website, Address the project influence do they
stakeholder? the project? block the
impact them? have over the
(Low, Medium, project? (Low,
High) Medium, High)

EXAMPLE Carlos Davida High High Maintaining Agree for union Going on strike Monthly round- working members to table
Nurses &
0998 765 287 conditions for implement the discussions
nurses new reforms

Patient Viki Chan High Medium Maximising Communicate Making Information

Advocacy quality of care with other complaints and feedback
Group 888 587 101 for patients stakeholders to about quality meetings every
express their of service after 6 months
support for the reports

Sunday Times Jane Smith Low High Getting a good Print stories Printing Quarterly press
Newspaper story that support the stories that meetings
888 587 101 new reforms oppose the new

This template by tools4dev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 1
Stakeholder Analysis Matrix -

Stakeholder Contact Person Impact Influence What is How could the How could Strategy for
Name important to stakeholder the engaging the
Phone, Email, How much does How much
the contribute to stakeholder stakeholder
Website, Address the project influence do they
stakeholder? the project? block the
impact them? have over the
(Low, Medium, project? (Low,
High) Medium, High)

This template by tools4dev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 2

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