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Poll Res.

29 (4) : 583-587 (2010)

Copyright © EM International




Department of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar,
Uttarakhand 249 404.

The present study has brought out that the wastewater irrigation increased the amount of heavy
metals such as Zn, Pb, Ni, Cu, Cr, Cd and Hg in the agricultural soils near Bindal river,
Dehradun. Among the seven metals, the per cent concentration in wastewater irrigated soil was
in the order of Zn (48%)>Pb (20%)>Ni (13%)=Cu (13%)>Cr (5%)>Cd (1%). The statistical analysis
showed that the concentrations of Zn, Cd and Cr were found to be significantly (P<0.05) more
while the concentrations of Pb, Cu and Ni were insignificantly (P>0.05) higher in wastewater
irrigated soil than that in natural water irrigated soil. The Hg was below detection limit. The
concentration of metals present in soil was below the maximum permissible limits of Indian
standards. However, the levels of the metals except the Pb were more than the permissible limit
of ICRCL. The contamination of these trace elements in soil may cause significant health risks,
if they enter human food chain.

KEY WORDS: Heavy metals, Sewage, Soil, Contamination

INTRODUCTION toxicity (Chary et al., 2008).

Thus, the contamination of agricultural soils with
The use of industrial or municipal wastewater is a heavy metals has always been considered a critical
common practice in suburban areas of many parts of challenge in scientific community. Due to their
the world (Uri et al., 1986 and Feign et al., 1991), cumulative behavior and toxicity, they have a
including India (Singh et al., 2004). Other sources of potential hazardous effect not only on crop plants
heavy metal contamination associated with but also on human health. The aim of this study was
agricultural soil are sewage sludge, fertilizers and to evaluate the potential risk of pollution in the
pesticides (Abd El-Hady, 2007). The concentration of agricultural soil which is being irrigated from
heavy metals in soils is influenced by variation in wastewater near Bindal river in District Dehradun,
their texture, composition, reduction/oxidation India.
reactions, adsorption / desorption, and physical
transport or sorting in addition to anthropogenic MATERIALS AND METHODS
metal input (Ahumada et al., 1999; Adriano, 1999 ;
and Howari and Banat, 2001). Study Area: The study was conducted for a period
Wastewater irrigation is known to contribute of three months between April to June, 2008. In this
significantly to the heavy metal content of soils study two sampling sites were selected- i)
(Nyamangara and Mzezewa, 1999, Nan et al., 2002, Experimental site- Wastewater irrigated agricultural
Mapanda et al., 2005).The heavy metals may also soil, near Bindal river Haridwar bypass road and
accumulate in the soil at toxic levels as a result of Control site -Natural water irrigated agricultural
long-term application of untreated wastewaters. soil, Guler ghati in District Dehradun.
They are considered as soil contaminants due to Sampling: The soil samples were collected
their widespread occurrence, acute and chronic fortnightly from three different places of each site

Corresponding author : *E-mail:; Phone : 911334244095


separately with the help of Auger. Every time 500 g urban areas. Although the concentration of heavy
soil was collected from a depth a 0-15 cm from each metals in sewage effluents are low, in many cases
place of the site and placed in a clean polythene bag these are contaminated with industrial wastes and
and brought to the laboratory for analysis. long-term use of these wastewaters often results in
Analysis of metals: The soil samples were dried in the build-up of the elevated levels of these metals in
air at room temperature and sieved through 2 mm soils (Rattan et al., 2002). Yadav et al. (2002) has
sieve. Samples were digested in di acid as per the reported that surface soils are better indicators of
method described in AOAC (1990). 0.5 gm of metallic burdens. The frequent use of this type of
sample of each sample was taken in digestion tube heavy metal contaminated water in agricultural
and 10 mL nitric acid (HNO3) and 5 mL perchloric fields leads to soil pollution and gradually the soil
acid (HCLO 4) were added. The digestions were becomes enriched with heavy metals. Nyangababo
completed on digestion block (Make-Foss) following and Hamya (1986) have indicated that the total
standard procedures as described by Chaturvedi content of heavy metals in the soils was restricted to
and Sankar (2006). After digestion all samples were the top 15 cm.
filtered through Whatmann No. 42 filter paper and Amusan et al. (2005) found that values of Zn
in each case volume was made to 50 mL. Heavy concentrations were 63.20 microgram/g in Bode-Osi
metals such as Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), (rural community) and 102.11 microgram/g in
Nickel (Ni), Chromium (Cr), Cadmium (Cd) and municipal waste dump sites soils of Nigeria. Karatas
Mercury (Hg) were determined in the digested et al. (2006) determined that the sewage of the main
aliquot by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer discharge channel of Konya used for irrigation
(AAS) (Make – Perkin Elmer, model analyst 700) caused the heavy metal concentration to increase in
using specific lamp of particular metal using the soils. The sewage application increased the
appropriate drift blank. amount of heavy metals such as Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, Ni,
Pb, and Cd in the soil. Mishra and Tirpathi (2008)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION observed that the concentration of Zn was
122.3±17.9 mg/kg in irrigated with treated waste
The concentration (Mean±S.D.) of heavy metals water soils of Varanasi. During the present study, the
(mg/kg dry soil) in soils of wastewater and natural concentration of Zn was 74.16±17.86 mg/Kg soil in
irrigated agricultural land, and % increase of metals natural water irrigated soil that increased by 185.14
in waste water irrigated soil are given in Tables 1 % in experimental wastewater irrigated soil.
and 2 respectively. The percent concentration of Boon and Soltanpour (1992), Lee et al. (1997) and
heavy metals viz. Zn, Pb, Ni, Cu, Cr and Cd in the Li and Wu (1999) observed that heavy metals
wastewater and natural water irrigated soil at including Pb tend to accumulate in the clay fraction
Dehradun are shown in Fig. 1. of the soil profile. Strong ionic bonds are formed
In India, the use of sewage effluents for irrigating between the cation and the clay particle. Karatas et
agricultural lands is on the rise especially in the peri- al., (2006) determined the Pb concentration in the

(A) Natural water irrigated soil (B) Wastewater irrigated soil

Fig. 1(A & B). Percent Concentration of Zn, Ni, Cu, Pb, Cr and Cd among the total metallic concentration observed.

soil samples irrigated with wastewater through out that in crops growing in the dump sites bio-
the main discharge channel of Konya, 8 mg/kg and accumulated considerably higher metal contents
16mg/kg in the month of June, pump 2 and 3 than those in normal agricultural soils. In the present
respectively. Abd El-Hady (2007) found that values study, the concentration of Copper was found to be
of extractable Pb concentration in polluted river 31.78±8.31 in natural water irrigated soil that
water irrigated soil samples from Egypt were 7.95 increased to 80.11% in waste water irrigated soil.
ppm at site I and 23.2 ppm at site II. Mishra and Aydinalp and Marinova (2003) recorded average
Tirpathi (2008) observed that the concentration of Pb Ni concentration of 157.8 mg/kg in agricultural
(123.5±18.4 mg/kg) was quite higher in the soil soils, Bursa (Turkey). Abd El-hady. (2007) found that
irrigated with treated waste water at Varanasi. In the the extractable Ni concentration in polluted river
present study, the concentration of lead present in water irrigated soil from Egypt, 14.1 ppm site I and
natural water irrigated soil (30.02±17.37) was 14.6 ppm site II. The present study recorded 41.52
observed to increase by +187.84 (%) in waste water mg/kg Nickel concentration natural irrigated soil
irrigated soil. which was increased to 42.19% at experimental site.
Amusan et al. (2005) found that values of Cu Karatas et al. (2006) determined Cr concentrations
concentrations were 36.5 microgram/gram in Bode- of 22 mg/kg and 32 mg/kg in wastewater irrigated
Osi (rural community) and 72.99 microgram/g in soil with pump 2 and 3 respectively at Konya
municipal waste dump sites soils of Nigeria, and (Turkey). Aydinalp and Marinova (2003) recorded

Table 1. Heavy metals concentrations (mean ± SD) in wastewater and natural water irrigated soil of Dehradun city.
Heavy metals Control site (natural Experimental site Limits(a) Limits (b).
water irrigated) (wastewater irrigated) (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
(mg/kg) (mg/kg)
Zn 74.16 ± 17.86 211.96 ± 19.77 300-600 25
Pb 30.02 ± 17.37 86.41 ± 36.37 250-500 50
Ni 41.52 ± 13.60 59.09 ± 42.54 75-150 20
Cu 31.78 ± 8.31 57.24 ± 13.88 135-270 10
Cr 7.82 ± 0.92 21.21 ± 1.45 - -
Cd 3.11 ± 1.24 6.50 ± 0.66 - -
Hg BDL - - -
Limits -a- Permissible limits of Indian standards Awasthi (2000).
Limits-b- Mean of heavy metal limits in soil used for agriculture and recreation recommended by Interdepartmental
Committee for Redevelopment of Contaminated Land (ICRCL).

Table 2. Descriptive statistical data for soil analysis.

Sampling point Parameters Min. Max. Aver. Percentage (%)
Natural water Irrigated soil Zn 55.62 91.25 74.16 ±17.86 -
Pb 15.46 49.25 30.02 ±17.37 -
Ni 26.35 52.65 41.52 ± 13.60 -
Cu 25.58 41.23 31.78 ±8.31 -
Cr 6.78 8.56 7.82 ±0.92 -
Cd 1.69 3.98 3.11 ±1.24 -
Wastewater Irrigated soil Zn 190.12 228.65 211.96 ±19.77 +185.14 (%)
Pb 50.58 123.31 86.41 ±36.37 +187.84 (%)
Ni 13.75 98.15 59.09 ±42.54 +42.19(%)
Cu 45.58 72.56 57.24 ±13.88 +80.11(%)
Cr 19.82 22.73 21.21 ±1.46 +171.22(%)
Cd 5.76 7.05 6.50 ±0.67 +109(%)
Percentage increase/decrease at wastewater in comparison to control site.
BDL-Below detection limit.

average Cr concentration of 124.5 gm/kg in Table 3. Results of paired two sample t-test for means
agricultural soils, Bursa (Turkey). During present between Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr and Cd.
study, the concentration of Cr was 7.82±0.93 mg/kg Data paired t-statistics t-critical p
in natural water irrigated soil that increased by
Zn 10.15489 2.919986 <0.05
171.22% in waste water irrigated soil.
Pb 2.713788398 2.91998558 >0.05
Amusan et al. (2005) found that values of Cd
Ni 0.711986 2.919986 >0.05
concentrations were 17 microgram/gram in Bode- Cu 2.070107 2.919986 >0.05
Osi (rural community) and 47.06 microgram/gram Cr 34.10377437 2.91998558 <0.05
in municipal waste dump sites soils of Nigeria. Cd 3.231601713 2.91998558 <0.05
Karatas et al. (2006) determined Cd concentrations of
0.20 mg/kg and 0.43 mg/kg in wastewater irrigated irrigated soils is alarming. The accumulation of the
soil of Konya (Turkey) in June month, pump 2 and 3 metals may also occur in the edible portion of the
respectively. In present investigation, the important crops like radish, carrot, onion, spinach
concentration of Cadmium was found to be raei etc. being grown in the areas near Bindal River,
3.11±1.24 in natural water irrigated soil that Dehradun.
increased to 109% in waste water irrigated soil.
In the present study, the Hg concentrations were CONCLUSION
found to be below detection limits in all soil samples
of waste water and natural water irrigated soil. The study concluded that concentration of Zn was
The present study observed that among the total higher and that of Cr was minimum in both natural
% concentration of the metals, the % concentration and waste water irrigated soils in Dehradun. The
of metals was in the order of Zn>Ni>Cu>Pb>Cr>Cd concentration of Zn, Cd and Cr increased
in natural water irrigated soil (0-15 cm) while the % significantly in waste water irrigated soil near
concentration was in the order of Zn> Pb> Cu= Ni> Bindal river. However, the increase in the
Cr>Cd in waste water irrigated soil. In both the concentration of Pb, Cu, and Ni was insignificant.
types of soils, the % concentration of Zn was more The increase of these trace elements in waste water
and that of cadmium the lowest (Fig. 1). The irrigated soil is alarming. The accumulation of the
concentrations of the metals measured in soils were metals may also occur in agricultural crop being
below the maximum limited permitted by Indian grown in the areas, and may cause health risks by
standards. However, the levels of the metals except entering into the human food chain.
Pb were more than the permissible limit of ICRCL.
Hg was below the detection limit (Table 1). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The descriptive statistical analysis (Table 2 and 3)
revealed that the concentrations of Pb, Cu and Ni The authors are thankful to The Head, Department
were insignificantly (P>0.05) higher in wastewater of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukula
irrigated soil than that observed in natural water kangri University, Haridwar for providing necessary
irrigated soil. But the Zn, Cr and Cd concentration facilities to carry out the research work.
was significantly (P<0.05) more in wastewater
irrigated soil. It was also observed that the REFERENCES
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